
Comprehensive Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por EOL staff

The Mantophasmatodea was described as an entirely new Order of insects (a rank equivalent to, for example, beetles or termites or mayflies) in 2002 (Klass et al. 2002). However, the question of what rank is used for a particular taxon is somewhat subjective and some investigators have concluded that this group is more appropriately recognized with a different rank, such as a family (Mantophasmatidae) within another Order rather than as a distinct Order. One problem with this approach, however, is that phylogenetic studies have so far indicated, variously, that this group is most closely allied with the Phasmatodea, the Mantodea, and the Grylloblattodea, making it still uncertain which Order would include the Mantophasmatidae (Cameron et al. 2006 and references therein; Damgaard et al. 2008 and references therein). Although mantophasmatids have only been discovered recently, explorations in the field in Africa (and in old museum collections) have led to the recognition of nearly two dozen species (Damgaard et al. 2008).

Eberhard and Picker (2008) studied vibrational communication in two sympatric species of mantophasmatids.

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Shapiro, Leo
Shapiro, Leo
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EOL staff

Mantophasmatidae ( Africâner )

fornecido por wikipedia AF

Mantophasmatidae is 'n karnivoriese suborde van insekte wat in 2001 ontdek is en in Afrika voorkom.[2][3] Die suborde behoort tot die orde Notoptera, maar is aanvanklik as 'n orde in eie reg, naamlik Mantophasmatodea, beskou. Onlangse studies het egter getoon dat dit 'n sustergroep van die Grylloblattidae (voorheen in die orde Grylloblattodea) is.[4][5] Arillo & Engel het die groepe in 'n enkele orde, naamlik Notoptera saamgevoeg.[1]


Hierdie insekte staan as "Manto's" of "Gladiators" bekend en lyk soos 'n kruising tussen 'n stokinsek en 'n hottentotsgot. Hulle stap meestal op hul agterpote en is grys, bruin of groen van kleur. Die wyfie is effens groter as die mannetjie en eet partykeer haar maat ná paring, 'n ritueel wat tot vyf dae kan duur. Hulle is aggressiewe nagjagters, is vlerkloos (selfs as volwassenes) en het kenmerkende groot oë.[6]


Mantophasmatidae is endemies aan die westelike dele van Suid-Afrika en aan Namibië. Fossiele uit die Eoseen-tydperk toon egter dat dit vantevore 'n veel groter verspreidingsgebied gehad het.


Ongeïdentifiseer in die Zoologische Staatssammlung München.

Die mees onlangse klassifikasie[1] onderskei tussen verskeie genera, fossiele insluit:


  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 Arillo, A. & M. Engel (2006) Rock Crawlers in Baltic Amber (Notoptera: Mantophasmatodea). American Museum Novitates 3539:1-10
  2. K.-D. Klass, O. Zompro, N.P. Kristensen, J. Adis. Mantophasmatodea: a new insect order with extant members in the afrotropics Science, 296 (2002), pp. 1456–1459
  3. Adis, J., O. Zompro, E. Moombolah-Goagoses, and E. Marais. 2002. Gladiators: A new order of insect. Scientific American 287:60-65.
  4. Terry, M.D., and M.F. Whiting. 2005. Mantophasmatodea and phylogeny of the lower neopterous insects. Cladistics 21(3): 240–257.
  5. S. L. Cameron, S. C. Barker & M. F. Whiting (2006). “Mitochondrial genomics and the new insect order Mantophasmatodea”. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 38 (1): 274–279. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2005.09.020.
  6. Nog nuwe insekte gekry 4 spesies in Namakwaland aangetref, Beeld, 26 September 2002
  7. Eberhard, MJB, MD Picker and KD Klass. (2011). Sympatry in Mantophasmatodea, with the description of a new species and phylogenetic considerations. Organisms Diversity & Evolution 11(1): 43-59.[1]

