
Diagnostic Description

provided by Plazi (legacy text)

Type locality.

Peru, Loreto province, left bank of Amazon River, Itaya River, S 04.15.510 W 073.28.032.

Type material.

Holotype ♂ (ZMM): PERU: LORETO PROVINCE: Itaya river, left bank of Amazon River, 58 km SSW from Iquitos to Nauta, 120 m a.s.l., 73°26'W ; 4°11'S , 17.02.2008, leg.. A.Petrov. Paratypes: 1♂, 1♀ (Petrov collection): PERU: LORETO PROVINCE: Itaya river, left bank of Amazon River, 58 km SSW from Iquitos to Nauta, 120 m a.s.l., 73°26'W ; 4°11'S , 17.02.2008, leg.. A. Petrov (1♂); PERU: LORETO PROVINCE: 70 km SW from Iquitos to Nauta, 130 m a.s.l., 27.02.2008, leg.. A. Petrov (1♀).


This species is morphologically closely related to Scolytus vagabundus sp. n., from which can be distinguished by body size, by shape of carina-like tubercle and its position on second sternite; by absence of a median tubercle on fifth sternite and by abdomen vestiture character. The species differs from Scolytus pinnatus by its size, by absence of tubercles and denticles on fourth sternite and by other features described below.


Male: body length 1.9 mm, 2.3 times as long as wide; color dark brown, elytra reddish brown. Front faintly convex in central portion and faintly impressed in epistomal area; frontal surface faintly shining, longitudinally aciculate. Lateral sides of front covered by sparse grey hairs of moderate length, the hair apices directed towards frontal center. Antennae brown, covered by short golden hairs, club of elliptic form with the evenly rounded apex. Pronotum of equal length and width. Pronotum dark brown in colour, its basis more light in colour, reddish-brown; pronotal surface shining, punctured by small shallow punctures at basis and in central portion of disk; punctures on apical portion of pronotum and its lateral sides large and deep. Pronotum is separated from prosternite by the well-developed sharp lateral margin. Lateral sides of prosternite (propleura) punctured densely and evenly by punctures of moderately large size. Sparse, erect hairs limited to apical portion of pronotum.

Scutellum triangular, deeply set in the scutellar impression.

Elytra reddish-brown, central part darker, which gives an impression of a banded elytra. Elytra 1.28 times as long as wide, 1.0 times as long as pronotum; lateral sides of elytra nearly parallel up to short declivity, from beginning of declivity and up to sutural apex elytra sides narrowed forming an angle of 45°. Elytral suture slightly elevated from scutellar impression and up to elytral apex. Elytral surface shining, punctured with regular rows of punctures, in posterior third of elytra striae slightly impressed. Interstriae flat and smooth, with sparse punctures, conspicuous only in posterior part of elytra. Posterior third of elytral interstriae with rows of pale, erect hairs. Abdomen reddish-brown. Second sternite set vertical, perpendicular to first sternite, anterior margin of second sternite weakly elevated, costate, second sternite armed by large, laterally compressed median carina, its apex truncate. Carina occupies position from basis of second sternite and up to its centre. Lateral sides of second and third sternites with small denticles, denticles on third sternite smaller and with a blunt apex. Surface of abdomen shining, punctured with very small punctures, covered with sparse short erect hairs. Legs reddish brown, covered by golden hairs.

Female: similar to male except front more convex, vestiture less abundant and shorter, abdominal sternite without carina, lateral sides of second and third sternites with small denticles as in male, on second sternite denticles with sharp apex, on third sternite denticles smaller and with blunted end.


Males have been collected into barrier traps set on Protium , that were cut three days before beetle collecting.


Known only from the type locality.


The species name relates to the similarity of the body of the bark beetle to the old ship carvel.

not applicable
bibliographic citation
V. Petrov, Alexander, 2010, New data on Neotropical Scolytus Geoffroy, 1762 with description of five new species from Peru (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Scolytinae), ZooKeys, pp. 65-104, vol. 56
V. Petrov, Alexander
visit source
partner site
Plazi (legacy text)


provided by Zookeys
Distribution. Known only from the type locality.
visit source
partner site