provided by eFloras
Bulb solitary, ovoid-globose to subglobose, 1--2 cm in diam.; tunic grayish black, membranous, entire. Leaves equaling to longer than scape, 1--3 mm wide, terete to subterete, fistulose, scabrous-denticulate along angles. Scape (15--)20--50 cm, terete, covered with leaf sheaths only at base. Spathe 1-valved, persistent. Umbel few flowered. Pedicels unequal, (4.5--)7--11 cm, bracteolate. Perianth stellately spreading, red to purple, rarely white; segments ovate-oblong or narrowly ovate to obovate-oblong, 7--10 × 2--3.2 mm, connate at base into a 2--3 mm tube, apex obtuse or with a point; inner ones usually longer and wider than outer. Filaments subulate, ca. 1/2 as long as perianth segments, connate at base and adnate to perianth segments for 2--3 mm. Ovary conical-globose, without concave nectaries at base; ovules (5 or)6(--8) per locule. Stigma 3-cleft. Fl. and fr. Jul--Aug. 2 n = 16*.
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- cc-by-nc-sa-3.0
- copyright
- Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
provided by eFloras
Hebei, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Nei Mongol [Mongolia, Russia (Far East)].
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- cc-by-nc-sa-3.0
- copyright
- Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
provided by eFloras
Slopes, damp places, meadows, sandy places on coasts; near sea level to 2000 m.
- license
- cc-by-nc-sa-3.0
- copyright
- Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
provided by eFloras
Caloscordum neriniflorum Herbert, Edward’s Bot. Reg. 30 (Misc. Matter): 67. 1844; Nothoscordum neriniflorum (Herbert) Bentham & J. D. Hooker; N. neriniflorum var. albiflorum Kitagawa.
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- cc-by-nc-sa-3.0
- copyright
- Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
Allium neriniflorum: Brief Summary
provided by wikipedia EN
Allium neriniflorum is a species of wild onion native to Mongolia, the Zabaykalsky Krai region of Siberia, and northern China (Inner Mongolia, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning). It grows on coastal sand dunes, wet meadows, hillsides, etc., at elevations up to 2000 m.
Allium neriniflorum produces one round or egg-shaped bulb up to 2 cm (2⁄3 in) in diameter. Scape is up to 50 cm (20 in) tall. Leaves are round in cross-section, hollow, about the same length as the scape. Umbels contain only a few flowers, usually red or red-violet but sometimes white.
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- cc-by-sa-3.0
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- Wikipedia authors and editors