Image of Laccophilus fasciatus terminalis Sharp 1882
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Laccophilus fasciatus terminalis Sharp 1882

Comprehensive Description

provided by Memoirs of the American Entomological Society
Laccophilus fasciatus terminalis Sharp Laccophilus terminalis Sharp, 1882a, p. 292. Type: British Museum (Natural History), female, Texas; type locality here restricted to Davis Mountains, Jeff Davis County, Texas; Sharp, 1882b, p. 11; Horn, 1883, p. 277; Horn, 1894, p. 313; Leng, 1920, p. 77; Zimmermann, 1920, p. 26; Leech, 1948b, p. 402-3; Leech and Chandler, 1956, p. 314; Zimmerman and Severin, 1957, p. 30.
DIAGNOSIS. — The elytral pattern serves as the best recognition character for L. f. terminalis. The irrorated dots are sparsely applied, and the pattern outline is distinctly margined with dark brown or black. On the posterior half, there is a tendency to form a fascia or blotch similar to rufus and fasciatus. It is never complete, however, and, in some specimens, the pigment is restricted to patches just behind the mid-lateral spots. Megascopically terminalis often has a checkered appearance. Small individuals of L. sonorensis resemble terminalis, but they are not irrorated. The male lacks a file, and the female has rakelike ovipositor. Some specimens of mexicanus and salvini have a tendency to form a dark blotch on the posterior half of the elytra, but are black beneath (except female mexicanus atristernalis in coastal California and Oregon).
NOMENCLATURAL NOTES. — There appears to be no synonymical problems in this race, but it is reduced to subspecies since it intergrades with fasciatus and rufus.
VARIATION. — This race poses one problem in that the elytral pattern can vary markedly from the usual pattern. There is a general fading that causes some difficulty in recognition. The basic ground pattern remains, however. The fading is most common in individuals from the southwestern United States.
More population data was accumulated for this race than any other in the study. Size and the PW/EL ratio is the same for males and females. The average size (4.8 mm) is larger than for fasciatus and most rufus populations (Table 2). There is considerable geographic variation in size. Central and south Texas populations are about the same as midwestern rufus, but are smaller than other terminalis to the west and south. Populations from northern New Mexico south to Durango, Mexico, and from west Texas to California appear to be much the same. South and east of Durango, however, there is an increase in size. From Linares, Nuevo Leon, to Jalisco, the populations have an average length of almost 4.92 mm which is 0.05 to 0.10 mm larger than in other parts of the range. One exception is a single large sample from about the middle of the Baja California peninsula which is equally long (4.95 mm). Farther south around La Paz, the value is about the same as that found from New Mexico to California.
It seems that while terminalis retains a fairly uniform pattern (except for fading) and shape throughout its range, it is still undergoing considerable change in size from one region to another. This should not be surprising, since it covers an area with so much physiographic contrast and climatic variation. About the only uniform feature in its distribution is the preference for an aquatic habitat in an arid environment. It is perhaps more difficult to understand why other Laccophilus which cover equally diverse areas (for example, L. maculosus decipiens and L. maculosus shermani) do not show this degree of variation. — L. f. terminalis occurs from southwestern South Dakota to Jalisco. Its eastern boundary approximates the ninety-seventh parallel where it is replaced by rufus. From South Dakota the limits swing sharply south and westward to the Rocky Mountains; and its northwestern boundary is through central New Mexico, Arizona, and southern California. Outlying localities are known from North Dakota, northern and southwestern Utah, Marin County of California, and southwest Oregon. Numerous other collections in the intervening areas have
