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California Black Oak

Quercus kelloggii Newb.


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The abundant crops of acorns from Quercus kelloggii were at one time an important food source for Native Americans.

The species reportedly hybridizes with Quercus agrifolia (= Q . × ganderi C. B. Wolf) and Q . wislizenii (= Q . × morehus Kellogg).

Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliographic citation
Flora of North America Vol. 3 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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Trees , deciduous, to 25 m. Bark dark brown to black, ridges broad, irregular. Twigs brown to red-brown, (1.5-)2-3.5 mm diam., glabrate. Terminal buds chestnut brown, ovoid, 4-10 mm, glabrous or with scales ciliate on margins. Leaves: petiole 10-60 mm, glabrous to densely pubescent. Leaf blade ovate or broadly elliptic to obovate, 60-200 × 40-140 mm, base cordate to obtuse, occasionally rounded, margins with 7-11 lobes and 13-45 awns, lobes acute to distally expanded, separated by deep sinuses, apex acute; surfaces abaxially glabrous with small axillary tufts of tomentum to densely pubescent, adaxially glabrous to minutely pubescent, veins raised on both surfaces. Acorns biennial; cup saucer-shaped to deeply bowl-shaped, 13-27 mm high × 20-28 mm wide, covering 1/2-2/3 nut, outer surface glabrous to sparsely puberulent, inner surface 1/3 to completely pubescent, scales more than 4 mm long, attenuate or acuminate to acute, smooth, occasionally tuberculate near base of cup, tips loose, especially at margin of cup; nut oblong to broadly ellipsoid, 21-34 × 14-22 mm, puberulent, especially at apex, scar diam. 5.5-10.5 mm. 2 n = 24.
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliographic citation
Flora of North America Vol. 3 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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Calif., Oreg.
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliographic citation
Flora of North America Vol. 3 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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Flowering late spring.
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliographic citation
Flora of North America Vol. 3 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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On slopes and valleys of hills and mountains; 300-2400m.
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliographic citation
Flora of North America Vol. 3 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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Quercus californica (Torrey) Cooper; Q. tinctoria W. Bartram var. californica Torrey
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliographic citation
Flora of North America Vol. 3 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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provided by EOL authors
There are two habitat or plant ''Q. kelloggii'' may be the dominant tree in certain stands, and is ofassociation types where ''Quercus kelloggii'' primarily occurs. First is the Mediterranean California Lower Montane Black Oak-Conifer Forest as far north as the Klamath Mountains of southwest Oregon and as far south as California's North Coast Ranges and lower western Sierra slopes. The second type of habitat is defined by North Pacific Oak Woodland plant association, which is found as far north as the Puget Trough, extending through the Willamette Valley and to the Klamath Range of Northern California.
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Bean's Trees and Shrubs

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Bean's Trees and Shrubs online edition resource information for Quercus kelloggii Newb. made available by the International Dendrology Society.

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Broad-scale Impacts of Fire

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: forest, tree, wildfire

Regelbrugge and Conard [201] present a model for predicting mortality of California black oak and associated tree species following wildfire. The model was developed from data collected on the Stanislaus National Forest and requires prefire stand structure data [201].
bibliographic citation
Fryer, Janet L. 2007. Quercus kelloggii. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/tree/quekel/all.html

Broad-scale Impacts of Plant Response to Fire

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: basal area, cover, density, forest, fuel, hardwood, prescribed fire, restoration, tree

Seed predators:
McDonald and Tappeiner [155] note that one objective of Native American burning was to
reduce filbertworm (Melissopus latiferreanus) and filbert weevil (Curculio uniformis)
numbers. Both beetles are serious acorn predators. Skinner (personal
communication cited in [155]) noted that a March prescribed fire on the
Shasta-Trinity National Forest of California resulted in a
"bumper crop" of sound California black oak acorns, while California
black oak acorns on nearby unburned ground were unviable. Researchers attributed
the difference to insect predation of acorns on the unburned forest floor

Postfire fungal infection:
After burning, the trunk cambium develops a "cat-face" scar that becomes a portal for heart- and root-decaying fungi
[61]. Infected trees are more susceptible to wind and
snow damage, and fungal decay eventually causes infected trees to topple
[147]. These wood-decaying fungi reduce the commercial value of California black
oaks and shorten tree life spans but are ecologically important. They hasten
decay of organic materials in soil. Live California black oaks with
heart rot, decayed snags, and large woody California black oak
debris provide cover for many cavity-nesting and hibernating
wildlife species (see Importance to Livestock and Wildlife).

Response to prescribed fire:
The prescribed burning program in Sequoia-Kings Canyon National Park shows
that dual management objectives of reducing total forest basal
area while retaining the hardwood component of the forest, including California black
oak, are obtainable [200,208]. Fire-return intervals of 10 years
are needed to maintain the Park's goal of sustaining a fuel load of
approximately 20 tons/acre in giant sequoia-mixed-conifer forests [200].
A restoration and fuels reduction prescribed burning program was implemented
in ponderosa pine forests of Sequoia National Park in the 1960s. A 1996 survey
to assess the effectiveness of the fire program found that overall
forest density was lower in burned compared to unburned plots. California black
oak numbers were "relatively stable" on burned plots, with mortality and
postfire ingrowth (sprouts and seedlings) roughly equal. Mortality was higher on
burned than unburned plots. However, there was no California black oak ingrowth
on unburned sites to replace dead California black oaks, whereas California
black oak was reproducing on burned plots [208]:

Total basal area, density, mortality, and
ingrowth of California black oak on unburned and burned plots

Stand structure variable
1969 1996 1969 1996
Basal area (m²/ha) 18 15 5 2
Density 475 150 380 350
Mortality (trees/ha) na* 110 na 320
Ingrowth (trees/ha) na 0 na 290

*not applicable.
bibliographic citation
Fryer, Janet L. 2007. Quercus kelloggii. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/tree/quekel/all.html

Common Names

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
California black oak

Kellogg oak
bibliographic citation
Fryer, Janet L. 2007. Quercus kelloggii. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/tree/quekel/all.html

Conservation Status

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: forest, restoration

California black oak has some legal protection. Standing live and dead California black oaks on timberlands are generally protected by the Forest Practice Acts [44,181]; however, California black oaks may not be protected on active timber sale sites [44,81,181]. California black oak stands in Yosemite National Park, California, are identified as sensitive and requiring protection and restoration [259]. Many individual counties and municipalities have oak (Quercus spp.) protection ordinances [95]. Information on state-level protection status of plants in the United States is available at Plants Database.
bibliographic citation
Fryer, Janet L. 2007. Quercus kelloggii. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/tree/quekel/all.html


provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: forest, frequency, natural, root crown, tree

This description provides characteristics that may be relevant to fire ecology, and is not meant for identification. Keys for identification are available (for example, [66,98,100]).

Form: California black oak is typically 30 to 80 feet (9-25 m) in height and 1 to 4.5 feet (0.3-1.4 m) DBH at maturity. Large trees may exceed 120 feet (36 m) in height and 5 feet (2 m) DBH. On open, fertile sites form is tall and straight, with a clean bole and a broad, rounded crown [188]. The champion tree, on the Siskiyou National Forest of Oregon, is 124 feet (38 m) tall, 338 inches (859 cm) in circumference, and has a 115-foot (35 m) spread [9]. California black oak's lower branches may nearly touch the ground, form a browse line, or be clear from the bole for 10 to 40 feet (3-12 m) above ground [188]. In closed stands, the crown is narrow and slender in young trees and irregularly broad in old trees. Trunks are usually free of branches for 20 to 40 feet (6-12 m) in closed stands. Old trees often have forked trunks that are decayed and hollow [193]. California black oak sometimes grows in scrub form on dry, infertile sites [42,147].

Aboveground morphology: California black oak has thin, smooth bark when young. Bark becomes moderately thick, deeply fissured, and platy with age. Bark of mature trees is 0.75 to 2 inches (1.9-5.1 cm) thick [98,170]. California black oak is the only western oak species in the red oak subgenus that is deciduous [275]. The deeply lobed leaves are typically 4 to 8 inches (10-20 cm) long [170]. Flowers are unisexual. Staminate flower clusters (catkins) emerge from the leaf axils of the previous year's growth [33,147]. Pistillate flowers are solitary and develop from current-year leaf axils [33]. Acorns are relatively large in this species, from 1 to 1.2 inches (2.5-3 cm) long and 0.6 to 0.7 inch (1.5-1.8 cm) wide [6,98,170].

Oracle oak resembles California black oak. It is readily identified in winter by its sparse evergreen foliage, which contrasts with California black oak's winter-deciduous character [147].

Roots: California black oak grows from one to several taproots that may penetrate to bedrock. It has large, laterally spreading roots that extend from vertical ones, and many surface roots. Trees on shallow soils tend to have more vertical roots than trees on deep soils [149]. California black oaks on shallow or fine-textured soils may have vertical roots and no apparent taproot. Taproots of trees on clay or other fine-textured soils usually decay [149]. Roots often graft when root crown sprouts are thick, forming a dense, interclonal mass of roots [149,209].

Physiology: California black oak is highly drought tolerant. A Hastings Natural History Reservation study found that among 5 associated oak species, California black oak and blue oak were the most drought tolerant based on xylem water potentials [120].

Stand and age class structure: California black oak occurs in pure stands, mixed stands, and scattered groves. Pure stands usually indicate sites unfavorable to conifer growth or repeated disturbance such as fire or logging [62,147]. In pure stands, California black oak is usually even-aged, originating from sprouts after a top-killing event such as logging or fire. Such stands are usually less than 125 years old. Some seedlings may occur in these mostly even-aged stands [148].

© Br Alfred Brousseau, Saint Mary's College

Age class structure varies in mixed stands with a California black oak component. In stands where fire has been excluded, there is a trend towards mostly mature (>50 years) California black oaks, few seedlings and sprouts, and almost no saplings [17]. In a Placer County, California, mixed-conifer-California black oak stand, mean California black oak age was 148 years, ranging from 58 to 356 years [75]. Disturbance history of the site was not available. Age class structure is not always skewed toward old trees, however. Tree coring on the Hall Canyon Research Natural Reserve in the San Jacinto Mountains of California showed a California black oak age class structure dominated by true seedlings (not sprouts), with a mean frequency of 290 seedlings/900 m². The next largest age class was 60- to 79-year-old "saplings", with mean frequency of 8.5 saplings/900 m². Trees in the 120- to 139-year-old age class, the oldest represented, were slightly more abundant than trees in the sapling class (mean frequencies of 2 trees/900 m² and 2.5 trees/900 m² for 120- and 139-year old trees, respectively). There were no dead California black oaks. Study sites were logged in the early 1900s, and fire had been excluded since logging [213] (see Size class recruitment for further information).

Individual California black oaks may live 500 years or more [42,147,227], although 100 to 200 years is more typical [225].

bibliographic citation
Fryer, Janet L. 2007. Quercus kelloggii. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/tree/quekel/all.html


provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the term: basal area

California black oak is native to Oregon and California [147,194]. It grows in the foothills and lower mountains of southern Oregon and California, with a north-south range of about 780 miles (1,260 km) [149]. It is contiguously distributed from the North Coast Ranges in Lane County, west-central Oregon, south through the Coast and Cascade ranges, the Sierra Nevada, and the Transverse and Peninsular ranges to just north of the Mexican border in the Agua Tibia Mountains of San Diego County, California [100,147,170]. One California black oak population extends into the Great Basin in Lassen County, California [275]. An isolated population occurs in the Sierra de San Pedro Mártir of northern Baja California [188]. The US Geological Survey provides an online distributional map of California black oak. Young and others [275] provide a detailed description of California black oak's distribution in California. Gaman and Casey [71] provide remote sensing basal area data for California black oak in California.

Oracle oak is the most common and widespread California black oak hybrid [147]. Oracle oak hybrid swarms occur on lower slopes of the western Sierra Nevada and on the inner Coast Ranges from Shasta and Siskiyou counties south to Ventura County, California. Rarely, they are found in southwestern Oregon. California black oak × coast live oak swarms occur on the Central Coast Ranges [147,275].

bibliographic citation
Fryer, Janet L. 2007. Quercus kelloggii. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/tree/quekel/all.html

Fire Ecology

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: basal area, cover, cover type, crown fire, density, earlywood, fire exclusion, fire frequency, fire regime, fire severity, fire use, fire-return interval, forest, frequency, fuel, fuel continuity, fuel moisture, hardwood, herbaceous, litter, mean fire-return interval, mesic, mixed-severity fire, natural, old-growth stage, prescribed fire, restoration, root crown, seed, series, severity, shrubland, shrubs, stand-replacement fire, stand-replacing fire, succession, top-kill, tree, understory fire, wildfire, wildland fire, wildland fire use, woodland

Fire adaptations: California black oak has several adaptations that enable it to survive fire. Its thick, insulating bark [98,170] protects it from low- and most moderate-severity surface fires. If top-killed, it sprouts from the root crown [4,64,69,148,208,231,261]. Its extensive root system has large nutrient and water reserves and is capable of supporting prolific sprouting [42,64,148,159,193,275]. California black oak also establishes from acorns after fire [64,110,191]. Dispersal of off-site acorns by seed-caching animals probably allows for burn colonization [64,110]. For fires that do not top-kill all parent trees, California black oak seedlings likely establish from crown-stored acorns as well as from off-site seed sources.

Fire prepares a site in several ways that promote California black oak seedling establishment and growth. Seedbed preferences (mineral soil or light duff) match those produced by fire [110]. California black oak is an early seral species that requires light for rapid growth (see Successional Status). Surface fires thin the canopy and create small openings for California black oak seedling establishment by killing fire-intolerant, late successional conifers [191]. Mixed-severity and stand-replacing fires provide large openings where California black oak stands may establish.

FIRE REGIMES: All of the ecosystems where California black oak is important are fire dependent. Forests and woodlands with California black oak historically experienced short-return interval surface fires and/or mixed-severity fires [110,251,251]. Fire altered woodland and forest structure by thinning shrubs and late-successional, fire-sensitive conifers while retaining large, fire-resistant trees including California black oak [36,260,261]. Reconstructive studies suggest that low-elevation forests and woodlands with California black oak had mostly open canopies. At low elevations, where California black oak is most frequent, fires were of mostly low severity. There were probably exceptions to this general pattern, however. Chang [48] stresses that "variation and scale matter" when describing California's FIRE REGIMES. Pioneer naturalists Muir [168] and Jepson [105] described open, parklike forests in low elevations of the Sierra Nevada, but others noted dense patches of vegetation within otherwise open stands [132,244]. Gruell [89] provides a series of repeat photographs, starting in 1849, that document extensive, open ponderosa pine-California black oak woodlands in the Sierra Nevada in the mid-1800s. The series also shows denser mixed-conifer forests, with a higher proportion of white firs and Douglas-firs, on north- and east-facing slopes than on more open south- and west-facing slopes [89]. Some speculate that at midelevation, California black oak and other drought-tolerant trees historically prevailed on dry aspects, while shade-tolerant conifers were more prevalent on moist aspects. Mixed-severity fires at midelevation probably helped create that mosaic [65,261].

Severe fire was probably infrequent in presettlement mixed-conifer forests of Oregon and California, but mixed-conifer forests experienced severe fires occasionally. Patchy stand-replacement fire was important in maintaining California black oak stands [147]. Long-term data from giant sequoia stands suggests that severe fire historically occurred in small patches [185,236], while both widespread and localized surface fires were common [45]. There is little historical information on the size and distribution of high-severity fires in lower montane forests of the Sierra Nevada [261]. Pioneer accounts of persistent California black oak and chaparral stands―which are generally maintained by stand-replacement fire―within ponderosa pine and mixed-conifer forests suggest that patchy, stand-replacement fire occurred occasionally in low- and midelevation forests [132,263]. Patchy, severe fire may have helped maintain California black oak stands within conifer forests.

In a study of fire histories from 1650 through 1920, Stephens and Collins [230] found a trend of increasingly late-season or increasingly early growing-season fires from the southern Cascade Range south to the southern Sierra Nevada. Widespread fires were associated with drought or a wet year just before the fire year. They provide the following compilation of FIRE REGIMES in forests where California black oak occurs [230]:

Summary of fire histories from the southern Cascades and Sierra Nevada before European-American settlement

Area and cover type Median FRI*
(year) FRI range
(year) Area sampled
(ha) Fire season southern Cascades, Jeffrey pine-white fir 7.5 2-29 na** 82% D, 1% L, 10% ME, 7% LE southern Cascades, mixed conifer 7 1-21 na 90% D, 5% L, 5% ME north-central Sierra Nevada, mixed conifer 8-15 3-91 na 21% D, 79% L north-central Sierra Nevada, mixed conifer 4-5 2-22 8-15 21% D, 79% L south-central Sierra Nevada, Yosemite NP, mixed conifer 2-3 1-25 20-50 23% D, 18% LE, 4% ME, 1% EE southern Sierra Nevada, Sequoia NP, sequoia-mixed conifer 5-9 3-14 3-16 na southern Sierra Nevada, Mountain Home State Forest, mixed conifer 3-5 1-12 20-50 20% D, 61% L, 16% LE, 1% ME *fire-return interval.
**na=not available, D=dormant, L=latewood, LE=late earlywood, ME=middle earlywood, EE=early earlywood.

A more detailed summary of historic FIRE REGIMES in ecosystems where California black oak is important follows.

Ecosystems with mostly surface fires:
California black oak forests and woodlands historically experienced very frequent understory fire [220]. Holland [101] describes California black oak woodland as "an obvious fire type": without very frequent fire California black oak cannot maintain dominance on most sites, and is successionally replaced by conifers [101,255]. Fire-return intervals of less than 10 years are required to stop successional replacement of California black oak by conifers [2,3]. Historically, live understory fuels in California black oak stands were mostly herbaceous species with scattered shrubs. Although voluminous, California black oak litter decomposes relatively rapidly (see Fuels). Total fuel accumulation in California black oak communities was historically low, and low-severity fires rarely killed mature California black oak branches and stems. California black oak's open crown did not often support crown fires in the California black oak type [220]. A century of fire exclusion and successional replacement in the Sierra Nevada has greatly reduced the extent of pure California black oak stands [186].

California black oak occurs in mixed-oak woodlands at Annadel State Park and other sites in the North Coast Ranges of northern California. Historic fire regime in these mixed-oak woodlands was frequent surface fires. Heart rot in oaks precludes tree coring and exact fire dating, but fire-return intervals were probably less than 10 years. In the absence of fire, Annadel State Park oak woodlands are being invaded by understory Douglas-fir and California bay (Umbellularia californica), which are successionally replacing California black oak and other oaks. Most Douglas-firs and California bays in the oak woodlands established after 1910, and most are 50 years of age or less [26], suggesting that prior to 1910, frequent surface fires killed young Douglas-firs and California bays in the understory.

Ponderosa pine-California black oak forests had frequent, low-severity surface fires [19,203] until fire exclusion began in the late nineteenth century [203]. Contemporary forests are increasingly dominated by understory Douglas-fir, white fir, and incense-cedar [186,203]. Fire-return intervals for ponderosa pine forests with a California black oak component ranged from 6 to 22 years in the Cascade Range of southern Oregon and northern California (review by [203]). Fire-return interval in ponderosa pine-California black oak forests historically increased with increasing elevation in the Sierra Nevada [45], with a tendency towards shorter mean fire-return intervals (5-15 years) on dry, west- and south-facing slopes and longer fire-return intervals (15-25 years) on mesic, east- and north-facing slopes. Midelevation forests typically had mixed-severity fires that created patchy mosaics [65].

Other yellow pines: California black oak is an associate in Jeffrey pine and Washoe pine forests. Return intervals for surface fires in these relatively dry yellow pine ecosystems were probably slightly longer than in the moister ponderosa pine-California black oak types, which had higher fuel loads and greater fuel continuity. Many Jeffrey pine and all Washoe pine communities are east of the Cascade Range-Sierra Nevada rain shadow. In a review, Riegel and others [203] report that fire-return intervals for Jeffrey pine and mixed Jeffrey pine-ponderosa pine forests ranged from 2 to 56 years in the northern Warner Mountains and 3 to 38 years in south-central Oregon. Smith [222] estimates that historic fire-return intervals ranged from 5 to 20 years for northeastern California Jeffrey pine types. A fire history study in the San Bernardino Mountains showed mean fire-return intervals of 14 and 10 years in Jeffrey and ponderosa pine forests, respectively, during Native American (before 1860) and European settlement (1860-1904) periods. From 1905 to 1974, mean fire-return intervals became significantly longer (P=0.05), at 66 years and 32 years in Jeffrey and ponderosa pine forests, respectively [145].

Washoe pine likely had a different fire regime than either ponderosa pine or Jeffrey pine. Washoe pine communities experienced surface fires, but average intervals between fires were probably longer than for the other western yellow pines. The only fire scar data from Washoe pines (as of 2007) show fire-return intervals ranging from 3.5 to 40 years for a Warner Mountains population (Smith, S., unpublished data cited in [203]).

Native Americans increased historical fire frequency in yellow pine types, including ponderosa pine, through intentional use of fire [11,14,16,127,133,142,202,220]. Very frequent fire-return intervals converted the forests to oak woodlands on some sites [11,127,142,202]. Along with patchy stand-replacement fire, Native American fires were critical in maintaining California black oak as a cover type. Among oak species, Native Americans targeted California black oak stands in particular for frequent underburning. California black oak acorns were a valuable food source (see Other Uses), so Native Americans maintained California black oak stands through active fire management [11,16,133,202]. Kilgore and Taylor [116] concluded that natural ignitions alone would not support the very short fire-return interval (2-3 years) that fire chronologies show for some mixed-conifer stands in the Sierra Nevada. Historical records indicate that Yosemite Valley Miwoks burned annually in order to stop successional replacement of California black oak and other oaks by ponderosa pine [16]. Native American burning had at least 6 effects that benefited the tribes. Burning reduced acorn pests; facilitated fall acorn collection; maintained open forest structure useful for hunting; promoted edible and basketry grasses; increased edible mushroom production; and promoted sprouting woody species used in basketry [11,13,14]. In a review, Arno [19] states "sizable areas of open woodland dominated by ... California black oak ... were characterized by frequent understory fires largely due to deliberate burning by Native Americans". Atzet and Wheeler [22] suggest that Native American burning in the Siskiyou and Klamath mountains historically influenced FIRE REGIMES there, although the extent and effects of Native American fires there are mostly unknown.

Mixed-conifer montane forest: At higher elevations, Sierra Nevada mixed-conifer forests had historically longer fire-return intervals compared to lower-elevation ponderosa pine forests. The fire regime was mostly low-severity underburns at intervals ranging from 7 to 16 years [261]. Studies on the Feather River-San Joaquin River watershed of the Sierra Nevada show a historic fire-return interval ranging from 7 to 9 years in the mixed-conifer zone [268]. A Lake Tahoe study showed a range from 5 to 15 years from 1649 to 1921 [232].

In giant sequoia groves, where California black oak is a common hardwood, understory fires historically reoccurred at 2- to 39-year intervals [45,116,261]. Restoration thinning, prescribed underburning, and wildland fire use in some giant sequoia forests has helped reduce the potential for large, stand-replacement fires [119,261]; however, fire is largely excluded in most mixed-conifer montane forests (review by [261]). With fire exclusion, giant sequoia, ponderosa pine, sugar pine, and California black oak are being successionally replaced by incense-cedar and white fir, and tree density is increasing [174,186]. White fir in particular is increasing fuel loads and vertical continuity of fuels in giant sequoia-mixed conifer-hardwood forests. A 1997 study in Sequoia-Kings Canyon National Park showed that giant sequoia-mixed forest had greater total downed fine and woody fuel accumulation, as well as greater potential for crown fires due to understory late-successional conifers, compared to adjacent lower-elevation ponderosa pine forest [186].

Ecosystems with mixed-severity fires:
California black oak is a component of some redwood forests. These forests historically experienced mostly patchy, moderate-severity surface fires. Fires would occasionally crown, especially in the southern and eastern edges of the redwood forest type [242]. Fire-return intervals in redwood forests historically ranged from 20 to 500+ years. Veirs [264] found a range of 50 to 500 years near Crescent City, California, while researchers in Redwood State Park [63,241] and Muir Woods [104], California, reported fire-return intervals of 20 to 31 years. Some report intervals of 125 to 500 years where redwood merges with wetter Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) forests (review by [242]). Stuart [241] reported significant differences (P<0.05) between fire-return interval means for presettlement (before 1875, x=31 years), settlement, (1875-1897, x=15 years), and postsettlement (after 1897, x=14 years) in Redwood National Park. Fire sizes were not correlated with fire frequency or settlement period [241].

Mixed-evergreen and dry Douglas-fir forests of southern Oregon and northwestern California, which have a California black oak component, historically experienced mixed-severity fires [4,135,242]. Agee and Edmonds [4] define a mixed-severity fire as one that top-kills 20% to 70% of a stand. Fire-return interval in the Klamath-Siskiyou region ranged widely, from 3 to 116 years, with return intervals in the shorter range for low-elevation forests where California black oak is most prevalent (review by [135]). Mean fire-return intervals were longest, and fires most severe, on north- and east-facing slopes [251,251]. In a review of Agee's previous work, Agee and Edmonds [4] report a decreasing fire-return interval from coastal to inland forests and from north to south, from 90 to 150 years in coastal southwestern Oregon to about 50 years in central-southwestern Oregon. Dry Douglas-fir types in the Siskiyou Mountains had a mean fire-return interval of 20 years prior to European settlement; presettlement fire-return intervals in the Salmon River watershed of northern California ranged from 10 to 15 years. After stand-replacing fire, dry Douglas-fir types of southern Oregon and coastal northern California generally had "several low to moderate severity fires" that thinned the understory of young white firs and Douglas-firs and favored California black oak and other sprouting hardwoods. Agee and Edmonds [4] speculate that presettlement stand structure of mixed-evergreen and dry Douglas-fir forests differed from present conditions, with fewer small trees, snags, and logs due to frequent fires, and suggested that these forests usually reached old-growth stage (about 250 years) before the next stand-replacing fire [4]. At the landscape level, stand-replacing fire was patchy, creating a mix of old-growth forest and younger forest stages [4,135] that favored California black oak. Taylor and Skinner [250] found a historic pattern of mixed-severity and stand-replacement fires, including several severe fires, on the Klamath National Forest in the mid-19th century. For Douglas-fir-white fir-sugar pine stands, fire-return intervals were shorter during the presettlement period (1627-1849, x=14.5 years) than during the fire exclusion period (1905-1992, x=21.8 years). Mean fire-return interval from 1627 to 1992 was 12 years, with a range of 6 to 35.5 years [250].

Current period and fire exclusion: California black oak populations have declined since presettlement times. The decline is due to several factors (see Management Considerations), with fire exclusion among the most important. Major structural changes in woodlands and conifer forests of California and southern Oregon have occurred with fire exclusion, with dense stands of conifers or dense, mixed stands of conifers and shrubs dominating the once open stands where California black oak flourished. Fuel loading in these forests represents an unprecedented buildup of live woody fuels, snags, and downed woody materials [4,203,251]. When these forests burn, the dense understory produces a ladder effect that often results in crown fire [4,251]. This results in high-consumption, mixed-severity or severe fires that are sometimes fatal to California black oak [110].

Fire has been excluded for decades in most of the southern Cascade Range and the Sierra Nevada, so fire-dependent communities have missed several fire cycles. Contemporary FIRE REGIMES include less frequent, larger fires compared to presettlement times [135,156,261]. In the Siskiyou-Klamath region, for example, 5 fires larger than 20,000 ha occurred between 1987 and 2002. All 5 fires occurred during drought under extreme fire weather conditions. Most closed-canopy, old-growth forests that burned had not experienced fire since at least 1911, when fire records were first started [135]. Van Wagtendonk and Fites-Kaufmann [261] summarize that "Fuel accumulations, brush, small trees, and dense forests produce very different conditions for the inevitable fire that occurs, whether from lightning or human sources. Some headway is being made in wilderness areas and areas where prescribed fire can be applied safely and effectively" [261]. Schmidt and others [216] assessed Douglas-fir forests of the Siskiyou-Klamath region as "moderately or significantly altered" from historic conditions, and at risk of "losing key ecosystems components" without fuel hazard mitigation. In contrast to historically small fires, fuel build-up with fire exclusion has increased fire size in the dry Douglas-fir forests of the Siskiyou and Klamath National Forests to hundreds, sometimes thousands, of acres [4,7,7,24,24,251]. As in the past, these large fires are mostly of mixed severity but are larger in total area burned [7,24,88]. In the 1987 Hayfork Fire on the Hayfork District of the Shasta-Trinity National Forest, for example, crown fire (>50% of crown consumed) burned 5% of the landscape. Twenty-five percent of the landscape was >50% scorched; 32% was 10% to 50% scorched; and 38% was <10% scorched (Weatherspoon and Skinner (n.d.), unpublished document cited in [4]).

In mixed-evergreen forests, fire exclusion may not increase fire severity on all sites or in all stages of succession. In a fire history study of Douglas-fir-tanoak forests with a California black oak component on the Klamath National Forest, Odion and others [177] found a trend toward large fires (>1,500 ha) in recent decades compared to fire sizes before the 1970s, which averaged around 500 ha. However, 1 fire of the Klamath Wildfire Complex in 1987 was a large (100,000 ha), mixed-severity fire of mostly of low severity. Fire mix was 59% low, 29% moderate, and 12% high severity. In this wildfire, fire was generally most severe in shrubland and open forest and lowest in multiaged, closed-canopy forests. For closed-canopy forests, fire severity was lower where fire had been excluded since 1920 compared to sites that had burned since 1920. The authors concluded that fuel loads in the closed-canopy, mixed-evergreen forests had decreased, not built up, in the long absence of fire. Fuel build-up did occur in open forests and on plantations, however [177].

Fuels: Mature California black oaks contribute large annual loads of leaf litter and small woody debris. They also add substantially to large woody debris fuel loads [147]. Average annual litter accumulation under a 75-year-old stand in the Sierra National Forest of California was 0.6 ton/acre, and total litter accumulation was 6.2 tons/acre [117]. California black oak litter decomposes "rapidly", however [220]. One old California black oak (75-100 years) contributed 1,380 pounds of litter/year on the Sierra National Forest. Beneath its crown, total soil organic matter averaged 30,110 pounds/acre [147].

Standing dead fuel load of California black oak is also substantial. An inventory of dead crown fuels in ponderosa pine-California black oak stands in Placer County, California, showed that California black oak had significantly (P<0.001) more dead branches/tree (x=1.33 dead branches/tree) compared to ponderosa pine (x=0.45 dead branch/tree). Large California black oaks infected with Pacific mistletoe (Phoradendron villosum) had the greatest number of dead branches/tree. More California black oaks were infected with Pacific mistletoe (19% infection rate) compared to ponderosa pines infected with western dwarf mistletoe (Arceuthobium campylopodum) (4%) [76]. California black oak snags are rare [130,228]. An inventory on the Modoc and Lassen National Forests showed a total of 4 California black oak snags in 24 five-ha plots [130]. Fuel load estimates for Pacific madrone-California black oak-tanoak clearcuts on the Challenge Experimental Forest of Yuba County, California, range from 7 to 50 tons of slash/acre [147]. A photo series is available to help quantify fuels in ponderosa pine-California black oak stands and ponderosa pine stands with a component of California black oak [30].

Fire exclusion has resulted in a major increase in understory fuels in most communities with California black oak [261]. Stephens [229] compiled 1899 stand structure data, including basal area, density, and DBH, from 4 mixed-conifer stands in the northern and central Sierra Nevada. Two unlogged stands may provide reference condition information.

Several models are available for estimating standing California black oak fuels. Hann [92] provides a model for predicting crown width of California black oak and other overstory trees in mixed-evergreen forests. Sundahl [246] provides a model for predicting crown fuel load of California black oak. Snell [224] provides tables for predicting crown fuel loads and dry weight mass of California black oak [224]. Paine and Hann [183] give maximum crown-width equations for estimating densities of California black oak and other southwestern Oregon trees.

Sudden oak death disease may affect fuel loads and FIRE REGIMES in areas of heavy infection. Increased dead fuel loads, more open canopies, and changes in fuel moisture, understory composition and postfire successional pathways can follow oak mortality [54]. (See the discussion in Fungi and water molds for details of the disease.) Condeso and Meentemeyer [50] speculate that in Sonoma County, California, fire exclusion may have increased the area and density of oak woodlands relative to historic conditions, creating conditions favorable to rapid spread of sudden oak death disease. As of this writing (2007), studies are underway to assess potential impacts of sudden oak death disease on fuel loads and the fire ecology of California black oak and other western oaks [54].

The following table provides fire return intervals for some of the plant communities and ecosystems where California black oak is important. Find fire regime information for the plant communities in which this species may occur by entering the species name in the FEIS home page under "Find FIRE REGIMES".

Community or Ecosystem Dominant Species Fire Return Interval Range (years) California chaparral Adenostoma and/or Arctostaphylos spp. <35 to <100 [189] California montane chaparral Ceanothus and/or Arctostaphylos spp. 50-100 Jeffrey pine Pinus jeffreyi 5-30 Pacific ponderosa pine* Pinus ponderosa var. ponderosa 1-47 [19] coast Douglas-fir* Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii 40-240 [19,167,204] Pacific coast mixed evergreen Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii-Lithocarpus densiflorus-Arbutus menziesii <35-130 [19,49] California oakwoods Quercus spp. <35 [19] coast live oak Quercus agrifolia 2-75 [84] canyon live oak Quercus chrysolepis <35 to 200 blue oak-foothills pine Quercus douglasii-P. sabiniana <35 Oregon white oak Quercus garryana <35 [19] California black oak Quercus kelloggii 1-30 [16,19,189] interior live oak Quercus wislizenii <35 [19] redwood Sequoia sempervirens 5-200 [19,63,241] *fire return interval varies widely; trends in variation are noted in the species review
bibliographic citation
Fryer, Janet L. 2007. Quercus kelloggii. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/tree/quekel/all.html

Fire Management Considerations

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More info for the terms: association, duff, fire severity, fire suppression, forest, fuel, fuel continuity, fuel moisture, litter, prescribed fire, restoration, severity, softwood, succession, tree, wildfire, wildland fire

Prescribed and wildland fire are recommended as "the obvious and most feasible substitutes for filling the ecological role of historic fires" for wildland ecosystems with California black oak [19]. California black oak occurs in many vegetation types, all of which are fire-dependent, so fire or fire surrogate treatments may be needed to maintain or increase its coverage [110]. However, altered stand structure and composition, including a buildup of understory fuels, make it difficult to restore historic stand structure and plant community composition of montane forests using prescribed fire alone, so thinning is usually conducted before prescribed underburning to restore open structure and dominant seral trees (review by [19]). Evidence suggests that trends toward large, severe surface and crown fires will continue in montane ecosystems without reintroduction of fire and/or silvicultural treatments. Agee and Edmonds [4] suggest that mixed-conifer stands managed solely for softwood timber production will have more severe fires than stands also managed for hardwoods such as California black oak. They recommend repeat underburns at approximate 10-year intervals to reduce fuel loads and vertical fuel continuity [4]. Thomas and Agee [254] caution that in mixed-conifer stands with heavy fuel loads, a first fire "consumes much fuel, but also creates a lot." A second fire within 10 years consumes woody fuels from the first fire and reduces fuel loads below that of the first fire for at least 10 more years [254]. For yellow pine forests, Kauffman and Martin [110] recommend low- to moderate-consumption prescribed fire to promote California black oak and other hardwoods, targeting forest floor reduction to less than 8 to 16 tons/acre. This may require several fires [110].

In 1996, the National Park Service began mechanical hazard fuel reduction and prescribed burning in ponderosa pine and mixed-conifer forests in Yosemite National Park. Target conditions are fuel loads of 10 to 30 tons/acres; 5 to 25 pole-sized conifers/acre; and 90 to 150 overstory conifers/acre. Minimizing mortality of pole-sized and larger California black oak and other oaks is also a management objective. Treatment results are preliminary as of this writing (2007). Initial thinning reduced total fuel loads by 26% and pole-sized conifers by 76%; however, 1-hour and 10-hour flashy fuels were only reduced 17%. Total fuel reduction was below target goal with thinning alone, but follow-up prescribed burning is expected to further reduce fuel loads [184]. Van Wagtendonk [262] discusses the response of California black oak and other vegetation to prescribed fire in Yosemite Valley. See the Research Project Summary of van Wagtendonk's [260] study for further information.

Agee and Edmonds [4] recommend fuelbreaks to reduce fire severity in mixed-evergreen and dry Douglas-fir forests. Placed along ridgelines with otherwise continuous fuels, fuelbreaks provide a zone where fire severity is reduced between stands with heavier fuels and potentially higher fire severities. A high occurrence of California black oak and other sprouting hardwoods in these forest types means that fuelbreaks require maintenance every 10 years or less. They recommend fuelbreak design in Oregon Caves National Monument as a good example of a functional but visually pleasing fuelbreak [4]. Caution is warranted, however, because fuelbreaks provide a corridor for invasive nonnative plants, and monitoring is recommended if fuelbreaks are used [160].

Fuels management studies: A few studies provide results from fuel reduction treatments using thinning and/or prescribed burning in mixed-conifer forests with a California black oak component. Sweeny and Biswell [248] compare fuel load reductions after 4 February and March fires in a ponderosa pine-California black oak-Douglas-fir forest in Lake County, California. Knapp and others [119] compare fuel reduction and fire behavior on early season (June) and late-season (September-October) prescribed fires in mixed-conifer forest in Sequoia National Park. Stephens and Moghaddas [233,234] discuss results of a Blodgett Research Station fuels reduction study using crown thinning and thinning from below followed by mechanical treatment (mastication of understory trees), mechanical treatment followed by prescribed fire, prescribed fire alone, and a no-treatment control. They discuss benefits of retaining some coarse woody debris and creating snags with prescribed fire for wildlife benefit, and describe treatment impacts to forest structure [234].

While useful for the long-term goal of reducing fire severity potential, fuel mastication may increase fire severity on some sites in the short term. On Whiskeytown National Recreation Area in northern California, mastication did not reduce fuels. Instead, mastication converted standing live fuels into dead, small-sized surface fuels. When burned under prescription, mastication units had significantly (P<0.001) longer flame lengths and higher fire temperatures compared to unmasticated burn units. Mortality of pole-sized oaks, including California black oak, and pines was greater in masticated burn units compared to unmasticated burn units. For California black oak, average mortality of overstory trees was 23% and 0% on masticated and unmasticated units, respectively. Mortality of pole-sized California black oaks was 47% and 17%, respectively. The researchers describe techniques for reducing fire severity for managers interested in using mastication and prescribed fire to reduce fuel loads [38].

Prescribed fire in a mixed-conifer-California black oak forest near the Plumas National Forest successfully reduced fuel load. When a wildfire burned through the site previously burned under prescription, fire severity and fire suppression costs were less compared to adjacent land where fire had been excluded [165]. For further information on this study, see the Research Paper by Moghaddas [165].

A fall prescribed fire in the Tharp Creek Watershed of Sequoia National Park produced 50.0% average annual California black oak mortality on a white fir-mixed conifer site monitored for 5 years after fire. Mortality was concentrated in the subcanopy. The fire burned from 23 to 26 October 1990. Relative humidity during the day was 21% to 30% and at night was 30% to 40%. Fuel moisture levels in the litter and duff averaged 28%. For 100-hour and 1,000-hour fuels, moisture levels were 14% and 64%, respectively. At the time of ignition, air temperatures were 50 to 61 °F (10-16 °C) and winds were calm. The fire was a combination of backing and strip headfires with flame lengths of 0.16 to 7.9 feet (0.05-2.4 m). One-hour, 10-hour, and 100-hour fuels were reduced by 96%, 77%, and 60%, respectively. Tree (≥4.6 feet (1.4 m)) mortality was evaluated before and after fire as well as from an unburned reference site [171]. For more information, see the entire Research Paper by Mutch and Parsons [171].

Under prescribed burning conditions, moist leaf litter from large California black oaks may locally reduce combustibility of the forest floor. In Yosemite National Park, soil temperatures were monitored during a restoration prescribed fire in a ponderosa pine community. The fire consumed almost none of the duff layer beneath a large California black oak with a thick layer of loose leaves at its base. Both litter and duff layers were consumed 15 feet (4.6 m) away from the oak's canopy, where ponderosa pine litter prevailed. Fuel loadings were 13 tons/acre under the California black oak and 58 tons/acre away from the oak. During burning, soil temperature 2 inches (5 cm) below the soil surface was 65 ºF (18 ºC) beneath the California black oak, while soil temperature was 162 ºF (72 ºC) 15 feet (5 m) away from the oak's canopy. Forest floor consumption was more uniform where a smaller California black oak was growing on a steep incline and oak litter sloughed downslope. The fire burned to the base of the smaller California black oak, and the forest floor was completely consumed. Mean forest floor reduction was 61 tons/acre [211]. Further data were not available from this preliminary study. The authors noted that "additional work is needed to quantify the effects of prescribed burning on California black oak growing in association with ponderosa pine" [211].

Models: Miller and Urban [161] provide a model for predicting changes in stand structure and succession after prescribed burning or thinning in mixed-conifer or ponderosa pine forests with California black oak.

Wildlife: Prescribed fire can benefit wildlife, and it is sometimes conducted with wildlife habitat improvement as a major fire objective [118]. In Trinity County, California, prescribed burning was conducted in a foothills pine-Oregon white oak-California black oak community to improve Columbian black-tailed deer habitat by increasing available browse species, including California black oak, and opening the canopy. A research note on the fire documents that in postfire year 1, Columbian black-tailed deer used the burned area significantly more (P=0.05) than an adjacent unburned area. Use was based on pellet counts in burned (3,313 pellet groups/ha) and unburned plots (1,966 pellet groups/ha) [112].

Alternatives to prescribed fire: Prescribed fire cannot be used for fuel reduction on all sites. Dulitz and others [58] successfully used commercial thinning and slash treatment to reduce fuels in a mixed ponderosa pine-sugar pine-California black oak stand on the Mountain Home Demonstration State Forest of Tulare County, California. Large trees and some snags were left for wildlife habitat. The authors provide thinning costs and pre- and postharvest fuel loads [38].
bibliographic citation
Fryer, Janet L. 2007. Quercus kelloggii. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/tree/quekel/all.html

Growth Form (according to Raunkiær Life-form classification)

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bibliographic citation
Fryer, Janet L. 2007. Quercus kelloggii. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/tree/quekel/all.html

Habitat characteristics

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More info for the terms: basal area, density, mesic, natural, series, serpentine soils, shrub

Soils: California black oak is most common on dry, well-drained soils. McDonald [147] states that "probably the most important single soil variable that limits the occurrence of California black oak is internal drainage. Black oak is not found growing 'with its feet wet' " [147]. California black oak may be a poor competitor on moist soils. A study in the Siskiyou Mountains of southwestern Oregon found that in mixed-conifer forests, California black oak was competitively excluded by white fir unless water stress exceeded 2,000 kPa [21].

California black oak has no strict soil texture preference [188]. Soil textures supporting California black oak range from sandy loams to gravelly clay loams [42,147]. Maximum growth rates are attained on deep, well-drained, slightly acid loams and clay loams [42,147]. Heavy clay topsoils rarely support California black oak. California black oak tolerates shallow, rocky soils, but tends toward a shrubby form, or is less frequent, on such sites [147]. California black oak grows on diverse parent materials including granite, basalt, and sandstone [42,147]. It is rare on serpentine soils [275]. McDonald [147] provides a list of principal soil series where California black oak occurs in California. Knops and Koenig [121] provide a fertility analysis for soils beneath California black oak vs. soils beneath other oaks species on the Hasting Natural History Reservation.

Aspect influences California black oak development. North- and east-facing aspects favor California black oak development in central and southern portions of California black oak's range, while south- and west-facing slopes are most favorable in California black oak's northern limits. A Tehama County, California, study showed differential California black oak density, depending upon soil moisture and aspect. On west-facing slopes, California black oak basal area was greatest on the driest soils, while on east-facing slopes, California black oak basal area was greatest on relatively mesic soils [85]. Aspect is not important to development in deep canyons [147]. California black oak is most common on the west slope of the Cascade Range and Sierra Nevada, but also occurs on dry, east-slope sites [275].

Terrain supporting California black oak ranges from level valley floors to alluvial slopes, rocky ridges, and steep slopes. Steep slopes are most typical, with landscapes strongly dissected by first- to fourth-order streams [147]. California black oak often dominates over ponderosa pine on dry ridges and in rocky canyons [40].

Elevation: California black oak's overall elevational range is 200 to 8,000 feet (60-2,400 m) [66,98]. It has the widest elevational range of any of the western oaks [147,154]. In Oregon, California black oak ranges from 450 feet (100 m) near Eugene to 3,000 feet (900 m) in the Klamath Mountains [147]. In California, elevation ranges from 200 feet (60 m) in Napa and Santa Rosa valleys to 8,000 feet (2,440 m) in the San Jacinto Mountains [42,147]. Overall range in the mountains of southern California is 3,600 to 8,000 feet (1,000-2,400 m) [80].

Climate supporting California black oak is mediterranean, with wet, mild winters and hot, dry summers. Eighty to ninety percent of the annual precipitation falls from November to April [159]. Mean annual precipitation ranges from 30+ inches (800 mm) in southwestern Oregon and 30 to 100 inches (800-3,000 mm) in northwestern California to 12 to 15 inches (300-400 mm) in northeastern California. Snowfall comprises 0% to 80% of total precipitation, ranging from 10% to 50% where California black oak is most productive. This snow zone, where California black oak is most abundant and reaches its greatest size, is on west-facing slopes of the southern Cascade Range and on west-facing slopes of the Sierra Nevada from Shasta County south to Tulare County. Mean maximum and minimum temperatures in that snow zone are 103 ºF and 5 ºF (39 ºC and -20 ºC), respectively [147].

California black oak mostly grows on the warmest sites at the northern edge of its range. Graham and others [83] rated California black oak as the best predictive indicator of warm sites on the Hungry-Pickett area of southwestern Oregon of 16 relative-temperature indicator species. It is an indicator species for relatively hot sites in the southern Umpqua Basin of southern Oregon [163].

Shrub form and site: A shrubby form of California black oak, once described as dwarf black oak (Quercus kelloggii forma cibata) [157], occurs in Shasta, Trinity, and Tehama countries, California. It occurs at elevations of 3,000 to 6,550 feet (910-2,000 m) on dry, shallow, rocky soils. These soils are often unstable, resulting from old slides or composed of colluvial material, and slopes are steep (70-80%) [149].

bibliographic citation
Fryer, Janet L. 2007. Quercus kelloggii. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/tree/quekel/all.html

Habitat: Cover Types

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This species is known to occur in association with the following cover types (as classified by the Society of American Foresters):

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229 Pacific Douglas-fir

231 Port-Orford-cedar

232 Redwood

233 Oregon white oak

234 Douglas-fir-tanoak-Pacific madrone

243 Sierra Nevada mixed conifer

244 Pacific ponderosa pine-Douglas-fir

245 Pacific ponderosa pine

246 California black oak

247 Jeffrey pine

248 Knobcone pine

249 Canyon live oak

250 Blue oak-gray pine

255 California coast live oak
bibliographic citation
Fryer, Janet L. 2007. Quercus kelloggii. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/tree/quekel/all.html

Habitat: Ecosystem

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This species is known to occur in the following ecosystem types (as named by the U.S. Forest Service in their Forest and Range Ecosystem [FRES] Type classification):


FRES20 Douglas-fir

FRES21 Ponderosa pine

FRES27 Redwood

FRES28 Western hardwoods

FRES3 Chaparral-mountain shrub
bibliographic citation
Fryer, Janet L. 2007. Quercus kelloggii. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/tree/quekel/all.html

Habitat: Plant Associations

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This species is known to occur in association with the following plant community types (as classified by Küchler 1964):

More info for the terms: forest, shrub


K005 Mixed conifer forest

K006 Redwood forest

K009 Pine - cypress forest

K010 Ponderosa shrub forest

K011 Western ponderosa forest

K026 Oregon oakwoods

K028 Mosaic of K002 and K026

K029 California oakwoods

K033 Chaparral

K034 Montane chaparral
bibliographic citation
Fryer, Janet L. 2007. Quercus kelloggii. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/tree/quekel/all.html

Habitat: Rangeland Cover Types

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This species is known to occur in association with the following Rangeland Cover Types (as classified by the Society for Range Management, SRM):

More info for the terms: cover, shrubland, woodland


109 Ponderosa pine shrubland

110 Ponderosa pine-grassland

201 Blue oak woodland

202 Coast live oak woodland

203 Riparian woodland

208 Ceanothus mixed chaparral

209 Montane shrubland

Some of the information in pages that follow comes from reviews by Burns and Honkala
[42] and McDonald [147].

bibliographic citation
Fryer, Janet L. 2007. Quercus kelloggii. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/tree/quekel/all.html

Immediate Effect of Fire

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More info for the terms: crown fire, fire severity, low-severity fire, moderate-severity fire, root crown, severity, surface fire, top-kill

Mature California black oaks usually survive fires of all severity. Low-severity fire generally top-kills saplings, while stem and branch tissue of larger California black oak survives [249]. Low-severity fire causes some cambium damage to trees pole-sized and smaller [25,110]. By about 60 years of age, California black oak bark is thick enough to survive low-severity fire [148]. Regardless of fire severity, spring fire corresponding to the active growing season results in greater tissue damage than fire in other seasons [110].

Moderate-severity surface fire top-kills pole-sized trees, but thick, insulating bark usually protects larger trees from fire kill [225,249]. Approximately half of all young California black oaks in a stand are killed by moderate-severity fire [110]; most other young California black oaks are top-killed [61]. For California black oaks large enough to escape top-kill, moderate-severity fire typically causes localized charring and cambium death in the trunk [193,225,249]. Plumb [192] states that "California black oak is the only (oak) species that develops bark sufficiently thick to resist low- to moderate-intensity fire in larger trees" (>6.3 inches (16 cm) DBH). The outer trunk bark is thinner and chars more readily than bark of associated pines, so California black oak trunks are more fire-sensitive to moderate-severity fire than associated ponderosa and sugar pines of similar size [162,220]. California black oak's cambium may incur heat damage even where bark is >0.5 inch (1.3 cm) thick [170,180].

