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Northern Red Oak

Quercus rubra L.


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Foodplant / saprobe
pulvinate, erumpent or superficial stroma of Daldinia fissa is saprobic on wood of Quercus rubra

Foodplant / saprobe
fruitbody of Marasmius quercophilus is saprobic on dead, fallen, decayed leaf of Quercus rubra
Other: minor host/prey

In Great Britain and/or Ireland:
Foodplant / saprobe
becoming erumpent through longitudinal slits pycnidium of Phomopsis coelomycetous anamorph of Phomopsis quercella is saprobic on dead twig of Quercus rubra
Remarks: season: 12

Foodplant / spot causer
hypophyllous ascoma of Taphrina caerulescens causes spots on live, blistered leaf of Quercus rubra



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Trees with large nuts only one-fourth covered by flat saucer-shaped cups often are treated as Quercus rubra var. rubra ; those with smaller nuts one-third covered by cup- or bowl-shaped cups are treated as Q . rubra var. borealis (F. Michaux) Farwell. While E. J. Palmer (1942) suggested that these two varieties do not breed true, K. M. McDougal and C. R. Parks (1986) found evidence of correspondence between morphologic types and flavonoid chemotypes. This is one of the most important ornamental and timber trees in the genus.

Native Americans used Quercus rubra for a number of medical purposes, including the treatment of sores, weakness, lung problems, sore throat, dysentery, indigestion, chapped skin, chills and fevers, lost voice, asthma, cough, milky urine, hear trouble, blood diseases, and Italian itch, and as an appetizer (D. E. Moerman 1986).

Quercus rubra reportedly hybridizes with Q . coccinea (= Q . × benderi Baenitz) and Q . ellipsoidalis (P. C. Swain 1972; R. J. Jensen et al. 1993); with Q . ilicifolia (= Q . × fernaldii Trelease), Q . imbricaria [ Q . × runcinata (A. de Candolle) Engelmann], and Q . marilandica (E. J. Palmer 1948; D. M. Hunt 1989); with Q . nigra (D. M. Hunt 1989); and with Q . palustris (= Q . × columnaris Laughlin), Q . phellos (= Q . × heterophylla F. Michaux), Q . shumardii (= Q . × riparia Laughlin), and Q . velutina (= Q . × hawkinsii Sudworth).

Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliographic citation
Flora of North America Vol. 3 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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Trees , deciduous, to 30 m. Bark gray or dark gray, ridges wide, shiny, separated by shallow fissures, inner bark pinkish. Twigs reddish brown, 2-3.5(-4.5) mm diam., glabrous. Terminal buds dark reddish brown, ovoid to ellipsoid, 4-7 mm, glabrous or with tuft of reddish hairs at apex. Leaves: petiole 25-50 mm, glabrous, often red tinged. Leaf blade ovate to elliptic or obovate, 120-200 × 60-120 mm, base broadly cuneate to almost truncate, margins with 7-11 lobes and 12-50 awns, lobes oblong, occasionally distally expanded, separated by shallow sinuses, sinuses usually extending less than 1/2 distance to midrib, apex acute; surfaces abaxially pale green, often glaucous, glabrous except for minute axillary tufts of tomentum, adaxially dull green, glabrous, secondary veins raised on both surfaces. Acorns biennial; cup saucer- to cup-shaped, 5-12 mm high × 18-30 mm wide, covering 1/4-1/3 nut, outer surface puberulent, inner surface light brown to red-brown, glabrous or with ring of pubescence around scar, scales less than 4 mm, often with dark margins, tips tightly appressed, obtuse; nut ovoid to oblong, 15-30 × 10-21 mm, glabrous, scar diam. 6.5-12.5 mm. 2 n = 24.
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliographic citation
Flora of North America Vol. 3 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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N.B., N.S., Ont., P.E.I., Que.; Ala., Ark., Conn., Del., D.C., Ga., Ill., Ind., Iowa, Kans., Ky., Maine, Md., Mass., Mich., Minn., Miss., Mo., Nebr., N.H., N.J., N.Y., N.C., Ohio, Okla., Pa., R.I., S.C., Tenn., Vt., Va., W.Va., Wis.
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliographic citation
Flora of North America Vol. 3 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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Flowering spring.
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliographic citation
Flora of North America Vol. 3 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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Commonly on mesic slopes and well-drained uplands, occasionally on dry slopes or poorly drained uplands; 0-1800m.
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliographic citation
Flora of North America Vol. 3 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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Quercus borealis Michaux; Q. maxima Ashe
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliographic citation
Flora of North America Vol. 3 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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provided by EOL authors
General: Beech Family (Fagaceae). Native trees often reaching 20–30 m tall, less commonly up to 50 m; bark dark gray or black, shallowly furrowed into broad hard scaly ridges, inner bark reddish to pink; generally developing a strong taproot and network of deep, spreading laterals. Leaves are deciduous, alternate, elliptic, 10–25 cm long and 8–15 cm wide, divided less than halfway to midvein into 7–11 shallow wavy lobes with a few irregular bristle-tipped teeth, sinuses usually extending less than 1/2 distance to midrib, glabrous and dull green above, light dull green below with tufts of hairs in vein angles. Male and female flowers are borne in separate catkins on the same tree (the species monoecious), the staminate catkins in leaf axils of the previous year's growth, the pistillate in 2–many-flowered spikes in the leaf axils. Acorns maturing in the second year, about 15–30 mm long, with a broad usually shallow cup, borne singly or in clusters of 2–5. The common name is in reference to the red fall foliage color, red petioles, and reddish interior wood. This is a different species from “southern red oak” (Q. falcata). Northern red oak is a member of the red oak subgroup (subg. Erythrobalanus = sect. Lobatae). It hybridizes with related species, including scarlet oak (Q. coccinea), northern pin oak (Q. ellipsoidalis), shingle oak (Q. imbricata), scrub oak (Q. ilicifolia), blackjack oak (Q. marilandica), swamp oak (Q. palustris), willow oak (Q. phellos), Shumard oak (Q. shumardii), and black oak (Q. velutina). Variation within the species: There are different interpretations of variation patterns among trees of northern red oak. A single species without formally variants is sometimes recognized, or two varieties may be recognized. Quercus rubra var. ambigua (A. Gray) Fernald SY= Q. borealis Michx. f. SY= Q. rubra var. borealis (Michx. f.) Farw. Quercus rubra var. rubra SY= Q. maxima (Marsh.) Ashe SY= Q. borealis var. maxima (Marsh.) Ashe Var. rubra has a shallow cup, to 3 cm wide, enclosing 1/4–1/5 of the nut. Var. ambigua has a deeper cup, to 2 cm wide, enclosing 1/3 of the nut. McDougal and Parks (1984, 1986) found evidence of correspondence between morphological types and flavonoid chemotypes but the evolutionary status and geographic distribution of these have not been worked out in detail.
USDA NRCS National Plant Data Center and the Biota of North America Program
bibliographic citation
Author: Matthew D. Hurteau, Formerly USDA NRCS National Plant Data Center, c/o, Environmental Horticulture Department, University of California, Davis, California USDA, NRCS. 2012 The PLANTS Database (http://plants.usda.gov, 2012). National Plant Data Center, Baton Rouge, LA 70874-4490 USA.
Bob Corrigan (bobcorrigan)
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EOL authors

Broad-scale Impacts of Fire

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: fire severity, prescribed burn, severity, tree, wildfire

Oaks tend to be less susceptible to fire during the dormant season [98].
Individuals of poor vigor are less likely to heal following fire-induced
injury than are healthy vigorous specimens.  Oaks growing in overstocked
stands typically exhibit lower vigor and are more susceptible to
fire-caused damage.  Crooked or leaning trees are particularly
susceptible to damage since the flames are more likely to be directly
below the stem, thereby increasing the amount of heat received by the
bark's surface.  Mortality or serious injury increases with greater fire
severity.  Mortality of seedlings may be correlated with temperatures
near the root collars [51].  [See FIRE CASE STUDY].

High mortality was reported after 8 years of biennial burning, although
mortality was not obvious until after the first 3 years.  A spring fire
killed 58 percent of existing northern red oak seedlings and caused
severe damage to the boles of some overstory trees [120].  However, an
"extremely hot" wildfire in Indiana, killed only 22 percent of
4-year-old plants [25].  The tops of 92 percent of 1-year-old northern
red oak seedlings were killed by a low-severity prescribed burn in
Wisconsin, but regenerative portions of 38 percent survived [25].

Northern red oak is generally more severely fire-scarred than many other
oaks [112].  When basal cambial tissue is seriously damaged by fire,
injuries often permit the entry of insects or decay that may ultimately
kill the tree [1,45,98,106].  Toole [132] reported that by the 2d year
after fire, 60 percent of wounded northern red oaks was infested by
insects.  Heart rot spread to 2.5 times the height of the bark
discoloration within 7 years of the fire.  Heart rot progressed more
slowly where the original fire scar represented less than 20 percent of
the tree's circumference and more rapidly where the fire scar was more
extensive.  Rouse [98] estimated that rot traveled up the bole of a
fire-damaged tree at 1.25 feet (0.4 m) per decade.

Mortality equations based on d.b.h., and the width and height of bark
blackening have been developed for northern red oak [71].  These
equations can be useful in predicting if a fire-damaged oak will
bibliographic citation
Tirmenstein, D. A. 1991. Quercus rubra. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Broad-scale Impacts of Plant Response to Fire

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: forest, prescribed fire, tree

Seedlings, saplings, and pole-sized individuals commonly sprout if
girdled by fire.  Damaged seedlings can often sprout several times and
may ultimately grow beyond the fire-susceptible stage [43].  Sprouting
ability appears to decrease as plants age.  Large trees much less likely
to sprout if severely damaged by fire.

On the George Washington National Forest, West Virginia, a spring prescribed
fire promoted northern red oak seedling establishment but reduced northern
red oak sprouts in a mixed-hardwood forest. Average red oak seedling densities
before fire and in postfire year 5 were 0 and 26 seedlings/acre, respectively;
northern red oak sprout densities were 658 sprouts/acre before and 0 sprouts/acre
5 years after the fire. See the Research Paper of Wendel and Smith's [135]
study for details on the fire prescription and fire effects on northern red oak
and 6 other tree species.

For further information on red oak response to fire, see Fire Case Studies.