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wikipedia AF

Mantophasmatidae: Brief Summary ( Africâner )

fornecido por wikipedia AF

Mantophasmatidae is 'n karnivoriese suborde van insekte wat in 2001 ontdek is en in Afrika voorkom. Die suborde behoort tot die orde Notoptera, maar is aanvanklik as 'n orde in eie reg, naamlik Mantophasmatodea, beskou. Onlangse studies het egter getoon dat dit 'n sustergroep van die Grylloblattidae (voorheen in die orde Grylloblattodea) is. Arillo & Engel het die groepe in 'n enkele orde, naamlik Notoptera saamgevoeg.

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Wikipedia skrywers en redakteurs
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wikipedia AF

Mantophasmatidae ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Mantophasmatidae is a family of carnivorous wingless insects within the order Notoptera, which was discovered in Africa in 2001.[1][2] Originally, the group was regarded as an order in its own right, and named Mantophasmatodea, but, using recent evidence indicating a sister group relationship with Grylloblattidae (formerly classified in the order Grylloblattodea),[3][4] Arillo and Engel have combined the two groups into a single order, Notoptera.[5]


The most common vernacular name for this order is gladiators, although they also are called rock crawlers, heelwalkers, mantophasmids, and colloquially, mantos.[6] Their modern centre of endemism is western South Africa and Namibia (Brandberg Massif),[7] although the modern relict population of Tanzaniophasma subsolana in Tanzania and Eocene fossils suggest a wider ancient distribution.

Mantophasmatodea are wingless even as adults, making them relatively difficult to identify. They resemble a cross between praying mantises and phasmids, and molecular evidence indicates that they are most closely related to the equally enigmatic group Grylloblattodea.[3][4] Initially, the gladiators were described from old museum specimens that originally were found in Namibia (Mantophasma zephyra) and Tanzania (M. subsolana), and from a 45-million-year-old specimen of Baltic amber (Raptophasma kerneggeri).

Live specimens were found in Namibia by an international expedition in early 2002; Tyrannophasma gladiator was found on the Brandberg Massif, and Mantophasma zephyra was found on the Erongoberg Massif.[8]

Since then, a number of new genera and species have been discovered, the most recent being two new genera, Kuboesphasma and Minutophasma, each with a single species, described from Richtersveld in South Africa in 2018.[9]


Mantophasmatids are wingless carnivores. During courtship, they communicate using vibrations transmitted through the ground or substrate.[10]


The most recent classification[9] recognizes numerous genera, including fossils:

Unidentified mantophasmid species in the Zoologische Staatssammlung München

Some taxonomists assign full family status to the subfamilies and tribes, and sub-ordinal status to the family. In total, there are 21 extant species described as of 2018.[9]

See also


  1. ^ K.-D. Klass, O. Zompro, N.P. Kristensen, J. Adis. Mantophasmatodea: a new insect order with extant members in the afrotropics Science, 296 (2002), pp. 1456–1459
  2. ^ Adis, J., O. Zompro, E. Moombolah-Goagoses, and E. Marais. 2002. Gladiators: A new order of insect. Scientific American 287:60-65.
  3. ^ a b Terry, M.D., and M.F. Whiting. 2005. Mantophasmatodea and phylogeny of the lower neopterous insects. Cladistics 21(3): 240–257.
  4. ^ a b S. L. Cameron, S. C. Barker & M. F. Whiting (2006). "Mitochondrial genomics and the new insect order Mantophasmatodea". Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 38 (1): 274–279. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2005.09.020. PMID 16321547.
  5. ^ "Arillo, A. & M. Engel (2006) Rock Crawlers in Baltic Amber (Notoptera: Mantophasmatodea). American Museum Novitates 3539:1-10" (PDF).
  6. ^ "Biodiversity Explorer: Mantophasmatodea". Iziko. Retrieved 30 June 2018.
  7. ^ Zompro, O.; Adis, J.; Weitschat, W. (2002). "A review of the order Mantophasmatodea (Insecta)". Zoologischer Anzeiger. 241 (3): 269–279. doi:10.1078/0044-5231-00080.
  8. ^ Zompro, O.; Adis, J.; Bragg, P.E.; Naskrecki, P.; Meakin, K.; Wittneben, M.; Saxe, V. (2003). "A new genus and species of Mantophasmatidae (Insecta: Mantophasmatodea) from the Brandberg Massif, Namibia, with notes on behaviour". Cimbebasia. 19: 13–24.
  9. ^ a b c Wipfler, B; Theska, T; Predel, R (2018). "Mantophasmatodea from the Richtersveld in South Africa with description of two new genera and species". ZooKeys (746): 137–160. doi:10.3897/zookeys.746.14885. PMC 5904538. PMID 29674900.
  10. ^ Randall, J. A. (2014). "Vibrational Communication: Spiders to Kangaroo Rats". Biocommunication of Animals: 103–133. doi:10.1007/978-94-007-7414-8_7. ISBN 978-94-007-7413-1.
  11. ^ Huang, Di-ying; Nel, André; Zompro, Oliver; Waller, Alain (2008-06-11). "Mantophasmatodea now in the Jurassic". Naturwissenschaften. 95 (10): 947–952. doi:10.1007/s00114-008-0412-x. ISSN 0028-1042. PMID 18545982. S2CID 35408984.
  12. ^ Eberhard, MJB, MD Picker and KD Klass. (2011). Sympatry in Mantophasmatodea, with the description of a new species and phylogenetic considerations. Organisms Diversity & Evolution 11(1): 43-59. doi:10.1007/s13127-010-0037-8

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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia EN

Mantophasmatidae: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Mantophasmatidae is a family of carnivorous wingless insects within the order Notoptera, which was discovered in Africa in 2001. Originally, the group was regarded as an order in its own right, and named Mantophasmatodea, but, using recent evidence indicating a sister group relationship with Grylloblattidae (formerly classified in the order Grylloblattodea), Arillo and Engel have combined the two groups into a single order, Notoptera.

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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia EN

Mantophasmatidae ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

Mantophasmatidae es una familia de insectos carnívoros sin alas en el orden Notoptera, que fue descubierta en África en el 2001.[2][3]​ Originalmente, el taxón fue considerado un orden por derecho propio, y nombrado Mantophasmatodea, pero, la evidencia reciente indica que posee una relación de taxón hermano con Grylloblattidae (anteriormente clasificado en el orden Grylloblattodea),[4][5]​ Arillo y Engel han combinado los dos taxones en un solo orden, Notoptera.[1]


A estos insectos se les suele denominar gladiadores, escaladores de roca, mantofasmidos, y en forma coloquial, mantos.[6]​ El centro moderno de endemismo es el oeste de Sudáfrica y Namibia (Macizo de Brandberg),[7]​ si bien una población residual y fósiles del Eoceno indican que antiguamente tuvo un área de distribución mucho más amplia.

Mantophasmatodea carece de alas aún como adulto, lo cual dificulta su identificación. Se asemejan a una cruza de mantis y fasmidos, y la evidencia molecular indica que están muy relacionados con el enigmático grupo Grylloblattodea.[4][5]​ Inicialmente, fueron descriptos a partir de viejos especímenes de museo originalmente recolectados en Namibia (Mantophasma zephyrum) y Tanzania (M. subsolanum), y de un espécimen de 45-millones de años de antigüedad en ámbar del Báltico (Raptophasma kerneggeri).

