
Parvoviridae ( Catalão; Valenciano )

fornecido por wikipedia CA

Parvoviridae és una família de virus que inclouen els més petits virus coneguts i també alguns dels més resistents al medi ambient. Van ser descoberts a la dècada de 1960 i afecten vertebrats i insectes. Els Parvoviridae tenen un genoma consistent en un ADN monocatenari i una càpside de forma icosaèdrica.

El Parvovirus B19 va ser el primer parvovirus humà descobert i causa un exantema en infants (erythema infectiosum), i està associat amb altres malalties incloent-hi l'artritis. El Parvovirus RA-1 havia estat associat a l'artritis reumatoide, però actualment se sap que era un error motivat per la contaminació en laboratori.

El Parvovirus Caní és el responsable de la parvovirosis, que és una de les malalties contagioses més freqüents als gossos i una de les causes més importants de mortalitat en cadells. Afecta sobretot al tracte digestiu provocant quadres d'enteritis, als glòbuls blancs en la sang i en alguns casos també al múscul cardíac provocant miocarditis no supurativa.

El parvovirus porcí (Porcine Parvovirus, PPV) és un virus DNA monocatenari, sense envoltura, amb una morfologia icosaèdrica i mida petita (20nm) que afecta a la família dels suids. La seva infecció causa infertilitat, descens proliferatiu, momificació i mort fetal, normalment en absència de signes clínics en la mare. Pot ser associat també a un creixement deficient al període postnatal.


Subfamília Parvovirinae

Subfamília Densovirinae

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Parvoviridae: Brief Summary ( Catalão; Valenciano )

fornecido por wikipedia CA

Parvoviridae és una família de virus que inclouen els més petits virus coneguts i també alguns dels més resistents al medi ambient. Van ser descoberts a la dècada de 1960 i afecten vertebrats i insectes. Els Parvoviridae tenen un genoma consistent en un ADN monocatenari i una càpside de forma icosaèdrica.

El Parvovirus B19 va ser el primer parvovirus humà descobert i causa un exantema en infants (erythema infectiosum), i està associat amb altres malalties incloent-hi l'artritis. El Parvovirus RA-1 havia estat associat a l'artritis reumatoide, però actualment se sap que era un error motivat per la contaminació en laboratori.

El Parvovirus Caní és el responsable de la parvovirosis, que és una de les malalties contagioses més freqüents als gossos i una de les causes més importants de mortalitat en cadells. Afecta sobretot al tracte digestiu provocant quadres d'enteritis, als glòbuls blancs en la sang i en alguns casos també al múscul cardíac provocant miocarditis no supurativa.

El parvovirus porcí (Porcine Parvovirus, PPV) és un virus DNA monocatenari, sense envoltura, amb una morfologia icosaèdrica i mida petita (20nm) que afecta a la família dels suids. La seva infecció causa infertilitat, descens proliferatiu, momificació i mort fetal, normalment en absència de signes clínics en la mare. Pot ser associat també a un creixement deficient al període postnatal.

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Parvoviridae ( Dinamarquês )

fornecido por wikipedia DA

Parvoviridae er en gruppe små, kompakte vira.[1][2] Parvoviridae tilhører gruppen af enkeltstrenget DNA-virus (Gruppe II, ssDNA).


Parvoviridae inddeles i 2 underfamilier med henholdsvis 5 og 4 slægter.[kilde mangler]


  • Parvovirus™
  • Erythrovirus
  • Dependovirus
  • Amdovirus
  • Bocavirus


  • Densovirus™
  • Iteravirus
  • Brevidensovirus
  • Pefudensovirus

Se også

Vira (klassifikation)


  • ^ Cotmore, SF; Agbandje-McKenna, M; Canuti, M; Chiorini, JA; Eis-Hubinger, A; Hughes, J; Mietzsch, M; Modha, S; Ogliastro, M; Pénzes, JJ; Pintel, DJ; Qiu, J; Soderlund-Venermo, M; Tattersall, P; Tijssen, P; and the ICTV Report Consortium (2019). "ICTV Virus Taxonomy Profile: Parvoviridae". Journal of General Virology. 100 (3): 367-368. PMC 6537627free to read Tjek |pmc= (hjælp). PMID 30672729 Tjek |pmid= (hjælp). doi:10.1099/jgv.0.001212.
  • ^ "ICTV 10th Report (2018) Parvoviridae".
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    wikipedia DA

    Parvoviridae: Brief Summary ( Dinamarquês )

    fornecido por wikipedia DA

    Parvoviridae er en gruppe små, kompakte vira. Parvoviridae tilhører gruppen af enkeltstrenget DNA-virus (Gruppe II, ssDNA).

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    wikipedia DA

    Parvoviridae ( Alemão )

    fornecido por wikipedia DE

    Die Familie Parvoviridae (Parvoviren) umfasst Spezies von Viren, die ein einzelsträngiges DNA-Genom tragen. Die Virionen (Viruspartikel) der Parvoviridae haben einen Durchmesser zwischen 18 und 26 nm; da sie damit zu den kleinsten Viren zählen, leitet sich ihr Name von lateinisch parvus ‚klein‘ ab. Parvoviren sind unbehüllt, wodurch sie sehr resistent gegen äußere Einflüsse sind.

    Die Familie Parvoviridae wird nach der derzeitigen Master Species List #36 des International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) in drei Unterfamilien aufgeteilt: Parvovirinae, Densovirinae und Hamaparvovirinae.[3]

    Schemazeichnung eines Virions der Familie Parvoviridae, Querschnitt und Seitenansicht

    Unterfamilie Parvovirinae

    Zu den Parvovirinae, welche ausschließlich Wirbeltiere infizieren, zählen die Genera Amdoparvovirus (alias Amdovirus), Artiparvovirus, Aveparvovirus, Bocaparvovirus (alias Bocavirus), Copiparvovirus, Dependoparvovirus (alias Dependovirus), Erythroparvovirus (alias Erythrovirus), Loriparvovirus sowie Tetraparvovirus und Protoparvovirus (letzteres ehemals tierpathogenes Parvovirus, beide zusammen früher Parvovirus). Die durch Virusspecies des Genus Parvovirus ausgelösten Erkrankungen bezeichnet man als Parvovirosen.

    Genus Dependoparvovirus

    Die Dependoviren (Genus Dependoparvovirus, früher Dependovirus, z. B. Adenoassozierte Viren) sind abhängig von Helferviren, um sich zu replizieren. Als Helferviren kommen Adenoviren, Herpesviren und Vacciniaviren in Fragen. Fehlen diese Helferviren, dann können die adenoassoziierten Viren in einen Latenzzustand übergehen, indem sie ihr eigenes Genom relativ ortsspezifisch in das zelluläre Genom einbauen und so lebenslang im Organismus verbleiben. Bei einer Koinfektion mit dem entsprechenden Helfervirus kann das integrierte virale Genom reaktiviert werden. Die adenoassoziierten Viren AAV-2, AAV-3 und AAV-5 können Menschen über Tröpfcheninfektion infizieren. Vermutlich sind über 90 % der Erwachsenen infiziert, allerdings sind keine Erkrankungsbilder bekannt.

    Genus Erythroparvovirus

    Die Erythroparvoviren (Genus Erythroparvovirus, früher Erythrovirus)[4] haben einen ausgeprägten Tropismus zu sich teilenden Vorläuferzellen von Erythrozyten, den Erythroblasten. Sie sind zur Replikation ihres Genoms auf die in der S-Phase vorliegenden zellulären Polymerasen angewiesen. Zu diesem Genus gehört unter anderem das Parvovirus B19, der Erreger der Ringelröteln.

    • Species Pinniped erythroparvovirus 1
    • Species Primate erythroparvovirus 1, früher Parvovirus B19 oder Erythrovirus B19 (B19V)
    • Species Primate erythroparvovirus 2
    • Species Primate erythroparvovirus 3
    • Species Primate erythroparvovirus 4
    • Species Rodent erythroparvovirus 1
    • Species Ungulate erythroparvovirus 1

    Genus Protoparvovirus

    EM-Aufnahme von Virionen der Subspecies Canines Parvovirus

    Die Viren dieses Genus[5] replizieren sich autonom. Zu ihnen zählen fast ausschließlich tierpathogene (nur bei Tieren krankheitsauslösende) Erreger und können bei Haus- und Nutztieren schwere Erkrankungen verursachen. Diese Viren sind sehr nah miteinander verwandt mit einer sich über das gesamte Genom erstreckenden Homologie bei einer Sequenzidentität von mehr als 98 %. Erin Elizabeth Schirtzinger et al. führen folgende Species auf:[6]

    Diagramm des Kapsids der Species Carnivore protoparvovirus 1 aus 60 Monomeren des Kapsidproteins (CP).
    Minute virus of mice, Spezies Rodent protoparvovirus 1
    • Species Carnivore protoparvovirus 1 (Subspecies Canines Parvovirus, Felines Parvovirus und Kilham-Ratten-Virus[7][8])
    • Species Carnivore protoparvovirus 2
    • Species Carnivore protoparvovirus 3
    • Species Carnivore protoparvovirus 4
    • Species Chiropteran protoparvovirus 1
    • Species Eulipotyphla protoparvovirus 1
    • Species Primate protoparvovirus 1
    • Species Primate protoparvovirus 2
    • Species Primate protoparvovirus 3
    • Species Primate protoparvovirus 4
    • Species Rodent protoparvovirus 1 (Subspecies Parvovirus H-1)
    • Species Rodent protoparvovirus 2
    • Species Rodent protoparvovirus 3
    • Species Ungulate protoparvovirus 1 (Subspecies Porcines Parvovirus (PPV) und Minute virus of mice (MVM))
    • Species Ungulate protoparvovirus 2

    Das Canine Parvovirus ist 1978 vermutlich direkt aus dem Felinen Parvovirus (Erreger der Katzenseuche) entstanden und plötzlich aufgetreten. Dabei verbreitete es sich weltweit sehr schnell, worauf in dieser Pandemie Millionen von Hunden starben. Mittlerweile sind die Parvovirosen bei Hund und Katze mit Hilfe von Lebendimpfstoffen gut beherrschbar. Das Parvovirus H-1 befällt normalerweise Nagetiere, kann aber auch menschliche Zellen infizieren, verursacht jedoch beim Menschen dabei keinerlei Krankheitssymptome.

    Genus Tetraparvovirus

    Zu dieser Gattung gehören nach denselben Autoren:[6]

    • Species Chiropteran tetraparvovirus 1
    • Species Primate tetraparvovirus 1
    • Species Ungulate tetraparvovirus 1
    • Species Ungulate tetraparvovirus 2 (Subspecies PPV3)
    • Species Ungulate tetraparvovirus 3 (Subspecies PPV2, Porcines Hokovirus, Porcines Partetravirus, Porcines PARV4, ‚Cnvirus‘[9])
    • Species Ungulate tetraparvovirus 4

    Die Bezeichnung „Hokovirus“ für Viren den Genus Tetraparvovirus ist jedoch veraltet und entsprechend zu ersetzen, Hokovirus steht inzwischen für ein in Klosterneuburg bei Wien zusammen mit dem eng verwandten Klosneuvirus gefundenes Riesenvirus aus der Familie der Mimiviridae.

    Genus Copiparvovirus

    Nach ICTV und NCBI[10]

    • Species Pinniped copiparvovirus 1
    • Species Ungulate copiparvovirus 1 (Typusspecies mit Subspecies Bovine parvovirus - 2)
    • Species Ungulate copiparvovirus 2 (Die obige Quelle listet zu diesem Genus:[6] Subspecies Porcine parvovirus PPV4 und PPV5)
    • Species Ungulate copiparvovirus 3 (Subspecies Roe deer copiparvovirus)
    • Species Ungulate copiparvovirus 4
    • Species Ungulate copiparvovirus 5
    • Species Ungulate copiparvovirus 6

    Genus Bocaparvovirus

    Hierher gehören u. B. nach diesen Autoren:[6]

    • Species Primaten-Bocaparvovirus 1 (Subspecies Humanes Bocavirus 1 und 3, Gorilla-Bocavirus)
    • Species Primaten-Bocaparvovirus 2 (Subspecies Humanes Bocavirus 2a, 2b, 2c und 4)
    • Species Ungulate bocaparvovirus 2 (Subspecies Porcines Bocavirus 1, 2 und 6)
    • Species Ungulate bocaparvovirus 3 (Subspecies Porcines Bocavirus 5)
    • Species Ungulate bocaparvovirus 4 (Subspecies Porcines Bocavirus 7)
    • Species Ungulate bocaparvovirus 5 (Subspecies Porcine Bocavirus 3, 4–1 und 4–2).

