
Biology ( anglais )

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Thought to be one of the slowest-growing plants in the world, the lady's slipper orchid takes between 6 and 11 years of growth before it actually produces flowers (10). The seeds are minute, dust-like particles that contain no food reserves. The materials needed for germination are derived from a symbiotic association with a mycorrhizal fungus. Orchids can be difficult to propagate in artificial conditions for this reason, but the lady's slipper orchid has been studied and successful ex-situ propagation techniques have been devised (7). It is dormant in winter, does not form tubers, but has creeping rhizomes (12).
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Conservation ( anglais )

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This orchid has been targeted by a successful Species Recovery Programme since 1982 (run by English Nature since 1992) and is a priority species under the UK Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) (1). The remaining native population is carefully managed, and has benefited from wardening, suitable habitat management and the re-introduction of ex-situ propagated plants (1). The Sainsbury Orchid Project at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew has propagated several thousand individual plants for reintroduction (6). There are also plants in cultivation, which are derived from wild stock (1). The species has also been reintroduced to other selected sites within the former range using small seedlings that were cultivated ex-situ from original wild stock (1), however the rates of survival are not good (8), and the re-introduction of more mature seedlings is envisaged. The site supporting the native population has been designated as a candidate Special Area of Conservation, but the location has been kept a secret to safeguard the species (9). The Species Recovery Programme aims to reintroduce the species to 12 sites before the year 2004, and improve current understanding of the needs of this orchid in the wild (8).
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Description ( anglais )

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The lady's slipper orchid is Britain's rarest and most impressive orchid. The exotic looking flowers have claret petals that frame a beautiful bright yellow pouch (11). The specific name calceolus derives from the Latin for 'shoe' (13), and like the English name of this orchid, refers to the slipper-like appearance of the pouch. Each stem usually supports one or two flowers, but rarely three (12). The leaves have obvious nerves along their length and are mid-green in colour (12).
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Habitat ( anglais )

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In the UK this species lives on limestone grassland (1) and open scrub and woodland (15) with an intermediate level of grazing (1).
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Range ( anglais )

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In the UK, this orchid once had a widespread but localised distribution in northern England and was known from Cumbria, Durham, Yorkshire and areas of the southern Pennines in the Peak District of Derbyshire (1). Although this species was never common (4), it suffered a severe decline in the 19th century due to over-collection for horticulture; at one point there was just a single flowering plant in existence (7). At present just one native population is currently known from a carefully guarded site (1). The species is at the western extreme of its range in the UK (5). Elsewhere it is known from France across central and northern Europe to Russia, northeast China, Korea and northern Japan (14).
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Status ( anglais )

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Classified as Critically Endangered in the Red List of Great Britain, Listed under Appendix II of the Bern Convention and Annexes II and IV of the Habitats Directive (1), and Appendix II of CITES (3). It is fully protected under Schedule 8 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1984 and listed on Schedule 4 of the Conservation Regulations, 1994 (1).
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Threats ( anglais )

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The lady's slipper orchid has suffered at the hands of collectors and gardeners. Furthermore, its habitat has been destroyed as a result of increased grazing pressures (1).
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Associations ( anglais )

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Plant / pollenated
adult of Andrena pollenates or fertilises flower of Cypripedium calceolus
Remarks: Other: uncertain

Plant / pollenated
adult of Apoidea pollenates or fertilises flower of Cypripedium calceolus
Remarks: Other: uncertain

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Cypripedium calceolus ( anglais )

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Cypripedium calceolus is a lady's-slipper orchid, and the type species of the genus Cypripedium. It is native to Europe and Asia.


Cypripedium comes from the Greek Κυπρισ πεδιον (Kupris pedion), meaning Venus' foot (a reference to the Roman goddess Venus).[2] calceolus is Latin for a small shoe.[3]

Cypripedium calceolus sensu stricto ("in the strict sense") does not occur in North America. The closely related Cypripedium parviflorum and C. pubescens are often still referred to as subspecies or varieties of C. calceolus.


This is the largest-flowered orchid species in Europe, growing to 60 cm tall[4] with flowers as wide as 9 cm.[5] Before it flowers, it is distinguished from other orchids by the large size and width of its ovate leaves (as big as 18 cm long, 9 cm wide),[4] which like other orchids exhibit parallel venation. Each shoot has up to four leaves and a small number (1-2) of flowers, which have long often twisted petals varying from red-brown to black (rarely green) and a slipper-shaped yellow labellum, within which red dots are visible.[4] It is a long-lived perennial[4] and spreads using horizontal stems (rhizomes).[4]

Cypripedium calceolus can be confused, when not flowering, with Allium ursinum, Convallaria majalis or several species of Epipactis orchid. It closely resembles other species of Cypripedium orchid native to the United States (see taxonomy, below).

Chromosome number has been given as 2n=20 but also 2n=22[6]

Distribution and habitat

It has a widespread distribution from Europe east through Asia from Spain to the Pacific, including almost every country in Europe plus Russia (European Russia, Siberia, and the Russian Far East), northeastern China (Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Nei Mongol), Mongolia, Korea and Rebun Island in Japan.[1][7][8]

It is typically found in open woodland on moist calcareous soils. In continental Europe it is also found growing in the decomposed humus of semi-shaded woodland cover on limestone. It has declined over much of the European part of its range, and as a result is legally protected in a number of countries. Its upper elevation limit is 2100m.[9] According to growing instructions provided by Phytesia, it cannot survive waterlogging or direct midday sun.

