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Foodplant / pathogen
sorus of Ustilago cynodontis infects and damages live infllorescence of Cynodon dactylon
Comprehensive Description
provided by North American Flora
Ustilago Cynodontis P. Hcnn. Hot. Jahrb. Sori in the inflorescence, changing its branches into linear dusty spore-masses with the floral parts all destroyed except the elongate crinkled rachis (or rarely with the destruction less complete and individual spikelets, chiefly the lower, infected, the upper being free but often aljortivc), 3-4 cm. in length, at first rather completely hidden by the enveloping leaf-sheaths; s|M)rcs reddish-brown, subspheric or spheric, more or less cupped when dry, smooth, chiefly 6-S ^ in diameter.
• This smut wa.s dcscrilicd a.s new on Secole cereale and the title of llie publication in Rusiiian i« translated here. Kcccnt cx|KTinicnts in the United Slates have shown that the smut uccanonally found here on Steal* cereale can lie transferred to wheat anil vice versa. On Poaceae:
Cynodon Dactylon, Arkansas, California, Texas; Cuba.
Type locality: Abyssinia, Africa, on Cynodon Dactylon.
Distribution: Europe, Africa, Asia, southern United States.
- bibliographic citation
- George Lorenzo Ingram Zundel, John Hendley Barnhart. 1939. (USTILAGINALES); ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS, HOST-INDEX. North American flora. vol 7(14). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY