
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Botany
Ocellularia pyrenuloides

Ocellularia pyrenuloides Zahlbruckner in Magnusson and Zahlbruckner, 1943:46.

TYPE-COLLECTION.—Wailuku, Maui, Hawaii, Faurie 676 (UPS, lectotype; S, W, isotypes) (Figure 12j).

Thallus ashy mineral gray, thin to evanescent, continuous, forming colonies about 5 cm broad; apothecia numerous, nearly immersed to moderately emergent, 0.5–0.7 mm in diameter, walls heavily carbonized, columella present, 130μ in diameter; pore round, 0.1–0.15 mm wide, pore area surrounded by a blackish ring, in part white pruinose, the pruinose top of columella visible through the pore; hymenium about 60μ high; spores 8/ascus, 6–7 loculate, 6μ × 12μ–15μ, I+ blue (Figure 12k).

CHEMISTRY.—Stictic and constictic acids.

HABITAT.—Tree branch in rain forest (650 m).

The darkened pore area is similar to that in Thelotrema tenue, new species. There are no related species with stictic acid. It is still surprising to find a Hawaiian species on Dominica, but to me this suggests how poorly the Thelotremataceae have been collected.

bibliographic citation
Hale, Mason E., Jr. 1974. "Morden-Smithsonian Expedition to Dominica: The Lichens (Thelotremataceae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Botany. 1-46. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.0081024X.16