
Trophic Strategy

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Usually found in heavily vegetated swamps and ponds; occasionally in medium to large rivers and lakes with abundant vegetation (Ref. 5723). Migrations appear to be limited to inshore or upstream movements to spawning grounds in the spring and (presumably) reverse migrations to deeper water in the fall (Ref. 27547). Feeds on fish, zoobenthos and zooplankton (Ref. 27547).
Pascualita Sa-a
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Dorsal spines (total): 0; Dorsal soft rays (total): 10 - 14; Analspines: 0; Analsoft rays: 12 - 16; Vertebrae: 40 - 42
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Life Cycle

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Upstream movement appears to coincide with a rise of water temperature to 10° to 15°C (Ref. 3829). Females normally contain two sets of eggs, the smaller group presumably being the set which will be spawned the following year. Females deposit 40 to 300 eggs, the number increasing with size. A female probably spawns over a period of several days, possibly longer, with only a few eggs being extruded at each spawning act. (Ref. 27547).
Cristina V. Garilao
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Diagnostic Description

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Identified by its short, flattened snout, the rearward location of the dorsal and anal fins, the presence of about 33 rays in the pectorals, and the presence of a pelvic fin that has only 3 rays (Ref. 27547). Gill rakers short; lateral line with minute pores: 76 to 100 scales in midlateral series (Ref. 27547). Dorsal located far back on body; anal more or less under dorsal; edge of pectorals rounded; pelvic fins very small and located just before anus; caudal broad and rounded (Ref. 27547). Dark green or brown above and on upper sides, pale below with dark speckles; four to six irregular dark bars or blotches on sides; fins have dark brownish specklings; dorsal, anal and caudal fins with pale margin, which are pink to red in spawning adults (Ref. 27547).
Cristina V. Garilao
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Usually found in heavily vegetated swamps and ponds; occasionally in medium to large rivers and lakes with abundant vegetation (Ref. 5723). Migrations appear to be limited to inshore or upstream movements to spawning grounds in the spring and (presumably) reverse migrations to deeper water in the fall (Ref. 27547). Oviparous, batch spawner (Ref. 205). Known for their tolerance to cold water: survives exposures to -20°C for up to 40 minutes, and can survive for a few days after complete freezing of parts of the body, even the head (Ref. 28673, 28674). Uses its esophagus as auxiliary breathing organ (Ref. 27797).
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fisheries: subsistence fisheries; aquarium: commercial
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Dallia pectoralis ( Azerbaijani )

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Dallia pectoralis (lat. Dallia pectoralis) - dalli cinsinə aid balıq növü.


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Dallia pectoralis: Brief Summary ( Azerbaijani )

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Dallia pectoralis (lat. Dallia pectoralis) - dalli cinsinə aid balıq növü.

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Dallia pectoralis ( Catalan; Valencian )

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Dallia pectoralis és una espècie de peix de la família Umbridae, nom que rep a un peix natiu de Sibèria i Alaska, capaç de mantenir-se amb vida congelat en un bloc de neu diverses setmanes. És un peix de grans aletes i grandària mitjana, mesurant 14 cm (7 polzades aprox) de longitud. El cos presenta un disseny de taques intricades sobre el seu llom i la vora de les seves aletes també, tots aquests de color marró atzabeja.

A aquest peix se li coneix per la seva capacitat de sobreviure dins del gel. En el seu estat natural, se submergeix de 7 a 8 metres quan la superfície de l'aigua es congela. Unes cobertes protectors en les seves agallas mantenen les artèries en funció, perquè ell segueixi respirant, de manera que, el peix es manté en activitat, encara si el seu cos està cobert de cristalls de gel. Malgrat aquesta supervivència, aquest peix no viu si la temperatura en el qual està sotmès tendeix a variar. La temperatura mitjana és de 0° Celsius (273 °F) i solament el peix sobreviu si la temperatura és constant.

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Dallia pectoralis ( German )

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Dallia pectoralis ist ein Süßwasserfisch aus der Ordnung der Hechtartigen (Esociformes). Er lebt in Alaska, den Inseln des Beringmeeres und am Ende der Tschuktschen-Halbinsel im nordöstlichen Sibirien.



