Rhacophorus turpes, the Htingnan Flying Frog, is one of about 11 species of Rhacophorus tree frogs currently known from Myanmar (Frank and Ramus 1995; Wilkinson 2005).The species was first collected by Ronald Kaulback between the years 1937-1939 from far northern Burma (Myanmar), near the boarder of China and Tibet.Malcolm Smith, of the Museum of Natural History, London, analyzed and described the 625 specimen in Kaulback’s collection, placing type specimen for new species in the Museum of Natural History (Smith, 1940).
Kaulback provided nine male and four female R. turpes specimen, collected from Htingnan, an area now located within Hkakabo Razi National Park. Smith described the type specimen with snout vent length of 32 and 38 mm (1.10 and 1.26 inches, respectively), the female larger than the male.Pale pink-brown in color, R. turpes have little black spots speckling their backs, which on some females coalesced into a large dark patch, and their legs have dark bars.Their skin is smooth on the dorsal surface, granulated on their yellowish white belly and anal area with some tubercules on the belly and ventral thigh areas.They have distinct finger and toe pads, with fully webbed toes and partially webbed fingers, and vomerine teeth. Males do not have vocal sacs.Ova found in females were clear, and 3.5 mm in diameter.
The Htingnan flying frog has not been recorded since its original description, and its biology and population size is unknown (van Dijk and Wogan 2004).Recent surveys of the area have not yet been analyzed but may provide more information.
Rhacophorus turpes (common names: Htingnan flying frog, Htingnan whipping treefrog) is a species of frog in the family Rhacophoridae. It is endemic to northern Myanmar.[1][3][4] Little is known about this species that is only known from the original collection in 1937–1939 by Ronald Kaulback. The type locality, "Htingnan", is in Kachin State, with an approximate altitude of 900–1,200 m (3,000–3,900 ft) above sea level.[1]
Rhacophorus turpes is probably an arboreal forest dweller.[1][4]
The syntypes, a male and a female, measured 32 mm (1.3 in) and 38 mm (1.5 in) in snout–vent length, respectively. They are pale pinkish-brownish above, with black spots (in the male) or an indistinct darker path (the female). Skin is smooth above but strongly granulate upon the belly and the anal region. Fingers are half-webbed whereas the toes are fully webbed.[2]
Rhacophorus turpes (common names: Htingnan flying frog, Htingnan whipping treefrog) is a species of frog in the family Rhacophoridae. It is endemic to northern Myanmar. Little is known about this species that is only known from the original collection in 1937–1939 by Ronald Kaulback. The type locality, "Htingnan", is in Kachin State, with an approximate altitude of 900–1,200 m (3,000–3,900 ft) above sea level.