not yielded additional records, however. It apparently occurs throughout Baja California, and its southern limits are fairly well defined by the Mexican Plateau and the central Mexican Highlands.
It is probably the most common Laccophilus ( and any other dytiscid) in the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. It occurs in practically any small aquatic habitat and, apparently, migrates very readily since it often appears in street gutter pools within a few days after a rain. L. /. terminalis is usually in heavier clay or adobe soils that are exposed to bright sun and have considerable debris; it can also be found in small, sluggish, streams. It ranges from sea level to about 6000 feet, but may occasionally be taken above that elevation. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. — ARIZONA. Cochise County. Benson, 2m.E.,2i,8 9, x.6.63; 4 m. W., 4 2, x.6.63, K. L. McWilliams (NMSU); 5(5,2 8, ii.25.33, O. Bryant (CAS). Douglas, 2 5,15, iii.15.33, W. W. Jones (BERK). Fairbank, S. Pedro R., 6, iii.12.36, J. G. Needham (CNL). Huachucha City, 8 5, 17 2, ix.6.61, JRZ (NMSU). Huachucha Mtns., 13, v.7-8.53, A. & H. Dietrich (CNL); 4 5 , 4 2 , Barber (AMNH). Portal, 5 m. W., SWRS., 1 5, vi.20.55, M. Statham; 2 5, x.1.55, M. Cazier; 9 5, 5 2, x.21.55, E. Ordway; 1 2, iv.3.56; 1 5, iv.12.56; 1 2, iv.21.56, E. Ordway;
1 $, v.4.56, M. Statham (AMNH); 2 5,2 2, x.21.55, E. Ordway (UMMZ) comp. with type in BM(NH) by FNY; 5 m. SWRS., 8 5, 12 2, —.—.—, L. B. Bartholomew (NMSU); 2 m. NW. Rodeo, New Mexico, 3 5, ix.5.61, JRZ (NMSU). St. David, 2 5,2 2, vii. — .44, G. E. Pickford (FM); 2 5,
2 2, vii.15.44, G. E. Pickford (CAS). Tombstone, 5 m. N., 3 5, 8 2, ix.6.61, JRZ; Willcox, 11 m. W, 5 <?, 1 ?, x.6.63, K. L. McWilliams (NMSU). Gila County. Globe, Pinal Ck., 75, iv.25.53, A. & H. Dietrich (CNL); 15,12, x. 13.48, F. H. Parker (CAS). Rice (San Carlos R. Res., R. R. Sta.), 4, vii.9.31, D. Parker (CNL). Graham County. Near Artesia, rd. to Marijilda Canyon from Hwy. 666, 4 5, 1 2, vii.3.65, H. B. Leech (CAS). Pima, 2, x.21.24, A. A. Nichol (ARI). Pinalena Mtns., Hospital Flat, 1 2, viii.3.65, H. B. Leech (CAS). Maricopa County. Gila Bend, 1, xii.13.45, H. P. Chandler (BERK). Phoenix, 1, vi.23.94, J. D. Sherman, Jr. (USNM); 44 5, 51 2, Kunze (AMNH); 1 2, v.31.40, G. P. MacKenzie (AMNH). Wickenburg, 2 5,5 2, iv. 16.62, JRZ (NMSU); 5 m. E. Hassayampa R., 1 5, 1 2, iv.2.66, J. Schuh (SCH). Pima County. Ajo Mtn., Alamo Can. (OPCNM), xii. 19.39, C. F. Harbison (BERK). Ajo, 2 2, viii.31.55, P. S. Bartholomew (CAS). Catalina Mtns., 9, iv.18.— , Hubbard & Schwarz (USNM); 1, H. & S. (USNM); Lowell Ranger Sta., 1, vii. 6-20.16, J. D. Sherman (USNM); 2, x.21.24, A. A. Nichol (ARI); Bear Can., Molino Basin, 2, iv.18.—, v. 20.53, A. H. Dietrich (CNL). Florida, 1, xi. 18.39, P. Lightle (ARI). Madera Can., 15,1, ix.2.54, Menke & Stange (DAV). Pantano, Cienega Ck., 6, iii.25.53, A. H. Dietrich (CNL). Quitobaquito, OPC, Ntl. Mon., 12, iv.11.53; 2, vi.— .53, A. & H. Dietrich (CNL). Santa Rita Mtns., Florida Can., 3, iv. 19.59, F. G. Werner (ARI); 2 3, 4 2, ix.7.61; 7 3, 1 2, xii.2.61; 1 5, viii.6.62, JRZ (NMSU). Sta. Rita Mtns., 1 2, vii.25.41, O. Bryant (CAS). South Catalina Mtns., 2 3, 1 8, iv. 10.38, F. H. Parker (DAV). Sta. Catalina Mtns., 2 2, x.21.24, A. A. Nichol; 1 3,1 2, v.8.33, O. Bryant; 2 3, xi.20.33, O. Bryant; 13,6 2, i.2.38, Van Dyke; 1 3, 1 2, v.16.39, E. P. Van Duzee (CAS). Tanque Ck., 1, iii.14.36, J. G. Needham; 8, iii.28.53, A. & H. Dietrich (CNL). Tanque Verde, 32 3, 42 2, vii.25.61, JRZ; Tucson, 15 m. NE., 1 3 , x.5.63, K. L. McWilliams (NMSU); 10 8, 5 2, vi.1.33, O. Bryant; 4 3, iii.22.33, O. Bryant; 3, iv.25.— , Hubbard & Schwarz (USNM); 1 3, iv.15.33, O. Bryant (CAS); 20 m. E., 3 8, 1 2, ii. 16.66, J. D. Vertree (SCH); 13,2 2, iv.5.97, Koebele (CAS); 2 2, ix.— .28, F. H. Parker (CAS); Sabino Can., 1, x.31.18, A. G. Boring (USNM). Pinal County. Aravaipa Can. (Near Mammoth), 1, v.21.53, A. & H. Dietrich (CNL). Picacho, 2 3,3 2, iv. 19.33, O. Bryant (CAS). Santa Cruz County. Nogales, 13,12, iv.