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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
Ground Spiders
Cellular Organisms
Retrolateral tibial apophysis
Ground Spiders
Zelotes bharatae Gajbe 2005
Scientific Names
Preferred Names
Zelotes bharatae Gajbe 2005
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from World Spider Catalog in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Zelotes bharatae
Species recognized by
wikipedia NL
wikipedia RO
Zelotes bharatae
Gajbe 2005
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
, and
GBIF classification
Zelotes bharatae
Species recognized by
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Zelotes bharatae Gajbe 2005
Species recognized by
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) Taxonomic Hierarchy
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
, and
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Common Names
There are no common names associated with this taxon.
Curated hierarchies for Zelotes bharatae Gajbe 2005
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
Retrolateral tibial apophysis (Rta)
Zelotes bharatae Gajbe 2005
(this page)
Zelotes aiken Platnick & Shadab 1983
Zelotes albomaculatus (O. Pickard-Cambridge 1901)
Zelotes aridus (Purcell 1907)
Zelotes ashae Tikader & Gajbe 1976
Zelotes atlanticus (Simon 1909)
Zelotes bajo Platnick & Shadab 1983
Zelotes balcanicus Deltshev 2006
Zelotes baltistanus Caporiacco 1934
Zelotes bastardi (Simon 1896)
Zelotes bokerensis Levy 1998
Zelotes callidus (Simon 1878)
Zelotes cantonensis Platnick & Song 1986
Zelotes caprearum (Pavesi 1875)
Zelotes caracasanus (Simon 1893)
Zelotes caspius Ponomarev & Tsvetkov 2006
Zelotes cassinensis Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes catholicus Chamberlin 1924
Zelotes coeruleus (Holmberg 1876)
Zelotes cordiger (L. Koch 1875)
Zelotes corrugatus (Purcell 1907)
Zelotes cyanescens Simon 1914
Zelotes denapes Platnick 1993
Zelotes egregioides Senglet 2011
Zelotes erebeus (Thorell 1871)
Zelotes eremus Levy 1998
Zelotes eskovi Zhang & Song 2001
Zelotes exiguoides Platnick & Shadab 1983
Zelotes faisalabadensis Butt & Beg 2004
Zelotes femellus (L. Koch 1866)
Zelotes flexuosus Kamura 1999
Zelotes florisbad Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes foresta Platnick & Shadab 1983
Zelotes fulvaster (Simon 1878)
Zelotes fuscimanus (Kroneberg 1875)
Zelotes fuscorufus (Simon 1878)
Zelotes fuscus (Thorell 1875)
Zelotes fuzeta Wunderlich 2011
Zelotes gabriel Platnick & Shadab 1983
Zelotes gertschi Platnick & Shadab 1983
Zelotes gladius Kamura 1999
Zelotes griswoldi Platnick & Shadab 1983
Zelotes guineanus (Simon 1907)
Zelotes harmeron Levy 2009
Zelotes haroni Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes helicoides Chatzaki 2010
Zelotes hentzi Barrows 1945
Zelotes hermani (Chyzer 1897)
Zelotes hirtus (Thorell 1875)
Zelotes humilis (Purcell 1907)
Zelotes illustris Butt & Beg 2004
Zelotes inglenook Platnick & Shadab 1983
Zelotes ivieorum Platnick & Shadab 1983
Zelotes katombora Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes keumjeungsanensis Paik 1986
Zelotes kumazomba Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes kuntzi Denis 1953
Zelotes kusumae Tikader 1982
Zelotes latreillei (Simon 1878)
Zelotes liaoi Platnick & Song 1986
Zelotes lubumbashi Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes maccaricus Di Franco 1998
Zelotes mediocris (Kulczyński 1901)
Zelotes meronensis Levy 1998
Zelotes minous Chatzaki 2003
Zelotes mundus (Kulczyński 1897)
Zelotes murphyorum Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes musapi Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes namaquus Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes naphthalii Levy 2009
Zelotes nasikensis Tikader & Gajbe 1976
Zelotes natalensis Tucker 1923
Zelotes occidentalis Melic 2014
Zelotes occultus Tuneva & Esyunin 2003
Zelotes oryx (Simon 1880)
Zelotes otavi Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes pakistaniensis Butt & Beg 2004
Zelotes pedimaculosus Tucker 1923
Zelotes poecilochroaeformis Denis 1937
Zelotes poonaensis Tikader & Gajbe 1976
Zelotes pseudogallicus Ponomarev 2007
Zelotes remyi Denis 1954
Zelotes rufi Esyunin & Efimik 1997
Zelotes rugege Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes sclateri Tucker 1923
Zelotes shaked Levy 1998
Zelotes shantae Tikader 1982
Zelotes singroboensis Jézéquel 1965
Zelotes songus Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes subterraneus (C. L. Koch 1833)
Zelotes swelus Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes talpinus (L. Koch 1872)
Zelotes tortuosus Kamura 1987
Zelotes tropicalis Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes ubicki Platnick & Shadab 1983
Zelotes union Platnick & Shadab 1983
Zelotes wallacei Melic, Silva & Barrientos 2016
Zelotes wunderlichi Blick 2017
Zelotes xerophilus Levy 1998
Zelotes yinae Platnick & Song 1986
Zelotes zonognathus (Purcell 1907)
297 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Zelotes bharatae Gajbe 2005
(this page)
Zelotes apricorum (L. Koch 1876)
Zelotes argoliensis (C. L. Koch 1839)
Zelotes aridus (Purcell 1907)
Zelotes arnoldii Charitonov 1946
Zelotes ashae Tikader & Gajbe 1976
Zelotes asiaticus (Bösenberg & Strand 1906)
Zelotes atlanticus (Simon 1909)
Zelotes aurantiacus Miller 1967
Zelotes azsheganovae Esyunin & Efimik 1992
Zelotes babunaensis (Drensky 1929)
Zelotes bajo Platnick & Shadab 1983
Zelotes balcanicus Deltshev 2006
Zelotes baltistanus Caporiacco 1934
Zelotes baltoroi Caporiacco 1934
Zelotes bambari Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes banana Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes barbarus (Simon 1885)
Zelotes barkol Platnick & Song 1986
Zelotes bashaneus Levy 1998
Zelotes bassari Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes bastardi (Simon 1896)
Zelotes berytensis (Simon 1884)
Zelotes bicolor Hu & Wu 1989
Zelotes bifukaensis Kamura 2000
Zelotes bifurcutis Zhang, Zhu & Tso 2009
Zelotes birmanicus (Simon 1884)
Zelotes bokerensis Levy 1998
Zelotes boluensis Wunderlich 2011
Zelotes bozbalus Roewer 1961
Zelotes brennanorum Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes broomi (Purcell 1907)
Zelotes butembo Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes calactinus Di Franco 1989
Zelotes caldarius (Purcell 1907)
Zelotes callidus (Simon 1878)
Zelotes cantonensis Platnick & Song 1986
Zelotes capensis Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes capiliae Barrion & Litsinger 1995
Zelotes caprearum (Pavesi 1875)
Zelotes caprivi Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes capsula Tucker 1923
Zelotes caracasanus (Simon 1893)
Zelotes caspius Ponomarev & Tsvetkov 2006
Zelotes catholicus Chamberlin 1924
Zelotes cayucos Platnick & Shadab 1983
Zelotes chandosiensis Tikader & Gajbe 1976
Zelotes chaniaensis Senglet 2011
Zelotes chinguli Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes chotorus Roewer 1961
Zelotes choubeyi Tikader & Gajbe 1979
Zelotes cingarus (O. Pickard-Cambridge 1874)
Zelotes clivicola (L. Koch 1870)
Zelotes coeruleus (Holmberg 1876)
Zelotes cordiger (L. Koch 1875)
Zelotes cordubensis Senglet 2011
Zelotes cornipalpus Melic, Silva & Barrientos 2016
Zelotes creticus (Kulczyński 1903)
Zelotes criniger Denis 1937
Zelotes cruz Platnick & Shadab 1983
Zelotes cyanescens Simon 1914
Zelotes davidi (Simon 1884)
Zelotes davidi Schenkel 1963
Zelotes devotus Grimm 1982
Zelotes discens Chamberlin 1922