Die Fische haben eine kurze, flache Schnauze und, wie die Hechte, weit nach hinten verlagerte Rücken- und Afterflossen. Die Kiemenreusefortsätze sind kurz. Das Seitenlinienorgan hat winzige Poren. Entlang der Körpermitte haben sie 76 bis 100 Schuppen. Die Brustflossen sind gerundet, die Bauchflossen sehr klein und stehen weit hinten, kurz vor dem Anus. Die Schwanzflosse ist breit und abgerundet.

Die Fische werden 33 Zentimeter lang. Sie sind oberseits dunkelgrün oder braun, die Unterseite ist hell mit dunkeln Flecken. Auf den Flanken haben sie vier bis sechs unregelmäßige dunkle Bänder oder Flecken. Rücken-, After und Schwanzflosse haben einen dunkelbraunen Rand, der bei laichbereiten Tieren rot oder rosafarben wird.

Flossenformel: Dorsale 10–14, Anale 12–16, Ventrale 3, Pectorale 33


Die Fische leben normalerweise in stark bewachsenen Sümpfen und Teichen, gelegentlich auch in mittleren und großen Flüssen und Seen mit reichlicher Vegetation. Sie wandern im Frühling von den Flussunterläufen stromaufwärts zu ihren Laichgründen und im Herbst zurück in tiefere Gewässer. Dallia pectoralis ist sehr kältetolerant und überlebt auch das teilweise Einfrieren. Die Fische können ihre Speiseröhre als zusätzliches Atemorgan nutzen.


Traditionell wird die Gattung Dallia in die Familie der Hundsfische (Umbridae) gestellt.[1] Phylogenetische Untersuchungen in letzter Zeit legen aber nahe, dass Dallia näher mit den Hechten (Esox) als mit Umbra verwandt ist; Dallia ist demnach die Schwesterart eines Taxons aus Esox und Novumbra hubbsi, einer weiteren Art, die traditionell in die Familie Umbridae gestellt wird. Alle drei Gattungen zusammen sind die Schwestergruppe von Umbra.[2][3] Wiley und Johnson ordneten Dallia deshalb in die Familie Esocidae ein.[4]

Neben Dallia pectoralis (dem „Alaskan blackfish“) wurden zwei weitere Arten der Gattung Dallia beschrieben, die aber wenig erforscht und vielleicht nur Synonyme zu Dallia pectoralis sind. Beide Arten leben im nordöstlichen Sibirien.[5]

  • Dallia admirabilis Chereshnev, 1980
  • Dallia delicatissima Smitt, 1881



  1. Dallia pectoralis auf Fishbase.org (englisch)
  2. J. Andrés López, Wei-Jen Chen, Guillermo Ortí: Esociform phylogeny. In: Copeia. Nr. 3, 2004, , S. 449–464, Abstract.
  3. Tree of Life Web Project. 2005. Esociformes. Version 01 January 2005 (temporary). in The Tree of Life Web Project.
  4. E. O. Wiley, G. David Johnson: A teleost classification based on monophyletic groups. In: Joseph S. Nelson, Hans-Peter Schultze, Mark V. H. Wilson (Hrsg.): Origin and Phylogenetic Interrelationships of Teleosts. Honoring Gloria Arratia. Dr. Friedrich Pfeil, München 2010, ISBN 978-3-89937-107-9, S. 123–182.
  5. Dallia auf Fishbase.org (englisch)
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Dallia pectoralis: Brief Summary ( German )

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Dallia pectoralis ist ein Süßwasserfisch aus der Ordnung der Hechtartigen (Esociformes). Er lebt in Alaska, den Inseln des Beringmeeres und am Ende der Tschuktschen-Halbinsel im nordöstlichen Sibirien.

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Alaska blackfish

provided by wikipedia EN

The Alaska blackfish (Dallia pectoralis) is a species of freshwater fish in the esocid family (Esocidae) of order Esociformes. It inhabits Arctic regions of Alaska as well as Siberia and the Bering Sea islands.


