Comprehensive Description
provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Micrerethista fasciola
MALE (Figure 138).—Forewing length 4.8–7.5 mm.
Head: As described for subfamily, mostly white, finely irrorated with fuscous; scales mostly 3 or 4 dentate. Antenna 51–55-segmented, 0.4–0.5 the length of forewing; basal – white irrorated with fuscous dorsally; apical – light golden brown; basal segments not distinctly bifasciculate, relatively smooth, but with paired clusters of elongate sensilla trichodea arising ventrally, ~1.2–1.4 the diameter of flagellomere.
Thorax: Dorsum white, heavily irrorated with brown and fuscous, with a prominent tuft of dark-tipped scales at caudal margin of mesoscutellum. Forewing partly white, densely traversed by multiple, irregular bands of pale golden brown and fuscous-tipped scales; fuscous scaling concentrated at wing base, basal and , the latter two at same level as tufts on dorsal margin; apical of wing usually devoid of dark scaling but finely banded with light brown; fringe heavily irrorated with fuscous and usually with a thin submarginal, fuscous line around termen. Hindwing uniformly light golden brown to gray. Legs as described for genus.
Abdomen: Light golden brown dorsally, white irrorated with light brown ventrally; coremata present.
FEMALE (Figure 139).—Forewing length 6.5–9.5 mm.
Head: Similar to male. Antenna 50–57-segmented, similar to male except with sensilla slightly shorter, ~0.75–1.0 the diameter of flagellomere in length.
Thorax: Similar to male in pattern; frenulum variable, usually with 2–3 slender bristles.
Abdomen: Similar to male in color except with long whitish scales over A7.
MALE GENITALIA (Figures 217–223).—Anterior margin of vinculum nearly truncate to sinuate, with short, slender, acute saccus; the latter ~0.14 the length of valva. Valva with dorsal cucullar lobe moderately broad and tapering to a subacute, nearly straight apex, lobe ~0.55 the length of valva; greatest width at base ~0.5 its length; ventral lobe ~0.57 the length of dorsal lobe. Aedoeagus simple, without subapical spines, similar to M. mochlacma except with base laterally flared to approximately twice the width of aedoeagus at midlength, roughly an inverted Y-shape; basal midventral keel absent; ejaculatory duct short, straight.
FEMALE GENITALIA (Figures 331, 332).—Caudal margin of ostium truncate. Antrum slightly V-shaped; length ~1.5× the width of aperture. Ductus bursae short, less than the length of anterior apophyses; spicules absent.
HOLOTYPE.—; AUSTRALIA: Moses Creek, 4 km N by E of Mt. Finigan, 15°47′S, 145°17′E, Queensland, 15 Oct 1980, E. Edwards, (ANIC).
PARATYPES.—AUSTRALIA: Northern Territory: Cobourg Peninsula, Black Point, 11°09′S, 132°09′E: 1, 1, 24–25 Jan 1977, E. Edwards, (ANIC). Cobourg Peninsula, Smith Point, 11°07′S, 132°08′E: 1, 26 Jan 1977, E. Edwards, (ANIC). East Alligator River, 1 km N of Cahills Crossing, 12°25′S, 132°58′E: 3, 31 Oct 1972, Common, Edwards, & Upton, slide ANIC 1036, (ANIC). Howard Springs, 16 mi [26 km] S of Darwin: 1, 4 Mar 1967, M. Upton, (ANIC). Humpty Doo: 1, 17 Feb 1959, E. Boarema, light trap, (ANIC); 1, 6 Apr 1959, I. Common, (ANIC). Queensland: Cairns: 1, Nov 1906, F. Dodd, (BMNH). Cape York, Bamaga: 1, 28 Mar 1964, Common & Upton, (ANIC). Cape York, Red Is. Point: 1, 29 Mar 1964, Common & Upton, (ANIC). Cooktown, 5 km SE by S of, 15°30′S, 145°16′E: 1, 19 May 1977, Common & Edwards, (ANIC). Cooktown, 29 km NW by N of, 15°75′S, 145°06′E: 1, 18 May 1977, Common & Edwards, slide ANIC 1038, (ANIC). Cooktown, Annan River, 3 km W by S of Black Mt.:1, 27 Sep 1980, E. Edwards, (ANIC). Cooktown, 3 km S by W of, Keatings Gap, 19°30′S, 145°15′E: 3, 16 May 1977, Common & Edwards, slide USNM 30831, (ANIC, USNM). Cooktown, near, Shiptons Flat, 15°47′S, 145°14′E: 2, 18–19 Oct 1980, E. Edwards, (ANIC). Hope Vale Mission, 14 km W by N of, 15°16′S, 144°59′E: 1, 2, 8–10 Oct 1980, E. Edwards, slides ANIC 1037, USNM 31447, (ANIC, USNM). Kuranda, 16°49′S, 145°38′E: 1, 13 Sep 1977, I. Common, slide DRD 3982, (ANIC); 1, 13 Mar 1906, 1, 23 Sep 1906, 3, 2–11 Oct 1906, 3, 2–23 Nov 1906, 1, 5 Dec 1906, F. Dodd, slides BMNH 2558, 2559, 27636, (BMNH). Moses Creek, 4 km N by E of Mt. Finnigan: 1, 15 Oct 1980, E. Edwards, slide USNM 31782, (USNM). Mt. Webb National Park, 15°04′S, 145°09′E: 5, 29 Sep–3 Oct 1980, E. Edwards, slide DRD 3849, (ANIC). Quin Park, Claudia River, 12°43′S, 143°17′E: 1, 14 Feb 1985, Edwards & Hacobian, (ANIC). Rockhampton: 1, 17 Mar 1958, I. Common, (ANIC). Stuart, 1 mi [1.6 km] SSW of: 1, 20 Mar 1967, M. Upton, (ANIC). Yeppoon: 1, 18 Dec 1964, 1, 2 Jan 1965, I. Common, (ANIC).
MAP 4.—Distribution of Micrerethista entripta, M. fasciola, M. fusca, and M. nigrapex.
FLIGHT PERIOD.—Adults have been encountered in most months of the year, with a relatively lengthy absence occurring from June through August.
DISTRIBUTION (Map 4).—This species is endemic within the Torresian faunal province of Australia, with all records thus far limited to the Northern Territory and Queensland.
ETYMOLOGY.—The specific name is derived from the Latin fasciola (diminutive of fascia; band, stripe) in reference to the characteristic, finely banded condition of the forewings.
- bibliographic citation
- Davis, Donald R. 1998. "A World Classification of the Harmacloninae, a New Subfamily of Tineidae (Lepidoptera: Tineoidea)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-81.