— .97, Koebele (?) (CAS); 5 m. N., 13 3, 9 ?, ix.6.61, JRZ (NMSU). Patagonia, 1, v.26.53, A. & H. Dietrich (CNL); 13,12, ix. 17.52, B. Malkin (FM); 3 m. S., Sonoita Ck., 13, 12, ix.6.61, JRZ (NMSU). Pena Blanca L., Coronado Ntl. For., 6 3, ix.6.61, JRZ (NMSU); 1, iv.4.66, J. Schuh (SCH); Pajarito Mtns., 3 3, 12, vii.1.61; 1 3, 2 2, viii.14.61; 14 3, 9 2, vi.28.62; 1 2, vii.3.62; 3 3,12, vii.6.62; 1 3, vii.12.62; 14 3, 10 2, vii.19.62; 1 3,2 2, vii.20.62; 1 3, vii.24.62; 1 3, vii.25.62; 1 2, viii.8.62; Arnett & Van Tassel (CUA). Yavapai County. Bloody Basin, 2 3, vi.8.47, F. H. Parker (CAS). Castle Hot Springs, 3 2, iv.5.42 (AMNH). Minnehaha, 38 (USNM); 11 3, 18 2, Barber (AMNH). Prescott, 7, J. D. Sherman, Jr. (USNM); 5 3, 10 2, vii. — .— , Hulst (AMNH); 1 2 (ANSP). Yuma County. County, 2 2, vi.— . — (LACM). CALIFORNIA. Los Angeles County. Long Beach, 3 3, 6 2, viii. — .11 (FM). Imperial County. Brawley, 3, viii. 8. 14, J. C. Bradley (CNL). Desert Shores, 2 m. S., 12, iv.24.62, JRZ (NMSU). Imperial, 1, iv.24.25 (BERK); 13,12, same data (CAS). Imperial County, 2 3,6 2, v.25.25, J. J. Gehring (?) (MCZ); 2 3, 4 2, iv.3.24 (CNG). Inyo County, China Ranch, SE. Tecopa, 2 3, iii.23.67, H. B. Leech (CAS). Marin County. Marin County, 1, x.18.19, H. Dietrich (CNL). Mono County. Mammoth, 3 3,5 2, viii.17.52, PSB (CAS). Orange County. Laguna Can., 3 9, ii.14.59, M. E. Irwin (DAV). Corona del Mar, 13,12, xii.27.58, M. E. Irwin (DAV). Lower San Juan Cpgd., 1 3, xi.6.54, Menke & Strange (DAV). Riverside County. Blythe, 3 3,2 2, iv.17.62, JRZ (NMSU). Camp Pendleton, 1, x.23.45 (BERK). Riverside, 7, F. E. Winters (CNL). San Bernardino County. Earp, 10 m. NE., 4 3,7 2, viii.16.63, C. D. MacNeill (CAS). San Diego County. Borrego, 13, 12, x.28.39, G. P. Mackenzie (LACM). Borrego Val., Frenchy's Well, 1 2, i.2.35, H. J. Rayner (CAS). Descanso, 1 3, ix.23.52, B. Malkin (FM). Escondido 12 m. N., 5, ii.20.55, 1, ix.21.54, R. K. Benjamin (USNM); 10 m. N., 1, xii. 17.54, Scissors Crossing, San Felipe Ck., 13,12, iv.15.65, H. B. Leech (CAS). Warner's (Springs?), 2 3,42, vi.18.25, J. G. Gehring? (MCZ). Yuba County. Marysville, viii. 1 .34, R. Wagner (CAS) . COLORADO. El Paso County. Nr. Palmer
Lake, 1 2, viii.15.61, JRZ (NMSU). Kiowa County. Eads, 8 m. S., 4 $, 1 2,ix.ll.63, K. L. McWilliams (NMSU). Lincoln County. Hugo, 8 m. SE.,
1 5, ix. 11. 63, K. L. McWilliams (NMSU). Sedgwick County. Ovid, 1 5, 1 2, viii.17.61, JRZ (NMSU). KANSAS. Gray County. Cimarron, 3 5 , 15, viii.22.56, P. J. Spangler (USNM). Hamilton County. Syracuse, 7 m. E.,
2 5, 1 2, ix. 11.63, K. L. McWilliams (NMSU). Seward County. Liberal, 4 5,5 2, viii. 12.58; 3 m. N., 2 5 , 3 2 , viii.12.58; Near Kismet, Cimarron R., 1 2, viii.12.58, JRZ (NMSU). NEBRASKA. Lincoln County. North Platte, 10 m. W., 1 2, viii.17.61, JRZ (NMSU). NEW MEXICO. Colfax County. Cimarron, 10 m. N., 1 5, vii. 15.65, A. H. Smith; Near Maxwell, 1 2, viii.14.61, JRZ; Raton, 1 2, vii.5.63, R. N. Gennaro; 7 m. E., 1 5, vii.15.65, A. H. Smith (NMSU). Dona Ana County. Hatch, 1 5, 1 2, xii.14.45, H.P. Chandler (FM); 7m.W.,4i,4?, iv. 20.62; Jornado del Muerto, 15-20 m. N. of Las Cruces, Taylor Wells, 3(5,4?, vii.28.63; Jornado Range, 1 5, 4 2, vii.20.63; Ropes Springs, 3 5, 11 2, xi. 18.63, K. L. McWilliams; Las Cruces, 6 5,2 2, vii.5.61; 2 S, vii. 9. 61; 3 2, vii.10.61, JRZ; 14 5, 12 2, vii.6.61, E. E. Staffeldt & JRZ; 1 5, x.1.62, K. L. McWilliams (NMSU); 10 m. E., Organ Mtns., 5 5,
3 2, viii. 7. 65, H. B. Leech (CAS). Mesilla, 1 m. SW., 3 5, 3 2, vii.6.61;
1 5,2 2,vii.l3.61;6 5,5 2, vii.13.61, JRZ (NMSU). Eddy County. Queens (El Paso Gap), 2, xi.9.14, E. G. Holt (USNM). Grant County. Hurley, 13 5, 2 2, vii. 17. 61; Lordsburg, 13 m. E., 3 5 , 2 2 , x.6.63, JRZ; Silver City, 10 m. W., 1 5, 2 2, vii.16.63, R. D. Ohmart (NMSU). Guadalupe County. Santa Rosa, 15,12, viii.24.57, D. Lauck (USNM); 20 m. SE., 12 5, 13 2, vii.29.63, R. D. Ohmart; 5 m. NE., 3 5,5 2, ix.10.63, K. L. McWilliams (NMSU). Harding County. Mosquero, 10 m. E., 32 5, 25 2, x.23.65, A. H. Smith (NMSU). Hidalgo County. Animas, 5 m. S., 16 5, 11 2, vii.24.61, JRZ; 12 m. SE., 115 5, 91 2, xi.23.62, K. L. McWilliams (NMSU); 8 m. S.,
