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Fire Star Orchid

Epidendrum radicans Pav. ex Lindl.

Epidendrum radicans

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Epidendrum radicans is a species of orchid. Common names include ground-rooting epidendrum, fire-star orchid, rainbow orchid, and reed-stem epidendrum.[1] It is a common roadside weed at middle elevations in Central America. It is a crucifix orchid, often confused with many other members of the section Schistochila, including E. calanthe, E. cinnabarinum, E. denticulatum, E. erectum, E. fulgens, E. ibaguense, E. imatophyllum, E. incisum, E. schomburgkii, E. secundum, and E. xanthinum, among others. The diagnostic characteristic of E. radicans is its tendency to sprout roots all along the length of the stem; other crucifix orchids only produce roots near the base.[2] Additionally, E. radicans flowers are resupinate, unlike the members of the Epidendrum secundum complex, E. fulgens, and many other crucifix orchids. E. radicans also differs from E. secundum by bearing no nectar in the flower.


E. radicans, like other members of subgenus Amphiglottium, is a sympodial orchid which grows stems which do not swell into pseudobulbs and are covered with imbricating sheaths, produces a terminal inflorescence covered at its base by close imbricating sheaths, and produces a lip adnate to the column to its apex. The lip of E. radicans is trilobate, as with the other members of section Schistochila, with the lacerate lobes which are typical of the subsections Carinata and Tuberculata. E. radicans differs from the other lacerate Schistochila by producing roots from most of the stem.

E. radicans seeds are quite small, at 320 seeds per milligram.[3][4]

The chromosome number of an individual collected in Ecuador has been determined as 2n = 60. Other reported chromosome numbers for E. radicans include 2n = 40, 2n = 57, 2n = 62, and 2n = 64[5]

Taxonomic placement

A biochemical examination (Pinheiro & al., 2009) of the lacerate Schistochila subsections encompassing plastid nucleotide sequence data from the trnL—trnF regions, Amplified Fragment Length Polyorphism (AFLP) data, and somatic chromosome number for 30 individuals in three of the thirteen recognized species of E. subsect. Tuberculata and twenty individuals in eleven of the twelve recognized species of E. subsect. Carinata, including E. radicans, has suggested that perhaps E. subsect. Carinata should be replaced with three subsections: an "Atlantic" subsection, an "Andean" subsection, and a monotypic subsection for E. radicans.


E. radicans is part of a complex of several orange-flowered, weedy species (including Asclepias spp.) that are unrelated but ecologically similar. Species within this group share pollinators as well as habitat, and are believed to exhibit what is known as convergent evolution, where unrelated species "converge" upon similar physical characteristics as a result of similar evolutionary pressures. Paulette Bierzychudek studied pollinator behavior in the apparent complex consisting of E. radicans, Asclepias curassavica, and Lantana camara, but could not find clear evidence that floral mimicry was affecting pollination rates for any of the three species.


  1. ^ Epidendrum radicans. Archived 8 March 2013 at the Wayback Machine Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
  2. ^ Dressler, R. L.: "Will the Real Epidendrum ibaguense please stand up?" American Orchid Society Bulletin, 58(1989) pages 796 - 800.
  3. ^ Arditti, J. & A. K. A. Ghani "Tansley Review No. 110. Numerical and Physical Properties of Orchid Seeds and Their Biological Implications" New Phytologist 145(3) p. 389 (2000)
  4. ^ Cherevchenck, T. M., & G. P. Kushnir, Orheide v kulture (Orchids in cultivation). Kiev, Ukraine: Naukova Dumka
  5. ^ Fábio Pinheiro, Samantha Koehler, Andréa Macêdo Corrêa, Maria Luiza Faria Salatino, Antonio Salatino & Fábio de Barros. "Phylogenetic relationships and infrageneric classification of Epidendrum subgenus Amphiglottium (Laeliinae, Orchidaceae)", Plant Systematics and Evolution published online 25 September 2009. Springer Wien. https://doi.org/10.1007%2Fs00606-009-0224-2


  • Pansarin, E. R., and Amaral, M. C. E.: "Reproductive biology and pollination mechanisms of Epidendrum secundum (Orchidaceae). Floral variation: a consequence of natural hybridization?" Plant Biology 10 (2008) 211-219
  • Paulette Bierzychudek: "Asclepias, Lantana, and Epidendrum: A Floral Mimicry Complex?" Biotropica, 13, 2, Supplement: Reproductive Botany (Jun., 1981), pp. 54–58, published by The Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation

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Epidendrum radicans: Brief Summary

provided by wikipedia EN
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Epidendrum radicans. Wikispecies has information related to Epidendrum radicans.