    Unterfamilie Densovirinae

    Die historisch zweite Unterfamilie der Densovirinae umfasst die die Parvoviren der Insekten und anderer Arthropoden mit folgenden Genera:

    • Species Asteroid ambidensovirus 1
    • Sea star-associated densovirus (SSaDV)[13][14]
    • Species Blattodean ambidensovirus 1 (veraltet: Pefudensovirus, Periplaneta fuliginosa densovirus, PfDNV)
    • Species Blattodean ambidensovirus 2
    • Species Decapod ambidensovirus 1
    • Species Dipteran ambidensovirus 1
    • Species Hemipteran ambidensovirus 1
    • Species Hemipteran ambidensovirus 2
    • Species Hemipteran ambidensovirus 3
    • Species Hymenopteran ambidensovirus 1
    • Species Lepidopteran ambidensovirus 1 (Typusspecies)
    • Species Orthopteran ambidensovirus 1
    • Species Dipteran brevidensovirus 2 (Typusspecies)
    • Species Decapod hepandensovirus 1 (Typusspecies)
    • Species Lepidopteran iteradensovirus 1 (Typusspecies)
    • Species Decapod penstyldensovirus 1 (Typusspecies)

    Unterfamilie Hamaparvovirinae

    Diese Unterfamilie kam 2021 mit der Master Species List #36 des ICTV hinzu:[3]

    • Genus Brevihamaparvovirus (2 Species)
    • Genus Chaphamaparvovirus (16 Species)
    • Genus Hepanhamaparvovirus (1 Species)
    • Genus Ichthamaparvovirus (1 Species)
    • Genus Penstylhamaparvovirus (1 Species)


    1. a b c d e ICTV: ICTV Taxonomy history: Primate erythroparvovirus 1, EC 51, Berlin, Germany, July 2019; Email ratification March 2020 (MSL #35)
    2. Peter J. Walker: 2019.005G.U.v1.Monodnaviria, auf: ICTV Proposals, 19. Oktober 2019
    3. a b ICTV: ICTV Master Species List 2020.v1, New MSL including all taxa updates since the 2019 release, March 2021 (MSL #36)
    4. SIB: Erythroparvovirus, auf: ViralZone
    5. SIB: Protoparvovirus, auf: ViralZone
    6. a b c d Erin Elizabeth Schirtzinger, Andrew Suddith, Benjamin M. Hause, Richard A. Hesse: First identification of porcine parvovirus 6 in North America by viral metagenomic sequencing of serum from pigs infected with porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus. In: Virology Journal, Oktober 2015, (12), S. 170, doi:10.1186/s12985-015-0401-6
    7. NCBI: Kilham rat virus (no rank)
    8. W erner Nicklas: Kilham Rat Virus (KRV), auf: gv-solas, DKFZ Heidelberg
    9. Attila Cságola, Zoltán Zádori, István Mészáros, Tamás Tuboly; Yi Li (Hrsg.): Detection of Porcine Parvovirus 2 (Ungulate Tetraparvovirus 3) Specific Antibodies and Examination of the Serological Profile of an Infected Swine Herd. In: PLOS ONE, 2016, 11(3), S. e0151036, online am 14. März 2016, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0151036, PMC 4790921 (freier Volltext), PMID 26974825, Fig1
    10. NCBI: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov (Genus)
    11. SIB: Ambidensovirus, auf: ViralZone
    12. S. F. Cotmore, M. Agbandje-McKenna, J. A. Chiorini, D. V. Mukha, D. J. Pintel, J. Qiu, M. Soderlund-Venermo, P. Tattersall, P. Tijssen, D. Gatherer, A. J. Davison: The family Parvoviridae. In: Archives of virology. Band 159, Nummer 5, Mai 2014, S. 1239–1247, doi:10.1007/s00705-013-1914-1, PMID 24212889, PMC 4013247 (freier Volltext).
    13. NCBI: Sea star-associated densovirus (no rank)
    14. Ian Hewson et al.; James L. Van Etten (Hrsg.): Densovirus associated with sea-star wasting disease and mass mortality, in: PNAS, 17. November 2014, doi:10.1073/pnas.1416625111. Dazu:
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    wikipedia DE

    Parvoviridae: Brief Summary ( Alemão )

    fornecido por wikipedia DE

    Die Familie Parvoviridae (Parvoviren) umfasst Spezies von Viren, die ein einzelsträngiges DNA-Genom tragen. Die Virionen (Viruspartikel) der Parvoviridae haben einen Durchmesser zwischen 18 und 26 nm; da sie damit zu den kleinsten Viren zählen, leitet sich ihr Name von lateinisch parvus ‚klein‘ ab. Parvoviren sind unbehüllt, wodurch sie sehr resistent gegen äußere Einflüsse sind.

    Die Familie Parvoviridae wird nach der derzeitigen Master Species List #36 des International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) in drei Unterfamilien aufgeteilt: Parvovirinae, Densovirinae und .

     src= Schemazeichnung eines Virions der Familie Parvoviridae, Querschnitt und Seitenansicht
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    Parvovirus ( Siciliano )

    fornecido por wikipedia emerging languages
    Statu di cunzirvazzioni: Sicuru 230px
    CPV2 Classificazzioni scintìfica Regnu: Virus Famigghia: Parvoviridae

    Lu Parvuvirus eni nu quarsìasi virusfamìgghia Parvoviridae. Li Parvoviridae sunnu virus veru nichi, e sunnu puru veru risistenti.


    Li Parvoviridae hannu nu ginoma custituitu di ssDNA; quannu chissu trasi 'ntrâ cèllula, ppi òpira di prutiìni pricoci, pruduci dsDNA. Da chissu sunnu prudutti prutiìni pô packaging, pô rilassu, e 'n parti pâ sìntisi di ssDNA.

    File:Parvovirus Replicazione.jpg
    Schema dê fasi dâ replicazziuni dê Parvovirus ('n talianu).
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    wikipedia emerging languages

    Parvovirus: Brief Summary ( Siciliano )

    fornecido por wikipedia emerging languages

    Lu Parvuvirus eni nu quarsìasi virusfamìgghia Parvoviridae. Li Parvoviridae sunnu virus veru nichi, e sunnu puru veru risistenti.

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    wikipedia emerging languages

    Parvoviridae ( Inglês )

    fornecido por wikipedia EN

    Parvoviruses are a family of animal viruses that constitute the family Parvoviridae. They have linear, single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) genomes that typically contain two genes encoding for a replication initiator protein, called NS1, and the protein the viral capsid is made of. The coding portion of the genome is flanked by telomeres at each end that form into hairpin loops that are important during replication. Parvovirus virions are small compared to most viruses, at 23–28 nanometers in diameter, and contain the genome enclosed in an icosahedral capsid that has a rugged surface.

    Parvoviruses enter a host cell by endocytosis, travelling to the nucleus where they wait until the cell enters its replication stage. At that point, the genome is uncoated and the coding portion is replicated. Viral messenger RNA (mRNA) is then transcribed and translated, resulting in NS1 initiating replication. During replication, the hairpins repeatedly unfold, are replicated, and refold to change the direction of replication to progress back and forth along the genome in a process called rolling hairpin replication that produces a molecule containing numerous copies of the genome. Progeny ssDNA genomes are excised from this concatemer and packaged into capsids. Mature virions leave the cell by exocytosis or lysis.

    Parvoviruses are believed to be descended from ssDNA viruses that have circular genomes that form a loop because these viruses encode a replication initiator protein that is related to NS1 and have a similar replication mechanism. Another group of viruses called bidnaviruses appear to be descended from parvoviruses. Within the family, three subfamilies, 26 genera, and 126 species are recognized. Parvoviridae is the sole family in the order Piccovirales, which is the sole order in the class Quintoviricetes. This class is assigned to the phylum Cossaviricota, which also includes papillomaviruses, polyomaviruses, and bidnaviruses.

    A variety of diseases in animals are caused by parvoviruses. Notably, the canine parvovirus and feline parvovirus cause severe disease in dogs and cats, respectively. In pigs, the porcine parvovirus is a major cause of infertility. Human parvoviruses are less severe, the two most notable being parvovirus B19, which causes a variety of illnesses including fifth disease in children, and human bocavirus 1, which is a common cause of acute respiratory tract illness, especially in young children. In medicine, recombinant adeno-associated viruses (AAV) have become an important vector for delivering genes to the cell nucleus during gene therapy.

    Animal parvoviruses were first discovered in the 1960s, including minute virus of mice, which is frequently used to study parvovirus replication. Many AAVs were also discovered during this time period and research on them over time has revealed their benefit as a form of medicine. The first pathogenic human parvovirus to be discovered was parvovirus B19 in 1974, which became associated with various diseases throughout the 1980s. Parvoviruses were first classified as the genus Parvovirus in 1971 but were elevated to family status in 1975. They take their name from the Latin word parvum, meaning 'small' or 'tiny', referring to the small size of the virus's virions.


    Parvoviruses have linear, single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) genomes that are about 4–6 kilobases (kb) in length. The parvovirus genome typically contains two genes, termed the NS/rep gene and the VP/cap gene.[1] The NS gene encodes the non-structural (NS) protein NS1, which is the replication initiator protein, and the VP gene encodes the viral protein (VP) that the viral capsid is made of. NS1 contains an HUH superfamily endonuclease domain near its N-terminus, containing both site-specific binding activity and site-specific nicking activity, and a superfamily 3 (SF3) helicase domain toward the C-terminus. Most parvoviruses contain a transcriptional activation domain near the C-terminus that upregulates transcription from viral promoters as well as alternate or overlapping open reading frames that encode a small number of supporting proteins involved in different aspects of the viral life cycle.[2]

    The coding portion of the genome is flanked at each end by terminal sequences about 116–550 nucleotides (nt) in length that consist of imperfect palindromes folded into hairpin loop structures. These hairpin loops contain most of the cis-acting information required for DNA replication and packaging and act as hinges during replication to change the direction of replication. When the genome is converted to double-stranded forms, replication origin sites are created involving sequences in and adjacent to the hairpins.[2][3]

    Genomic DNA strands in mature virions may be positive-sense or negative-sense. This varies from species to species as some have a preference for packaging strands of one polarity, others package varying proportions, and others package both sense strands at equal proportions. These preferences reflect the efficiency with which progeny strands are synthesized, which in turn reflects the efficiency of specific replication origin sites.[2] The 3′-end (usually pronounced "three prime end") of a negative sense strand, and the 5′-end (usually pronounced "five prime end") of a positive sense strand, is called the left end, and the 5′-end of the negative sense strand, and the 3′-end of a positive sense strand, is called the right end.[2][4][5]


    Schematic diagram of a Parvoviridae virion
    A diagram of the canine parvovirus's capsid, containing 60 monomers of the capsid protein.

    Parvovirus virions are 23–28 nanometers (nm) in diameter and consist of the genome enclosed inside a capsid that is icosahedral in shape with a rugged surface. The capsid is composed of 60 structurally equivalent polypeptide chains derived from the C-terminal end of a VP protein's sequence, interlocking extensively to form an icosahedron with 60 asymmetric, superficial triangular units. These units have 3-fold radial symmetry at two vertices and 5-fold radial symmetry at one, with 2-fold radial symmetry at the line opposite of the 5-fold vertex and a 2/5 circular fold wall surrounding the point of the 5-fold vertex. Twenty 3-fold vertices, thirty 2-fold lines, and twelve 5-fold vertices exist per capsid, the latter corresponding to the 12 vertices of the icosahedron.[2]

    Typical features of the capsid surface include depressions at each 2-fold axis, elevated protrusions surrounding the 3-fold axes, and raised cylindrical projections made of five beta-barrels[6] surrounded by canyon-like depressions at the 5-fold axes. Each of these cylinders potentially contains an opening to connect the exterior of the capsid to the interior, which mediates entry and exit of the genome. About 20 nucleotides from the 5′-end of the genome may remain exposed outside of the capsid carrying a copy of NS1 bound to the 5′-end, which is a result of how the genome is synthesized and packaged.[2]

    Varying sizes of the VP protein are expressed for different parvoviruses, the smaller ones, VP2–5, being expressed at a higher frequency than the large size, VP1. The smaller VPs share a common C-terminus with different N-terminus lengths due to truncation. For VP1, the N-terminus is extended to contain regions important in the replication cycle, and it is incorporated into the capsid, typically 5–10 per capsid, with the common C-terminus responsible for assembling capsids.[1][2]

    Each VP monomer contains a core beta-barrel structure called the jelly roll motif of eight strands arranged in two adjacent antiparallel beta sheets, labeled CHEF and BIDG after the individual strands, the latter forming the interior surface of the capsid. Individual beta strands are connected by loops that have varying length, sequence, and conformation, and most of these loops extend toward the exterior surface, giving parvoviruses their unique, rough surface. Related parvoviruses share their surface topologies and VP protein folds to a greater degree than their sequence identities, so the structure of the capsid and capsid protein are useful indicators of phylogeny.[1][2]

    Life cycle

    Parvoviruses enter cells by endocytosis, using a variety of cellular receptors to bind to the host cell. In endosomes, many parvoviruses undergo a change in conformation so that the phospholipase A2 (PLA2) domain on the VP1 N-termini are exposed so the virion can penetrate lipid bilayer membranes. Intracellular trafficking of virions varies, but virions ultimately arrive to the nucleus, inside of which the genome is uncoated from the capsid. Based on studies of minute virus of mice (MVM), the genome is ejected from the capsid in a 3′-to-5′ direction from one of the openings in the capsid, leaving the 5′-end of the DNA attached to the capsid.[2]

    Parvoviruses lack the ability to induce cells into their DNA replication stage, called S-phase, so they must wait in the nucleus until the host cell enters S-phase on its own. This makes cell populations that divide rapidly, such as fetal cells, an excellent environment for parvoviruses. Adeno-associated viruses (AAV) are dependent on helper viruses, which may be an adenovirus or a herpesvirus, since coinfection alters the cellular environment to allow for replication.[2] In the absence of coinfection, AAV's genome is integrated into the host cell's genome until coinfection occurs.[7] Infected cells that enter S-phase are forced to synthesize viral DNA and cannot leave S-phase. Parvoviruses establish replication foci in the nucleus that grow progressively larger as infection progresses.[8]

    Once a cell enters S-phase and the genome is uncoated, a host DNA polymerase uses the 3′-end of the 3′ hairpin as a primer to synthesize a complementary DNA strand for the coding portion of the genome, which is connected to the 5′-end of the 5′ hairpin.[3][7][9] Messenger RNA (mRNA) that encodes NS1 is then transcribed from the genome by the DNA polymerase, capped and polyadenylated, and translated by host ribosomes to synthesize NS1.[2][5][10] If proteins are encoded in multiple co-linear frames, then alternative splicing, suboptimal translation initiation, or leaky scanning may be used to translate different gene products.[2]

    Parvoviruses replicate their genome via rolling hairpin replication, a unidirectional, strand displacement form of DNA replication that is initiated by NS1. Replication begins once NS1 binds to and makes a nick in a replication origin site in the duplex DNA molecule at the end of one hairpin. Nicking releases the 3′-end of the nicked strand as a free hydroxyl (-OH) to prime DNA synthesis[2] with NS1 remaining attached to the 5′-end.[7] The nick causes the adjacent hairpin to unfold into a linear, extended form. At the 3′-OH, a replication fork is established using NS1's helicase activity, and the extended telomere is replicated by the DNA polymerase.[10][11] The two telomere strands then refold back in on themselves to their original configurations, which repositions the replication fork to switch templates to the other strand and move in the opposite direction toward the other end of the genome.[12][13]

    Parvoviruses vary in whether the termini are similar or the same, called homotelomeric parvoviruses, or different, called heterotelomeric parvoviruses. In general, homotelomeric parvoviruses, such as AAV and B19, replicate both ends of their genome through the aforementioned process, called terminal resolution, and their hairpin sequences are contained within larger (inverted) terminal repeats. Heterotelomeric viruses, such as minute virus of mice (MVM), replicate one end by terminal resolution and the other end via an asymmetric process called junction resolution[2][14] so that the correct orientation of the telomere can be copied.[15]

    During asymmetric junction resolution, the duplex extended-form telomeres refold in on themselves into a cruciform shape. A replication origin site on the lower strand of the right arm of the cruciform is nicked by NS1, leading to the lower arm of the cruciform unfolding into its linear extended form. A replication fork established at the nick site moves down the extended lower arm to copy the lower arm's sequence. The two strands of the lower arm then refold to reposition the replication fork to go back toward the other end, displacing the upper strand in the process.[16]

    The back and forth, end-to-end pattern of rolling hairpin replication produces a concatemer containing multiple copies of the genome.[2][3] NS1 periodically makes nicks in this molecule and, through a combination of terminal resolution and junction resolution, individual strands of the genome are excised from the concatemer.[9][13] Excised genomes may either be recycled for further rounds of replication or packaged into progeny capsids.[7] Translation of mRNA containing VP proteins leads to the accumulation of capsid proteins in the nucleus that assemble into these empty capsids.[8]

    Genomes are encapsidated at one of the capsid's vertices through a portal,[2] potentially the one opposite the portal used to expel the genome.[5] Once complete virions have been constructed, they may be exported from the nucleus to the exterior of the cell before disintegration of the nucleus. Disruption of the host cell environment may also occur later on in the infection. This results in cell lysis via necrosis or apoptosis, which releases virions to the outside of the cell.[2][8]


    Parvoviruses are believed to be descended from ssDNA viruses that have a circular genome that forms a loop and which replicate via rolling circle replication, which is similar to rolling hairpin replication. These circular ssDNA viruses encode a replication initiator protein that is related to and possesses many of the same characteristics as the replication initiator protein of parvoviruses, such as the HUH endonuclease domain and the SF3 helicase domain.[17] In contrast to these other replication initiator proteins, NS1 shows only vestigial traces of being able to perform ligation, which is a key part of rolling circle replication.[8] The Bidnaviridae family, which are also linear ssDNA viruses, appear to be descended from a parvovirus that had its genome integrated into the genome of a polinton, a type of DNA transposon related to viruses in the realm Varidnaviria.[17]

    Based on phylogenetic analysis of the SF3 helicase, parvoviruses split into two branches early in their evolutionary history, one of which contains viruses assigned to the subfamily Hamaparvovirinae. The other branch split into two sublineages that constitute the other two subfamilies, Densovirinae and Parvovirinae.[18] Parvoviruses in the Hamaparvovirinae lineage are likely all heterotelomeric, Densovirinae are exclusively homotelomeric, and Parvovirinae varies.[2] Telomere sequences have significant complexity and diversity, suggesting that many species have co-opted them to perform additional functions.[7][10] Parvoviruses are also considered to have high rates of genetic mutations and recombinations.[2][9]


    Parvoviruses constitute the family Parvoviridae. The family is the sole family in the order Piccovirales, which is the sole order in the class Quintoviricetes. The class Quintoviricetes belongs to the phylum Cossaviricota, which also includes papillomaviruses, polyomaviruses, and bidnaviruses. Cossaviricota is included in the kingdom Shotokuvirae, which is assigned to the realm Monodnaviria. Parvoviridae belongs to Group II: ssDNA viruses in the Baltimore classification system, which groups viruses together based on their manner of mRNA synthesis. Within Parvoviridae, three subfamilies, 26 genera, and 126 species are recognized as of 2020 (-virinae denotes subfamily and -virus denotes genus):[18][19]

    Aquambidensovirus (3 species)
    Blattambidensovirus (1 species)
    Diciambidensovirus (1 species)
    Hemiambidensovirus (2 species)
    Iteradensovirus (5 species)
    Miniambidensovirus (1 species)
    Muscodensovirus (1 species)
    Pefuambidensovirus (1 species)
    Protoambidensovirus (2 species)
    Scindoambidensovirus (3 species)
    Tetuambidensovirus (1 species)
    Brevihamaparvovirus (2 species)
    Chaphamaparvovirus (16 species)
    Hepanhamaparvovirus (1 species)
    Ichthamaparvovirus (1 species)
    Penstylhamaparvovirus (1 species)
    Amdoparvovirus (5 species)
    Artiparvovirus (1 species)
    Aveparvovirus (3 species)
    Bocaparvovirus (28 species)
    Copiparvovirus (7 species)
    Dependoparvovirus (11 species)
    Erythroparvovirus (7 species)
    Loriparvovirus (1 species)
    Protoparvovirus (15 species)
    Tetraparvovirus (6 species)

    Parvoviruses are assigned to the same species if they share at least 85% of their protein sequence identities. Species are grouped together in a genus based on phylogeny of the NS1 and SF3 helicase domains, as well as similarity of NS1 sequence identity and coverage. If these criteria aren't satisfied, then genera can still be established provided that common ancestry is supported. The three subfamilies are distinguished based on phylogeny of the SF3 helicase domain, which corresponds to host range: viruses in Densovirinae infect invertebrates, viruses in Hamaparvovirinae infect invertebrates and vertebrates, and viruses in Parvovirinae infect vertebrates.[18]


    Child with Fifth disease

    In humans, the most prominent parvoviruses that cause disease are parvovirus B19 and human bocavirus 1. B19 infection is often asymptomatic but can manifest in a variety of ways, including Fifth disease with its characteristic rash in children, persistent anemia in immunocompromised persons and in people who have underlying hemoglobinopathies,[20] transient aplastic crises, hydrops fetalis in pregnant women, and arthropathy. Human bocavirus 1 is a common cause of acute respiratory tract infection, especially in young children, wheezing being a common symptom. Other parvoviruses associated with different diseases in humans include human parvovirus 4 and human bufavirus, though the manner by which these viruses cause disease is unclear.[6]

    Carnivore-infecting viruses in the genus Protoparvovirus, in contrast to human parvoviruses, are more life-threatening.[2] Canine parvovirus causes severe illness in dogs, the most common symptom being hemorrhagic enteritis, with up to a 70% mortality rate in pups but usually less than 1% in adults.[21] Feline parvovirus, a closely related virus,[22] likewise causes severe illness in cats along with panleukopenia.[23][24] In pigs, porcine parvovirus is a major cause of infertility as infection frequently leads to death of the fetus.[25]

    Use in medicine

    Adeno-associated viruses have become an important vector for gene therapy aimed at treating genetic diseases, such as those caused by a single mutation. The recombinant AAV (rAAV) contains a viral capsid but lacks a complete viral genome. Instead, the typical nucleic acid packaged into the capsid contains a promoter region, the gene of interest, and a terminator region, all contained within two inverted terminal repeats derived from the viral genome. rAAV essentially acts as a container that can traverse the cell membrane and deliver its nucleic acid cargo to the nucleus.[26][27]


    Parvoviruses were discovered relatively late in comparison to other prominent virus families, potentially due to their small size. In the late 1950s[28] and 1960s,[29] a variety of animal parvoviruses were discovered, including minute virus of mice,[30] which has since been used extensively to study rolling hairpin replication.[31] Many AAVs were also discovered during this time period[32] and research on them led to their first usage in gene therapy in the 1980s. Over time, improvements in aspects such as vector design led to certain AAV gene therapy products reaching clinical efficacy in 2008 and being approved in the following years.[27]

    In 1974, the first pathogenic human parvovirus was discovered by Yvonne Cossart, et al. When testing for the hepatitis B virus's surface antigen, one serum sample gave anomalous results and with electron microscopy was shown to contain a virus resembling animal parvoviruses. This virus was named B19 after the coding of the serum sample, number 19 in panel B.[20][33] B19 was later recognized as a species by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) in 1985, and throughout the 1980s it increasingly became associated with various diseases.[33]

    In the ICTV's first report in 1971, parvoviruses were grouped together in the genus Parvovirus.[30][32] They were elevated to the rank of family in 1975 and remained unassigned to higher taxa until 2019, when they were assigned to higher taxa up to the highest rank, realm.[34] The family was reorganized in 2019, departing from the "traditional" invertebrate-vertebrate distinction between Densovirinae and Parvovirinae and instead distinguishing the subfamilies based on helicase phylogeny, leading to the establishment of a new subfamily, Hamaparvovirinae.[18]


    Parvoviruses take their name from Latin parvus or parvum, meaning small or tiny, referring to the small size of parvovirus virions compared to most other viruses.[2][20] In the family name Parvoviridae, -viridae is the suffix used for virus families.[35] The order Piccovirales takes the first part of its name from the Italian word piccolo, meaning small, and the second part is the suffix used for virus orders. The class Quintoviricetes takes the first part of its name from the Galician word quinto, meaning fifth, referring to fifth disease (erythema infectiosum) caused by parvovirus B19, and viricetes, the suffix used for virus classes.[17]


    1. ^ a b c Mietzsch M, Pénzes JJ, Agbandje-McKenna M (20 April 2019). "Twenty-Five Years of Structural Parvovirology". Viruses. 11 (4): 362. doi:10.3390/v11040362. PMC 6521121. PMID 31010002.
    2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u Cotmore SF, Agbandje-McKenna M, Canuti M, Chiorini JA, Eis-Hubinger AM, Hughes J, Mietzsch M, Modha S, Ogliastro M, Pénzes JJ, Pintel DJ, Qiu J, Soderlund-Venermo M, Tattersall P, Tijssen P (March 2019). "ICTV Virus Taxonomy Profile: Parvoviridae". J Gen Virol. 100 (3): 367–368. doi:10.1099/jgv.0.001212. PMC 6537627. PMID 30672729. Retrieved 24 January 2021.
    3. ^ a b c Kerr, Cotmore & Bloom 2005, p. 177.
    4. ^ Kerr, Cotmore & Bloom 2005, p. 172.
    5. ^ a b c Cotmore SF, Tattersall P (1 February 2013). "Parvovirus diversity and DNA damage responses". Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol. 5 (2): a012989. doi:10.1101/cshperspect.a012989. PMC 3552509. PMID 23293137.
    6. ^ a b Qiu J, Söderlund-Venermo M, Young NS (January 2017). "Human Parvoviruses". Clin Microbiol Rev. 30 (1): 43–113. doi:10.1128/CMR.00040-16. PMC 5217800. PMID 27806994.
    7. ^ a b c d e Cotmore SF, Tattersall P (1996). "Parvovirus DNA replication" (PDF). Cold Spring Harbor Monograph Archive. 31: 799–813. doi:10.1101/0.799-813 (inactive 31 December 2022). Retrieved 24 January 2021.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: DOI inactive as of December 2022 (link)
    8. ^ a b c d Kerr, Cotmore & Bloom 2005, p. 175.
    9. ^ a b c Martin DP, Biagini P, Lefeuvre P, Golden M, Roumagnec P, Varsani A (September 2011). "Recombination in eukaryotic single stranded DNA viruses". Viruses. 3 (9): 1699–1738. doi:10.3390/v3091699. PMC 3187698. PMID 21994803.
    10. ^ a b c Kerr, Cotmore & Bloom 2005, p. 173.
    11. ^ Kerr, Cotmore & Bloom 2005, p. 180.
    12. ^ Kerr, Cotmore & Bloom 2005, p. 179.
    13. ^ a b Kerr, Cotmore & Bloom 2005, p. 181.
    14. ^ Kerr, Cotmore & Bloom 2005, p. 171–172, 177, 179.
    15. ^ Kerr, Cotmore & Bloom 2005, p. 182.
    16. ^ Kerr, Cotmore & Bloom 2005, p. 182–184.
    17. ^ a b c Koonin EV, Dolja VV, Krupovic M, Varsani A, Wolf YI, Yutin N, Zerbini M, Kuhn JH (18 October 2019). "Create a megataxonomic framework, filling all principal taxonomic ranks, for ssDNA viruses" (docx). ICTV. Retrieved 24 January 2021.
    18. ^ a b c d Penzes JJ, Soderlund-Venermo M, Canuti M, Eis-Huebinger AM, Hughes J, Cotmore SF. "Re-organize the family Parvoviridae" (docx). ICTV. Retrieved 24 January 2021.
    19. ^ "Virus Taxonomy: 2020 Release". International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV). March 2021. Retrieved 10 May 2021.
    20. ^ a b c Fonseca EK (February 2018). "Etymologia: Parvovirus". Emerg Infect Dis. 24 (2): 293. doi:10.3201/eid2402.ET2402. PMC 5782889.
    21. ^ Decaro N, Buonavoglia C (24 February 2012). "Canine parvovirus--a review of epidemiological and diagnostic aspects, with emphasis on type 2c". Vet Microbiol. 155 (1): 1–12. doi:10.1016/j.vetmic.2011.09.007. PMC 7173204. PMID 21962408.
    22. ^ Cotmore SF, McKenna MA, Chiorini JA, Gatherer D, Mukha DV, Pintel DJ, Qiu J, Soderland-Venermo M, Tattersall P, Tijssen P. "Rationalization and extension of the taxonomy of the family Parvoviridae" (PDF). ICTV. Retrieved 24 January 2021.
    23. ^ Parrish CR (March 1995). "Pathogenesis of feline panleukopenia virus and canine parvovirus". Baillieres Clin Haematol. 8 (1): 57–71. doi:10.1016/s0950-3536(05)80232-x. PMC 7134857. PMID 7663051.
    24. ^ "Feline panleukopenia". American Veterinary Medical Association. Retrieved 24 January 2021.
    25. ^ Mészáros I, Olasz F, Cságola A, Tijssen P, Zádori Z (20 December 2017). "Biology of Porcine Parvovirus (Ungulate parvovirus 1)". Viruses. 9 (12): 393. doi:10.3390/v9120393. PMC 5744167. PMID 29261104.
    26. ^ Naso MF, Tomkowicz B, Perry WL, Strohl WR (August 2017). "Adeno-Associated Virus (AAV) as a Vector for Gene Therapy". BioDrugs. 31 (4): 317–334. doi:10.1007/s40259-017-0234-5. PMC 5548848. PMID 28669112.
    27. ^ a b Wang D, Tai PW, Gao G (May 2019). "Adeno-associated virus vector as a platform for gene therapy delivery". Nat Rev Drug Discov. 18 (5): 358–378. doi:10.1038/s41573-019-0012-9. PMC 6927556. PMID 30710128.
    28. ^ Kilham L, Olivier LJ (April 1959). "A latent virus of rats isolated in tissue culture". Virology. 7 (4): 428–437. doi:10.1016/0042-6822(59)90071-6. PMID 13669314.
    29. ^ "Parvovirus". Stanford University. Retrieved 24 January 2021.
    30. ^ a b "ICTV Taxonomy history: Rodent protoparvovirus 1". ICTV. Retrieved 24 January 2021.
    31. ^ Kerr, Cotmore & Bloom 2005, p. 171–185.
    32. ^ a b "ICTV Taxonomy history: Adeno-associated dependoparvovirus A". ICTV. Retrieved 24 January 2021.
    33. ^ a b Heegaard ED, Brown KE (July 2002). "Human parvovirus B19". Clin Microbiol Rev. 15 (3): 485–505. doi:10.1128/cmr.15.3.485-505.2002. PMC 118081. PMID 12097253.
    34. ^ "ICTV Taxonomy history: Parvoviridae". ICTV. Retrieved 24 January 2021.
    35. ^ "ICTV Code". ICTV. Retrieved 24 January 2021.
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    Parvoviridae: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

    fornecido por wikipedia EN

    Parvoviruses are a family of animal viruses that constitute the family Parvoviridae. They have linear, single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) genomes that typically contain two genes encoding for a replication initiator protein, called NS1, and the protein the viral capsid is made of. The coding portion of the genome is flanked by telomeres at each end that form into hairpin loops that are important during replication. Parvovirus virions are small compared to most viruses, at 23–28 nanometers in diameter, and contain the genome enclosed in an icosahedral capsid that has a rugged surface.

    Parvoviruses enter a host cell by endocytosis, travelling to the nucleus where they wait until the cell enters its replication stage. At that point, the genome is uncoated and the coding portion is replicated. Viral messenger RNA (mRNA) is then transcribed and translated, resulting in NS1 initiating replication. During replication, the hairpins repeatedly unfold, are replicated, and refold to change the direction of replication to progress back and forth along the genome in a process called rolling hairpin replication that produces a molecule containing numerous copies of the genome. Progeny ssDNA genomes are excised from this concatemer and packaged into capsids. Mature virions leave the cell by exocytosis or lysis.

    Parvoviruses are believed to be descended from ssDNA viruses that have circular genomes that form a loop because these viruses encode a replication initiator protein that is related to NS1 and have a similar replication mechanism. Another group of viruses called bidnaviruses appear to be descended from parvoviruses. Within the family, three subfamilies, 26 genera, and 126 species are recognized. Parvoviridae is the sole family in the order Piccovirales, which is the sole order in the class Quintoviricetes. This class is assigned to the phylum Cossaviricota, which also includes papillomaviruses, polyomaviruses, and bidnaviruses.

    A variety of diseases in animals are caused by parvoviruses. Notably, the canine parvovirus and feline parvovirus cause severe disease in dogs and cats, respectively. In pigs, the porcine parvovirus is a major cause of infertility. Human parvoviruses are less severe, the two most notable being parvovirus B19, which causes a variety of illnesses including fifth disease in children, and human bocavirus 1, which is a common cause of acute respiratory tract illness, especially in young children. In medicine, recombinant adeno-associated viruses (AAV) have become an important vector for delivering genes to the cell nucleus during gene therapy.

    Animal parvoviruses were first discovered in the 1960s, including minute virus of mice, which is frequently used to study parvovirus replication. Many AAVs were also discovered during this time period and research on them over time has revealed their benefit as a form of medicine. The first pathogenic human parvovirus to be discovered was parvovirus B19 in 1974, which became associated with various diseases throughout the 1980s. Parvoviruses were first classified as the genus Parvovirus in 1971 but were elevated to family status in 1975. They take their name from the Latin word parvum, meaning 'small' or 'tiny', referring to the small size of the virus's virions.

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    Parvoviridae ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

    fornecido por wikipedia ES

    Parvoviridae es una familia de virus infectivos para animales.[1]​ Poseen un genoma lineal con ADN de cadena sencilla, que mide aproximadamente 5 kb, como ácido nucleico por lo que se incluyen en el Grupo II de la Clasificación de Baltimore. Se caracterizan por una cápside estructuralmente definida por una simetría icosaédrica y carente de envoltura viral (desnuda). Los viriones maduros se ensamblan en el núcleo como compartimento celular.

    Son uno de los virus más pequeños con un tamaño de 18-22 nm[2]​ y muy estables en el ambiente, pues resisten varias horas a temperatura de 60 °C y a pH 3-9. Producen tres proteínas estructurales, una mayoritaria, VP2, de 64-85 kD y dos menores, VP1, de 80-96 kD.[3]


    La replicación de ADN parvoviral ocurre en el núcleo. La replicación y la transcripción de ARNm son efectuadas por ADN y ARN polimerasas del huésped pero requieren de ciertas proteínas virales. El ADN parvoviral es linear y posee secuencias palindrómicas en ambos extremos. Estas secuencias palindrómicas son de 100-300 nucleótidos de largo, dependiendo del virus. El extremo 3' sirve como un primer, el cual es elongado para formar un intermediario de doble cadena.[4]


    Sus géneros representativos son:



    Pequeño paciente infectado con Parvovirus B19.

    Son virus que causan infecciones que pueden ser esporádicas o epidémicas ampliamente distribuidas. Son virus altamente especie-específicos, solo el Virus B19 es patógeno para los humanos causando la enfermedad del eritema infeccioso.[5]​ Los anticuerpos se detectan en más del 95% de niños y adultos jóvenes, y en los hemofílicos tratados con concentrados de factores de coagulación. La transmisión aparentemente ocurre por vía respiratoria (aérea), la mayoría de las infecciones cursan sin síntomas.[6]


    1. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires - Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. [1]
    2. Prescott, L.M. (199). Microbiología. McGraw-Hill Interamericana de España, S.A.U. ISBN 84-486-0261-7.
    3. F. de Ory Manchón. Manifestaciones clínicas y diagnóstico de la infección por parvovirus B19. Volumen 58 - Número 1328 p. 69. [2] Archivado el 27 de septiembre de 2007 en Wayback Machine.
    4. Strauss, James (2008). «7». Viruses and Human Disease (en inglés). ELSEVIER. ISBN 978-0-12-37-3741-0.
    5. Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. [3]
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    wikipedia ES

    Parvoviridae: Brief Summary ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

    fornecido por wikipedia ES

    Parvoviridae es una familia de virus infectivos para animales.​ Poseen un genoma lineal con ADN de cadena sencilla, que mide aproximadamente 5 kb, como ácido nucleico por lo que se incluyen en el Grupo II de la Clasificación de Baltimore. Se caracterizan por una cápside estructuralmente definida por una simetría icosaédrica y carente de envoltura viral (desnuda). Los viriones maduros se ensamblan en el núcleo como compartimento celular.

    Son uno de los virus más pequeños con un tamaño de 18-22 nm​ y muy estables en el ambiente, pues resisten varias horas a temperatura de 60 °C y a pH 3-9. Producen tres proteínas estructurales, una mayoritaria, VP2, de 64-85 kD y dos menores, VP1, de 80-96 kD.​

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    Parvoviirused ( Estônio )

    fornecido por wikipedia ET

    Parvoviirused on üldnimetuseks ssDNA viirustele, mis kuuluvad sugukonda Parvoviridae. Parvoviirused põhjustavad nakkushaigusi erinevatel loomadel, sealhulgas inimestel (inimese parvoviirusnakkus ehk viies haigus).[1]


    Parvoviirused põhjustavad mitmesuguseid haigusi, nii kergemate kui ka tõsisemate sümptomitega, mis võivad lõppeda surmaga. Mõned parvoviiruste sümptomid ei avaldu peremeesorganismis ning isend tundub väliselt terve.[2]

    Perekonda Parvovirus kuuluvad viirused eelistavad aktiivselt jagunevaid rakke, olles võimelised üle kanduma ka platsentale. Sel viisil võivad nakatuda ka vastsündinud.[1]

    Adenoseoselised viirused (AAV) ei suuda nakatunud organismis iseseisvalt replitseerumist lõpule viia ja seega ei põhjusta isendi haigestumist.[2] Autonoomsed parvoviirused replitseeruvad edukamalt vastsündinud loomadel või lootel, sest nad vajavad mitootiliselt jagunevaid rakke. Sea parvoviirus (PPV) on võimeline nakatama tiine looma loodet ning põhjustama pärast sündi kerget haigestumist. Kaslaste ja koerlaste parvoviirused (FPV ja CPV) nakatavad lümfiorganites jagunevaid rakke. Need viirused põhjustavad lümfopeeniat ja lümfoidset ammendumist. Inimese B19-parvoviirus võib vähendada punaste vereliblede tootmise hulka ja sellega seotult põhjustada aneemiat.[2]

    Inimesi nakatavad parvoviirused põhjustavad kahte haigust:

    Epidemioloogia parvoviirus B19 näitel

    B19 on levinud globaalselt ja on aktiivne aastaringselt. Kõige tavalisem nakatumise aeg on hilistalvel, kevadel või varasuvel. Nakatumine toimub sageli koolides, kus viirus mõjutab ligikaudu 40% lastest. Kõige levinum nakatumisviis on respiratoorne. Viirust võib leida esimesel nädalal kurgust võetud proovidest. Kaheksa päeva pärast nakatumist on organismis rohkem kui 1011 viiruse partiklit ühe milliliitri vere kohta. Varajasteks sümptomiteks võivad olla halb enesetunne, palavik ja külmavärinad. B19 viirus on rohkem püsivam lootes puuduliku immuunvastuse tõttu. Viiruse tõttu langeb punaste vereliblede tootmine ja haigus võib lõppeda imiku jaoks surmaga.[1]


    Efektiivseim kaitse parvoviiruste vastu on kaasasündinud immuunsus. Enamikul parvoviirustel ei ole mehhanisme, mis võimaldaks virionil manipuleerida või vältida peremeesorganismi immuunvastust.[2]

    Naaritsate aleuudi haiguse puhul ei suuda aga isegi immuunsüsteemi tugev vastus viirust kahjutuks teha ja viirus jätkab levimist organismis, mille tagajärjel tekib krooniline infektsioon.[2]

    Inimese parvoviirus B19 spetsiifilist IgM antikeha võib leida organismist 9–10 päeva pärast nakatumist. Antikehade arvukus tõuseb pärast seda kiirelt, saavutades maksimumi nädalaga.[1] Parvoviiruste vastu on välja töötatud nii surmatud kui ka elusvaktsiinid, mõlemad on efektiivsed, sest suudavad esile kutsuda immuunvastuse[2].