Zelotes distinctissimus Caporiacco 1929
Zelotes doddieburni Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes donan Kamura 1999
Zelotes donnanae Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes duplex Chamberlin 1922
Zelotes egregioides Senglet 2011
Zelotes egregius Simon 1914
Zelotes electus (C. L. Koch 1839)
Zelotes erebeus (Thorell 1871)
Zelotes ernsti (Simon 1893)
Zelotes erythrocephalus (Lucas 1846)
Zelotes eskovi Zhang & Song 2001
Zelotes exiguoides Platnick & Shadab 1983
Zelotes exiguus (Müller & Schenkel 1895)
Zelotes fagei Denis 1955
Zelotes faisalabadensis Butt & Beg 2004
Zelotes femellus (L. Koch 1866)
Zelotes flabellis Zhang, Zhu & Tso 2009
Zelotes flagellans (L. Koch 1882)
Zelotes flavens (L. Koch 1873)
Zelotes flavimanus (C. L. Koch 1839)
Zelotes flavitarsis (Purcell 1908)
Zelotes florisbad Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes foresta Platnick & Shadab 1983
Zelotes fratris Chamberlin 1920
Zelotes frenchi Tucker 1923
Zelotes fuligineus (Purcell 1907)
Zelotes fulvaster (Simon 1878)
Zelotes fulvopilosus (Simon 1878)
Zelotes funestus (Keyserling 1887)
Zelotes fuscimanus (Kroneberg 1875)
Zelotes fuscorufus (Simon 1878)
Zelotes fuscus (Thorell 1875)
Zelotes fuzeta Wunderlich 2011
Zelotes gallicus Simon 1914
Zelotes galunae Levy 1998
296 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Zelotes bharatae Gajbe 2005
(this page)
Zelotes aiken Platnick & Shadab 1983
Zelotes albomaculatus (O. Pickard-Cambridge 1901)
Zelotes aridus (Purcell 1907)
Zelotes ashae Tikader & Gajbe 1976
Zelotes atlanticus (Simon 1909)
Zelotes bajo Platnick & Shadab 1983
Zelotes balcanicus Deltshev 2006
Zelotes baltistanus Caporiacco 1934
Zelotes bastardi (Simon 1896)
Zelotes bokerensis Levy 1998
Zelotes callidus (Simon 1878)
Zelotes cantonensis Platnick & Song 1986
Zelotes caprearum (Pavesi 1875)
Zelotes caracasanus (Simon 1893)
Zelotes caspius Ponomarev & Tsvetkov 2006
Zelotes cassinensis Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes catholicus Chamberlin 1924
Zelotes coeruleus (Holmberg 1876)
Zelotes cordiger (L. Koch 1875)
Zelotes corrugatus (Purcell 1907)
Zelotes cyanescens Simon 1914
Zelotes denapes Platnick 1993
Zelotes egregioides Senglet 2011
Zelotes erebeus (Thorell 1871)
Zelotes eremus Levy 1998
Zelotes eskovi Zhang & Song 2001
Zelotes exiguoides Platnick & Shadab 1983
Zelotes faisalabadensis Butt & Beg 2004
Zelotes femellus (L. Koch 1866)
Zelotes flexuosus Kamura 1999
Zelotes florisbad Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes foresta Platnick & Shadab 1983
Zelotes fulvaster (Simon 1878)
Zelotes fuscimanus (Kroneberg 1875)
Zelotes fuscorufus (Simon 1878)
Zelotes fuscus (Thorell 1875)
Zelotes fuzeta Wunderlich 2011
Zelotes gabriel Platnick & Shadab 1983
Zelotes gertschi Platnick & Shadab 1983
Zelotes gladius Kamura 1999
Zelotes griswoldi Platnick & Shadab 1983
Zelotes guineanus (Simon 1907)
Zelotes harmeron Levy 2009
Zelotes haroni Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes helicoides Chatzaki 2010
Zelotes hentzi Barrows 1945
Zelotes hermani (Chyzer 1897)
Zelotes hirtus (Thorell 1875)
Zelotes humilis (Purcell 1907)
Zelotes illustris Butt & Beg 2004
Zelotes inglenook Platnick & Shadab 1983
Zelotes ivieorum Platnick & Shadab 1983
Zelotes katombora Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes keumjeungsanensis Paik 1986
Zelotes kumazomba Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes kuntzi Denis 1953
Zelotes kusumae Tikader 1982
Zelotes latreillei (Simon 1878)
Zelotes liaoi Platnick & Song 1986
Zelotes lubumbashi Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes maccaricus Di Franco 1998
Zelotes mediocris (Kulczyński 1901)
Zelotes meronensis Levy 1998
Zelotes minous Chatzaki 2003