The Research Project Summaries Effects of surface fires in a mixed red and

eastern white pine stand in Michigan
Early postfire
effects of a prescribed

in the southern Appalachians of North Carolina
and the Research Paper by
Bowles and others 2007 provide information
on prescribed fire and postfire

of several plant species, including northern red oak,
that was not

available when this species review was originally written.

bibliographic citation
Tirmenstein, D. A. 1991. Quercus rubra. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Common Names

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
northern red oak
red oak
common red oak
gray oak
eastern red oak
mountain red oak
bibliographic citation
Tirmenstein, D. A. 1991. Quercus rubra. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Cover Value

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: cover, tree

Northern red oak provides good cover for a wide variety of birds and
mammals.  Young oaks with low branches serve as particularly good winter
cover.  Oak leaves often persist longer than those of many of its plant
associates and in some areas, young oaks may represent the only brushy
winter cover in dense pole stands [105].  Oaks frequently serve as
perching or nesting sites for various songbirds [19].  Many cavity
nesters, such as the red-bellied and hairy woodpecker, utilize northern
red oak [133].  The well-developed crowns of oaks provide shelter and
hiding cover for tree squirrels and other small mammals.  Many birds and
mammals use twigs and leaves as nesting materials [74].  Large oaks
provide denning sites for a variety of mammals [19].
bibliographic citation
Tirmenstein, D. A. 1991. Quercus rubra. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/


provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: monoecious, tree

Northern red oak is a medium to large, variable deciduous tree [39,47].
It is the tallest and most rapidly growing of the oaks [20] and commonly
reaches 65 to 98 feet (20-30 m) in height and 2 to 3 feet (61-91 m) in
diameter [101].  On extremely favorable sites plants may grow to 160
feet (49 m) and up to 8 feet (2.4 m) in diameter [24].  Trees are tall,
straight, and columnar with a large crown in forested stands but are
characterized by a short bole and spreading crown in openings [101].
Plants generally have a strongly developed taproot and a network of
deep, spreading laterals [47,56].  The gray to grayish-brown bark has
shallow vertical furrows and low ridges and becomes checkered with age

Northern red oak is monoecious.  Staminate catkins are borne in leaf
axils of the previous year's growth, whereas pistillate catkins occur in
two- to many-flowered spikes in the axils of leaves [101].  The acorns
are approximately 0.8 to 1.3 inch (20-33 mm) in length, with a shallow,
saucer-shaped cup [26,39,47].  Acorns are borne singly or in clusters of
two to five [101].  The nut contains a large, white, bitter kernel [20].

The variety ambigua is characterized by smaller acorn cups [93].
bibliographic citation
Tirmenstein, D. A. 1991. Quercus rubra. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/


provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
Northern red oak is widely distributed throughout much of the eastern
United States and southeastern Canada.  It grows from Quebec, Ontario,
Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick southward to southwestern Georgia and
Alabama [39,101].  Northern red oak extends westward through Minnesota
and Iowa, south through eastern Nebraska and Kansas to eastern Oklahoma
[101].  It occurs locally in eastern and southwestern Louisiana and
western Mississippi [39,69].

The variety rubra grows in Georgia and Alabama, northward through
Kentucky, Tennessee, and West Virginia to New England [93,104].  The
variety ambigua occurs farther north than variety rubra does [30].
Variety borealis occurs in Virginia, Tennessee, and North Carolina in
the South and extends northward throughout New England to Maine
bibliographic citation
Tirmenstein, D. A. 1991. Quercus rubra. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Fire Management Considerations

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: competition, fern, fire exclusion, fire management, forest, herbaceous, prescribed burn, prescribed fire, root collar, series

Prescribed fire:  Prescribed fire can be an important tool for
regenerating oak stands.  However, results do not always favor oak.
Crow [25] reported that "although there is abundant evidence of a
general relationship between fire and the occurrence of oak, prescribed
burning is not yet a viable silvicultural tool for regenerating oak
stands."  Most oaks sprout vigorously after fire, and competing
vegetation can be much reduced [43].  However, a single low-intensity
fire may have little impact on competing vegetation [25].  According to
Crow [25], a "commitment to frequent burning is needed to compensate for
decades of fire exclusion."  In the southern Appalachians, biennial
summer burns are usually most effective in promoting advance
regeneration.  Single pre- or post-harvest burns generally have
little effect [121].

Timber harvest and fire:  Fire can be used to control competing
herbaceous vegetation after timber harvest [18].  A series of cool or
low-severity prescribed fires prior to timber harvest can promote
advanced regeneration in oaks [121].

Fuels and flammability:  Wydeven and Kloes [131] reported that a "fairly
cool" fire in an uncut northern red oak stand produced flame lengths of
1 to 1.8 feet (0.3-0.56 m).  A "very hot" fire in a cut stand generated
flames 1.6 to 20 feet (0.5-6.0 m) high.


SPECIES: Quercus rubra
Tirmenstein, D. A., compiler. 1991. Effects of prescribed burning on northern
red oak in Wisconsin. In: Quercus rubra. In: Fire Effects Information
System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service,
Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer).
Available: https://www.fs.fed.us
/database/feis/ [
var months = new Array(12);
months[0] = "January";
months[1] = "February";
months[2] = "March";
months[3] = "April";
months[4] = "May";
months[5] = "June";
months[6] = "July";
months[7] = "August";
months[8] = "September";
months[9] = "October";
months[10] = "November";
months[11] = "December";
var date = new Date();
var year = date.getFullYear();
var month = date.getMonth();
var day = date.getDate();
document.write(year+", "+months[month]+" "+day);

Johnson, Paul S. 1974. Survival and growth of northern red oak seedlings
following a prescribed burn. Res. Note NC-177. St. Paul, MN: U.S.
Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, North Central Forest
Experiment Station. 3 p. [50].

mid-April/not reported.

The prescribed burn was conducted on the Hardies Creek Timber Harvest
Farm in Trempeauleau County, Wisconsin.

The preburn community was a 102-year old northern red oak stand.
Understory vegetation included interrupted fern (Osmunda claytoniana),
lady fern (Athyrium felix-femina), American hazel (Corylus americana),
and briars (Rubus spp.).

Not reported.

      Slope:  10 to 35 percent.
      Aspect:  north to east.
      Site index for northern red oak:  70.

The forest floor (layers L and F) was wet and the fire spread at only 13
inches (33 cm) per minute.  Conditions were as follows:

      Ambient air temperature:  70 degrees F (21 deg C)
      Relative humidity:  25 percent
      Winds:  5 miles per hour (8 km/hour)
      Temperature of soil-forest floor interface:  50 degrees F (10 deg C)

Mortality of northern red oak was related to temperatures near the root
collar.  Ninety-three percent of the seedlings on the unburned control
plot were alive after one growing season, but only 42 percent of those
on burned plots survived.  All but 8 of the 42 surviving seedlings were
top-killed.  Thirty-four seedling sprouts were produced, with one to
three living stems originating from the root collar.  Where the
temperature reached 220 degrees F (104 deg C) or more, mortality of
seedlings averaged 71 percent.  Mortality was 64 percent on plots where
the temperature reached 140 to 219 degrees F (60-104 deg C).  Where
temperature was less than 140 degrees F (60 deg C), mortality was only
19 percent.  Seedlings on the burned plot were significantly shorter.

With 7,000 seedlings per acre (17,290/ha), a 50 to 60 percent reduction
in northern red oak seedling numbers may be acceptable as long as
competing vegetation is reduced.  However, this spring fire had little
effect on competing vegetation.  Study results suggest that a single,
low-severity spring burn may harm northern red oak seedlings where
postburn competition is intense.  More research is needed to determine
conditions under which prescribed burns might control competing
vegetation and favor northern red oak reproduction.
bibliographic citation
Tirmenstein, D. A. 1991. Quercus rubra. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Fire Management Implications

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the term: competition

With 7,000 seedlings per acre (17,290/ha), a 50 to 60 percent reduction
in northern red oak seedling numbers may be acceptable as long as
competing vegetation is reduced.  However, this spring fire had little
effect on competing vegetation.  Study results suggest that a single,
low-severity spring burn may harm northern red oak seedlings where
postburn competition is intense.  More research is needed to determine
conditions under which prescribed burns might control competing
vegetation and favor northern red oak reproduction.

Growth Form (according to Raunkiær Life-form classification)

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info on this topic.

More info for the term: phanerophyte

bibliographic citation
Tirmenstein, D. A. 1991. Quercus rubra. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Habitat characteristics

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: herbaceous, mesic, shrubs, tree, vines

Northern red oak grows on a variety of dry-mesic to mesic sites [3].  It
occurs in rich, mesic woods, on sandy plains, rock outcrops, stable
interdunes, and at the outer edges of floodplains [29,124,126].
Northern red oak is most common on north- and east-facing slopes
[30,101].  It typically grows on lower and middle slopes, in coves,
ravines, and on valley floors [101].

Plant associates:  Overstory associates of northern red oak are numerous
and include white oak (Quercus alba), black oak, scarlet oak, southern
red oak, post oak (Q. stellata), eastern white pine (Pinus strobus),
American beech (Fagus grandifolia), sugar maple, red maple (Acer
rubrum), black cherry (Prunus serotina), American basswood (Tilia
americana), sweet gum (Liquidambar styraciflua), white ash (Fraxinus
americana), green ash (F. pennsylvanica), aspen (Populus tremuloides),
hickories (Carya spp.), black gum (Nyssa sylvatica), black walnut
(Juglans nigra), jack pine (Pinus banksiana), eastern hemlock (Tsuga
canadensis), and elm (Ulmus spp.) [12,76,82,101].  Flowering dogwood
(Cornus florida), holly (Ilex spp.), eastern hophornbeam (Ostrya
virginiana), sassafras (Sassafras albidum), American bladdernut
(Staphylea trifolia), redbud (Cercis canadensis), persimmon (Diospyros
virginiana), and serviceberry (Amelanchier spp.) are frequent small tree
associates [101].  Common understory shrubs and vines include greenbrier
(Smilax spp.), blueberries (Vaccinium spp.), mountain-laurel (Kalmia
spp.), leatherwood (Dirca palustris), witch-hazel (Hamamelis
virginiana), beaked hazel (Corylus cornuta), spice bush (Lindera
benzoin), poison-ivy (Toxicodendron radicans), grape (Vitis spp.), and
rosebay rhododendron (Rhododendron maximum) [101].  Numerous herbaceous
species occur with northern red oak.

Climate:  Annual precipitation averages 30 inches (76 cm) at the
northwestern edge of northern red oak's range and 80 inches (203 cm) in
the southern Appalachians [101].  Mean annual temperatures range from 40
degrees F (4 deg C) in the North to 60 degrees F (16 deg C) in the South
[24].  Growing season length varies from 100 to 220 days.  Northern red
oak reaches its best development in the Ohio Valley and along the west
slope of the Allegheny Mountains where precipitation averages 40 inches
(102 cm) annually and average annual temperature is 52 degrees F (11
degrees C) [101].

Soils:  Northern red oak grows on clay, loam, and sandy or gravelly
soils [20,101].  Soils may be deep and free of rocks, or shallow and
rocky [33].  Plants generally exhibit best growth on deep, fertile,
well-drained, finely textured soils with a relatively high water table
[26,39,101].  Soils are derived from a variety of parent materials
including glacial outwash, sandstone, shale, limestone, gneiss, schist,
or granite [101].

