provided by AmphibiaWeb articles
Males up to 46 mm, females up to 51 mm. Head wider than long. Distance between nostrils more than distance between eyes. Nostrils closer to snout than to eyes. Dark mask not very obvious. Small ear-drum not very prominent. Relatively long fore and hind limbs. The hind feet are fully webbed. Weak internal metatarsal tubercle, 1/4-1/2 length of the first hind toe. Smooth skin. Narrow dorsolateral fold, from eye to vent. Upper parts creamy-white and olive gray colored with darker markings not very apparent. Some individuals present a "V" inverted-shaped design. Some individuals are reddish colored. The eyes are golden yellow with dark spots. Underparts pale, with a pinkish-greyish flush color on throat. Yellowish belly during the springtime and bluish during the summer. The ventral sides of the hind legs are colored red during the breeding season.
- Barbadillo, L. J., Lacomba, J. I., Pérez-Mellado, V., Sancho, V., and López-Jurado, L. F. (1999). Anfibios y Reptiles de la Península Ibérica, Baleares y Canarias. Geoplaneta, Barcelona.
- Llamas, A., Martínez-Gil, O., and Arribas, O. (1998). ''Rana pyrenaica, a new species for the French herpetofauna.'' Boletín de la Asociación Herpetológica Española, 9, 12-13.
- Salvador, A. and García-París, M. (2001). Anfibios Españoles. Identificación, Historia Natural y Distribución. Canseco Editores, Madrid.
- Serra-Cobo, J. (1993). ''Descripción de una nueva especie europea de rana parda (Amphibia, Anura, Ranidae).'' Alytes, 11, 1-15.
- Serra-Cobo, J. (2002). ''Rana pyrenaica Serra-Cobo, 1993.'' Atlas y Libro Rojo de los Anfibios y Reptiles de España. J. M. Pleguezuelos, R. Márquez, and M. Lizana, eds., Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-Asociación Herpetológica Española, Madrid.
- Serra-Cobo, J. and Lacroix G, W. S. (1998). ''Comparison between the ecology of the new European frog Rana pyrenaica and that of four Pyrenean amphibians.'' Journal of Zoology of London, 246, 147-154.
Distribution and Habitat
provided by AmphibiaWeb articles
Endemic from the Pyrenean mountains, occurs rarely in France, in Spain between the Ordesa NP (Huesca) and the Roncal Valley (Navarra). Separate populations. Its altitudinal distribution ranges from 800 to 2100 m, occurring more frequently from 1000 to 1800 m (usually the level of mixed, deciduous, and coniferous forests). Stream dwellers that do not inhabit ponds or lakes. It selects streams with oxygenated, cold limpid waters, fully rocky and poor in vegetation. Occurs frequently with Euproctus asper, more rarely with Rana temporaria.
Life History, Abundance, Activity, and Special Behaviors
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Active from February to July, with temperatures from 3.7 a 20.3 ºC. Adults largely aquatically, juveniles usually found on shores. Active also during the day, buy always close to streams. Breeding begins when snow melts, usually from February to April. Their weak calls carry only a short distance. The call is formed by low-pitched grunts of a low intensity. Eggs are about 3.2 mm in size, with large and black embryos, and enclosed in a dense envelope of jelly. The eggs do not float to the surface. Females lay as many as 150 eggs, sometimes in several clusters. Eggs are laid under stones, in fissures, and sometimes on the stream/river bottom when the water current is low. Hatchlings are about 10.6 mm in length.
Life History, Abundance, Activity, and Special Behaviors
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In Huesca the species looks endangered, with confirmed local extinctions. Fish introductions, pollution and habitat alterations are the most relevant problems.
Relation to Humans
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The species is occasionally found in small artificial pools or puddles with renewed limpid water.
Pyrenean frog
provided by wikipedia EN
The Pyrenean frog or Pyrenees frog (Rana pyrenaica) is a species of frogs in the family Ranidae found in the Pyrenees mountains of France and Spain. Its natural habitats are fast-moving mountain streams and their surroundings. The IUCN lists it as "endangered".[1]
The Pyrenean frog is the smallest species of brown frog in Europe, with adults reaching a snout-to-vent length of about 5 cm (2.0 in), females being slightly larger than males. The snout is blunt and rounded and the nostrils are more widely separated than are the eye bulges. The tympani are small and not always visible and the dorso-lateral folds are fairly close together. The hind feet are completely webbed apart from the tip of the fourth toe. This frog is creamy-brown, buff, greyish-brown, reddish-brown or olive-grey with rather indistinct blotches of greenish-brown or brown. The hind legs are faintly barred. The upper lip is often noticeably pale and the throat and underparts are whitish with the belly sometimes flushed with yellow or pink, especially under the thighs. It differs from the common frog (Rana temporaria) by being smaller, having a less-pointed snout and less-distinct markings.[2]
Distribution and habitat
The Pyrenean frog is endemic to the Pyrenees with most populations being on the Spanish slopes at altitudes between about 1,000 and 1,800 m (3,300 and 5,900 ft). Its range extends from the Ordesa y Monte Perdido National Park to the Roncal Valley in the Navarre region. It is also present in limited numbers on the French side of the mountains. It is found in and around fast-moving, rocky streams with little vegetation, sharing this habitat with the Pyrenean brook salamander (Calotriton asper). It avoids still water ponds and lakes.[3]
Adult Pyrenean frogs spend much of their time in the fast-flowing rocky streams and torrents near which they live, but juveniles are more terrestrial. The frogs are timid and escape from danger by diving into water and hiding in crevices and under stones.[2] They hibernate in the winter but are active during both day and night between about February and July. Breeding takes place after the snow has melted, the female laying batches of jelly-covered eggs (totalling up to 150) under stones, in crevices or on the bed of a stream.[3]
The International Union for Conservation of Nature lists the Pyrenean frog as being an "endangered species". This is because its numbers are decreasing, its total area of occupancy is less than 5,000 square kilometres (1,900 sq mi) and even within this range, its populations are fragmented.[1] Threats it faces include alteration to its habitat through the intensification of agricultural practices, disturbance from increased tourism, the introduction of non-native fish and possibly climate change.[1]
- Manenti R. & Bianchi B. (2011). A new western limit for Rana pyrenaica Serra-Cobo 1993 in the Irati region (Pyrenees). Herpetology Notes 4:403-404.
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Pyrenean frog: Brief Summary
provided by wikipedia EN
The Pyrenean frog or Pyrenees frog (Rana pyrenaica) is a species of frogs in the family Ranidae found in the Pyrenees mountains of France and Spain. Its natural habitats are fast-moving mountain streams and their surroundings. The IUCN lists it as "endangered".
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- cc-by-sa-3.0
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- Wikipedia authors and editors