Zelotes mundus (Kulczyński 1897)
Zelotes murphyorum Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes musapi Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes namaquus Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes naphthalii Levy 2009
Zelotes nasikensis Tikader & Gajbe 1976
Zelotes natalensis Tucker 1923
Zelotes occidentalis Melic 2014
Zelotes occultus Tuneva & Esyunin 2003
Zelotes oryx (Simon 1880)
Zelotes otavi Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes pakistaniensis Butt & Beg 2004
Zelotes pedimaculosus Tucker 1923
Zelotes poecilochroaeformis Denis 1937
Zelotes poonaensis Tikader & Gajbe 1976
Zelotes pseudogallicus Ponomarev 2007
Zelotes remyi Denis 1954
Zelotes rufi Esyunin & Efimik 1997
Zelotes rugege Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes sclateri Tucker 1923
Zelotes shaked Levy 1998
Zelotes shantae Tikader 1982
Zelotes singroboensis Jézéquel 1965
Zelotes songus Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes subterraneus (C. L. Koch 1833)
Zelotes swelus Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes talpinus (L. Koch 1872)
Zelotes tortuosus Kamura 1987
Zelotes tropicalis Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes ubicki Platnick & Shadab 1983
Zelotes union Platnick & Shadab 1983
Zelotes wallacei Melic, Silva & Barrientos 2016
Zelotes wunderlichi Blick 2017
Zelotes xerophilus Levy 1998
Zelotes yinae Platnick & Song 1986
Zelotes zonognathus (Purcell 1907)
297 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Cellular Organisms
Retrolateral tibial apophysis (Rta) clade
Zelotes bharatae Gajbe 2005
(this page)
Zelotes aiken Platnick & Shadab 1983
Zelotes albomaculatus (O. Pickard-Cambridge 1901)
Zelotes aridus (Purcell 1907)
Zelotes ashae Tikader & Gajbe 1976
Zelotes atlanticus (Simon 1909)
Zelotes bajo Platnick & Shadab 1983
Zelotes balcanicus Deltshev 2006
Zelotes baltistanus Caporiacco 1934
Zelotes bastardi (Simon 1896)
Zelotes bokerensis Levy 1998
Zelotes callidus (Simon 1878)
Zelotes cantonensis Platnick & Song 1986
Zelotes caprearum (Pavesi 1875)
Zelotes caracasanus (Simon 1893)
Zelotes caspius Ponomarev & Tsvetkov 2006
Zelotes cassinensis Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes catholicus Chamberlin 1924
Zelotes coeruleus (Holmberg 1876)
Zelotes cordiger (L. Koch 1875)
Zelotes corrugatus (Purcell 1907)
Zelotes cyanescens Simon 1914
Zelotes denapes Platnick 1993
Zelotes egregioides Senglet 2011
Zelotes erebeus (Thorell 1871)
Zelotes eremus Levy 1998
Zelotes eskovi Zhang & Song 2001
Zelotes exiguoides Platnick & Shadab 1983
Zelotes faisalabadensis Butt & Beg 2004
Zelotes femellus (L. Koch 1866)
Zelotes flexuosus Kamura 1999
Zelotes florisbad Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes foresta Platnick & Shadab 1983
Zelotes fulvaster (Simon 1878)
Zelotes fuscimanus (Kroneberg 1875)
Zelotes fuscorufus (Simon 1878)
Zelotes fuscus (Thorell 1875)
Zelotes fuzeta Wunderlich 2011
Zelotes gabriel Platnick & Shadab 1983
Zelotes gertschi Platnick & Shadab 1983
Zelotes gladius Kamura 1999
Zelotes griswoldi Platnick & Shadab 1983
Zelotes guineanus (Simon 1907)
Zelotes harmeron Levy 2009
Zelotes haroni Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes helicoides Chatzaki 2010
Zelotes hentzi Barrows 1945
Zelotes hermani (Chyzer 1897)
Zelotes hirtus (Thorell 1875)
Zelotes humilis (Purcell 1907)
Zelotes illustris Butt & Beg 2004
Zelotes inglenook Platnick & Shadab 1983
Zelotes ivieorum Platnick & Shadab 1983
Zelotes katombora Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes keumjeungsanensis Paik 1986
Zelotes kumazomba Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes kuntzi Denis 1953
Zelotes kusumae Tikader 1982
Zelotes latreillei (Simon 1878)
Zelotes liaoi Platnick & Song 1986
