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Body length: 2.5–4.0 mm [male], 2.7–4.2 mm [female].Head(Figs 4A–B, 5A–B). Frons, parafacial, face and gena cream-white to yellow; female frons with tan suffusion dorsomedially and surface slightly furrowed medially, sparsely distributed with small, pale setae; male frons with whitish pubescence and dark where eyes are proximate; occiput with yellow suffusion marginally, black medially; face white; flagellum brown to black; scape pale yellow; pedicel yellowish-tan with a few minute pale setae; mouthparts normal-sized, nearly filling oral cavity; pale yellow, including prementum, labellum, labellar setae, and small cylindrical palpus.Thorax(Figs 5A–B, 6). Scutum black to grey, small pale yellow areas marginally (postpronotal lobe, notopleuron and supra-alar area), more extensive in female and additionally with yellow on anterior part of scutum adjacent to postpronotum, on postalar callus, and medially on posterior part of scutum; entire thorax overlain with dense glaucous pubescence; scutellum dark medially, yellow marginally (yellow area more extensive in female); scutum without pale setae, some present on postpronotal lobe, anepisternum and katepisternum; prosternum yellow; proepisternum and proepimeron yellow, sometimes with brown on posterior part; anepisternum grey pubescent, yellow in upper part; katepisternum grey pubescent, yellow in posterodorsal corner (in female, along most of dorsal margin); anepimeron grey pubescent anteriorly, yellow posteriorly; meron grey pubescent, except yellow dorsally; coxae light brown to orange; legs tan to dark yellow-orange; distal tarsomeres darker than rest of leg; haltere stem brown, knob white with brown suffusion dorsally; wing venation pale yellow; vein R4 diverging from R5 at point between one-quarter and one-half of cell r5.Abdomen(Fig. 6). Segments dark brown-grey with pale white-yellow band posteriorly; sternites dark brown-grey; sparse pale setae on most segments; tergite 2 sensory patch large and distinct, divided medially into two small patches, patch concolorous with rest of tergite.Male genitalia(Figs 2A–B, 10A). Epandrium sub-quadrangular, outer margins tapered, dark brown in basal half and pale yellow in distal half, white setal fringe along margin; hypandrium lobes relatively large, triangular; gonocoxite with darkly sclerotized, narrowly acuminate, dorsal process; gonostylus complex, apparently fused to gonocoxites, with posteriorly directed margin fringed with setae, and hook-like process dorsally, inner lobe triangular and fused medially; gonocoxal apodeme broadly flattened, curved medially; ejaculatory apodeme relatively elongate, directed anteriorly; lateral aedeagal bulbs large, round; distiphallus elongate, arms proximate and parallel, broadly curved ventrally at base then straight along distal length.Female genitalia(Fig. 9A–C). Sternite 8 with posterior edge rounded, with posterolateral part fringed with long wispy setae; acanthophorite spines elongate and curved, becoming wispy and hair-like.
- license
- cc-by-3.0
- copyright
- Shaun L. Winterton, Stephen D. Gaimari
- bibliographic citation
- Winterton S, Gaimari S (2011) Revision of the South American window fly genus Heteromphrale Kröber, 1937 (Diptera, Scenopinidae) ZooKeys 84: 39–57
- author
- Shaun L. Winterton
- author
- Stephen D. Gaimari
provided by Zookeys
Known only from Argentina (La Rioja, Salta and Tucuman Provinces).
- license
- cc-by-3.0
- copyright
- Shaun L. Winterton, Stephen D. Gaimari
- bibliographic citation
- Winterton S, Gaimari S (2011) Revision of the South American window fly genus Heteromphrale Kröber, 1937 (Diptera, Scenopinidae) ZooKeys 84: 39–57
- author
- Shaun L. Winterton
- author
- Stephen D. Gaimari