Alaska blackfish are small, with an average length of 108 mm (4.3 in), but have been known to reach 330 mm (13 in).[3]

They have an easily distinguishable morphology (a branch of biology dealing with the study of the form and structure of organisms and their specific structural features), with relatively large, posterior dorsal fin and anal fins, large, lobed pectoral fins located just posterior to the operculum, a diphycercal caudal fin, and small, pointy pelvic fins.[4]

The head is broad and flat, with the trunk being long and slender. The color is dark green to brown on the dorsal side, pale below, with light-colored blotches appearing laterally.[4]

Males can be distinguished from females by the presence of a reddish fringe along the dorsal, caudal, and anal fins; also, the tips of the ventral fins extend beyond the anal fin in males, whereas in females they do not.[4][3]

The Alaska blackfish is famous for its ability to breathe atmospheric oxygen through a modified esophagus.[5] Specifically, the esophagus of a blackfish can be subdivided into a non-respiratory and a respiratory section. The respiratory section can be identified by its extensive mucosal folding and vascularization, as well as widespread capillaries throughout the epithelium.[5] This respiratory structure implies selection pressures for the development of a purely respiratory organ and a purely hydrostatic organ.[5] Another factor is the retention of the hydrostatic swim bladder, which seems unnecessary unless it is important in maintaining neutral buoyancy in the cold winter months under ice cover.[5]

Distribution, location and habitat

Alaska blackfish can be found in the Bering Sea islands, Siberia, and Alaska.[3] In Alaska, they inhabit the Colville Delta south to the central Alaska Peninsula near Chignik as well as the upstream Yukon-Tanana drainage to near Fairbanks.[3]

Blackfish are found in highly vegetated swamps and ponds, occasionally residing in rivers and densely-vegetated lakes, where in summer, water is frequently stagnant.[4][5] Spawning migrations are limited to inshore and upstream movements in the spring, and reverse migrations to deeper water in the fall.[3]

In the winter-time, blackfish tend to reside in the benthic regions of lakes, although when oxygen availability reaches a certain minimum, blackfish move to the surface, grouping around breathing holes.[6] These breathing areas can be preexisting holes, such as those created by muskrats, beavers, and fishers, or simply thin layers of ice. Blackfish have been observed schooling below the ice, and when swimming upwards to breathe, eat away at the ice and creating an audible snapping or sucking sound.[6] The Alaska blackfish is known for its tolerance of cold water, and has been reported to survive exposure to −20 °C (−4 °F) for 40 minutes.[3] Despite its hardiness, Alaska blackfish have been observed to suffer edema and mass mortality events during the winter.[7]

Feeding and diet

The principal source of food for blackfish is aquatic insects and invertebrates, although in Bristol Bay, larger blackfish have been observed to be cannibalistic, as well as predators of young pike.[4] Blackfish are generalist feeders, and have been analyzed to have contained algae, snails, dipteran larvae, ostracods, copepods, and caddisfly larvae in their stomachs.[8]


Spawning occurs from May to August, with fish having the ability to spawn several times; thus, females do not usually expel their entire egg contents in a single event.[4]

A female, depending on her size, can release a total of 40-300 eggs at intervals during the spawning period, with the eggs then attaching to vegetation and hatching in a short period of time (nine days at 12 °C (54 °F)).[4] When the young hatch, they are approximately 6 mm in length, and survive off the yolk sac for an average period of 10 days.[4]

Rate of growth varies throughout Alaska, with blackfish from Interior Alaska and the Anchorage area being about 108 mm (4.3 in) at age 2, 138 mm (5.4 in) at age 3, and 178 mm (7.0 in) at age 4. On the other hand, Bristol Bay blackfish are much slower growing and longer lived. Four-year-old fish are approximately 64 mm (2.5 in) in length, but can live up to 8 years.[4] Female blackfish have been shown to reach sexual maturity at 80 mm (3.1 in).[4]

Importance to humans

The Alaska blackfish is an important subsistence fish for Native communities residing in the Interior and Western Alaska, specifically those residing in Interior Alaska.[6] Although generally small (average size is 108 mm (4.3 in)),[3] their significance comes in their high nutritional value and large abundance in the winter, a generally lean time of year.[6]

When oxygen levels in the benthic regions of lakes becomes low, blackfish move to the surface to obtain atmospheric oxygen, thus making ice fishing an easy method of capture; blackfish are commonly stored, frozen, and then fed to dogs, with certain Alaskan stories recollecting moments when blackfish would seemingly revive themselves upon thawing.[6] Metabolic and survival studies have been conducted without successful replication of this observation.

Conservation status

The Alaska blackfish is not International Union for Conservation of Nature-listed as an endangered or threatened species.[3] While blackfish are native to Western Alaska as well as the Interior, they were introduced to the Cook Inlet Basin of Alaska in the 1950s, and have since become widespread.[9] A study performed by Eidam et.al. (2016) in three study sites in the Cook Inlet Basin concluded that an insignificant portion of their diet was fish, meaning blackfish are unlikely to impact native and stocked fish in those populations. While that information is helpful for determining whether blackfish are truly invasive, it is not all-encompassing for other blackfish populations in the area. Further studies are warranted that estimate the abundance of introduced blackfish in lakes and streams in the Cook Inlet Basin, as well as investigate potential dietary overlap with other fish.

Phylogeography and population genetics

Molecular study of Alaska blackfish across its range has identified several geographic areas where Alaska blackfish persisted during glacial episodes.[10][11] Genetic structuring within the species is relatively high for a fish species from northern latitudes, most likely reflecting biological characteristics such as poor dispersal ability and winter survival.[10][11][12]


  1. ^ NatureServe (7 April 2023). "Dallia pectoralis". NatureServe Network Biodiversity Location Data accessed through NatureServe Explorer. Arlington, Virginia: NatureServe. Retrieved 19 April 2023.
  2. ^ Froese, Rainer; Pauly, Daniel (eds.) (2006). "Dallia pectoralis" in FishBase. January 2006 version.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h Froese, Rainier. Dallia Pectoralis Summary Page. Edited by Susan M Luna, FishBase.org, www.fishbase.org/summary/2705.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Armstrong, Robert H. Alaska Blackfish. Adfg.alaska.gov, ADF&G, 1994, www.adfg.alaska.gov/static/education/wns/alaska_blackfish.pdf.
  5. ^ a b c d e Crawford, R. H. 1974. Structure of an air-breathing organ and the swim bladder in the Alaska Blackfish, Dallia Pectoralis Bean. Canadian Journal of Zoology 52(10):1221-1225. www.nrcresearchpress.com/doi/pdf/10.1139/z74-162.
  6. ^ a b c d e Anderson, David B, et al. 2004. "Traditional ecological knowledge and contemporary subsistence harvest of non-salmon fish in the Koyukuk River Drainage, Alaska". Technical Paper (282).
  7. ^ Campbell, Matthew A; Larsen, Amy; Collins, Julie; Collins, Miki (2014). "Winterkill of Alaska Blackfish (Dallia pectoralis) in Methane Discharging Lakes of Denali National Park's Minchumina Lake Basin". Northwestern Naturalist. 95 (2): 119–125. doi:10.1898/nwn13-27.1. ISSN 1051-1733.
  8. ^ Ostdiek, John L. and Nardone, Roland M. 1959. Studies on the Alaska Blackfish Dallia Pectoralis I. habitat, size, and stomach analyses. The American Midland Naturalist 61(1):218-229. https://www.jstor.org/stable/2422353.
  9. ^ Eidam, Dona M. et.al. 2016. Trophic ecology of introduced populations of Alaska blackfish (Dallia pectoralis) in the Cook Inlet Basin, Alaska. Environmental Biology of Fishes 99(6-7): 557-569.
  10. ^ a b Campbell, M. A.; Lopéz, J. A. (2014). "Mitochondrial phylogeography of a Beringian relict: the endemic freshwater genus of blackfish Dallia (Esociformes)". Journal of Fish Biology. 84 (2): 523–538. doi:10.1111/jfb.12314. ISSN 0022-1112. PMID 24490938.
  11. ^ a b Campbell, Matthew A; Takebayashi, Naoki; López, J. Andrés (2015-07-19). "Beringian sub-refugia revealed in blackfish (Dallia): implications for understanding the effects of Pleistocene glaciations on Beringian taxa and other Arctic aquatic fauna". BMC Evolutionary Biology. 15 (1): 144. doi:10.1186/s12862-015-0413-2. ISSN 1471-2148. PMC 4506597. PMID 26187279.
  12. ^ Campbell, Matthew A.; Sage, George K.; DeWilde, Rachel L.; López, J. Andrés; Talbot, Sandra L. (2013-12-05). "Development and characterization of 16 polymorphic microsatellite loci for the Alaska blackfish (Esociformes: Dallia pectoralis)". Conservation Genetics Resources. 6 (2): 349–351. doi:10.1007/s12686-013-0091-6. ISSN 1877-7252.
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Alaska blackfish: Brief Summary

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The Alaska blackfish (Dallia pectoralis) is a species of freshwater fish in the esocid family (Esocidae) of order Esociformes. It inhabits Arctic regions of Alaska as well as Siberia and the Bering Sea islands.

