Zaragoza: Aragn (Espaa)Depresin del Ebro.Familia: OrchidaceaeDistribucin: Presenta una distribucin extendida, aunque resulta bastante rara. Se encuentra desde las costas atlnticas de Bretaa hasta las islas del mediterrneo oriental.En Aragn slo se conoca su presencia en las proximidades del Parque Natural del Moncayo, sin embargo el terreno en el que creca ha sido roturado y no se ha vuelto a advertir la presencia de esta planta.Biologa y fenologa Hbitat: Especie termfila que crece con preferencia en lugares abrigados, algo hmedos, a veces a plena luz, aunque tambin busca la proteccin de la insolacin excesiva. En ocasiones resulta difcil advertir su presencia debido a que permanece camuflada entre vegetacin herbcea alta, como gramneas u otras especies.Preferencia edfica: Acidfila Acostumbra a instalarse en suelos de arenas y limos, pero tambien en calizas.Rango altitudinal: 600- 915 ( 1100 ) mFenologa: Floracin ( Marzo ) Mayo - JunioForma Biolgica: Gefito bulbosoExtractado del Atlas de la Flora de Aragn (Herbario de Jaca)
Serapias parviflora Parl., syn.: Serapias laxiflora var. parviflora (Parl.) Rchb. f., Serapias lingua var. parviflora (Parl.) Kraenzl., Serapias columnae Aurnier, Serapias elongata Tod., Serapias laxiflora Rchb. f., Serapias mascaensis H. Kretzschmar, G. Kretzschmar & Kreutz, Serapias occultata J. Gay ex Cavalier., Serapias accultaFamily: OrchidaceaeEN: Small-flowered Tongue Orchid; DE: Kleinbltiger ZungenstendelSlo.: majhnocvetni ralovec (?), Cr.: sitnocvjetna kukavicaDat.: May 01. 2023Lat.: 44.56946 Long.: 14.39081Code: Bot_1521/2023_DSC0189Habitat: grassy, unmaintained, semiruderal, open, sunny, dry place; flat terrain; calcareous ground; average precipitations ~ 900 mm/year, average temperature 12-14 deg C, elevations 50 m (165 feet), Sub-Mediterranean phytogeographical region. Substratum: soil.Place: Adriatic Sea region, island Loinj, west of the airport Loinj, Kvarner archipelago, Rijeka region, Croatia. Comments (pertain to pictures in Flicker album Serapias parviflora): Genus Serapias is taxonomically a difficult one. There exists no agreement about how many species it contains. The number varies enormously between three and over 30. Most species are highly variable, their morphology is dependent on habitat where they grow, on location, on which year one examines them, etc. Hybrids are common. Often for a reliable determination to species level one needs to observe traits, which are hidden inside the flowers and usual photographs of the habit and the flowers alone do not suffice. Of cause, sometimes the shape of the plants found correspond perfectly to the descriptions of 'typical' species in the literature and then there is no problem of cause with the determination. Serapias parviflora is a Mediterranean plant as all members of the genus. It is rather widespread but rather rare. It can be recognized by its low and slender looking habit, narrow flowers and pale colors. Stems usually arise singly. A distinctive trait is the shape of the base of the hypochile, which cannot be observed without destroying the flowers of this protected by law plant. Ref.:(1) Personal communication, Det.: Ljiljana Boroveki-Voska, Zagreb, Croatia.(2) P. Delforge, Orchids of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East, 3rd Edition, A&C Black Publishers (2006), London, p 248.(3) H. Baumann, S. Knkele, R. Lorentz, Orchideen Europas, Mit angrenzenden Gebieten, Ulmer (2006), p 294.(4) T. Nikoli, Flora Croatica, Vaskularna flora Republike Hrvatske, Vol. 3. Alfad.d.. Zagreb (2020) p 225.(5) M. Blamey, C. Grey-Wilson, Wild Flowers of the Mediterranean, A & C Black, London (2005), p 522.
