Charaxes opinatus is a butterfly in the family Nymphalidae. It is found in western Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Kivu).[3]
Ch. opinatus Heron. male: almost exactly like that of etheocles in shape and size. Wings above black-brown ; forewing unicolorous without markings; hindwing with the tails and a continuous marginal line orange-red and before the distal margin with grey-blue, white-centred submarginal dots; about 6 mm. from the distal margin is placed between veins lb and 7 a transverse row of small, red-yellow, separated transverse streaks. The under surface strongly recalls that of anticlea, both wings having before the middle a darker, almost straight-edged transverse band about 5 mm. in breadth, which is curved round towards the base in cellule lc of the hindwing and more or less completely covers cellules la—lc. female: unknown. Ruwenzori. [4]
The habitat consists of montane forests.
The larvae feed on Caesalpinia species.
Charaxes opinatus is a member of the large species group Charaxes etheocles.
Charaxes opinatus is a butterfly in the family Nymphalidae. It is found in western Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Kivu).