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Dallia pectoralis ( Spanish; Castilian )

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Pez negro de Alaska. Nombre que recibe a un pez nativo de Siberia y Alaska, capaz de mantenerse con vida congelado en un bloque de nieve varias semanas. Es un pez parduzco de grandes aletas y tamaño mediano, midiendo 14 cm (7 pulgadas aprox) de longitud. El cuerpo presenta un diseño de manchas intrincadas sobre su lomo y el borde de sus aletas también, todos éstos de color pardo azabache.

A este pez se le conoce por su capacidad de sobrevivir dentro del hielo. En su estado natural, se sumerge de 7 a 8 metros cuando la superficie del agua se congela. Unas cubiertas protectoras en sus agallas mantienen las arterias en función, para que él siga respirando, de modo que, el pez se mantiene en actividad, aún si su cuerpo está cubierto de cristales de hielo. A pesar de dicha supervivencia, este pez no vive si la temperatura en el que está sometido tiende a variar. La temperatura promedio es de 0º Celsius (273 ºF) y solamente el pez sobrevive si la temperatura es constante.

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Dallia pectoralis ( Basque )

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Dallia pectoralis Dallia generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Umbridae familian sailkatzen da.



  1. Froese, Rainer & Pauly, Daniel ed. (2006), Dallia pectoralis FishBase webgunean. 2006ko apirilaren bertsioa.

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Dallia pectoralis: Brief Summary ( Basque )

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Dallia pectoralis Dallia generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Umbridae familian sailkatzen da.

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Dallia pectoralis ( Italian )

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Dallia pectoralis Bean, 1880 è un pesce osseo d'acqua dolce della famiglia Umbridae.

Distribuzione e habitat

L'areale della specie comprende l'Alaska, le isole del mar di Bering e una piccola parte della Siberia nordorientale[1].

Vive principalmente in stagni e piccoli laghi della tundra subartica, in ambienti ricchi di vegetazione acquatica. Più di rado si può incontrare in fiumi e laghi di grandi dimensioni[1].


Dallia pectoralis ha un corpo slanciato e affusolato, con testa piuttosto piccola e appiattita. Le pinne dorsale e anale sono simmetriche, con bordo arrotondato, e inserite molto indietro sul corpo, appena anteriormente al tozzo peduncolo caudale. La pinna caudale è grande e arrotondata. Le pinne ventrali sono piccolissime, ridotte a 3 raggi e sono inserite appena davanti all'ano; le pinne pettorali sono invece ampie e arrotondate. Non ci sono raggi spinosi sulle pinne. Le scaglie sono molto piccole[1].

La livrea è brunastra o verdastra scura su dorso e fianchi e chiara con macchie scure sul ventre. Tutto il corpo e le pinne sono cosparsi di punti scuri, sono inoltre presenti da 4 a 6 fasce verticali scure indistinte. Le pinne pari hanno un bordo chiaro che diventano da rosa a rossi negli individui in livrea nuziale[1].

Le dimensioni sono contenute, attorno ai 10 cm in media; la taglia massima conosciuta è di 33 cm per 366 grammi di peso[1].


Questo pesce è noto per la sua straordinaria resistenza alle basse temperature: può sopportare temperature di -20 °C per 40 minuti e il congelamento di parti del corpo per più giorni. Può respirare ossigeno atmosferico dall'esofago. Può vivere fino a 8 anni[1].


Oviparo. Può affrontare alcune brevi migrazioni riproduttive[1].


La pesca è limitata alla pesca di sussistenza delle popolazioni indigene[1].


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h (EN) Dallia pectoralis, su FishBase. URL consultato il 22.03.2014.

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Dallia pectoralis: Brief Summary ( Italian )

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Dallia pectoralis Bean, 1880 è un pesce osseo d'acqua dolce della famiglia Umbridae.

