
Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Didymopanax attenuatus (Sw.) Marchal in Mart. Fl Bras. II 1 : 234. 1878.
Panax attenuata Sw. Prodr. 54. 1788.
Panax caribaea Sieber; Urban, Symb. Ant. 1: 207, as syn. 1S99.
Small tree, glabrous throughout, the branchlets stout, terete; leaves and inflorescences at the apices of branchlets; petioles terete, 10-25 cm. long, the sheath 10-15 mm. broad, the ligule 2-4 mm. long; leaflets 4-6, the petiolules 3-8 cm. long, somewhat jointed at the base, the blades often thin-coriaceous, broadly ovate or deltoid, 7-16 cm. long, 4-11 cm. broad, acute to truncate at the base, caudate-acuminate at the apex (the acumen very slender, 1-5 cm. long), thickened and slightly undulate at the margins, the costa often prominent, the secondary nerves spreading, slightly raised on both surfaces; inflorescence compound-paniculate, terminal or subterminal, up to 20 cm. long, divided and spreading from the base, the secondary branches few, often again branched, the ultimate umbels racemosely arranged, the bracts oblong, up to 2 mm. long, the pedicels 5-12 per umbel, up to 5 mm. long; calyx obconic, about 1 mm. long and 1.5-2 mm. broad; bud often apiculate, the petals ovate-deltoid, . 1.5-2 mm. long, 1-1.3 mm. broad; filaments at length to 1.5 mm. long, the anthers oblong-deltoid, about 1 mm. long, obtuse at both ends; styles 2, rarely 3, connate into a short carnose conic column, somewhat free at the apex; locules 2, rarely 3; fruit subglobose-flattened (rarely trigonous), 2-4 mm. in diameter, the wall thin, dry, the seeds 2, rarely 3.
Type locality: West Indies.
Distribution: Lesser Antilles, St. Kitt's to Grenada, up to 1500 m.
bibliographic citation
Albert Charles Smith, Mildred Esther Mathias, Lincoln Constance, Harold William Rickett. 1944-1945. UMBELLALES and CORNALES. North American flora. vol 28B. New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora