The epitheca of K. glaucum is both longer and wider than the hypotheca. The cingulum is displaced by about 4-5 times.
Katodinium (cat-owe-din-ee-um) common coastal marine dinoflagellate. The cingulum (circumferential groove) is located near the posterior of the body so that the epicone (front part) is much bigger than the epicone (back part). This genus is in part distinguished by the groove near the apex of the epicone. This individual is clearly a carnivore. With longitudinal flagellum trailing behind the cell. Phase contrast.
Katodinium spec.
Katodinium (cat-o-din-ee-um) asymmetricum (Massart) Loeblich III 1965. The image shows a mid-focus plane through a cell (side reversed). The epicone is longer than the hypocone, and the cingulum is near the posterior end of the cell. There is an apical hook present. pointing to the left.
Katodinium asymmetricum observed in marine muds and sandy sediments in the vicinity of Broome, Western Australia in September 2003. This image was taken using differential interference contrast optics. This work was supported by the Australian Biological Resources Study.
Katodinium asymmetricum cells are ovoid from the ventral side, slightly obliquely dorso-ventrally flattened, approximately 12 microns long, epicone approximately 10 microns wide, hypocone approximately 5 microns wide. Possessing fine thecal plates, plate pattern not established. Epicone dome shaped, 0.6 0.7 of the total cell length, with a notch just to the left of the apex. Cingulum very wide, initially descending, and slightly displaced. Sulcus narrow, on the right side of the hypocone, and turning to the left as it descends towards the anterior end. Longitudinal flagellum arises at the anterior end of the sulcus. Nucleus is in the left half of the cell, about 4 microns diameter. Chloroplasts absent. Food particles occasionally present.
Katodinium asymmetricum (Massert) Loeblich III 1965
Katodinium asymmetricum (Massert) Loeblich III 1965
Katodinium auratum cells are elongated oval from the dorsal side, slightly dorso-ventrally flattened. Length 19 30 microns, width 9 15 microns. Cingulum beginning at 0.5 0.6 of the way down the cell, 2 3 microns wide, distal end 2 3 microns lower than proximal. Sulcus initially narrow, approximately 1.5 microns, widening towards the posterior of the cell. Apical groove not present. Longitudinal flagellum arising at the anterior end of the sulcus. Nucleus in the epicone, just above the cingulum, round, 6 -10 x 7 10 microns. Chloroplasts yellow-green, round to oval, 4 6 x 2 3 microns. Chloroplasts generally positioned peripherally, 10 20 per cell. A red stigma, 2 4 microns, is present at the origin of the sulcus. Colourless globules are also present in the anterior end of the epicone.