
Comprehensive Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por Memoirs of the American Entomological Society
Elachista patriodoxa Meyrick (Figs. 13, 75, 75a, 76, 76a.)
1932. Elachista patriodoxa Meyrick, Exot. Microlep., iv, 216. Type 9,. Muskoka, Ontario, [British Museum].
Head posteriorly dark gray, shading to creamy white on the face; palpi creamy white, second segment fuscous outwardly, third slightly shaded with fuscous outwardly ; antennae dark fuscous, blackish toward base. Thorax and fore wings dark fuscous, slightly purplish tinged, the purple tinge more apparent basad of the fascia; at one-third, an irregular-edged, shining white fascia; an erect, narrowly triangular white spot at tornus and a similar spot on costa slightly beyond it; both of these spots are larger in the female. Cilia dark purplish gray, tips white opposite apex ; marginal row of scales forming a contrasting line through them, best defined in the female. Hind wings dark brownish gray, a little paler in the female. Legs dark fuscous, tips of segments whitish, posterior tibiae white inwardly except for a narrow darker band near apex. Abdomen dark gray, whitish ocherous beneath.
Alar expanse : 9 to 10 mm.
Male genitalia (figs. 75, 75a) : markedly different from all other American species ; lobes of uncus with apices converging and strongly sclerotized ; ventral plate of anellus prolonged into a pair of long sclerotized rods, anellus dorsolaterally with a low setose papilla ; aedeagus stout, cylindrical, cornutus consisting of a large heavy posteriorly directed spine and a small anteriorly directed spine arising from a sclerotized base.
Female genitalia (figs. 76, 76a, from type 10 ) : ostium toward the posterior margin of the eighth segment; ductus bursae short, sclerotized in the eighth segment and abruptly constricted at the anterior margin of the eighth segment, with lateral wing-like, strongly sclerotized margins before ostium and with the edge at ostium turned inwardly (i.e. dorsad, then mesad) ; anterior to the constriction, ductus bursae abruptly widening, with inception of ductus seminalis
18 I am indebted to Mr. J. F. Gates Clarke for the figures of the female genitalia, drawn from a slide made from the type in the British Museum, in a slight sac-like production ; from thence to the bursa copulatrix roughened by minute nodules; bursa copulatrix elongate oval, extending to about the middle of the third segment, membrane smooth, signa two, each a narrow acuminate marginally dentate plate.
Specimens examined : 1 S, 1 9 without abdomen.
Ontario: Trenton. 1 6, 15-VII-12 (Evans). [C. X. Coll.].
New Hampshire: Hampton. 1 9 (without abdomen), X-27-1908 (S. A. Shaw), [U. S. N. M.].
Food plant and early stages unknown.
Mr. J. F. Gates Clarke has kindly examined the type of patriodoxa (a female, not a male as stated by Meyrick) and has furnished me with an accurate sketch of the venation. In the fore wing of the type (fig. 13) R 4 and R-, are coincident, M 3 + Cu Xa obsolete, represented only by a stub; the cell of the hind wing is open, but M 3 arches up toward the radial stem as in all species of the section. The male from Trenton, Ontario, in the Canadian National Collection agrees exactly in venation with this female type, except that M :; -fCu, a is present as a distinct vein. In the female from New Hampshire, the cell of the hind wing is closed.
In patriodoxa, the position of the fascia is somewhat basad of that in similarly marked species of Section II. Meyrick allies patriodoxa to iinifasciclla Chambers, presumably on the basis of different wing color before and behind the fascia. Unifasciella belongs in Section II of the genus.
citação bibliográfica
Braun, A.F. 1948. Elachistidae of North America (Microlepidoptera). Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 13. Philadelphia, USA

Elachista patriodoxa ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Elachista patriodoxa is a moth of the family Elachistidae. It is found in North America in Ontario and New Hampshire.[1]


  1. ^ Kaila, L. 1997. A revision of the Nearctic species of Elachista s. l. II. The argentella group (Lepidoptera, Elachistidae). Acta Zoologica Fennica 206: 1-93.
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Elachista patriodoxa: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Elachista patriodoxa is a moth of the family Elachistidae. It is found in North America in Ontario and New Hampshire.

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wikipedia EN

Elachista patriodoxa ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL


Elachista patriodoxa is een vlinder uit de familie van de grasmineermotten (Elachistidae).[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1932 door Meyrick.

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