2 2, vii.31.65, H. B. Leech; 15 m. S., 1 2, vii.31.65, H. B. Leech (CAS). Cienega Lake (Nr. Rodeo), 2 2, vii.17.64, R. H. Arnett, Jr. & E. Van Tassel (CUA). Double Adobe Rnch., Animas Mts., 5500 feet, 2 5,3 2, viii.15.52, H. B. Leech (CAS). Gary, 5 m. W., 7 5, 2 2, vii.24.61, JRZ; Lordsburg, 12 m. W., 4 2, x.6.61, K. L. McWilliams; Nr. Cloverdale, 6 5,6 2, vii.24.61; Roadforks, 2 5, 5 2, ix.5.61; Rodeo, 12 m. N., 18 5, 7 2, ix.5.61, JRZ (NMSU). Lincoln County. Alto, El. 7000 feet, 7 5, 10 2, vii.27.61, JRZ; Carrizozo, 13 m. NE., 2 5,5 2, ix.10.63, K. L. McWilliams (NMSU). Angus, Rio Bonito, 1 5, viii. 7. 65, H. B. Leech (CAS). Luna County. Columbus, 1 m. S., 11 5, 12 2, vii.17.61, JRZ (NMSU). Deming, 15 m. S., 2 5, 4 2, vii.17.61; 15 m. NW„ 4 5,2 2, vii.17.61, JRZ (NMSU); 16 m. W., 2 5,3 2, x.6.63, K. L. McWilliams (NMSU). Mora County. Mora, 10 m. S., 4 5, 8 2, v.1.66, A. H. Smith (NMSU). Otero County. Alamogordo, 1 5 , V. Krockow (AMNH). Pinon, 40 m. S., 10 5, 2 2, vii.29.63, R. D. Ohmart (NMSU). Quay County. San Jon, 15,12, ix.10.63, K. L. McWilliams (NMSU). Tucumcari, 10 m. W., 1 2, ix.10.63, K. L. McWilliams (NMSU). Rio Arriba County. Canjilon, 3 m. W., 1 5, 2 2, ix.25.65, A. H. Smith; El Rito, 1 5, vi. 23.65; Ojo Caliente, 1 2, vi. 23.65, A. H. Smith, R. L. Smith, & JRZ; Velarde, 4 5, 1 2, vi.22.65, A. H. Smith (NMSU). Roosevelt County. Causey, 1 6, 3 9, viii.3.65, J. E. Sublette (ENMU). San Miguel County. Las Vegas, 1, ii.2.02 (CNL). Mosquero, 19-20 m. W., 37 6, 31 9, x.23.65; Trujillo, 19 m. E., Tremintina Ck., 39 6, 36 9, x.23.65, A. H. Smith (NMSU). Sierra County. Hillsboro, 4 m. E. (label says Pedra R. Gorge, but must mean Percha Ck.), 3 6, 2 9, viii.31.52, B. Malkin (FM). Kingston, 5 m. E., 1 9, v.27.66, JRZ (NMSU). Socorro County. Nr. Bingham, 1 9, vii.21.62, R. D. Ohmart (NMSU). Taos County. Taos, 4 m. E., 2 9, vii. 14.64, A. H. Smith (NMSU). Torrance County. Corona, 5 m. NE., 16,3 9, ix.10.63, K. L. McWilliams (NMSU). Union County. Pasamonte, 8 m. E. & 2 m. N., 2 6 ,
1 9, vii. 15.65, A. H. Smith (NMSU). NORTH DAKOTA. Barnes County. Valley City, 1, iii.— .18, Gabrielson (USNM). OKLAHOMA. Cleveland County. Norman, 1 9, iv. 18. 19 (CAS). Grady County. Chickasha, 1, vii.15.15, W. H. Larrimer (USNM). Texas County. Guymon, 3 m. NE., 4 6, 4 9, ix.11.63, K. L. McWilliams (NMSU). OREGON. Jackson County. Rogue River, 2, ix.— .02, C. R. Biederman (USNM). SOUTH DAKOTA. Pennington County. Hill City, 1 9, viii.5.35, A. Thrupp (NMSU). TEXAS. Bell County. Ft. Hood, 5, vii. 19.55, T. Matthews (CNL). Bexar County. Ft. Sam Houston, 1 6, vii. 13.52, B. J. Adelson (LACM); 1 6, vi.— .52, B. J. Adelson (CAS). Leon Ck., 10 6, 3 9, x.l 1-12.52, B. J. Adelson (CAS). San Antonio, 2 6,1 9, Wickham (CNG). Blanco County. Cypress Mill, 2, ix.10.88; 5 (USNM); 16,19, same date (CAS). Round Mtn., 2, Kaeber (USNM); 3 9 (MCZ). Shovel Mtn., 6 6, 5 9, F. G. Schaupp (AMNH); 9 (USNM). Brewster County. Alpine, 20 m. S., 2 9, v.12.27, J. D. Martin (CAS); 1, vii.20-22.— (USNM); 1, vii.1-15.26, B. C. Pooling (CNL); 3 9 (MCHS). B.B.N. P., Chisos Mtns., 1 6 , vii. 3.42, H. A. Scullen (ORES) ; 4 6 , 1 9 , ix.5-6.52, B. Malkin (FM); 7 m. W., Chisos Junct., 5 6,5 9, viii.3.61, JRZ (NMSU). Boquillas, 1 9, vii. 7.48, C. & P. Vaurie (AMNH); 7 6,7 9, viii.2.61, JRZ (NMSU). Chisos Mtns.. 1, x.12.08, Mitchell & Cushman (USNM). Marathon, 10 m. E., 5 6, 12 9, viii.1.61, JRZ (NMSU); 6 6,6 9, ix.12.49, O. Bryant (CAS). County, 16, 19, v.3.27, J. O. Martin (CAS). Burnett County. 8, Hubbard & Schwarz (USNM). Cameron County. Brownsville, 1, iv.13.95, Townsend (USNM); 7, iii.5.04, H. S. Barber (USNM); 2, vii.—.—;
2 (USNM); 1 6, Wickham (ORES); 3 6,3 9, Wickham (MCZ). Esperanza Ranch, 4, viii.19. — (USNM). Port Isabel, 16, 2 9, x.20.49, O. Bryant (CAS). Culberson County. Nickel Ck. Sta., 2.5 m. E., 21 6 , 22 9 , ix.2.52,
B. Malkin (FM). Van Horn, 1 6, vii. 10.50, R. F. Smith; 1 6, vii. 10.48,