Inflorescence of C. calceolus


Cypripedium calceolus is frequently associated with stands of hazel trees.[10]

It is pollinated by a number of different insect species, including at least seven species of miner bee in the genera Andrena and Colletes, as well as at least two species of Lasioglossum (furrow bees).[10] Plants are very vulnerable to herbivory by slugs and snails.

Cypripedium calceolus is known to primarily associate with mycorrhizal fungi in the genus Tulasnellaceae.[11][12] Specific relationships with mycorrhizal fungi are key to orchids' ability to access soil nutrients. Other suggested mycorrhizal partners include Alternaria sp., Ceratorhiza sp., Chaetomium sp., Cylindrocarpon sp., Epicoccum purpureum, Epulorhiza sp., Moniliopsis sp., Mycelium radicis atrovirens, Phoma sp. and Rhizoctonia subtilis sp.[13]


Although the global conservation status of Cypripedium calceolus is least concern according to the IUCN Red List,[9] in many countries (including the UK and Denmark) it has become rare and is afforded legal protection. C. calceolus is common in Poland and Austria but in Greece it has become extinct.[4]

In Britain, it was formerly a reasonably widespread plant across northern England, particularly the limestone area of the Yorkshire Dales.[14] By the late 20th century it had declined to just a single plant in one location in the dales. While the virtual extinction of the lady's-slipper orchid from its historical range in Britain is often blamed on uprooting by gardeners and botanists, it is also the case that its preferred habitat shrank markedly with human clearance of woodland from the limestone landscape, and the grazing of sheep will have finished it off.[15] It became a protected species in the UK in 1975 under the Conservation of Wild Creatures and Wild Plants Act,[16] but a reintroduction programme for the lady's-slipper orchid is in place,[17][18] and has led to a population of hundreds of plants as of 2003.[19]

With the help of Dutch plant breeder and wholesaler Anthura, who made the Genus and this species commercially available in garden centers, this species is successfully reintroduced in several locations in Switzerland at the request of the Swiss Orchid Foundation. Seeds from the Swiss population were used by Anthura resulting in three thousand viable plants available for the reintroduction. The locations are kept secret, but are monitored regularly.[1]

Other laboratories and breeders have also developed the technique to mass-produce C. calceolus, so plants are commercially available, unlike many orchid species.[20]

In popular culture

Cypripedium calceolus has appeared on postage stamps in a huge number of countries including Austria, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Grenadines, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Madagascar, Moldova, Mozambique, Norway, Romania, Russia, Slovenia, Sweden, Uganda, Ukraine and the United Kingdom.[21]

The Norwegian municipality of Snåsa has a Cypripedium calceolus in its coat-of-arms.

In Pavel Ivanovich Melnikov's "In the Forests", a znakharka (Russian wise woman) calls this Adam's head, Adam's grass, and Cuckoo's slippers and says it is good for every ill including driving away evil spirits.

Lady's-slipper orchid, Cypripedium calceolus, from northern Sweden.


  1. ^ a b Kew World Checklist of Selected Plant Families
  2. ^ "University of Quebec and Montreal - Flora etc". Archived from the original on 2018-11-08. Retrieved 2018-11-08.
  3. ^ The Plant World - Origin of Plant Names
  4. ^ a b c d e f Kew Science - Cypripedium calceolus
  5. ^ Nature Gate - Ladys Slipper
  6. ^ Journal of Ecology - Cypripedium calceolus
  7. ^ Altervista Flora Italiana, Yellow Lady's Slipper, Cypripedium calceolus
  8. ^ Flora of China, v 25 p 杓兰 shao lan, Cypripedium calceolus
  9. ^ a b IUCN Red List - Cypripedium calceolus
  10. ^ a b Nordic Journal of Botany - Pollination of the Lady’s slipper orchid (Cypripedium calceolus) in Scandinavia
  11. ^ Molecular Ecology - High specificity generally characterizes mycorrhizal association in rare lady’s slipper orchids, genus Cypripedium
  12. ^ Biogeography of Mycorrhizal Symbiosis
  13. ^ Orchid Biology - Reviews and Perspectives
  14. ^ Endangered Plants, Jan Čeřovský (1995) ISBN 1-85778-101-5
  15. ^ Britain’s Rare Flowers, Peter Marren (1999) ISBN 0-85661-114-X
  16. ^ "Caithness CWS - Caithness Field Club - Annual Bulletins - 1975 - October - Conservation".
  17. ^ Lady’s-Slipper Orchid Cypripedium calceolus Species Action Plan Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority Archived 2010-12-23 at the Wayback Machine
  18. ^ "Re-Introduction Project - Lady's-Slipper, Conservation in action, Britain's Orchids, A guide to the identification and ecology of the wild orchids of Britain and Ireland, David Lang and Natural England". Archived from the original on 2016-03-04. Retrieved 2019-11-18.
  19. ^ Phillip Cribb (July 2003). "Orchid Research Newsletter No. 42". Archived from the original on 2008-05-07. Retrieved 2008-01-01.
  20. ^ Phytesia
  21. ^ Google Images

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Cypripedium calceolus: Brief Summary ( anglais )

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Cypripedium calceolus is a lady's-slipper orchid, and the type species of the genus Cypripedium. It is native to Europe and Asia.

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