Crown or severe surface fire usually top-kills mature California black oaks [162,180,220,225,249,275]. Crown or severe surface fire that burns into the root crown kills even large trees [41,110,147,155]. Mortality of pole-sized and smaller trees is common after crown fire [61,110]. Complete kill may occur in California black oaks of all size classes when individual trees or clumps of trees are surrounded by or adjoining brush [180]. Severe surface fire often kills shrubby California black oaks [110].

bibliographic citation
Fryer, Janet L. 2007. Quercus kelloggii. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/tree/quekel/all.html

Importance to Livestock and Wildlife

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More info for the terms: competition, cover, forest, frequency, litter, mast, presence, seed, tree, woodland

California black oak is a critical species for wildlife. Oaks (Quercus spp.) may be the single most important genus used by wildlife for food and cover in California forests and rangelands [60,253], and California black oak occupies more total area in California than any other oak species [31]. Its acorns are the largest of the western oaks [27], and are heavily consumed by livestock, mule deer, feral pig, rodents, mountain quail, wild turkey, jays, and woodpeckers [87,139]. California black oak and mixed-oak woodlands are important wildlife habitat. In riparian oakwoods of the Central and North Coast Ranges, for example, California black oak and associated oaks form riparian corridors within agricultural areas. A night-camera survey in a mixed-oak riparian woodland in Napa County's wine country showed that many predators, including striped skunk, bobcat, coyote, gray fox, and mountain lion, used the oak woodland corridors extensively. Predator usage was significantly greater (P=0.03) in wide, undisturbed corridors compared to narrow or denuded corridors [99].

The leaves and berries of Pacific mistletoe, which commonly infects California black oak, are important foods for a variety of birds and small mammals (review by [76]).

Cattle make heavy use of California black oak for food and cover [180,212]. They browse California black oak leaves and stems, and forage for acorns on trees and on the ground [212]. California black oak-mixed oak woodlands are important rangelands [245]. A Blodgett Forest Research Station study of forage use by free-range cattle found consumption of California black oak peaked in June (17.8% of diet), with use extending to August (10.2% of diet) [113]. Cattle may consume much of the California black oak acorn crop in some years. To reduce competition for acorns between mule deer and cattle, Kie and Loft [114] recommend removing cattle from oak rangelands during acorn drop.

Mule deer: California black oak woodlands and forests provide mule deer (Columbian black-tailed deer) cover and habitat [118]. Mule deer browse California black oak [207,212], and acorns are important mule deer forage. Mule deer use of California black oak browse peaks in summer and is lowest in winter [131]. They rely on the acorns after acorn drop: California black oak acorns constitute an average of 50% of the fall and winter diets of Columbian black-tailed deer in high mast years [195]. Fawn survival rates generally increase or decrease with the size of California black oak acorn crops [42]. Mule deer eat the acorns from fall through spring. On the Tehama Deer Range of California, California black oak acorns constituted a mean of 27.8% of the October mule deer diet and 21% of the April diet [147]. California black oak acorns are especially important in early spring just before and during snowmelt [147], when new green forage is still scarce.

Other large mammals: American black bear use California black oak forest types heavily for spring, summer, and fall cover [42]. American black bears and northern raccoons eat California black oak acorns [139]. Ponderosa pine-California black oak forests provide habitat for mountain lions and other large predators [221]. Foothill oak woodlands with a California black oak component provide prime mountain lion hunting grounds [52].

Small mammals: Chipmunks and squirrels make heavy use of acorns (Quercus spp.) [139]. California black oak acorns comprise about 50% of the fall and winter diets of western gray squirrel during high mast years [195]. Plant communities with a substantial California black oak component are good habitat for rodents. California black oak and white fir are the principal tree species associated with northern flying squirrels in the San Bernardino Mountains, where the squirrels are at the southern edge of their range. On the Plumas National Forest, 37% of long-eared chipmunk, 54% of Townsend's chipmunk, 36% of yellow-pine chipmunk, and 50% of golden-mantled ground squirrel habitat use was on early seral conifer burns where the dominant vegetation was California black oak and mixed chaparral species [253]. California black oak provides cover for dusky-footed woodrats, a major prey item for California spotted owls [270].

Birds: Many seed predators consume California black oak acorns, and California black oak is a preferred foraging substrate for many birds [5,166]. Acorn-consuming songbirds include blackbirds, chickadees, crows, goldfinches, larks, Clark's nutcrackers, nuthatches, sapsuckers, and thrashers [139]. California black oak acorns form a majority of the acorn woodpecker's diet in some areas [137,205]. The acorns are important in the fall diet of band-tailed pigeons [173,223], comprising 3.2% of their September diet and 7.7% of their November diet [147]. All of 68 bird species observed in oak woodlands of the Tehachapi Mountains of California used California black oak for part of their foraging activities. The acorn woodpecker, the northern oriole, and the Nashville warbler showed greatest preference for California black oak [29]. In a mixed-conifer forest on the Blodgett Research Station, red-breasted and chestnut-back chickadees foraged on California black oak significantly more than expected (P<0.05) based upon California black oak's frequency [1,39]. A Blodgett Forest Research Station study of bark-foraging birds showed the pileated woodpecker made high use of California black oak branches while hawking [166]. As a guild, insect-gleaning birds preferred (preference value L=0.05) California black oak more than expected based on availability [5]. Morrison and others [39] express concern that managing only for pines in mixed-conifer forests may reduce population densities of chickadees and other gleaning birds that depend on California black oak and other hardwoods for food and cover.

Protected animals: California black oak woodlands are important habitat for several rare and threatened species. California black oak provides diversity and nesting and other cover for California spotted owls [164,228,265] and flammulated owls [146]. A Sierra National Forest-Sequoia Kings Canyon National Park study showed California spotted owls in mixed-oak woodlands nested in California black oaks more often than expected (P<0.05) based on California black oak's relative abundance [175]. In a study of Sierra Nevada fisher populations, fishers in mixed-conifer-California black oak habitat had smaller home ranges than fishers in Sierra lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta var. murrayana) or Jeffrey pine habitats. The authors suggested that fisher home range requirements were smaller in mixed forest because California black oak and other montane oaks increased habitat quality [270,276]. Stewart and others [237] discuss habitat needs of sensitive-listed southern California herptiles in mixed-conifer forests with a California black oak component.

Arthropods: The bole and limbs of California black oak are habitat for many arthropods species. Some of these arthropods are important to gleaning and other insectivorous birds [39]. Schowalter and Zhang [217] provide a compilation of arthropod family assemblages found on branches of California black oak and associated woody species on the Teakettle Experimental Forest.

Tree cavities filled with rainwater or detritus form unique habitat for aquatic- or detritus-based invertebrate communities. Mosquitoes are among the insects that live in rain-filled California black oak cavities during the larval stage. Some invertebrates are largely or entirely restricted to cavities in California black and other oaks during a portion of their life cycle. Woodard and others [274] detail invertebrate species presence and food chains in cavities of California black and other oaks in Mendocino County, California.

Palatability/nutritional value: California black oak browse is highly palatable to cattle and mule deer, but is less valuable for other ungulates [212]:

Palatability of California black oak foliage

Animal Rating mule deer good to excellent cattle poor to good domestic sheep poor to fair horses useless to poor

California black oak acorns have a high concentration of lipids [149]. They provide little nutrition for herbivore growth and bone-building but are an excellent source of energy due to the high fat content [212]. California black oak leaves may provide the highest food value of all the western oak browse for fattening cattle [136].

California black oak acorns are highly palatable to livestock and mule deer. In a study in the Cuyamaca Mountains of southwestern California, mule deer preferred California black oak acorns over any other forage. Mule deer would search through forest litter for acorns even during spring, when new, palatable sprouts and herbs were readily available [37]. Mean nutritional values of California black oak acorns are given below (review by [59]):

Percent (%) composition of California black oak acorns

crude protein 3.43 crude fiber 14.07 fat 11.05 ash 1.14 calcium  0.09 phosphorus  0.06 tannins 1.81

Scrivner and others [218] provide a mineral analysis of California black oak acorns collected on the Hopland Field Station.

Cover value: Wildlife use California black oak heavily for cover. California black oak provides valuable shade for livestock and wildlife during the hot summer months [59]. Cavities in California black oak provide den or nest sites for owls, woodpeckers, tree squirrels, and American black bears [60,271]. Cavity nesters also use oracle oak [271]. For further information, see Importance to Livestock and Wildlife.

bibliographic citation
Fryer, Janet L. 2007. Quercus kelloggii. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/tree/quekel/all.html

Key Plant Community Associations

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More info for the terms: association, cover, cover type, fern, forest, grassland, hardwood, mesic, natural, phase, series, shrub, shrubs, subformation, woodland

California black oak is most common in Pacific ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa var.
ponderosa; hereafter, ponderosa pine) and mixed-conifer forests, where
it is more often an associated than a dominant species [135,188]. California
black oak cooccurs with ponderosa pine throughout nearly all of California
black oak's distribution [61,148]. White fir (Abies
concolor), incense-cedar (Calocedrus decurrens), and sugar pine (Pinus
lambertiana) are additional important associates in mixed-conifer forests [188].
California black oak is a common associate in dry-site coast Douglas-fir
(Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii;
hereafter, Douglas-fir) forests in Klamath-Siskiyou region of
southwestern Oregon and northwestern California. The Klamath-Siskiyou area is
one of the most biologically diverse regions of the world, so California black
oak has many overstory plant associates there [135]. McDonald [147] provides a list of
associated trees and shrubs across
California black oak's distribution.

The California black oak cover type occurs sporadically and in
relatively small extent across California black oak's distribution. It is best
developed in southern Oregon and the northern Sierra Nevada [148,149,187,261].
More often, California black oak stands form a transition zone between mixed
chaparral and mixed-conifer forest in Sequoia National Park [185] and other
locations. The California black oak cover type is disturbance-dependent on most
sites and was more widespread before European settlement. Historically extensive
California black oak stands in Yosemite Valley,
for example, are attributed to California black oak
cultivation and very frequent understory burning by Miwoks to
promote California black oak over ponderosa pine [16,70] (see Native American fires and Other Uses
for further information).

California black oak is common to dominant in some oak (Quercus spp.) woodlands, which
have annual grassland, shrub, or mixed shrub-annual grassland understories. In
mixed-oak woodlands on the North Coast Ranges of northern California,
California black oak grows in association with coast live oak
(Q. agrifolia), blue oak (Q. lobata), Epling's oak (Q.
× eplingii), and/or tanoak (Lithocarpus
densiflorus) [26,148]. California black oak
is an associate or rare dominant in mixed-oak riparian woodlands of
coastal northern California [99]. In
low-elevation canyons throughout much of its range, California black oak codominates with canyon live oak
(Q. chrysolepis), with canyon live oak usually
dominant on dry sites and California black oak assuming dominance on mesic sites [90,149]. A
California black oak-coast live oak/interior live oak (Q. wislizenii var.
frutescens) woodland is described from Cuyamaca Rancho State Park near
San Diego, California [37].

California black oak occurs in a few plant communities dominated by narrow endemics. It
is an associate in Washoe pine (Pinus washoensis) forests in Modoc County,
California [275], giant sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum) forests in
the Sierra Nevada [261], and bigcone Douglas-fir
(Pseudotsuga macrocarpa) woodlands in the mountain ranges of southern California [80].
East of Los Angeles in the San Jacinto Mountains, California black oak codominates in
California black oak-Coulter pine (Pinus coulteri)-canyon live oak/chaparral whitethorn-manzanita
(Ceanothus leucodermis-Manzanita spp.) forests [273].

California black oak joins a unique western hardwood-Great Basin shrub transition community in
the southern Cascade Range. A California black oak population in Lassen County,
California, transitions into a basin big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata var. tridentata)
community on pluvial Lake Lahontan [275].

Published classifications naming California black oak as a dominant or indicator species,
from north to south, are as follows:


  • California black oak woodland of Willamette Valley

  • California black oak and California black oak-Oregon white oak (Q. garryana)
    association of western Oregon [240]

  • ponderosa pine-California black oak-Oregon white oak/wedgeleaf ceanothus (Ceanothus cuneatus)
    community of western Oregon [178]

  • ponderosa pine-California black oak association of the Medford District and the Rogue National Forest [23]

  • California black oak/ceanothus (Ceanothus spp.) and ponderosa pine-California
    black oak/ceanothus series in the Siskiyou Mountains [22]

  • California black oak-Douglas-fir vegetation type of the Siskiyou Mountains (review of
    classifications by [68])

  • an indicator species (100% frequency) of the Douglas-fir/poison-oak/Pacific hound's tongue
    (Toxicodendron diversilobum/Cynoglossum grande) association on the Dead Indian Plateau [20]


  • California black oak/poison-oak and California black oak/purple needlegrass (Nassella pulchra)
    association at Castle Rock, California [243]

  • nonconiferous California black oak phase of mixed-evergreen forest in northern California [25]

  • the Coast Ranges hardwood series:

    • California black oak-Pacific madrone (Arbutus menziesii)-coast live oak subseries

    • mixed oak-coast live oak/poison-oak subseries

    • California black oak-coast live oak-shore pine/ocean spray (Pinus contorta var. contorta/
      Holodiscus discolor) subseries

    • California black oak-valley oak/grass (Poaceae) subseries [8]

  • Coulter pine-California black oak forest of the Coast Ranges [101,255]

  • California black oak communities on Bennett Mountain, Sonoma County:

    • California black oak/California fescue (Festuca californica)

    • California black oak-California bay (Umbellularia californica)

    • California black oak-Douglas-fir

    • California black oak/poison-oak

    • California black oak/sweet cicely (Osmorhiza berteroi) [256]

  • the coast live oak-California black oak-Pacific madrone phase of mixed-evergreen forest
    on the Hastings Natural History Reservation [86]

  • montane California black oak upland hardwood vegetation type of the central and southern coastal foothills

  • Jeffrey pine-California black oak and ponderosa pine-California black oak phases of the
    montane conifer vegetation type in the central and southern coastal foothills [235]

  • the Coast Ranges and Sierra Nevada hardwood series:

    • California black oak/poison oak subseries

    • California black oak-canyon live oak/poison-oak subseries

    • canyon live oak-California black oak subseries

    • California black oak/grass subseries

  • the Sierra Nevada hardwood series:

    • California black oak/poison-oak-snowdrop bush-Ithuriel's spear
      (Styrax redivivus-Triteleia laxa) subseries

    • California black oak/deer brush (Ceanothus integerrimus) subseries

    • California black oak/deer brush-poison-oak/bracken fern (Pteridium aquilinum) subseries

    • California black oak/greenleaf manzanita (Arctostaphylos patula) subseries [8]

  • mixed-evergreen California madrone-tanoak-California black oak forests and pure California black oak
    phases of mixed-evergreen forests in the Sierra Nevada [148]

  • mixed-evergreen California madrone-canyon live oak-California black oak forest on the Yuba
    River watershed [91]

  • California black oak phase of ponderosa pine and Jeffrey pine (Pinus jeffreyi)
    forest vegetation types [210,255]

  • California black oak phase of the broadleaf forest subformation in southern California [190]

  • California black oak woodlands of the San Bernardino Mountains [102]

  • Coulter pine-California black oak forest of the Transverse and Peninsular ranges [101,255,266]

General California classifications:

  • California black oak phase of the oak woodland series [106]

  • California black oak forest [101]

bibliographic citation
Fryer, Janet L. 2007. Quercus kelloggii. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/tree/quekel/all.html

Life Form

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: shrub, tree

Tree, shrub
bibliographic citation
Fryer, Janet L. 2007. Quercus kelloggii. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/tree/quekel/all.html

Management considerations

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More info for the terms: forest, fuel, softwood, tree

California black oak
populations have greatly decreased from historic sizes. This is due
to a number of factors including drought, animal foraging, logging, and fire
exclusion [60].

Softwood production:
California black oak serves as a nurse tree to conifers. Ponderosa pine,
Douglas-fir, and incense-cedar seedlings often establish under crowns of
large California black oak while adjacent ground remains unproductive [42].

Damaging agents, biological―

Many pathogens may infect California black oak. Hecht-Poinar and others [97] provide
a general review of agents that infect or infest California black oak
and other western oaks, and discuss disease control
methods. A discussion of specific pathogens follows.

Fungi and water molds:
California black oak is highly
susceptible to wood-decaying fungi. Heart rot is mainly
caused by two fungal pathogens: Inonotus dryophilus
and Laetiporus sulphereus. Another fungus, Armillaria mellea,
causes root and butt rot in old or fire-damaged trees [42,149].
Sprouts arising from infected boles are susceptible to heart rot [147].
Summer irrigation encourages growth of root rot fungi [198]. McDonald [147] provides a review of major fungus
species that California black oak hosts.

California black oak is also susceptible to several leaf diseases, such as
oak leaf fungus (Septonia quercicola) and oak anthracnose
(Gnomonia veneta). These agents
are usually not serious unless defoliation is repeated [147].
Burns and Honkala [42] and McDonald [147] provide reviews of
leaf-damaging fungal pathogens.

California black oak and
other oaks in the red oak subgenus are vulnerable to sudden oak death disease
[18,56,72]. Both the origin and life cycle of
the fungus-like water mold (Phytopthora ramorum) causing this
disease are unclear. Based on genetic studies that showed a "limited gene pool" for sudden oak death
mold populations in North America compared to European populations, Garbelotto
and others [72] speculate that the mold is "an introduced organism, but
its actual origin and global genetic structure remain unknown." They
provide a tentative explanation of the mold's complex life cycle, which
requires an alternate host to complete [72,73].

Sudden oak death disease is fatal to most red oak species.
Red oak saplings often die within weeks of
infection. Mature trees may take several years to die. Among red oaks,
California black oak is very susceptible to sudden oak
death mold infection [18,241]. In
laboratory seedling and sapling inoculation studies of Texas and California
oaks, California black oak had the highest infection rate of
14 red oak and white oak (subgenus Leucobalanus) species [18].
Field monitoring in Marin
County, California, showed a progression from total infection rates (all oak
species) of 39.0% in 2000
to 62.4% in 2003, and a consummate rise in mortality from 3.8% to 9.4%.
There are many alternate plant hosts for the mold, including some species
that show symptoms of infection
and some that do not. Garbelotto and others [72] and Swain [247] provide
lists of known sudden oak death mold hosts including California bay, redwood, tanoak, toyon
(Heteromeles arbutifolia), and
Pacific rhododendron (Rhododendron macrophyllum) [72,247].
Actual methods of mold spore dissemination were not documented as of 2007.
Suspected mechanisms include wind, water, soil, sap-sucking insects
and other animal vectors, and transported
firewood [18,53,73]. Bark beetles often attack infected trees [158],
but they are apparently
secondary agents, not sudden oak death vectors [73].

Sudden oak death mortality of California black oak in the Central Coast
Ranges is widespread [54,96]. Oak mortality from sudden oak death disease may affect fuel loads [54].
Guides for identifying infected oaks [73,239],
collecting pathogen samples for laboratory analysis, and
removing infected trees to minimize disease spread [239] are available. The website Monitoring Sudden Oak Death
provides county and regional maps of infestations in
California. The Pacific Southwest Region of the
US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, provides annual
monitoring updates on their Forest Pest Conditions
website. Fungicides for controlling sudden oak death
mold are being investigated. Federal and State
agencies in Oregon are testing a clearcut-and-burn treatment for infected sites
in southwestern Oregon [72]. Control treatment results were not available as of

Interior live oak is the least sensitive of the Californian oaks in the red oak subgenus [56],
so oracle oaks may be genetically less susceptible than California black oak to sudden oak death
mold compared to their California black oak parents.

Parasitic plants:
This species is frequently infested with Pacific mistletoe [42,147].

Many insect species feed on California black oak. McDonald [147]
reports that insect damage to California black oak is "usually secondary,
reducing growth but seldom killing the tree." He provides a review of
California black oak insect pests [147].

Damaging agents, physical―

Heavy, wet snow often breaks California black oak branches. Broken
limb edges become portals for fungal infection [147].

California black oak is moderately sensitive to ozone [252,257],
and is used as a bioindicator of ozone pollution [257].
bibliographic citation
Fryer, Janet L. 2007. Quercus kelloggii. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/tree/quekel/all.html

Other uses and values

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Native American use: California black oak was profoundly important to Native American tribes living within California black oak's distribution. At one time, California black oak acorns were a tribal food staple [66,142]. Many Native American villages were located near California black oak groves, and acorns―particularly California black oak acorns―were a primary source of tribal wealth. California black oak acorns were a much-desired trade item for desert tribes without ready access to acorns [16,35]. Oak (Quercus spp.) woodlands were managed as orchards on many sites (Yosemite Valley, for example): Trees were pruned, and stands thinned and burned (see Native American fires), to enhance acorn production [16,34,142,202].

California black oak harvest. M. Kat Anderson @ USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database

Tribes preferred California black oak acorns over those of other oak species for making acorn meal because of California black oak meal's superior taste and pudding-like texture when cooked [27,55]. California black oak meal was often mixed with other oak meals to improve meal flavor and texture [27]. Native Americans used California black oak meal to make soup, bread, and pudding. Moldy California black oak flour was used to treat boils and sores [149]. Some Miwoks still harvest and process California black oak acorns for food [10,11].

The Western Monos used epicormic sprouts of burned California black oaks in basketry [12]. The Yosemite Miwoks used California black oak branches for making household utensils, and the trunks as support columns for roundhouses. The Wintu made black dye from the bark [188].

Commercial use:
Wood products― California black oak is a valuable timber tree. The wood is used for making cabinets, furniture, flooring, high-grade lumber, pallets, and industrial timbers. It is also used as fuelwood [42,138,267]. Forks of open-grown California black oak were used in late 1800s as "naturally assembled" ship keels and ribs [149].

Other products― California black oak is a valuable ornamental. The deep shade and aesthetic appeal of California black oak make it a highly desirable landscaping tree [32,33].

Cork oak (Q. suber) scions were grafted onto California black oak rootstalk in the 1940s to produce cork during World War II [42].

bibliographic citation
Fryer, Janet L. 2007. Quercus kelloggii. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/tree/quekel/all.html


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More info on this topic.

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California black oak is late-fall or winter deciduous [188]. Acorns usually germinate with the onset warm temperatures in late winter or spring [143,144,147]. As the embryo develops, the radicle extends below ground first, with the hypocotyl emerging 10 to 15 days later [147]. On mature trees, catkins emerge in spring, with trees near the coast and at low elevations generally flowering before inland and high-elevation trees [147]. Acorns mature 18 to 20 months after pollination [188]. General periods of development are:

Seasonal Development for California black oak

Event Period acorn germination February-April [143,155] seedling emergence 8 April-8 July on the Challenge Experimental Forest [155] catkins mature mid-March to mid-May [42,147] leaf drop mid-August to mid-September [42] acorns mature mid-August to mid-September of 2nd year [42] acorns drop mid-August to early November of 2nd year [42,147] leaf fall September-October; usually coincides with acorn drop [147]
bibliographic citation
Fryer, Janet L. 2007. Quercus kelloggii. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/tree/quekel/all.html

Plant Response to Fire

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More info for the terms: density, forest, litter, prescribed fire, root crown, seed, top-kill

California black oak establishes from sprouts and acorns after fire.

Sprouting: California black oak sprouts from the root crown or bole after top-kill by fire [64,64,147,148,149,162,194,220,231,249]. Trees arising from sprouts often have multiple trunks. Young and others [275] report that single-stemmed California black oaks are rare on the east slope of the Sierra Nevada, and suggest that most east-side California black oak stands resulted from postfire sprouting. Ability to sprout extends across age classes, with seedlings [147] and mature trees showing ability to sprout after fire. Partially burned trees may produce epicormic sprouts on the bole or branches [12,108,149,154,162]. Stephens and Finney [231] found that after prescribed fire in a mixed-conifer stand in Sequoia National Park, 90% of burned California black oak sprouted from the root crown. Neither percent forest floor consumption, percent crown volume scorched, nor crown scorch height were good predictors of California black oak mortality, although those variables successfully predicted conifer mortality. For California black oaks that died, mortality occurred within 1 postfire year [231].

McDonald [148] reports that sprouting starts in the first postfire growing season, with "up to 100 sprouts bursting forth from the most vigorous stumps". Postfire sprouts usually grow rapidly [275]. Within a few weeks following fire, most surviving California black oaks sprout from the root crown and/or undamaged portions of the trunk. This response is independent of the rainy season; new shoots draw upon water and nutrient reserves in the root system and appear soon after spring, summer, or fall fire. Sprouting is "vigorous" in saplings and young trees [159]. Very old trees may fail to sprout or produce only epicormic sprouts [159]. Epicormic sprouts are less "vigorous" than root crown sprouts, with a greater tendency to die back or become infected with wood-decaying fungi while still young [149].

Season of burning affects California black oak sprout density. Individual California black oak grew significantly more sprouts after early fall and early spring prescribed fires compared to late fall and late spring prescribed fires in ponderosa pine and mixed-conifer forests on the Blodgett Forest Research Station, the Challenge Experimental Forest, and the Plumas National Forest. See the Research Project Summary of Kauffman and Martin's [108,109,110,111] study for further information on response of California black oak and other plants to those fires.