C. & P. Vaurie (AMNH). Edwards County. Camp Wood, 2 6,29, iii. 8. 33 (TAM). ElPasoCounty. Clint, 1 m. SW., 17 6,6 9 , vii. 19.61, JRZ (NMSU). El Paso, 9, vii.28.14, J. C. Bradley (CNL); 3 6,19 (AMNH); 16,29 (ANSP). Falls County. Reagan (Wells?), 5, iii. 6.36, J. G. Needham (CNL). Goliad County. County, 1, viii.17.— , J. D. Mitchell (USNM). Gonzales County. Harwood, 1, Wickham (USNM). Harris County. Houston, 1, Wickham (CNL). Hays County. Dripping Springs, 1 6, viii.9.42, W. S. & E. S. Ross (CAS). Hidalgo County. Edinburg, 7, ii.24.36, J. G. Needham (CNL). Hudspeth County. Dell City, 9 m. SW., 1 6, vii. 3 1.50, R. F. Smith
(AMNH). Ft. Hancock, 5 3,3 2, vii. 19.61, JRZ (NMSU). /. Davis County. Davis Mountains, Limpia Cn. Ck., 3 3, 6 2, iv.19.53, B. Adelson & M. Washbauer (BERK); 2 3, 8 9, v.9.51, O. Bryant; 1 $, vi.26.46, Van Dyke (CAS); 13,12, viii.3.61; Madera Cn. Ck., 1 2, viii.3.61; 10 3, 2 2, x.27.61, JRZ (NMSU); Elbow Cn. Ck., 7 3, 12 2, x.27.61; Phantom Lake, 2, vi.20.16,
F. M. Gaige (USNM). Jim Wells County. Alice, 8 m. NE., 25, viii.25.35, C. E. Burt (USNM). Llano County. Near Llano, 5 3,5 2, iv.25.63, G. Child (NMSU). Pecos County. Pecos R., Rt. 290, 3 3,42, iv.23.63; Sheffield,
1 2, iv.23.63, G. Child (NMSU). Presidio County. Marfa, 14 m. N., 3 3, 8 2, viii.1.61, JRZ (NMSU). Sutton County. Devil's River (Nr. Sonora), 8, v.3-6.07, Pratt & Schwarz (USNM). Travis County. Austin, 4 3,12, xii.5.28, J. O. Martin (CAS). Uvalde County. Sabinal, 1, iii.— .10, F. C. Pratt (USNM). Val Verde County. Del Rio, 5, vii.23-24.— , Wickham (USNM); 7 3, 13 2, xi.15.49, O. Bryant (CAS). Webb County. Laredo, 1 2, v.20-24.48, F. G. Wagner & W. Nutting (ARI). Zapata County. Zapata, 12, ii.26.36, J. G. Needham (CNL). UTAH. Ogden, 1 3 (Ace. 4858) (AMNH). Washington County. Hurricane, 1 2, vi.22.59, R. D. Anderson. New Harmony, 1 2, x.4.64; 28, x.11.64, R. D. Anderson (RDA). St. George, 2 3, xii.29.59,
G. Musser (CAS). WYOMING. Goshen County. Ft. Laramie, 3.5 m. S.,
2 3, viii. 19.65, H. B. Leech (CAS).
MEXICO. — AGUASCALIENTES. Aguascalientes, 1 m. N., 4 3 , 1 2 , vii.26.62, JRZ (NMSU). BAJA CALIFORNIA. Agua Caliente (Cape district), 3 2, iv.22.47, I. La Rivers (BERK). Arroyo de Calamajue, Near Calamajue, 1 3, 1 2, iv.9.61, A. G. Smith (CAS). Cabo San Lucas, 7.7 m. NE., 13,4 2, i.1.59, H. B. Leech (CAS). Catarina, 3, ix.2.51, G. A. Marsh; El Carrizal, 8 3,7 2, iv.25.47, I. La Rivers (BERK). El Triunfo, 2 3, i.9.59; La Paz, 8.2 m. W. Hwy. Sur 1, 2 2, xii.31.58; 4 3, 5 2, xii. 31.58; 9.6 m. E., 1 3, 1 2, xii.30.58; 12.4 m. E., Las Cruces Road, 2 3,6 2, xii.23.58, H. B. Leech; 4 2, x.10.55, F. X. Williams; La Suerte, 13,12, vi.4.63, R. K Benjamin (CAS). La Zapopita, Valle de Trinidad, 1 3, iv. 10.61, F. S. Truxal (LACM). Las Paras, 1, W. W. Mann (USNM). Miraflores, 3 m. NW., 1 3 , H. B. Leech (CAS). Padarone, Amarillo Arroyo, 12 3,20 2 , v. 11. 47, 1. La Rivers (BERK). San Antonio, 1 3, vii. 12-17. 19 (CAS). San Bartolo, 1 m. SE., 1 2, i.20.59, H. B. Leech; 3 2, v.1.47, I. La Rivers (CAS). San Felipe, 2, J. D. Sherman, Jr. (USNM). San Jose del Cabo, 4, Wickham (USNM). San Luis Gonzaga, 12 m. E., 45 3, 45 2, v.22.47, I. La Rivers (BERK). Todos Santos; 1 2, iv. 10.47, I. La Rivers; 9 m. S., 1 3, 2 2, i. 14.59, H. B. Leech (CAS). CHIHUAHUA. Camargo, 1 m. N., 15 3, 3 2, vii.25.62; Casas Grandes, 5 m. E., 27 3, 26 2, xii.20.64, JRZ (NMSU). Catarinas, 5800 feet, 1 2, vii.25.47, M. Cazier (AMNH). Chihuahua, 43 m. N., 143 3, 167 2, xii.8.62; Colonia Juarez, 2 m. SW., 1 2, xii.20.64; Parral, 2 m. S., 1 2, vii.25.62; 10 m. S., 1 2, xii.9.62, JRZ (NMSU). Primavera, 3 3, vi.30.47, M. Cazier, W. Gertsch, R. Schrammel (AMNH). COAHUILA. Ramos Arizpe, 4 3,4 2, vii.7.63, JRZ (NMSU). Villa Acuna, S. Lorenzo Rnch., 2 3,3 2, vi. 16.38, R. H. Baker (TAM). COLIMA. Trapechi (near Colima), 1 3,4 2, vii. 30.62, JRZ (NMSU). DURANGO. Abasolo, Rio Nazas, 3 5, 3 9, vii.25.62; 58 5, 61 9, x.22.66, A. H. Smith & JRZ; Durango, 1 5 , vii.26.62; 20 m. W., 1 S, xii. 10.62; San Juan del Rio, 10 m. N., 2 5 , 4 9, xii.9.62, JRZ (NMSU). GUANAJUATO. Guanajuato, 2 5, 3 9, vi.20.57, D. R. Lauck (USNM). Irapuato, 5 m. S., 10 3, 4 9; Leon, 5 m. S., 1 9, vii.26.62, JRZ (NMSU). HIDALGO. Zimapan, 4 3, 2 2, vii.9.63, JRZ (NMSU). JALISCO. Ameca, 25 km. E., 1 3, iii.25.64, JRZ (NMSU). Barranca Oblato, 1 2, x.23.66, A. H. Smith & JRZ (NMSU). Cd. Guzman, 5 m. N, 2 J, 19, ii.30.62, JRZ (NMSU). Guadalajara, 8 m. S., 1 5, 2 2, ix. — .54, F. X. Williams (CAS); 11 m. S., 5 5,3 2, vii.30.62; 20 m. E., 1 3 , 1 2, JRZ (NMSU). Jilquilpan, 20 m. W., 1 3,5 2, xi.30.48, H. B. Leech, E. S. Ross (CAS). Lagos de Moreno, 2 3, 4 2, vii.26.62, JRZ (NMSU). Mazamitla, 1 m. NW., 15,12, ii.8.53, I. J. Cantral (UMMZ); 5 km. E., 1 3, 1 2, iii.27.64; Near Tala, 1 3,2 9, iii.25.64; Near Tizapan, Rd. 15, 13 3, 9 2, iii.26.64, JRZ (NMSU). Ojuelos de Jalisco, 12 m. S., 2 3 , 3 2, xi.21.48, H. B. Leech (CAS). South of Guadalajara, 3 2, viii.11.57, D. Lauck (USNM). Tecolotlan, 3 5,4 2, x.24.66, JRZ (NMSU). Tehetlican, Rd. 110, 1 3 , 1 2, vii.28.62, JRZ (NMSU). Tlaquepaque, 1 2, vii.— .53, N. L. H. Kraus (CAS). Union de Tula, 10 m. S., 2 i , 1 2, iii. 28.64; Zapotlenejo, 7 m. E., 4 3, 1 2, iii.25.64, JRZ (NMSU). MICHOACAN. Cuitzeo (near), 4 2, vii.27.62, JRZ (NMSU). Jacona, 3 9, viii.11.57, D. R. Lauck (USNM). Jiquilpan, 8 km. E., 3 3 , 2 2, JRZ (NMSU). Zamora, 9 m. W., 1 3, xii.6.48, H. B. Leech (CAS); 15,12, vii.28.62, JRZ (NMSU). NAYARIT. San Bias, 5 m. E., 1 5, vii.31.62, JRZ (NMSU). NUEVO LEON. Arroyo de Lajillas, 10 m. S. Linares, 3 5,32, xii. 18.40, F. N. Young (UMMZ) . Linares, 20 m. W., Rio Linares, 6 5, x.16.48, H. B. Leech (CAS). Santa Catarina, Huasteca Can., 5 5,6 2, vii.7.63, JRZ (NMSU). PUEBLA. Near Maria Andrea, 1 2, ix.10.64, JRZ (NMSU). QUERETARO. Queretaro, 17 5, 7 2, iii.27.63, JRZ (NMSU); 3 2, vi.20.57, D. R. Lauck (NMSU). San Juan del Rio, 5 5,12, iii.27.63, JRZ (NMSU). SAN LUIS POTOSI. Agua Zarca (near Cd. del Maiz), Rd. 80, 3 5, 1 2, iii.25.63; El Salto, 1 2, iii.25.63; Guaymuchil (near Naranjo), 1 5, iii.25.63; Jitalpa, 1 2, iii. 23.63; Presa de Guadalupe, Rt. 80, 5 5, 1 2, iii.26.63, JRZ (NMSU); Cuidad del Maiz, 5 5,3 2, xi.20.48, H. B. Leech (CAS). Santa Maria del Rio, 4 5,3 2, iii.26.63, JRZ (NMSU). SONORA. Aribabi (E. of Moctezuma), 4 5,2 2, xii.15.62; Bavispe, 15,2 2, vii.26.63, JRZ (NMSU). Etchojoa, 7 m. NE., 4 5, 10 2, i.27.51, A. A. Hubert (CAS). Hermosillo, 1 2, ix.19-20.52, B. Malkin & U. Thatcher (FM); 50 km. W., 2 5, viii.21.53; 1 2, vii.9-16.53, B. Malkin (FM). ZACATECAS. Fresnillo, 16 m. NW., Rio Trujillo, 1 5, vi.29.54, R. N. Brewer; Pinos, 10 m. S., 8 5 , 5 2 , viii.1.59, 15 m. S., 15, viii.2.59, Ray Bandar (CAS).
Intergradation in Laccophilus fasciatus
There are three zones of intergradation in Laccophilus fasciatus. One is between L. /. rufus and L. /. terminalis, and two are between
L. /. fasciatus and L. f. terminalis. Intergrades between rufus and terminalis occur in a band that extends from central Texas to east central Kansas at about the ninety-seventh parallel. Several hundred specimens have been collected from several dozen localities in a strip about 150 miles long that reaches from Dickenson County, Kansas, to Noble County, Oklahoma (Tasch and Zimmerman 1961). In that zone most of the specimens were more like rufus than terminalis in elytral pattern and genitalia. Some intermediates were almost always present in any sample, however; and on a few occasions in Harper, Kingman, and Sedgwick Counties, Kansas, the samples were almost entirely of the terminalis pattern and genitalia. The overlap in size and body proportions is great enough that it is not possible to recognize clearly an intermediate condition in length or in the ratio of pronotal width divided by length (Table 2). The mean values are, perhaps, closer to the bulk of rufus size means than to those of terminalis. Two large samples from Texas verify that the zone does continue southward below Oklahoma. In Texas there are also a sufficient number of samples to illustrate clearly that the zone is a narrow one that is probably less than 50 to 100 miles wide at the most.
