
Lifespan, longevity, and ageing

fornecido por AnAge articles
Maximum longevity: 13 years (captivity)
direitos autorais
Joao Pedro de Magalhaes
de Magalhaes, J. P.
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AnAge articles

Habitat ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por INBio
Es un habitante de bosques primarios, secundarios y bordes de bosque. Es especialmente común cerca de fuentes de agua quieta o en movimiento. Ocupa las zonas de vida de bosque tropical húmedo y muy húmedo.
direitos autorais
INBio, Costa Rica
Federico Munoz Chacon
site do parceiro

Distribution ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por INBio
Distribucion en Costa Rica: En las tierras bajas de la región sur de la vertiente pacífica y a lo largo de las tierras bajas de la vertiente atlántica.
Distribucion General: Desde Honduras hasta el oeste de Panamá.
direitos autorais
INBio, Costa Rica
Federico Munoz Chacon
site do parceiro

Trophic Strategy ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por INBio
Consume una amplia variedad de invertebrados, sobre todo insectos. Los juveniles (hasta un año) tienen una dieta totalmente carnívora, mientras que los adultos incluyen en su dieta algunas semillas, flores y frutos. Asímismo, los adultos depredan pequeños vertebrados incluyendo otras lagartijas, serpientes, aves y mamíferos.
direitos autorais
INBio, Costa Rica
Federico Munoz Chacon
site do parceiro

Reproduction ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por INBio
Es una especie ovípara. Las hembras alcanzan la madurez a los 18 meses y depositan de 2 a 12 huevos varias veces al año.
direitos autorais
INBio, Costa Rica
Federico Munoz Chacon
site do parceiro

Diagnostic Description ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por INBio
Como todos los miembros del género, estas lagartijas poseen párpados móviles; escamas ventrales levemente quilladas; cabeza cubierta por escamas apenas agrandadas; laminillas subdigitales angostas y quilladas; piegue gular y cresta dorsal. No tienen poros femorales. La escama interparietal es pequeña, de tamaño semejante al de las escamas vecinas y menor que la abertura óptica. Las escamas supraciliares no se traslapan. Presentan un fleco escamoso en los tres dedos exteriores. La cola tiene una cresta medianera. Se caracterizan por poseer grandes crestas en la cabeza, tronco y cola IMAGEDB.GET_BFILE_IMAGE?p_imageId=38191&p_imageResolutionId=2">(ver">http://attila.inbio.ac.cr:7777/pls/portal30IMAGEDB.GET_BFILE_IMAGE?p_imageId=38191&p_imageResolutionId=2">(ver imagen de cabeza). Estas crestas están sostenidas por proyecciones óseas del cráneo y por vértebras.

Comúnmente alcanzan los 60 mm. de longitud, pero pueden llegar a medir hasta un metro, del cual la cola ocupa 2/3 partes. Pesan hasta 600 gr. Las hembras son más pequeñas, la cresta en ellas es muy reducida y sólo cubre la cabeza. Alcanzan aproximadamente la mitad del volumen de los machos. Estas lagartijas tienen la capacidad de caminar sobre el agua, por lo que a veces se les llama "lagartijas Jesucristo". Esta habilidad se debe a la presencia de pliegues de la piel a lo largo de los dígitos, que al hacer contacto con el agua se abren como alerones y permiten que, por fracciones de segundo, el peso de la lagartija se sostenga sobre la superficie del agua. También tienen la característica de ser bípedas facultativas, pues cuando corren levantan la mitad anterior del cuerpo, de manera que terminan corriendo sobre las patas traseras.

B. plumifrons es de color verde esmeralda y tiene muchos puntos azul marino a lo largo del cuerpo; de los costados hacia el vientre y la papada el color verde gradualmente cambia a amarillo. La hembra es similar, pero no presenta gran desarrollo de la cresta.

direitos autorais
INBio, Costa Rica
Federico Munoz Chacon
site do parceiro

Diagnostic Description ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por INBio
Localidad del tipo:
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direitos autorais
INBio, Costa Rica
Federico Munoz Chacon
site do parceiro

Distribution ( Inglês )

fornecido por ReptileDB
Continent: Middle-America
Distribution: Honduras, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua
Type locality: Sipurio, Costa Rica.
direitos autorais
Peter Uetz
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site do parceiro

Basiliscus plumifrons ( Bretã )

fornecido por wikipedia BR
lang="br" dir="ltr">

Basiliscus plumifrons zo ur glazard kreizamerikan hag a vev er gwez.