California black oak seedling after the Cedar Fire in Cuyamaca Rancho State Park.

Seedling establishment: McDonald [148] stated that after fire, acorns provide a secondary reproductive mechanism for California black oak establishment, allowing the species to move into newly created openings and new areas. Seedlings may establish as early as the first postfire growing season [110,148]. Seedlings probably establish from acorns cached by animals (see Seed dispersal), and establishment from crown-stored acorns is also likely. Fire favors seedling establishment in several ways. It prepares a favorable seedbed not only by removing litter, but also by killing damaging molds and insects present in the litter layer. Sapling mortality from root rot is less on recently burned than unburned sites [25,155]. See Discussion and Qualification of Plant Response below for more information.

California black oak seedling numbers increased significantly (P>0.05) following a low-severity prescribed fire in a Jeffrey pine-California black oak forest in Cuyamaca Rancho State Park, California [129,140,141,141]. For further information on this study, see the Research Project Summary of Martin and Lathorop's [129,140,141] study.

bibliographic citation
Fryer, Janet L. 2007. Quercus kelloggii. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/tree/quekel/all.html

Post-fire Regeneration

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Tree with adventitious-bud root crown/root sucker
Crown residual colonizer (on-site, initial community)
Initial-offsite colonizer (off-site, initial community)
Secondary colonizer - off-site seed
bibliographic citation
Fryer, Janet L. 2007. Quercus kelloggii. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/tree/quekel/all.html

Regeneration Processes

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: density, duff, forest, frequency, hypogeal, litter, mast, monoecious, natural, presence, relative frequency, root crown, seed, shrubs, stratification, top-kill, tree

California black oak reproduces by sprouting from the root crown and establishing from acorns. Sprouting accounts for most reproduction, while seedling establishment helps maintain existing stands and allows the species to expand into new areas [148]. However, because sprouting depends upon fire or some other top-killing disturbance, it is less important than seedling establishment on undisturbed sites. Even on disturbed sites, seedlings sometimes outnumber sprouts. Garrison and others [78] found that California black oak seedlings were more prevalent than sprouts after logging in Placer County, California. Standiford and others [226] provide a model for predicting probabilities of regeneration (seedlings and sprouts combined) for California black oak and other oaks in the southern Sierra Nevada.

Vegetative regeneration: California black oak sprouts from the root crown or bole after fire, logging, frost, or other top-killing events [42,69,148,153,194,275]. Edwards [61] and McDonald [148] state that most California black oak stands originate from sprouts. Sprouting is California black oak's primary method of reproduction after top-killing events like fire [147,148,194]. Even seedlings sprout after top-kill [147,155], and sprouting ability is retained until trees are "very old and moribund" [147]. Old California black oaks may not sprout if perennating buds are covered by thick bark [155]. Trees originating from root crown sprouts are often multistemmed [275]. Number of sprouts/bole tends to decrease over time; pole-sized clonal clumps generally contain 1 or 2, or occasionally up to 4, sprouts. Multistemmed colonies are more common on dry, infertile sites than on productive (high timber yield) sites [147].

Open structure and dormant-season disturbances promote initially high sprout densities. On the North Coast Ranges, stumps of California black oaks cut from December through May had a mean sprouting rate of 95%, while stumps cut from June through November had a sprouting rate of 45%. California black oak produced more sprouts, which grew faster, in clearcuts compared to partial cuts (review by [155]). Similarly, clearcutting on the Challenge Experimental Forest in the southern Cascade Range of California resulted in greater sprout production compared to shelterwood cutting [194]:

Mean number of California black oak sprouts/bole and sprout growth for 10 postharvest years

Postharvest year Sprouts/bole Sprout height (feet) Clearcut Shelterwood Clearcut Shelterwood 0 55+ 28 ...* 2.0 2 55+ 23 ... 2.0 4 35 17 7.5 3.9 6 23 15 12.5 4.9 8 18 13 16.1 5.9 10 15 12 19.7 7.0 *no data.

California black oak produces epicormic sprouts on the bole and branches [108,147,154]. Epicormic sprouts reduce California black oak's timber value [154], but may be important to California black oak regeneration when fire or other disturbance kills it back to the bole.

Regeneration from seed:
Pollination: California black oak is wind pollinated [15,42,125]. Pollen is apparently not limiting for reproduction. In Sequoia-Kings Canyon National Park, California, California black oak pollen was "overrepresented" in pollen rain samples based on California black oak's relative frequency [15].

Breeding system: California black oak is monoecious and outcrossing [33,147]. Levels of genetic diversity within and among California black oak populations are unclear. A genetic study found higher levels of genetic diversity within California black oak populations than expected for a wind-pollinated species. The authors caution, however, that their sample size was small (n=9 populations) and call for further studies on the population genetics of California black oak [56]. Common garden provenance trials on the Challenge Experimental Forest showed few differences in survival, growth, leaf flush, and leaf fall among 8 California black oak populations planted on an elevational gradient [155]. Animal acorn dispersers (see Seed dispersal) probably influence California black oak distribution and population genetics [275]. Further studies are needed to determine genetic diversity and gene flow patterns for California black oak.

Seed production: Although there are generally more California black oaks of sprout than seedling origin [148], California black oak "can produce adequately from seed" [147]. California black oak acorns require 2 years to develop and ripen [98,134]. Abortion of first-year acorns is common, especially during drought [155]. California black oaks begin sporadic acorn production at about 30 years of age or 39 feet (12 m) in height [33,42], with large crops produced beginning at 80 to 100 years of age [42]. Abundant production continues until trees are 200 or more years of age, with reproduction declining as tree senesce [147]. Average production for a 150- to 200-year-old tree was 6,500 acorns [42]. Large trees produce more acorns across time and space―and therefore parent more seedlings―than small California black oaks. In a Placer County, California, study, California black oak seedling density increased with mean stand DBH [78].

California black oak is a masting species, with high acorn production in some years and low production in others [123,134,147]. It would be useful for fire and wildlife managers to predict years of high acorn production, but to date (2007), such models remain elusive for California black oak. A 7-year study of a Carmel Valley, California, population showed that 55% of California black oaks produced no acorns, while 28% produced "bumper" crops [46]. Oaks (Quercus spp.) tend to mast synchronously; however, this tendency is weak in California black oak and does not occur in all populations [122,123,124]. Since California black oak requires 2 years for acorns to mature, its masts do not coincide with associated oaks in the white oak subgenus, which have acorns taking 1 year to develop [121,122,134]. Koening and others [123,124] suggest that because California black oak acorns take longer to develop, environmental variables affecting acorn maturation are more complex, and acorn production less predictable, for California black oak compared to oaks with acorns that mature in 1 year. In a 12-year study on the Hastings Natural History Reservation, Koenig and others [125] reported complete acorn crop failure for California black oak and canyon live oak, which also takes 2 years to develop acorns, in 1 of the study years (1991). Associated white oaks did not experience crop failure [125]. Studies spanning several decades, rather than 10 or so years, may be needed to better understand and predict variation in California black oak acorn production [122].

A few acorn-production trends, however, are noted across California black oak's distribution. Some individual California black oak trees or groves produce seed every year, but abundant acorn crops for entire California black oak stands generally occur every 2 to 3 years [147]. Some populations have mast cycles longer than 2 or 3 years, however. Koenig and others [122] suggested a 6-year masting cycle for California black oak on the Hastings Reservation of west-central California. For the 5 oak species on the Reservation, climatic variables only correlated with masting in California black oaks (r=0.3, P<0.001) and canyon live oaks. Both oaks tended to produce large crops in years following "particularly cold winters" [122]. In a 24-year study on the Challenge Experimental Forest, McDonald [151] reported that California black oak produced 5 acorn crops in 30 years: 3 medium (many acorns on 25-50% of trees) to heavy (many acorns on >50% of trees) crops and 2 light (few acorns on >25% of trees) to very light (few acorns on <25% of trees) crops. There was no discernible pattern to variations in California black oak acorn production [151]. Garrison and others [77] and McDonald [151] provide protocols for visually estimating California black oak acorn production.

Acorn depredation: Many animal species consume California black oak acorns (see Importance to Livestock and Wildlife), including small and large mammals, birds, and insects. Litter molds also kill acorns [42,147].

Seed dispersal: McDonald and Tappeiner [155] rate California black oak acorn dissemination as "good". Animals and gravity disperse the acorns [42]. Since California black oak acorns are heavy, those not dispersed by animals tend to fall beneath the parent tree's crown, which suppresses seedling growth [147]. Seed-caching animals are the most important acorn dispersers. Unretrieved seed buried in caches is more likely to germinate and establish than seed in litter or on the ground [42,147]. A few hours of direct sunlight or sustained indirect heat kills California black oak embryos [155]. California ground squirrels, western gray squirrels, Steller's jays, and scrub jays are important California black oak acorn cachers [42]. Western gray squirrels and scrub jays are most critical for California black oak regeneration because they move acorns away from the parent tree before burial [110,147,148]. Chances of seed dispersers selecting California black oak acorns over acorns of other oaks are good. Acorn-caching dispersers are more likely to select large acorns, such as those of California black oaks, than smaller acorns of other oaks. Further, the nutrient reserves in large acorns give California black oak a better change of establishing compared to oaks with smaller acorns [6]. For California black oak acorns that are not cached, those falling beneath the parent tree show better emergence than those in the open. Shade, deep litter, and a high proportion of moist organic material in the soil beneath large California black oaks are "probably an asset" to California black oak development. As seedlings, California black oaks grow slowly when shaded by their parent. However, such shaded seedlings respond well to release, often forming clumped groves after parent death or harvest [155].

Seed banking: California black oak has a short-term seed bank. Acorns in the field lose viability rapidly when warm fall or spring temperatures desiccate the embryo, although California black oak acorns remain viable for 2 to 5 years under laboratory storage conditions [155]. Acorns in litter and buried in animal caches form a temporary seed bank and may survive several months. California black oak probably cannot form a longer-term seed bank, however, because seed nutrient reserves deplete rapidly with warm temperatures. In an artificial regeneration study on the Challenge Experimental Forest, California black oak acorns were planted 2 inches (5 cm) deep in the fall of 1969. A few acorns were later buried to 4-inch (10 cm) depths by winter storms that displaced soil. While most California black oak seedlings emerged in spring 1970, the deeply buried acorns emerged in the summer or fall of 1970. At the same stages of development, the deeply buried summer and fall germinants showed weak taproot development compared to the shallowly buried spring germinants. Most late-emerging germinants died from drought in their first year, while most spring germinants survived [147].

Germination: Most California black oak acorns are dormant, requiring overwinter stratification to germinate [103,147]; however, this species apparently produces some acorns that are capable of immediate germination [215]. Germination is hypogeal [42,147]. In common garden studies comparing germination characteristics of several California oak species, most California black oak acorns sown in October germinated within a short period in February regardless of population origin. This synchronized germination contrasted with germination of 6 other oak species, which slowly progressed through winter [144]. California black oak acorn viability varies greatly [103,147], generally ranging from 30% to 95% [147]. In a greenhouse study using acorns from the San Bernardino National Forest in southern California, both population and parent sources affected California black oak acorn germination rate (percent germination range=20-93%). Parents producing acorns with high moisture contents had fewer viable acorns, and acorns from high-elevation stands (6,300 feet (1,900 m)) had lower germination rates than acorns from low-elevation stands (4,500 feet (1,400 m)) [103]. California black oak acorns with relatively high moisture contents generally show poor emergence because they are susceptible to fungal infections [42].

Seedling establishment: A moist, open mineral or light duff seedbed favors California black oak establishment [110], but seedbed requirements are not rigid. California black oak also establishes in undisturbed leaf litter [147]. McDonald [150] noted presence of both seedlings and sprouts on a clearcut on the Challenge Experimental Forest. Seedlings were concentrated where mature California black oaks had stood prior to tree harvest. Sprouts were more scattered in distribution but "outgrew all other vegetation" where present [150]. More seedlings established in large openings than in small openings after a 1963 group-selection cut on the Challenge Experimental Forest [152]:

Mean density of California black oak seedlings by size of group-selection opening at postharvest year 11 (1974) Opening size (ft) 30 60 90 seedlings/acre 166 588 550

Deterrents to establishment: Unfavorable site conditions and foraging animals reduce seedling recruitment. Seedlings cannot establish on heavy clay soils or soils compacted by logging. Drought kills many seedlings [42]. Mule deer and California pocket gophers eat acorns and kill or reduce the growth rate of young California black oaks [42,155]. In a study at Cuyamaca Rancho State Park, mule deer consumed 85% of 1 season's mast. The following spring, mule deer consumed 100% of emerging seedlings. Partially because of acorn and seedling predation, there had been almost no seedling recruitment in Cuyamaca Rancho State Park for 25 years prior to the study [37]. Other browsing animals adversely affecting seedling establishment include lagomorphs, grasshoppers, and other insects [42].

Seedling and sprout growth: California black oak's shoot and horizontal root development are slow for the first 6 to 7 years, with most initial growth concentrated in vertical roots [42]. On favorable sites, California black oak seedlings are 2 to 4 inches (5-10 cm) in height, and have a 9-inch (20 cm) taproot, 28 days after emerging. Lateral roots are slower to develop than taproots [147]. First-year seedlings are typically 2 to 6 inches (5-20 cm) tall, and their taproots may extend 3 feet (0.9 m) below ground [155]. Conifer seedlings grow faster than and outshade California black oak seedlings, but California black oak seedlings often grow through chaparral shrubs [42]. California black oak seedlings on open sites grow faster than seedlings beneath the canopy [78]. California black oaks respond to release after logging, fire, or other top-killing events open the canopy.

With a fully developed root system, sprouts grow faster than seedlings [159,275]. After logging in Yuba County, California, California black oak sprouts reached a mean of 1.9 feet (0.6 m) in postharvest year 1 and averaged 4.7 feet (1.4 m) in height by postharvest year 4. In postharvest year 1, average increase in stem diameter was 270% greater than stem increase the year prior to harvest. California black oak sprouts grow faster than conifer seedlings [147].

Until about age 25, California black oak saplings rapidly gain height growth but have thin stems. Afterwards, trees on open sites gain larger diameter:height ratios. Sixty-five-year-old trees on open sites average 13 to 14 inches (33-36 cm) in diameter, while 65-year-old trees on more crowded sites average 7 to 9 inches (18-23 cm) diameter. Growth is maximized on level sites with deep soils. After about 40 years of age, trees on east aspects sometimes gain more height growth than trees on other aspects. Growth rate declines at around age 65, and most trees are "fully mature" at age 90 [147]. Several models are available for predicting diameter growth [93], height-diameter growth and volume [74,128,147], and mortality [94] for California black oaks and other western hardwoods. Site index curves are also available for estimating rate of California black oak growth [196]. Plumb and McDonald [194] present a 6-year volume-growth and mortality table for California black oak thinned to 7 decreasingly dense basal areas.

Size class recruitment: California black oak may establish seedlings in large numbers on some sites, but have only a few trees graduate into the sapling class [17]. Standiford and others [227] identified the sapling stage as critical to California black oak recruitment in the southern Sierra Nevada, with many trees in seedling and adult stages compared to sapling and pole stages. A study on the Hall Canyon Research Natural Reserve east of Los Angeles also showed high seedling recruitment for California black oak but little recruitment to sapling and pole stages. Most of the parent trees established as sprouts after logging in the early 1900s. The authors characterized California black oak's overall recruitment as "slow but steady" on the harsh site, which was experiencing a severe, prolonged drought, ozone damage to conifers, and conifer die-off from bark beetles [213].

bibliographic citation
Fryer, Janet L. 2007. Quercus kelloggii. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/tree/quekel/all.html

Regional Distribution in the Western United States

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This species can be found in the following regions of the western United States (according to the Bureau of Land Management classification of Physiographic Regions of the western United States):


1 Northern Pacific Border

2 Cascade Mountains

3 Southern Pacific Border

4 Sierra Mountains
bibliographic citation
Fryer, Janet L. 2007. Quercus kelloggii. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/tree/quekel/all.html

States or Provinces

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(key to state/province abbreviations)
United States CA OR Mexico BCN
bibliographic citation
Fryer, Janet L. 2007. Quercus kelloggii. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/tree/quekel/all.html

Successional Status

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More info for the terms: fire exclusion, forest, hardwood, mesic, shrub, succession, tree

California black oak may be present from early to late succession [150,153]. It is moderately shade tolerant in early life, growing best in full sun but persisting in dense shade [42,147,225]. Pole-sized California black oak are less shade tolerant than seedlings and saplings. Pole-sized California black oaks often grow tall and thin until reaching a position in the canopy where light is received. Large trees are shade intolerant [42,149,225].

Forest succession: Once California black oak matures, it requires decades without disturbance before successional replacement by understory conifers. However, as California black oak's crown grows upward, enough light eventually filters through to the forest floor to allow shade-tolerant conifers to establish [148,149]. California black oak is a nurse tree in such situations, ameliorating soil temperature and moisture for conifer seedlings [149]. California black oak cannot grow as tall as associated conifers, so conifers usually overtop California black oak in the absence of disturbance [249]. Once California black oak is overtopped, conifers replace California black oaks of all size classes [148]. In the Klamath Mountains and Coast Ranges, California black oak is mostly replaced successionally by Douglas-fir [243]. California black oak in the Siskiyou Mountains and southward is also seral to ponderosa pine [22]. In the absence of disturbance in the Sierra Nevada, California black oak is slowly replaced (40+ years) by understory ponderosa pine and Douglas-fir at low elevations or by ponderosa pine, sugar pine, incense-cedar, and white fir in midelevation mixed-conifer forests [148,149,182]. However, at very low elevations (≤2,500 feet (760 m)) young ponderosa pines usually fail to overtop California black oak without hardwood logging [149]. Fire exclusion has allowed succession to shade-tolerant conifers (see Sudden oak death disease and other sections of Current period and fire exclusion for further information). California black oak responds to release when conifers are removed from the overstory [149]. Logging has favored California black oak on some sites by selective removal of ponderosa pine and sugar pine [148]; however, other management practices have favored conifers. Plantation herbicide spraying and grubbing have promoted conifer seedlings at the expense of California black oaks and other sprouting species [149,153].

Pure California black oak stands grow on low-productivity sites or sites with a history of multiple or severe past disturbances [249]. McDonald [148,149] stated that California black oak is a "persistent subclimax species" in midelevation montane forests, with frequent fire or logging maintaining its dominance.

Chaparral: California black oak often successionally replaces Ceanothus and Manzanita species in montane chaparral [61]. California black oak may also grow through shrub stands on relatively mesic, low-elevation chaparral sites [149]. Cooper [51] suggested that California black oak is a late-successional species on some chaparral-conifer forest ecotones, forming a stable, transitional hardwood forest between chaparral and coniferous forest.

bibliographic citation
Fryer, Janet L. 2007. Quercus kelloggii. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/tree/quekel/all.html


provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
Species synonym―

Quercus kelloggii forma cibata Jepson [157]

Hybrid synonym―

Quercus × chasei McMinn, Babcok, & Righter [169]

     =Quercus ×
ganderi C. B. Wolf [42,56,66,98,100,107,170,275]
bibliographic citation
Fryer, Janet L. 2007. Quercus kelloggii. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/tree/quekel/all.html


provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the term: natural

The scientific name of California black oak is Quercus kelloggii Newb. (Fagaceae).
It is in the red oak subgenus (Erythrobalanus) [66,82,98,100,107].

black oak hybridizes with other oaks in the red oak subgenus [275]. Natural hybrids where distributions of
California black oak and other western oaks overlap are:

  • oracle oak (Q. × morehus Kell.), a California black oak × interior live oak (Q. wislizenii) cross [42,56,66,98,100,107,170,172,275]

  • Q. × ganderi C. B. Wolf, a California black oak × coast live oak (Q. agrifolia var. oxyadenia) cross [42,56,66,98,100,107,170,275]

  • California black oak × coast oak (Q. parvula) [56,57]

bibliographic citation
Fryer, Janet L. 2007. Quercus kelloggii. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/tree/quekel/all.html

Value for rehabilitation of disturbed sites

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More info for the terms: restoration, shrubs

California black oak is used for wildlife habitat restoration, and its well-established roots reduce erosion and protect watersheds [147,176]. Mature trees are windfirm [149].

Artificial regeneration of California black oak is exacting. Ripe acorns are harvested from trees in late summer or early fall. Acorns collected after midfall are frequently unviable due to fungal infection. Seedlings establish best when acorns are planted in fall [176,249]. Even so, mortality due to acorn predation and herbivory is usually high, and replacement plantings are necessary for good stand establishment. Protecting seedlings with wire caging extending 36 inches (92 cm) aboveground and 18 inches (46 cm) belowground reduces the need for replacement plantings [176]. Artificial regeneration requires a seedbed free of other trees and shrubs [249]. There is an acorn collecting and planting protocol for California black oak [258]. For additional acorn collecting, storage, and planting tips, see [32,33]. There are few reports on the success of outplanting programs. Fritzke [70] discusses techniques used in successful restoration plantings in Yosemite Valley; Roberts and Smith [206] do the same for an experimental California black oak plantation near Idyllwild, California.

bibliographic citation
Fryer, Janet L. 2007. Quercus kelloggii. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/tree/quekel/all.html

Associated Forest Cover

provided by Silvics of North America
California black oak is a component of six forest cover types (11). It is the prime constituent of California Black Oak (Society of American Foresters Type 246) and a major component in two others: Douglas-Fir-Tanoak-Pacific Madrone (Type 234) and Pacific Ponderosa Pine-Douglas-Fir (Type 244). Black oak becomes important in Sierra Nevada Mixed Conifer (Type 243) and Pacific Ponderosa Pine (Type 245) after severe disturbance or fire. The oak is a minor component in Canyon Live Oak (Type 249).

The successional status of California black oak is not clear. It has been implied that the species was climax because the type in which it was a part represented a degree of mesophytism between that of the chaparral and the conifer forest (7). The species was also thought to be more a persistent subclimax than climax.

California black oak, or its fossilized equivalent (Quercus pseudolyrata), was much more widespread in past ages than now. Fossil remains indicate that the species was abundant in sedimentary deposits near Spokane and Ellensburg, WA, in the John Day Valley and Blue Mountains of Oregon, and in northwestern Nevada (6). These deposits date back to the Miocene epoch of 12 to 26 million years ago. Increasing aridity is the probable cause for the smaller natural range of black oak today.

The most common botanical associate of black oak is ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa var. ponderosa). The two species intermingle over vast acreages, except that black oak is found at lower elevations, on sites too poor to support pine, and in certain areas within the redwood region of California where pine does not grow. Another exception is that this oak is rarely found in Interior Ponderosa Pine (Type 237) (11). In California and Oregon, therefore, where the natural ranges of the two species coincide, ponderosa pine sites generally are fertile ground for black oak. And black oak sites are almost always fertile ground for ponderosa pine.

At lower elevations, black oak often serves as a nurse tree to conifers. Ponderosa pine, Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii), and incense-cedar (Libocedrus decurrens) seedlings often become established beneath the sheltering crowns of large black oaks while adjacent ground remains bare (2).

A rule-of-thumb is that black oak never grows through a stand of ponderosa pine but can grow through brush (9). Without disturbance, black oak is eventually crowded out of the best sites and remains only as scattered remnants in mixed-conifer forests. Here it often exists on "islands" of soil or terrain not favorable for natural regeneration of conifers.

Black oak grows individually or in groves, some of which are quite extensive. Usually each grove is of one age-class, the result of sprouting after fire (34). Rarely does it exist as an understory, especially beneath a closed canopy. The species is usually a component of hardwood stands or of mixed hardwood and conifer forests. Tanoak (Lithocarpus densiflorus) and Pacific madrone (Arbutus menziesii) are the most common hardwood associates of black oak. Other hardwood associates at lower elevations are Oregon white oak (Quercus garryana), interior live oak (Q. wislizenii), coast live oak (Q. agrifolia), Engelmann oak (Q. engelmannii), and blue oak (Q. douglasii). At higher elevations Pacific dogwood (Cornus nuttallii), bigleaf maple (Acer macrophyllum), California-laurel (Umbellularia californica), and canyon live oak (Quercus chrysolepis) intermix with California black oak.

Besides ponderosa pine, conifer associates at low elevations are knobcone pine (Pinus attenuata), Monterey pine (P. radiata), Digger pine (P. sabiniana), and redwood (Sequoia sempervirens). At intermediate elevations within the natural range of California black oak are California white fir (Abies concolor var. lowiana), grand fir (A. grandis), incense-cedar, Coulter pine (Pinus coulteri), sugar pine (P. lambertiana), giant sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum), Douglas-fir, California torreya (Torreya californica), and bigcone Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga macrocarpa). At higher elevations black oak intermingles with western juniper (Juniperus occidentalis) and Jeffrey pine (Pinus jeffreyi).

Shrub associates include at least 30 species, some of the most important of which are greenleaf manzanita (Arctostaphylos patula), whiteleaf manzanita (A. viscida), deerbrush (Ceanothus integerrimus), bear-clover (Chamaebatia foliolosa), oceanspray (Holodiscus discolor), Brewer oak (Quercus garryana var. breweri), Sierra coffeeberry (Rhamnus rubra), Sierra gooseberry (Ribes roezlii), and poison-oak (Toxicodendron diversilobum). In parts of Shasta and Trinity Counties, and perhaps elsewhere, black oak itself takes a shrub form. The stands so formed usually are dense and tangled-ideal habitat for deer and upland game.

Except on the fringe of black oak's natural range, especially at the lowermost elevations, most shrubs generally are not competitive, nor particularly abundant over most of the forest land where black oak grows. After heavy cutting or fire, however, some of the more aggressive shrubs often compete strongly with black oak sprouts.

When compared with 15 of its most common shrub associates in the Klamath Mountains of northern California, black oak ranked ninth in need of soil moisture, third in demand on soil nutrients, eighth in terms of tolerance, and first in rapidity of sprouting (32). The species is able to withstand high moisture stress (37) and to become established and grow well on harsh sites where few other species are capable.

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Silvics of North America


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Hot dry summers and cool. moist winters characterize the climate where California black oak grows. Within the species' natural range, average annual precipitation varies widely. In the valleys of southwestern Oregon, it exceeds 760 mm (30 in); in northwestern California, it ranges from 760 to 2540 mm (30 to 100 in); and in northeastern California, only 300 to 380 mm (12 to 15 in) of rainfall annually. Throughout the range of black oak in north-central and central California, annual precipitation averages 1010 to 1780 mm (40 to 70 in) but may exceed 2920 mm (115 in) locally. In these areas less than 4 percent of the yearly precipitation falls from. June through September. In the mountains of southern California, precipitation averages 910 mm (36 in). Black oak achieves its best size and abundance in areas where snowfall accounts for 10 to 50 percent of the year's precipitation.

Average mean daily temperatures range from -1° to 8° C (31° to 46° F) during January, and from 19° to 28° C (66° to 82° F) in July. The last killing spring frost is expected between March 15 and June 9, and the first killing frost in the fall between August 30 and November 30. Periods free of killing frosts range from 82 to 270 days. Throughout an 18-year period, the highest temperature recorded at 1125 m (3,700 ft) elevation in the center of black oak's zone of greatest size and abundance was 39° C (103° F); the minimum temperature was -15° C (5° F). The maximum number of frost-free days was 215 and the minimum was 116 (35).

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Silvics of North America

Damaging Agents

provided by Silvics of North America
Fire is black oak's worst enemy. Crown fires kill trees of all ages and ground fires are often fatal. Only a little radiative heat kills the cambium and only a small amount of flame along the trunk leaves long vertical wounds. Bark thickness on mature trees varies from 2 to 5 cm (1 to 2 in), but even the thickest bark provides little insulation to fire. Scars from burning can become a point of entry for fungi. On larger trees, repeated fires often enlarge old scars, sometimes toppling the tree. Fluctuations in weather also cause injury. Heavy, wet snow breaks branches and stems, particularly at forks, and sudden high temperatures following cool wet weather severely injure leaves (25).

California black oak is especially susceptible to fungi. Heart rot of the bole and large limbs of living trees, caused mainly by two pathogens, Inonotus dryophilus and Laetiporus sulphureus, is the principal damage (24). These rots enter the tree through broken branches or open wounds resulting from fire or logging. Both fungi often reduce the bole and large limbs of older, decadent trees to mere shells. The hedgehog fungus (Hydnum erinaceus) also is found in the heartwood of living trees and Polyporus adustus in the sapwood, though neither is prevalent.

By the time a natural black oak stand is 85 years old, the proportion of infected trees begins to increase rapidly. Almost 40 percent of trees 110 to 120 years old show incipient heart rot (21). Rotation age of stands grown for wood products could be influenced by this incidence-age relationship.

Another serious pathogen, Armillaria mellea, causes decay of the roots and butt of older decadent black oak. Sometimes it weakens the root system so much that the tree topples over on a perfectly calm, still day (36). This pathogen is indigenous in black oak, but younger vigorous trees do not seem to be affected by it.

A comparatively recent damaging agent to black oak in the San Bernardino Mountains of southern California is air pollution. Although the oak appears less susceptible to air pollution damage than associated conifers, radial growth has decreased in some trees (12). Where high ambient oxidant air pollution levels are chronic, damage to California black oak is expected to be significant (26).

One virulent pathogen that black oak escapes, and indeed is resistant to, is Heterobasidion annosum (14). For this reason, California black oak is being planted in numerous infection centers in southern California forests where conifers are dead or dying.

California black oak is prone to several leaf diseases including the oak leaf fungus (Septoria quercicola), oak anthracnose (Gnomonia veneta), powdery mildews (Microsphaera and Sphaerotheca spp.), a leaf blister fungus (Taphrina caerulescens), a leaf rust (Cronartium spp.), and true mistletoe (Phoradendron villosum subsp. villosum). Damage from each of these pests has not been determined but loss of growth increment probably is minor.

Animal damage to black oak is mostly from browsing. Foliage is eaten during all seasons, but especially in spring when new growth is tender and in winter when twigs are eaten. Deer eat acorns, seedlings, sprouts, and foliage. Even in midsummer, newly germinated seedlings with acorns attached often are consumed (8). Occasionally, browsing is fatal. In Mendocino County, CA, for example, a deer population of 1/2.4 ha (1/6 acres) almost eliminated oak over large areas of the Coast Range. Cattle also browse black oak, but in national forests, at least, their numbers are declining.

Many insects derive sustenance from black oak. The damage is usually secondary, reducing growth but seldom killing trees. Among sucking insects, the pit scales (Asterolecanium minus and A. quercicola) have the greatest potential for damage (4). The most destructive insect, however, is probably the carpenterworm (Prionoxystus robiniae), whose larvae mine the wood of trunk and limbs and cause injuries that appear later as defects in lumber (16).

Other insects are capable of heavy damage, especially when infestations become epidemic. The Pacific oak twig girdler (Agrilus angelicus) is the most damaging insect to oak in southern California during drought years (4). In northern California, the California oakworm (Phryganidia californica) is noted for defoliating trees. So is the fruit-tree leafroller (Archips argyrospila) which, in 1968, caused heavy damage throughout a wide area in the Sacramento River drainage.

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Flowering and Fruiting

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California black oak flowers from mid-March to mid-May depending on elevation, physiography, and local climatic conditions. In general, trees near the coast and at lower elevations bloom earliest.

Flowers on black oak are unisexual. The plant is monoecious. Staminate flowers are long (3.5 to 7.5 cm or 1.4 to 3.0 in) hairy aments that emerge from buds in the leaf axils of the previous year's growth. The five to nine stamens in each ament have bright red anthers and pale green filaments. The calyx is light green. Pistillate flowers are borne singly or two to seven on a short stalk that originates from leaf axils of the current year's growth. The stigmas are dark red.

Acorns mature in the second year. Early in the second summer the immature acorn resembles a small globe about 6 mm (0.2 in) in diameter. At this stage, the acorn is completely encapsulated in the cup. At maturity the light brown, thin-scaled cup encloses from 0.5 to 0.75 of the acorn. Acorns form singly, or in clusters of two to six, and vary widely in dimension. Sizes range from 1.9 to 4.4 cm (0.7 to 1.7 in) long and from 0.9 to 3.8 cm (0.4 to 1.5 in) in diameter.

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Two natural hybrids are recognized: Quercus x ganderi C. B. Wolf (Q. agrifolia x Q. kelloggii) and Quercus x moreha Kellogg (Q. kelloggii x wislizenii). Another hybrid, Quercus x chasei (Q. agrifolia x kelloggii) has been described in Monterey and Santa Clara Counties, CA.

Of the hybrids, Q. moreha is by far the most widespread, ranging throughout California and even found, though rarely, in south-central Oregon. The tree is distinguished readily in the winter by its sparse evergreen foliage in contrast to the completely deciduous black oak. New leaves in spring form a dense mass of shiny green foliage on the hybrid.

Forma cibata, a form by which black oak has been described, is a low shrub common to steep, rocky, talus slopes at higher elevations. Although described as a true shrub form, this status is questionable. No criteria are known for distinguishing between it and scrubby black oak trees.

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Growth and Yield

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Because fire incidence throughout its natural range is high, nearly all black oak trees originated from sprouts. Consequently most California black oak stands are even-aged.

Number of sprouts per stump influences growth, form and, eventually, yield. The number per clump decreases rapidly with age. By the time the sprouts are pole-size, competition within individual clumps has reduced them to two or three, or occasionally, four stems. By age 100, only one or two stems remain. These data are based on 180 clumps at many California sites (21).

The form of California black oak varies greatly. On the fringe of its range and on marginal sites, black oak trees assume a scrubby form. In closed stands on good sites, the oaks tend to be tall and straight with clear boles and thin crowns. When open-grown, black oaks generally fork repeatedly, becoming multistemmed and broad-crowned.

The general age-height relationship of California black oak, based on 393 dominant trees in northern and central California, is curvilinear until age 140. Thereafter, tree height remains constant regardless of age. Selected age-heights are 20 years, 8 m (26 ft); 40 years, 13 m (43 ft); 60 years, 17 m (56 ft); 100 years, 22 m (72 ft); and 140 years, 25 m (82 ft) (21).

Position on long continuous slopes also influences growth and form. Trees at the toe of slopes or on gently sloping benches, where deeper soils are likely, generally grow best and have good form. Those at midslope are shorter and more scrubby. On upper slopes, trees grow slowly and are even shorter. Aspect also influences growth. Of the 393 trees noted earlier, 100-year-old trees averaged about 26 m (85 ft) in height on east aspects; 22 m (72 ft) on north aspects; 21 m (68 ft) on west; and 17 m (56 ft) in height on south aspects.

Average site index at base age 50 years is about 15 m (50 ft); better than average, about 18 m (60 ft); and poor, only 11 to 12 m (35 to 40 ft) (29).

Diameter growth is often slow during the first 25 years of a black oak's life. Competition for position in the canopy tends to favor height growth over diameter growth. At 25 years, the average tree is nearly 11 m (35 ft) tall and about 10 cm (4 in) in d.b.h. and is one of three sprouts in the clump. Black oak grows fastest in diameter from age 25 to 65 (table 2). Its growth can reach one ring per centimeter or three rings per inch. At age 65 the tree is about 29 cm (11.5 in) in d.b.h. and has grown almost 0.5 cm/yr (0.2 in/yr).

Table 2- Diameter growth in natural stands, California black oak, 1968¹ Age D.b.h. Average cumulative increment per decade yr cm in cm in 20 9 3.4 4.32 1.7 30 14 5.4 4.57 1.8 40 18 7.2 4.57 1.8 50 23 9 4.57 1.8 60 27 10.8 4.57 1.8 70 31 12.2 4.42 1.74 80 34 13.4 4.27 1.68 90 37 14.6 4.11 1.62 100 40 15.6 3.96 1.56 110 42 16.6 3.84 1.51 120 44 17.5 3.71 1.46 ¹ Basis: 405 dominant trees in 45 even-aged stands, many California sites. Black oak in an understocked stand averages 33 to 35 cm (13 to 14 in) in d.b.h. at 65 years; in an overstocked stand, it averages between 18 and 23 cm (7 to 9 in). After age 65, diameter growth slowly declines. By age 90 most trees are mature.

Diameter growth of California black oak can be increased greatly by thinning. On a good site in the northern Sierra Nevada, diameter growth rates of trees thinned when 60 years old were twice that of unthinned trees of similar age 8 years after thinning (23).

Black oak may live to be almost 500 years old, but age-diameter relationships beyond 120 years are uncertain. Trees 51 cm (20 in) in d.b.h. can range between 70 and 175 years. Trees 41 to 63 cm (16 to 25 in) in d.b.h. were 175 to 275 years old, and those more than 102 cm (40 in) were 175 to 325 years old.

Black oak seldom exceeds 1.5 m (5 ft) in d.b.h. or 40 m (130 ft) in height. The largest living black oak known measures 274 cm (108 in) in d.b.h. and 37.8 m (124 ft) in height. This tree grows in the Siskiyou National Forest, OR (1).

Yield data are difficult to find. The "average" stand contains 1,086 trees per hectare (440/acre), 8.9 cm (3.5 in) and larger in d.b.h., and would yield slightly more than 409 m³/ha (5,845 ft³ or 65 cords/acre). In 60-year-old mixed-hardwood stands on good sites in the northern Sierra Nevada, black oak produces 76 m³/ha (1,085 ft³ or 12.1 cords/acre).

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Reaction to Competition

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The tolerance of black oak to shade varies with age. It most accurately can be classed as intolerant because this condition exists throughout most of its life (9). The oak is moderately tolerant in early life, growing well in full sunlight but persisting in dense shade (31). As a sapling and small pole, black oak is less tolerant and often grows tall and thin until it reaches a position in the canopy where it can receive light. The need for top light increases as the tree ages. In dense stands, black oak often fills a "hole" in the canopy, sometimes leaning 15 to 20 degrees to do so. If overtopped, the oak either dies outright or dies back successively each year. Short epicormic branches keep the tree alive for a time, but with continued overtopping, death is inevitable.

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Rooting Habit

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Various investigators have described the rooting system of black oak as having no taproot but large spreading roots (18); as deep and long lived; with a strong taproot; and possessing strong laterals, more or less deep, depending on depth to ground water (3).

Observations at road cuts indicate the general rooting pattern of this oak. Usually, from one to several vertical roots extend through the soil and penetrate to rock. Then they become lateral and spread out directly above the rock. At fissures, "sinker" roots penetrate the rock itself. A number of roots are found near the surface, probably to exploit the nutrients there.

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Seed Production and Dissemination

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In natural stands, black oak must be 30 years or older before it produces viable seed. The oak produces some acorns sporadically between ages 30 and 75 but seldom large quantities before 80 to 100 years. A few trees bear at least some acorns every year. Others of similar diameter and crown characteristics rarely produce acorns. Trees that are good seed producers continue abundant acorn production at least to 200 years.

Age, diameter of bole, and crown width influence acorn yield (22). A general relationship for a medium seed crop on a good forest site is that acorn yield increases as bole and crown diameter increase, at least through age 200:

Age Bole diameter Crown diameter Acorn yield yr cm in m ft kg lb 30 13 5 5 15 0 0 50 23 9 6 20 2 5 80 33 13 8 26 9 20 100 43 17 10 32 27 60 150 61 24 12 41 45 100 200 81 32 16 52 64 140 Estimates of acorn production by tree or size of seed crop are scarce. One large, 150- to 200-year-old black oak in Butte County, CA, produced about 6,500 acorns for a crop year rated as fair. Acorns were large and heavy, numbering 115/kg (52/lb). Black oak acorns usually are smaller, numbering between 115 and 324/kg (52 and 147/lb). Large acorns have been observed at both low and high elevations and small acorns at medium elevations. The factors influencing acorn size probably are many, but little is known about their interaction. A single, large, well-developed tree at a low elevation in Shasta County, CA, produced sound acorns each year as follows:

1974 700 1975 1,000 1976 65 1977 0 1978 320 1979 231 1980 125 The magnitude and periodicity of seed crops appear to be quite variable. One study reported that abundant seed crops for entire stands were produced at 2- to 3-year intervals (31). At 760 m (2,500 ft) elevation in Yuba County, CA, medium to bumper seed crops were produced in 4 of 20 years. At 850 in (2,800 ft) elevation in south-central Shasta County, medium to bumper crops were borne on large black oaks in 4 of 8 years. At a lower elevation in Shasta County (170 m or 560 ft), black oaks yielded sound acorns in 6 of 7 years. Of these, two each rated as bumper, medium, and light.

Insects destroy many acorns, primarily in the developmental stage. Immature acorns are attacked by both lepidopterous and coleopterous pests. The filbertworm (Melissopus latiferreanus) and the filbert weevil (Curculio uniformis) are particularly destructive, in some places infesting up to 95 percent of the acorns and destroying most of a crop (16). Fire may lessen these losses. On the Shasta-Trinity National Forests in California, a prescribed burn in March 1978 resulted in a bumper crop of sound black oak acorns, while trees on unburned ground nearby bore only unsound acorns. Apparently, destructive insects in the duff and soil were reduced greatly by the fire (33).

Fully developed acorns begin falling in mid-August at lower elevations, and in mid-September at higher elevations. Almost all acorns that fall first are hollow or infested with insects. Some are still green or greenish yellow. Sound acorns begin dropping from late September to early November and cease by November 15 at lower elevations. At higher elevations almost all acorns have fallen by early December.

Acorns generally drop just before or during leaf fall. Once on the ground, temperature can be critical to continued viability, and fallen leaves help keep acorn temperatures below lethal thresholds. In one instance, fully mature acorns exposed to the hot fall sun had withered cotyledons after 9 days. Acorns from the same trees showed full-sized cotyledons after 21 days, if protected by leaves and branches (21). Likewise, cotyledons of acorns exposed to freezing temperatures turned gray and flaccid, although cotyledons of acorns beneath tree crowns and covered with leaves remained white, crisp, and firm.

A blue-gray mold also damages fallen seed. At one location, acorns covered for about 2 months by wet leaves showed mold at the blunt ends that had progressed well within the seeds. For other acorns in this same environment, cutting tests showed that cotyledons were unaffected. American Indians, however, gathered only freshly fallen acorns to avoid the mold (15).

Because the acorns are large and heavy, most fall directly beneath tree crowns. Few bounce or roll far on steep slopes covered by duff, leaves, and litter. Animals play a vital role in dissemination of acorns because they transport some of them away from the parent tree. The western gray squirrel and the scrub jay are the most important disseminators, for they bury the acorns, sometimes spreading the species to areas nearby.

Black oak acorns are eaten by at least 14 species of song and game birds, many species and subspecies of small mammals (mostly rodents), and mule deer (20). Black bears in the San Bernardino Mountains of southern California utilize the California black oak type in spring, summer, and fall (28). For many of these creatures, acorns are the primary foodstuff in the fall. Without acorns, populations are affected. Fawn survival rates, for example, increase and decrease with the size of the acorn crop.

Cattle, and, to a lesser extent, sheep, also consume many black oak acorns each year.

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Seedling Development

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California black oak reproduces from seed, but natural regeneration tends to be scanty, poorly distributed, and uncertain. The most likely place to find black oak seedlings is beneath large parent trees, where they number up to 45/m² (4/ft²).

Before the seeds begin to germinate, a period of after-ripening to overcome dormancy is required. Overwintering beneath the litter on the forest floor normally breaks dormancy under natural conditions. For artificial regeneration, acorns can be stratified by cold storage in sealed polyethylene bags thick enough to inhibit moisture loss, but porous enough to freely emit respiration byproducts. Storage temperature should be just above freezing and moisture content of acorns maintained at a level where cotyledons are turgid or slightly flaccid, but not dried out.

Natural seedbed requirements for germination are not exacting. Either undisturbed leaflitter or, to a lesser extent, moist, well-aerated mineral soil are good seedbeds. Establishment of black oak is almost nonexistent on heavy clay soils or soils compacted by logging machinery. These conditions reduce the ability of the radicle to penetrate the soil far enough and fast enough to avoid searing soil surface temperatures or the seasonal drying of upper soil layers.

Acorns germinate in the spring when the weather warms. Germination is hypogeal and highly variable, both in magnitude and timing. The radicle is first to emerge and grows downward for some time, often 10 to 20 days, before the epicotyl appears above ground. This process benefits the seedling in getting to and staying in available soil moisture, and in minimizing transpirational losses. Sometimes a single acorn may put forth several epicotyls, particularly if upward progress is hampered by a stony or crusty soil.

Under optimum conditions, 15 to 25 days elapse between sowing of stratified acorns and the beginning of germination. In nature, the germination period may be several weeks or even months. Germinative capacity varies considerably and changes with degree of insect infestation, amount of mold, and depth of acorn in soil, among other variables. Germination has been reported as high as 95 percent and also as scanty (21 percent). Germinative capacities in large-scale field tests in the northern Sierra Nevada were 31 and 38 percent (22).

Black oak seedlings often reach heights of 10 to 15 cm (4 to 6 in) and extend their taproots downward as deep as 76 cm (30 in) in the first growing season. Development of a deep-thrusting vertical root is necessary for seedlings to cope with the hot dry summers characteristic of California black oak's range. For the first few years, therefore, both lateral root development and shoot growth are slow. Shoot growth probably does not begin to accelerate until root capacity is extensive enough to obtain adequate moisture. This may take 6 or 7 years or longer. Shoot growth of some seedlings, particularly those stressed by competing vegetation, never accelerates and these seedlings eventually die.

Studies evaluating artificially regenerated California black oak on the Plumas and Angeles National Forests in California indicate that artificial regeneration of black oak is possible, providing that competing vegetation and pocket gophers are controlled. Fall planting of 1-year-old seedlings, without artificial watering, resulted in good survival and growth on the San Bernardino National Forest, California (30).

Fertilization appears to be one technique for enlarging root capacity and stimulating height development of seedlings. In a test in the northern Sierra Nevada, fertilized seedlings were more than three times taller than unfertilized seedlings (0.2 as against 0.8 m or 0.7 as against 2.5 ft) after five growing seasons. Fertilizer in the proportion of 1620-0 for nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium was applied at about 0.1 kg (0.25 lb) per seedling early in the spring of each year (22).

Young black oak seedlings are killed mostly by drought and pocket gophers. Grasshoppers and other insects damage young seedlings, and freezing by late spring frosts injures them. These injuries usually are mitigated by sprouting from the root crown.

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Soils and Topography

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Probably the most important single soil variable that limits the presence of California black oak is internal drainage. Black oak is not found growing "with its feet wet." The species is adapted to soils derived from diverse parent materials-andesite, basalt, granite, pumice, quartz diorite, sandstone, schist, shale, and volcanic tuffs and breccias. California black oak only rarely is found on soils originating from serpentine. Occasionally it grows on soils derived from ultrabasic parent material, but mostly where above-average amounts of calcium seem to offset the deleterious effects of magnesium.

Soil textures favoring this oak range from medium-textured loams and clay-loams to the more coarse-textured gravelly-clay-loams and sandy-loams. Increasing clay content in the surface soil usually means a decreasing incidence of black oak. In fact, this species rarely is found on soils with clay topsoils, particularly if the clay is heavy and sticky. Black oak usually grows on thin soils and rocky slopes, but always at the cost of abundance or form, or both. In general, black oak grows best on medium- to coarse-textured, deep, and well-drained soils.

About 75 soil series in California have been identified by the California Cooperative Soil-Vegetation Survey and the National Cooperative Soil Survey as supporting California black oak. Important soil series in the California Coast Range include Boomer, Cohasset, Josephine, Sites, and Sheridan. In the Sierra Nevada, Aiken, Chawanakee, Holland, Stump Springs, Corbett, and Tish Tang support abundant black oak. Soils in the southern Cascade and Klamath Mountains that often are clothed with black oak include Aiken, Cohasset, McCarthy, Sites, Tournquist, Behemotosh, Horseshoe, and Neuns. Fourteen soil series have been identified in Oregon, mostly on series similar to those in California. Most of the soils in both States are found at higher elevations and support forest vegetation rather than oak woodland or chaparral. Soil orders are mostly Alfisols and Inceptisols, occasionally Mollisols.

The best black oak stands in the Coast Range and Klamath Mountains are found on deep, slightly acid loams and gravelly-clay-loams derived from sandstone and shale. In the southern Cascade Range and northern Sierra Nevada, black oak grows best on deep loams and clay-loams originating from metavolcanic rocks. In the central and southern Sierra Nevada and in the Transverse and Peninsular Ranges, this oak grows well on deep, acid to moderately acid sandy-loam soils derived from granitic rock.

California black oak grows within a wide elevational range-from the level gravelly floors of low valleys to alluvial slopes, rocky ridges, and high plateaus. Most of the terrain is rugged, steep, and dissected by major streams and ephemeral drainages.

In Oregon, the elevational range of black oak varies from 137 in (450 ft) near Eugene, to more than 305 m (1,000 ft) on the low rounded hills in the Umpqua River drainage (13). The oak also is found within this elevational range on the eastern slopes of the Coast Range and the western slopes of the Cascades. In south central Oregon and the Klamath Mountains, black oak grows at higher elevations of 610 to 915 m (2,000 to 3,000 ft).

In California's Coast Range, black oak is found from about 152 in (500 ft) along the Mattole River in Humboldt County to 1830 in (6,000 ft) in the Yolla Bolly Mountains. Black oak reaches its lowest elevation (60 m or 200 ft) in the Napa and Santa Rosa Valleys. Most black oak in the central portion of the Coast Range grows between 305 to 1525 m (1,000 to 5,000 ft), gradually increasing in elevation but narrowing in range to 1220 to 1982 m (4,000 to 6,500 ft) in Santa Barbara and eastern Ventura Counties. Farther south in the Transverse Range the species is found at elevations of 1403 to 2135 m (4,600 to 7,000 ft) (39). In the San Jacinto Mountains, black oak reaches 2440 in (8,000 ft) and, at its southernmost extension in the Peninsular Range of San Diego County, it grows within the 1525- to 1830-m (5,000 to 6,000-ft) elevation.

The elevational range of black oak in California's Cascade Range is from about 183 m (600 ft) in western Shasta County to 1906 in (6,250 ft) in southcentral Shasta County. In the Sierra Nevada, lower elevational limits for black oak range from 458 in (1,500 ft) in the north to 1220 in (4,000 ft) in the south. Upper limits increase north to south from about 1982 to 2380 m (6,500 to 7,800 ft).