Intergrades were not recognized soon enough in Kansas and Oklahoma to find how far westward the zone extends. In the western parts of those states, there is no evidence of intergradation. The limits of the range of both races occur in South Dakota where they are entirely allopatric (Zimmerman and Severin 1957). L. /. rufus is confined to the extreme southeastern corner of the state and terminalis to the southwestern one.
The situation between terminalis and fasciatus is more complex. Intergrades occur in a long narrow strip from Pima county, Arizona, along the west coast of Mexico to Nayarit and, perhaps, into Jalisco. In Arizona most terminalis populations occur without any evidence of intergradation with fasciatus, but the few specimens of fasciatus that have been taken and previously identified as apicalis (its synonym) show evidence of terminalis influence when closely examined. Farther south along the coast, the general hybridizing of the two races is more apparent in elytral pattern, genitalia, size, body proportions, and larger average size of the males over females (Table 2).
In Jalisco there is evidence that the two races occur with no intergradation. Not one intergrade has been found in more than 250 specimens from that state. In the usually diagnostic features of elytral pattern, male genitalia, size, and body proportion, the populations segregate into two distinct groups with no intermediates. One slight bit of evidence for intergradation, however, is that a very large number of fasciatus from the vicinity of Autlan (74 males and 92 females) have slightly larger mean values for length. The males are 4.80 mm and the females are 4.74 mm which approaches the values for terminalis populations. Usually the values are about 0.05 mm shorter in both cases for fasciatus.
On the east coast of Mexico, there is also some slight evidence of intergradation. In south Texas terminalis shows no influence from fasciatus or rufus. A few ( less than ten ) specimens of fasciatus individuals with terminalis characters have been recognized, however. Conversely, in southern Tamaulipas and northeastern tropical San Luis Potosi, fasciatus generally occurs without evidence of terminalis admixture; but occasional populations with intergrades do occur.
In all three instances, intergradation is clearly restricted to what could be considered to be intermediate ecological areas in which intergrades might be as well adapted as parental genotypes. Between rufus and terminalis the zone is in the ecotonal region between a humid region and an arid one. In both instances of intergradation between fasciatus and terminalis, the intergrades are between an arid temperate climate and a humid tropical one.
The range of fasciatus approaches rufus in Texas, but as yet there is no evidence of any contact between the two races. In some ways these two races show more affinity than either does with terminalis. They are more similar in elytral patterns, size, male genitalia, and ecological preferences. It is possible that originally these two were continuous while separated from terminalis; but, with the generally increasing aridity of the Southwest and Mexican Plateau, terminalis has increased its range more rapidly and has interposed between them so that it now serves as the link between the races. L. f. fasciatus X L. /. terminalis
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. — ARIZONA. Catalina Mtns., 2, xi.8.33, Kath. Thomas (ARI): Bear Canyon, 3 3,2 9, iii.26.46, J. W. Green (CAS). Santa Rita Mtns., Florida Canyon, 1 S, 1 2, xii.2.61, JRZ (NMSU). Tucson, 1 8, ix. — .28, F. H. Parker (CAS). Santa Cruz County. Nogales, 1 $,
iv.— .97 (CAS). CALIFORNIA. Riverside County. Riverside, 1 3, F. E. Winters (CAS). TEXAS. Kleberg County. Riviera, 1 9, ii.28.36, J. G. Needham (CNL). Not located. Eyle, 1 9, vi. 15.57, David Lauck (USNM).
MEXICO. — NAYARIT. Acaponeta, 8 m. NW., Rio de las Canyas, 1 3 , 1 9 , xii.25.58, H. B. Leech (CAS). San Bias, 7 3, 11 S, ix.17-20.53, B. Malkin (CAS); 1 9, ix.28.61, C. O. Morse (CAS); 5 m. E., 10 3 , 8 9, viii.31.62, JRZ (NMSU). Sierra de Zapotan, 1 3, 3 9, xi.— .42, Eugenio Paredes; Tepee, 18 m. NW., 4 9, xi.27.48; 20.5 m. NW., 1 3, xi.24.48, H. B. Leech (CAS). SAN LUIS POTOSI. Agua Zarca (near Platanito), 4 3,2 9, iii.25.63; Comoca, Rio Axtla, iii.23.63, JRZ (NMSU). C. del Maiz, 13,19, xi. 19.48, H. B. Leech (CAS). Guaymuchil (near Naranjo), 1 3, 2 9, iii.25.63; El Salto, 3 3 , 10 9 , iii.25.63, JRZ (NMSU) . Jitalpa, 1 9 , iii.23.63, JRZ (NMSU) . Palitla, 5 m. N. Tamazunchale, 4 3,29, xii.22.48, H. B. Leech (CAS) . Tamazunchale, 1 3, xii.30.47, Mulaik (CAS). Valles, 29 m. N., 13, viii. 19.54, F. N. Young (UMMZ). SINALOA. Concordia, 8 m. E., 1 3,1 9, xii.12.62; Culiacan, 10 m. N., 1 3, 8 9, viii.1.62, JRZ (NMSU). Elota, 6 3, 4 9, vi.27.56, R. & K. Dreisbach (MCHS); 1 m. S., 7 3, 7 9, viii.1.62, JRZ (NMSU). Guasave, 4 3,2 9, i.25.51, A. A. Hubert (CAS). Los Mochis, 6 3,6 9, vi.13.22, C. T. Dodds (CAS). Mazatlan, 7 3,7 9, viii.1.62; 27 3, 29 9, xii.11.62; 7 m. S., 9 3, 13 9, xii.11.62, JRZ (NMSU). Wolamo, 1 3, vi.27.56, R. & K. Dreisbach (MCHS). (Villa) Union, 13, 19, vi.28.56, R. & K. Dreisbach (MCHS). SONORA. Alamos, 1 9, ii.23.63, P. H. Arnaud, Jr. (CAS); 7 m. SE., 1 9, viii.12.60, P. H. Arnaud, E. S. Ross, D. C. Rentz (CAS). Guaymas, 3, ix.29.23, W. M. Mann (USNM); 1 3, ix.9.23, W. M. Mann (CAS). Hermosillo, 50 km. W., Rancho San Francisco, 3 3, viii.21.53, B. Malkin (CAS). Puerto Kino, 25 m. E., Rancho Montijo, 1 9, vii.23.50, J. P. Figg-Hoblyn (CAS). TAMAULIPAS. Antiguo Morelos, 1 9, iii.23.63; 3 m. N., 1 3, 2 9, iii.26.63; Near El Limon, 1 3, iii.24.63; Llera, Rio Guayalejo, 2 3,8 9, iii.23.63; 20 m. S., 2 9, iii.24.63; Nuevo Morelos,
1 3, iii.25.63; Ocampo, 2 3, iii.24.63, JRZ (NMSU).