Epidendrum radicans is a species of orchid. Common names include ground-rooting epidendrum, fire-star orchid, rainbow orchid, and reed-stem epidendrum. It is a common roadside weed at middle elevations in Central America. It is a crucifix orchid, often confused with many other members of the section Schistochila, including E. calanthe, E. cinnabarinum, E. denticulatum, E. erectum, E. fulgens, E. ibaguense, E. imatophyllum, E. incisum, E. schomburgkii, E. secundum, and E. xanthinum, among others. The diagnostic characteristic of E. radicans is its tendency to sprout roots all along the length of the stem; other crucifix orchids only produce roots near the base. Additionally, E. radicans flowers are resupinate, unlike the members of the Epidendrum secundum complex, E. fulgens, and many other crucifix orchids. E. radicans also differs from E. secundum by bearing no nectar in the flower.

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Epidendrum radicans ( Spanish; Castilian )

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Epidendrum radicans, también conocida como "Estrella de Fuego", es una especie de hábito terrestre o epifita[1]​ perteneciente a la familia de las orquídeas. Es originaria del Caribe y de Centroamérica desde México hasta Colombia.[2]​ Ha sido considerada como un sinónimo de Epidendrum ibaguense Kunth, pero puede reconocerse por su hábito terrestre y las raíces laterales adventicias de los tallos.[1]

Detalle de la flor


Es una planta herbácea de hábito terrestre (crece sobre el suelo, no sobre los árboles), generalmente sobre las rocas, siendo muy variable, con largas y carnosas raíces aéreas que salen de los tallos. Alcanza un tamaño de hasta 1,5 m de largo. Tiene el tallo cilíndrico, recto, de 19 a 125 cm de largo y 3,5 a 8 mm de diámetro, los principales tendidos sobre la superficie, algo ramificados, las ramas más o menos erectas, trepadoras o también tendidas. Las hojas son alternas, las láminas ovado-elípticas, cortamente mucronadas en el ápice, de 2 a 9 cm de largo y 1,2 a 2,5 cm de largo, gruesas, con consistencia de cuero, con la base abrazando el tallo, a veces algo purpúreas.

La inflorescencia se produce en forma de racimos de hasta 60 cm de largo, a veces ramificados, sobre largos pedúnculos. En la base de cada flor se presenta una bráctea pequeña, triangular, que con el tiempo se seca. Las flores son grandes y vistosas, de color rojo-anaranjado y con la punta de algunos de los pétalos algo amarillenta. Los 3 sépalos y 2 de los 3 pétalos son muy parecidos, el otro pétalo (llamado labelo) muy modificado, con su parte basal angosta y unida a la columna (que es un tubo que forman los estambres unidos al estilo), en el ápice el pétalo se ensancha abruptamente y forma 3 lóbulos con el margen desgarrado; la columna (que como ya se indicó, son los estambres) algo encorvada y dilatada hacia el ápice. Sus frutos son cápsulas elipsoides, acostilladas, de 4.2 a 4.4 cm de largo y 15 a 21 mm de diámetro.[3]

Distribución y hábitat

Se distribuye por México, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panamá, Venezuela y Colombia[2]​ donde es común sobre rocas, a pleno sol en el bosque mesófilo de montaña, bosque de encino, selva subperennifolia, vegetación riparia y matorral perennifolio (García-Cruz y Sánchez, 1999).

Epidendrum radicans fue descrita por Pav. ex Lindl. y publicado en The Genera and Species of Orchidaceous Plants 104. 1831.[1]


Ver: Epidendrum

radicans: epíteto latino que significa "con raíces".[4]

  • Epidendrum rhizophorum Bateman ex Lindl., Edwards's Bot. Reg. 24(Misc.): 8 (1838).
  • Epidendrum pratense Rchb.f., Beitr. Orchid.-K. C. Amer.: 84 (1866).
  • Epidendrum radicans var. chiriquense Schltr., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 17: 39 (1922).


  1. La bibliografía utilizada para definir el nombre correcto y los sinónimos está en el sitio de Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, y es la siguiente:
    • Govaerts, R. (2003). World Checklist of Monocotyledons Database in ACCESS: 1-71827. The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
    • Hammel, B.E. & al. (2003). Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica 3: 1-884. Missouri Botanical Garden Press.


  1. a b c «Epidendrum radicans». Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden: Flora de Nicaragua. Archivado desde el original el 7 de agosto de 2010. Consultado el 5 de octubre de 2009.
  2. a b c «Epidendrum radicans». Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew: World Checklist of Selected Plant Families. Consultado el 5 de octubre de 2009.
  3. Conabio; Ana María Hanan Alipi y Juana Mondragón Pichardo. «Epidendrum radicans». Malezas de México. URL, Heike Vibrans (ed.). Consultado el 5 de octubre de 2009. La referencia utiliza el parámetro obsoleto |coautores= (ayuda)
  4. en Epítetos Botánicos