Basiliscus plumifrons Basiliscus plumifrons e Costa Rica Basiliscus plumifrons Basiliscus plumifrons
(Park broadel Tortuguero, Costa Rica)
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wikipedia BR

Bazilišek zelený ( Checo )

fornecido por wikipedia CZ

Bazilišek zelený (Basiliscus plumifrons) je ještěr z čeledi leguánovitých.


Má dlouhé zadní nohy s velmi dlouhými prsty, dlouhý tenký ocas a na hlavě a na hřbetě vysoký hřeben. Je jasně zelený, nepravidelně světle modře či bíle skvrnitý. Dospělí jedinci dorůstají až 80 cm, z čehož dvě třetiny připadají na ocas.

Zoo Dvůr Králové nad Labem

Chování a strava

Bazilišci skvěle běhají po souši, šplhají po stromech a jsou výbornými plavci. Dorozumívají se navzájem kýváním hlavy. Jsou to zvířata společenská, avšak samci jsou vysoce teritoriální a svoje území si hájí bojem.

Vyskytuje se v křovinách a nízkém stromoví, poblíž sladkých vod (řeky, jezera) v oblastech Jižní Ameriky od Guatemaly až po Kostariku.

Jeho potravu tvoří převážně plody a hmyz, nepohrdne však ani malými vodními obratlovci nebo myšími mláďaty.

Samice naklade 4 až 17 vajec, inkubace trvá 5-75 dní a probíhá při teplotách 27-30 stupňů.

V případě nebezpečí prchá rychlým během po zadních nohou, rovnováhu udržuje pomocí ocasu. Dokáže vyvinout rychlost i přes 10 km/h a na kratší vzdálenost je schopen běžet po vodní hladině, kvůli tomu se mu také někdy přezdívá Ježíšova ještěrka.

Spolu s leguánem zeleným jsou velmi oblíbení mezi chovateli.



  1. Červený seznam IUCN 2018.1. 5. července 2018. Dostupné online. [cit. 2018-08-09]

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Bazilišek zelený: Brief Summary ( Checo )

fornecido por wikipedia CZ

Bazilišek zelený (Basiliscus plumifrons) je ještěr z čeledi leguánovitých.

direitos autorais
Wikipedia autoři a editory
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wikipedia CZ

Stirnlappenbasilisk ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE

Der Stirnlappenbasilisk (Basiliscus plumifrons), auch Federbuschbasilisk genannt, ist eine große, mittelamerikanische Art der Basilisken. Er gehört zur Unterordnung der Leguanartigen.


Detailansicht des Kopfes mit dem namensgebenden Stirnlappen

Der Stirnlappenbasilisk erreicht eine Länge von rund 80 cm, wovon die Länge des Schwanzes mit 50 bis 55 cm zwei Drittel der Gesamtlänge beträgt. Namensgebend sind die Stirnlappen (die bei den Männchen deutlicher ausgeprägt sind und die Form eines Kopfsegels haben) auf dem Kopf und Hinterkopf des Basilisken. Der Körper ist insgesamt schlank gestaltet, die Beine sind dennoch kräftig gebaut. Die Färbung der Schuppen variiert zwischen dunkelgrün über smaragdgrün bis blaugrün. Zur Bauchseite hin werden die Schuppen heller. Der Rücken ist durch eine gelbliche bis bläuliche Sprenkelung gezeichnet. Die eindrucksvollen Hautkämme auf dem Rücken, die eine Höhe von 5 cm erreichen können, setzen sich bis zur Schwanzwurzel fort. Diese Hautkämme sind beim Weibchen etwas weniger stark ausgeprägt. Die Tiere können in Gefangenschaft bei guter Pflege bis zu 13 Jahre alt werden. In Freiheit sterben sie allerdings deutlich früher.