Elevation:  Northern red oak grows at relatively low elevations in the
Smoky Mountains.  The variety rubra typically grows at lower elevations
than does the variety ambigua [129].  Generalized elevations ranges by
geographic location are as follows [73,101,113]:

        Location          Elevation                          

        s Appalachians    up to 5,500 feet (1,680 m)          
        White Mtns. NH    up to 1,476 feet (450 m)            
        IN                700 to 850 feet (214-259 m)        
        MO                800 to 1,300 feet (244-397 m)       
        MI                600 to 700 feet (182-214 m)        
        NY                900 to 1,400 feet (275-427 m)      
        NC                2,300 to 5,000 feet (702-1,525 m)   
        WV                1,800 to 3,500 feet (549-1,070 m)   
        WI                800 to 1,000 feet (244-305 m)      
bibliographic citation
Tirmenstein, D. A. 1991. Quercus rubra. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Habitat: Cover Types

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This species is known to occur in association with the following cover types (as classified by the Society of American Foresters):

More info for the term: hardwood

     1  Jack pine
    14  Northern pin oak
    15  Red pine
    17  Pin cherry
    18  Paper birch
    19  Gray birch - red maple
    20  White pine - northern red oak - red maple
    21  Eastern white pine
    22  White pine - hemlock
    23  Eastern hemlock
    25  Sugar maple - beech - yellow birch
    26  Sugar maple - basswood
    27  Sugar maple
    28  Black cherry - maple
    29  Black cherry
    40  Post oak - blackjack oak
    42  Bur oak
    43  Bear oak
    44  Chestnut oak
    45  Pitch pine
    46  Eastern redcedar
    51  White pine - chestnut oak
    52  White oak - black oak - northern red oak
    53  White oak
    55  Northern red oak
    57  Yellow poplar
    58  Yellow poplar - eastern hemlock
    59  Yellow poplar - white oak - northern red oak
    60  Beech - sugar maple
    82  Loblolly pine - hardwood
   108  Red maple
   110  Black oak
bibliographic citation
Tirmenstein, D. A. 1991. Quercus rubra. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Habitat: Ecosystem

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This species is known to occur in the following ecosystem types (as named by the U.S. Forest Service in their Forest and Range Ecosystem [FRES] Type classification):

   FRES10  White - red - jack pine
   FRES13  Loblolly - shortleaf pine
   FRES14  Oak - pine
   FRES15  Oak - hickory
   FRES18  Maple - beech - birch
   FRES19  Aspen - birch
bibliographic citation
Tirmenstein, D. A. 1991. Quercus rubra. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Habitat: Plant Associations

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
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This species is known to occur in association with the following plant community types (as classified by Küchler 1964):

More info for the term: forest

   K095  Great Lakes pine forest
   K099  Maple - basswood
   K100  Oak - hickory forest
   K102  Beech - maple
   K103  Mixed mesophytic forest
   K104  Appalachian oak forest
   K110  Northeastern oak - pine forest
   K111  Oak - hickory pine forest
bibliographic citation
Tirmenstein, D. A. 1991. Quercus rubra. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Importance to Livestock and Wildlife

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the term: mast

Browse:  White-tailed deer commonly browse leaves and young seedlings
[81,119].  Telfer [116] reported that deer browsed only 2.8 percent of
northern red oak in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.  However, in feeding
trials in New Hampshire, northern red oak leaves comprised 15 to 30
percent dry matter of deer diets [90].  Elk, hares, cottontail rabbits,
and moose also feed on northern red oak browse [116,119].  Pocket
gophers occasionally feed on the roots of seedlings [49].

Acorns:  Mammals - The white-footed mouse, eastern chipmunk, fox
squirrel, gray squirrel, red squirrel, white-tailed deer, flying
squirrels, and deer mice consume northern red oak acorns [15,111,119].
In a New Hampshire feeding trial, northern red oak acorns made up 5 to
55 percent (composition dry matter) of deer diets [90].  Acorns of the
northern red oak are a preferred fall and winter food of the gray
squirrel [40,65].  Domestic hogs also eat large quantities of northern
red oak acorns where available [119].  Acorns are an important fall food
source for the black bear [31,97].  The abundance of fall mast crops can
affect black bear reproductive success during the following year [31].

Birds - Acorns of the northern red oak are an important food source the
bobwhite, red-headed woodpecker, red-bellied woodpecker, blue jay,
tufted titmouse, grackle, white-breasted nuthatch, sapsuckers, quail,
ruffed grouse, and other birds [111,119].  They represent a particularly
important food source for the wild turkey.  A single turkey can consume
more than 221 acorns at a "single meal" [95].  Other birds that feed on
acorns include the ruffed grouse, sharp-tailed grouse, ring-necked
pheasant, wild turkey, eastern crow, northern flicker, grackle, blue
jay, brown thrasher, tufted titmouse, starling, lesser prairie chicken,
chickadees, nuthatches, and other songbirds.  Acorns are also important
food sources for various waterfowl such as the golden-eye, gadwall, wood
duck, hooded merganser, mallard, American pintail, black duck, redhead,
and green-winged teal [74,119].  Sprouted acorns are readily eaten by
deer, mice, and the northern bobwhite [119].
bibliographic citation
Tirmenstein, D. A. 1991. Quercus rubra. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Key Plant Community Associations

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the term: habitat type

Northern red oak occurs as a dominant in many communities [77],
including mixed mesophytic forests, pine-oak communities, and southern
bottomland forests [12,110].

Publications listing northern red oak as an indicator or dominant in
habitat type (hts) classifications are presented below:

Area              Classification                Authority
n MI, ne WI       general veg. hts              Coffman and others 1980
n WI              general veg. hts              Kotar and others 1988
bibliographic citation
Tirmenstein, D. A. 1991. Quercus rubra. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Life Form

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the term: tree

bibliographic citation
Tirmenstein, D. A. 1991. Quercus rubra. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Management considerations

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More info for the terms: density, presence, seed, selection, series

Silviculture:  Northern red oak often regenerates poorly after timber
harvest.  According to Loftis [70], "the preparatory and seed cuts of
the classical shelterwood will not be a part of the shelterwood sequence
to regenerate oaks, but rather, the cuttings applied in a shelterwood to
regenerate northern red oak should be considered removal cuts to exploit
the presence of small advanced oak reproduction, enhancing the
development of and finally, releasing advanced reproduction that is
already established."  The presence of vigorous advanced regeneration is
essential for producing good stands of northern red oak after timber
harvest [5,21,85].  For adequate regeneration of oaks, advanced
regeneration of at least 4.5 feet (1.4 m) in height should number at
least 435 stems per acre (217/ha) prior to harvest [100].  However,
Kittridge and Aston [57] reported that as few as 60 stems per acre
(24/ha) may be sufficient for oak regeneration in some areas.

A series of selection cuts can produce stands with several age classes
and can generate sufficient advanced regeneration for well-stocked,
postharvest stands [7].  Initial cuts should reduce overstory densities
to no less than 60 percent stocking [100].  Reduction of competing
understory species may also be necessary in some instances [7,100].
Prescriptions for regenerating northern red oak should include the
following:  (1) control competing vegetation, (2) reduce overstory
density, (3) ensure adequate propagules, (4) manage for seedling
sprouts, and (5) remove overstory after seedling establishment [25].

Chemical control:  Oaks often produce basal sprouts in response to
herbicide treatments [36].  However, injections of glyphosate can kill
plants [128].

Mechanical treatments:  Trees which have been cut often develop multiple
trunks [10].  Approximately 9.9 sprouts per stump were reported 5 years
after trees were cut in Pennsylvania.  Average sprout numbers declined
to 1.1 per acre 35 years after cutting [75].  Sprouts derived from cut
stumps are often more vigorous than those which have developed as a
result of fire or herbivory [115].

Insects/disease:  Northern red oak is susceptible to several diseases
including oak wilt and oak decline [76].  Oak decline is particularly
serious and has affected northern red oak throughout much of the central
Appalachian region [80].  The gypsy moth and numerous other insects can
attack northern red oak, occasionally causing serious damage [41,101].

Damage:  Northern red oak is resistant to windthrow [87].

Environmental considerations:  Northern red oak is resistant to ozone
damage [48].

Wildlife considerations:  Increases in bear damage to crops, livestock,
and beehives has been noted in years of poor acorn crops [97].  Acorn
production for wildlife can be increased by selective thinning and by
protecting large oaks [90].
bibliographic citation
Tirmenstein, D. A. 1991. Quercus rubra. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Nutritional Value

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
Browse:  Dry, fallen leaves are relatively high in protein but low in
digestibility for deer [44].  The nutrient content of northern red oak
browse has been reported as follows [90]:

                     Crude       Ether       Crude       N-free
   Dry matter %      protein %   extract %   fiber %     extract %
   33.3              13.27       2.15        23.88       55.37

Acorns:  Northern red oak acorns are relatively low in protein,
phosphorous and crude fiber but are a good source of metabolizable
energy, starches, sugars, and fat [90,95,107,126].  One pound of
northern red oak acorns contains approximately 1,300 calories [95].
Crude available protein of northern red oak acorns has been estimated at
4.6 to 5.92 percent [65].  Smith and Follmer [109] reported that
northern red oak acorns exhibit relatively high tannin levels (6
percent).  Other studies have reported tannin levels ranging from 4.34
to 15.90 percent [15,126,127].
bibliographic citation
Tirmenstein, D. A. 1991. Quercus rubra. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Occurrence in North America

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
     AL  AR  CT  DE  FL  GA  IL  IN  IA  KS
     KY  LA  ME  MD  MA  MI  MN  MS  MO  NE
     NH  NJ  NY  NC  OH  OK  PA  RI  SC  TN
     VT  VA  WA  WV  WI  NB  NS  ON  PE  PQ
bibliographic citation
Tirmenstein, D. A. 1991. Quercus rubra. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Other uses and values

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More info for the term: tree

The acorns of many species of oak (Quercus spp.) were traditionally an
important food source for Native American peoples [118].  Acorns of red
oak were leached with ashes to remove bitter tannins and then used in
various foods by many Native American peoples.  Preparations made from
the bark were used to treat bowel problems [38].

Northern red oak was first cultivated in 1724 [84] and is a popular
ornamental shade tree in eastern North America and in parts of Europe
bibliographic citation
Tirmenstein, D. A. 1991. Quercus rubra. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/


provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
Browse:  The palatability of oak browse is reported to be relatively
high for domestic livestock and for many wildlife species.  Eastern oaks
are preferred by white-tailed deer in some locations [119].  New growth
is particularly palatable to deer and rabbits [43].