Serapias parviflora Parl., syn.: Serapias laxiflora var. parviflora (Parl.) Rchb. f., Serapias lingua var. parviflora (Parl.) Kraenzl., Serapias columnae Aurnier, Serapias elongata Tod., Serapias laxiflora Rchb. f., Serapias mascaensis H. Kretzschmar, G. Kretzschmar & Kreutz, Serapias occultata J. Gay ex Cavalier., Serapias accultaFamily: OrchidaceaeEN: Small-flowered Tongue Orchid; DE: Kleinbltiger ZungenstendelSlo.: majhnocvetni ralovec (?), Cr.: sitnocvjetna kukavicaDat.: May 01. 2023Lat.: 44.56946 Long.: 14.39081Code: Bot_1521/2023_DSC0189Habitat: grassy, unmaintained, semiruderal, open, sunny, dry place; flat terrain; calcareous ground; average precipitations ~ 900 mm/year, average temperature 12-14 deg C, elevations 50 m (165 feet), Sub-Mediterranean phytogeographical region. Substratum: soil.Place: Adriatic Sea region, island Loinj, west of the airport Loinj, Kvarner archipelago, Rijeka region, Croatia. Comments (pertain to pictures in Flicker album Serapias parviflora): Genus Serapias is taxonomically a difficult one. There exists no agreement about how many species it contains. The number varies enormously between three and over 30. Most species are highly variable, their morphology is dependent on habitat where they grow, on location, on which year one examines them, etc. Hybrids are common. Often for a reliable determination to species level one needs to observe traits, which are hidden inside the flowers and usual photographs of the habit and the flowers alone do not suffice. Of cause, sometimes the shape of the plants found correspond perfectly to the descriptions of 'typical' species in the literature and then there is no problem of cause with the determination. Serapias parviflora is a Mediterranean plant as all members of the genus. It is rather widespread but rather rare. It can be recognized by its low and slender looking habit, narrow flowers and pale colors. Stems usually arise singly. A distinctive trait is the shape of the base of the hypochile, which cannot be observed without destroying the flowers of this protected by law plant. Ref.:(1) Personal communication, Det.: Ljiljana Boroveki-Voska, Zagreb, Croatia.(2) P. Delforge, Orchids of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East, 3rd Edition, A&C Black Publishers (2006), London, p 248.(3) H. Baumann, S. Knkele, R. Lorentz, Orchideen Europas, Mit angrenzenden Gebieten, Ulmer (2006), p 294.(4) T. Nikoli, Flora Croatica, Vaskularna flora Republike Hrvatske, Vol. 3. Alfad.d.. Zagreb (2020) p 225.(5) M. Blamey, C. Grey-Wilson, Wild Flowers of the Mediterranean, A & C Black, London (2005), p 522.
Serapias parviflora Parl., syn.: Serapias laxiflora var. parviflora (Parl.) Rchb. f., Serapias lingua var. parviflora (Parl.) Kraenzl., Serapias columnae Aurnier, Serapias elongata Tod., Serapias laxiflora Rchb. f., Serapias mascaensis H. Kretzschmar, G. Kretzschmar & Kreutz, Serapias occultata J. Gay ex Cavalier., Serapias accultaFamily: OrchidaceaeEN: Small-flowered Tongue Orchid; DE: Kleinbltiger ZungenstendelSlo.: majhnocvetni ralovec (?), Cr.: sitnocvjetna kukavicaDat.: May 01. 2023Lat.: 44.56946 Long.: 14.39081Code: Bot_1521/2023_DSC0189Habitat: grassy, unmaintained, semiruderal, open, sunny, dry place; flat terrain; calcareous ground; average precipitations ~ 900 mm/year, average temperature 12-14 deg C, elevations 50 m (165 feet), Sub-Mediterranean phytogeographical region. Substratum: soil.Place: Adriatic Sea region, island Loinj, west of the airport Loinj, Kvarner archipelago, Rijeka region, Croatia. Comments (pertain to pictures in Flicker album Serapias parviflora): Genus Serapias is taxonomically a difficult one. There exists no agreement about how many species it contains. The number varies enormously between three and over 30. Most species are highly variable, their morphology is dependent on habitat where they grow, on location, on which year one examines them, etc. Hybrids are common. Often for a reliable determination to species level one needs to observe traits, which are hidden inside the flowers and usual photographs of the habit and the flowers alone do not suffice. Of cause, sometimes the shape of the plants found correspond perfectly to the descriptions of 'typical' species in the literature and then there is no problem of cause with the determination. Serapias parviflora is a Mediterranean plant as all members of the genus. It is rather widespread but rather rare. It can be recognized by its low and slender looking habit, narrow flowers and pale colors. Stems usually arise singly. A distinctive trait is the shape of the base of the hypochile, which cannot be observed without destroying the flowers of this protected by law plant. Ref.:(1) Personal communication, Det.: Ljiljana Boroveki-Voska, Zagreb, Croatia.(2) P. Delforge, Orchids of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East, 3rd Edition, A&C Black Publishers (2006), London, p 248.(3) H. Baumann, S. Knkele, R. Lorentz, Orchideen Europas, Mit angrenzenden Gebieten, Ulmer (2006), p 294.(4) T. Nikoli, Flora Croatica, Vaskularna flora Republike Hrvatske, Vol. 3. Alfad.d.. Zagreb (2020) p 225.(5) M. Blamey, C. Grey-Wilson, Wild Flowers of the Mediterranean, A & C Black, London (2005), p 522.
