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Simethis is a genus of plants in the family Asphodelaceae, subfamily Hemerocallidoideae.[2] It contains only one known species, Simethis mattiazzii, commonly called the Kerry lily.[1][3]

It grows in dry places especially near the coast in Western Europe (Ireland, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy) and northern Africa (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia). Its common name is based on its occurrence at a few sites in County Kerry, Ireland.[1]


The Kerry lily is a perennial plant reaching a maximum height of 25 cm (10 in). It has a vertical rhizome and fleshy roots. The leaves grow from the base of the plant and are up to 30 cm (12 in) long; they are narrow, linear and grass-like, and sometimes curl. The inflorescence is a sparsely-branched, erect, wiry stem bearing a few small leaves and a loose spike of three to ten flowers with six tepals. The flowers are 2 cm (0.8 in) in diameter, purple-grey in bud and gleaming white when they open. The six stamens have fuzzy white filaments tipped by yellow anthers. The fruit is a three-lobed capsule. The Kerry lily flowers in May and June.[4][5]

Distribution and habitat

The Kerry lily has a scattered, mainly maritime, distribution in Western Europe and North Africa. The only place in the British Isles where it is found is in County Kerry in southwestern Ireland, where it is restricted to a 20 km2 (7.7 sq mi) area around Derrynane.[6] It occurs in western France, the Pyrenees, the Atlantic coastal strip of northern and western Spain and Portugal, the Mediterranean coastal strip of Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia, and isolated sites in western Italy, Sicily, Corsica and Sardinia. In different parts of its range it inhabits grassland and heathland habitats, maquis, shrubland and cork-oak woodland. It is common in the Atlantic belt of Europe but rare in many of the other scattered locations in which it grows.[5]

This plant has a relictual distribution, with southwestern Ireland being its most northerly occurrence. It was recorded from Dorset in southern England, but seems to now be extinct there. It is more common in Brittany and the Loire Valley, and the northern flanks of the Pyrenees but much rarer further inland. It is also common in the coastal strip of the Iberian Peninsula, and was discovered growing on the island of Marettimo, Sicily, for the first time in 2012. The population in North Africa is very fragmentary.[5]


  1. ^ a b c Kew World Checklist of Selected Plant Families, wcsp.science.kew.org
  2. ^ Stevens, P. F., Angiosperm Phylogeny Website: Asparagales: Hemerocalloideae
  3. ^ Altervista Flora Italiana, Lilioasfodelo di Mattiazzi, Xanthorrhoeaceae: Simethis mattiazzi (Vandelli) Sacc.
  4. ^ "Kerry lily". Wildflowers of Ireland. Retrieved 4 March 2020.
  5. ^ a b c Gianguzzi, Lorenzo; Cusimano, Dario; Bonventre, Vito; Romano, Salvatore; Ilardi, Vincenzo (2012). "Bio-ecological, phytosociological and conservation aspects of relictual and disjointed populations of Simethis mattiazzi (Vandelli) Sacc. (Xanthorrhoeaceae) in the Channel of Sicily". Acta Botanica Gallica. 159 (3): 303–318. doi:10.1080/12538078.2012.737141. S2CID 82392683.
  6. ^ Hickey, Donal (31 August 2009). "Kerry, a haven for many rare species". Irish Examiner. Retrieved 8 March 2020.

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Simethis: Brief Summary

provided by wikipedia EN

Simethis is a genus of plants in the family Asphodelaceae, subfamily Hemerocallidoideae. It contains only one known species, Simethis mattiazzii, commonly called the Kerry lily.

It grows in dry places especially near the coast in Western Europe (Ireland, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy) and northern Africa (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia). Its common name is based on its occurrence at a few sites in County Kerry, Ireland.

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Simethis ( Spanish; Castilian )

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Hábito de Simethis planifolia

Simethis es un género monotípico de plantas bulbosas perteneciente a la familia Xanthorrhoeaceae. Su única especie, Simethis planifolia, es originaria del sudoeste de Irlanda, sudoeste de Europa, Italia y noroeste de África.