Der Stirnlappenbasilisk ist in den Regenwäldern und Feuchtgebieten Mittelamerikas zu Hause. Die Art ist insbesondere in Honduras, Costa Rica und Panama verbreitet. Stirnlappenbasilisken leben vorwiegend auf Bäumen in Wassernähe. Sie sind sehr gute Schwimmer und Taucher. Mit ihren verbreiterten Zehen sind sie in der Lage, für kurze Zeit über Wasser zu laufen; dies hat der Echse den Namen Jesus-Echse eingebracht.[1]


Insekten, Schnecken, Frösche, kleine Echsen und Fische gehören zur Nahrung des Stirnlappenbasilisken. Zusätzlich werden aber auch Früchte und Blüten verzehrt.


Die Paarungszeit ist an keine feste Jahreszeit gebunden. Das Weibchen legt nach einer Trächtigkeit von 40–45 Tagen bis zu 15 Eier, aus denen die Jungtiere nach durchschnittlich 60–75 Tagen schlüpfen. Der Schlupfzeitpunkt ist stark von der Inkubationstemperatur abhängig. Die Jungechsen weisen eine Schlupflänge von rund 12 cm sowie ein Gewicht von 2,5 Gramm auf. Die erste Häutung erfolgt nach 5 bis 6 Wochen. Die Geschlechtsreife tritt Mitte des zweiten Lebensjahres ein.


  • Ingo Kober: Der Stirnlappenbasilisk. Basiliscus plumifrons. Natur und Tier - Verlag, Münster 2008, ISBN 978-3-9372-8502-3.


  1. faz.net: Biophysik: Im Eilschritt über das Wasser
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Autoren und Herausgeber von Wikipedia
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wikipedia DE

Stirnlappenbasilisk: Brief Summary ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE

Der Stirnlappenbasilisk (Basiliscus plumifrons), auch Federbuschbasilisk genannt, ist eine große, mittelamerikanische Art der Basilisken. Er gehört zur Unterordnung der Leguanartigen.

direitos autorais
Autoren und Herausgeber von Wikipedia
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wikipedia DE

Basiliscus plumifrons ( Luxemburguês; Letzeburgesch )

fornecido por wikipedia emerging languages

De Basiliscus plumifrons ass e Reptill aus der Gattung vun de Basilisken (Basiliscus).

Dës Aart kann, fir hire Feinden z'entkommen, op den hënneschte Patten iwwer d'Waasser lafen. Dofir gëtt s'op franséisch och Lézard Jésus-Christ genannt.

De Basiliscus plumifrons gëtt ëm déi 70 – 75 cm laang. De Schwanz ass ongeféier 2 1/2 bis 3-mol sou laang wéi d'Längt vum Kapp bis bei de Schwanz. E Männche kann allerdéngs bis zu 90 cm laang ginn.

D'Faarf ass gréng, donkelgréng bis hin zu blogréng. An der Regioun vum Genéck bis hin zum Schwanz verleeft eng wäiss-gielzeg-blo Sträif vu Flecken. D'Iris ass giel an zimmlech opfälleg.

An der fräier Natur friessen dës Basiliske virun allem Insekten, Schleeken, Fräschen, Fësch, méi kleng Echsen, Bléien a Friichten.

De Basiliscus plumifrons lieft am tropesche Reebësch, am léifsten an der Noperschaft vu Waasser. Doheem ass en am ëstlechen Honduras, iwwer Nicaragua a vu Panama bis op Costa Rica.

Um Spaweck

Commons: Basiliscus plumifrons – Biller, Videoen oder Audiodateien
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Wikipedia Autoren an Editeuren
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site do parceiro
wikipedia emerging languages

Basiliscus plumifrons: Brief Summary ( Luxemburguês; Letzeburgesch )

fornecido por wikipedia emerging languages

De Basiliscus plumifrons ass e Reptill aus der Gattung vun de Basilisken (Basiliscus).

Dës Aart kann, fir hire Feinden z'entkommen, op den hënneschte Patten iwwer d'Waasser lafen. Dofir gëtt s'op franséisch och Lézard Jésus-Christ genannt.

De Basiliscus plumifrons gëtt ëm déi 70 – 75 cm laang. De Schwanz ass ongeféier 2 1/2 bis 3-mol sou laang wéi d'Längt vum Kapp bis bei de Schwanz. E Männche kann allerdéngs bis zu 90 cm laang ginn.

D'Faarf ass gréng, donkelgréng bis hin zu blogréng. An der Regioun vum Genéck bis hin zum Schwanz verleeft eng wäiss-gielzeg-blo Sträif vu Flecken. D'Iris ass giel an zimmlech opfälleg.

An der fräier Natur friessen dës Basiliske virun allem Insekten, Schleeken, Fräschen, Fësch, méi kleng Echsen, Bléien a Friichten.

De Basiliscus plumifrons lieft am tropesche Reebësch, am léifsten an der Noperschaft vu Waasser. Doheem ass en am ëstlechen Honduras, iwwer Nicaragua a vu Panama bis op Costa Rica.

direitos autorais
Wikipedia Autoren an Editeuren
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wikipedia emerging languages

Зелен базилиск ( Macedônio )

fornecido por wikipedia emerging languages

Зелен базилиск (науч. Basiliscus plumifrons) — вид гуштер од семејството на гребеноглавите (Corytophanidae), чие природно живеалиште е Средна Америка.

Животнотно може да се види во терариумот на Зоолошката градина во Скопје.[2]

Географски опсег

Во природата овој гуштер може да се сретне во источен Хондурас, Никарагва, Костарика и западна Панама.[3][4]

Таксономија и етимологија

Општото име „базилиск“ потекнува од легендарните влекачи од европската митологија кои можеле да го претворат човека во камен со само еден поглед односно станува збор за т.н. Базилисци.[5] Името потекнува од старогрчкиот збор basilískos (што всушност значи „малечок крал“.[5] Овој епитет е запишан во десетото издание на Линеовата Systema Naturae.[5]


Зелените базилисци се со светло зелена боја со мали синкави точки по грбниот предел. Овие гуштери можат да пораснат до 1 метар должина, при што поголемиот дел од должината отпаѓа на опашката, со просечна должина на опашката од 60 см. Мажјаците имаат три перјаници: една на главата, една на грбот и една на опашката.Од друга страна пак женките, имаат само една перјаница на главата.


Зелените базилисци се сештојадци и се хранат со инсекти, мали цицачи (на пример глодари), помали видови на гуштери, овошје и цветови. Овие гуштери се плен на птици грабливки, опосуми и змии.


Женките припаднички на овој вид можат да снесат од 5 до 15 јајца во топол влажен песок или почва. Јајцата се изведуваат по осум или десет недели, при што младенчињата по изведувањето се целосно независни.


Мажјаците се мошне територијални, единечен мажјак може да владее со земјиште на кое има повеќе женки со кои истиот се пари. Повеќето базилисци се плашливи, и не поднесуваат подолги периоди да минуваат во раце кога се чуваат во заробеништво.

Овој гуштер може да претрча кратки растојанија преку вода користејчи ги своите две стапали и опашката како подршка, способност која ја споделуваат сите останати базилисци и молучкиот едрест гуштер (Hydrosaurus amboinensis). Во Костарика, оваа способност на гуштерот му го донела надимакот „Исус Христос“. Станува збор за одличен пливач кој може да остане под вода и до 30 минути.



  1. Basiliscus plumifrons. Обединет таксономски информативен систем. (англиски)
  2. „Базилиск“. Зоо Скопје. конс. 14 јуни 2015. Check date values in: |accessdate= (помош)
  3. Kohler, G. (2008). Reptiles of Central America, 2nd edition. ISBN 978-3936180282
  4. Savage J. M. (2005). The Amphibians and Reptiles of Costa Rica: A herpetofauna between two continents, between two seas. ISBN 978-0226735382
  5. 5,0 5,1 5,2 Robert George Sprackland (1992). Giant lizards. Neptune, NJ: T.F.H. Publications. ISBN 0-86622-634-6.

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Автори и уредници на Википедија
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wikipedia emerging languages

Зелен базилиск: Brief Summary ( Macedônio )

fornecido por wikipedia emerging languages

Зелен базилиск (науч. Basiliscus plumifrons) — вид гуштер од семејството на гребеноглавите (Corytophanidae), чие природно живеалиште е Средна Америка.