Zaragoza: Aragn (Espaa)Depresin del Ebro.Familia: OrchidaceaeDistribucin: Presenta una distribucin extendida, aunque resulta bastante rara. Se encuentra desde las costas atlnticas de Bretaa hasta las islas del mediterrneo oriental.En Aragn slo se conoca su presencia en las proximidades del Parque Natural del Moncayo, sin embargo el terreno en el que creca ha sido roturado y no se ha vuelto a advertir la presencia de esta planta.Biologa y fenologa Hbitat: Especie termfila que crece con preferencia en lugares abrigados, algo hmedos, a veces a plena luz, aunque tambin busca la proteccin de la insolacin excesiva. En ocasiones resulta difcil advertir su presencia debido a que permanece camuflada entre vegetacin herbcea alta, como gramneas u otras especies.Preferencia edfica: Acidfila Acostumbra a instalarse en suelos de arenas y limos, pero tambien en calizas.Rango altitudinal: 600- 915 ( 1100 ) mFenologa: Floracin ( Marzo ) Mayo - JunioForma Biolgica: Gefito bulbosoExtractado del Atlas de la Flora de Aragn (Herbario de Jaca)
Serapias parviflora Parl., syn.: Serapias laxiflora var. parviflora (Parl.) Rchb. f., Serapias lingua var. parviflora (Parl.) Kraenzl., Serapias columnae Aurnier, Serapias elongata Tod., Serapias laxiflora Rchb. f., Serapias mascaensis H. Kretzschmar, G. Kretzschmar & Kreutz, Serapias occultata J. Gay ex Cavalier., Serapias accultaFamily: OrchidaceaeEN: Small-flowered Tongue Orchid; DE: Kleinbltiger ZungenstendelSlo.: majhnocvetni ralovec (?), Cr.: sitnocvjetna kukavicaDat.: May 01. 2023Lat.: 44.56946 Long.: 14.39081Code: Bot_1521/2023_DSC0189Habitat: grassy, unmaintained, semiruderal, open, sunny, dry place; flat terrain; calcareous ground; average precipitations ~ 900 mm/year, average temperature 12-14 deg C, elevations 50 m (165 feet), Sub-Mediterranean phytogeographical region. Substratum: soil.Place: Adriatic Sea region, island Loinj, west of the airport Loinj, Kvarner archipelago, Rijeka region, Croatia. Comments (pertain to pictures in Flicker album Serapias parviflora): Genus Serapias is taxonomically a difficult one. There exists no agreement about how many species it contains. The number varies enormously between three and over 30. Most species are highly variable, their morphology is dependent on habitat where they grow, on location, on which year one examines them, etc. Hybrids are common. Often for a reliable determination to species level one needs to observe traits, which are hidden inside the flowers and usual photographs of the habit and the flowers alone do not suffice. Of cause, sometimes the shape of the plants found correspond perfectly to the descriptions of 'typical' species in the literature and then there is no problem of cause with the determination. Serapias parviflora is a Mediterranean plant as all members of the genus. It is rather widespread but rather rare. It can be recognized by its low and slender looking habit, narrow flowers and pale colors. Stems usually arise singly. A distinctive trait is the shape of the base of the hypochile, which cannot be observed without destroying the flowers of this protected by law plant. Ref.:(1) Personal communication, Det.: Ljiljana Boroveki-Voska, Zagreb, Croatia.(2) P. Delforge, Orchids of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East, 3rd Edition, A&C Black Publishers (2006), London, p 248.(3) H. Baumann, S. Knkele, R. Lorentz, Orchideen Europas, Mit angrenzenden Gebieten, Ulmer (2006), p 294.(4) T. Nikoli, Flora Croatica, Vaskularna flora Republike Hrvatske, Vol. 3. Alfad.d.. Zagreb (2020) p 225.(5) M. Blamey, C. Grey-Wilson, Wild Flowers of the Mediterranean, A & C Black, London (2005), p 522.
Zaragoza: Aragn (Espaa)Depresin del Ebro.Familia: OrchidaceaeDistribucin: Presenta una distribucin extendida, aunque resulta bastante rara. Se encuentra desde las costas atlnticas de Bretaa hasta las islas del mediterrneo oriental.En Aragn slo se conoca su presencia en las proximidades del Parque Natural del Moncayo, sin embargo el terreno en el que creca ha sido roturado y no se ha vuelto a advertir la presencia de esta planta.Biologa y fenologa Hbitat: Especie termfila que crece con preferencia en lugares abrigados, algo hmedos, a veces a plena luz, aunque tambin busca la proteccin de la insolacin excesiva. En ocasiones resulta difcil advertir su presencia debido a que permanece camuflada entre vegetacin herbcea alta, como gramneas u otras especies.Preferencia edfica: Acidfila Acostumbra a instalarse en suelos de arenas y limos, pero tambien en calizas.Rango altitudinal: 600- 915 ( 1100 ) mFenologa: Floracin ( Marzo ) Mayo - JunioForma Biolgica: Gefito bulbosoExtractado del Atlas de la Flora de Aragn (Herbario de Jaca)
27/04/2007 near Vieste/Italy
Zaragoza: Aragn (Espaa)Depresin del Ebro.Familia: OrchidaceaeDistribucin: Presenta una distribucin extendida, aunque resulta bastante rara. Se encuentra desde las costas atlnticas de Bretaa hasta las islas del mediterrneo oriental.En Aragn slo se conoca su presencia en las proximidades del Parque Natural del Moncayo, sin embargo el terreno en el que creca ha sido roturado y no se ha vuelto a advertir la presencia de esta planta.Biologa y fenologa Hbitat: Especie termfila que crece con preferencia en lugares abrigados, algo hmedos, a veces a plena luz, aunque tambin busca la proteccin de la insolacin excesiva. En ocasiones resulta difcil advertir su presencia debido a que permanece camuflada entre vegetacin herbcea alta, como gramneas u otras especies.Preferencia edfica: Acidfila Acostumbra a instalarse en suelos de arenas y limos, pero tambien en calizas.Rango altitudinal: 600- 915 ( 1100 ) mFenologa: Floracin ( Marzo ) Mayo - JunioForma Biolgica: Gefito bulbosoExtractado del Atlas de la Flora de Aragn (Herbario de Jaca)
Serapias parviflora Parl., syn.: Serapias laxiflora var. parviflora (Parl.) Rchb. f., Serapias lingua var. parviflora (Parl.) Kraenzl., Serapias columnae Aurnier, Serapias elongata Tod., Serapias laxiflora Rchb. f., Serapias mascaensis H. Kretzschmar, G. Kretzschmar & Kreutz, Serapias occultata J. Gay ex Cavalier., Serapias accultaFamily: OrchidaceaeEN: Small-flowered Tongue Orchid; DE: Kleinbltiger ZungenstendelSlo.: majhnocvetni ralovec (?), Cr.: sitnocvjetna kukavicaDat.: May 01. 2023Lat.: 44.56946 Long.: 14.39081Code: Bot_1521/2023_DSC0189Habitat: grassy, unmaintained, semiruderal, open, sunny, dry place; flat terrain; calcareous ground; average precipitations ~ 900 mm/year, average temperature 12-14 deg C, elevations 50 m (165 feet), Sub-Mediterranean phytogeographical region. Substratum: soil.Place: Adriatic Sea region, island Loinj, west of the airport Loinj, Kvarner archipelago, Rijeka region, Croatia. Comments (pertain to pictures in Flicker album Serapias parviflora): Genus Serapias is taxonomically a difficult one. There exists no agreement about how many species it contains. The number varies enormously between three and over 30. Most species are highly variable, their morphology is dependent on habitat where they grow, on location, on which year one examines them, etc. Hybrids are common. Often for a reliable determination to species level one needs to observe traits, which are hidden inside the flowers and usual photographs of the habit and the flowers alone do not suffice. Of cause, sometimes the shape of the plants found correspond perfectly to the descriptions of 'typical' species in the literature and then there is no problem of cause with the determination. Serapias parviflora is a Mediterranean plant as all members of the genus. It is rather widespread but rather rare. It can be recognized by its low and slender looking habit, narrow flowers and pale colors. Stems usually arise singly. A distinctive trait is the shape of the base of the hypochile, which cannot be observed without destroying the flowers of this protected by law plant. Ref.:(1) Personal communication, Det.: Ljiljana Boroveki-Voska, Zagreb, Croatia.(2) P. Delforge, Orchids of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East, 3rd Edition, A&C Black Publishers (2006), London, p 248.(3) H. Baumann, S. Knkele, R. Lorentz, Orchideen Europas, Mit angrenzenden Gebieten, Ulmer (2006), p 294.(4) T. Nikoli, Flora Croatica, Vaskularna flora Republike Hrvatske, Vol. 3. Alfad.d.. Zagreb (2020) p 225.(5) M. Blamey, C. Grey-Wilson, Wild Flowers of the Mediterranean, A & C Black, London (2005), p 522.
Serapias parviflora Parl., syn.: Serapias laxiflora var. parviflora (Parl.) Rchb. f., Serapias lingua var. parviflora (Parl.) Kraenzl., Serapias columnae Aurnier, Serapias elongata Tod., Serapias laxiflora Rchb. f., Serapias mascaensis H. Kretzschmar, G. Kretzschmar & Kreutz, Serapias occultata J. Gay ex Cavalier., Serapias accultaFamily: OrchidaceaeEN: Small-flowered Tongue Orchid; DE: Kleinbltiger ZungenstendelSlo.: majhnocvetni ralovec (?), Cr.: sitnocvjetna kukavicaDat.: May 01. 2023Lat.: 44.56946 Long.: 14.39081Code: Bot_1521/2023_DSC0189Habitat: grassy, unmaintained, semiruderal, open, sunny, dry place; flat terrain; calcareous ground; average precipitations ~ 900 mm/year, average temperature 12-14 deg C, elevations 50 m (165 feet), Sub-Mediterranean phytogeographical region. Substratum: soil.Place: Adriatic Sea region, island Loinj, west of the airport Loinj, Kvarner archipelago, Rijeka region, Croatia. Comments (pertain to pictures in Flicker album Serapias parviflora): Genus Serapias is taxonomically a difficult one. There exists no agreement about how many species it contains. The number varies enormously between three and over 30. Most species are highly variable, their morphology is dependent on habitat where they grow, on location, on which year one examines them, etc. Hybrids are common. Often for a reliable determination to species level one needs to observe traits, which are hidden inside the flowers and usual photographs of the habit and the flowers alone do not suffice. Of cause, sometimes the shape of the plants found correspond perfectly to the descriptions of 'typical' species in the literature and then there is no problem of cause with the determination. Serapias parviflora is a Mediterranean plant as all members of the genus. It is rather widespread but rather rare. It can be recognized by its low and slender looking habit, narrow flowers and pale colors. Stems usually arise singly. A distinctive trait is the shape of the base of the hypochile, which cannot be observed without destroying the flowers of this protected by law plant. Ref.:(1) Personal communication, Det.: Ljiljana Boroveki-Voska, Zagreb, Croatia.(2) P. Delforge, Orchids of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East, 3rd Edition, A&C Black Publishers (2006), London, p 248.(3) H. Baumann, S. Knkele, R. Lorentz, Orchideen Europas, Mit angrenzenden Gebieten, Ulmer (2006), p 294.(4) T. Nikoli, Flora Croatica, Vaskularna flora Republike Hrvatske, Vol. 3. Alfad.d.. Zagreb (2020) p 225.(5) M. Blamey, C. Grey-Wilson, Wild Flowers of the Mediterranean, A & C Black, London (2005), p 522.