Diagnostic Description
provided by Fishbase
Has a flat belly; mouth horse-shoe-shaped, very small (width 4-5 times in head width) and quite distant from the tip of the snout; a single simple ray in pelvic and pectoral fins (Ref. 27732); 10-pelvic fins with 10-11 branched rays; lower lip smooth; anus closer to anal origin than to pelvic base (Ref. 43281).
- Recorder
- Crispina B. Binohlan
provided by Fishbase
Inhabits high gradient streams and rivers. Typically found in shallow fast water over bedrock and cobble substrates (Ref. 12693). Occurs in rapid-running mountain streams of the middle Mekong (Ref. 12975). Feed on small benthic animals, primarily insect larvae. Not fished commercially (Ref. 12693).
- Recorder
- Christine Marie V. Casal