The thirteen specimens obtained prior to the study conducted by Hart and Timm were collected from the forests of Congo (then Zaire). One exception was a skin purchased in the Butemo region, which is outside the known range of G. piscivora. This animal was probably captured in the lowland forest and then removed for tanning and sale.
Aquatic genets were previously known by the name Osbornictis piscivora.
Communication between aquatic genets has not been observed. However, as with most mammals, it is likely that they communicate with others using a combination of visual, auditory, tactile, and olfactory cues.
Their small olfactory bulbs indicate a relatively undeveloped sense of smell, characterstic of fish-eating animals. They may use touch extensively in capturing prey. The palms and soles of their paws are bare, not furred as in other viverrids, and it has been suggested that they hunt by feeling for fish in muddy holes in streams and rivers.
Communication Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic ; chemical
Perception Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic ; chemical
In some portions of its range G. piscivora is considered by indigenous people to be extremely rare, whereas other groups report it as being more common. Very little is known about the species, so determination of its conservation status is difficult. The equatorial forests in which G. piscivora lives are relatively undisturbed and unfragmented. This is due to their inaccessibility, low human population, and poor soil for agriculture. The major threats to this area are habitat loss due to mining and logging. Because of their dependence on fish prey acquatic genets may be vulnerable to the accumulation of toxins and metals in aquatic systems as a result of mining activities. Aquatic genets have only been found in the equatorial forests of Zaire, so preservation of this ecosystem is critical to their survival.
US Federal List: no special status
CITES: no special status
IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: data deficient
Aquatic genets have been reported by the Bambuti to occasionally eat cultivated cassava tubers left in streams to soak before the flour preparation process. Given the rarity of aquatic genets, this is unlikely to have an economically significant impact on these people.
Negative Impacts: crop pest
G. piscivora accounted for 1.8 to 2 percent of the small mammal yield in a total of 113 captures by the Bambuti people of Zaire. These animals are apparently eaten.
Positive Impacts: food
Little is known about the impact that aquatic genets have on their environment other than limited information on their role as predators.
Fish are believed to be a major portion of the diet of G. piscivora, as indicated by the stomach contents of one captured specimen. The stomach contained numerous bones of fish and one complete, 10 cm catfish. Several specimens were collected near streams or small rivers. The naked soles of aquatic genets could be an adaptation to facilitate the location and capture of slippery aquatic prey. Indigenous people report observing G. piscivora feed on fish, frogs, some crustaceans, and cultivated cassava tubers left to soak in the water.
Animal Foods: amphibians; fish; aquatic crustaceans
Plant Foods: roots and tubers
Primary Diet: carnivore (Piscivore )
Aquatic genets inhabit equatorial forests in central Africa. Their range extends from the north-eastern bank of the Congo River to a rift extending across eastern and northeastern Congo. Reports of Genetta piscivora in Uganda and Burundi are unconfirmed.
Biogeographic Regions: ethiopian (Native )
Genetta piscivora is found in dense equatorial forests, typically along streams, at elevations between 460 meters and 1500 meters. Several specimens were collected in forests dominated by homogeneous stands of Gilbertiodendron and specimens have been captured mainly near water or along streams.
Range elevation: 460 to 1500 m.
Habitat Regions: tropical ; terrestrial
Terrestrial Biomes: forest
Aquatic Biomes: rivers and streams
Other Habitat Features: riparian
There is currently no available information about the lifespan of G. piscivora.
Aquatic genets are characterized by their rusty to dull-red body fur, black tail, and the elongated white spots between and above their eyes. The front and sides of the muzzle are whitish in color, as are the areas above and below the eye. The fur on the body lacks the black spots or bands characteristic of most members of the family Viverridae, and the tail is not ringed. The palms and soles of G. piscivora have no fur, which may be an adaptation to capturing and handling aquatic prey.
Aquatic genets have relatively small and weak teeth compared to other genets of similar size, with poorly developed molars. The premolars are larger and more developed than the molars. Some have suggested that their teeth are modified to deal with their slippery, aquatic prey. The long and lightly built skull is characterized by relatively small olfactory bulbs, indicating a poorly developed sense of smell. Such an underdeveloped sense of smell might be expected in a species specializing on acquatic prey.
Body measurements were obtained for two adult males, with total lengths of 910 and 785 mm. One adult male had a head and body length of 445 mm and a tail length of 340 mm. An adult male weighed 1430 g, whereas a single female weighed 1500 g. Because only about 30 specimens exist, and some of those are not identified by sex, it is difficult to speculate on sexual dimorphism in this species.
