
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Pierphulia isabela

We hesitated at first to describe this species because it is known at present from only a single battered female specimen. However, because we are attempting a complete treatment of this genus, because the genitalia are in perfect shape and quite different from the genitalia of any other species studied by us, because of the distinctive dark markings found on the uppersurface of the hind wing, and because other specimens are not likely to be collected in the near future we decided to name and describe this unique species.

MALE.—Unknown at present.

FEMALE (Figure 105, a painting based upon the hind wings of the holotype and upon the forewings of females of P. nysias and P. rosea, which P. isabela is quite likely to resemble; 120, 121, photographs of uppersurface of holotype; 124, 125, photographs of undersurface of holotype).—The female of this species differs from the females of P. nysias and of P. rosea in having a series of submarginal fuscous spots, one each in interspaces Rs, M1 and M2 on uppersurface of hind wing. On the undersurface of this wing there is a slightly pink tinge to the pale whitish ground color and a light scattering of black scales.

Length of forewing, 16 mm.

VENATION (Figure 177).—With the stalk of vein M1 + M2 + R3 + R4+5 shorter than in P. nysias or P. rosea.

CLAW, PARONYCHIUM, AND PULVILLUS (Figure 195).—Claw with ventral tooth relatively short and divergent from the upper element of claw and with paronychium short and rounded.

FEMALE GENITALIA (Figure 159).—Differing markedly from P. nysias and P. rosea in having posterior process of inner genital plate large, only slightly smaller than the anterior process and with both of these processes heavily setulose on their outer surfaces.

TYPE DATA.—Described from the holotype female, the only known specimen, from Nevado Ojos del Salado, Province of Atacama, Chile, 5400 meters, 18 December 1970, collected by José Herrera and deposited in the Herrera collection.

ETYMOLOGY.—The name isabela is a feminine noun in the nominative singular in apposition with the generic name and is the given name of the mother of the junior author.

DISTRIBUTION (see Map 4).—This species is known only from the holotype specimen taken on the slopes of the world's highest active volcano, Nevado Ojos de Salado, Province of Atacama, Chile.

Trifurcula Staudinger, 1894:43, 56–59, pl. 1: figs. 7, 16, 18 [preoccupied by Trifurcula Zeller, 1848]; 1895:ii [preoccupation noted and substitute name Andina proposed].—Grote, 1900:20, 22. pl. 2: fig. 13; 1903:139 [preoccupation noted and name placed in synonymy of Piercolias].—Talbot, 1932:60 [in synonymy of Piercolias].—Klots, 1933:218, 238 [in synonymy of Piercolias].—d'Almeida, 1943:104 [in synonymy of Piercolias].—Field, 1958:115 [in synonymy of Piercolias].—Hemming, 1967:448 [in synonymy of Piercolias].

Piercolias Staudinger, 1894:56 [a manscript in synonymy of Trifurcula].—Grote, 1903:139 [homonomy of Trifurcula Staudinger, 1894 with Trifurcula Zeller, 1848 noted and Piercolias Staudinger, 1894 substituted in place of the former, see Article 11 (d). International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, second edition, 1964].—Talbot, 1932:60.—Klots, 1933:154, 159, 218–219, 230, 238.—Talbot, 1935:627.—d'Almeida, 1943:97.—Herrera, 1954b:52.—Herrera and Etcheverry, 1956:284.—Field, 1958:103, 104, 115–117, figs. 7. 15, 23, 31, 40.—Forster, 1958:845–846.—Hemming, 1967:362 [name attributed to Grote!].

Andina Staudinger, 1895.ii [homonomy of Trifurcula Staudinger, 1894 with Trifurcula Zeller, 1848 noted and Andina proposed as the replacement name, the latter name invalidated by Grote, 1903 (see above under Piercolias)].—Röber, 1909a:97, pl. 28: fig. c–2; 1910:97, pl. 28: fig. c–2.—Jörgensen, 1916:517.—Talbot, 1932:60 [in synonymy of Piercolias].—Klots, 1933:218, 236 [in synonymy of Piercolias].—d'Almeida, 1943:74.—Zischka, 1951:29.—Field, 1948:115 [in synonymy of Piercolias].—Hemming, 1967:44 [in synonymy of Piercolias].

Piercolias (Piercolias).—Field, 1958:104, 106, 118, figs. 7, 15, 31, 40.

TYPE-SPECIES.—Trifurcula huanaco Staudinger = Piercolias huanaco (Staudinger). Type by reason of being the sole included species
bibliographic citation
Field, William Dewitt and Herrera, José. 1977. "The Pierid butterflies of the genera Hypsochila Ureta, Phulia Herrich-Schäffer, Infraphulia Field, Pierphulia Field, and Piercolias Staudinger." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-64. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.232