Acorns:  Acorns of the northern red oak are highly palatable to many
birds and mammals.  Northern red oak acorns appear to be less palatable
to the white-footed mouse than are white oak acorns [15].  Studies
indicate that relatively high tannin levels may impart a bitter taste
and decrease palatability as compared with acorns from other species of
oak [108,127].  However, gray squirrels prefer northern red oak acorns
to the acorns of other oaks [65].
bibliographic citation
Tirmenstein, D. A. 1991. Quercus rubra. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/


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More info for the terms: fruit, natural

The timing of annual budbreak varies with the genetic composition of the
plant and with site characteristics such as elevation and soils [8,62].
Budbreak tends to be delayed at higher elevations [62] and on sites with
copper, lead, or zinc mineralized soil [8].  Plants often undergo
relatively rapid vegetative growth from May through June [23].  Episodic
or recurrent shoot growth, in which periods of shoot elongation
alternate with resting periods, can occur throughout the growing season
[25].  Growth of leaves and roots is also often cyclic [27].  However,
under natural conditions, seedlings typically produce a single flush of
leaves during a relatively short period of growth which often lasts only
2 to 3 weeks.  The shoot becomes dormant during early summer despite
seemingly favorable growing conditions [25].

Flowering occurs in April or May, during or before leaf development
[33].  Acorns require two seasons for development and ripen in September
and October [24].  Phenological development by geographic area follows:

Area              Flowering         Fruit ripe        Reference

Adirondacks       May               September         [20]
Blue Ridge Mtns.  April-May         ----              [130]
WI                May               ----              [26]
var. rubra
NC,SC             April             August            [93]
var. borealis:
NC,SC             May               Sept.-Oct.        [93]
bibliographic citation
Tirmenstein, D. A. 1991. Quercus rubra. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Plant Response to Fire

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More info for the terms: competition, density, fire severity, root collar, seed, severity

Young northern red oaks commonly sprout vigorously from the stumps or
root collar after aboveground portions of the plant are killed by fire
[24,63].  Stem density is often increased as fire promotes sprouting and
reduces competition [25,91].  Johnson [51] reported that one to three
living stems may originate from a single root collar.  Frequent fire can
produce oak scrublands [25,52].  Hannah [43] reports that the "best"
sprouts often originate from buds located at, or below, ground level.
These sprouts may be more vigorous and less susceptible to rot or other

Seedling sprouts are often particularly important in postfire
reestablishment, but seedling establishment may also occur [102].  Large
oaks that survive fire frequently serve as seed sources [43].  Dying
trees often produce a massive seed crop.  Acorns often germinate well on
mineral soil, and establishment may actually be favored in burned areas
[98].  Scheiner and others [103] reported 56 sprouts per acre (138/ha)
and 51 seedlings per acre (125/ha) after a fire in Michigan.

Rouse [98] reported that most large oaks are "capable of minimizing
fire-caused losses due to damaged cambium by rerouting the functions of
fire-killed portions within weeks after a fire."

Specific response is presumably related to such factors as fire
severity, season of burn, and plant age and vigor.  Fire does not always
produce increases in northern red oak.  Van Lear and Waldrop [120]
reported that a spring fire in a northern red oak stand failed to
increase oak abundance in the understory.
bibliographic citation
Tirmenstein, D. A. 1991. Quercus rubra. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Post-fire Regeneration

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More info for the terms: caudex, root crown, seed

   survivor species; on-site surviving root crown or caudex
   survivor species; on-site surviving roots
   off-site colonizer; seed carried by animals or water; postfire yr 1&2
bibliographic citation
Tirmenstein, D. A. 1991. Quercus rubra. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Regeneration Processes

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More info for the terms: codominant, forest, fruit, herbaceous, litter, natural, seed, stratification, tree

Seed:  Northern red oak generally first bears fruit at 25 years of age,
although most trees do not produce acorns in abundance until 50 years of
age [101].  On extremely favorable sites trees as young as 10 years may
bear some fruit [53].  Northern red oak produces good crops every 2 to 5
years [101].  Yields vary by individual as well as with weather
conditions and site factors.  Relatively large, dominant or codominant
individuals with open crowns typically produce more acorns than do trees
with small, restricted crowns.  Trees with a 16 inch (41 cm) d.b.h. can
yield 800 acorns per year, and trees with a d.b.h. of 20 to 22 inches
(51-56 cm) can yield 1,600 acorns per year [33].  Larger trees tended to
be less productive.  Total acorn production may range from 100 to more
than 4,100 per tree [111].  In a single year, northern red oak trees
produced a combined total of nearly 14,000 sound acorns per acre in a
mixed oak stand in southern Michigan [33].  Cold, rainy weather during
flowering can result in poor seed production [43].

Under carefully controlled conditions, acorns can be stored for up to 2
or 3 years [127].  After 52 months in storage, only a few acorns
remained viable.  In good acorn years up to 80 percent of the crop is
commonly destroyed, and in poor years virtually the entire acorn crop
can be eliminated by birds, mammals, and insects [101].

Germination:  Acorns of northern red oak are characterized by variable
dormancy which requires stratification for germination [11].  Dormancy
varies by the individual seed [114], but northern seeds often require
longer stratification [11].  Under natural conditions, acorns generally
germinate in the spring after dormancy is broken by over-wintering [24].
Delayed germination may occur but is very rare [114].  Seeds can be
stratified at 35 to 41 degrees F (2-5 degrees C) for several months

Acorns germinate best in soil which is covered by a layer of leaf litter
[101].  In one study, 80 percent of all planted acorns germinated
compared with less than 1 percent of acorns left on the soil surface.
Domestic animals such as pigs and cows may promote germination by
trampling the soil and "planting" the acorns, and by reducing competing
herbaceous vegetation [25].  Seeds on the soil surface are particularly
vulnerable to rodent predation [24].  In an Iowa study all seeds present
on top of the litter layer were destroyed by rodents compared with 68
percent of buried seeds [33].

Seed dispersal:  Seeds of northern red oak are primarily dispersed by
birds and mammals.  Scatter-hoarders such as the gray squirrel are
particularly important dispersal agents in some areas [111].  Gray
squirrels bury as much as 19 percent of the available acorn crop and
fail to recover many seeds over the winter [65].  Scatter-hoarders
typically disperse seed a few yards from the source tree.  Mice and
chipmunks are short-distance dispersers and usually move seeds 33 to 98
feet (10-30 m) [25].  Blue jays are effective long-distance dispersal
agents and can transport seed from several hundred yards to 2 or 3 miles
(4-5 km) [25,53,57].  Evidence suggests that blue jays prefer to cache
acorns on open sites or at forest margins [25].  Gravity may aid in seed
dispersal [101].

Seedling establishment:  Seedling establishment is generally limited to
years of abundant acorn production [101].  However, advance regeneration
is usually present.  In mature stands, seedlings may number up to 7,000
per acre (2,824/ha), but few survive more than a few years or grow to
more than 6 or 8 inches (15-20 cm) in height [52].  Seedlings require
adequate soil moisture for survival and good early development [24].
Early growth may be reduced by a combination of shade, low soil
fertility, and competing herbaceous vegetation [60,61].  Shading alone
has little effect on initial seedling establishment [60].

Vegetative regeneration:  Northern red oak commonly sprouts vigorously
after plants are damaged or killed by fire or mechanical injury [101].
Small poles, saplings, and even seedlings can sprout if cut or burned
[43].  Although young oaks typically stump sprout more readily than do
older or larger individuals, northern red oaks up to 22 inches (56 cm)
in diameter have produced sprouts [33].  Stump sprouts derived from
larger stems tend to grow faster than those derived from smaller,
damaged stems.  Individuals 20 to 25 years of age regardless of size
produce an average of four or five sprouts [101].

Repeated sprouting is common in northern red oak [122]; many seedlings
die back to the ground level periodically.  Seedling sprouts with root
collars up to 2 inches (5 cm) in diameter often develop after repeated
damage [46].  After repeated fires, these stems may develop "stools" or
areas comprised of callus tissue filled with dormant buds.  Seedlings
often develop an "s"-shaped curve at ground level which helps protect
dormant buds from fire [98].  Cycles of dying back and sprouting can
result in crooked, flat-topped, or forked stems [101].

Root sprouting also occurs [46].  Sprouts that develop at or below the
ground level are less likely to decay than are sprouts that develop
relatively high on the parent stump [101].  Epicormic buds located
beneath the bark of older oaks commonly sprout when older trees are
damaged or after openings are created by heavy thinning [101,122].

Bud dormancy is largely controlled by auxins rather than by levels of
carbohydrate reserves [122].  Apical dominance can restrict the
development of belowground buds when buds survive on aboveground
portions of the plant.  Sprouting is reduced by low light levels [122]
and decreases as the stand ages [75].  The number of sprout groups
decreases from poor to good sites [75].  Initial sprout growth is
typically rapid [98].
bibliographic citation
Tirmenstein, D. A. 1991. Quercus rubra. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Season/Severity Classification

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
mid-April/not reported.

Site Description

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
      Slope:  10 to 35 percent.
      Aspect:  north to east.
      Site index for northern red oak:  70.

Successional Status

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More info on this topic.

More info for the terms: climax, forest, mesic, succession

Northern red oak is intermediate in shade tolerance [101].  It is
generally considered a midseral species, but its successional status is
poorly known.  Crow [25] reported that it is "neither an aggressive
colonizer that is characteristic of early successional species nor an
enduring shade-tolerant, slow-grower . . . typical of late successional
species."  Even-aged stands are common; northern red oak is unable to
establish beneath its own canopy.  Advanced regeneration provides a mode
by which northern red oak can reoccupy a site following disturbances
such as fire, wind damage, or herbivory.  In most areas, advanced
regeneration persists for no more than a few years [85].  Parker and
others [88] reported that some seedlings persisted for approximately 25
years despite repeated die-backs.  These seedlings did not reach sapling
or pole size unless gaps were created in the forest canopy; most
ultimately died [88].  Limited evidence suggests that northern red oak
may have maintained itself in some mature forests through gap-phase
replacement [25].  Northern red oak is often replaced by more
shade-tolerant species such as sugar maple and American basswood [6,17].

The Upper Midwest:  In parts of the Upper Midwest, northern red oak
dominates early seral to midseral stages following clearcutting but is
replaced by sugar maple and American basswood [51].  Northern red oak
assumes prominence after early succession in which bigtooth aspen
(Populus grandidentata) dominates in upland pine-hardwood forests of
Michigan [102] and persists in some old-growth oak-hickory forests of
southern Michigan [42].  Even-aged stands found in parts of the
Driftless Area may have originated after intense, stand-replacing fires
that began in nearby prairies and savannas.  With frequent fires, sugar
maple forests are replaced by northern red oak stands [25].

