The following species is allied to longipes but differs in its broader form : —
R. meeskei n. sp. — Elongate, subparallel, deplanate above, black throughout, the prothorax above and beneath rufo-ferruginous ; integuments dull and strongly alutaceous. Head somewhat coarsely, deeply punctate ; antennae one-half longer than the body in the male, scarcely longer than the latter in the female, very slender, filiform, the basal joint much thicker. Prothorax but very slightly longer than wide ; base broadly emarginate, scarcely one-half wider than the apex ; sides strongly arcuate at basal third, thence convergent anteriorly ; disk moderately constricted laterally at the apex and just before the base, broadly, feebly biimpressed, the impressions joined by a short transverse impression, the pubescence yellow, forming two broad longitudinal lines. Elytra nearly as in longipes, but more finely and densely cribrate. Legs as in longipes. Length 7.5-8.4 mm. ; width 1.7-1.9 mm.
New Mexico (Las Yegas). Mr. H. Meeske.
In longipes the form is very slender, the prothorax much longer than wide, truncate at base, with the punctures extremely fine and sparse, while in the present form the punctures are quite coarse and distinct. In longipes the pronotum is not at all impressed, and the lines of extremely short fine pubescence are very narrow.
The species of Rhopalophora within our limits may be recognized as follows : —
Pronotum impunctate ; large species, 12 mm. in lengthlaevicollis
Pronotum punctate ; smaller species, not exceeding 9.5 mm. in length.
Pronotum not rugulose.
Prothorax narrow, truncate at base, not impressed dorsallylongipes
Prothorax broader, feebly biimpressed dorsally, broadly, strongly emarginate at base ; form more robustmeeskei
Pronotum transversely plicate and ruguloserugicollis
The true longipes is represented before me by a good series from Indiana.
Rhopalophora meeskei is a species of beetle in the family Cerambycidae. It was described by Casey in 1891.[1]
Rhopalophora meeskei is a species of beetle in the family Cerambycidae. It was described by Casey in 1891.