California black oak is most abundant and attains its largest size in the Sierra Nevada. Extensive stands of excellent development also are found in eastern Mendocino and Humboldt Counties of the north Coast Range. Elevation and aspect often interact to govern abundance and development. At elevations below 305 in (1,000 ft) in north-central California, black oak is found primarily in sheltered draws or on north slopes. With increasing elevation, favorable aspects increase until at 762 to 915 m (2,500 to 3,000 ft) all aspects support California black oak, providing soil is deep enough. Above 1067 in (3,500 ft), north- and east-facing slopes often are devoid of black oak, although other vegetation grows well. In the southernmost mountains, black oak is found on west-facing slopes, but only where soils are deep, temperatures are cool, and soil moisture is adequate.

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Special Uses

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Several attributes qualify the wood of California black oak for commercial use: attractive grain and figure for paneling and furniture, hardness and finishing qualities for flooring, and strength properties for pallets, industrial flooring, and other uses (19). The forks of open-grown black oaks were put to good use in the 1870-80's in Mendocino County.

Those of specific dimensions were used as "naturally assembled" ship keels and ribs. Wood products currently produced are high grade lumber and pallets, industrial timbers, sawdust for mulching, and bulk and prepackaged firewood. The wood is prized for fuelwood and in some areas unrestricted cutting is eliminating oak stands.

Although not presently utilized, black oak acorns, high in edible oils, are a potential source for thousands of tons of human food (38).

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Vegetative Reproduction

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California black oak sprouts profusely after trees are cut or burned. Most sprouts develop from latent buds, which lie under the bark at, or slightly above, the root collar. Other sprouts originate from the top of the stump or between the top and the ground. These are called stool sprouts and are undesirable for two reasons. They are weakly attached to the parent stump and frequently broken off by wind and snow, and are prone to heart rot at an early age.

The size and vigor of the parent tree determine the number of sprouts and their height and crown spread. In general, stumps from larger trees produce a larger number of sprouts and more vigorous ones. Only old, moribund trees fail to produce sprouts after cutting.

Low stumps of nearly all diameters produce many more sprouts than high stumps. High-stumping an older, larger tree yields undesirable stool sprouts, and often no sprouts from below ground.

Root crown sprouts grow vigorously, especially in full sunlight. Forty-nine stumps were studied in stands on a good site in the northern Sierra Nevada. Sprout density, height, and crown width were evaluated in clearcuttings and in shelterwood stands where 50 percent of the basal area had been removed (22). Number of sprouts, crown width, and especially height growth were consistently greater in the clearcuttings (table 1).

Table- Development of California black oak stump sprouts in a northern Sierra Nevada forest 10 years after cutting Year after cutting Sprouts per stump Height Crown width Clearcut Shelterwood Clearcut Shelterwood Clearcut Shelterwood no. m 0 55+ 28  -- -- -- --  --  2 55+ 23 1.2 0.9 1.2 0.7 4 35 17 2.4 1.2 1.8 1 6 23 15 3.7 1.5 2.3 1.2 8 18 13 4.9 1.8 2.6 1.6 10 15 12 6 2.1 2.9 2.2    no.    ft       0 55+ 28 -- -- -- -- 2 55+ 23 4 3 4 2 4 35 17 8 4 6 3 6 23 15 12 5 8 4 8 18 13 16 6 9 5 10 15 12 20 7 10 7 The environment typical of shelterwood cuttings apparently is more favorable to a cynipid gall wasp (Callirhytis perdens) than that in clearcuttings. Damage to terminal shoots by this pest is greater under shelterwood stands, accounting in part for the poorer height growth of sprouts. Thinning sprouts to three or four per stump at age 4 showed no gain in height but resulted in undesirable damage to the bole from sunscald and increased forking of stems (22).

Young black oak sprouts grow faster in height than other vegetation, including coniferous associates. Consequently, they remain dominant for many years. Although black oak seedlings extend the species into new areas, sprouts keep the oak in the same area and are responsible for regenerating many more stands than seedlings. Only after the living crown has moved considerably up the bole does black oak begin its role as a nurse tree, aiding conifers to become established and grow to equal or dominant positions in the stand.

Propagation by layering, rooting of cuttings, or grafting has not been reported. But the wartime shortage of cork in the 1940's stimulated grafting of cork oak (Quercus suber) to black oak stocks. In a greenhouse trial, 70 percent of the grafts were successful (27).

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Brief Summary

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Fagaceae -- Beech family

Philip M. McDonald

California black oak (Quercus kelloggii.) exceeds all other California oaks in volume, distribution, and altitudinal range. Yet this deciduous hardwood has had little sustained commercial use and almost no management, even though its wood closely resembles that of its valuable, managed, and heavily used counterpart-northern red oak (Quercus rubra)-in the Eastern United States.

First collected in 1846 near Sonoma, CA, the species was not named until. 1857 when John Newberry called it kelloggii in honor of Albert Kellogg, a pioneer California botanist and physician (17). In later botanical works, the species was called Q. californica and black oak or Kellogg's oak.

Acorns of California black oak were carried from San Francisco to England in 1878. Thirty-two years later, trees from these acorns were described as being 30 feet tall and making good growth (10).

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The north-south range of California black oak is about 1255 kin (780 mi). In Oregon, its natural range extends from just north of Eugene, southward through the valleys west of the Cascade Range. The species is especially frequent along lower slopes in fairly dry sections of the Klamath and Cascade Mountains but never grows near the Pacific Ocean. In California, black oak is found in the northern Coast Range from the Oregon State line to Marin County and then intermittently in the Santa Cruz and Santa Lucia Mountains. This oak becomes more common on the San Bernardino, San Jacinto, and Agua Tibia Mountains, extending to just south of Mt. Laguna, and is now recognized as being in Baja California (5). In California's Sierra Nevada, the species grows abundantly along the west side, from near Lassen Peak to near. Kings Canyon. California black oak becomes intermittent southward to the Tehachapi Mountains, where it again increases in abundance. California black oak is generally confined to the westside, but a few stands have been found along the eastside of the Sierra Nevada. The species approaches the Nevada State line northeast of Beckwourth Pass but is not reported in Nevada.

-The native range of California black oak.

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Quercus kelloggii ( Azerbaijani )

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Quercus kelloggii (lat. Quercus kelloggii) - fıstıqkimilər fəsiləsinin palıd cinsinə aid bitki növü.


Bu şablona bax Palıd cinsinə aid növlər Q. griseaQ. oblongifoliaQ. acerifoliaQ. acutaQ. acutissimaQ. afaresQ. agrifoliaQ. albaQ. albocintaQ. alienaQ. alnifoliaQ. arizonicaQ. arkansanaQ. aucheriQ. austrinaQ. basaseachicensisQ. benthamiiQ. berberidifoliaQ. bicolorQ. boyntoniiQ. brandegeeiQ. brenesiiQ. brevilobaQ. buckleyiQ. bumelioidesQ. calliprinosQ. canariensisQ. castaneifoliaQ. cedrosensisQ. cerrioidesQ. cerrisQ. chapmaniiQ. chrysolepisQ. coahuilensisQ. cocciferaQ. coccineaQ. convallataQ. conzattiiQ. copeyensisQ. cornelius-mulleriQ. corrugataQ. costaricensisQ. cubanaQ. deliquescensQ. dentataQ. depressaQ. depressipesQ. deviaQ. diversifoliaQ. douglasiiQ. dumosaQ. durataQ. ellipsoidalisQ. emoryiQ. engelmanniiQ. excelsaQ. fagineaQ. falcataQ. flagelliferaQ. frainettoQ. fulvaQ. fusiformisQ. galeanensisQ. gambeliiQ. garryanaQ. georgianaQ. germanaQ. glaucaQ. glaucoidesQ. graciliformisQ. gravesiiQ. gulielmitreleaseiQ. havardiiQ. hemisphaericaQ. hintoniiQ. hintoniorumQ. humboldtiiQ. hypoxanthaQ. ibericaQ. ilexQ. ilicifoliaQ. imbricariaQ. invaginataQ. john-tuckeriQ. kelloggiiQ. laceyiQ. laevisQ. lamellosaQ. laurifoliaQ. libaniQ. liebmanniiQ. lobataQ. lusitanicaQ. lyrataQ. macdonaldiiQ. macdougalliiQ. macrantheraQ. macrocarpaQ. macrolepisQ. marilandicaQ. martineziiQ. michauxiiQ. miquihuanensisQ. mohrianaQ. mongolicaQ. muehlenbergiiQ. myrsinifoliaQ. nigraQ. oglethorpensisQ. oleoidesQ. pacificaQ. pagodaQ. palmeriQ. palustrisQ. peninsularisQ. perpallidaQ. petraeaQ. phellosQ. planipoculaQ. polymorphaQ. ponticaQ. praecoQ. praineanaQ. prinoidesQ. prinusQ. pubescensQ. pungensQ. purulhanaQ. rapurahuensisQ. roburQ. robustaQ. rubraQ. rugosaQ. rysophyllaQ. sadlerianaQ. sebiferaQ. shumardiiQ. skinneriQ. skutchiiQ. stellataQ. suberQ. subspathulataQ. tardifoliaQ. texanaQ. tomentellaQ. tonduziiQ. toumeyiQ. trojanaQ. turbinellaQ. undataQ. uxorisQ. vacciniifoliaQ. variabilisQ. velutinaQ. vincentensisQ. wislizeniQ. xalapensisQ. zempoaltepecanaQ. × alvordiana Inula britannica.jpeg İkiləpəlilər ilə əlaqədar bu məqalə qaralama halındadır. Məqaləni redaktə edərək Vikipediyanı zənginləşdirin.
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Quercus kelloggii: Brief Summary ( Azerbaijani )

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Quercus kelloggii (lat. Quercus kelloggii) - fıstıqkimilər fəsiləsinin palıd cinsinə aid bitki növü.

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Quercus kelloggii ( Catalan; Valencian )

provided by wikipedia CA

Quercus kelloggii és una espècie del gènere Quercus dins de la família de les fagàcies. Està classificada en la secció dels roures vermells d'Amèrica del Nord, Centreamèrica i el nord d'Amèrica del Sud, que tenen els estils llargs, les glans maduren en 18 mesos i tenen un sabor molt amarg. Les fulles solen tenir lòbuls amb les puntes afilades, amb truges o amb pues en el lòbul.

Detall de la fulla

Distribució i hàbitat

El roure negre de Califòrnia és un arbre de fulla caduca que creix en boscos mixtos perennifolis, boscos de roures i boscos de coníferes. Es distribueix al llarg dels pujols i muntanyes baixes de Califòrnia i el sud d'Oregon.

Es troba des del Comtat de Lane (Oregon), al sud a través de la serralada de les Cascades, la Sierra Nevada i la Costa, Transversal i Peninsular oscil·la al Comtat de San Diego, Califòrnia i a la Baixa Califòrnia. L'arbre es presenta en masses pures o mixtes. Rodals purs solen indicar llocs desfavorables per al creixement de coníferes o pertorbació recurrent com les activitats d'incendi o tala. L'arbre pot créixer en molts tipus de sòls, però és important que el sòl estigui ben drenat.[1]


Fulles i escorça

Quercus kelloggii creix normalment 9-25 m d'altura i 0,3 a 1,4 m de diàmetre. Els arbres grans poden excedir de 36 m d'altura i 1,6 m de diàmetre. L'espècie també creix en forma d'arbustos formant matolls de roure en els llocs pobres.[1] A les àrees obertes, la corona és ampla i arrodonida, amb branques inferiors gairebé tocant el sòl o formant una línia d'exploració. En rodals tancats, la corona és estreta i prima en els arbres joves i irregularment àmplia en els arbres vells. Els troncs estan generalment lliures de branques en la part baixa de 6-12 m en rodals tancats.[1] Els troncs sovint es bifurquen, i en general forma buits en els arbres més vells. L'escorça és prima i llisa en els arbres joves, arribant a ser gruixuda, amb crestes, i en forma de plaques amb l'edat.[1] Aquest roure creix a partir d'una o diverses arrels verticals que penetren fins a la roca mare, amb grans arrels que s'estenen lateralment i fora de les verticals. També té un nombre d'arrels superficials.

Les glans són relativament grans en aquesta espècie, 2,5-3 cm de llarg i d'1,5 a 1,8 cm d'ample. Les fulles profundament lobulades són típicament 10-20 cm de llarg. Mentre que els arbres individuals en general, tenen una vida útil d'entre 100 i 200 anys, roure negre de Califòrnia pot viure fins a 500 anys d'edat.[1]

L'arbre es reprodueix quan les seves glans germinen per formar plàntules. També reprodueix vegetativament amb creixement de nous brots de la corona de l'arrel després que l'arbre és superior morts pels incendis forestals, la tala, les gelades, o altres esdeveniments.[1]


Quercus kelloggii és una espècie crítica per a la fauna silvestre. Els roures (Quercus spp.) poden ser l'únic gènere més important utilitzat per la fauna silvestre per a l'alimentació i la coberta de boscos i pasturatges de Califòrnia, i el roure negre de Califòrnia ocupa més superfície total a Califòrnia que qualsevol altra espècie de fusta dura. El bestiar també fan un ús intensiu d'aquesta espècie per a l'alimentació i la coberta.

Planta jove

Les cavitats en els arbres proporcionen llocs per niar als mussols, diversos picots, esquirols i óssos negres americans. Els arbres proporcionen ombra valuosa per al bestiar i la vida silvestre durant els calorosos mesos d'estiu. Tipus de bosc de roure negre de Califòrnia són molt utilitzats en la primavera, estiu i tardor com a refugi per l'ós negre.

És visitada pels cérvols i el bestiar. Les glans són molt utilitzats pel bestiar, cérvol mul, porcs salvatges, rosegadors, la guatlla de muntanya, gaig de Steller i picots. Les glans constitueixen una mitjana del 50% de les dietes de tardor i hivern de l'esquirol gris occidental i el cérvol de cua negra durant els bons anys. Les taxes de supervivència del cervatell augmenta o disminueix amb la grandària de la collita de gla.

Es tracta d'un substrat d'alimentació preferit per a moltes aus. Totes d'un total de 68 espècies d'aus observades en els boscos de roure de les Muntanyes Tehachapi de Califòrnia va utilitzar el roure negre de Califòrnia per a les seves activitats de forrajeo. El picot menjaglans, Icterus bullockii i Bosquerola de Nashville té una forta preferència pel roure negre de Califòrnia. La planta paràsita del vesc del Pacífic (Phoradendron villosum), que creix comunament en aquest roure, produeix baies que també atreuen a les aus.[1]

Molts animals emmagatzemen les glans i les glans que s'han emmagatzemat en el sòl o en cas contrari enterrades són més propensos a brotar dels quals romanen en la superfície.[1]

L'arbre està adaptat als incendis forestals. Està protegit dels incendis més petits per la seva gruixuda escorça. Si és cremat en un incendi major, rebrota amb facilitat i té un bon subministrament de nutrients i aigua emmagatzemats en el seu sistema d'arrels.[1] Les glans brollen en les plàntules després d'un incendi i els llocs que han estat buidades de cobricel i fullaraca dels incendis són ideals per a l'èxit de les plàntules.[1]

Aquest roure és vulnerable a la mort sobtada del roure.[1]


Els nadius americans de califòrnia preferien les glans de roure negre de Califòrnia sobre els d'altres espècies per a la fabricació de farina de gla. Aquesta gla era un aliment bàsic per a molts grups indígenes.[2][3] Els nadius americans van reconèixer la importància del foc a aquest roure, i deliberadament prenien focs en boscos de roures per promoure la seva salut i assegurar la seva font d'aliment.[1]

La fusta s'utilitza per a la fabricació de mobles, palets i fusta de construcció.[1] S'utilitza com un arbre ornamental.[1]

Vista de l'arbre


Roure negre de Califòrnia compta amb un volum total del 29% dels recursos de la fusta de Califòrnia, i és la principal cort de fusta allí. La superfície total estimada de distribució de l'espècie és 361.800 ha (3.618 quilòmetres ²); 239.200 ha (2.392 quilòmetres ² ) de boscos de producció de fusta i 122.600 ha (1.226 quilòmetres ²) de boscos. D'aquesta terra el 60% és de propietat privada, el 31% es troba en els boscos nacionals, i el 9% està en altres terres públiques. Ha disminuït en gran manera la seva abundància històrica. Això és a causa d'una sèrie de factors, inclòs la sequera, la malaltia, cerca d'aliment dels animals, les pràctiques d'explotació, de supressió d'incendis, i una varietat d'altres impactes humans. Tallar arbres verds de llenya ha contribuït a la disminució d'aquesta espècie, i la collita il·legal d'arbres verds en terres públiques és un problema continu.

Durant molt temps es va considerar pels organismes forestals i els governamentals com un arbre de mala herba. En els seus primers anys, la seva única utilitat era per alimentar les calderes dels motors que portaven els valuosos troncs de pins i avets. Va haver-hi un període, a mitjans de la dècada de 1960, quan la política del Servei Forestal dels EUA en els boscos nacionals de Califòrnia per al roure negre de Califòrnia va ser l'exterminació sistemàtica per l'anellat dels arbres. L'objectiu era donar cabuda a un major creixement de coníferes. En la carrera per utilitzar els pins, avets i boscos de sequoies, les fustes denses es miraven amb menyspreu. Igual que alguns altres visionaris de la dècada de 1960, l'Ajuntament de Guy va pensar que el roure negre de Califòrnia presentava un bell desafiament que mereixia una mica millor que l'erradicació. El 1965, aquest ajuntament va convèncer a les agències federals per posar fi a les seves polítiques d'extermini.

Les plantacions de roure negre de Califòrnia s'han establert amb èxit en els clars de les plantacions de gla. Amb l'aprimament d'aquestes grades es promou destacar la productivitat i qualitat de la fusta, i es recomana quan els arbres arriben els 9-15 m d'alçada o densitat de la massa quan (àrea basal) és superior a 29 m² / ha). Aquest arbre també ha estat gestionat per a la producció de fusta mitjançant el manteniment de poblacions pures dispersades dins dels boscos de coníferes. Suports d'aquesta espècie solen establir-se en els llocs més pobres, on l'establiment de plàntules de coníferes no ha tingut èxit.


Quercus kelloggii es conrea en l'especialitat de l'horticultura comercial com un arbre ornamental de plantes natives, resistents a la sequera i conservació de l'aigua, i els jardins d'hàbitat i diversos tipus de paisatges sostenibles municipals, comercials, i de l'agència de restauració de projectes.


Quercus kelloggi va ser descrita per John Strong Newberry i publicat a Reports of explorations and surveys: to ascertain the most practicable and economical route for a railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean, made under the direction of the Secretary of War 6: 28, 89, f. 6. 1859.[4]


Quercus: nom genèric del llatí que designava igualment al roure i a l'alzina.

kelloggi: epítet atorgat en honor del botànic Albert Kellogg.

  • Quercus californica (Torr.) Cooper
  • Quercus sonomensis Benth. ex A.dc.
  • Quercus tinctoria var. californica Torr.[5][6]

Vegeu també


  1. 1,00 1,01 1,02 1,03 1,04 1,05 1,06 1,07 1,08 1,09 1,10 1,11 1,12 1,13 US Forest Service Fire Ecology
  2. Flora of North America
  3. Ethnobotany
  4. «Quercus kelloggii». Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. [Consulta: 17 juliol 2014].
  5. «Quercus kelloggii». Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew: World Checklist of Selected Plant Families. [Consulta: 17 juliol 2014].
  6. «Quercus kelloggii». The Plant List. [Consulta: 17 juliol 2014].


 src= A Wikimedia Commons hi ha contingut multimèdia relatiu a: Quercus kelloggii Modifica l'enllaç a Wikidata
  1. Hall, G. (1998). The management, manufacturi, màrqueting of Califòrnia black oak, Pacific madrone and tanoak: A practical handbook on successful hardwood utilization in Califòrnia and southern Oregon. Western Hardwood Association.
  2. Abrams, L. 1923. Ferns to Birthworts. 1: 1–557. In L. Abrams (ed.) Ill. Fl. Pacific States. Stanford University Press, Stanford.
  3. Flora of North America Editorial Committee, i. 1997. Magnoliidae and Hamamelidae. Fl. N. Amer. 3: i–xxiii, 1–590.
  4. Hickman, J. C. 1993. The Jepson Manual: Higher Plants of Califòrnia 1–1400. University of Califòrnia Press, Berkeley.
  5. Hitchcock, C. H., A.J. Cronquist, F. M. Ownbey & J. W. Thompson. 1984. Salicaceae to Saxifragaceae. Part II: 1–597. In C. L. Hitchcock Vasc. Pl. Pacif. N.W.. University of Washington Press, Seattle.
  6. Munz, P. A. 1974. Fl. S. Qualif. 1–1086. University of Califòrnia Press, Berkeley.
  7. Munz, P. A. & D. D. Keck. 1959. Calç. Fl. 1–1681. University of Califòrnia Press, Berkeley.
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Quercus kelloggii: Brief Summary ( Catalan; Valencian )

provided by wikipedia CA

Quercus kelloggii és una espècie del gènere Quercus dins de la família de les fagàcies. Està classificada en la secció dels roures vermells d'Amèrica del Nord, Centreamèrica i el nord d'Amèrica del Sud, que tenen els estils llargs, les glans maduren en 18 mesos i tenen un sabor molt amarg. Les fulles solen tenir lòbuls amb les puntes afilades, amb truges o amb pues en el lòbul.

 src= Detall de la fulla
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Kalifornische Schwarzeiche ( German )

provided by wikipedia DE

Die Kalifornische Schwarzeiche (Quercus kelloggii) ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Gattung der Eichen (Quercus). Sie ist im westlichen Nordamerika heimisch.


Borke und Laubblatt.
Junge Laubblätter und Blütenstände.

Erscheinungsbild, Rinde und Laubblätter

Die Kalifornische Schwarzeiche wächst als laubabwerfender Baum[1], der normalerweise Wuchshöhen von etwa 10 bis 25 Meter, in Ausnahmefällen bis 36 Meter und Stammdurchmesser von bis zu 1 Meter und manchmal darüber erreicht. Einzelexemplare können ein Alter von bis etwa 500 Jahren erreichen. Er bildet typischerweise eine rundliche Baumkrone auf einem kurzen Stamm aus.

Die Borke ist an jungen Stämmen noch glatt, an älteren Bäumen rissig und dunkelbraun bis schwarzgrau. Die Rinde der Zweige ist rot-braun und kahl. Die kokosnuss-braunen Endknospen sind mit einer Länge von 4 bis 10 mm eiförmig; sie sind kahl oder die Knospenschuppen sind am Rand bewimpert.[1]

Die wechselständig und spiralig an den Zweigen angeordneten Laubblätter sind in Blattstiel und Blattspreite gegliedert. Der kahle bis dicht flaumig behaarte Blattstiel ist 10 bis 60 mm lang. Die einfache, mit einer Länge von 6 bis 20 cm und einer Breite von 4 bis 14 cm eiförmige oder breit elliptische bis verkehrt-eiförmige Blattspreite besitzt fünf bis elf Blattlappen mit tiefen Einbuchtungen und der Blattrand besitzt 13 bis 45 Spitzen. Auf beiden Blattflächen treten die Hauptnerven hervor.[1]

Generative Merkmale

Die Blütezeit liegt im Frühling, je nach Höhenlage zwischen Mitte März und Mitte Mai. Die Kalifornische Schwarzeiche ist einhäusig getrenntgeschlechtig (monözisch). An einjährigen Zweigen hängen in den Blattachseln die männlichen Blütenstände, die eine Länge von 3,5 bis 7,5 cm aufweisen. In jeder männlichen Blüte befinden sich fünf bis neun Staubblätter mit hell-grünen Staubfäden und leuchtend roten Staubbeuteln. Am diesjährigen Austrieb stehen in den Blattachseln an einem kurzen Schaft eine oder zwei bis sieben weibliche Blüten. Die weiblichen Blüten besitzen dunkel-rote Narben.[2]

Der mit einer Höhe von 1,3 bis 2,7 cm und einem Durchmesser von 2 bis 2,8 cm napf- bis tief schüsselförmige Fruchtbecher (Cupula) ist außen kahl bis flaumig behaart und umhüllt die Eichel zur Hälfte bis zwei Drittel. Die über den Winter am Baum bleibende, flaumig behaarte Eichel (Nussfrucht) ist mit einer Länge 2,1 bis 3,4 cm und einem Durchmesser von 1,4 bis 2,2 cm längliche bis breit-ellipsoid.[1]

Die Chromosomenzahl beträgt 2n = 24[1].


Die Heimat der Kalifornische Schwarzeiche liegt im westlichen Nordamerika in küstennahen Gebirgsregionen der US-Bundesstaaten Oregon und Kalifornien, nach Süden bis zur mexikanischen Grenze reichend. Das Heimatareal ist etwa 3.620 km² groß.

Sie gedeiht an Hängen und Tälern im Hügelland und Gebirgen in Höhenlagen zwischen 300 und 2400 Meter. Als Standort werden trockenere Böden bevorzugt.

