Comprehensive Description
provided by North American Flora
Panicum capillarioides Vasey; Coult. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb
1: 54. 1890.
Plants in tufts of few to several culms from a knotted crown, erect or ascending, 30-55 cm. high; culms stiff, simple or sparingly branching, appressed-pubescent or sometimes glabrate, the nodes densely ascending-pubescent; leaf -sheaths mostly equaling or exceeding the rather short internodes, papillose-pubescent; ligule about 1.5 mm. long; blades rather stiff, ascending, 10-30 cm. long, 2-10 mm. wide, scarcely narrowed to the rounded base, flat or drying somewhat involute, harshly papillosepubescent on both surfaces, usually sparsely so beneath; panicles short-exserted, usually nearly equaled by the upper blades, diffuse, few-flowered, 10-20 cm. long, as wide or wider, the capillary branches stiffly spreading at maturity, bearing rather short-pediceled spikelets toward the end, the axis and branches scabrous, the rather conspicuous pulvini pubescent; spikelets 5-6 mm. long, 1-1.2 mm. wide, lanceolate, long-acuminate; first glume one third to half the length of the spikelet, acute, 7~nerved; second glume and sterile lemma subequal, many-nerved, at least three times as long as the fruit, usually more or less inflated above it; fruit 1.6-1.8 mm. long, 0.8-0.9 mm. wide, elliptic.
Typb locality: Point Isabel, Texas.
Distribution: Southern Texas and adjacent Mexico.
- bibliographic citation
- George Valentine Nash. 1915. (POALES); POACEAE (pars). North American flora. vol 17(3). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY