Comprehensive Description
provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Periclimenes soror Nobili, 1904
?Periclimenes parasiticus Borradaile. 1898:384 [type locality: Milne Bay, Papua].—Bruce, 1975d:28l, fig. 2.
Periclimenes soror Nobili, 1904:232 [type locality: Djibouti].—Gordon, 1939:395, figs. 1–3.—Bruce, 1978e:299, figs. 1–6.—Bruce and Svoboda, 1984:98.
Periclimenes (Cristiger) frater Borradaile, 1915:210 [type locality: Seychelles].
Periclimenes bicolor Edmondson. 1935:10, fig. 3 [type locality: Kaneohe Bay, Oahu, Hawaii; on asteroid].
Periclimenes (Periclimenes) soror.—Holthuis, 1952c:51, fig. 17.
DIAGNOSIS.—Integument smooth, not pitted, on lateral areas of carapace and abdomen; rostrum not overreaching antennal scale, rather deep, directed anteriorad or very slightly anteroventrad, rostral formula 0 + , posteriormost tooth not isolated from remainder of dorsal rostral series, situated anterior to level of hepatic spine; carapace without supraorbital or postorbital spine, hepatic spine not much larger than antennal spine, arising slightly posteroventral to latter, not extending beyond anterior margin of carapace, orbital angle rather strongly produced triangularly, not ovate; abdomen without compressed dorsal prominence on 3rd somite, 6th somite about 1 times as long as 5th; telson with 2 pairs of dorsolateral spines anterior to posterior margin, both pairs arising in posterior of length; eye with cornea hemispherical, not ogival; antennular peduncle with 2 or 3 distolateral spines on basal segment; antennal scale about 2 times as long as wide, lateral margin nearly straight, distolateral tooth not nearly reaching level of distal margin of blade; 4th thoracic sternite without slender median process; 1st pereopod not overreaching antennal scale, fingers spatulate, pectinate on opposable margins; 2nd pereopod pectinate on opposable margins; 2nd pereopod with fingers less than as long as palm, carpus also less than as long as palm, nearly twice as long as distal width, without distal spines, merus without distal tooth on flexor margin; 3rd pereopod without denticulate lobe on flexor margin, obscurely biunguiculate, flexor margin sinuous, propodus with spinules on flexor margin, not segmented; uropod slightly overreaching extended telson; maximum postorbital carapace length about 2.7 mm.
RANGE.—Red Sea to Japan, Philippines, Indonesia, Australia, and eastward to Hawaii and Society and Tuamotu islands to Golfo de Panama on the American coast; associated with asteroids.
*154. Periclimenes spiniferus De Man, 1902
Periclimenes petitthouarsii var. spinifera De Man, 1902:824 [type locality: Ternate, Pulau Damar-Besar, Teluk Djakarta, and Ambon, in Indonesia, and Tahiti, Society Islands].
Periclimenes (Falciger) spiniferus.—Borradaile, 1917:324, 369, pl. 52.
Periclimenes (Harpilius) spiniferus.—Holthuis, 1952c:76, fig. 30.
Periclimenens spiniferus.—Bruce, 1976c:95, figs. 5, 6.
DIAGNOSIS.—Integument smooth, not pitted, on lateral areas of carapace and abdomen; rostrum not overreaching antennal scale, shallowly palaemonoid, directed somewhat anterodorsally in anterior , rostral formula 1 + 5–8/2–5, posteriormost tooth slightly isolated from remainder of dorsal rostral series, situated in line with or anterior to level of hepatic spine; carapace with supraorbital spine, hepatic spine smaller than antennal spine, arising posteroventral to latter, not extending beyond anterior margin of carapace, orbital angle not produced, not ovate; abdomen without compressed dorsal prominence on 3rd somite, 6th somite about 1 times as long as 5th; telson with 2 pairs of dorsolateral spines anterior to posterior margin, anterior pair arising considerably anterior to mid-length; eye with comea hemispherical, not ogival; antennular peduncle with 1 distolateral spine on basal segment; antennal scale about 5 times as long as wide, lateral margin somewhat concave, distolateral tooth overreaching distal margin of blade; 4th thoracic stemite with slender median process; 1st pereopod overreaching antennal scale, fingers spatulate, pectinate on opposable margins; 2nd pereopod with fingers less than as long as palm, with sound-producing fossae on opposable margins of each finger, carpus about as long as palm, about 1 times as long as distal width, with 2 distal spines, merus with distal tooth on flexor margin; 3rd pereopod with dactyl not subdistally truncate, without denticulate lobe on flexor margin, simple, not biunguiculate, flexor margin concave, propodus with spinules on flexor margin, not segmented; 5th pereopod overreaching antennal scale; uropod overreaching extended telson; maximum postorbital carapace length about 5 mm.
MATERIAL.—PHILIPPINES. Marungas Island, Sulu Archipelago; [6°06′N, 120°58′E]; 1–2 m; scattered coral and sand; 10 Feb 1908 (1330–1500); diving, coral heads taken ashore: 3 males [1.6–3.1], 3 females [2.0–3.0], 2 ovig [2.8, 3.0].
RANGE.—Probably the commonest and most widely distributed pontoniine shrimp in the Indo-West Pacific region, absent only from the northwestern part of the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea; free-living, frequently sheltering in coral colonies.
*155. Periclimenes tenuipes Borradaile, 1898
Periclimenes tenuipes Borradaile, 1898:384 [type locality: New Britain].—Bruce and Svoboda, 1983:4, fig. 1.
Periclimenes borradailei Rathbun, 1904:34 [replacement name for P. tenuipes Borradaile, 1898].
Periclimenes (Falciger) kolumadulensis Borradaile, 1915:213 [type locality: Kolumadulu Atoll, Maldive Islands].
Periclimenes (Ancylocaris) tenuipes.—Kemp, 1922:220, pl. 8: fig. 11.
Periclimenes (Harpilius) tenuipes.—Holthuis, 1952c:84.
DIAGNOSIS.—Integument smooth, not pitted, on lateral areas of carapace and abdomen; rostrum overreaching antennal scale, shallow, directed anterodorsad in anterior , rostral formula 1–2 + 8–10/6–9, posteriormost tooth not isolated from remainder of dorsal rostral series, situated posterior to level of hepatic spine; carapace without supraorbital or postorbital spine, hepatic spine not noticeably larger than antennal spine, arising posteroventral to latter, not extending beyond anterior margin of carapace, orbital angle not spatulate; abdomen without compressed dorsal prominence on 3rd somite, 6th somite about 1 times as long as 5th; telson with 2 pairs of dorsolateral spines anterior to posterior margin, anterior pair arising anterior to mid-length; eye with comea hemispherical, not produced distally; antennular peduncle with 1 distolateral spine on basal segment, antennal scale 6 –7 times as long as wide, lateral margin distinctly concave, distolateral tooth reaching far beyond distal margin of blade; 4th thoracic stemite with slender median process; 1st pereopod overreaching antennal scale, fingers not pectinate on opposable margins; 2nd pereopod with fingers slightly more than as long as palm, carpus about 1 times as long as palm, about 8 times as long as distal width, with 1 obscure distal spine, merus with distal tooth on flexor margin; 3rd pereopod with dactyl not subdistally truncate, without denticulate lobe on flexor margin, simple, not biunguiculate, flexor margin concave, propodus with short spinules on flexor margin, obscurely segmented, 5th pereopod overreaching antennal scale; uropod overreaching extended telson; maximum carapace length about 6 mm.
MATERIAL.—PHILIPPINES. Off Tawitawi, Sulu Archipelago: sta 5160; 5°12′40″N, 119°55′10″E; 22 m; sand; 22 Feb 1908 (0829–0832); 9′ Johnston oyster dredge: 1 male [3.3].
RANGE.—Red Sea and eastern Africa to Philippines, Indonesia, Great Barrier Reef of Australia, and Palau and Marshall islands; generally free-living, sometimes associated with sea anemones.
- bibliographic citation
- Chace, Fenner Albert, Jr. and Bruce, A. J. 1993. "The caridean shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda) of the Albatross Philippine Expedition 1907-1910, Part 6: Superfamily Palaemonoidea." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-152.
Comprehensive Description
provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Periclimenes soror Nobili, 1904
Periclimenes soror Nobili, 1904, p. 232; 1906, p. 50, pl. 2 (fig. 6). Gordon, 1939, p. 395, figs. 1-3—Jacquotte, 1964, pp. 180-181.—Bruce, 1965, p. 493; 1968, pp. 1167, 1168.
Periclimenes (Cristiger) frater Borradaile, 1915, p. 210; 1917, pp. 324, 364, pl. 53 (fig. 6).
Periclimenes (Cristiger) soror Borradaile, 1917, p. 363.
Periclimenes (Periclimenes) soror Kemp, 1922, p. 141 (key), 165.—Holthuis, 1952, pp. 9, 51-53, fig. 17; 1959, p. 194.
Periclimenes (Ancylocaris) frater Kemp, 1922, p. 170.
Periclimenes bicolor Edmondson, 1935, p. 10, fig. 3.
Periclimenes (Harpilius) frater Holthuis, 1952, p. 11.
MATERIAL EXAMINED.—(1) Andromache Reef, Mombasa, Kenya, 15 November 1964, 7 specimens, including 1 ovig. . (2) Pamanzi Is., Zaoudzi, le Mayotte, Comoro Islands, 25 November 1964, 1 . (3) Aldabra, 3 December 1964. 1 juv. (4) Cerf Is., Mahé, Seychelles Islands, 9 December 1964, 19 specimens, including 1 ovig. .
DISTRIBUTION.—Red Sea and Madagascar to Lesser Sunda Isles, Sulu Archipelago, and Hawaii.
- bibliographic citation
- Bruce, A. J. 1971. "Pontoniinid shrimps from the ninth cruise of RV Anton Bruun, IIOE, 1964: I. Palaemonella Dana and Perclimenes Costa." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-13.