    Parvoviirused on suhteliselt vastupidavad ja levivad erinevate eritiste kaudu. Kasside ja koerlaste parvoviirused (FPV ja CPV) nakatavad soolestiku epiteelrakke, mis eritatakse väljaheidetena. Näriliste parvoviirused nakatavad neerurakke ja levivad uriinis. Inimese parvoviirus B19 replitseerub teatud kehakudedes ja levib hingamisteede kaudu.[2]

    Erinev levikuviis viitab sellele, et mõned viirused vajavad levimiseks lähedast kontakti isendite vahel. Teised parvoviirused suudavad aga levida kiirelt ilma otsese kontaktita. 1978. aastal ilmnenud koerlaste parvoviirus levis üle maailma paari aastaga.[2]


    Parvoviirused on levinud enamikul loomadel, kuid nad põhjustavad vaid kergemaid haigusi või kliiniliselt märkamatuid infektsioone. Esimene parvoviirus, mis tuvastati 20. sajandi alguses, oli kasside panleukopeenia viirus (FPV). Minkidel tuvastati sarnaseid sümptomeid põhjustav viirus 1940ndatel. Adenoseoselised viirused avastati 1960ndatel. Koerlaste parvoviirus (CPV) leiti 1970ndate lõpus, avastuseni viis koertel sel ajal levinud uus haigus. Koerlaste parvoviirus on lähedalt seotud kaslaste parvoviirusega, seega on alust arvata, et CPV puhul on tegemist FPV mutandiga [2]. Hiljuti avastati autonoomne parvoviirus RA-1, mis isoleeriti vastsündinud hiirest, kes oli nakatatud reumatoidartriidiga[1].

    Esimesed inimese parvoviirused avastati väljaheidete proovide uurimisel elektronmikroskoobiga. Leitud viirusi seostati seedetrakti häiretega, mida tekitasid karpide söömine. 1975. aastal leiti doonori vereseerumist parvoviirus B19.[1]


    Parvoviiruste nimetus tuleneb ladinakeelsest sõnast parvo, mis tähendab väikest, sest need on ühed väiksemad viirused. Parvoviiruse kapsiid on ikosaeedrilise kujuga ning kestata. Kapsiidi diameeter on 18–26 nm ning moodustub 32 kapsomeerist, mis koosneb kolmest struktuurvalgust: VP1, VP2 ja VP3. Struktuurivalke seovad omavahel aminohappejärjestused [1]. Peamine valk kapsiidis on VP2 või VP3 (olenevalt viiruse liigist), mis on 90% kogu kapsiidi koostisest[2].

    Parvoviiruse kapsiid sisaldab ka pikemaid valke kui VP2 või VP3. Raku nakatamiseks on viirusele vajalikud pikemad valgud, kuna sisaldavad fosfolipaasi A2 ensüümi aktivaasi, tänu millele on võimalik transportida viiruse genoom peremeesorganismi rakutuuma [4]. Peremeesorganismi rakkude pinnal on spetsiifilised retseptorid, mis tunnevad ära kapsiidivalgud. Retseptoriteks võivad olla siaalhapped või heparaansulfaat-glükoproteiinid[2].

    Viiruse ssDNA asub kapsiidis [2]. Esialgu arvati, et parvoviirused on kaheahelalise DNAga, kuni avastati, et iga virion sisaldab nii positiivset kui ka negatiivset DNA ahelat[3]. Olenevalt parvoviiruse liigist, on kapsiidi pakitud kas ainult negatiivne ssDNA ahel või positiivne ja negatiivne ssDNA ahel[2].


    Parvoviiruse genoomi suurus on 4500–5200 aluspaari. Genoom sisaldab:

    • kahte suurt avatud lugemisraami,
    • lühikesi järjestusi DNA ahelate 3’ ja 5’ lõppude läheduses,
    • ümberpööratud lõppjärjestusi ehk terminali kordusi või terminali palindroome.[2]

    Nii väike genoom suudab kodeerida vaid piiratud arvu polüpeptiide. Valgud, mida ise ei suudeta kodeerida, saadakse peremeesorganismi rakkudest.[3]

    Struktuurivalkude geene kodeerib standardse genoomi puhul paremakäeline avatud lugemisraam. Vasakukäeline avatud lugemisraam kodeerib viiruse mittestruktuursete valkude geene, nagu näiteks NS1, mis muudab viiruse nakatamisvõimeliseks, ja Rep valk, mis algatab peremeesrakus replikatsiooni. Viimane neist töötab DNA helikaasina ja NS1 asukoha spetsiifilise nikaasina, seondudes kovalentselt ssDNA 5’ otsaga. NS1 ja Rep valgu aktiivsust reguleeritakse fosforüleerimisega.[2]

    DNA lõppjärjestused koosnevad mittetäielikest palindroomidest, mõnel juhul kontrollivad DNA replikatsiooni spetsiifilised üksteisega mittesobivad järjestused. Lühikesed palindroomsed järjestused võivad keerduda üksteise peale kokku, moodustades kahekordse juuksenõela telomeerse struktuuri. Lõppjärjestuste juuksenõelad erinevad üksteisest nii struktuuri kui ka järjestuse poolest. Need struktuurid on olulised parvoviiruse replikatsiooniks.[2]

    Genoomi pikkus on jagatud 100 mu’ks (map unit), mis lähtub transkribeerimise lähtepiirkondadest ja transkripti splaissimise ehk lõikamise kohtadest.[1]


    Replikatsiooni tsükkel algab parvoviiruse kinnitumisega kindlatele retseptoritele, mis asuvad rakumembraanil. Viiruse partiklid tungivad rakku endotsütoosi teel ning kahe tunni möödudes võib partikleid juba leida rakutuumast.[1]

    Optimaalselt replitseeruvad parvoviirused peremeesraku tuumades rakutsükli hilises S-faasis või varajases G2-faasis. Nii saab viirus enda replitseerumiseks vajalikud komponendid. Replitseerumiseks on veel olulised viiruse DNA 5’ ja 3’ terminalides asuvad kaheahelalised piirkonnad, mis on põhjustatud komplementaarsetest järjestustest 160. ja 115. nukleotiidis. 3’ terminalis on üksteisega vastakuti nukleotiidid 1–43 ja ümberpööratuna järjestused 73–15. 44.–72. nukleotiidi vahel on kaks piirkonda, mis on guaniini- ja tsütosiinirikkad, need piirkonnad võimaldavad aluspaardumist ja lõppevad sekundaarstruktuuride moodustumisega. DNA ahela kokkuvoltimine saavutataksegi aluspaardumisega. Kokkuvolditud struktuure leidub ka DNA 5’ otsas, kuid selle suurus ja järjestus erineb 3’ omast.[1]


    Parvoviridae sugukonda kuuluvad järgmiste perekondade viirused:

    Perekond Parvovirus
    Hiirte hetkeviirus(MVM)
    Kaslaste panleukopeenia viirus(FPV)
    H-1 parvoviirus(H-1PV)
    Kilhami rotiviirus(KRV)
    Lu III viirus(LuIIIV)
    Hiire parvoviirus 1(MPV-1)
    Sigade parvoviirus(PPV)
    HB parvoviirus(HBPV)
    Küülikute parvoviirus(LPV)
    RT parvoviirus(RTPV)
    Tuumor X viirus(TXV)
    Hamstri parvoviirus(HaPV)
    Roti hetkeviirus 1(RMV-1)
    Roti parvoviirus 1(RPV-1)
    Perekond Dependovirus
    Adenoseoseline viirus 1–12(AAV 1–12)
    Lindude adenoseoseline viirus(AAAV)
    Veiste adenoseoseline viirus(BAAV)
    Pardi parvoviirus(BDPV)
    Hane parvoviirus(GPV)
    Koerlaste adenoseoseline viirus(CAAV)
    Hobuse adenoseoseline viirus(EAAV)
    Lamba adenoseoseline viirus(OAAV)
    Serpentiini adenoseoseline viirus(SAAV)
    Kitse adenoseoseline viirus(Go.1 AAV)
    Veise parvoviirus tüüp 2(BPV2)
    Perekond Erythrovirus
    Inimese parvoviirus B19(B19V-Au)
    Vöötorava parvoviirus(ChpV)
    makaagi parvoviirus(PmPV)
    Reesus makaagi parvoviirus(RmPV)
    Inimahvi parvoviirus(SPV)
    Veise parvoviirus tüüp 3(BPV3)
    Perekond Amdovirus
    Aleuudi naaritsa haiguse viirus(ADV-G)
    Perekond Bocavirus
    Veise parvoviirus 1(BPV1)
    Koerlaste hetkeviirus(CnMV)
    Inimese bokaviirus(HBoV)[2]


    1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,5 1,6 1,7 1,8 1,9 Robert B. Belshie (1991). Textbook of Human Virology (2nd ed.). St. Louis: Mosby Year Book
    2. 2,00 2,01 2,02 2,03 2,04 2,05 2,06 2,07 2,08 2,09 2,10 2,11 2,12 2,13 2,14 2,15 2,16 Brian W.J. Mahy ja Marc H.V Van Regenmortel (2008). Encyclopedia of Virology (3rd ed., Vol.4). Oxford: Elsevir
    3. 3,0 3,1 3,2 Leslie Collier ja John Oxford (1993). Human Virology. Oxford: Oxford University Press
    4. Zoltán Zádori, József Szelei, Marie-Claude Lacoste, Yi Li, Sébastien Gariépy, Philippe Raymond, Marc Allaire, Ivan R. Nabi, Peter Tijssen (2001). A Viral Phospholipase A2 Is Required for Parvovirus Infectivity. Developmental Cell, 291–302
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    Parvoviirused: Brief Summary ( Estônio )

    fornecido por wikipedia ET

    Parvoviirused on üldnimetuseks ssDNA viirustele, mis kuuluvad sugukonda Parvoviridae. Parvoviirused põhjustavad nakkushaigusi erinevatel loomadel, sealhulgas inimestel (inimese parvoviirusnakkus ehk viies haigus).

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    Parvoviridae ( Francês )

    fornecido por wikipedia FR

    La famille des Parvoviridae, virus découverts dans les années 1960, appartient au Groupe II (virus à ADN à simple hélice). C’est la seule famille de l’ordre des Piccovirales et de la classe des Quintoviricetes. Cette famille comprend le plus petit virus connu et certains qui comptent parmi les plus résistants dans l'environnement. Ils affectent des vertébrés, mais aussi des insectes.

    Les Parvoviridae ont un génome consistant en un ADN simple brin protégé par une capside en forme d'icosaèdre.

    Le parvovirus B19 a été le premier découvert. Il est connu pour causer chez l'enfant un exanthème dit « mégalérythème épidémique » mais il a été associé à d'autres maladies, dont l'arthrite. C'est un virus non enveloppé (comme le virus de l'hépatite A) qui présente un risque théorique (risque « mal » maîtrisé, demandant une vigilance constante).

    La Parvovirose RA - 1 a initialement été associée à la polyarthrite rhumatoïde, mais on pense maintenant que c'était par erreur, à la suite d'une contamination de laboratoire.

    Ces virus infectent des animaux (carnivores domestiques et sauvages, tels que chiens, chats, mustélidés, renards, loups, coyote, raton laveur, ours…) et l'Homme.
    Ces virus semblent présents dans le monde entier.
    Les infections symptomatiques semblent plus fréquentes en fin de printemps et en début d'été[4].

    Virologie (genres dans les sous-familles)

    Selon ICTV (14 février 2021)[5] :

    Transmission, cycle de vie

    L'ingestion de particules virales issues d'excréments d'un animal infecté semble être la cause d'infection la plus commune, plutôt que par contact direct avec un animal.

    Les parvoviroses sont résistantes (au froid notamment) et survivent plusieurs mois (voire plus d'un an) dans les milieux frais et humides et à l'abri de la lumière.
    Des cas documentés montrent que les oiseaux, rats, mouches et des objets inanimés (fomites) ont été impliqués dans la transmission de Parvovirus.