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Grote waaiervis ( Dutch; Flemish )

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De grote waaiervis (Dallia pectoralis) is een vis uit de familie Umbridae (Umbridae), orde Snoekachtigen (Esociformes).


Deze vis kan maximaal 33 centimeter worden met een gewicht van 375 gram. De vis is lang en cilindervormig, heeft een stompe kop met een grote bek met vooruitstekende onderkaak en afgeronde vinnen. Het lichaam heeft een donkere olijfbruine kleur en een witte buik. De vinnen hebben roodbruine vlekken. Het mannetje krijgt in de paartijd rode vinranden.


Hun voornaamste voedsel van deze traag zwemmende vissen bestaat uit insectenlarven van de dans- en de steekmuggen, maar ook slakken en kleine vissen staan op het menu. Deze worden gevangen vanuit een hinderlaag in een zeer korte sprint.

Verspreiding en leefgebied

Ze worden aangetroffen in moerassen, meertjes en beekjes met vegetatie waarin de vis zich kan verschuilen. Ze worden gevonden tussen Alaska en de eilanden van de Beringzee.


Ze staan bekend om hun overlevingskracht. Ze overleven koude winters door naar een diepte van zeven tot acht meter te verhuizen wanneer de oppervlakte bevriest. Grote kieuwen, bedekt met kieuwplaten helpen de vis te overleven in water van 0 °C en er zijn zelfs verhalen over tot leven komende exemplaren na bevroren te zijn. De lichaamsvloeistoffen bevatten glycoproteïnen die als antivriesmiddel dienen, en zolang deze niet bevriezen overleven zij de koude.[1] Ze schijnen korte tijd temperaturen van -20 °C te overleven in gecontroleerde omstandigheden indien ze niet in contact komen met ijskristallen, maar er is geen wetenschappelijk bewijs dat de vis langer dan een uur kan overleven in deze omstandigheden. Ze kunnen ook overleven in zuurstofarme, stilstaande wateren door lucht te happen.

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Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  • David Burnie (2001) - Animals, Dorling Kindersley Limited, London. ISBN 90-18-01564-4 (naar het Nederlands vertaald door Jaap Bouwman en Henk J. Nieuwenkamp).
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Grote waaiervis: Brief Summary ( Dutch; Flemish )

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De grote waaiervis (Dallia pectoralis) is een vis uit de familie Umbridae (Umbridae), orde Snoekachtigen (Esociformes).

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Dalia (ryba) ( Polish )

provided by wikipedia POL
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Dalia[2], czarna ryba[2] (Dallia pectoralis) – gatunek słodkowodnej ryby z rodziny muławkowatych (Umbridae).


Żyje masowo w niewielkich rzekach, jeziorach i bagnach tundry na Alasce i Syberii. Przez prawie 7 miesięcy w roku przebywa w stanie hibernacji zamarznięta w lodzie lub zagrzebana w mule.


Jest to ciemno ubarwiona ryba o długości ok. 20 cm. Na płetwach i po bokach ciała wiele czarnych plam. Ikrę składa w czerwcu i lipcu.

Znaczenie gospodarcze

Ma niewielkie, lokalne znaczenie gospodarcze.


  1. Dallia pectoralis, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.).
  2. a b Krystyna Kowalska, Jan Maciej Rembiszewski, Halina Rolik Mały słownik zoologiczny, Ryby, Wiedza Powszechna, Warszawa 1973


  • G. Nikolski: Ichtiologia szczegółowa. Tłum. Franciszek Staff. Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Rolnicze i Leśne, 1970.
  • Dallia pectoralis. (ang.) w: Froese, R. & D. Pauly. FishBase. World Wide Web electronic publication. www.fishbase.org [dostęp 28 września 2009]
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Dalia (ryba): Brief Summary ( Polish )

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Dalia, czarna ryba (Dallia pectoralis) – gatunek słodkowodnej ryby z rodziny muławkowatych (Umbridae).

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Dallia pectoralis ( Portuguese )

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Dallia pectoralis, conhecido em inglês como Alaska blackfish, é um peixe da família Umbridae. De formato alongado e cilíndrico e coloração marrom-oliva, ele chega a cerca de 18 centímetros de comprimento. Nos laterais do corpo ele possui de quatro a seis faixas escuras verticais, e a sua barriga é branca. As barbatanas possuem manchas marrom-avermelhadas.