Una expedición internacional recolectó especímenes vivos en Namibia a comienzos del año 2002; Tyrannophasma gladiator fue hallado en el Macizo de Brandberg, y Mantophasma zephyrum fue encontrado en el Macizo de Erongoberg.[8]

Desde entonces se han descubierto varios géneros y especies nuevas, por ejemplo los dos géneros Kuboesphasma y Minutophasma, cada uno con una sola especie, descriptos a partir de especímenes recolectados en Richtersveld, Sudáfrica en el 2018.[9]


Mantofasmatidos son carnívoros sin alas. Durante el cortejo, se comunican utilizando vibraciones transmitidas a través del suelo.[10]


La clasificación más reciente[9]​ reconoce varios géneros, incluidos fósiles:

Sin identificar en el Zoologische Staatssammlung München.

Algunos taxonomistas le asignan estado de familia a las subfamilias y tribus, y estado de suborden a la familia. En total existen 21 especies descriptas.[9]


  1. a b «Arillo, A. & M. Engel (2006) Rock Crawlers in Baltic Amber (Notoptera: Mantophasmatodea). American Museum Novitates 3539:1-10». Archivado desde el original el 17 de diciembre de 2008. Consultado el 26 de septiembre de 2019.
  2. K.-D. Klass, O. Zompro, N.P. Kristensen, J. Adis. Mantophasmatodea: a new insect order with extant members in the afrotropics Science, 296 (2002), pp. 1456–1459
  3. Adis, J., O. Zompro, E. Moombolah-Goagoses, and E. Marais. 2002. Gladiators: A new order of insect. Scientific American 287:60-65.
  4. a b Terry, M.D., and M.F. Whiting. 2005. Mantophasmatodea and phylogeny of the lower neopterous insects. Cladistics 21(3): 240–257.
  5. a b S. L. Cameron, S. C. Barker & M. F. Whiting (2006). «Mitochondrial genomics and the new insect order Mantophasmatodea». Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 38 (1): 274-279. PMID 16321547. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2005.09.020.
  6. «Biodiversity Explorer: Mantophasmatodea». Iziko. Consultado el 30 de junio de 2018.
  7. Zompro, O.; Adis, J.; Weitschat, W. (2002). «A review of the order Mantophasmatodea (Insecta).». Zoologischer Anzeiger 241: 269-279.
  8. Zompro, O.; Adis, J.; Bragg, P.E.; Naskrecki, P.; Meakin, K.; Wittneben, M.; Saxe, V. (2003). «A new genus and species of Mantophasmatidae (Insecta: Mantophasmatodea) from the Brandberg Massif, Namibia, with notes on behaviour». Cimbebasia 19: 13-24.
  9. a b c Wipfler, B; Theska, T; Predel, R (2018). «Mantophasmatodea from the Richtersveld in South Africa with description of two new genera and species». ZooKeys 746: 137-160. PMC 5904538. doi:10.3897/zookeys.746.14885.
  10. Randall, J. A. (2014). «Vibrational Communication: Spiders to Kangaroo Rats». Biocommunication of Animals: 103-133.
  11. Eberhard, MJB, MD Picker and KD Klass. (2011). Sympatry in Mantophasmatodea, with the description of a new Especie and phylogenetic considerations. Organisms Diversity & Evolution 11(1): 43-59.[1]

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wikipedia ES

Mantophasmatidae: Brief Summary ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

Mantophasmatidae es una familia de insectos carnívoros sin alas en el orden Notoptera, que fue descubierta en África en el 2001.​​ Originalmente, el taxón fue considerado un orden por derecho propio, y nombrado Mantophasmatodea, pero, la evidencia reciente indica que posee una relación de taxón hermano con Grylloblattidae (anteriormente clasificado en el orden Grylloblattodea),​​ Arillo y Engel han combinado los dos taxones en un solo orden, Notoptera.​

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wikipedia ES

Mantophasmatidae ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Les Mantophasmatidae sont une famille d'insectes de l'ordre des Mantophasmatodea.

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wikipedia FR

Mantophasmatidae: Brief Summary ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Les Mantophasmatidae sont une famille d'insectes de l'ordre des Mantophasmatodea.

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Auteurs et éditeurs de Wikipedia
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wikipedia FR