    Chez l'animal âgé de plus de 4 semaines :

    • Après avoir pénétré l'organisme, le virus commence sa réplication dans les tissus lymphoïdes.
    • Il se répand dans l'organisme via les vaisseaux sanguins et lymphatiques.
    • Il cible des cellules se divisant rapidement dans l'organisme, dont celles des parois intestinales.
    • Il endommage les parois intestinales (les cellules ne peuvent plus s'y régénérer). Des tissus fluides et du sang sont perdus dans l'intestin, entraînant une diarrhée contenant souvent du sang et des muqueuses.
    • Cette perte de liquide entraîne une déshydratation, et une éventuelle intoxication de l'organisme à partir de toxines normalement contenues dans l'intestin.
    • Les animaux qui survivent à cette phase initiale peuvent espérer une guérison complète (régénération des cellules).

    Chez l'animal âgé de moins de 4 semaines :

    • L'intestin ne semble pas infecté, mais ce sont le cœur ou le cerveau qui sont infectés (respectivement observé chez des chatons et des chiots).
    • L'immunité peut être transmise de la mère à sa progéniture (observé chez le chien).
    • Après exposition au virus, l'animal survivant conserve une immunité naturelle qui semble persister toute sa vie.
    • Les parvoviroses ne semblent pas avoir d'effets majeurs sur la dynamique de population de la faune sauvage, sauf dans les petites populations isolées vivant dans des milieux touchés par la fragmentation écologique ou réellement insularisés (îles).

    Indices et symptômes

    • 4 à 5 jours après l'exposition, les animaux infectés donnent des signes de pâleur (anémie due à la perte de sang), de déshydratation, dépression ou fatigue et manque d'appétit. Ce stade est suivi de fièvre, vomissements et de diarrhées aqueuses, pâteuses ou à consistance de gruau, nauséabondes et contenant souvent du sang et des muqueuses.
    • Les animaux qui remangent dans les 3-4 jours après l'infection survivent habituellement. La plupart des animaux qui meurent de l'infection le font dans les 4-5 jours. Mais ils peuvent continuer à excréter le virus durant 15 jours au maximum.

    Viandes comestibles ?

    • La viande de carnivores infectés (chien, chat, coyote…) n'est généralement pas consommée (avec des exceptions dans certains pays).
    • Si un animal est suspecté d'être infecté par le parvovirus, il convient de veiller à éliminer ses intestins (où des particules infectieuses peuvent encore être présentes et contaminer l'environnement local).
    • Les zones contaminées par des matières fécales pouvant contenir des parvovirus doivent être désinfectées (eau de Javel).

    Les maladies

    Maladies animales

    Elles sont appelées

    Maladies humaines

    Les parvovirus sont soupçonnés d'avoir un rôle dans la Maladie de Minkowski-Chauffard ; ils sont la cause de la Fièvre à tiques du Colorado et de Myocardite virale.


    • Les parvoviroses sont confirmées par analyse des excréments ou lors d'autopsies de l'appareil digestif.

    Notes et références

    Références biologiques

    Voir aussi


    Barker, I. K., and C. R. Parrish. 2001. Parvovirus infections. Pp. 131-146 in E. S. Williams and I. K. Barker (eds.), Infectious Diseases of Wild Mammals. 3rd Ed. Iowa State University Press, Ames, IA.

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    Parvoviridae: Brief Summary ( Francês )

    fornecido por wikipedia FR

    La famille des Parvoviridae, virus découverts dans les années 1960, appartient au Groupe II (virus à ADN à simple hélice). C’est la seule famille de l’ordre des Piccovirales et de la classe des Quintoviricetes. Cette famille comprend le plus petit virus connu et certains qui comptent parmi les plus résistants dans l'environnement. Ils affectent des vertébrés, mais aussi des insectes.

    Les Parvoviridae ont un génome consistant en un ADN simple brin protégé par une capside en forme d'icosaèdre.

    Le parvovirus B19 a été le premier découvert. Il est connu pour causer chez l'enfant un exanthème dit « mégalérythème épidémique » mais il a été associé à d'autres maladies, dont l'arthrite. C'est un virus non enveloppé (comme le virus de l'hépatite A) qui présente un risque théorique (risque « mal » maîtrisé, demandant une vigilance constante).

    La Parvovirose RA - 1 a initialement été associée à la polyarthrite rhumatoïde, mais on pense maintenant que c'était par erreur, à la suite d'une contamination de laboratoire.

    Ces virus infectent des animaux (carnivores domestiques et sauvages, tels que chiens, chats, mustélidés, renards, loups, coyote, raton laveur, ours…) et l'Homme.
    Ces virus semblent présents dans le monde entier.
    Les infections symptomatiques semblent plus fréquentes en fin de printemps et en début d'été.

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    Parvoviridae ( Croato )

    fornecido por wikipedia hr Croatian

    Parvoviridae je porodica DNK virusa koji uzrokuju bolesti kod kralježnjaka i kukaca. Virusi iz ove porodice su otkriveni 1960ih. Naziv porodice potječe od latinskog pridjeva parvus što znači malen, zbog toga što su virusi iz ove porodice jedni od najmanjih poznatih. Genom virusa sastoji se od jednolančane DNK

    Prvi otkriveni virus iz ove skupine je Parvovirus B19 uzročnik bolesti eritema infekciozum kod djece. U ostalih životinja ova skupina virusa uzrokuje infekciju psećim parvovirusom u pasa i virusom mačje panleukopenije u mačaka.

    Pravovirusi se dijele u dvije podporodice:

    • Podporodica Densovirinae:
      • rod Densovirus;
      • rod Iteravirus;
      • rod Brevidensovirus;
      • rod Pefudensovirus;
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    Parvoviridae ( Italiano )

    fornecido por wikipedia IT

    La famiglia Parvoviridae comprende i più piccoli virus conosciuti, ed alcuni tra quelli più resistenti nell'ambiente. Sono stati scoperti negli anni sessanta ed infettano i mammiferi. Il loro patrimonio genetico è costituito da una singola molecola di DNA monocatenario lineare racchiuso in un capside icosaedrico.

    Il Parvovirus B19 (o P1) è stato il primo ad essere scoperto e il meglio conosciuto, essendo la causa della cosiddetta quinta malattia o eritema infettivo.

    Il Parvovirus RA-1 fu associato originariamente all'artrite reumatoide, ma oggi si ritiene un errore dovuto a contaminazione in laboratorio.


    Il virione, assai piccolo, ha un diametro di 18-25 nanometri ed è privo di peplos. Per quanto concerne il capside esso presenta una simmetria icosaedrica ed è costituito da un variabile numero di proteine strutturali (da 2 a 3, dipende dai generi) conosciute come VP1, VP2 e VP3.

    Al suo interno la molecola di DNA contenuta è monocatenaria, lineare e di piccole dimensioni (5kb). Agli estremi 5' e 3' della stessa vi sono delle sequenze terminali palindrome (ripetute) di circa 115 nucleotidi che assumono una conformazione a forcina ripiegandosi su se stesse, essenziale per la replicazione del genoma.


    L'ingresso del virus nella cellula ospite avviene dopo il legame del virione con un recettore posto sulla superficie della cellula stessa. Una volta all'interno il Parvovirus può riprodurre il proprio genoma solo nel nucleo cellulare e la sua possibile replica è dipendente da fattori presenti durante la fase S del ciclo replicativo della cellula ospite. In questa sede la DNA-polimerasi cellulare sintetizza la catena complementare del Dna virale (che è monocatenaria) andando così a formare degli intermedi bicatenari di DNA, costituiti da due molecole (catene) complementari (legate per mezzo dell'estremo 3' di quella originale). L'innesco per l'enzima cellulare, la DNA-polimerasi, è fornito dalle sequenze palindrome che caratterizzano gli estremi della molecola di DNA virale.

    La molecola bicatenaria è poi tagliata, da proteine virus specifiche, in modo da avere due catene complementari, una di nuova sintesi e con attaccati i palindromi, un'altra originale, senza sequenze ripetute che all'estremo 3', viene completata della sua sequenza palindroma, mancante a causa del taglio. Le due catene verranno poi separate da proteine virali, con la costituzione di due molecole che possono iniziare un nuovo ciclo oppure condotte verso l'assemblaggio della progenie virale).

    Dopo la creazione della forma intermedia bicatenaria, la RNA-polimerasi della cellula ospite è in grado di trascrivere in MRNA le sequenze del genoma virale contenenti le informazioni per le proteine non-strutturali (compresa quella che opererà il taglio citato in precedenza) e strutturali (del capside). Gli mRna messaggeri così prodotti vengono trasportati nel citoplasma e tradotti (dai ribosomi cellulari) nelle varie proteine virali. La citotossicità dei Parvovirus è dovuta proprio a queste proteine.

    Schema della fasi replicative

    Malattie prodotte da Parvovirus

    I virus di interesse medico, infettanti l'uomo, sono il Parvovirus B19 appartenente al genere Erythrovirus e i virus adeno-associati del genere Dependovirus

    I Parvovirus possono infettare diversi animali e poiché il suo ciclo replicativo è legato a quello di replicazione della cellula ospite (fase S) il tipo di tessuto infettabile varia con il variare dell'età dell'animale colpito. Il tratto gastrointestinale e il sistema linfatico possono essere infettati ad ogni età, causando vomito, diarrea e immunodepressione. Ipoplasia cerebellare è stata riscontrata solo in gatti che avevano contratto il virus ancora nell'utero o nelle prime 2 settimane di vita, mentre malattie del miocardio sono state rilevate in cuccioli di cane infettati dal virus tra la 3ª e la 4ª settimana di vita.

    Il parvovirus del cane, discretamente resistente nell'ambiente esterno, è altamente pericoloso per i cuccioli di cane, presentando una mortalità elevata. Provoca danni al tratto gastrointestinale e disidratazione diffondendosi tramite feci, vomito o sangue infetti.

    Il parvovirus del topo non causa sintomi ma può contaminare esperimenti immunologici condotti in laboratori di ricerca.

    Nei suini un particolare tipo di parvovirus può causare una malattia legata alla riproduzione (SMEDI).

    La panleucopenia felina, una gastroenterite dei felini, è comune nei gatti durante le prime settimane di vita e causa febbre, leucopenia, diarrea fino alla morte. Se contratta dal gatto prima della 2ª settimana di vita provoca ipoplasia cerebellare. Simile è il parvovirus dell'enterite del visone che tuttavia non provoca ipoplasia cerebellare.

    Un altro tipo ancora di Parvovirus colpisce l'oca, tra gli 8 e i 30 giorni di vita, causando epatite e miocardite fino alla morte.

    La tecnica immunoenzimatica ELISA è la più accurata per la diagnosi.

    Cani e gatti possono essere vaccinati contro il Parvovirus.


    La famiglia Parvoviridae comprende i seguenti generi:[1]


    1. ^ Virus Taxonomy: 2019 Release, su talk.ictvonline.org, International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV), luglio 2019. URL consultato il 9 giugno 2020.
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    Parvoviridae: Brief Summary ( Italiano )

    fornecido por wikipedia IT

    La famiglia Parvoviridae comprende i più piccoli virus conosciuti, ed alcuni tra quelli più resistenti nell'ambiente. Sono stati scoperti negli anni sessanta ed infettano i mammiferi. Il loro patrimonio genetico è costituito da una singola molecola di DNA monocatenario lineare racchiuso in un capside icosaedrico.

    Il Parvovirus B19 (o P1) è stato il primo ad essere scoperto e il meglio conosciuto, essendo la causa della cosiddetta quinta malattia o eritema infettivo.

    Il Parvovirus RA-1 fu associato originariamente all'artrite reumatoide, ma oggi si ritiene un errore dovuto a contaminazione in laboratorio.

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    Parvovirus ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

    fornecido por wikipedia NL

    Parvovirussen (parvoviridae) is een groep van virussen waartoe de kleinste virussen gerekend worden. Parvovirussen werden ontdekt in de jaren 1960 en besmetten gewervelden en insecten. Het genoom van Parvoviridae bestaat uit enkelstrengs DNA (ssDNA) en het virus heeft een icosahedrale eiwitmantel.

    Parvovirus B19 was het eerste menselijke parvovirus dat werd gevonden.


    Subfamilie Parvovirinae

    Subfamilie Densovirinae

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    Parvovirus: Brief Summary ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

    fornecido por wikipedia NL

    Parvovirussen (parvoviridae) is een groep van virussen waartoe de kleinste virussen gerekend worden. Parvovirussen werden ontdekt in de jaren 1960 en besmetten gewervelden en insecten. Het genoom van Parvoviridae bestaat uit enkelstrengs DNA (ssDNA) en het virus heeft een icosahedrale eiwitmantel.

    Parvovirus B19 was het eerste menselijke parvovirus dat werd gevonden.

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    wikipedia NL

    Parwowirusy ( Polonês )

    fornecido por wikipedia POL

    Parwowirusy (Parvoviridae) – rodzina wirusów.