New England:  In New England, logging and slash fires in the late 1800's
and early 1900's replaced pine-hemlock forests with stands made up of
oak and maple [83].  In central New England, where advance regeneration
is present prior to disturbance, northern red oak often assumes
dominance between 10 to 40 years after disturbance and often persists
for 100 years or more [46].  Forests are often replaced by sugar maple,
red maple, or gray birch (Betula populifolia) [46,83].

Central Midwest:  Northern red oak is present in old growth floodplain
forests of Illinois [96] and in "postclimax" stands on mesic sites in
Nebraska [2].  In parts of Indiana, it is generally regarded as a
midseral to late seral species in mesophytic forests and is often
replaced by species such as sugar maple, Ohio buckeye (Aesculus glabra),
shagbark hickory (Carya ovata), American beech, and white ash in climax
stands [86,88].
bibliographic citation
Tirmenstein, D. A. 1991. Quercus rubra. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/


provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
Quercus borealis Michx. f.
Querucs borealis Michx. f. var. maxima (Marsh.) Sarg.
Quercus rubra var. borealis (Michx. f.) Farw.
Quercus maxima (Marsh.) Ashe
bibliographic citation
Tirmenstein, D. A. 1991. Quercus rubra. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/


provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the term: swamp

Northern red oak is a member of the red oak-black oak subgenus
(Erythrobalanus) within the order Fagales [11]. The currently accepted
scientific name of northern red oak is Quercus rubra L. [69]. The
epithet Q. rubra was formerly applied to several species of oak
including the southern red oak (Q. falcata) [13,69]. Some later
taxonomists rejected the appellation Q. rubra because of past ambiguity
and in 1915 identified northern red oak as Q. borealis [69,101]. In
1950, the name Q. rubra was restored [101]. Most current authorities
prefer the epithet Q. rubra, although Q. borealis is still occasionally
encountered in the literature. The following varieties are commonly
recognized [54]:

Quercus rubra var. rubra
Quercus rubra L. var. ambigua (A. Gray) Fernald

Northern red oak hybridizes with many oaks including scarlet oak (Q.
coccinea), shingle oak (Q. imbricata), swamp oak (Q. palustris), willow
oak (Q. phellos), scrub oak (Q. ilicifolia), northern pin oak (Q.
ellipsoidalis), black oak (Q. velutina), blackjack oak (Q. marilandica)
and Shumard oak (Q. shumardii) [69,93,101]. The following hybrid
products have been identified:

Q. X runcinata (A. DC.) Engelm. (Q. imbricata x Q. rubra)
Q. X heterophylla (Michx. f.) (Q. phellos x Q. rubra)
Q. X hawkinsiae Sudw. (Q. rubra x Q. velutina)
Q. X riparia Laughlin (Q. shumardii x Q. rubra)
Q. X columnaris Laughlin (Q. palustris x Q. rubra)
Q. X fernaldii (Q. ilicifolia x Q. rubra)
bibliographic citation
Tirmenstein, D. A. 1991. Quercus rubra. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Value for rehabilitation of disturbed sites

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More info for the term: seed

Northern red oak is well adapted to some types of moderately
unproductive environments, including certain acidic sites [16,60], and
can be used in various rehabilitation projects.  Northern red oak has
been successfully planted onto coal mine spoils in Ohio, Indiana,
Illinois, Kentucky, and Pennsylvania [4,16,66,89,123].

Plants can be propagated by several methods, including (1) transplanting
bareroot stock, (2) planting acorns in tubes, and (3) direct seeding.
Best survival of bareroot stock has been reported after spring planting
(90 percent survival compared to 50 percent survival after fall
planting) [115].  Direct seeding is the fastest and cheapest propagation
method and can be effective if few seed predators are present [114,115].
Cuttings obtained from young trees often root if properly treated with
hormones [28].
bibliographic citation
Tirmenstein, D. A. 1991. Quercus rubra. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Wood Products Value

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More info for the terms: fuel, hardwood

Northern red oak is an important source of hardwood lumber [20,73].  Its
wood is heavy, hard, strong, coarse-grained, and at least moderately
durable [87].  When properly dried and treated, oak wood glues well,
machines very well, and accepts a variety of finishes [79].  The wood of
northern red oak has been used to make railroad ties, fenceposts,
veneer, furniture, cabinets, paneling, flooring, caskets, and pulpwood
[76,87].  Northern red oak has a high fuel value and is an excellent
firewood [76].
bibliographic citation
Tirmenstein, D. A. 1991. Quercus rubra. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Associated Forest Cover

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Northern Red Oak (Society of American Foresters Type 55) is the forest cover type that includes pure stands of this tree or stands in which it is predominant (6). The species is a major component of White Pine-Northern Red Oak-Red Maple (Type 20) in the Northern Forest Region, and it is a principal species in White Oak-Black Oak-Northern Red Oak (Type 52) in the Central Forest Region. Northern red oak is listed as an associated species in the following forest types:

17 Pin Cherry
18 Paper Birch
19 Gray Birch-Red Maple
21 Eastern White Pine
22 White Pine-Hemlock
23 Eastern Hemlock
25 Sugar Maple-Beech-Yellow Birch
26 Sugar Maple-Basswood
27 Sugar Maple
28 Black Cherry-Maple
40 Post Oak-Blackjack
42 Bur Oak
43 Bear Oak
44 Chestnut Oak
45 Pitch Pine
46 Eastern Redcedar
51 White Pine-Chestnut Oak
53 White Oak
57 Yellow-Poplar
58 Yellow-Poplar-Eastern Hemlock
60 Beech-Sugar Maple
82 Loblolly Pine-Hardwood
108 Red Maple
110 Black Oak

Numerous other tree species are associated with northern red oak. These include white ash (Fraxinus americana) and green ash (F. pennsylvanica); bigtooth aspen (Populus grandidentata) and quaking aspen (P. tremuloides); American elm (Ulmus americana) and slippery elm (U. rubra); pignut hickory (Carya glabra), bitternut hickory (C. cordiformis), mockernut hickory (C. tomentosa), and shagbark hickory (C. ovata); scarlet oak (Quercus coccinea), southern red oak (Q. falcata), post oak (Q. stellata), and chinkapin oak (Q. muehlenbergii); northern white-cedar (Thuja occidentalis); yellow buckeye (Aesculus octandra); cucumber magnolia (Magnolia acuminata); hackberry (Celtis occidentalis); butternut (Juglans cinerea); black walnut (J. nigra); blackgum (Nyssa sylvatica); and sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua) (5).

Some of the more important small trees associated with northern red oak include flowering dogwood (Cornus florida), sourwood (Oxydendrum arboreum), American holly (Ilex opaca), eastern hophornbeam (Ostrya virginiana), American hornbeam (Carpinus caroliniana), redbud (Cercis canadensis), pawpaw (Asimina triloba), sassafras (Sassafras albidum), persimmon (Diospyros virginiana), American bladdernut (Staphylea trifolia), and downy serviceberry (Amelanchier arborea). Shrubs common in forest stands containing northern red oak include Vaccinium spp., mountain-laurel (Kalmia latifolia), rosebay rhododendron (Rhododendron maximum), witch-hazel (Hamamelis virginiana), beaked hazel (Corylus cornuta), spice bush (Lindera benzoin), and Viburnum spp. The most common vines are Virginia creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia), poison-ivy (Toxicodendron radicans), greenbrier (Smilax spp.), and grape (Vitis spp.) (5).

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In the wide area over which northern red oak grows, mean annual precipitation varies from about 760 mm (30 in) in the Northwest to about 2030 mm (80 in) in the southern Appalachians. Annual snowfall ranges from a trace in southern Alabama to 254 cm (100 in) or more in the Northern States and Canada. Mean annual temperature is about 4° C (40° F) in the northern part of the range and 16° C (60° F) in the extreme southern part. The frost-free period averages 100 days in the North and 220 days in the South (24).

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Damaging Agents

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Wildfires seriously damage northern red oak by killing the cambial tissue at the base of trees, thus creating an entry point for decay-causing fungi. Wildfires can be severe enough to top kill even pole- and sawtimber-size trees. Many of the top-killed trees sprout and thus create new evenaged stands, but the economic loss of the old stand may be great (24). Small northern red oak seedlings may be killed by prescribed fires (13), but larger stems will sprout and survive, even if their tops are killed.

Oak wilt (Ceratocystis fagacearum) is a potentially serious vascular disease of northern red oak and kills trees the same year they are infected. It usually kills individuals or small groups of trees in scattered locations throughout a stand but may affect areas up to several hectares in size. Oak wilt is spread from tree to tree through root grafts and over longer distances by sap-feeding beetles (Nitidulidae) and the small oak bark beetles (Pseudopityophthorus spp.) (12,23).

Shoestring root rot (Armillaria mellea) attacks and may kill northern red oaks that have been injured or weakened by fire, lightning, drought, insects, or other diseases. Cankers caused by Strumella and Nectria species damage the bole of northern red oak and although trees are seldom killed, the infected trees are generally culls for lumber. Foliage diseases that attack northern red oak but seldom do serious damage are anthracnose (Gnomonia quercina), leaf blister (Taphrina spp.), powdery mildews (Phyllactinia corylea and Microsphaera alni), and eastern gall rust (Cronartium quercuum) (12).

The carpenterworm (Prionoxystus robiniae), Columbian timber beetle (Corythylus columbianus), oak timberworm (Arrhenodes minutus), red oak borer (Enaphalodes rufulus), and the twolined chestnut borer (Agrilus bilineatus) are important insects that attack the bole of northern red oak. These insects tunnel into the wood, seriously degrading products cut from infested trees (3).

The most destructive defoliating insect attacking northern red oak is the imported gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar). This insect repeatedly defoliates trees and has killed oaks including northern red oak in a wide area in the northeastern United States. Northern red oak can recover from a single defoliation but may be weakened enough for some disease or other insects to attack and kill them. Other defoliators, that attack northern red oak are the variable oakleaf caterpillar (Heterocampa manteo), the orangestriped oakworm (Anisota senatoria), and the browntail moth (Nygmia phaeorrhoea). The Asiatic oak weevil (Cyrtepistomus castaneus) attacks northern red oak seedlings and has the potential to seriously affect seedling growth because the larvae feed on the fine roots while the adults feed on the foliage.

Much damage is done to northern red oak acorns by the nut weevils (Curculio spp.), gall-forming cynipids (Callirhytis spp.), the filbertworm (Melissopus latiferreanus), and the acorn moth (Valentinia glandulella) (7). In years of poor acorn production, these insects can destroy the entire crop.

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Flowering and Fruiting

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Northern red oak is monoecious. The staminate flowers are borne in catkins that develop from leaf axils of the previous year and emerge before or at the same time as the current leaves in April or May. The pistillate flowers are solitary or occur in two- to many-flowered spikes that develop in the axils of the current year's leaves. The fruit is an acorn or nut that occurs singly or in clusters of from two to five, is partially enclosed by a scaly cup, and matures in 2 years. Northern red oak acorns are brown when mature and ripen from late August to late October, depending on geographic location (30).