Antigamente acreditava-se que este peixe fosse herbívoro, mas hoje sabe-se que sua dieta principal consiste de larvas de insetos como midges e mosquitos. Eles são encontrados em pântanos, lagos, lagoas e riachos que possuem vegetação de cobertura, localizados na tundra e em florestas. A área em que o Dallia pectorais vive vai do Alasca às ilhas do Mar de Bering. Os nativos do Alasca costumavam comer esse peixe e usá-lo para alimentar os seus cães, pescando-o no outono e congelando-o para utilizá-lo no inverno.

A resistência desse peixe é notável. Ele sobrevive a invernos rigorosos deslocando-se para uma profundidade de 7 a 8 metros quando a superfície congela inteiramente. As guelras protegidas por grandes opérculos o ajudam a sobreviver ao inverno quando a temperatura da água cai para 0°C, e há lendas de peixes que “voltaram à vida” após estarem completamente congelados. Embora o Alaskan blackfish possa ser super-resfriado por períodos curtos a temperaturas inferiores a -20°C em ambientes controlados, sem contato com cristais de gelo, nenhum espécime jamais sobreviveu por sequer uma hora a tais condições de congelamento em ambiente natural, já que o congelamento de qualquer parte do corpo resultaria em necrose.

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wikipedia PT

Dallia pectoralis: Brief Summary ( Portuguese )

provided by wikipedia PT

Dallia pectoralis, conhecido em inglês como Alaska blackfish, é um peixe da família Umbridae. De formato alongado e cilíndrico e coloração marrom-oliva, ele chega a cerca de 18 centímetros de comprimento. Nos laterais do corpo ele possui de quatro a seis faixas escuras verticais, e a sua barriga é branca. As barbatanas possuem manchas marrom-avermelhadas.

Antigamente acreditava-se que este peixe fosse herbívoro, mas hoje sabe-se que sua dieta principal consiste de larvas de insetos como midges e mosquitos. Eles são encontrados em pântanos, lagos, lagoas e riachos que possuem vegetação de cobertura, localizados na tundra e em florestas. A área em que o Dallia pectorais vive vai do Alasca às ilhas do Mar de Bering. Os nativos do Alasca costumavam comer esse peixe e usá-lo para alimentar os seus cães, pescando-o no outono e congelando-o para utilizá-lo no inverno.

A resistência desse peixe é notável. Ele sobrevive a invernos rigorosos deslocando-se para uma profundidade de 7 a 8 metros quando a superfície congela inteiramente. As guelras protegidas por grandes opérculos o ajudam a sobreviver ao inverno quando a temperatura da água cai para 0°C, e há lendas de peixes que “voltaram à vida” após estarem completamente congelados. Embora o Alaskan blackfish possa ser super-resfriado por períodos curtos a temperaturas inferiores a -20°C em ambientes controlados, sem contato com cristais de gelo, nenhum espécime jamais sobreviveu por sequer uma hora a tais condições de congelamento em ambiente natural, já que o congelamento de qualquer parte do corpo resultaria em necrose.

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Alaska karabalığı ( Turkish )

provided by wikipedia TR

Alaska karabalığı (Dallia pectoralis), Umbridae familyasından, Alaska'da ve Bering Denizi adalarında yaygın olan uzun ve silindirik bir tatlı su balık türü. 180 mm boyundadır.


Alaska Eskimoları ve Alaska Atabaskları başta olmak üzere Alaska yerlileri tarafından sonbaharda avlanarak dondurulur ve kışın kendileri ya da köpekleri için tüketmek üzere saklanır. Koyukonlar (oonyeeyh) açlığın görüldüğü kış sonu ilkbahar başında hayati öneme sahip olan Alaska karabalıklarını buz altında oltayla avlarlar[1]. Yupikler (canʼgiiq) ve Nunivak Çupikleri (canʼgir) tarafından avlanan balıklardandır[2].


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Alaska karabalığı: Brief Summary ( Turkish )

provided by wikipedia TR

Alaska karabalığı (Dallia pectoralis), Umbridae familyasından, Alaska'da ve Bering Denizi adalarında yaygın olan uzun ve silindirik bir tatlı su balık türü. 180 mm boyundadır.

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Даллия ( Russian )

provided by wikipedia русскую Википедию
Царство: Животные
Подцарство: Эуметазои
Без ранга: Вторичноротые
Подтип: Позвоночные
Инфратип: Челюстноротые
Группа: Рыбы
Группа: Костные рыбы
Подкласс: Новопёрые рыбы
Инфракласс: Костистые рыбы
Семейство: Щуковые
Род: Даллии
Вид: Даллия
Международное научное название

Dallia pectoralis Bean, 1880



Охранный статус Wikispecies-logo.svg
на Викивидах
на Викискладе
ITIS 162159NCBI 75939EOL 1012685

Даллия, или обыкновенная даллия, или чёрная рыба[1] (лат. Dallia pectoralis) — вид лучепёрых рыб семейства щуковых. Широко распространены в водоёмах Чукотки и Аляски.


Спинной и анальный плавники сдвинуты к хвостовой части тела. В спинном плавнике 10—16 мягких лучей, а в анальном плавнике 11—16 мягких лучей. Грудные плавники очень большие с 30—38 лучами, в брюшных плавниках три луча. Хвостовой плавник закруглённый. Боковая линия зачаточная, чешуйки мелкие, погружены в кожу.

Достигают длины 33 см, обычно около 11 см. Максимальная масса тела 366 г[2].

Тело чёрно-коричневое. Спинной, хвостовой и анальный плавники окаймлены тонкой оранжевой полосой, которая становится красной в период нереста. Самцы ярче, крупнее самок


Водоёмы Чукотки; а также на Аляске.

Образ жизни

Обитают в небольших речках, озёрах и болотах; в период размножения перемещаются по ручьям. На зиму закапывается в ил и часто вмерзает в лёд, долгое время оставаясь живой, но всё же в значительном количестве гибнет.


На Чукотке впервые созревают в возрасте 3—4 года при длине тела 6—7 см, на Аляске самки достигают половой зрелости при длине 80 мм. Нерестятся с мая до августа. В течение нерестового периода самка вымётывает несколько порций икры с определёнными интервалами. Плодовитость варьируется от 40 до 300 икринок в зависимости от размера самок. Икра клейкая, прикрепляется к водной растительности. Продолжительность инкубационного периода при 12°С составляет 5 дней. Длина вылупившихся предличинок 6 мм. Желточный мешок рассасывается примерно через 10 дней[3].


Даллии питаются преимущественно водными беспозвоночными. Основу рациона составляют ракушковые, ветвистоусые раки и личинки двукрылых. Также в желудках встречаются брюхоногие, веслоногие ракообразные, личинки ручейников, черви и водоросли. В реках Бристольского залива существенную роль в питании крупных особей даллий играют молодь собственного вида и щуки[3][4].


  1. Решетников Ю. С., Котляр А. Н., Расс Т. С., Шатуновский М. И. Пятиязычный словарь названий животных. Рыбы. Латинский, русский, английский, немецкий, французский. / под общей редакцией акад. В. Е. Соколова. — М.: Рус. яз., 1989. — С. 76. — 12 500 экз.ISBN 5-200-00237-0.
  2. Dallia pectoralis (англ.) в базе данных FishBase.
  3. 1 2 Armstrong, Robert H. Alaska Blackfish (англ.). ADF&G (1994). Проверено 12 ноября 2018.
  4. Ostdiek, John L. and Nardone, Roland M. Studies on the Alaska Blackfish Dallia Pectoralis I. habitat, size, and stomach analyses // The American Midland Naturalist. — 1959. — Vol. 61, № 1. — P. 218-229.. — DOI:10.2307/2422353.
Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Даллия: Brief Summary ( Russian )

provided by wikipedia русскую Википедию

Даллия, или обыкновенная даллия, или чёрная рыба (лат. Dallia pectoralis) — вид лучепёрых рыб семейства щуковых. Широко распространены в водоёмах Чукотки и Аляски.

Авторы и редакторы Википедии

阿拉斯加黑魚 ( Chinese )

provided by wikipedia 中文维基百科
二名法 Dallia pectoralis
Bean, 1880 阿拉斯加黑魚的分佈




 src= 維基物種中有關阿拉斯加黑魚的數據


阿拉斯加黑魚: Brief Summary ( Chinese )

provided by wikipedia 中文维基百科