    Informacje ogólne

    Parwowirusy charakteryzują się następującymi cechami:

    • Symetria: ikozaedralna
    • Otoczka lipidowa: brak
    • Kwas nukleinowy: ssDNA, o polarności dodatniej lub ujemnej
    • Replikacja: zachodzi w jądrze zakażonej komórki; ze względu na trudności w namnażaniu parwowirusów, szczegóły ich replikacji są słabo poznane
    • Peptydy i białka: zwykle tylko trzy, z czego dwa pełnią funkcje strukturalne
    • Wielkość: 18–26 nm
    • Gospodarz: kręgowce i bezkręgowce
    • Cechy dodatkowe: najmniejsze znane wirusy, często (zwłaszcza rodzaj Dependovirus) do replikacji wymagają istnienia dodatkowego wirusa, który dostarcza "brakującego" kwasu nukleinowego (herpeswirusy i adenowirusy). Parwowirusy zależne od wirusów pomocniczych mogą integrować do genomu komórki. Lokują się na drugim ramieniu chromosomu 19. W momencie infekcji wirusem pomocniczym następuje uwolnienie i replikacja materiału genetycznego. Niekiedy wirusa pomocniczego może zastąpić promieniowanie UV.

    Systematyka parwowirusów

    • Rodzina: Parvoviridae (Parwowirusy)
      • Podrodzina: Parvovirinae
        • Rodzaj: Parvovirus
        • Rodzaj: Erythrovirus
        • Rodzaj: Dependovirus
      • Podrodzina: Densovirinae
        • Rodzaj: Densovirus
        • Rodzaj: Iteravirus
        • Rodzaj: Brevidensovirus

    Gatunki z podrodziny Parvovirinaepasożytami kręgowców, zaś podrodzina Densovirinae grupuje gatunki charakterystyczne dla bezkręgowcow.

    Niektóre choroby wywoływane przez parwowirusy

    U człowieka[1]

    U innych zwierząt

    Zobacz też


    1. Interna Szczeklika 2015/16, ​ISBN 978-83-7430-460-3​, Medycyna Praktyczna, 2015, Kraków, rozdział 18.1.10 Choroby wywołane przez parwowirusa P19 ss. 1103-1106
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    wikipedia POL

    Parwowirusy: Brief Summary ( Polonês )

    fornecido por wikipedia POL

    Parwowirusy (Parvoviridae) – rodzina wirusów.

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    wikipedia POL

    Parvoviridae ( Português )

    fornecido por wikipedia PT

    A família Parvoviridae abrange os menores vírus conhecidos e alguns dos mais resistentes ao ambiente. Foram descobertos na década de 1960 e afetam insetos e vertebrados. Os membros da família Parvoviridae possuem um genoma constituído por uma fita simples de DNA e um capsídeo icosaédrica.

    O Eritrovírus B19 foi o primeiro parvovírus humano a ser descoberto e é mais conhecido por causar uma exantema em crianças chamada de eritema infeccioso, embora também seja associado a outras doenças como artrite.

    Os gêneros são, a seguir, listados:

    Subfamília Parvovirinae

    Subfamília Densovirinae

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    Parvoviridae ( Sueco )

    fornecido por wikipedia SV

    Parvoviridae är en familj som omfattar några av de minsta och mest motståndskraftiga virus man känner till. De upptäcktes under 1960-talet och påverkar både ryggradsdjur och insekter. Virusen inom familjen har ett genom som består av enkelsträngat DNA och en ikosaedrisk kapsid.

    Ibland kallas alla arter inom familjen för "parvovirus" men parvovirus är också ett specifikt släkte inom familjen.

    Parvovirus B19 var det virus inom familjen som infekterar människan som man först upptäckte och vilket är mest känt för att orsaka "femte sjukan" (Erythema infectiosum) vilket är ett exantem som drabbar barn, men viruset är också förknippat med andra sjukdomar som exempelvis artrit.

    Parvovirus RA-1 förknippades också från början med ledgångsreumatism men detta anses idag vara felaktig och berodde förmodligen på att laboratoriemiljön där försöken genomfördes var kontaminerat.

    Familjen omfattar följande släkten:
    Subfamilj Parvovirinae

    Underfamilj Densovirinae

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    wikipedia SV

    Parvoviridae: Brief Summary ( Sueco )

    fornecido por wikipedia SV

    Parvoviridae är en familj som omfattar några av de minsta och mest motståndskraftiga virus man känner till. De upptäcktes under 1960-talet och påverkar både ryggradsdjur och insekter. Virusen inom familjen har ett genom som består av enkelsträngat DNA och en ikosaedrisk kapsid.

    Ibland kallas alla arter inom familjen för "parvovirus" men parvovirus är också ett specifikt släkte inom familjen.

    Parvovirus B19 var det virus inom familjen som infekterar människan som man först upptäckte och vilket är mest känt för att orsaka "femte sjukan" (Erythema infectiosum) vilket är ett exantem som drabbar barn, men viruset är också förknippat med andra sjukdomar som exempelvis artrit.

    Parvovirus RA-1 förknippades också från början med ledgångsreumatism men detta anses idag vara felaktig och berodde förmodligen på att laboratoriemiljön där försöken genomfördes var kontaminerat.

    Familjen omfattar följande släkten:
    Subfamilj Parvovirinae

    Släkte Parvovirus; typart: Murine minute virus SläkteErythrovirus; typart: B19 virus Släkte Dependovirus; typart: Adeno-associated virus 2 Släkte Amdovirus; typart: Minkparvovirus Släkte Boca-virus; typart: Bovint parvovirus

    Underfamilj Densovirinae

    Släkte Densovirus; typart: Junonia coenia densovirus Släkte Iteravirus; typart: Bombyx mori densovirus Släkte Brevidensovirus; typart: Aedes aegypti densovirus Släkte Pefudensovirus; typart: Periplanta fuliginosa densovirus
    direitos autorais
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    wikipedia SV

    Парвовирусы ( Russo )

    fornecido por wikipedia русскую Википедию
    Строение вирусной частицы. Вирионы диаметром 18—26 нм имеют икосаэдрический тип симметрии. Геном вируса содержит одноцепочечную ДНК

    Вирионы парвовирусов представляют собой безоболочечные изометрические частицы с кубической симметрией диаметром 25 нм. Это довольно мелкие вирусы животных. Капсид парвовирусов состоит из 32 капсомеров диаметром 3—4 нм. Парвовирусы содержат одноцепочечную линейную ДНК размером 5,2 тн (19—32 % массы вирионов). Парвовирусы содержат 63—81 % белков. Сравнительным анализом некоторых автономных парвовирусов обнаружено различие в их структурных белках. Парвовирусы собак (ПВС), свиней (ПВСв), кошек (ПВК) и мышей (ПВМ) содержат по три структурных полипептида VP1, VP2, VP3 с молекулярной массой соответственно 79—82; 65—66 и 62—63 кД. Парвовирус крупного рогатого скота содержит четыре полипептида VP1, VP2, VP3 и VP4 с молекулярной массой соответственно 74,5; 67, 62 и 57 кД. Следует отметить, что у парвовируса свиней, выделенного при диарее (штамм Н-45), также обнаружено четыре структурных полипептида (81, 70, 66 и 62 кД). Основным белком у парвовирусов млекопитающих является VP3, на долю которого приходится около 80 % массы вирионных белков.

    Капсид содержит 60 молекул белка VP2 (65 кД) и небольшое количество молекул VP1 (84 кД). VP1 и VP2 образуются альтернативным сплайсингом одной мРНК и полной последовательности VP2. Третий структурный белок VP3 образуется в полных (ДНК-содержащих) капсидах путём отщепления 15—20 аминокислот от аминоконца VP2. Зависимость размножения парвовируса от стадии клеточного цикла указывает на зависимость его репликации от репликации клеточной ДНК. Вирионы не содержат полимеразы, но способны кодировать такой фермент. Вместо этого используется клеточная полимераза И для транскрипции вирусной ДНК в двухспиральную промежуточную структуру, которая затем используется как матрица для других клеточных ферментов, катализирующих транскрипцию вирусных мРНК. Альтернативный сплайсинг структур приводит к увеличению отдельных видов мРНК, которые транслируются в большое количество различных белков. Наиболее обильный пул представлен мРНК, кодируемыми 3'-половиной генома, управляющей синтезом структурных белков. Неструктурный белок NS1, кодируемый 5'-половиной генома, также образуется в очень большом количестве и выполняет многие функции: 1) он связан с ДНК и требуется для репликации вирусной ДНК; 2) выполняет роль геликазы; 3) служит эндонуклеазой; 4) интерферирует с репликацией клеточной ДНК.

    Эта активность ведет к остановке деления клеток в S фазе. Механизм репликации генома является удивительно комплексным. 3'-конец геномной (-)ДНК служит полупраймером для начала синтеза двуцепочечнои циркулярной ДНК в качестве репликативного предшественника. Одной из особенностей репликации геномной ДНК являлось образование димерной формы репликативного предшественника с последующим синтезом тетрамерной структуры, состоящей из двух полностью позитивных и двух полностью негативных цепей вирусной ДНК, которые с помощью эндонуклеазы превращаются в одноцепочечные молекулы, в том числе в потомство вирусной ДНК[5].

    Особенности репликации

    Поглощенный парвовирус поставляет геном в ядро клетки, где однонитевая ДНК преобразуется в двунитевую ДНК клеточными факторами и ДНК-полимеразой. Двунитевая ДНК-версия вирусного генома требуется для транскрипции и репликации. Репликация происходит только в растущих клетках. Вирусные белки синтезируются в цитоплазме и затем возвращаются в ядро, где собираются вирионы. В результате ядро и цитоплазма клетки дегенерируют. Вирусы освобождаются в результате лизиса клетки.

    По способности к размножению в клетках хозяина парвовирусы делят на две группы — дефектные (род Dependovirus) и автономные (остальные вирусы семейства Parvoviridae). Автономные парвовирусы способны к самостоятельной репродукции, и для этого они используют соответствующие ферменты клетки хозяина, прежде всего клеточную ДНК-полимеразу[6]. Репликация автономных парвовирусов происходит в ядрах клеток, находящихся в S-фазе клеточного цикла, то есть во время удвоения клеточной ДНК. Репликация парвовирусов, как правило, ограничена активно пролиферирующими тканями, что может вызывать аномалии развития у эмбрионов и поражения тканей новорожденного. Во взрослом организме парвовирусная инфекция часто протекает бессимптомно[7]. Многие парвовирусы способны активно реплицироваться в трансформированных и/или раковых клетках, не затрагивая при этом нормальные клетки организма[8]. Именно это их свойство позволяет рассматривать парвовирусы как простейшие ДНК-содержащие вирусы, обладающие выраженной онколитической активностью.

    Онколитическое действие парвовирусов

    По всей вероятности, онкотропизм парвовирусов не связан с эффективным проникновением вируса в трансформированную клетку, а обусловлен преимущественной репликацией вируса в раковых клетках[9]. При этом парвовирусы блокируют пути активации интерферонов первого типа, особенно в трансформированных фибробластах[10][11]. Особую роль в онколитической активности парвовирусов играет основной неструктурный белок NS1[12]. Хеликазная активность NS1 необходима для репликации вируса[13], и он также является главным фактором, ответственным за онколитическую и цитотоксическую активность. Парвовирусный белок NS1 в относительно низкой концентрации способен вызвать гибель раковых клеток, но той же концентрации недостаточно для индукции апоптоза у клеток с нормальным фенотипом[9].

    Парвовирусы могут также модулировать противоопухолевый иммунитет. В результате гибели опухолевых клеток, индуцированных парвовирусом, нередко высвобождаются антигены, характерные для раковых клеток и их молекулярные комплексы. Это стимулирует представление опухолевых антигенов иммунной системе организма и вызывает формирование более выраженного иммунного ответа против клеток опухоли[9][14].

    Применение онколитических парвовирусов и векторных систем на их основе будет способствовать разработке подходов к лечению широкого круга болезней человека, в первую очередь онкологических заболеваний. Достигнутые в этой области успехи уже позволили перейти к проведению клинических испытаний для лечения злокачественных заболеваний.


    Последняя ревизия семейства была в 2013 году: изменены названия существующих и добавлены новые роды и виды[15].

    Вирусы семейства парвовирусов делятся на два подсемейства — Densovirinae и Parvovirinae, паразитирующих на беспозвоночных и позвоночных соответственно. По данным Международного комитета по таксономии вирусов (ICTV), на март 2017 года в подсемейства включают 5 и 8 родов соответственно[16]:

    Парвовирусы вызывают заболевания животных, поражая преимущественно желудочно-кишечный тракт и кроветворную систему. Некоторые представители данного рода обладают онколитическими свойствами (например, H-1 parvovirus, теперь включённый в вид Rodent protoparvovirus 1). Вид Carnivore amdoparvovirus 1 (ранее Aleutian mink disease virus) вызывает алеутскую болезнь норок. Род Bocaparvovirus вызывает поражения респираторного и желудочно-кишечного трактов человека[17], коров и собак.

    Род Dependoparvovirus объединяет аденоассоциированные вирусы человека, крупного рогатого скота, лошадей, овец, собак и птиц. В отличие от других парвовирусов, представители этого рода размножаются только в присутствии вирусов-помощников. Полноценными вирусами-помощниками могут служить аденовирусы, герпесвирусы также способны выполнять некоторые из необходимых функций вируса-помощника, однако полноценные инфекционные частицы парвовирусов в этом случае не образуются.