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Population Differences Several traits related to geographic origin were identified for northern red oak in a 14-year provenance test in the North- Central States. Time of flushing is earliest for trees of northwestern origin. The trend is then eastward and southward. Autumn leaf coloration is earliest for provenances from northern latitudes and then progresses southward. Provenances from regions at the western edge of the northern red oak range, where periods of high summer temperatures and drought are common, survived better under such conditions than other provenances. Much variation in height growth was present and performance of the provenances was not consistent in all tests. The only consistent difference was the slower growth of the northern provenances in areas farther south. The within-family variation was so great it obscured any real differences in geographic origin (15).

Races The nomenclature for northern red oak was confused for some time. The scientific names Quercus borealis Michx. f. and Q. borealis var. maxima (Marsh.) Sarg. were adopted after 1915 by some authors, but in 1950, Quercus rubra L., the name in universal use before 1915, was restored (17).

Hybrids Northern red oak hybridizes readily with other species in the subgenus Erythrobalanus and the following hybrids have been named: Quercus x columnaris Laughlin (Q. palustris x rubra); Q. x fernaldii Trel. (Q. ilicifolia x rubra); Q. x heterophylla Michx. f. (Q. phellos x rubra); Q. x hawkinsiae Sudw. (Q. velutina x rubra); Q. x riparia Laughlin (Q. shumardii x rubra); and Q. x runcinata (A. DC.) Engelm. (Q. imbricaria x rubra).

Northern red oak also hybridizes with blackjack oak (Q. marilandica) and with northern pin oak (Q. ellipsoidalis) (17).

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Growth and Yield

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Mature northern red oaks are usually from 20 to 30 m (65 to 98 ft) tall and 61 to 91 cm (24 to 36 in) in d.b.h. in undisturbed stands on good sites. Forest-grown trees develop a tall, straight columnar bole and large crowns. Opengrown trees tend to have short boles and spreading crowns (24).

Average diameter growth of northern red oak for a range of ages, sites, and stand conditions in the Central States is about 5 mm (0.2 in) annually (9). On good sites in the Appalachians, dominant and codominant northern red oaks in even-aged stands may attain average annual diameter growth rates of about 10 cm (0.4 in) and on average sites about 6 mm (0.25 in) by age 50 or 60 (32).

Growing space requirements are not known for northern red oak in pure stands, but average requirements have been developed for mixed oaks in even-aged stands. Competition for growing space begins when the available space in a stand is equal to the total of the maximum requirements of all the trees in the stand. This is the lowest level of stocking for full site utilization and is about 60 percent of full stocking. The minimum growing space for a tree 15.2 cm (6 in) in d.b.h. to survive averages about 8.5 m² (92 ft². If that tree is in the open or completely free from competition, the maximum amount of growing space it can use is 14.4 m² (155 ft² . For a tree 53.3 cm (21 in) in d.b.h., minimum and maximum growing spaces are 26.5 m² (285 ft² ) and 45.7 m² (492 ft²) respectively. Experience in using the stocking standards developed by Gingrich (8) indicates that a northern red oak tree requires less growing space than trees of other oak species with the same diameter (10, 18). How much less growing space is required has not been determined, however.

Yields of unthinned, 80-year-old oak stands in the Central States that contain northern red oak range from 75.6 m³/ha (5,400 fbm/acre) on site index 16.8 m (55 ft) sites (base age 50 years) to 175.0 m³/ha (12,500 fbm/acre) on site index 22.9 m (75 ft) sites. At age 70, oak stands that are first thinned at age 20 and then thinned regularly to the lowest level of stocking for full site utilization at about 10-year intervals will yield about 102.9 m³/ha (7,350 fbm/acre) on site index 16.8 m (55 ft) sites and about 278.3 m³/ha (19,880 fbm/acre) on site index 22.9 m (75 ft) sites (9). In southern Michigan, the average yields of 80-year-old unmanaged stands containing northern red oak ranged from 12.6 m³/ha (900 fbm/acre) to 3.5 m³/ha (250 fbm/acre) on poor sites and from 154.0 m³ (11,000 fbm/acre) to 280.0 m³ /ha (20,000 fbm/acre) on good sites (1).

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Reaction to Competition

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Northern red oak is classed as intermediate in shade tolerance. It is less tolerant than some of its associates such as sugar maple (Acer saccharum), beech (Fagus grandifolia), basswood (Tilia americana), and the hickories but more tolerant than others such as yellow-poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), white ash, and black cherry (Prunus serotina). Among the oaks, it is less shade tolerant than white and chestnut and about equal with black and scarlet (24).

Northern red oak responds well to release if the released trees are in the codominant or above average intermediate crown classes (11). The best response to thinning or release is obtained if the thinning or release is made before an even-aged stand containing northern red oak is 30 years old. Trees in well-stocked stands 30 years old and older generally have small, restricted crowns and are unable to make efficient use of the growing space provided by thinning or release (24). In Arkansas, 50-year-old released crop trees averaged a 40-percent increase in diameter growth over unreleased trees in the 10 years immediately following release. Although diameter growth increased the first year after release, the greatest responses occurred in years 5-10 when growth of the released trees averaged about 0.5 cm (0.2 in) annually and was about twice that of unreleased trees (11). Epicormic branching can be prolific on northern red oak following heavy thinning in stands older than about 30 years. Trees around the perimeter of openings created by harvesting may also develop many epicormic branches, because the boles of northern red oak in fully stocked stands contain numerous dormant buds. When the boles are suddenly exposed to greatly increased light, these buds begin to grow (27).

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Rooting Habit

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No information available.

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Seed Production and Dissemination

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In forest stands northern red oak begins to bear fruit at about age 25 but usually does not produce seeds abundantly until about age 50. Good to excellent seed crops are produced at irregular intervals, usually every 2 to 5 years (30).

Acorn production is highly variable among trees even in good seed years. Some trees are always poor producers while others are always good producers. Crown size seems to be the most important tree characteristic affecting acorn production. Dominant or codominant trees with large, uncrowded crowns produce more acorns than trees with small, restricted crowns (24).

Even in good years only about I percent of the acorns become available for regenerating northern red oak, and as many as 500 or more acorns may be required to produce one 1-year-old seedling. Many acorns are consumed by insects, squirrels, small rodents, deer, and turkey and other birds. They can eat or damage more than 80 percent of the acorn crop in most years and virtually 100 percent of the crop in very poor seed years (19,24,28). The large acorns are generally dispersed over only short distances. Gravity and the caching activities of squirrels and mice are the primary means of dispersal.

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Seedling Development

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Northern red oak seedlings that are established naturally or by planting at the time an old stand is clearcut, regardless of how large the clearcut area, do not grow fast enough to compete with the vigorous woody sprouts and other vegetation (4,29). The species will be present in new reproduction stands in proportion to the amount of advance reproduction present before complete overstory removal. To compete successfully in new stands, stems of northern red oak advance reproduction must be large and have well-established root systems. Thus, achieving successful northern red oak reproduction depends on creating conditions necessary for establishing seedlings and for their survival and growth (27,29).

Northern red oak acorn germination is hypogeal (30). It occurs during the spring following seedfall. Best germination occurs when the acorns are in contact with or buried in mineral soil and covered by a thin layer of leaf litter. Acorns on top of the leaf litter or mixed with litter generally dry excessively during early spring and lose their viability before temperatures are favorable for germination (24,28).

Although available soil moisture can be a critical factor affecting first year survival of northern red oak seedlings, it is usually adequate at the time acorns germinate. Germination is followed by vigorous and rapid taproot development, and if the taproot is able to penetrate the soil, seedlings survive considerable moisture stress later in the growing season. Northern red oak seedlings are less drought tolerant than white or black oak seedlings, however (24,31).

Light intensity appears to be the most critical factor affecting not only first year survival, but also survival and growth in subsequent years (20,28). Northern red oak reaches maximum photosynthesis at about 30 percent of the light intensity in the open (21). Light intensity under forest stands is often much lower, however, at about 15 cm (6 in) above the ground, where the new seedlings are competing. Light intensity at this level under forest stands in Missouri has been documented to be 10 percent or less of that in the open, a level too low to allow seedlings to survive and grow.

Once established under a forest stand, northern red oak seedlings seldom remain true seedlings for more than a few years. Conditions such as fire, poor light, poor moisture conditions, or animal activity kill the tops, but not the roots. One or more dormant buds near the root collar then produce new sprouts. This dieback and resprouting may occur several times; the result is a crooked, flat-topped, or forked stem. Such stems have root systems that may be from 10 to 15 years or more older than the tops (29).

Northern red oak shoot growth is episodic. When moisture, light, and temperature conditions are favorable, multiple shoot growth flushes will occur in the same growing season. The first flush is generally the longest and each flush is followed by a distinctive rest period. Most of the annual root elongation occurs during the rest periods (22).

Growth of northern red oak advance reproduction, seedlings, and sprouts is slow and generally restricted to one growth flush under undisturbed or lightly disturbed forest stands; at best it averages only a few centimeters annually (28).

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Soils and Topography

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In the north, northern red oak grows on cool moist Boralf and Orthod Spodosols. Elsewhere it grows on warm, moist soils including Udalf Alfisols, Dystrochrept and Fragiochrept Inceptisols, Udoll Mollisols, Rhodic Paleudult, Humic and Mesic Hapludult Udult Ultisols, and small areas of Udipsamment Entisols. The most widespread soils are the Udalfs and Udolls (33).

These soils are derived from glacial material, residual sandstones, shale, limestone, gneisses, schists, and granites. They vary from clay to loamy sands and some have a high content of rock fragments. Northern red oak grows best on deep, welldrained loam to silty, clay loam soils (24).

Although northern red oak is found in all topographic positions, it always grows best on lower and middle slopes with northerly or easterly aspects, in coves and deep ravines, and on well-drained valley floors. It grows at elevations up to 1070 m (3,500 ft) in West Virginia and up to 1680 m (5,500 ft) in the southern Appalachians (24).

The most important factors determining site quality for northern red oak are depth and texture of the A soil horizon, aspect, and slope position and shape. The best sites are found on lower, concave slopes with a northerly or easterly aspect, on soils with a thick A horizon, and a loam to silt loam texture. Other factors may affect site quality in localized areas such as depth to water table in southern Michigan and annual precipitation up to 1120 mm (44 in) in northwestern West Virginia (2,24).

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Special Uses

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Northern red oak has been extensively planted as an ornamental because of its symmetrical shape and brilliant fall foliage.

The acorns are an important food for squirrels deer, turkey, mice, voles, and other mammals and birds.

