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Amblyothele hamatula Russell-Smith, Jocqué & Alderweireldt 2009


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Description. Holotype. Male. Total length 3.17 mm. Carapace. Length 1.56 mm, width 1.08 mm. Orange-brown with darker streaks radiating from fovea. Head region slightly lower than thoracic region. Fovea moderately long. Whole eye region suff used with black and covered with fl attened white setae. Eyes. Anterior row straight. AME ca. 2 × diameter of ALE, separated from them by ca. 0.20 × their own diameter. AME separated from each other by 0.5 × their own diameter. Middle eyes 2.0 × diameter of AME and separated by 0.5 × their own diameter. PLE 0.75 × diameter of PME and separated by 2.33 × their own diameter. Chelicerae. Moderately long, pale orange-yellow with black mottling. Posterior margin with two teeth, that nearest the fang the largest, anterior margin with three teeth, the middle the largest. Maxillae and labium. Coloured as chelicerae. Maxillae ca. twice as long as labium and somewhat convex at distal end. Labium markedly longer than wide. Both with a scattering of dark bristles. Sternum. Yellowish orange heavily suff used with grey. Shield-shaped, not produced between hind coxae. Legs. Orange-yellow with all femora and tibiae IV suffused with grey. Moderately long, ratio of length/breadth of tibiae IV 14.8:1. Leg IV 1.36 × length of leg I. Ventral spines of leg I; metatarsus 2-2-(2), tibia 2-2-(2). Lateral tarsal claws with 4 teeth, central claw minute, bent at right angles. Abdomen. Dorsally, base colour orange-yellow heavily suff used with black except on short central folium. Ventrally pale whitish-yellow. Spinnerets. Both dorsally and ventrally black. PLS long, second segment ca 0.75 × length of basal segment. Male palp (Figs 16-17). Median apophysis placed distally on tegulum. Apical lobe of median apophysis broad at base, tapering abruptly to a narrow tip. Posterior lobe with a small, forward pointing, barbed projection. Embolus invisible in unexpanded palp, long and thin, lying parallel to the projection and the same length as it.
Female unknown.
bibliographic citation
A revision of the African wolf spider genus Amblyothele Simon (Araneae, Lycosidae, Piratinae).
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Distribution. Only recorded from the type locality in Côte d’Ivoire (Map 4).
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