  1. Breedlove, D. E. 1986. Flora de Chiapas. Listados Floríst. México 4: i–v, 1–246.
  2. CONABIO. 2009. Catálogo taxonómico de especies de México. 1. In Capital Nat. México. CONABIO, Mexico City.
  3. Correa A., M. D., C. Galdames & M. N. S. Stapf. 2004. Cat. Pl. Vasc. Panamá 1–599. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panama.
  4. Hágsater Gartenberg, E., J. García-Cruz & L. Sánchez Saldaña. 2003. Epidendrum. En: Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica. Vol. 3. B.E. Hammel, M.H. Grayum, C. Herrera & N. Zamora (eds.). Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. 63: 101–169.
  5. Hágsater, E. & G. A. Salazar. 1990. Orchids of Mexico, pt. 1. 1: plates 1–100. In Icon. Orchid. (Mexico). Asociación Mexicana de Orquideología, A. C., Herbarium AMO, México, D. F.
  6. Hamer, F. 1988. Orchids of Central America. Selbyana 10(Suppl.): 1–430.
  7. Idárraga-Piedrahíta, A., R. D. C. Ortiz, R. Callejas Posada & M. Merello. 2011. Flora de Antioquia. Catálogo de las Plantas Vasculares, vol. 2. Listado de las Plantas Vasculares del Departamento de Antioquia. Pp. 1-939.
  8. Pérez, A., M. Sousa Sánchez, A. M. Hanan-Alipi, F. Chiang Cabrera & P. Tenorio L. 2005. Vegetación terrestre. 65–110. In Biodivers. Tabasco. CONABIO-UNAM, México.
  9. Stevens, W. D., C. Ulloa Ulloa, A. Pool & O. M. Montiel Jarquin. 2001. Flora de Nicaragua. Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. 85: i–xlii,.
  10. Wunderlin, R. P. 1998. Guide Vasc. Pl. Florida i–x, 1–806. University Press of Florida, Gainseville.

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Epidendrum radicans: Brief Summary ( Spanish; Castilian )

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Epidendrum radicans, también conocida como "Estrella de Fuego", es una especie de hábito terrestre o epifita​ perteneciente a la familia de las orquídeas. Es originaria del Caribe y de Centroamérica desde México hasta Colombia.​ Ha sido considerada como un sinónimo de Epidendrum ibaguense Kunth, pero puede reconocerse por su hábito terrestre y las raíces laterales adventicias de los tallos.​

Epidendrum-radicans.jpg  src= Detalle de la flor
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Epidendrum radicans ( Italian )

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Epidendrum radicans Pav. ex Lindl., 1831, è una pianta della famiglia delle Orchidacee originaria dell'America tropicale.[1]


È un'orchidea di dimensioni variabili da medie a grandi che cresce terricola (geofita) o litofita in zone montane tropicali. E. radicans presenta steli eretti, a forma di canna che portano, in tutta la loro lunghezza, foglie coriacee di forma da ovata a ellittica, inegualmente bilobate all'apice. La fioritura avviene dall'autunno alla primavera, mediante un'infiorescenza terminale, racemosa, ombrelliforme, lunga da 25 a 50 centimetri, arcuata o pendula, recante una decina di fiori tutti raggruppati al suo apice. I fiori sono grandi da 2 a 3 centimetri, hanno petali e sepali a forma ellittico-lanceolata, con apice decisamente acuto, di colore rosso-arancione e labello è imbutiforme trilobato di colore che va dall'arancione al giallo[2].

Distribuzione e habitat

La specie è originaria dell'America tropicale, in particolare di Porto Rico, Messico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Venezuela e Colombia, dove cresce terricola (geofita) oppure litofita in aree aperte tra erbe e rocce, spesso ai lati delle strade nelle foreste di pino e di quercia, oppure nella foresta pluviale di montagna a quote di 900-2500 metri sul livello del mare[2].


Epidendrum rhizophorum Bateman ex Lindl., 1838
Epidendrum pratense Rchb.f., 1866
Epidendrum radicans var. fuscatum Rchb.f., 1889
Epidendrum radicans var. chiriquense Schltr., 1922


Questa pianta ha necessità di molta luce, con temperature miti tutto l'anno, più calde e con irrigazioni all'epoca della fioritura[2].


  1. ^ a b (EN) Epidendrum radicans, su Plants of the World Online, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. URL consultato il 22 febbraio 2021.
  2. ^ a b c (EN) Epidendrum radicans, in Internet Orchid Species Photo Encyclopedia. URL consultato il 10 aprile 2014.

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Epidendrum radicans: Brief Summary ( Italian )

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Epidendrum radicans Pav. ex Lindl., 1831, è una pianta della famiglia delle Orchidacee originaria dell'America tropicale.

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Epidendrum radicans ( Vietnamese )

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Epidendrum radicans là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Lan. Loài này được Pav. ex Lindl. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1831.[1]

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ The Plant List (2010). Epidendrum radicans. Truy cập ngày 7 tháng 6 năm 2013.

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Epidendrum radicans: Brief Summary ( Vietnamese )

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Epidendrum radicans là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Lan. Loài này được Pav. ex Lindl. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1831.

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