Zelotes lubumbashi Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes maccaricus Di Franco 1998
Zelotes mediocris (Kulczyński 1901)
Zelotes meronensis Levy 1998
Zelotes minous Chatzaki 2003
Zelotes mundus (Kulczyński 1897)
Zelotes murphyorum Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes musapi Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes namaquus Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes naphthalii Levy 2009
Zelotes nasikensis Tikader & Gajbe 1976
Zelotes natalensis Tucker 1923
Zelotes occidentalis Melic 2014
Zelotes occultus Tuneva & Esyunin 2003
Zelotes oryx (Simon 1880)
Zelotes otavi Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes pakistaniensis Butt & Beg 2004
Zelotes pedimaculosus Tucker 1923
Zelotes poecilochroaeformis Denis 1937
Zelotes poonaensis Tikader & Gajbe 1976
Zelotes pseudogallicus Ponomarev 2007
Zelotes remyi Denis 1954
Zelotes rufi Esyunin & Efimik 1997
Zelotes rugege Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes sclateri Tucker 1923
Zelotes shaked Levy 1998
Zelotes shantae Tikader 1982
Zelotes singroboensis Jézéquel 1965
Zelotes songus Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes subterraneus (C. L. Koch 1833)
Zelotes swelus Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes talpinus (L. Koch 1872)
Zelotes tortuosus Kamura 1987
Zelotes tropicalis Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes ubicki Platnick & Shadab 1983
Zelotes union Platnick & Shadab 1983
Zelotes wallacei Melic, Silva & Barrientos 2016
Zelotes wunderlichi Blick 2017
Zelotes xerophilus Levy 1998
Zelotes yinae Platnick & Song 1986
Zelotes zonognathus (Purcell 1907)
297 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Zelotes bharatae Gajbe 2005
(this page)
Zelotes aiken Platnick & Shadab 1983
Zelotes albomaculatus (O. Pickard-Cambridge 1901)
Zelotes aridus (Purcell 1907)
Zelotes ashae Tikader & Gajbe 1976
Zelotes atlanticus (Simon 1909)
Zelotes bajo Platnick & Shadab 1983
Zelotes balcanicus Deltshev 2006
Zelotes baltistanus Caporiacco 1934
Zelotes bastardi (Simon 1896)
Zelotes bokerensis Levy 1998
Zelotes callidus (Simon 1878)
Zelotes cantonensis Platnick & Song 1986
Zelotes caprearum (Pavesi 1875)
Zelotes caracasanus (Simon 1893)
Zelotes caspius Ponomarev & Tsvetkov 2006
Zelotes cassinensis Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes catholicus Chamberlin 1924
Zelotes coeruleus (Holmberg 1876)
Zelotes cordiger (L. Koch 1875)
Zelotes corrugatus (Purcell 1907)
Zelotes cyanescens Simon 1914
Zelotes denapes Platnick 1993
Zelotes egregioides Senglet 2011
Zelotes erebeus (Thorell 1871)
Zelotes eremus Levy 1998
Zelotes eskovi Zhang & Song 2001
Zelotes exiguoides Platnick & Shadab 1983
Zelotes faisalabadensis Butt & Beg 2004
Zelotes femellus (L. Koch 1866)
Zelotes flexuosus Kamura 1999
Zelotes florisbad Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes foresta Platnick & Shadab 1983
Zelotes fulvaster (Simon 1878)
Zelotes fuscimanus (Kroneberg 1875)
Zelotes fuscorufus (Simon 1878)
Zelotes fuscus (Thorell 1875)
Zelotes fuzeta Wunderlich 2011
Zelotes gabriel Platnick & Shadab 1983
Zelotes gertschi Platnick & Shadab 1983
Zelotes gladius Kamura 1999
Zelotes griswoldi Platnick & Shadab 1983
Zelotes guineanus (Simon 1907)
Zelotes harmeron Levy 2009
Zelotes haroni Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes helicoides Chatzaki 2010
Zelotes hentzi Barrows 1945
Zelotes hermani (Chyzer 1897)
Zelotes hirtus (Thorell 1875)
Zelotes humilis (Purcell 1907)
Zelotes illustris Butt & Beg 2004
Zelotes inglenook Platnick & Shadab 1983
Zelotes ivieorum Platnick & Shadab 1983
Zelotes katombora Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes keumjeungsanensis Paik 1986
