
Comprehensive Description

provided by Memoirs of the American Entomological Society
Panchlora minor Saussure and Zehntner (Plate V, figure 15.)
1893. Panchlora acolhna^-^ variety minor Saussure and Zehntner, Biol. Cent. -Am.,
Orth. i, p. 95. [ 9 ; Bugaba, Panama.] 1893. Panchlora fraterna Saussure and Zehntner, Biol. Cent. -Am. Orth.. i, p, 97.
[cf , 9 ; Chontales, Nicaragua; Volcan de Chiriqui, Panama.]
Rio Trinidad, Panama, V, 3, 1911, (Busck), 2 9.
Tabernilla, Canal Zone, Pan., V, 4, 1907, (Busck), id".
This is a plain green species of the genus, having a blackish mesodistal antennal annulus. The male genitalia were not originally described, and we have thought it best to figure them for this reason.
The two females at hand have the interocular space showing marked difference; in one equalling one-fourth the ocular width, in the other over half the ocular width. In this sex the median portion of the free margin of the subgenital plate is transverse, normally showing no concavity whatever.
The dark antennal annulus occupies one to three joints in the present series. ^-^
Panchlora translucida Kirb}^ *
1862. Panchlora hyalina Saussure (not Blatta hyalina Stoll, 1813), Rev. et Mag. de
Zool., (2), xiv, p. 231. [[9]; Guatemala.] 1893. Panchlora hyalina Saussure and Zehntner (not Blatta hyalina Stoll, 1813),
Biol. Cent. -Am., Orth., i, p. 96. [d^, Cuba: 9 , Guatemala.] 1903. Panchlora translucida Kirby, Ann. IMag. Nat. Hist., (7), xii, p. 378. (New
128 \7q h(>rg select as type of acolhua the unique female, described from the State of Guerrero, Mexico. The specimens recorded as an unnamed variety of that species from Capetillo, Guatemala, are either small examples of acolhua, or large individuals of minor, while those described as fraterna are clearly the same as those described as acolhua variety minor.
12^ In other specimens of the species at hantl it occuijies seven to nine joints. Limon Plantation, Rio Chagres, Panama, VII, 14, 1918, (Dietz and Zetek; sweepings around corn field), i 9 , [United States National Museum].
This species is closely related to P. minor Saussure and Zehntner, agreeing in shining coloration and annulate antennae. It differs in the female sex in the larger size, slightly broader form, greater intcrocular space, which fully equals the ocular width, and in the median portion of the free margin of the subgcnital plate, which is not straight transverse, but shows a weak and broad concaity, as much as that at the cereal bases.
The dark antennal annulus occupies four and six joints in this specimen.
bibliographic citation
Hebard, M. 1919. The Blattidae of Panama. Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 4. Philadelphia, USA