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Vegetative Reproduction

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Northern red oak sprouts readily. More than 95 percent of the northern red oaks in new production stands are sprouts, either from advance reproduction or from stumps of cut trees. New sprouts from advance reproduction arise when old stems are damaged during logging. Height growth of new sprouts is related to the size of the old, damaged stem; the larger the old stem, the faster the new sprout will grow (25,26). New sprouts grow rapidly and are usually straight and well formed.

Northern red oak stumps sprout more frequently than black oak or white oak stumps but about the same as scarlet and chestnut oak stumps (27). Sprouting frequency is related to parent tree size with more small stumps sprouting than large ones. Large stumps tend to produce more sprouts than small ones but by about age 20 to 25 the number of living sprouts per stump averages four or five regardless of parent tree or stump size. Northern red oak stump sprouts grow rapidly, averaging about 61 cm (24 in) or more annually for about 30 years (14). These stump sprouts can be a valuable component of new reproduction stands particularly if they originate at or near the ground line. Sprouts of low origin are much less likely to develop decay than sprouts that originate high on the stump (24), but they tend to develop severe crook or sweep at the base. Early clump thinning may be desirable to improve potential quality although it is not needed to maintain good growth.

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Northern red oak is the only native oak extending northeast to Nova Scotia. It grows from Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, and the Gaspé Peninsula of Quebec, to Ontario, in Canada; from Minnesota South to eastern Nebraska and Oklahoma; east to Arkansas, southern Alabama, Georgia, and North Carolina. Outliers are found in Louisiana and Mississippi (17).

-The native range of northern red oak.

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Brief Summary

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Fagaceae Beech family

Ivan L. Sander

Northern red oak (Quercus rubra), also known as common red oak, eastern red oak, mountain red oak, and gray oak, is widespread in the East and grows on a variety of soils and topography, often forming pure stands. Moderate to fast growing, this tree is one of the more important lumber species of red oak and is an easily transplanted, popular shade tree with good form and dense foliage.

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Quercus rubra

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Quercus rubra, the northern red oak, is an oak tree in the red oak group (Quercus section Lobatae). It is a native of North America, in the eastern and central United States and southeast and south-central Canada. It has been introduced to small areas in Western Europe, where it can frequently be seen cultivated in gardens and parks. It prefers good soil that is slightly acidic. Often simply called red oak, northern red oak is so named to distinguish it from southern red oak (Q. falcata), also known as the Spanish oak. Northern Red Oak is sometimes called champion oak.


In many forests, Quercus rubra grows straight and tall, to 28 metres (92 feet), exceptionally to 43 m (141 ft) tall, with a trunk of up to 50–100 centimetres (20–39 inches) in diameter. Open-grown trees do not get as tall, but can develop a stouter trunk, up to 2 m (6+12 ft) in diameter. It has stout branches growing at right angles to the stem, forming a narrow round-topped head.[3]

Under optimal conditions and full sun, northern red oak is fast growing and a 10-year-old tree can be 5–6 m (16–20 ft) tall.[4] Trees may live up to 400 years;[5] a living example of 326 years was noted in 2001.[6][7]

Northern red oak is easy to recognize by its bark, which features ridges that appear to have shiny stripes down the center. A few other oaks have bark with this kind of appearance in the upper tree, but the northern red oak is the only tree with the striping all the way down the trunk.[6]

As with most other deciduous oaks, leafout takes place in spring when day length has reached 13 hours—it is tied entirely to photoperiod and will take place regardless of air temperature. As a consequence (see below), in cooler regions, northern red oaks often lose their flowers to late spring frosts, resulting in no seed crop for the year. The catkins and leaves emerge at the same time. The acorns develop on the tree for two growing seasons and are released from the tree in early October, and leaf drop begins when day length falls under 11 hours. The timing of leafout and leaf drop can vary by as much as three weeks in the northern and southern US. Seedlings emerge in spring when soil temperatures reach 21 °C (70 °F).

  • Bark: Dark reddish gray brown, with broad, thin, rounded ridges, scaly. On young trees and large stems, smooth and light gray. Rich in tannin. Branchlets slender, at first bright green, shining, then dark red, finally dark brown. Bark is brownish gray, becoming dark brown on old trees.
  • Wood: Pale reddish brown, sapwood darker, heavy, hard, strong, coarse-grained. Cracks in drying, but when carefully treated could be successfully used for furniture. Also used in construction and for interior finish of houses. Sp. gr., 0.6621; weight of cu. ft., 41.25 lbs.
  • Winter buds: Dark chestnut brown (reddish brown), ovate, acute, generally 6 mm (14 in) long[6]
  • Leaves and acorns: Alternate, seven to nine-lobed, oblong-ovate to oblong, five to ten inches long, four to six inches broad; seven to eleven lobes tapering gradually from broad bases, acute, and usually repandly dentate and terminating with long bristle-pointed teeth; the second pair of lobes from apex are largest; midrib and primary veins conspicuous. Lobes are often less deeply cut than most other oaks of the red oak group. Leaves emerge from the bud convolute, pink, covered with soft silky down above, coated with thick white tomentum below. When full grown are dark green and smooth, sometimes shining above, yellow green, smooth or hairy on the axils of the veins below. In autumn they turn a rich red, sometimes brown. Often the petiole and midvein are a rich red color in midsummer and early autumn, though this is not true of all red oaks. The acorns mature in about 18 months after pollination; solitary or in pairs, sessile or stalked; nut oblong-ovoid with broad flat base, full, with acute apex, one half to one and one-fourth of an inch long, first green, maturing nut-brown; cup, saucer-shaped and shallow, 2 cm (34 in) wide, usually covering only the base, sometimes one-fourth of the nut, thick, shallow, reddish brown, somewhat downy within, covered with thin imbricated reddish brown scales. Its kernel is white and very bitter.[3]

Red oak acorns, unlike the white oak group, display epigeal dormancy and will not germinate without a minimum of three months' exposure to temperatures below 4 °C (40 °F). They also take two years of growing on the tree before development is completed.[6]

Distribution and habitat

The species grows from the north end of the Great Lakes, east to Nova Scotia, south as far as Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana, and west to Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, and Minnesota.[8]

It grows rapidly and is tolerant of many soils and varied situations, although it prefers the glacial drift and well-drained borders of streams.[3] In the southeastern United States, it is frequently a part of the canopy in an oak-heath forest, but generally not as important as some other oaks.[9][10][6]

Northern red oak is the most common species of oak in the northeastern US after the closely related pin oak (Q. palustris). The red oak group as a whole are more abundant today than they were when European settlement of North America began as forest clearing and exploitation for lumber much reduced the population of the formerly dominant white oaks.


Mossy trunk of a large, old-growth individual surrounded by hemlocks within the Jakey Hollow Natural Area of Weiser State Forest in Columbia County, Pennsylvania

Over the last few decades, the northern red oak has dealt with several environmental factors, mainly disease, predation by insects, and limited opportunities for dispersal. These stresses have impacted the species' ability to proliferate in both the Northeast and Europe.[11] The various environmental responses observed in Quercus rubra across several temperate environmental conditions have allowed for it to serve as a model organism for studying symbiotic relationships, dispersal, and habituation between tree species.

Pests and diseases

Canker pathogen, Diplodia corticola, has become a major pathogen to the species over the last decade, causing leaf browning, bark cracking and bleeding, and high rates of tree mortality across the northeastern United States.[12] The northern red oak is also characterized as one of the most susceptible species to plant fungi Phytophthora cinnamomi and Phytophthora ramorum, which have caused severe, red-black cankers in the trunk region of the species.[13][14][15] Both P. cinnamomi and P. ramorum grow under warmer temperature conditions; as a result, northern red oak trees found in California, France, and northern Spain all have a higher incidence of fungal infection.[15][16] Oak Wilt caused by the fungus Ceratocystis fagacearum is a major pathogen found in eastern North America that can kill trees quickly.[17]

Abiotic stresses

Northern red oak seedlings have been known to have a high mortality rate in northeast regions prone to spring freeze, particularly in Massachusetts. Acorns produced by oaks in this region are typically smaller in size as an adaptation to frost produced in high latitudes; however, the resulting smaller seedlings have produced limited opportunities for animal consumption and dispersal.[18] Flooding along the continental United States has been shown to be a major issue for the northern red oak, in which decreased phloem transport and photosynthetic activity has been observed, but only after multiple days of flooding, indicating that the northern red oak has adapted moderate resistance to excess water exposure.[19] The northern red oak has also developed tolerance mechanisms for heat stress, particularly observed in deciduous forests in the Southeastern United States, where, during summer heat waves, temperatures can exceed 40 °C (104 °F). The leaves of the northern red oak have been observed to have an acclimation to Rubisco activase activity that is directly correlated to acclimations with repeated exposure to heat waves. Consistent photosynthetic activity in the red oak has also been observed in the presence of high carbon dioxide levels that often occur as a result of elevated temperatures.[20][21]


Northern red oak kernels have highly concentrated amounts of bitter-tasting tannin, a biochemical classified as a predator deterrent, which has limited appeal for consumption among animals. Despite this, the acorns are eaten by deer, squirrels and birds.[6] In Europe, the acorns are consumed by several moth species, particularly Cydia fagiglandana and Cydia splendana, which increases their niche breadths and reduces their competition with Curculio weevils.[22] Due to this, germination rates among the northern red oak acorns have decreased significantly and resulted in less seed dispersal by animals within Poland. In addition, limited opportunities for dispersal have become costly for the northern red oak in Europe. European animals known for dispersing tendencies, such as the European jay and wood mouse, have been found to be more attracted to local oak species.[23]


Quercus rubra has effective ectomycorrhizal relationships that have been correlated with increased growth rates. Northern red oak trees have been shown to increase growth in the presence of various ascomycetes that coil at the base of the oak trunk. The fungi, which eventually proliferate at the stumps of deciduous trees, have been found to be host-specific to both Quercus rubra and Quercus montana[24] and primarily promote growth upon infection.[24]

Invasiveness in Europe

It was introduced to Europe in the 1700s and has naturalized throughout most of western and central Europe.[25] Across western and central Europe, the northern red oak has become the fourth-most significant invasive species, colonizing several regions across Belgium, Germany, Northern Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Ukraine, European Russia,[26] the Urals and Western Siberia). The northern red oak is primarily found on the edges of woodland reserves in Europe, where light availability, tannin concentration, and animal dispersal are the most necessary component for the species' longevity and survival.[27] The high influx of the species in Europe is primarily based on its economic productivity as a fast-growing source of timber; however, it has been linked to lower percentages of trace elements and minerals found in the surrounding soil and reduced richness among native oak species such as Quercus robur.[28][27][29]


Wood; from Romeyn Beck Hough's fourteen-volume work The American Woods

The northern red oak is one of the most important oaks for timber production in North America. Quality red oak is of high value as lumber and veneer, while defective logs are used as firewood. Other related oaks are also cut and marketed as red oak, although their wood is not always of as high a quality. These include eastern black oak, scarlet oak, pin oak, Shumard oak, southern red oak and other species in the red oak group. Construction uses include flooring, veneer, interior trim, and furniture. It is also used for lumber, railroad ties, and fence posts.

