Description of Synuropsis
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Spherical or oval colonies, free-swimming, consisting of radially arranged biflagellate cells that may attach in the colony centre; cells Ochromonas-like, naked, held in place by a gelatinous matrix, but radiating gelatinous threads as in Uroglena (q.v.) lacking; 2 unequal flagella; 1-2 chloroplasts; eyespot usually present; usually 2 anterior contractile vacuoles; phagotrophic nutrition reported for Synochromonas pallida Korshikov 1929 and Syncrypta dubia Bourrelly 1957 (see below); cell division longitudinal; colony reproduction taking place by constriction into 2 daughter colonies or by fragmentation into single cells; stomatocysts known from Synochromonas pallida [=Syncrypta pallida] (Korshikov 1929, Preisig 1994). Taxa assigned to Volvochrysis, Synochromonas , Pseudosynura and Syncrypta have been linked to Synuropsis, The type of Syncrypta, is probably referable to Synura the remaining yaxa should probably be included in the genus Synuropsis. Type species: Synuropsis danubiensis Schiller 1929.