Type locality: Torbay, U.K.; in rock-pools.
Reported for Europe (North and Baltic Sea).
Among vegetation in coastal water. Also reported (?) among Juncus in freshwater.
Marine and freshwater(?)
Outline variable, subcylindrical; hyaline. Toes relatively long, > 40 µm, slender, tips acute, slightly decurved ventrally. Eyespots absent; occasionally paired, minute light-refracting bodies laterally from fulcrum in mastax.
Trophi almost symmetrical. Rami outline pyriform, alulae at 1/3 from posterior end. Fulcrum short, c. 1/4 ramus length. Unci with long apical tooth resting on crescent-shaped anterior section of ramus, and long ventral tooth, placed at ± right angle to axis. Fulcrum slightly less 1/3 ramus length, slightly tapering posteriorly. Manubria somewhat longer than incus, straight, clubbed anteriorly, posterior end incurved.
Length 250-340 µm, toe> 40 µm; trophi 25 µm.