Es una planta herbácea perennifolia, cortamente rizomatosa. Con el rizoma densamente rodeado de fibras pardo obscuras, del que parten raíces de 2-7 mm de diámetro, engrosadas, un poco tuberosas, ± cilíndricas o fusiformes; la base de la roseta foliar densamente rodeada de fibras pardo obscuras. Los tallos de 30-50 cm de longitud, en general más cortos que las hojas basales, con finas estrías longitudinales. Las inflorescencias laxas de hasta de 30 cm en la fructificación, con 10-40 flores, muy ramificadas, irregulares; con pedúnculos de hasta 10 cm; con brácteas más cortas que los pedúnculos y pedicelos, en general las inferiores foliáceas, verdes o verde-rojizas, a veces con margen membranáceo, y las superiores de menor tamaño, membranáceas o con margen membranáceo, parduzcas, a veces teñidas de púrpura. El fruto en forma de cápsula, en general algo más ancha que larga, erecta, subglobosa, trilobada, con el ápice ± plano o algo deprimido, muchas veces emarginado. con 4 o 5 semillas irregulares, no angulosas. Tiene un número cromosomático de 2n = 48; n = 12*, 24.


  • Anthericum planifolium L., Mant. Pl. 2: 224 (1771).
  • Phalangium planifolium (L.) Pers., Syn. Pl. 1: 367 (1805).
  • Bulbine planifolia (L.) Spreng., Syst. Veg. 2: 86 (1825).
  • Hemierium planifolium (L.) Raf., Fl. Tellur. 2: 27 (1837).
  • Pubilaria planifolia (L.) Samp., Exsicc. (Herb. Portug.), Apend. 3: 4 (1914).
  • Anthericum mattiazzii Vand., Fasc. Pl.: 12 (1771).
  • Anthericum bicolor Desf., Fl. Atlant. 1: 304 (1798).
  • Anthericum ericetorum Bergeret, Fl. Basses-Pyrénées 2: 168 (1803).
  • Phalangium bicolor DC. in P.J. Redouté, Liliac. 4: t. 215 (1808).
  • Pubilaria bicolor (Desf.) Raf., Fl. Tellur. 2: 27 (1837).
  • Morgagnia bicolor (Desf.) Bubani, Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. 9: 94 (1843).
  • Simethis bicolor (Desf.) Kunth, Enum. Pl. 4: 618 (1843).
  • Sieboldia bicolor (Desf.) Heynh., Alph. Aufz. Gew.: 644 (1847).
  • Phalangium holosericeum Pourr. ex Willk. & Lange, Prodr. Fl. Hispan. 1: 203 (1862).
  • Pogonella planifolium Salisb., Gen. Pl.: 70 (1866), nom. inval.
  • Simethis mattiazzii (Vand.) Sacc., Atti Mem. Reale Accad. Sci. Lett. Arti Padova, n.s., 16: 78 (1900).
  • Pubilaria mattiazzii (Vand.) Samp., Anais Fac. Ci. Univ. Porto 22: 5 (1936).[2]


  1. «Simethis». Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew: World Checklist of Selected Plant Families. Consultado el 23 de diciembre de 2009.
  2. «Simethis planifolia». Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew: World Checklist of Selected Plant Families. Consultado el 23 de diciembre de 2009.

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Simethis: Brief Summary ( Spanish; Castilian )

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 src= Hábito de Simethis planifolia

Simethis es un género monotípico de plantas bulbosas perteneciente a la familia Xanthorrhoeaceae. Su única especie, Simethis planifolia, es originaria del sudoeste de Irlanda, sudoeste de Europa, Italia y noroeste de África.

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Simethis ( Dutch; Flemish )

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Simethis is een geslacht uit de familie Hemerocallidoideae. De soort komt voor op de kusten van West-Europa en Noord-Afrika. Het geslacht telt slechts een soort: Simethis mattiazzii.

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Simethis ( Portuguese )

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Simethis é um género botânico pertencente à família Asphodelaceae[1].

  1. «Simethis — World Flora Online». www.worldfloraonline.org. Consultado em 19 de agosto de 2020
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Simethis: Brief Summary ( Portuguese )

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Simethis é um género botânico pertencente à família Asphodelaceae.

«Simethis — World Flora Online». www.worldfloraonline.org. Consultado em 19 de agosto de 2020  title=
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Simethis ( Vietnamese )

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Simethis là một chi thực vật có hoa trong họ Xanthorrhoeaceae.[1]

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  1. ^ The Plant List (2010). Simethis. Truy cập ngày 19 tháng 7 năm 2013.

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Simethis: Brief Summary ( Vietnamese )

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Simethis là một chi thực vật có hoa trong họ Xanthorrhoeaceae.

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