

provided by Zookeys
Description. Length 1.68–1.76 mm. Body light orange-brown (Fig. 6). Head about as long as wide; tempora broadly rounded and distinct; frontal sulcus deep, abruptly widened in apical half to nearly twice basal width, forming a thick “Y”, sulcus about as long as wide, base of sulcus even with midpoint of eyes; vertexal foveae distinct, posterior to point even with hind margin of eyes; eyes with about 60 facets in both sexes. Pronotum with each discal fovea at anterior margin of slightly converging impressions that extend to antebasal sulcus, median antebasal foveae distinct, nude; antebasal sulcus broad between lateral constrictions, narrow beyond constrictions to nude lateral antebasal foveae. Elytra half again as long as pronotum; foveal pattern 4–2–4 (four foveae in sutural stria, four in discal sulcus, and two faint foveae in longitudinal line between them, foveae difficult to see on dried specimens). Abdomen as long as elytra in dorsal view.
Males with posterior portion of gular area transversely projecting and densely setose. Legs lacking modifications. Abdomen with complete microsetigerous line near apex of visible tergite 1 (morphological segment 4). Visible sternites 4–5 progressively more strongly medially impressed, fifth visible sternite with prominent oblique and posteriorly directed acute projections at lateral third of sternite, projections strongly setose and extending posteriorly for short distance over anterior portion of sternite 6; sternite 6 with loose cluster of elongate spines to each side of middle (Fig. 4). Aedeagus of general form of Sonoma grandiceps Casey (Fig. 3); parameres with apical portions symmetrical, bases appearing slightly dissimilar, with coarse punctation on lateral portion of bases; penis elongate and of nearly even width in apical two-thirds, slightly asymmetrical.
Females with gula slightly convexly curved, lacking dense setae. Abdomen with sternite 6 symmetrical, apex broadly and shallowly curved, with small granulate raised area at middle slightly projecting posteriorly (Fig. 5); sternite 7 flat and granulate (Fig. 5).
bibliographic citation
Survey of rove beetles (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) from Stanley Park, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, with new records and description of a new species. Part 2
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Distribution. Only known from Stanley Park in Vancouver, British Columbia.
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