Botanische Geschichte und Systematik

Erstmals wurde diese Pflanzenart offenbar 1846 bei Sonoma (Kalifornien) gesammelt, zunächst jedoch ohne einen botanischen Namen zu erhalten. 1857 benannte John Strong Newberry sie Quercus kelloggii in Pacif. Railr. Rep., 6, 28, 89, f. 6, womit er Albert Kellogg, einen frühen kalifornischen Botaniker und Arzt ehrte. 1878 wurden Eicheln der Kalifornischen Schwarzeiche von San Francisco nach England gebracht.

Synonyme für Quercus kelloggii Newb. sind: Quercus californica (Torrey) Cooper oder Quercus tinctoria var. californica Torrey. Quercus kelloggii gehört zur Sektion Lobatae in der Gattung Quercus.

Quercus kelloggii bildet Hybriden mit Quercus agrifolia (= Q. ×ganderi C.B.Wolf) und Q. wislizenii (= Q. ×morehus Kellogg).


Das Holz wird unter anderem zur Herstellung von Möbeln und Paletten sowie als Brennholz genutzt.

Die Eicheln waren eine wichtige Nahrungsquelle für in Kalifornien einheimische Indianer; für viele Tierarten stellen sie bis heute in Kalifornien eine überaus wichtige Nahrungsquelle dar.



  1. a b c d e Kevin C. Nixon: Quercus in der Flora of North America, Volume 3, 1997: Quercus kelloggii - Online.
  2. Philip M. McDonald: Quercus kelloggii


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Kalifornische Schwarzeiche: Brief Summary ( German )

provided by wikipedia DE

Die Kalifornische Schwarzeiche (Quercus kelloggii) ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Gattung der Eichen (Quercus). Sie ist im westlichen Nordamerika heimisch.

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Quercus kelloggii

provided by wikipedia EN

Quercus kelloggii, the California black oak or Kellogg oak, is an oak in the red oak section (genus Quercus, section Lobatae, series Agrifoliae) native to western North America. Although genetically separated from them for more than 20 million years, its leaves (though not its fruit) are remarkably similar in appearance to several other members of the red oak section including the red oak (Quercus rubra) and the black oak (Quercus velutina) found in eastern and central North America.


California black oak leaf and bark

Quercus kelloggii typically grows from 9–25 meters (30–82 feet) in height and from 0.3–1.4 m (1–4+12 ft) in diameter. Large trees may exceed 36 m (118 ft) in height and 1.6 m (5 ft 3 in) diameter, with the record holder measuring 38 m (124 ft) tall and 2.7 m (9 ft) thick (in the Siskiyou National Forest in Oregon).[2] The species also grows in shrubby scrub-oak form on poor sites.[3] In open areas, the crown is broad and rounded, with lower branches nearly touching the ground or forming a browse line. In closed stands, the crown is narrow and slender in young trees and irregularly broad in old trees. Trunks are usually free of branches on the lower 6–12 m (20–39 ft) in closed stands.[3] Trunks are often forked, and usually decayed and hollow in older trees. The bark is thin and smooth in young trees, becoming thick, ridged, plate-like, and blackish with age.[3][2] This oak grows from one to several vertical roots which penetrate to bedrock, with large, laterally spreading roots extending off from vertical ones. It also has a number of surface roots.[4]

Acorns are relatively large in this species, from 2.5–4 centimeters (1–1+12 in) long[2] and 1.5–1.8 cm (1234 in) wide. The leaves are typically 10–25 cm (4–9+34 in) long and deeply lobed, usually into seven portions; they are red and velvety when young, turning yellow-green then orange-brown in autumn.[2] While individual trees generally have a lifespan between 100 and 200 years, California black oak can live up to 500 years.[3][4]

The tree reproduces when its acorns sprout to form seedlings. It also reproduces vegetatively with new growth sprouting from the root crown after the tree is top-killed by wildfire, logging, frost, or other events.[3][4]

Distribution and habitat

California black oak is a deciduous tree growing in mixed evergreen forests, oak woodlands, and coniferous forests. California black oak is distributed along foothills and lower mountains of California and western Oregon.[5][6] It can be found at altitudes of up to 1,800 m (5,900 ft), for example near Mount Shasta.[2]

It is found from Lane County, Oregon, south through the Cascade Range, the Sierra Nevada, and the Coast, Transverse, and Peninsular Ranges to San Diego County, California. The tree occurs in pure or mixed stands. Pure stands usually indicate sites unfavorable to conifer growth or recurring disturbance such as fire or logging activities. The tree can grow in many types of soils, but they must be well-drained.[3][6][5]


The California black oak is a critical species for wildlife. Oaks (Quercus spp.) may be the single most important genus used by wildlife for food and cover in California forests and rangelands,[7] and California black oak occupies more total area in California than any other hardwood species. Livestock also make heavy use of this species for food and cover.

Young California black oaks

Older trees affected by heart rot have cavities which provide den or nest sites[2] for owls, various woodpeckers, tree squirrels, and American black bears. Trees provide valuable shade for livestock and wildlife during the hot summer. California black oak forest types are heavily used for spring, summer, and fall cover by black bears.

It is browsed by deer and livestock.[8] Acorns are heavily used by livestock, mule deer, feral pigs, rodents, mountain quail, Steller's jays, and woodpeckers. Acorns constitute an average of 50% of the fall and winter diets of western gray squirrels and black-tailed deer during good mast years. Fawn survival rates increase or decrease with the size of the acorn crop.

It is a preferred foraging substrate for many birds. All of 68 bird species observed in oak woodlands of the Tehachapi Mountains of California used California black oak for part of their foraging activities. Acorn woodpecker, Bullock's oriole, and Nashville warbler show strong preferences for California black oak. The parasitic plant Pacific mistletoe (Phoradendron villosum), which commonly grows on this oak, produces berries that attract birds, as well.[3]

Many animals cache the acorns, and acorns that have been stored in the ground or otherwise buried are more likely to sprout than those that remain on the surface.[3]

The tree is adapted to wildfire. It is protected from smaller fires by its thick bark. If it is top-killed and burned away in a larger fire, it easily resprouts and has a good supply of nutrients and water stored in its root system.[3] Acorns sprout into seedlings after fire, and sites that have been cleared of canopy and leaf litter in fires are ideal for seedling success.[3]

The tree is less shade tolerant than its associate ponderosa pine.[2] It is vulnerable to sudden oak death.[3]


The pollen is released in spring and is a severe allergen.[9]


Some California Native Americans prefer California black oak acorns over those of other species for making acorn meal. Historically, this acorn was a staple food for many Native American groups,[4][10] who usually leached out the bitter tannin.[2] Native Americans recognized the importance of fire to this oak, and purposely lit fires in oak woodlands to promote its health and ensure their food source.[3]

The wood is used for making furniture, pallets, and construction timber.[3] The tree is used as an ornamental.[3]


California black oak comprises a total volume of 29% of California's hardwood timber resources, and is the major hardwood sawn into lumber there. The total estimated area of species occurrence is 361,800 hectares (3,618 square kilometers or 894,000 acres); 239,200 ha (2,392 km² or 591,000 acres) of timberland and 122,600 ha (1,226 km² or 303,000 acres) of woodland. Of this land 60% is privately owned, 31% is in National Forests, and 9% is on other public lands. It has greatly decreased from its historic abundance. This is due to a number of factors, including drought, disease, animal foraging, logging practices, fire suppression, and a variety of other human impacts. Cutting green trees for fuelwood has contributed to the decline of this species, and illegal harvesting of green trees from public lands is a continuing problem.

It was long considered by foresters and government agencies to be a weed tree. In its earlier years, its only use to settlers was to feed the boilers of donkey engines bringing in the valuable pine and fir logs. For a period in the mid-1960s, the U.S. Forest Service policy in California's National Forests was systematic extermination of California black oak by girdling the trees. The objective was to make room for more coniferous growth. In the rush to use the pines, firs, and redwoods, the dense hardwoods were looked on with contempt. Like a few other visionaries in the 1960s, Guy Hall thought the California black oak presented a beautiful challenge that deserved better than eradication. In 1965, Hall convinced federal agencies to cease their extermination policies.

Plantations of California black oak have been successfully established in clearcuts from acorn plantings. Thinning such stands promotes stand productivity and wood quality, and is recommended when trees are from 9–15 m (30–49 ft) tall or when stand density (basal area) exceeds 29 m2/ha (125 ft2/acre). This tree has also been managed for hardwood production by maintaining scattered pure stands within coniferous forests. Stands of this species often establish on poorer sites, where conifer seedling establishment has not been successful.


Q. kelloggii is cultivated in the specialty horticulture trade as an ornamental tree for native plant, drought-tolerant, water-conserving, and habitat gardens, and various types of municipal, commercial, and agency sustainable landscape and restoration projects.

See also


  1. ^ "Quercus kelloggii Newb.". World Checklist of Selected Plant Families. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew – via The Plant List. Note that this website has been superseded by World Flora Online
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h Arno, Stephen F.; Hammerly, Ramona P. (2020) [1977]. Northwest Trees: Identifying & Understanding the Region's Native Trees (field guide ed.). Seattle: Mountaineers Books. pp. 234–238. ISBN 978-1-68051-329-5. OCLC 1141235469.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n Fryer, Janet L. (2007). "Quercus kelloggii". Fire Effects Information System (FEIS). US Department of Agriculture (USDA), Forest Service (USFS), Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory.
  4. ^ a b c d Nixon, Kevin C. (1997). "Quercus kelloggii". In Flora of North America Editorial Committee (ed.). Flora of North America North of Mexico (FNA). Vol. 3. New York and Oxford – via eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, MO & Harvard University Herbaria, Cambridge, MA.
  5. ^ a b "Quercus kelloggii". County-level distribution map from the North American Plant Atlas (NAPA). Biota of North America Program (BONAP). 2014.
  6. ^ a b "Quercus kelloggii". Calflora. Berkeley, California: The Calflora Database.
  7. ^ "Quercus kelloggii". www.fs.fed.us. Retrieved 2019-05-27.
  8. ^ Whitney, Stephen (1985). Western Forests (The Audubon Society Nature Guides). New York: Knopf. p. 396. ISBN 0-394-73127-1.
  9. ^ "California Black Oak (Quercus kellogii)". Pollen Library.
  10. ^ Ethnobotany

Further reading

  • Hall, G. (1998). The management, manufacture, marketing of California black oak, Pacific madrone and tanoak: A practical handbook on successful hardwood utilization in California and southern Oregon. Western Hardwood Association.

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Quercus kelloggii: Brief Summary

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Quercus kelloggii, the California black oak or Kellogg oak, is an oak in the red oak section (genus Quercus, section Lobatae, series Agrifoliae) native to western North America. Although genetically separated from them for more than 20 million years, its leaves (though not its fruit) are remarkably similar in appearance to several other members of the red oak section including the red oak (Quercus rubra) and the black oak (Quercus velutina) found in eastern and central North America.

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Kalifornia kverko ( Esperanto )

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La kalifornia kverko (Quercus kelloggii), estas kverko el la sekcio de ruĝaj kverkoj (aŭ Lobatae) de okcidenta Nordameriko. Ĝi estas parenca al nigra kverko (Quercus velutina) kiu vegetas en orienta kaj centra Nordameriko.


Tiu nearktisa decidua arbospecio troviĝas en miksaj ĉiamverdaj arbaroj, kverkaj duonarbaroj, kaj koniferaroj. La kalifornia kverko estas disvastigata laŭlonge de montpiedaj montetoj kaj malaltaj montaroj de Kalifornio kaj suda Oregono.


Folio kaj arboŝelo de kalifornia kverko.

Quercus kelloggii tipe altas 9-25 m kaj diametras 0,3-1,4 m. Grandaj arboj povas superi altecon de 36 m kaj diametron de 1,6 m. La specio ankaŭ adoptas arbedan formon sur sekaj malriĉaj grundoj [1]. En malfermaj areoj la arbokrono estas larĝa kaj rondigita, kun la plej malaltaj branĉoj tuŝante la grundon aŭ prezentante paŝtadan randon.

En densaj arbareroj, la krono estas mallarĝa kaj svelta ĉe junaj arboj kaj neregula ĉe maljunaj arboj. Trunkoj kutime estas senbranĉaj je la plej malaltaj 6-12 m en densaj arbareroj[1]. Ofte trunkoj estas forkigitaj, kaj kutime putrigitaj kaj kavaj ĉe pli maljunaj arboj. La arboŝelo estas maldika kaj glata ĉe junaj arboj, estiĝante dika, kresta, kaj plateca kiam pli aĝa [1]. Tiu kverko kreskas ekde unu aŭ pluraj vertikalaj radikoj kiuj penetras la patrinan rokon, kun grandaj, flanke disvastiĝantaj radikoj kiuj etendiĝas ekde la vertikalaj. Ĝi ankaŭ havas iom da supraĵaj radikoj.

Glanoj estas relative grandaj ĉe tiu specio, ekde 2,5-3 cm longaj kaj 1,5-1,8 cm larĝaj. La profunde lobaj folioj estas tipe 10-20 cm longaj. Dum individuaj arboj ĝenerale povas aĝi inter 100 kaj 200 jaroj, Kalifornia kverko kapablas atingi aĝon de 500 jaroj [1]. La arbo reproduktiĝas kiam la glanoj ĝermas por formi semplantojn. Ĝi ankaŭ vegetative reproduktiĝas kun novaj ŝosoj ekde la radika krono post mortigado de la supergrundaj partoj de la arbo per incendio, hakado, frosto, aŭ aliaj okazintaĵoj [1].


La kalifornia kverko, estas esenca specio por la bestiaro. Kverkoj estas la sola ĉefa genro uzata de la bestioj por ilia nutraĵo kaj ŝirmo en la kaliforniaj arbaroj kaj sovaĝejoj, kaj la kalifornia kverko okupas pli da totala areo en Kalifornio ol iu ajn alia ligna angiospermo. Ankaŭ la brutaro uzas tiun specion por nutriĝi kaj ŝirmiĝi.

Kavaĵoj en la arboj provizas nestookazon por strigoformaj birdoj, diversaj pegedoj, arbaj sciuredoj, kaj amerikaj nigraj ursoj. Ĝi estas preferata furaĝadan substraton por multaj birdoj. Ĉiu el la 68 birdospecioj observitaj en kverkaj duonarbaroj de Tehaĉapi-Montaro uzas la kalifornian kverkon por parto de siaj furaĝadaj agadoj.

Glanpego, buloka iktero, kaj ruĝeckrona vermivoro montras fortan preferon por la kalifornia kverko. La parazita planto Phoradendron villosum (santalacoj), kiu komune vegetas sur tiu kverko, produktas berojn kiuj ankaŭ altiras birdojn[1].


Kaliforniaj indianoj preferis glanojn de kalifornia kverko pli ol tiujn de aliaj kverkoj por prepari glanan farunon . Tiu glano estis baza manĝaĵo por multaj indianaj grupoj [2][3]. La amerikanaj indianoj agnoskis la gravecon de fajro por tiu kverko, kaj intence ekflamigis incendiojn en kverkaj duonarbaroj por plibonigi sian sanon kaj konservi sian nutraĵan resurson[1].


La ligno estas uzata por fari meblaron, paledojn kaj konstrulignon [1].

La kalifornia kverko prezentas 29% de la angiosperm-lignaj resursoj, kaj estas la ĉefa angiospermo uzata por konstruligno en Kalifornio. La taksita totala areo sumiĝas je 361 800 ha de arbaro kaj 122 600 ha de duonarbaro. El tiuj terenoj 60% estas privataj, 31% apartenas al Usona Arbara Agentejo, kaj 9% al aliaj publikaj posedantoj. La arealo estas tre malpligrandigita kompare kun la historia abundeco.


Quercus kelloggii estas kultivita en la specialigita hortikulturo por kaliforniaj indiĝenaj plantoj kiel ornama planto . Ĝi estas uzata en sekaj naturaj ĝardenoj kaj en variadon de municipaj, komercaj kaj ekologiaj projektoj.

Vidu ankaŭ



  • angle Hall, G. 1998 : The management, manufacture, marketing of California black oak, Pacific madrone and tanoak: A practical handbook on successful hardwood utilization in California and southern Oregon'. Western Hardwood Association.

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Kalifornia kverko: Brief Summary ( Esperanto )

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La kalifornia kverko (Quercus kelloggii), estas kverko el la sekcio de ruĝaj kverkoj (aŭ Lobatae) de okcidenta Nordameriko. Ĝi estas parenca al nigra kverko (Quercus velutina) kiu vegetas en orienta kaj centra Nordameriko.

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Quercus kelloggii ( Spanish; Castilian )

provided by wikipedia ES

Quercus kelloggii, es una especie del género Quercus dentro de la familia de las Fagaceae. Está clasificada en la Sección Lobatae; del roble rojo de América del Norte, Centroamérica y el norte de América del Sur que tienen los estilos largos, las bellotas maduran en 18 meses y tienen un sabor muy amargo. Las hojas suelen tener lóbulos con las puntas afiladas, con cerdas o con púas en el lóbulo.

Distribución y hábitat

El Roble negro de California es un árbol de hoja caduca que crece en bosques mixtos perennifolios, bosques de robles y bosques de coníferas. Se distribuye a lo largo de las colinas y montañas bajas de California y el sur de Oregón.

Se encuentra desde el Condado de Lane (Oregón), al sur a través de la Cordillera de las Cascadas, la Sierra Nevada y la Costa, Transversal y Peninsular oscila al Condado de San Diego, California y en Baja California. El árbol se presenta en masas puras o mixtas. Rodales puros suelen indicar sitios desfavorables para el crecimiento de coníferas o perturbación recurrente como las actividades de incendio o tala. El árbol puede crecer en muchos tipos de suelos, pero es importante que el suelo esté bien drenado.[1]


Hojas y corteza

Quercus kelloggii crece normalmente 9-25 m de altura y 0,3 a 1,4 m de diámetro. Los árboles grandes pueden exceder de 36 m de altura y 1,6 m de diámetro. La especie también crece en forma de arbustos formando matorrales de roble en los sitios pobres.[1]​ En las áreas abiertas, la corona es ancha y redondeada, con ramas inferiores casi tocando el suelo o formando una línea de exploración. En rodales cerrados, la corona es estrecha y delgada en los árboles jóvenes e irregularmente amplia en los árboles viejos. Los troncos están generalmente libres de ramas en la parte baja de 6-12 m en rodales cerrados.[1]​ Los troncos a menudo se bifurcan, y por lo general forma huecos en los árboles más viejos. La corteza es delgada y lisa en los árboles jóvenes, llegando a ser gruesa, con camellones, y en forma de placas con la edad.[1]​ Este roble crece a partir de una o varias raíces verticales que penetran hasta la roca madre, con grandes raíces que se extienden lateralmente y fuera de las verticales. También tiene un número de raíces superficiales.

Las bellotas son relativamente grandes en esta especie, 2,5-3 cm de largo y de 1.5 a 1.8 cm de ancho. Las hojas profundamente lobuladas son típicamente 10-20 cm de largo. Mientras que los árboles individuales en general, tienen una vida útil de entre 100 y 200 años, roble negro de California puede vivir hasta 500 años de edad.[1]

El árbol se reproduce cuando sus bellotas germinan para formar plántulas. También reproduce vegetativamente con crecimiento de nuevos brotes de la corona de la raíz después de que el árbol es superior muertos por los incendios forestales , la tala , las heladas , u otros eventos.[1]


Quercus kelloggii, es una especie crítica para la fauna silvestre. Los robles( Quercus spp.) pueden ser el único género más importante utilizado por la fauna silvestre para la alimentación y la cubierta de bosques y pastizales de California, y el roble negro de California ocupa más superficie total en California que cualquier otra especie de madera dura. El ganado también hacen un uso intensivo de esta especie para la alimentación y la cubierta.

Planta joven

Las cavidades en los árboles proporcionan sitios para anidar a los búhos, varios pájaros carpinteros, ardillas y osos negros americanos. Los árboles proporcionan sombra valiosa para el ganado y la vida silvestre durante los calurosos meses de verano. Tipos de bosque de roble negro de California son muy utilizados en la primavera, verano y otoño como refugio por el oso negro.

Es visitada por los venados y el ganado. Las bellotas son muy utilizados por el ganado, venado bura, cerdos salvajes, roedores, la codorniz de montaña, arrendajo de Steller y pájaros carpinteros. Las bellotas constituyen un promedio del 50% de las dietas de otoño e invierno de la ardilla gris occidental y el venado de cola negra durante los buenos años. Las tasas de supervivencia del cervatillo aumenta o disminuye con el tamaño de la cosecha de bellota.

Se trata de un sustrato de alimentación preferido para muchas aves. Todas de un total de 68 especies de aves observadas en los bosques de roble de las Montañas Tehachapi de California utilizó el roble negro de California para sus actividades de forrajeo. El carpintero bellotero, turpial de ojo rayado y reinita de Nashville tiene una fuerte preferencia por el roble negro de California. La planta parásita del muérdago del Pacífico ( Phoradendron villosum ), que crece comúnmente en este roble, produce bayas que también atraen a las aves.[1]

Muchos animales almacenan las bellotas y las bellotas que se han almacenado en el suelo o de lo contrario enterradas son más propensos a brotar de los que permanecen en la superficie.[1]

El árbol está adaptado a los incendios forestales. Está protegido de los incendios más pequeños por su gruesa corteza. Si es quemado en un incendio mayor, rebrota con facilidad y tiene un buen suministro de nutrientes y agua almacenados en su sistema de raíces.[1]​ Las bellotas brotan en las plántulas después de un incendio y los sitios que han sido despejadas de dosel y hojarasca de los incendios son ideales para el éxito de las plántulas.[1]

Este roble es vulnerable a la muerte repentina del roble.[1]


Los nativos americanos de california preferían las bellotas de roble negro de California sobre los de otras especies para la fabricación de harina de bellota. Esta bellota era un alimento básico para muchos grupos indígenas.[2][3]​ Los nativos americanos reconocieron la importancia del fuego a este roble, y deliberadamente prendían fuegos en bosques de robles para promover su salud y asegurar su fuente de alimento.[1]

La madera se utiliza para la fabricación de muebles, palets y madera de construcción.[1]​ Se utiliza como un árbol ornamental.[1]

Vista del árbol


Roble negro de California cuenta con un volumen total de 29% de los recursos de la madera de California, y es la principal corte de madera allí. La superficie total estimada de distribución de la especie es 361.800 ha (3.618 kilómetros ²); 239.200 ha (2.392 kilómetros ² ) de bosques maderables y 122.600 ha (1.226 kilómetros ²) de bosques. De esta tierra el 60% es de propiedad privada, el 31% se encuentra en los bosques nacionales, y el 9% está en otras tierras públicas. Ha disminuido en gran medida su abundancia histórica. Esto es debido a una serie de factores, incluyendo la sequía, la enfermedad, búsqueda de alimento de los animales, las prácticas de explotación, de supresión de incendios, y una variedad de otros impactos humanos. Cortar árboles verdes de leña ha contribuido a la disminución de esta especie, y la cosecha ilegal de árboles verdes en tierras públicas es un problema continuo.

Durante mucho tiempo se consideró por los organismos forestales y los gubernamentales como un árbol de maleza. En sus primeros años, su única utilidad era para alimentar las calderas de los motores que traían los valiosos troncos de pinos y abetos. Hubo un período, a mediados de la década de 1960, cuando la política del Servicio Forestal de los EE. UU. en los bosques nacionales de California para el roble negro de California fue la exterminación sistemática por el anillado de los árboles. El objetivo era dar cabida a un mayor crecimiento de coníferas. En la carrera por utilizar los pinos, abetos y bosques de secuoyas, las maderas densas se miraban con desprecio. Al igual que algunos otros visionarios de la década de 1960, el Ayuntamiento de Guy pensó que el roble negro de California presentaba un hermoso desafío que merecía algo mejor que la erradicación. En 1965 Ayuntamiento convenció a las agencias federales para poner fin a sus políticas de exterminio.

Las plantaciones de roble negro de California se han establecido con éxito en los claros de las plantaciones de bellota. Con el adelgazamiento de esas gradas se promueve destacar la productividad y calidad de la madera, y se recomienda cuando los árboles alcanzan los 9-15 m de altura o densidad de la masa cuando (área basal) es superior a 29 m² / ha). Este árbol también ha sido gestionado para la producción de madera mediante el mantenimiento de poblaciones puras dispersadas dentro de los bosques de coníferas. Soportes de esta especie suelen establecerse en los sitios más pobres, donde el establecimiento de plántulas de coníferas no ha tenido éxito.


Quercus kelloggii se cultiva en la especialidad de la horticultura comercial como un árbol ornamental de plantas nativas, resistentes a la sequía y conservación del agua, y los jardines de hábitat y diversos tipos de paisajes sostenibles municipales, comerciales, y de la agencia de restauración de proyectos.


Quercus kelloggi fue descrita por John Strong Newberry y publicado en Reports of explorations and surveys: to ascertain the most practicable and economical route for a railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean, made under the direction of the Secretary of War 6: 28, 89, f. 6. 1859.[4]


Quercus: nombre genérico del latín que designaba igualmente al roble y a la encina.

kelloggi: epíteto otorgado en honor del botánico Albert Kellogg.