Zelotes kumazomba Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes kuntzi Denis 1953
Zelotes kusumae Tikader 1982
Zelotes latreillei (Simon 1878)
Zelotes liaoi Platnick & Song 1986
Zelotes lubumbashi Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes maccaricus Di Franco 1998
Zelotes mediocris (Kulczyński 1901)
Zelotes meronensis Levy 1998
Zelotes minous Chatzaki 2003
Zelotes mundus (Kulczyński 1897)
Zelotes murphyorum Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes musapi Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes namaquus Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes naphthalii Levy 2009
Zelotes nasikensis Tikader & Gajbe 1976
Zelotes natalensis Tucker 1923
Zelotes occidentalis Melic 2014
Zelotes occultus Tuneva & Esyunin 2003
Zelotes oryx (Simon 1880)
Zelotes otavi Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes pakistaniensis Butt & Beg 2004
Zelotes pedimaculosus Tucker 1923
Zelotes poecilochroaeformis Denis 1937
Zelotes poonaensis Tikader & Gajbe 1976
Zelotes pseudogallicus Ponomarev 2007
Zelotes remyi Denis 1954
Zelotes rufi Esyunin & Efimik 1997
Zelotes rugege Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes sclateri Tucker 1923
Zelotes shaked Levy 1998
Zelotes shantae Tikader 1982
Zelotes singroboensis Jézéquel 1965
Zelotes songus Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes subterraneus (C. L. Koch 1833)
Zelotes swelus Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes talpinus (L. Koch 1872)
Zelotes tortuosus Kamura 1987
Zelotes tropicalis Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes ubicki Platnick & Shadab 1983
Zelotes union Platnick & Shadab 1983
Zelotes wallacei Melic, Silva & Barrientos 2016
Zelotes wunderlichi Blick 2017
Zelotes xerophilus Levy 1998
Zelotes yinae Platnick & Song 1986
Zelotes zonognathus (Purcell 1907)
297 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
GBIF classification
Zelotes Gistel 1848
Zelotes bharatae Gajbe 2005
(this page)
Zelotes abdurakhmanovi Ponomarev 2018
Zelotes acarnanicus Lissner & Chatzaki 2018
Zelotes aeneus (Simon 1878)
Zelotes aerosus Charitonov 1946
Zelotes altissimus Hu 1989
Zelotes apricorum (L. Koch 1876)
Zelotes argoliensis (C. L. Koch 1839)
Zelotes atrocaeruleus (Simon 1878)
Zelotes aurantiacus Miller 1967
Zelotes azsheganovae Esyunin & Efimik 1992
Zelotes balcanicus Deltshev 2006
Zelotes bassari Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes bimaculatus (C. L. Koch 1837)
Zelotes bozbalus Roewer 1961
Zelotes calactinus Di Franco 1989
Zelotes callidus (Simon 1878)
Zelotes caprearum (Pavesi 1875)
Zelotes chinguli Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes chotorus Roewer 1961
Zelotes cingarus (O. Pickard-Cambridge 1874)
Zelotes clivicola (L. Koch 1870)
Zelotes cordiger (L. Koch 1875)
Zelotes creticus (Kulczyński 1903)
Zelotes criniger Denis 1937
Zelotes cyanescens Simon 1914
Zelotes daidalus Chatzaki 2003
Zelotes davidi Schenkel 1963
Zelotes denapes Platnick 1993
Zelotes devotus Grimm 1982
Zelotes distinctissimus Caporiacco 1929
Zelotes egregius Simon 1914
Zelotes electus (C. L. Koch 1839)
Zelotes erebeus (Thorell 1871)
Zelotes exiguus (Müller & Schenkel 1895)
Zelotes fallax Tuneva & Esyunin 2003
Zelotes femellus (L. Koch 1866)
Zelotes flagellans (L. Koch 1882)
Zelotes flavimanus (C. L. Koch 1839)
Zelotes flavitarsis (Purcell 1908)
Zelotes fulvaster (Simon 1878)
Zelotes fulvopilosus (Simon 1878)
Zelotes fuscorufus (Simon 1878)
Zelotes fuscus (Thorell 1875)
Zelotes gallicus Simon 1914
Zelotes graecus (L. Koch 1867)
Zelotes hayashii Kamura 1987
Zelotes hermani (Chyzer 1897)
Zelotes hirtus (Thorell 1875)
Zelotes insulanus (L. Koch 1867)
Zelotes invidus (Purcell 1907)
Zelotes kuncinyanus Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes laetus (O. Pickard-Cambridge 1872)