Животнотно може да се види во терариумот на Зоолошката градина во Скопје.

direitos autorais
Автори и уредници на Википедија
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wikipedia emerging languages

பாசிலிகசு பல்லிகள் ( Tâmil )

fornecido por wikipedia emerging languages

பாசிலிகஸ் பல்லிகள் (Basilicus Plumidrons)அல்லது ஜீசஸ் பல்லி என்று அழைக்கப்படும் சுறு சுறுப்பற்ற, தளர்ச்சியுற்ற மரம் வாழ் உயிரினம். அமெரிக்காவில் வாழும் தண்ணீரில் நடக்கும் பல்லி இனத்தைச் சேர்ந்த பாலூட்டியாகும். இவை நீரில் நடக்கும் தன்மையை வைத்து மக்கள் இதை ஜீசஸ் பல்லி என்று அழைக்கிறார்கள். கிரேக்க மொழியில் பாசிலிக்கஸ் என்றால் அரசர் எனப் பொருள்படும்.[2][3]


இவை மத்திய அமெரிக்காவில் அதிகம் காணப்படுகின்றன. மரங்களில் அமர்ந்திருக்கும் போது தன்னை இரையாகப் பிடிக்க வரும் மிருகங்களில் இருந்து காத்துக்கொள்ள மரத்தின் அடியில் காணப்படும் நீர்ப் பரப்பில் விழுந்து அதன் மேல் பரப்பில் நடக்கின்றன என்று இவற்றைப் பற்றி ஆராய்ச்சி செய்து வரும் ஆய்வாளர்கள் கூறுகிறார்கள். இவற்றின் பரவல் மெக்சிகோவில் இருந்து நில நடுக்கோட்டுப் பிரதேங்கள் வரை காணப்படுகிறது


Male plumed basilisk in its natural habitat in Costa Rica.

இந்த பல்லிகள் பிறக்கும் போது இரண்டு கிராமும், பெரிதாக வளர்ந்த பின் 200 கிராம் எடையும் உடையதாக இருக்கிறது. அவைகளின் உருவ அமைப்புக்கேற்ப தண்ணீரில் நடக்கின்றன. அவைகள் தண்ணீரின் மேல் ஒரு நொடிக்கு 5 அடி முதல் 15 அடி வரை ஓடுகின்றன. அதன் பிறகு அவை தண்ணீரில் நீந்தவும் செய்கின்றன. இப்பல்லிகள் தனது காலினால் சக்தியை உருவாக்குகின்றன. அந்த சக்தி காலில் சேமிக்கப்படுகிறது. நடக்கத் தொடங்கும் போது இந்த சக்தியின் உதவியால் தண்ணீரின் மேல் நடப்பதாகத் தெரிவித்துள்ளனர்.


பாசிலிகஸ் பல்லி ஓர் அனைத்துண்ணி ஆகும். பூச்சிகள் சிறு பாலூட்டிகள்(கொறினிகள்) சிறிய பல்லிகள், பழங்கள், பூமொட்டுகள், சிறு பறவையினங்கள் மற்றும் பாம்புகளையும் இரையாக உண்கிறது.


Zoo Dvůr Králové, Czech Republic

பெண் பல்லி ஒரு முறைக்கு ஐந்தும் முதல் பதினைந்து முட்டைகள் வரை இடுகின்றன. மணல் அல்லது மண்ணில் இடப்படும் இதன் முட்டைகளிலிருந்து எட்டு முதல் பத்து வாரங்களுக்குப் பிறகு குட்டிகள் வெளிவருகின்றன. அவை பிறந்தவுடன் தனித்துச் செயல் படுகின்றன.


