Description: English: John Blackwall, F.L.S., A History of the Spiders of Great Britain and Ireland. London: Published for the Ray Society by Robert Hardwicke 1861-1864 Plate IX
text 88. Ciniflo atrox Walck., = Amaurobius fenestralis (Stroem.) 89. Ciniflo similis Bl., = Amaurobius similis (Bl.) 90. Ciniflo ferox Walck., = Amaurobious ferox (Walck.) 91. Ciniflo mordax Bl., = Amaurobius ferox (Walck.) 92. Ciniflo humilis Bl., = Lathys humilis (Bl.) 93. Ergatis benigna Bl., = Dictyna arundinacea (Linn.) 94. Ergatis pallens Bl., = Nigma puella (Simon) 95. Ergatis latens Fabr., = Dictyna latens (Fabr.). Date: 1861. Source: Author: John Blackwall.