
Comprehensive Description

provided by Memoirs of the American Entomological Society
Coryphaeschna secreta Tables 2. 8, 12, 13, 18; PI. XXXIV, figs. 463-466;
Material studied. — Cuba :. S. Diego d. 1. Banos, April 14.00, Palmer & Riley 1 $ USNM.
Distribution. — Known only from Cuba as above.
Altitudinal Range. — About 200 m. (656 ft.).
Seasonal Range. — April — end of a dry season (Reed 1941 p. 673*).
S. Face, including lips, pale brown ochre (Smith's Glossary pi. iv, 36), only a faint brown indication of a T-spot on the dorsum of the frons, vertex pale vandyke brown.
* Yearbook of Agric. 1941, U. S. Dept. Agric, Washington, p. 673.
bibliographic citation
Calvert, P.P. 1956. The Neotropical Species of the Subgenus Aeschna Sensu Selysii 1883 (Odonata). Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 15. Philadelphia, USA