Zelotes latreillei (Simon 1878)
Zelotes longestylus Simon 1914
Zelotes longipes (L. Koch 1866)
Zelotes maccaricus Di Franco 1998
Zelotes manius (Simon 1878)
Zelotes manzae (Strand 1908)
Zelotes mediocris (Kulczyński 1901)
Zelotes messinai Di Franco 1995
Zelotes mikhailovi Marusik 1995
Zelotes minous Chatzaki 2003
Zelotes mundus (Kulczyński 1897)
Zelotes murcidus Simon 1914
Zelotes nyathii Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes oblongus (C. L. Koch 1833)
Zelotes ocala Platnick & Shadab 1983
Zelotes occultus Tuneva & Esyunin 2003
Zelotes olympi (Kulczyński 1903)
Zelotes orenburgensis Tuneva & Esyunin 2003
Zelotes paroculus Simon 1914
Zelotes petrensis (C. L. Koch 1839)
Zelotes piceus (Kroneberg 1875)
Zelotes plumiger (L. Koch 1882)
Zelotes pluridentatus Marinaro 1967
Zelotes potanini Schenkel 1963
Zelotes puritanus Chamberlin 1922
Zelotes pyrenaeus Di Franco & Blick 2003
Zelotes reimoseri Roewer 1951
Zelotes rufi Esyunin & Efimik 1997
Zelotes sarawakensis (Thorell 1890)
Zelotes sardus (Canestrini 1873)
Zelotes scrutatus (O. Pickard-Cambridge 1872)
Zelotes segrex (Simon 1878)
Zelotes siculus (Simon 1878)
Zelotes similis (Kulczyński 1887)
Zelotes sindi Caporiacco 1934
Zelotes songus Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes spadix (L. Koch 1866)
Zelotes strandi (Nosek 1905)
Zelotes subterraneus (C. L. Koch 1833)
Zelotes talpinus (L. Koch 1872)
Zelotes tenuis (L. Koch 1866)
Zelotes thorelli Simon 1914
Zelotes tristis (Thorell 1871)
Zelotes tuobus Chamberlin 1919
Zelotes uquathus Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes vespertinus (Thorell 1875)
Zelotes zellensis Grimm 1982
Zelotes zhui Yang & Tang 2003
308 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) Taxonomic Hierarchy
Gnaphosidae Pocock 1898
Zelotes Gistel 1848
Zelotes bharatae Gajbe 2005
(this page)
Zelotes abdurakhmanovi Ponomarev 2018
Zelotes acapulcoanus Gertsch & Davis 1940
Zelotes acarnanicus Lissner & Chatzaki 2018
Zelotes adderet Levy 2009
Zelotes aeneus (Simon 1878)
Zelotes aerosus Charitonov 1946
Zelotes aestus (Tucker 1923)
Zelotes aiken Platnick & Shadab 1983
Zelotes albanicus (Hewitt 1915)
Zelotes albomaculatus (O. Pickard-Cambridge 1901)
Zelotes alpujarraensis Senglet 2011
Zelotes altissimus Hu 1989
Zelotes anchoralis Denis 1958
Zelotes andreinii Reimoser 1937
Zelotes anglo Gertsch & Riechert 1976
Zelotes angolensis Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes annamarieae Lissner 2017
Zelotes anthereus Chamberlin 1936
Zelotes apricorum (L. Koch 1876)
Zelotes argoliensis (C. L. Koch 1839)
Zelotes aridus (Purcell 1907)
Zelotes arnoldii Charitonov 1946
Zelotes ashae Tikader & Gajbe 1976
Zelotes asiaticus (Bösenberg & Strand 1906)
Zelotes atlanticus (Simon 1909)
Zelotes atrocaeruleus (Simon 1878)
Zelotes aurantiacus Miller 1967
Zelotes azsheganovae Esyunin & Efimik 1992
Zelotes babunaensis (Drensky 1929)
Zelotes baeticus Senglet 2011
Zelotes bajo Platnick & Shadab 1983
Zelotes balcanicus Deltshev 2006
Zelotes baltistanus Caporiacco 1934
Zelotes baltoroi Caporiacco 1934
Zelotes bambari Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes banana Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes barbarus (Simon 1885)
Zelotes barkol Platnick & Song 1986
Zelotes bashaneus Levy 1998
Zelotes bassari Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes bastardi (Simon 1896)
Zelotes beijianensis Hu & Wu 1989
Zelotes berytensis (Simon 1884)
Zelotes bicolor Hu & Wu 1989
Zelotes bifukaensis Kamura 2000
Zelotes bifurcutis Zhang, Zhu & Tso 2009
Zelotes bimaculatus (C. L. Koch 1837)
Zelotes birmanicus (Simon 1884)
Zelotes bokerensis Levy 1998
Zelotes boluensis Wunderlich 2011
Zelotes bozbalus Roewer 1961