L. f. rufus x L. f. terminalis
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. — KANSAS. Barber County. Isabel, 2 iv.14.52, D. R. Bell (USNM). Dickenson County. Mt. Hope, 4 m. S., 7 3 9 9, vii.8.60; 2 m. N., 3 3, 2 9, vii.15.60; Nr. Elmo, 11 3, 9 9, vii. 15.60
2 3, vi.11.58, JRZ (NMSU). Doniphan County. Wathena, 2 3, 1 9, C T. Brues (MCZ). Harper County. NE. corner of County, 7 3,3 9, vii.20.60 Danville, 2 m. S., 27 3 , 14 9, vii.20.60, JRZ (NMSU). Harvey County Newton, 3 m. S., 1 3, vi.21.58; 2 m. SE., 13,19, vi.21.58; 7 m. S., 3 3 2 9, viii. 12.59; 4 m. SE., 1 3, 10 9, viii.12.59; 3 m. E., 12 3, 5 9, vii.6.60 2 m. E., 1 3, 3 9, vii. 7.60; 4 3, 19, vii.6.60, JRZ (NMSU). Sedgwick
5 3,6 9, vii. 13.60; Walton, 5 m. S., 1 9, viii. 14.59, JRZ (NMSU). Kingman County. Murdock, 2 m. S., 4 3, 3 9, vii. 14.60; Waterloo, 5 m. E., 5 3, 2 9 vii. 14.60, JRZ (NMSU). Marion County. Hillsboro, 4 m. NE., 1 9, viii.9.60
6 m. NE., 1 3, viii.9.60; Nr. Marion, 5 3,7 9, viii.20.59; 2.5 m. NW., 1 3 viii.9.60, JRZ (NMSU). Reno County. Haven, 8 m. E., 7 3, 7 9, vii. 13.60 2 $, 7 5, vii.19.60; 4 m. S., 4 5, 5 2, vii.19.60, JRZ (NMSU). Sedgwick County. Cheney, 2 2, vi.5.58; Derby, 23 5 , 28 2, vi. 10.58; Kechi, 7 5, 10 2, viii. 10.59; Near Viola, 67 3, 42 2, viii.10.60; Near Bentley, 2 5,4 2, iv.11.58; St. Mary's, 1 m. S., 5 8, vii. 13.60; Wichita, 3 m. E., 37 5, 35 2, ix.28.57; 7 3,7 2, iii.31.58; 5 2, iv.26.58; 3 3,4 2, v.12.58; Wichita, 8 5,2 2, vi.9.58, JRZ (NMSU). Sumner County. Hunnewell, 14 5, 14 2, vi.22.60; 5 m. S., 1 5, 1 2, vi.22.60; South Haven, 4m.N,H, vi.23.60; 3 2, vi.21.60, JRZ (NMSU). OKLAHOMA. Kay County. Blackwell, 2 m. NW., 11 3, 10 2, vi.20.60; 3 m. SW., 2 5,3 2, vi. 30.60; 3 m. E., 1 2, vi.30.60; Braman, 2 3, 4 2, vi.20.60; 8 m. E., 2 2, vi.20.60; 4 m. W., 12, vi.27.60; 2.5 m. NW., 9 5,6 2, vi.28.60; 1.5 m. SW., 1 3, vi.28.60; Tonkawa, 1 m. S, 1 3, vi.23.60; 4 m. NW., 18 5, 7 2, vi.30.60, JRZ (NMSU). Noble County. Near Ceres,
3 5,4 2, vi.23.60; Perry, 3 m. N., 8 5, 9 2, vii.1.60; 4 m. E., 7 5 , 18 2, viii.1.60, JRZ (NMSU). TEXAS. Dallas County. Dallas, 2 5, Wickham (AMNH); 1 5, Leng, Van Dyke (CAS); 3, v.16.11, H. Pinkus; 1, Wickham (USNM); 15,12, Boll (MCHS); 15,12, Boll (NMSU); 11 5, 19 2, Boll (MCZ). Lee County. 1 (CNL); 6, J. D. Sherman, Jr. (USNM); 5 (USNM); Fedor, 1 5, v.26.09; 15,12, vi.— .— (MCZ).
bibliographic citation
Zimmerman, J.R. 1970. A Taxonomic Revision of the aquatic beetle genus Laccophilus (Dytiscidae) of North America. Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 26. Philadelphia, USA