    1. Таксономия вирусов (англ.) на сайте Международного комитета по таксономии вирусов (ICTV).
    2. Атлас по медицинской микробиологии, вирусологии и иммунологии : Учебное пособие для студентов медицинских вузов / Под ред. А. А. Воробьева, А. С. Быкова. — М. : Медицинское информационное агентство, 2003. — С. 114. — ISBN 5-89481-136-8.
    3. Maxwell I. H., Terrell K. L., Maxwell F. (2002). Autonomous parvovirus vectors. Methods 28(2): 168—181.
    4. Tattersall P. (2006). The evolution of parvoviral taxonomy. In the parvoviruses. ed. J. R. Kerr, M. E. Bloom, R. M. Linden et al. Hodder Arnold: London P. 5—14.
    5. Парвовирусы. Строение и виды парвовирусов. // MedUniver.
    6. Berns K. I. (1990). Parvovirus replication. Microbiol Rev. 54(3): 316—329.
    7. Rommelaere J., Giese N., Cziepluch C., Cornelis J. J. Parvoviruses as anti-cancer agents. (2005). In Viral therapy of human cancers. ed. J.G. Sinkovics, J.C. Horvath. Marcel Dekker: New York Р. 627—675.
    8. Rommelaere J., Cornelis J.J. (1991). Antineoplastic activity of parvoviruses. J Virol Methods 33(3): 233—251.
    9. 1 2 3 Cornelis J. J., Deleu L., Koch U. et al. (2006). Parvovirus oncosuppression in The parvoviruses. Hodder Arnold: London Р. 365—384.
    10. Randall R. E., Goodbourn S. (2008). Interferons and viruses: an interplay between induction, signalling, antiviral responses and virus countermeasures. J Gen Virol. 89(1): 1—47.
    11. Rommelaere J., Geletneky K., Angelova A.L. et al. (2010). Oncolytic parvoviruses as cancer therapeutics. Cytokine Growth Factor Rev. 21(2—3): 185—195.
    12. Cotmore S.F., Tattersall P. (1987). The autonomously replicating parvoviruses of vertebrates. Adv Virus Res. 33: 91—174.
    13. Niskanen E. A., Ihalainen T. O., Kalliolinna O. et al. (2010). Effect of ATP binding and hydrolysis on dynamics of canine parvovirus NS1. J Virol. 84(10): 5391—5403.
    14. Moehler M. H., Zeidler M., Wilsberg V. et al. (2005). Parvovirus H-1-induced tumor cell death enhances human immune response in vitro via increased phagocytosis, maturation, and cross-presentation by dendritic cells. Hum Gene Ther. 16(8): 996—1005.
    15. Rationalization and extension of the taxonomy of the family Parvoviridae : [англ.] // ICTVonline. — Code assigned: 2013.001a-aaaV. — 2013. — 65 p.
    16. Таксономия вирусов (англ.) на сайте Международного комитета по таксономии вирусов (ICTV). (Проверено 26 марта 2017).
    17. Chow B. D., Esper F. P. (2009). The human bocaviruses: a review and discussion of their role in infection. Clin Lab Med. 29(4): 695—713.
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    Авторы и редакторы Википедии

    Парвовирусы: Brief Summary ( Russo )

    fornecido por wikipedia русскую Википедию
     src= Строение вирусной частицы. Вирионы диаметром 18—26 нм имеют икосаэдрический тип симметрии. Геном вируса содержит одноцепочечную ДНК

    Вирионы парвовирусов представляют собой безоболочечные изометрические частицы с кубической симметрией диаметром 25 нм. Это довольно мелкие вирусы животных. Капсид парвовирусов состоит из 32 капсомеров диаметром 3—4 нм. Парвовирусы содержат одноцепочечную линейную ДНК размером 5,2 тн (19—32 % массы вирионов). Парвовирусы содержат 63—81 % белков. Сравнительным анализом некоторых автономных парвовирусов обнаружено различие в их структурных белках. Парвовирусы собак (ПВС), свиней (ПВСв), кошек (ПВК) и мышей (ПВМ) содержат по три структурных полипептида VP1, VP2, VP3 с молекулярной массой соответственно 79—82; 65—66 и 62—63 кД. Парвовирус крупного рогатого скота содержит четыре полипептида VP1, VP2, VP3 и VP4 с молекулярной массой соответственно 74,5; 67, 62 и 57 кД. Следует отметить, что у парвовируса свиней, выделенного при диарее (штамм Н-45), также обнаружено четыре структурных полипептида (81, 70, 66 и 62 кД). Основным белком у парвовирусов млекопитающих является VP3, на долю которого приходится около 80 % массы вирионных белков.

    Капсид содержит 60 молекул белка VP2 (65 кД) и небольшое количество молекул VP1 (84 кД). VP1 и VP2 образуются альтернативным сплайсингом одной мРНК и полной последовательности VP2. Третий структурный белок VP3 образуется в полных (ДНК-содержащих) капсидах путём отщепления 15—20 аминокислот от аминоконца VP2. Зависимость размножения парвовируса от стадии клеточного цикла указывает на зависимость его репликации от репликации клеточной ДНК. Вирионы не содержат полимеразы, но способны кодировать такой фермент. Вместо этого используется клеточная полимераза И для транскрипции вирусной ДНК в двухспиральную промежуточную структуру, которая затем используется как матрица для других клеточных ферментов, катализирующих транскрипцию вирусных мРНК. Альтернативный сплайсинг структур приводит к увеличению отдельных видов мРНК, которые транслируются в большое количество различных белков. Наиболее обильный пул представлен мРНК, кодируемыми 3'-половиной генома, управляющей синтезом структурных белков. Неструктурный белок NS1, кодируемый 5'-половиной генома, также образуется в очень большом количестве и выполняет многие функции: 1) он связан с ДНК и требуется для репликации вирусной ДНК; 2) выполняет роль геликазы; 3) служит эндонуклеазой; 4) интерферирует с репликацией клеточной ДНК.

    Эта активность ведет к остановке деления клеток в S фазе. Механизм репликации генома является удивительно комплексным. 3'-конец геномной (-)ДНК служит полупраймером для начала синтеза двуцепочечнои циркулярной ДНК в качестве репликативного предшественника. Одной из особенностей репликации геномной ДНК являлось образование димерной формы репликативного предшественника с последующим синтезом тетрамерной структуры, состоящей из двух полностью позитивных и двух полностью негативных цепей вирусной ДНК, которые с помощью эндонуклеазы превращаются в одноцепочечные молекулы, в том числе в потомство вирусной ДНК.

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    Авторы и редакторы Википедии

    细小病毒科 ( Chinês )

    fornecido por wikipedia 中文维基百科


    细小病毒不具外套膜(non-enveloped)的二十面體,蛋白外鞘由60個次蛋白衣構成,外鞘能幫助病毒在酸性中的穩定性,病毒直徑僅約18 nm~22 nm,遺傳物質為單股直線形的DNA,大小約5kb。

    人類细小病毒B19 (Human parvovirus B19,HPV B19,簡稱B19),是第一個被發現的人類的细小病毒,是兒童常見的出疹性疾病—傳染性紅斑(又稱第五病,Erythema infection, EI)的病因。它並且也被認為和其它疾病包括關節炎有關。Parvovirus RA-1 起初被認為和類風濕性關節炎有關,但現在已被推翻。


    • 亞科 细小病毒亞科
      • 屬 细小病毒屬 Parvovirus; 例: 小鼠細小病毒 Murine Minute virus
      • 屬 紅病毒屬 Erythrovirus; 例: B19 virus
      • 屬 依賴病毒屬 Dependovirus; 例: Adeno-associated virus 2
      • 屬 阿留申群島水貂疾病病毒屬 Amdovirus; 例: Aleutian mink disease virus
      • 屬 牛科细小病毒屬 Bopavirus; 例: Bovine parvovirus
    • 亞科 濃核病毒亞科
      • 屬 濃稠病毒屬 Densovirus 例: Junonia coenia densovirus
      • 屬 重複病毒屬 Iteravirus例: Bombyx mori densovirus
      • 屬 短濃稠病毒屬 BrevidensovirusBrevidensovirus; 例: Aedes aegypti densovirus
      • 屬 環星黑煙濃稠病毒屬Pefudensovirus; 例: Periplanta fuliginosa densovirus


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    wikipedia 中文维基百科

    细小病毒科: Brief Summary ( Chinês )

    fornecido por wikipedia 中文维基百科


    细小病毒不具外套膜(non-enveloped)的二十面體,蛋白外鞘由60個次蛋白衣構成,外鞘能幫助病毒在酸性中的穩定性,病毒直徑僅約18 nm~22 nm,遺傳物質為單股直線形的DNA,大小約5kb。

    人類细小病毒B19 (Human parvovirus B19,HPV B19,簡稱B19),是第一個被發現的人類的细小病毒,是兒童常見的出疹性疾病—傳染性紅斑(又稱第五病,Erythema infection, EI)的病因。它並且也被認為和其它疾病包括關節炎有關。Parvovirus RA-1 起初被認為和類風濕性關節炎有關,但現在已被推翻。

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    wikipedia 中文维基百科

    パルボウイルス ( Japonês )

    fornecido por wikipedia 日本語

    パルボウイルス Parvovirus in Blood.jpg
    分類(ウイルス) : 第2群(1本鎖DNA) : パルボウイルス科

    パルボウイルスは、パルボウイルス科 Parvoviridae に属する直鎖1本鎖DNAウイルスである。直径20nmの球状粒子で、カプシド正二十面体構造を形成し、エンベロープは持たない。パルボウイルスは自然界に存在するウイルスの中でも最も小さい部類に入り、そのためラテン語で「小さい」を意味する parvus から命名された。パルボウイルス科のウイルスのなかには、増殖のためにヘルパーウイルスを必要とする欠損ウイルスである種も存在する。











    いったん発症すると直接治療する方法はないが、体力や抵抗力に余裕があれば、適切な対症療法を行うことで、発症後5~7日程度で免疫が獲得されるため自然回復する。 ただし生後2~3か月程度までの若齢犬では、ストレスの多い環境、消化管内寄生虫、犬コロナウイルスの同時感染などの要因が重なることによる免疫力低下が二次感染を引き起こし、死に至ることが多い。



    イヌパルボウイルス感染症の治療には、現在のところ特効薬がなく、支持療法、対症療法のみである。 犬自身の免疫力を保つ手助けをする効果を期待して、猫インターフェロン製剤の投与が行われることが多い。また、嘔吐下痢により失われた体内の水分や電解質を補給する点滴治療や、腸内細菌による二次感染を抑制するための抗生物質投与がおこなわれる。







    猫汎白血球減少症を引き起こす。実際には猫パルボウイルスとは言わず、猫汎白血球減少症ウイルス(Felin panleukopenia virus:FPLV)と呼称される。別名猫ジステンパーとして知られる感染症の原因となるウイルスで、1930年前後からその存在が報告されていた。ウイルスの性質はほぼ犬パルボウイルスと同一である。また感染経路、症状や治療方法も犬パルボウイルスと同様である。





    パルボウイルスB19は別名ヒトパルボウイルスと呼ばれる、人間にのみ感染するパルボウイルスである。ただし、骨髄中の赤血球先駆物質に侵入する能力があることから、パルボウイルス科 Parvoviridae のパルボウイルス属 Parvovirus ではなくエリスロウイルス属 Erythrovirus に分類されている。1974年にシドニー大学イヴォン・コサート教授によって発見された(発表は翌1975年の1月)[1]。B19番というラベルのついた血清の培養皿から発見されたのでこのように命名された[2]





    感染後約1週間で発症し、多くの場合は自然に回復する。B19 IgG抗体を持つ人は基本的に免疫を持ち、感染しても発症しないと考えられているが、まれに発症する例もある。なお、成人の約50%が抗体を持つと言われている。





    溶血性貧血症患者が感染した場合、重度の貧血発作 aplastic crisis を起こすことがある。また免疫抑制状態の患者においてはウイルス血症が長引き、重度の貧血症になったり生命の危険もあるという。






    1. ^ Cossart, Y. E., A. M. Field, B. Cant, and I). Widdows.1975. Parvovirus-like particles in human sera. Lancet 1:72-73.
    2. ^ Heegaard ED, Brown KE (2002). “Human parvovirus B19”. Clin. Microbiol. Rev. 15 (3): 485–505. doi:10.1128/CMR.15.3.485-505.2002. PMC 118081. PMID 12097253. http://cmr.asm.org/cgi/pmidlookup?view=long&pmid=12097253.
    3. ^ イヤーノート 2015: 内科・外科編 メディック・メディア G32 ISBN 978-4896325102
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    wikipedia 日本語

    パルボウイルス: Brief Summary ( Japonês )

    fornecido por wikipedia 日本語

    パルボウイルスは、パルボウイルス科 Parvoviridae に属する直鎖1本鎖DNAウイルスである。直径20nmの球状粒子で、カプシド正二十面体構造を形成し、エンベロープは持たない。パルボウイルスは自然界に存在するウイルスの中でも最も小さい部類に入り、そのためラテン語で「小さい」を意味する parvus から命名された。パルボウイルス科のウイルスのなかには、増殖のためにヘルパーウイルスを必要とする欠損ウイルスである種も存在する。


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    wikipedia 日本語