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Entomodestes leucotis (White Eared Solitaire) is a species of Aves in the family Turdidae. They are found in . They rely on to move around.

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EOL has data for 21 attributes, including:

Known occurrences, collected specimens and observations of White-eared Solitaire. View this species on GBIF
White-eared SolitaireJamaican cherry figAlchornea triplinerviaFlorida tremaGuettarda crispifloraPfeiffera bolivianaClusia trochiformisgranadillo boboSilver-beaked TanagerStreak-necked FlycatcherGolden-olive WoodpeckerBlue-winged Mountain TanagerCrested OropendolaGlossy-black ThrushSierran ElaeniaTropical ParulaMasked Flower-piercerScarlet-bellied Mountain Tanager

Trophic Web

data from GloBI