  • Quercus californica (Torr.) Cooper
  • Quercus sonomensis Benth. ex A.DC.
  • Quercus tinctoria var. californica Torr.[5][6]


  1. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n US Forest Service Fire Ecology
  2. Flora of North America
  3. Ethnobotany
  4. «Quercus kelloggii». Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. Consultado el 17 de julio de 2014.
  5. «Quercus kelloggii». Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew: World Checklist of Selected Plant Families. Consultado el 17 de julio de 2014.
  6. «Quercus kelloggii». The Plant List. Consultado el 17 de julio de 2014.

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Quercus kelloggii: Brief Summary ( Spanish; Castilian )

provided by wikipedia ES

Quercus kelloggii, es una especie del género Quercus dentro de la familia de las Fagaceae. Está clasificada en la Sección Lobatae; del roble rojo de América del Norte, Centroamérica y el norte de América del Sur que tienen los estilos largos, las bellotas maduran en 18 meses y tienen un sabor muy amargo. Las hojas suelen tener lóbulos con las puntas afiladas, con cerdas o con púas en el lóbulo.

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Quercus kelloggii ( Finnish )

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Quercus kelloggii on tammien (Quercus) sukuun ja pyökkikasvien heimoon (Fagaceae) kuuluva kesävihanta puulaji. Se kasvaa luonnonvaraisena Pohjois-Amerikan länsirannikolla Kalifornian ja Oregonin vuoristoissa. Se on luontaisella elinalueellaan erittäin tärkeä ravintokasvi monille eläimille, ja sen terhoja on käytetty myös ihmisten ruokana.[3]



Quercus kelloggii on pienehkö puu. Se kasvaa tavallisesti 9–25 metriä korkeaksi ja 0,3–1,4 metriä leveäksi rungon rinnankorkeusläpimitaltaan. Suurin tunnettu yksilö on noin 38 metriä korkea. Latvus on yleensä nuorena kapea ja vanhemmiten leveän epäsäännöllinen. Vanhoilla puilla on yleensä ontto, haarainen runko. Puu muodostaa yhden tai useamman alaspäin suuntautuneen pääjuuren ja lukuisia sivusuuntaisia juuria ja pintajuuria.[3]

Kaarna on tummanruskeaa tai mustanruskeaa ja epäsäännöllisen uurteista.[2] Vanhan puun kaarna on 1,9–5,1 senttimetriä paksua.[3] Versot ovat ruskeita tai punaruskeita. Silmut ovat ruskeita, munanmuotoisia ja 4–10 millimetriä pitkiä.[2]

Lehdet ovat yksinkertaisia ja ruodillisia. Lehtilapa on yleismuodoltaan leveänsoikea, puikea tai vastapuikea ja reunoiltaan 7–11-liuskainen. Se on 6–20 senttimetriä pitkä ja 4–14 senttimetriä leveä, hertta- tai tylppätyvinen ja tavallisesti teräväkärkinen. Lehdet ovat yleensä kaljuja, mutta joskus hienokarvaisia. Lehtiruoti on 1–6 senttimetriä pitkä. Laji on kesävihanta ja talvehtii lehdettömänä.[2]

Quercus kelloggii on yksikotinen, ja hede- ja emikukat kasvavat eri kukinnoissa samassa puussa. Hedekukat kasvavat karvaisissa 3,5–7,5 senttimetriä pitkissä norkoissa, jotka kehittyvät edellisen vuoden versojen lehtihankoihin. Emikukat kasvavat yksittäin tai pienissä ryhmissä. Ne kehittyvät uusien vuosikasvainten lehtihankoihin. Kukinta tapahtuu maalis-toukokuussa. Rannikoilla ja alavilla alueilla kukinta tapahtuu ensimmäisenä ja vuoristoissa viimeisenä.[3][4]

Hedelmä on maljamaisen kehdon ympäröimä pähkinä eli tammenterho. Maljamainen kehto on 1,3–2,7 senttimetriä pitkä, 2,0–2,8 senttimetriä leveä ja peittää suunnilleen puolet tai kaksi kolmasosaa pähkinästä. Kehdon suomut ovat yli 4 millimetriä pitkiä ja suippokärkisiä tai pitkäsuippuisia. Pähkinä on pitkänomainen, 2,1–3,4 senttimetriä pitkä ja 1,4–2,2 senttimetriä leveä. Terhot kypsyvät seuraavana vuonna pölytyksestä.[2]

Quercus kelloggii elää tavallisesti 100–200 vuotta, mutta se saattaa elää noin 500-vuotiaaksi. Laji lisääntyy usein kasvullisesti ja versoo voimakkaasti juuristonsa tyvestä ja rungostaan metsäpalon jälkeen tai rungon katkettua.[3][4]


Lehti ja kaarnaa.

Quercus kelloggii kasvaa luonnonvaraisena Yhdysvaltain länsirannikolla Kalifornian keski- ja pohjoisosissa sekä Oregonin eteläosissa. Sitä esiintyy monenlaisilla paikoilla, kuten laaksoissa, alluviaalirinteillä ja kallioisilla harjanteilla. Lajia kasvaa 60 metrin korkeudelta merenpinnasta Napan ja Santa Rosan laaksoissa noin 2 380 metrin korkeuteen Kalifornian vuoristoissa.[4]

Elinympäristö ja ekologia

Quercus kelloggii kasvaa ilmastossa, jolle ovat ominaisia kuumat, kuivat kesät ja sateiset talvet. Sademäärät lajin elinalueella vaihtelevat suuresti. Luoteisessa Kaliforniassa vuotuinen sadanta on vain 300–380 millimetriä, kun taas osissa Kalifornian rannikkoa vuotuinen sadanta saattaa olla jopa 2 540–2 920 millimetriä tai enemmän. Lajin levinneisyysalueella kylmimmän talvikuukauden keskilämpötila on −1–8 celsiusastetta ja lämpimimmän kesäkuukauden 19–28 °C.[4]

Laji ei siedä vetistä maata ja tarvitsee menestyäkseen hyvin vettä läpäisevän maaperän. Se voi kasvaa monentyyppisissä maannoksissa ja viihtyy parhaiten syvässä, hyvin vettä läpäisevässä hieman happamassa hiesumaassa. Se kestää hyvin kuivuutta.[3][4]

Quercus kelloggii kasvaa joskus valtapuulajina lähes yksilajisissa metsissä. Se muodostaa usein myös metsiä kalifornianmansikkapuun (Arbutus menziesii), kastanjatammen (Notholithocarpus densiflorus), keltamännyn (Pinus ponderosa) ja douglaskuusen (Pseudotsuga menziesii) kanssa. Se saattaa kasvaa myös yhdessä useiden muiden puiden, etenkin useiden tammilajien ja havupuiden kanssa.[4] Useat linnut ja pienet nisäkkäät käyttävät lajin terhoja ravinnokseen ja samalla levittävät niitä.[3]

Quercus kelloggii on sopeutunut kestämään metsäpaloja. Sen paksu kaarna ja syvä juuristo suojaavat sitä pienemmiltä paloilta ja vaurioiduttuaan palossa puu pystyy yleensä versomaan rungostaan ja juuristonsa tyvestä.[3]

Laji on altis useille sienitaudeille ja Phytophthora ramorum -sienen aiheuttama tammen äkkikuolema on tuhonnut Quercus kelloggii -metsiä monin paikoin Kaliforniassa.[3]

Quercus kelloggii risteytyy luonnossa joidenkin lähisukuisten tammilajien kanssa. Quercus × ganderi lajin risteymä kaliforniantammen (Quercus agrifolia) kanssa ja Quercus × morehus on lajin risteymä lajin Quercus wislizenii kanssa.[2]


Puuainesta pidetään arvokkaana ja sitä käytetään sisustukseen ja huonekalujen valmistukseen. Sen kuviointia pidetään kauniina, ja se soveltuu hyvin työstettäväksi. Puu on kuitenkin nykyisin sen verran harvinaistunut, ettei sen käyttö ole yhtä laajamittaista kuin monien samojen alueiden havupuiden.[3][4]

Kalifornian alkuperäiskansat ovat perinteisesti käyttäneet lajin terhoja ravinnonlähteenä.[2] Terhoista valmistetuista jauhoista on tehty keittoa ja puuroa sekä leivottu leipää. Kasvin osia on käytetty myös lääkintään, korinpunontaan ja työkalujen ja väriaineiden valmistukseen.[3]


  • Kevin C. Nixon: Quercus kelloggii Flora of North America. eFloras.org. (englanniksi)
  • Philip M. McDonald: California Black Oak, Quercus kelloggii Silvics Manual, vol. 2. United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service. (englanniksi)
  • Fryer, Janet L.: Quercus kelloggii Fire Effects Information System. 2007. United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Fire Sciences Laboratory. (englanniksi)


  1. Beckman, E.: Quercus kelloggii IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2016.2. 2016. International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN, Iucnredlist.org. Viitattu 2.10.2016. (englanniksi)
  2. a b c d e f g Nixon: Flora of North America: Quercus kelloggii efloras.org. Viitattu 19.11.2012.
  3. a b c d e f g h i j k Fryer: Fire Effects Information System: Quercus kelloggii fs.fed.us. Viitattu 22.11.2012.
  4. a b c d e f g McDonald: Silvics Manual: California Black Oak, Quercus kelloggii na.fs.fed.us. Viitattu 19.11.2012.
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Quercus kelloggii: Brief Summary ( Finnish )

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Quercus kelloggii on tammien (Quercus) sukuun ja pyökkikasvien heimoon (Fagaceae) kuuluva kesävihanta puulaji. Se kasvaa luonnonvaraisena Pohjois-Amerikan länsirannikolla Kalifornian ja Oregonin vuoristoissa. Se on luontaisella elinalueellaan erittäin tärkeä ravintokasvi monille eläimille, ja sen terhoja on käytetty myös ihmisten ruokana.

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Quercus kelloggii ( French )

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Distribution naturelle.

Quercus kelloggii, parfois nommé chêne noir de Californie ou chêne de Kellogg est une espèce de chênes (famille des Fagaceae). Il pousse en Amérique du Nord et est très proche du chêne noir (Quercus velutina) que l'on trouve dans l'est et le centre du continent. Il mesure environ 9 à 25 m et son tronc a un diamètre de 30 cm à 1,4 m. Il peut vivre jusqu'à 500 ans.

Ses glands constituent la nourriture de base des indiens Yosemite[1].


  1. (en) Bev Ortiz, It Will Live Forever : Traditional Yosemite Indian Acorn Preparation, Heyday Books, 1991 (ISBN 978-0-930588-45-8, lire en ligne), p. 39

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Quercus kelloggii: Brief Summary ( French )

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 src= Distribution naturelle.

Quercus kelloggii, parfois nommé chêne noir de Californie ou chêne de Kellogg est une espèce de chênes (famille des Fagaceae). Il pousse en Amérique du Nord et est très proche du chêne noir (Quercus velutina) que l'on trouve dans l'est et le centre du continent. Il mesure environ 9 à 25 m et son tronc a un diamètre de 30 cm à 1,4 m. Il peut vivre jusqu'à 500 ans.

Ses glands constituent la nourriture de base des indiens Yosemite.

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Quercus kelloggii ( Italian )

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Quercus kelloggii Newb., 1857 è un albero appartenente alla famiglia Fagaceae diffuso in America settentrionale.[2][3][4]

Originaria del Nord America occidentale, le sue foglie sono simili nell'aspetto a quelli della quercia rossa (Quercus rubra) e la quercia nera (Quercus velutina), che sono endemiche invece nella zona orientale e centrale del Nord America.


  1. ^ (EN) Beckman, E. 2016, Quercus kelloggii, su IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Versione 2020.2, IUCN, 2020. URL consultato il 28 dicembre 2021.
  2. ^ (EN) Quercus kelloggii, su Plants of the World Online, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. URL consultato il 28 dicembre 2021.
  3. ^ (EN) California Black Oak (Quercus kelloggii), su pollenlibrary.com.
  4. ^ (EN) Philip M. McDonald, Silvical Characteristics of California Black Oak (Quercus Kelloggii Newb.), Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, 1969.

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Quercus kelloggii: Brief Summary ( Italian )

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Quercus kelloggii Newb., 1857 è un albero appartenente alla famiglia Fagaceae diffuso in America settentrionale.

Originaria del Nord America occidentale, le sue foglie sono simili nell'aspetto a quelli della quercia rossa (Quercus rubra) e la quercia nera (Quercus velutina), che sono endemiche invece nella zona orientale e centrale del Nord America.

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Quercus kelloggii ( Dutch; Flemish )

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Quercus kelloggii of de Californische zwarte eik is een bladverliezende boom uit het geslacht Quercus (eik) die van nature langs de westkust van de Verenigde Staten voorkomt. In het Engels wordt de boom doorgaans (California) black oak of Kellogg oak genoemd. Quercus kelloggii is nauw verwant aan de blik- of verfeik (Quercus velutina) die in het oosten en midden van Noord-Amerika voorkomt.

Voorkomen en habitat

Quercus kelloggii komt voor in de uitlopers en lagere berggebieden van Californië en Oregon. Q. kelloggii komt voor tussen Centraal-Oregon en het uiterste noorden van Baja California in Mexico, met name in en rond de Cascade Range, de Sierra Nevada, de Coast Ranges, de Transverse Ranges en de Peninsular Ranges.

De soort komt voor in gemengde, groenblijvende bossen, eikenbossen en loofbossen. Wanneer Q. kelloggii alleen voorkomt, is dat doorgaans op plaatsen waar geen coniferen kunnen groeien of op plaatsen met verstoring door natuurbrand of houtkap. De Californische zwarte eik is goed aangepast aan bosbranden. Bij kleine branden wordt de boom door haar dikke bast beschermd. Wanneer een grote brand de boom velt, schiet hij gemakkelijk terug op, met dank aan de wortels die voedingsstoffen en water opslaan. Na een brand kiemen gevallen eikels bovendien gemakkelijk.

In Europa komt de soort uitsluitend in arboreta voor.

Wikimedia Commons Zie de categorie Quercus kelloggii van Wikimedia Commons voor mediabestanden over dit onderwerp.
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Quercus kelloggii: Brief Summary ( Dutch; Flemish )

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Quercus kelloggii of de Californische zwarte eik is een bladverliezende boom uit het geslacht Quercus (eik) die van nature langs de westkust van de Verenigde Staten voorkomt. In het Engels wordt de boom doorgaans (California) black oak of Kellogg oak genoemd. Quercus kelloggii is nauw verwant aan de blik- of verfeik (Quercus velutina) die in het oosten en midden van Noord-Amerika voorkomt.

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Quercus kelloggii ( Norwegian )

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Quercus kelloggii er en løvfellende eikeart.

Den blir opptil 25 m høy. Barken er mørkebrun til svart med brede, irregulære ribber. Bladstilken er 1–6 cm lang. Bladene er ovale til omvendt eggformede, 6–20 cm lange, 4–14 cm brede og med 7–11 fliker. Nøttene bruker 1,5 år på å bli modne. Nøtteskåla er 13-27 mm dyp og 20-28 mm bred, og den omslutter halvparten til to tredjedeler av nøtta.

Quercus kelloggii vokser i middelhavsklima med hete, tørre somre og kjølige, fuktige vintre. Den er skogdannede enten alene, eller sammen med douglasgran, Notholithocarpus densiflorus, madrona og gullfuru. Blant andre løvtrær den vokser sammen med kan nevnes Cornus nuttallii, oregonlønn, californialaurbær, oregoneik, Quercus agrifolia, Quercus chrysolepis og flere andre eikearter. Avhengig av høyden over havet finnes den også sammen med ulike bartrær, blant annet montereyfuru, redwood, coloradogran, kjempeedelgran, californiaseder, sukkerfuru, mammuttre, Torreya californica og Juniperus occidentalis.

Alle økosystemer der Quercus kelloggii forekommer er avhengig av regelmessige skogbranner. Den tykke barken og det dype rotsystemet gjør at fullvoksne trær overlever selv de mest voldsomme branner. Nøttene er viktig føde for svartbjørn, mulhjort, ekorn og mange fuglearter.

Arten er utbredt i sørvestlige Oregon, California og svært sjelden i Baja California. Den er vanligst i vestskråningen til Sierra Nevada og de nordlige kystfjellene i California.


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Quercus kelloggii: Brief Summary ( Norwegian )

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Quercus kelloggii er en løvfellende eikeart.

Den blir opptil 25 m høy. Barken er mørkebrun til svart med brede, irregulære ribber. Bladstilken er 1–6 cm lang. Bladene er ovale til omvendt eggformede, 6–20 cm lange, 4–14 cm brede og med 7–11 fliker. Nøttene bruker 1,5 år på å bli modne. Nøtteskåla er 13-27 mm dyp og 20-28 mm bred, og den omslutter halvparten til to tredjedeler av nøtta.

Quercus kelloggii vokser i middelhavsklima med hete, tørre somre og kjølige, fuktige vintre. Den er skogdannede enten alene, eller sammen med douglasgran, Notholithocarpus densiflorus, madrona og gullfuru. Blant andre løvtrær den vokser sammen med kan nevnes Cornus nuttallii, oregonlønn, californialaurbær, oregoneik, Quercus agrifolia, Quercus chrysolepis og flere andre eikearter. Avhengig av høyden over havet finnes den også sammen med ulike bartrær, blant annet montereyfuru, redwood, coloradogran, kjempeedelgran, californiaseder, sukkerfuru, mammuttre, Torreya californica og Juniperus occidentalis.

Alle økosystemer der Quercus kelloggii forekommer er avhengig av regelmessige skogbranner. Den tykke barken og det dype rotsystemet gjør at fullvoksne trær overlever selv de mest voldsomme branner. Nøttene er viktig føde for svartbjørn, mulhjort, ekorn og mange fuglearter.

Arten er utbredt i sørvestlige Oregon, California og svært sjelden i Baja California. Den er vanligst i vestskråningen til Sierra Nevada og de nordlige kystfjellene i California.

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Quercus kelloggii ( Polish )

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Quercus kelloggii Newb. – gatunek roślin z rodziny bukowatych (Fagaceae Dumort.). Występuje naturalnie w zachodnich Stanach Zjednoczonych – w Kalifornii i Oregonie[3][4][5].


Zrzucające liście drzewo dorastające do 25 m wysokości. Kora ma brązową lub czarną barwę[5].
Liść na tle kory
Blaszka liściowa ma owalny, eliptyczny lub odwrotnie jajowaty kształt. Mierzy 6–20 cm długości oraz 4–14 cm szerokości, ma nasadę od rozwartej do sercowatej i ostry wierzchołek, z 7–10 parami ostro zakończonych klapek na brzegu. Ogonek liściowy jest nagi lub owłosiony i ma 1–6 cm długości[5].
Orzechy zwane żołędziami o kształcie od podługowatego do elipsoidalnego, dorastają do 21–34 mm długości i 14–22 mm średnicy. Osadzone są pojedynczo w miseczkach w kształcie kubka, które mierzą 13–27 mm długości i 20–28 mm średnicy. Orzechy otulone są w miseczkach do 50–65% ich długości[5].

Biologia i ekologia

Rośnie na zalesionych stokach. Występuje na wysokości do 2400 m n.p.m.[5]


  1. Stevens P.F.: Angiosperm Phylogeny Website (ang.). 2001–. [dostęp 2017-03-03].
  2. a b Quercus kelloggii Newb. (ang.). The Plant List. [dostęp 3 marca 2017].
  3. Discover Life: Point Map of Quercus kelloggii (ang.). Encyclopedia of Life. [dostęp 3 marca 2017].
  4. Comprehensive Report Species - Quercus kelloggii (ang.). NatureServe. [dostęp 3 marca 2017].
  5. a b c d e Quercus kelloggii (fr.). Plantes & botanique. [dostęp 3 marca 2017].
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Quercus kelloggii: Brief Summary ( Polish )

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Quercus kelloggii Newb. – gatunek roślin z rodziny bukowatych (Fagaceae Dumort.). Występuje naturalnie w zachodnich Stanach Zjednoczonych – w Kalifornii i Oregonie.

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Дуб Келлога ( Ukrainian )

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Листяне дерево до 25 м заввишки. Кора від темно-коричневого до чорного кольору, гребені широкі, нерегулярні. Галузки від коричневого до червоно-коричневого кольору, (1,5-) 2–3,5 мм діаметром. Термінальні бруньки каштанові, яйцевиді, 4–10 мм. Листовий черешок 10–60 мм, від голого до густо опушеного. Листова пластина від яйцевидої або широко еліптичної до оберненояйцевидої, 60–200 × 40–140 мм, лопаті гострі. Жолуді раз на два роки; чашка форми блюдця або глибоко чашоподібна, 13-27 мм заввишки × 20-28 мм завширшки, покриваючи 1/2–2/3 горіха. Горіх 21–34 × 14–22 мм. Цвіте в кінці весни.


Росте на схилах і в долинах пагорбів і гір на висотах 300–2400 м у Каліфорнії і в південній частині штату Орегон. Росте в змішаних, а також дубових і хвойних лісах. Дерево може рости в багатьох типах ґрунтів, але важливо, щоб ґрунт був добре осушеним.


Корінні американці надавали перевагу жолудям цього виду з-поміж інших видів для приготування страв із жолудів. Цей жолудь був основним продуктом харчування для багатьох індіанських груп. Корінні американці визнали важливість вогню для цього дуба, і навмисно запалювали вогні в дубових рідколіссях з метою сприяння здоров'ю дубів і забезпечення їх джерелом їжі. Деревина використовується для виготовлення меблів, піддонів і як будівельна деревина. Дуб використовується як декоративне дерево.



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Quercus kelloggii ( Vietnamese )

provided by wikipedia VI

Quercus kelloggii là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Cử. Loài này được Newb. miêu tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1857.[1]

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ The Plant List (2010). Quercus kelloggii. Truy cập ngày 4 tháng 6 năm 2013.

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Quercus kelloggii: Brief Summary ( Vietnamese )

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Quercus kelloggii là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Cử. Loài này được Newb. miêu tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1857.

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Дуб Келлога ( Russian )

provided by wikipedia русскую Википедию
Царство: Растения
Подцарство: Зелёные растения
Отдел: Цветковые
Надпорядок: Rosanae
Порядок: Букоцветные
Семейство: Буковые
Подсемейство: Буковые
Род: Дуб
Вид: Дуб Келлога
Международное научное название

Quercus kelloggii Newb., 1857

на Викивидах
на Викискладе
ITIS 19366NCBI 97698EOL 1151511IPNI 296332-1TPL kew-173428

Дуб Ке́ллога (лат. Quércus kellóggii) — вид дуба, распространенный на западе Северной Америки, родственный дубу бархатистому (Quercus velutina). Вид назван в честь американского ботаника Альберта Келлога.


Лиственное дерево до 25 м высотой. Кора от темно-коричневого до черного цвета, гребни широкие, нерегулярные. Веточки от коричневого до красно-коричневого цвета (1,5-) 2-3,5 мм диаметром. Терминальные почки каштановые, яйцевидные, 4-10 мм. Черешки 10-60 мм длиной, от голых до густоопушённых. Листья в очертании от яйцевидных или широкоэллиптических до обратнояйцевидных, 60-200×40-140 мм, с острыми лопастями.

Желуди созревают за два года; плюска блюдцевидная или чашевидная, 13-27 мм высотой × 20-28 мм шириной, покрывая 1/2-2/3 жёлудя. Сам плод 21-34 × 14-22 мм. Цветет в конце весны.


Растет на склонах и в долинах на высотах 300—2400 м в Калифорнии и в южной части штата Орегон. Встречается в смешанных, а также дубовых и хвойных лесах. Дерево может расти на многих типах почв, но не переносит переувлажнения.


Коренные американцы отдавали предпочтение желудям этого вида среди других видов для приготовления блюд из желудей. Этот желудь был основным продуктом питания для многих индейских групп. Так, индейцы кауилла из 4 использовавшихся дубов предпочитали жёлуди дуба Келлога. Причиной тому были отличный аромат и наиболее желатиноподобная консистенция, получаемая во время готовки, что было одним из требований для хорошей жёлудевой каши[2]. Коренные американцы признали важность огня для этого дуба, и нарочно зажигали огни в дубовых редколесьях с целью содействия здоровью дубов и обеспечение их источником пищи. Древесина используется для изготовления мебели, поддонов и как строительная древесина. Дуб используется как декоративное дерево.


  • Quercus kelloggii 1 (nautical2k).jpg
  • Quercus kelloggii (bark leaf).jpg
  • San Gabriel Mountains (2972839468).jpg
  • Quercus kelloggii 2 (nautical2k).jpg


  1. Об условности указания класса двудольных в качестве вышестоящего таксона для описываемой в данной статье группы растений см. раздел «Системы APG» статьи «Двудольные».
  2. The Oxford Companion to Food / Alan Davidson, Tom Jaine. — Oxford University Press, 2014. — С. 197—198. — ISBN 978-0-19-104072-6.
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Дуб Келлога: Brief Summary ( Russian )

provided by wikipedia русскую Википедию

Дуб Ке́ллога (лат. Quércus kellóggii) — вид дуба, распространенный на западе Северной Америки, родственный дубу бархатистому (Quercus velutina). Вид назван в честь американского ботаника Альберта Келлога.

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