Zelotes brennanorum Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes broomi (Purcell 1907)
Zelotes butarensis Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes butembo Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes calactinus Di Franco 1989
Zelotes caldarius (Purcell 1907)
Zelotes callidus (Simon 1878)
Zelotes cantonensis Platnick & Song 1986
Zelotes capensis Fitz Patrick 2007
Zelotes capiliae Barrion & Litsinger 1995
Zelotes caprearum (Pavesi 1875)
Zelotes chaniaensis Senglet 2011
Zelotes cordubensis Senglet 2011
Zelotes cornipalpus Melic, Silva & Barrientos 2016
Zelotes dagestanus Ponomarev 2019
Zelotes duplex Chamberlin 1922
Zelotes egregioides Senglet 2011
Zelotes exiguoides Platnick & Shadab 1983
Zelotes fratris Chamberlin 1920
Zelotes fuzeta Wunderlich 2011
Zelotes galunae Levy 1998
Zelotes helicoides Chatzaki 2010
Zelotes henderickxi Bosselaers 2012
Zelotes hentzi Barrows 1945
Zelotes hispaliensis Senglet 2011
Zelotes josephine Platnick & Shadab 1983
Zelotes laccus (Barrows 1919)
Zelotes laconicus Senglet 2011
Zelotes lasalanus Chamberlin 1928
Zelotes limnatis Chatzaki & Russell-Smith 2017
Zelotes metellus Roewer 1928
Zelotes nishikawai Kamura 2010
Zelotes occidentalis Melic 2014
Zelotes paraegregius Wunderlich 2012
Zelotes pediculatoides Senglet 2011
Zelotes prishutovae Ponomarev & Tsvetkov 2006
Zelotes pullus (Bryant 1936)
Zelotes puritanus Chamberlin 1922
Zelotes rainier Platnick & Shadab 1983
Zelotes rinske van Helsdingen 2012
Zelotes serratus Wunderlich 2011
Zelotes spilosus Yin 2012
Zelotes sula Lowrie & Gertsch 1955
Zelotes tambaramensis Caleb & Mathai 2013
Zelotes tuobus Chamberlin 1919
Zelotes turcicus Seyyar, Demir & Aktas 2010
Zelotes uronesae Melic 2014
Zelotes wallacei Melic, Silva & Barrientos 2016
Zelotes wunderlichi Blick 2017
299 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Zelotes bharatae
(this page)
Zelotes adderet
Zelotes aestus
Zelotes albanicus
Zelotes albomaculatus
Zelotes alpujarraensis
Zelotes anatolyi
Zelotes annamarieae
Zelotes atrocaeruleus
Zelotes aurantiacus
Zelotes baeticus
Zelotes bajo
Zelotes baltoroi
Zelotes beijiangensis
Zelotes bokerensis
Zelotes brennanorum
Zelotes butembo
Zelotes caprivi
Zelotes chandosiensis
Zelotes chotorus
Zelotes civicus
Zelotes cordubensis
Zelotes cumensis
Zelotes dagestanus
Zelotes davidi
Zelotes donan
Zelotes egregioides
Zelotes electus
Zelotes exiguoides
Zelotes exiguus
Zelotes flagellans
Zelotes florisbad
Zelotes florodes
Zelotes foresta
Zelotes foveolata
Zelotes fratris
Zelotes galuni
Zelotes gooldi
Zelotes gracilis
Zelotes gynethus
Zelotes harmeron
Zelotes hayashii
Zelotes hierosolymitanus
Zelotes hispaliensis
Zelotes hospitus
Zelotes hummeli
Zelotes hyrcanus
Zelotes incisupalpis
Zelotes invidus
Zelotes itandae
Zelotes joannisi
Zelotes josephine
Zelotes kazachstanicus
Zelotes keumjeungsanensis
Zelotes khatlonicus
Zelotes kuncinyanus
Zelotes longestylus
Zelotes longipes
Zelotes maccaricus
Zelotes mandlaensis
Zelotes meinsohni
Zelotes nainitalensis
Zelotes nannodes
Zelotes naphthalii
Zelotes ngomensis
Zelotes nilgirinus
Zelotes nyathii
Zelotes occidentalis
Zelotes pakistaniensis
Zelotes pallidipatellis
Zelotes paranaensis
Zelotes pedestris
Zelotes pediculatoides
Zelotes piercy
Zelotes pinos
Zelotes pseustes
Zelotes quipungo
Zelotes rothschildi
Zelotes rufipes
Zelotes rungwensis
Zelotes ruscinensis
Zelotes sajali
Zelotes santos
Zelotes sarawakensis
Zelotes shaked
Zelotes shantae
Zelotes sindi
Zelotes subterraneus
Zelotes swelus
Zelotes tarsalis
Zelotes tristis
Zelotes tuckeri
Zelotes ubicki
Zelotes uronesae
Zelotes vastus
Zelotes wunderlichi
Zelotes x-notatus
Zelotes yutian
Zelotes zekharya
Zelotes zhengi
Zelotes zin
362 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.