Red oak wood grain is so open that smoke can be blown through it from end-grain to end-grain on a flat-sawn board. For this reason, it is subject to moisture infiltration and is unsuitable for outdoor uses such as boatbuilding or exterior trim.

The acorns can be collected in autumn, shelled, tied up in a cloth, and leached to remove bitterness. They can then be eaten whole or ground into meal.[30]

Ornamental use

Quercus rubra is grown in parks and large gardens as a specimen tree.[31] It is not planted as often as the closely related pin oak as it develops a taproot and quickly becomes difficult to transplant, however modern growing pots have made starting seedlings with taproots easier than in the past.


It is the state tree of New Jersey and the provincial tree of Prince Edward Island.

Famous specimens

The Shera-Blair red oak
  • Ashford Oak – A very large Northern Red Oak in Ashford, Connecticut. The tree has suffered falling limbs because of its great age. However, this tree is still a sight to behold; the trunk is 8 m (26 ft) in circumference and the root-knees are also particularly impressive. The oak is located on Giant Oak Lane off U.S. Highway 44. There are several other large oaks in the area.[32]
  • Chase Creek Red Oak – This forest tree is located on a very rich steep slope in Anne Arundel County, Maryland. It is a high-stump coppice with three leads. It was the state champion oak in Maryland in 2002. The circumference at breast height is 6.7 m (22 ft 0 in), the height 41.5 m (136 ft 2 in) and the spread 29.9 m (98 ft 1 in)[32]
  • Shera-Blair Red Oak – This majestic red oak tree is located on Shelby Street in the South Frankfort neighborhood in Franklin County, Kentucky, and is the largest red oak tree in the oldest neighborhood in Frankfort, Kentucky. It is in the backyard of a house built in 1914 by architect Arthur Raymond Smith, who at one time worked for D.X. Murphy & Bros., famed architects that designed the twin spires at Churchill Downs. The circumference at breast height is 6.4 m (21 ft 0 in), with the trunk reaching higher than 12 m (40 ft) before the branches begin and an estimated height of 40 m (130 ft).
  • Zhelevo – At over 250 years old, this tree is among the oldest in Toronto. The trunk has a circumference of 4.95 m (16 ft 3 in) and the canopy is over 24 m (79 ft) tall. The lot where the tree stands has been purchased by the City of Toronto to be turned into a public park. [33]


Wikimedia Commons has media related to Quercus rubra.
  1. ^ Wenzell , K.; Kenny, L. (2015). "Quercus rubra". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2015: e.T194226A2305058. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2015-4.RLTS.T194226A2305058.en. Retrieved 19 November 2021.
  2. ^ "NatureServe Explorer". Retrieved 2021-05-06.
  3. ^ a b c Keeler, Harriet L. (1900). Our Native Trees and How to Identify Them. New Roak: Charles Scribner's Sons. pp. 349–354.
  4. ^ Arbor Day Foundation, Northern Red Oak
  5. ^ United States Department of Agriculture Plant Guide
  6. ^ a b c d e f Nixon, Kevin C. (1997). "Quercus rubra". In Flora of North America Editorial Committee (ed.). Flora of North America North of Mexico (FNA). Vol. 3. New York and Oxford – via eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, MO & Harvard University Herbaria, Cambridge, MA.
  7. ^ Lamont–Doherty Earth Observatory and Columbia University, Eastern US oldlist
  8. ^ "Quercus rubra". County-level distribution map from the North American Plant Atlas (NAPA). Biota of North America Program (BONAP). 2014.
  9. ^ The Natural Communities of Virginia Classification of Ecological Community Groups (Version 2.3), Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation, 2010 Archived January 5, 2011, at the Wayback Machine
  10. ^ Schafale, M. P. and A. S. Weakley. 1990. Classification of the natural communities of North Carolina: third approximation. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, North Carolina Division of Parks and Recreation.
  11. ^ Smith, Sally E.; Read, David J. (2010-07-26). Mycorrhizal Symbiosis. Academic Press. ISBN 9780080559346.
  12. ^ Top, Sara M.; Preston, Caroline M.; Dukes, Jeffrey S.; Tharayil, Nishanth (2017). "Climate Influences the Content and Chemical Composition of Foliar Tannins in Green and Senesced Tissues of Quercus rubra". Frontiers in Plant Science. 8: 423. doi:10.3389/fpls.2017.00423. ISSN 1664-462X. PMC 5432568. PMID 28559896.
  13. ^ Marĉais, B.; Dupuis, F.; Desprez-Loustau, M. L. (1996-06-01). "Susceptibility of the Quercus rubra root system to Phytophthora cinnamomi; comparison with chestnut and other oak species" (PDF). European Journal of Forest Pathology. 26 (3): 133–143. doi:10.1111/j.1439-0329.1996.tb00718.x. ISSN 1439-0329. S2CID 83704321.
  14. ^ Bergot, Magali (2004). "Simulation of potential range expansion of oak disease caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi under climate change" (PDF). Global Change Biology. 10 (9): 1539–1552. Bibcode:2004GCBio..10.1539B. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2486.2004.00824.x. S2CID 85844009.
  15. ^ a b Davidson, J. M.; Werres, S.; Garbelotto, M.; Hansen, E. M.; Rizzo, D. M. (2003). "Sudden Oak Death and Associated Diseases Caused by Phytophthora ramorum". Plant Health Progress. 4: 12. doi:10.1094/php-2003-0707-01-dg.
  16. ^ Marcais, B (June 1995). "Modelling the influence of winter frosts on the development of the stem canker of red oak, caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi" (PDF). Annales des Sciences Forestières. 53 (2–3): 369–382. doi:10.1051/forest:19960219.
  17. ^ Sudden Oak Death. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, State and Private Forestry, Northeastern Area. 2002. pp. 2–.
  18. ^ Aizen, Marcelo (1996). "Effects of acorn size on seedling survival and growth in Quercus rubra following simulated sporing freeze" (PDF). Canadian Journal of Botany. 74 (2): 308–314. doi:10.1139/b96-037.
  19. ^ Sloan, Joshua L.; Islam, M. Anisul; Jacobs, Douglass F. (2016-01-01). "Reduced translocation of current photosynthate precedes changes in gas exchange forQuercus rubraseedlings under flooding stress". Tree Physiology. 36 (1): 54–62. doi:10.1093/treephys/tpv122. ISSN 0829-318X. PMID 26655380.
  20. ^ Bauweraerts, Ingvar; Ameye, Maarten; Wertin, Timothy M.; McGuire, Mary Anne; Teskey, Robert O.; Steppe, Kathy (2014-07-01). "Acclimation effects of heat waves and elevated [CO2] on gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence of northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.) seedlings". Plant Ecology. 215 (7): 733–746. doi:10.1007/s11258-014-0352-9. ISSN 1385-0237. S2CID 14230195.
  21. ^ Cavender-Bares, J.; Potts, M.; Zacharias, E.; Bazzaz, F. A. (2000-12-01). "Consequences of CO2 and light interactions for leaf phenology, growth, and senescence in Quercus rubra". Global Change Biology. 6 (8): 877–887. Bibcode:2000GCBio...6..877C. CiteSeerX doi:10.1046/j.1365-2486.2000.00361.x. ISSN 1365-2486. S2CID 15753586.
  22. ^ Myczko, Łukasz; Dylewski, Łukasz; Chrzanowski, Artur; Sparks, Tim H. (2017-08-01). "Acorns of invasive Northern Red Oak (Quercus rubra) in Europe are larval hosts of moths and beetles". Biological Invasions. 19 (8): 2419–2425. doi:10.1007/s10530-017-1452-y. ISSN 1387-3547. S2CID 9609205.
  23. ^ Merceron, Natalie (2017). "Removal of acorns of the alien oak Quercus rubra on the ground by scatter-hoarding animals in Belgian forests". Biotechnology, Agronomy, Society, and Environment. 21: 127–130. doi:10.25518/1780-4507.13613. S2CID 90139551.
  24. ^ a b Dickie, Ian A.; Koide, Roger T.; Steiner, Kim C. (2002). "Influences of Established Trees on Mycorrhizas, Nutrition, and Growth of Quercus rubra Seedlings". Ecological Monographs. 72 (4): 505–521. doi:10.2307/3100054. JSTOR 3100054.
  25. ^ Quercus rubra - European Forest Genetic Resources Programme
  26. ^ "Figure 1. The distribution of Q. Rubra in Europe (Based on NOBANIS data".
  27. ^ a b Wagner, Viktoria; Chytrý, Milan; Jiménez-Alfaro, Borja; Pergl, Jan; Hennekens, Stephan; Biurrun, Idoia; Knollová, Ilona; Berg, Christian; Vassilev, Kiril (2017-09-01). "Alien plant invasions in European woodlands". Diversity and Distributions. 23 (9): 969–981. doi:10.1111/ddi.12592. ISSN 1472-4642.
  28. ^ Riepas, Edvardas (2008). "Invasiveness and ecological effects of red oak (Quercus rubra) in Lithuanian forests" (PDF). Baltic Forestry. 14: 122–130.
  29. ^ Woziwoda, Beata; Kopeć, Dominik; Witkowski, Janusz (2014-03-18). "The negative impact of intentionally introduced Quercus rubra L. on a forest community". Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae. 83 (1): 39–49. doi:10.5586/asbp.2013.035. ISSN 2083-9480.
  30. ^ Elias, Thomas S.; Dykeman, Peter A. (2009) [1982]. Edible Wild Plants: A North American Field Guide to Over 200 Natural Foods. New York: Sterling. p. 233. ISBN 978-1-4027-6715-9. OCLC 244766414.
  31. ^ "Quercus rubra". RHS Gardening. Royal Horticultural Society. Retrieved 27 June 2013.
  32. ^ a b Rucker, Colby B. (February 2004), Great Eastern Trees, Past and Present, retrieved 2007-05-05
  33. ^ Cotterill, Madigan (3 December 2020). "Toronto city council votes to save historic red oak". Canadian Geographic. Retrieved 18 May 2021.
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Quercus rubra: Brief Summary

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Quercus rubra, the northern red oak, is an oak tree in the red oak group (Quercus section Lobatae). It is a native of North America, in the eastern and central United States and southeast and south-central Canada. It has been introduced to small areas in Western Europe, where it can frequently be seen cultivated in gardens and parks. It prefers good soil that is slightly acidic. Often simply called red oak, northern red oak is so named to distinguish it from southern red oak (Q. falcata), also known as the Spanish oak. Northern Red Oak is sometimes called champion oak.

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