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Bulbostylis subaphylla C. B. Clarke

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Bulbostylis hispaniolica Kiikenth. & Ekman; Urban, Ark. Bot. 22Ai^ : 6. 1929.
Perennial with bulbous-thickened culm-bases ; culms rigid, filiform, 3-3.5 dm. high ; leaves flattened (1.0 mm. wide) and rigid, nearly equaling the culms; sheath apices lightly floccose; inflorescence umbellate, of 2-6 strongly flattened, acute, brown spikelets 1.0-1.5 cm. long, borne singly or 2 or 3 at the ends of short, arcuate rays; scales dull chestnut -brown, obscurely hirtellous, acute to mucronate; achenes broadly obovate, 1.4 mm. long, 1.0 mm. wide, stramineous (immature), the angles blunt, the inner face somewhat concave, faintly transverse-undulate; tubercle small, light brown, short-conic; style slender, obscurely compressed, 2 mm. long below the style-branches ; stamens 3, the anthers 2.5 mm. long.
Type locality : Haiti, "Massif du Nord prope Hinche ... ad colles steriles" {Ekman H6174).
Distribution : Haiti.
bibliographic citation
Henry Knut Svenson. 1957. (POALES); (CYPERACEAE); SCIRPEAE (CONTINUATIO). North American flora. vol 18(9). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Bulbostylis subaphylla Clarke, Symb. Ant. 2: 86. 1900
StenophyJlus subaphyllus Britton, Bull. Dep. Agr. Jamaica 5 (Suppl. 1) : 12. 1907.
Bulbostylis alpestris Urban, Symb. Ant. 7 : 168. 1912. (Santo Domingo.)
Bulbostylis Tuerckheimii Urban, Symb. Ant. 7: 169. 1912. (Santo Domingo.)
Stenophylhis Harrisii Britton, Torreya 20 : 83. 1920. (Jamaica.)
Bulbostylis subaphylla var. longiglumis Kiikenth. Repert. Sp. Nov. 23 : 198. 1926. (Sierra de
Nipe, Cuba.) Bulbostylis subaphylla var. rigida Kiikenth. Repert. Sp. Nov. 23: 199. 1926. (Sierra de Nipe,
Cuba.) Bulbostylis subefimbriata Kiikenth. ; Urban, Ark. Bot. 22A" : 7. 1929. (Haiti.)
Coarse perennial, frequently with bulbous-thickened culm-bases ; culms glabrous, 2-10 dm. long, rigid, cylindric to flattened, frequently 1 mm. wide ; leaves similar to the culms, the sheaths smooth to hirtellous with a fimbriate to nearly glabrous apex; inflorescence terminal and capitate, of 2-6 shining, dark brown, flattened spikelets, sometimes appearing lateral in plants with elongate involucral bracts, and often proliferous ; scales dark brown, glabrous to lightly hirtellous, not strongly keeled, obtuse to acute-short-mucronate, fimbriate to nearly smooth at the margins ; mature achenes obovate, bluntly trigonous, shining grayishbrown, 1.3-1.5 mm. long, 0.7 mm. wide, with light transverse undulation; tubercle prominent, hemispheric, dark brown ; style flattened, 2.0 mm. long below the branches ; stamens 3, the anthers 2.5 mm. long.
Type locality : "Prope villam Monte Verde dictam, Cuba Oriental." (C. Wright 1533 in part, herb. Gray.)
Distribution : Eastern Cuba, Santo Domingo, Jamaica.
bibliographic citation
Henry Knut Svenson. 1957. (POALES); (CYPERACEAE); SCIRPEAE (CONTINUATIO). North American flora. vol 18(9). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora