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Female O. hoshizuna in Okinawa, Japan
Female of the type species O. striatipes, on Hydrangea leaf, Japan

The genus Oxytate, commonly known as grass crab spiders,[1] comprises a homogenous group of nocturnal crab spiders (family Thomisidae).[2] The complete mitochondrial genome of the type species O. striatipes was determined in 2014.[3]


Although they do not construct webs, both sexes possess a silk apparatus. A study of the type species, O. striatipes, revealed that they possess a simpler and more primitive spigot system than other members of the family, as even the females possess neither tubuliform glands for cocoon production, nor triad spigots for web-building. Males and females do however have three types of silk gland, which are classified as ampullate, pyriform and aciniform.[4]

Four ampullate glands are connected to the anterior spinnerets, while eight minor ampullate glands are connected to the median spinnerets. The pyriform glands are connected to the anterior spinnerets (90 in females and 80 in males). The aciniform glands are connected to the median (18–24 in females and 14–20 in males) and posterior spinnerets (60 in either sex).[4]

Green crab spiders are very helpful to honeybee and plants to interact. Oxytate has an ability to reflect UV lights which makes flowers more attractive to honeybees. And by attracting honeybees, it is captured in a trap of crab spiders.[5]


Like other crab spiders, they are masters of ambush and disguise.[1] They stalk their prey at night, from an ambush position on a grass stem or from the underside of a leaf. They can sense the vibrations caused by invertebrates moving on the leaf's upper side, and quickly pounce on the victim.[6] While in ambush on twigs or grass, the short hind legs hold onto the stem, while the long anterior legs are stretched forward.[1] Their bite is not harmful to humans, unless it would cause an allergic reaction.[7]


They are native to Asia, Western Australia, East, Central and southern Africa.[8]


As of November 2022 it contains 30 species:

See also

  • Runcinia, also known as grass crab spiders


  1. ^ a b c Larsen, Norman. "Family: Thomisidae (crab spiders)". Biodiversity Explorer. Iziko Museums. Retrieved 31 July 2015.
  2. ^ Benjamin, Suresh P. (May 2001). "The genus Oxytate L. Koch 1878 from Sri Lanka, with description of Oxytate taprobane sp. n. (Araneae: Thomisidae)" (PDF). J. South Asian Nat. Hist. 5 (2): 153–158. Retrieved 31 July 2015.
  3. ^ Kim, Ji Young; Yoo, Jung Sun; Park, Yung Chul (16 October 2014). "The complete mitochondrial genome of the green crab spider (Araneae: Thomisidae)". Mitochondrial DNA. 27 (3): 1878–9. doi:10.3109/19401736.2014.971268. PMID 25319303. S2CID 3306196.
  4. ^ a b Moon, Myung-Jin; An, Jeong-Su (September 2006). "Microstructure of the silk spigots of the green crab spider Oxytate striatipes (Araneae: Thomisidae)". Entomological Research. 36 (3): 133–138. doi:10.1111/j.1748-5967.2006.00023.x. S2CID 85674275.
  5. ^ Heiling, A. M., Cheng, K., & Herberstein, M. E. (2004). Exploitation of floral signals by crab spiders (Thomisus spectabilis, Thomisidae). Behavioral Ecology, 15(2), 321–326. https://doi.org/10.1093/beheco/arh012.
  6. ^ Ono, H. (1978). "Thomisidae aus Japan II. Das Genus Oxytate L. Koch 1878 (Arachnida: Araneae)". Senckenbergiana Biol. (58): 245–521.
  7. ^ "Grass crab spider". pest-control.com. 2011. Retrieved 3 August 2015.
  8. ^ Ono, H. (1988). "A revisional study of the spider family Thomisidae (Arachnida, Araneae) of Japan". National Science Museum, Tokyo: 1–247.
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Oxytate: Brief Summary

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Female O. hoshizuna in Okinawa, Japan Female of the type species O. striatipes, on Hydrangea leaf, Japan

The genus Oxytate, commonly known as grass crab spiders, comprises a homogenous group of nocturnal crab spiders (family Thomisidae). The complete mitochondrial genome of the type species O. striatipes was determined in 2014.

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Oxytate ( Spanish; Castilian )

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Oxytate es un género de arañas cangrejo de la familia Thomisidae.[1]​ Son especies nativas de Asia, Australia Occidental, África Oriental, Central y Meridional.


