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Lissodendoryx (Ectyodoryx) nobilis (Ridley & Dendy 1886)


provided by NMNH Antarctic Invertebrates

Myxilla nobilis, n. sp.

Massive or lobate, may be incrusting. Greyish yellow. Soft, spongy, rather cavernous. Pores in groups. Spi­cules :—(1) acuates, entirely smooth or very slightly spined at base, slightly curved, gradually sharp-pointed, size •52 by •03 millim.; (2) much smaller, entirely spined, straight acuates or spinulates, size •18 by •013 millim. (echinating); (3) bicapitate cylindricals, heads slightly expanded, very short, abruptly truncated, often slightly spined at the end, size •33 by •0063 millim.; (4) tridentate equianchorates, shaft stout, strongly curved, length up to •044 millim. ; (5) bihamates (?).

Localities. Station 148 A, Southern Ocean; 240-550 fath. var.?) ; Station 320, off the Rio de la Plata, 600 fath. (type); station 311, off south-west coast of Patagonia, 245 fath. (var. patagonica).; Station 307, south-west coast of Patagonia, 140 fath. (var. bacillifera).”

(Ridley and Dendy, 1886)