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Vellozia nuda L. B. Sm. & Ayensu

Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Botany
Vellozia nuda L. B. Smith & Ayensu

SPECIMENS EXAMINED.—Hatschbach and Pelanda 28029.

SURFACE VIEW.—Hairs: numerous papillae present. Epidermis: adaxial cells square to rectangular; abaxial cells rounded. Walls thin on both surfaces. Stomata: paracytic, 7 × 15 μm; present on abaxial surface.

TRANSVERSE SECTION OF LAMINA.—Dorsiventral; V-shaped with median adaxial groove; turned slightly inversely at extreme margin of lamina. Adaxial surface only very slightly undulating; some papillae present. Abaxial surface furrowed about one-third thickness of blade. Epidermis: adaxial cells slightly rounded; few dome shaped; walls thin. Abaxial cells dome shaped; walls thin. Subjacent to adaxial epidermis occur five to six layers of sclerenchyma strands interspersed with radially arranged rows of four to five parenchyma cells. Below sclerenchyma strands is a distinct layer of parenchyma cells. Cuticle: adaxial and abaxial cuticle very thin and ridged. Stomata: present in abaxial furrows; small substomatal chamber present. Mesophyll: three- to four-layered palisade cells grading into compactly arranged spongy tissue. Two- to three-layered large translucent cells arranged radially above vascular bundles. Vascular bundles: 24; few commissural bundles observed. One to two large vessels present in each vascular bundle, mostly one. Two phloem units arranged laterally in flanges of Y-shaped abaxial girder. Inverted V-shaped adaxial cap present on each vascular bundle. Abaxial sclerenchyma strands present in abaxial corners of furrows and extending partly into furrows. Bundle sheath completely surrounding each vascular bundle. Crystals: none observed. Tannins: present.
bibliographic citation
Ayensu, Edward S. 1974. "Leaf Anatomy and Systematics of New World Velloziaceae." Smithsonian Contributions to Botany. 1-125. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.0081024X.15