Range mass: 1430 to 1500 g.
Range length: 785 to 910 mm.
Other Physical Features: endothermic ; homoiothermic; bilateral symmetry
Nothing is currently known about the non-human predators of G. piscivora or the anti-predator adaptations of this species. Indigenous humans are known to prey upon these animals.
Known Predators:
Little is known about the mating system of aquatic genets. They seem to be solitary, so males and females probably only come together during mating. As this is the only species in the genus, it is not possible to speculate on the mating system of this species based on those of other closely related animals.
Very little is currently known about the reproductive cycle of G. piscivora. They are one of the rarest and least known viverrids worldwide. One female collected in late December contained one embryo, fifteen cm long. Many equatorial African viverrid species have breeding seasons that correspond with wet seasons.
Breeding interval: The breeding interval is unknown.
Breeding season: The breeding season of G. piscivora is unknown.
Key Reproductive Features: iteroparous ; gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; viviparous
Nothing is currently known about the the methods of parental care used by G. piscivora. However, most viverrid females are solely responsible for parental care of their offspring. Because this species is apparently solitary, there is no reason to expect any male involvement in the rearing of the young.
Most viverrids are altricial at birth, and are cared for by the female in a nest or a den. Mothers provide milk for the young and often bring them prey foods as they get older.
Parental Investment: no parental involvement; altricial ; pre-fertilization (Protecting: Female); pre-hatching/birth (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Female); pre-weaning/fledging (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Female); pre-independence (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Female)
The aquatic genet (Genetta piscivora) is a genet that has only been recorded in the northeast of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.[3][4] Since it is only known from about 30 specimens in zoological collections, it had been listed as Data Deficient on the IUCN Red List since 1996, as it is considered one of Africa's rarest carnivores. In 2015, it has been reassessed as Near Threatened.[2]
When Allen described the aquatic genet as a new genus and species in 1919, he named it Osbornictis piscivora.[5] It was reassessed in 2004, and based on molecular evidence is now considered a Genetta species.[6]
The aquatic genet's long and dense fur is dark chestnut red without spots or bands. The head is pale fuscous brown with white spots on the sides of the muzzle, and above and below the eyes, which are framed with a narrow black ring. The ears are almost naked inside, edged with long whitish hairs and blackish outside. The bushy tail is black with pale brownish underfur. The soles of its feet are naked. These characteristics differ strikingly from those of other genet species.[5] Its rhinarium and olfactory bulbs are smaller than in other genets, which may indicate a poorly developed sense of smell.[3] Its trenchant teeth indicate an adaptation to piscivory.[7]
Two adult males measured from 44.5 to 49.5 cm (17.5 to 19.5 in) in head and body length with a 34 to 41.5 cm (13.4 to 16.3 in) long tail. One male weighed 1.43 kg (3.2 lb), and a female 1.5 kg (3.3 lb).[4]
Aquatic genets have only been recorded in rainforest east of the Congo River and in the Tshopo District at elevations from 460 to 1,500 m (1,510 to 4,920 ft). They have not been recorded with certainty from Uganda.[2][3] Based on past records, their range is predicted to be limited to closed evergreen lowland and submontane forests in the Congo Basin.[8]
Aquatic genets are thought to be solitary and crepuscular. They primarily feed on freshwater fish, including catfish, barbels, squeakers, carps, and also crustaceans. They possibly detect the movements of the fish with their whiskers, or attract the fish by patting the surface of the water with their whiskers.[3][4]
A pregnant female was collected in December.[9] To date, nothing else is known about their gestation, reproduction and development of offspring.[4]
It is unclear whether there are any major threats to aquatic genets.[2] They are caught in snare traps set up by Pygmy people in the Ituri Forest.[9]
In 1979, the aquatic genet has been given full protection by the Congolese government. It is assumed to be present in the Okapi Wildlife Reserve.[4]
The aquatic genet (Genetta piscivora) is a genet that has only been recorded in the northeast of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Since it is only known from about 30 specimens in zoological collections, it had been listed as Data Deficient on the IUCN Red List since 1996, as it is considered one of Africa's rarest carnivores. In 2015, it has been reassessed as Near Threatened.
When Allen described the aquatic genet as a new genus and species in 1919, he named it Osbornictis piscivora. It was reassessed in 2004, and based on molecular evidence is now considered a Genetta species.