Yanqin Xu, Linjian Liu, Shaoxiong Liu, Yiming He, Renqing Li, Fei Ge
Figure 1.
The flower colour variations of different populations of E.acuminatum. A SCMP, mainly yellow B SCSL, mainly yellow, occasionally purple-yellow at the base of petals C CQNC, mainly yellow, occasionally rose-purple D SCSS, from yellow to purple E SCEM, mainly purple, occasionally purple-yellow F SCYJ, mainly purple, occasionally purple-yellow G Individual with yellow flowers H Individual with purple-yellow flowers I Individual with purple flowers.
Botanisk Have Århus
Yanqin Xu, Linjian Liu, Shaoxiong Liu, Yiming He, Renqing Li, Fei Ge
Figure 2.
Geographical variation in flower colour patterns within E.acuminatum. The circles and boxes represent wild populations and herbarium specimens, respectively. The colour of the circles and boxes represent flower colour. The 19 population codes are shown in Table 1. The left area of the red dotted line is western China. The information of 23 representative herbarium specimens is as follow: 1. B. Y. Peng 47070; 2. B. L. Guo 0540; 3. B. L. Guo 0608; 4. B. L. Guo 0607; 5. Sichuan Econ. Pl. Exped. 0013; 6. F. T. Wang 23329; 7. G. H. Yang 54343; 8. K. Y. Lang 3002; 9. Sichuan Econ. Pl. Exped. 0030; 10. T. C. Pan & G. F. Wu 105; 11. Sanxia Exped. 0729; 12. Sanxia Exped. 0821; 13. K. J. Guan et al. 0273; 14. X. B. Zhang 19; 15. Jinfoshan Exped. 0202; 16. Q. H. Chen et al. 9411; 17. J. M. Yuan 003; 18. Z. S. Zhang et al. 401131; 19. Y. Tsiang 4994; 20. S. Z. He 96410; 21. P. Zhao 807; 22. S. W. Teng 0008; 23. Z. Y. Wu 60.
Botanisk Have Århus
Yanqin Xu, Linjian Liu, Shaoxiong Liu, Yiming He, Renqing Li, Fei Ge
Figure 3.
The variations and morphological characters of E.leptorrhizum. A the colour variations of inner sepals and petals B–E variations of the number and arrangement of stem-leaves F long creeping rhizome G stout and compact rhizome.
Botanisk Have Århus
Yanqin Xu, Linjian Liu, Shaoxiong Liu, Yiming He, Renqing Li, Fei Ge
Figure 4.
Geographical variation in flower colour patterns within E.leptorrhizum (boxes), E.pauciflorum (circles), E.mikinorii (diamonds) and E.glandulosopilosum (triangle). The colour of the boxes, circles, diamonds and triangle represent flower colour. The population codes are shown in Table 1. The left area of the red dotted line is western China.
Botanisk Have Århus
Yanqin Xu, Linjian Liu, Shaoxiong Liu, Yiming He, Renqing Li, Fei Ge
Figure 5.
The variations and morphological characters of E.pauciflorum. A colour variations of inner sepals and petals B–D variations of the number and arrangement of stem-leaves E long creeping and thread-like rhizome.
Botanisk Have Århus
Yanqin Xu, Linjian Liu, Shaoxiong Liu, Yiming He, Renqing Li, Fei Ge
Figure 4.
Geographical variation in flower colour patterns within E.leptorrhizum (boxes), E.pauciflorum (circles), E.mikinorii (diamonds) and E.glandulosopilosum (triangle). The colour of the boxes, circles, diamonds and triangle represent flower colour. The population codes are shown in Table 1. The left area of the red dotted line is western China.
Slo.: alpski vimcek
Yanqin Xu, Linjian Liu, Shaoxiong Liu, Yiming He, Renqing Li, Fei Ge
Figure 6.
The variations and morphological characters of E.mikinorii. A colour variations of inner sepals B colour variations of petals C individuals that with different flower colour.
Yanqin Xu, Linjian Liu, Shaoxiong Liu, Yiming He, Renqing Li, Fei Ge
Figure 4.
Geographical variation in flower colour patterns within E.leptorrhizum (boxes), E.pauciflorum (circles), E.mikinorii (diamonds) and E.glandulosopilosum (triangle). The colour of the boxes, circles, diamonds and triangle represent flower colour. The population codes are shown in Table 1. The left area of the red dotted line is western China.
Yanqin Xu, Linjian Liu, Shaoxiong Liu, Yiming He, Renqing Li, Fei Ge
Figure 7.
The variations and morphological characters of E.glandulosopilosum. A variations of flower colour B–F variations of the number and arrangement of stem-leaves G creeping and slender rhizome.
Yanqin Xu, Linjian Liu, Shaoxiong Liu, Yiming He, Renqing Li, Fei Ge
Figure 4.
Geographical variation in flower colour patterns within E.leptorrhizum (boxes), E.pauciflorum (circles), E.mikinorii (diamonds) and E.glandulosopilosum (triangle). The colour of the boxes, circles, diamonds and triangle represent flower colour. The population codes are shown in Table 1. The left area of the red dotted line is western China.
Slo.: alpski vimcek
Slo.: alpski vimcek
Slo.: alpski vimcek
Slo.: alpski vimcek
Slo.: alpski vimcek