Al igual que otras arañas cangrejo, son maestras de las emboscadas.[2]​ Acechan a sus presas por la noche, desde una posición de emboscada en un tallo de hierba o desde la parte inferior de una hoja. Pueden sentir las vibraciones causadas por los invertebrados que se mueven en la parte superior de la hoja y rápidamente se abalanzan sobre la víctima. Mientras está en una emboscada sobre ramas o hierba, las patas traseras cortas se sujetan al tallo, mientras que las patas anteriores largas se estiran hacia adelante.[2]​ Su picadura no es dañina para los humanos, a menos que cause una reacción alérgica.[3]


Aunque no construyen telarañas, ambos sexos poseen una seda de araña. Un estudio de la especie tipo, Oxytate striatipes, reveló que poseen un sistema de espigas más simple y primitivo que otras arañas errantes, ya que incluso las hembras no poseen glándulas tubuliformes para la producción de capullos, ni espigas de tríadas para la construcción de telarañas. Sin embargo, los machos y las hembras tienen tres tipos de glándulas de seda, que se clasifican en ampolladas, piriformes y aciniformes.[4]

Cuatro glándulas ampolladas están conectadas a las hileras anteriores, mientras que ocho glándulas ampolladas menores están conectadas a las hileras medianas. Las glándulas piriformes están conectadas a las hileras anteriores (90 en hembras y 80 en machos). Las glándulas aciniformes están conectadas a la mediana (18 a 24 en mujeres y 14 a 20 en hombres) y a las hileras posteriores (60 en ambos sexos).[4]



  1. Oxytate Catálogo mundial de arañas. Consultado el 29 de mayo de 2021.
  2. a b Larsen, Norman. «Family: Thomisidae (crab spiders)». Biodiversity Explorer. Iziko Museums. Consultado el 29-5-21.
  3. «Grass crab spider». pest-control.com. 2011. Consultado el 29-5-21.
  4. a b Moon, Myung-Jin; An, Jeong-Su (September 2006). "Microstructure of the silk spigots of the green crab spider Oxytate striatipes (Araneae: Thomisidae)". Entomological Research. 36 (3): 133–138. doi:10.1111/j.1748-5967.2006.00023.x. S2CID 85674275.


  • Ono, H. (1988). "A revisional study of the spider family Thomisidae (Arachnida, Araneae) of Japan". National Science Museum, Tokyo: 1–247.

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Oxytate: Brief Summary ( Spanish; Castilian )

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Oxytate es un género de arañas cangrejo de la familia Thomisidae.​ Son especies nativas de Asia, Australia Occidental, África Oriental, Central y Meridional.

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Oxytate ( French )

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Oxytate est un genre d'araignées aranéomorphes de la famille des Thomisidae[1].


Les espèces de ce genre se rencontrent en Asie, en Afrique subsaharienne et en Australie[1].

Liste des espèces

Selon World Spider Catalog (version 23.0, 27/05/2022)[2] :

Systématique et taxinomie

Ce genre a été décrit par L. Koch en 1878 dans les Philodromidae. Il est placé dans les Thomisidae par Simon en 1895[3].

Dieta[4] a été placée en synonymie par Song, Feng et Shang en 1982[5].

Rhytidura[6] a été placée en synonymie par Ono en 1988[7].

Publication originale

  • L. Koch, 1878 : « Japanesische Arachniden und Myriapoden. » Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien, vol. 27, p. 735-798 (texte intégral).

Notes et références

  1. a et b WSC, consulté lors d'une mise à jour du lien externe
  2. WSC, consulté le version 23.0, 27/05/2022
  3. Simon, 1895 : Histoire naturelle des araignées. Paris, vol. 1, p. 761-1084 (texte intégral).
  4. Simon, 1880 : « Études arachnologiques. 11e Mémoire. XVII. Arachnides recueilles aux environs de Pékin par M. V. Collin de Plancy. » Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, sér. 5, vol. 10, p. 97-128 (texte intégral).
  5. Song, Feng & Shang, 1982 : « On the males of two species of crab spiders (Araneida: Thomisidae). » Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica, vol. 7, p. 257-259.
  6. Thorell, 1895 : Descriptive catalogue of the spiders of Burma, based upon the collection made by Eugene W. Oates and preserved in the British Museum, London, p. 1-406.
  7. Ono, 1988 : A revisional study of the spider family Thomisidae (Arachnida, Araneae) of Japan, National Science Museum, Tokyo, p. 1-252.
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Oxytate: Brief Summary ( French )

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Oxytate est un genre d'araignées aranéomorphes de la famille des Thomisidae.

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Oxytate ( Italian )

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Oxytate L. Koch, 1878 è un genere di ragni appartenente alla famiglia Thomisidae.


