
Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Condaminea corymbosa (R. & P.) DC. Prodr. 4: 402. 1830
Macrocnemum corymbosum R. & P. Fl. Per. 2: 48. 1799.
Shrub or small tree, 2 meters high or more, with brown or yellowish-brown bark; branches stout, subterete, glabrous; stipules usually 4, sometimes connate into 2 or 3, 2-4.5 cm. long, oblong, acuminate or attenuate, puberulent at the base, glabrous above, glandular within at the base; petioles 1 cm. long or shorter, often wanting, very stout; leaf-blades obovate to oblong, 20-55 cm. long or more, 10-25 cm. wide, abruptly short-acuminate at the apex, gradually narrowed to the base or often contracted above the auriculate-cordate base, subcoriaceous, bright-green, glabrous, the costa stout and prominent beneath, the lateral veins 20-30 pairs, prominent, divergent, the veinlets also prominent; peduncles stout, 15-30 cm. long, glabrous or puberulent; bracts minute; pedicels short, stout; calyx campanulate, obtusely and irregularly 5-dentate, about 8 mm. long, glabrous, green; corolla about 2.5 cm. long, purplish outside, green within; stamens 10-12 mm. long, the anthers 5 mm. long; capsule about 1.7 cm. long, bisulcate, glabrous, attenuate at the base, the valves 5 -nerved; seeds about 4 mm. long, yellowish.
Type locality: Peru.
Distribution: Panama to Peru.
bibliographic citation
Paul Carpenter Standley. 1918. RUBIALES; RUBIACEAE (pars). North American flora. vol 32(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora