
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Coptocarpus impar Sloane

Coptocarpus impar Sloane, 1910:451. [Holotype, a headless male, in CSIRO. Type-locality: Roebuck Bay, Western Australia.]

DESCRIPTION.—Form similar to C. thoracicus but more elongate and proportionately larger. Easily distinguished from other members of the genus by the absence of a scutellar interneur and the elongate, narrow form. Color: Piceous; appendages paler with rufotestaceous anterior tarsi (male). Head: Missing from type, the only specimen I have seen. Prothorax: As in C. australis except prosternum anterolaterally with fewer but coarser punctures. Mesothorax: As in C. australis except elytra without scutellar interneur and mesepisternum coarsely punctate. Metathorax: As in C. australis except flight wings absent. Abdomen: Sterna I to III with scattered coarse punctures, otherwise as in C. australis (male only, female not seen). Genitalia: Male (Figure 13). Microsculpture: Pronotum with very small isodiametric reticulations, surface rather dull; elytral reticulation larger, surface shiny. Size: Length (without head), 8.58 mm; width, 3.88 mm. Sloane (1910) gives the length of the type with the head as 10.0 mm and the width as 3.80 mm. The small discrepancy in width size is probably due to refinement of measuring devices since 1910.

LOCALITY RECORD (Figure 17).—I have seen only the type-specimen from Roebuck Bay, Western Australia.
bibliographic citation
Erwin, Terry L. 1974. "The genus Coptocarpus Chaudoir of the Australian Region with notes on related African species (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Oodini)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-25. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.184