Le 26 specie note di questo genere sono state rinvenute in Asia, Africa subsahariana e Oceania[1]


Questo genere è ritenuto appartenere alla famiglia Philodromidae secondo l'aracnologo Tikader (1980a), in quanto il primo ed il secondo paio di zampe sono sproporzionatamente lunghe[1].

Ritenuto sinonimo anteriore di Dieta Simon, 1880 a seguito di un lavoro degli aracnologi Song, Feng & Shang (1982a)[1].

Considerato anche sinonimo anteriore di Rhytidura Thorell, 1895, ma non di Musaeus Thorell, 1890 a seguito di un lavoro di Ono (1988c)[1].

Non sono stati esaminati esemplari di questo genere dal 2012[1].

A dicembre 2014, si compone di 26 specie[1]:

  1. Oxytate argenteooculata (Simon, 1886) — Africa centrale, orientale e meridionale
  2. Oxytate attenuata (Thorell, 1895) — Birmania
  3. Oxytate bhutanica Ono, 2001 — Bhutan, Cina
  4. Oxytate capitulata Tang & Li, 2009 — Cina
  5. Oxytate chlorion (Simon, 1906) — India
  6. Oxytate clavulata Tang, Yin & Peng, 2008 — Cina
  7. Oxytate concolor (Caporiacco, 1947) — Etiopia
  8. Oxytate elongata (Tikader, 1980) — India
  9. Oxytate forcipata Zhang & Yin, 1998 — Cina
  10. Oxytate greenae (Tikader, 1980) — Isole Andamane (Oceano Indiano)
  11. Oxytate guangxiensis He & Hu, 1999 — Cina
  12. Oxytate hoshizuna Ono, 1978 — Cina, Giappone
  13. Oxytate isolata (Hogg, 1914) — Australia occidentale
  14. Oxytate jannonei (Caporiacco, 1940) — Etiopia
  15. Oxytate kanishkai (Gajbe, 2008) — India
  16. Oxytate leruthi (Lessert, 1943) — Africa occidentale e centrale
  17. Oxytate multa Tang & Li, 2010 — Cina
  18. Oxytate parallela (Simon, 1880) — Cina, Corea
  19. Oxytate phaenopomatiformis (Strand, 1907) — Isola di Zanzibar (Tanzania)
  20. Oxytate placentiformis Wang, Cheng & Zhang, 2012 — Cina
  21. Oxytate ribes (Jézéquel, 1964) — Costa d'Avorio
  22. Oxytate sangangensis Tang et al., 1999 — Cina
  23. Oxytate striatipes L. Koch, 1878[2] — Russia, Cina, Corea, Taiwan, Giappone
  24. Oxytate subvirens (Strand, 1907) — Sri Lanka
  25. Oxytate taprobane Benjamin, 2001 — Sri Lanka
  26. Oxytate virens (Thorell, 1891) — Vietnam, Singapore

Specie trasferite

  • Oxytate castetsi Simon, 1906; trasferita al genere Loxobates Thorell, 1877[1].
  • Oxytate kapuri (Tikader, 1980); trasferita al genere Loxobates Thorell, 1877.
  • Oxytate minuta Tang, Yin & Peng, 2005; trasferita al genere Indoxysticus Benjamin & Jaleel, 2010.
  • Oxytate placata (O. P.-Cambridge, 1899); trasferita al genere Diaea Thorell, 1869.
  • Oxytate polita (Thorell, 1890); trasferita al genere Musaeus Thorell, 1890.


  • Oxytate japonica (Bösenberg & Strand, 1906); posta in sinonimia con O. striatipes L. Koch, 1878 a seguito di un lavoro di Yaginuma (1970d)[1].
  • Oxytate setosa Karsch, 1879; posta in sinonimia con O. striatipes L. Koch, 1878 a seguito di un lavoro di Yaginuma, (1962c)[1].



  • L. Koch, 1878 - Japanesische Arachniden und Myriapoden. Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien, vol.27, pp. 735–798 (Articolo originale)
  • Simon, E., 1886b - Espèces et genres nouveaux de la famille des Thomisisdae. Actes de la Société Linnéenne de Bordeaux vol.40, pp. 167–187
  • Thorell, T., 1895 - Descriptive catalogue of the spiders of Burma. London, pp. 1–406
  • Simon, E., 1906c - Arachnides (2e partie). In: Voyage de M. Maurice Maindron dans l'Inde méridionale. 8e Mémoire. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France vol.75, pp. 279–314.
  • Hogg, H.R., 1914b - Spiders from the Montebello Islands. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1914, pp. 69–92
  • Lessert, R. de, 1928 - Araignées du Congo recueillies au cours de l'expedition par l'American Museum (1909-1915). Deuxieme partie. Revue Suisse de Zoologie vol.35, pp. 303–352
  • Caporiacco, L. di, 1940d - Due ragni nuovi dello Scioa. Redia vol.27, pp. 19–23.
  • Yaginuma, T., 1962c - The spider fauna of Japan. Arachnological Society of East Asia, Osaka, 74pp.
  • Jézéquel, J.-F., 1964c - Araignées de la savane de Singrobo (Côte d'Ivoire). III.-Thomisidae. Bulletin de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire vol.26 (A), pp. 1103–1143
  • Yaginuma, T., 1970d - The spider fauna of Japan (revised in 1970). Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science Tokyo vol.13, pp. 639–701
  • Ono, H., 1978a - Thomisidae aus Japan II. Das Genus Oxytate L. Koch 1878 (Arachnida: Araneae). Senckenbergiana Biologica vol.58, pp. 245–251
  • Tikader, B.K., 1980a - Thomisidae (Crab-spiders). Fauna India (Araneae) vol.1, pp. 1–247
  • Song, D.X., Z.Q. Feng & J.W. Shang, 1982ª - On the males of two species of crab spiders (Araneida: Thomisidae). Acta zootaxon. sin. vol.7, pp. 257–259.
  • Feng, Z.Q., 1990 - Spiders of China in colour. Hunan Science and Technology Publishing House, 256pp.
  • Zhang, Y.J. & Yin, C.M., 1998a - A new species of the genus Oxytate from China (Araneae: Thomisidae). Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica vol.23, pp. 6–8.
  • Ono, H., 2001b - Crab spiders of the family Thomisidae from the Kingdom of Bhutan (Arachnida, Araneae). Entomologica Basiliensis vol.23, pp. 203–236
  • Gajbe, U.A., 2007 - Araneae: Arachnida. In: Fauna of Madhya Pradesh (including Chhattisgarh), State Fauna Series. Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata vol.15 (1), pp. 419–540
  • Gajbe, U.A., 2008a - A new species of Dieta spider (Araneae: Philodromidae) from Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India. Records of the Zoological Survey of India vol.108, pp. 59–61
  • Tang, G., Peng, X.J., Griswold, C., Ubick, D. & Yin, C.M., 2008a - Four crab spiders of the family Thomisidae (Araneae, Thomisidae) from Yunnan, China. Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica vol.33, pp. 241–247
  • Tang, G. & Li, S.Q., 2009a - Three new crab spiders from Xishuangbanna rainforest, southwestern China (Araneae: Thomisidae). Zootaxa n.2109, pp. 45–58

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Oxytate: Brief Summary ( Italian )

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Oxytate L. Koch, 1878 è un genere di ragni appartenente alla famiglia Thomisidae.

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Oxytate ( Dutch; Flemish )

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Oxytate is een geslacht van spinnen uit de familie van de Thomisidae (krabspinnen).


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Oxytate: Brief Summary ( Dutch; Flemish )

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Oxytate is een geslacht van spinnen uit de familie van de Thomisidae (krabspinnen).

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Oxytate ( Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan )

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Oxytate este un gen de păianjeni din familia Thomisidae.[1]

Cladograma conform Catalogue of Life[1]:


Oxytate argenteooculata

Oxytate attenuata

Oxytate bhutanica

Oxytate chlorion

Oxytate concolor

Oxytate elongata

Oxytate forcipata

Oxytate greenae

Oxytate guangxiensis

Oxytate hoshizuna

Oxytate isolata

Oxytate jannonei

Oxytate leruthi

Oxytate minuta

Oxytate parallela

Oxytate phaenopomatiformis

Oxytate ribes


  1. ^ a b Bisby F.A., Roskov Y.R., Orrell T.M., Nicolson D., Paglinawan L.E., Bailly N., Kirk P.M., Bourgoin T., Baillargeon G., Ouvrard D. (red.) (2011). „Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2011 Annual Checklist”. Species 2000: Reading, UK. Accesat în 24 september 2012. Verificați datele pentru: |access-date= (ajutor)Mentenanță CS1: Nume multiple: lista autorilor (link)

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Oxytate ( Vietnamese )

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Oxytate là một chi nhện trong họ Thomisidae.[1]

Chú thích

  1. ^ Norman I. Platnick. “The World Spider Catalog, Version 13.5”. Truy cập ngày 3 tháng 6 năm 2013.

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Oxytate: Brief Summary ( Vietnamese )

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Oxytate là một chi nhện trong họ Thomisidae.

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