Craterellus lutescens, formerly sometimes called Cantharellus lutescens or Cantharellus xanthopus or Cantharellus aurora, commonly known as Yellow Foot, is a species of mushroom. It is closely related to Craterellus tubaeformis. Its hymenium is usually orange or white, whereas the hymenium of C. tubaeformis is grey. C. lutescens is also usually found in wetlands.
The species is more brightly coloured than Craterellus tubaeformis. The cap is lobed irregularly and is brown to bistre. The hymenium and stipe are also more brightly coloured than C. tubaeformis. The hymenium is almost smooth or slightly veined and is pink. The stipe is yellow-orange.[1] The species is edible.[2]
The species can commonly be found in large colonies in some coniferous forests, under spruce, mountain fir trees, or pinewoods near the seashore.[1]
An extract of Craterellus lutescens exhibits inhibitory activity on thrombin.[3]
Craterellus lutescens, formerly sometimes called Cantharellus lutescens or Cantharellus xanthopus or Cantharellus aurora, commonly known as Yellow Foot, is a species of mushroom. It is closely related to Craterellus tubaeformis. Its hymenium is usually orange or white, whereas the hymenium of C. tubaeformis is grey. C. lutescens is also usually found in wetlands.