  1. name="ITIS">"Basiliscus plumifrons". ஒருங்கிணைந்த வகைப்பாட்டியல் தகவல் அமைப்பு (Integrated Taxonomic Information System).
  2. name="Sprackland"
  3. name="Sprackland" This epithet was given in கரோலஸ் லின்னேயஸ்' 10th edition of Systema Naturae
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பாசிலிகசு பல்லிகள்: Brief Summary ( Tâmil )

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பாசிலிகஸ் பல்லிகள் (Basilicus Plumidrons)அல்லது ஜீசஸ் பல்லி என்று அழைக்கப்படும் சுறு சுறுப்பற்ற, தளர்ச்சியுற்ற மரம் வாழ் உயிரினம். அமெரிக்காவில் வாழும் தண்ணீரில் நடக்கும் பல்லி இனத்தைச் சேர்ந்த பாலூட்டியாகும். இவை நீரில் நடக்கும் தன்மையை வைத்து மக்கள் இதை ஜீசஸ் பல்லி என்று அழைக்கிறார்கள். கிரேக்க மொழியில் பாசிலிக்கஸ் என்றால் அரசர் எனப் பொருள்படும்.

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Plumed basilisk ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

The plumed basilisk (Basiliscus plumifrons), also called the green basilisk, double crested basilisk, or Jesus Christ lizard, is a species of lizard in the family Corytophanidae. The species is native to Central America.

The plumed basilisk's native range spans southern Mexico and northern Colombia. B. plumifrons inhabits hot, humid rainforests that contain streams, rivers or other water bodies.[3][4][5]

The physical appearance of the plumed basilisk is striking: it sports a bright green color along its body with black and white streaks along its neck and back. Their physical appearance differs by sex, as they are sexually dimorphic; males have a distinct crest on the back and tail and large plumes on top of their heads, while females typically only have a singular, much smaller, crest on their head.[3]

The green crested or plumed lizard is unique in its ability to run across water with speed and the method it employs to do this. It displays the behaviour as a threat response, when fleeing predators. High speed is maintained in order to prevent sinking.[3][6]

This lizard is extraordinarily territorial and is known for its aggressive behaviour to the extent that multiple male lizards cannot be maintained within the same enclosure. However, they do exist in the wild in large groups that allow for multiple males.[3][7]

Habitat and distribution

B. plumifrons’ habitat is restricted to rainforests that are in close proximity to running streams, such as occur in southern Mexico and northern Colombia. Moist lowlands of wet, mature forest, with running streams are their preferred environments. Their habitat is typically hot and humid.[3][8] Agroforestry systems, with the integration of forest life (trees), is necessary for the preservation of the B. plumifrons species. While the plumed basilisk is native to southern Mexico and northern Colombian rainforests, there is evidence to suggest that it occupies land across the Atlantic versant spanning eastern Honduras to western Panama. Additionally, B. plumifrons have been sighted along the Pacific coast in southwestern Costa Rica.

B. plumifrons is arboreal (preferential to tree landscape for their habitat), and diurnally active (active during the day). Of the three species of Basiliscus present in Costa Rica each is found commonly on both versants (borders of land).[3][7] B. plumifrons are aquatic lizards, found in high prevalence and widespread in Central American inland rivers, streams, ponds, and lakes, in addition to beaches and seashores. This species is unique in that it is both arboreal and aquatic and can be found in large numbers in both trees and perched on boulders near bodies of water.[6][9]

The temperature preference of the B. plumifrons is between 31.7°C +/- 0.5.[3]

Taxonomy and etymology

The Green basilisk's generic name Basiliscus is taken from the legendary reptilian creature of European mythology which could kill with a glance, by turning a person to stone with its gaze: the Basilisk.[10] This name derives from the Greek basilískos (βασιλίσκος) meaning "little king".[10] This generic name was given in Carl Linnaeus' 10th edition of Systema Naturae.[10]

For the origin of the nickname "Jesus Christ lizard", see § Behaviour.


Male plumed basilisk

The plumed basilisk is the largest basilisk species, with an average snout-to-vent length (SVL) of 10 inches (25 cm). Including the tail, it can reach 3 feet (91 cm) in total length. Adults are brilliant green, with bright yellow eyes, and small bluish spots along the dorsal ridge. Males have three crests: one on the head, one on the back, and one on the tail, while females have only the head crest. Juveniles are less conspicuously colored, and lack the characteristic crests.

The green crested basilisk of B. plumifrons is a bright green lizard species found with varying streaks of white dark grey, and blue markings along its body. However, some alternative forms or subspecies of B. plumifrons have been seen to sport only black markings along its dorsal side. The underbelly of this lizard is typically a lighter shade of green than the bright green that is shown throughout its body. Its head is triangular from side view or profile, with openings for ears. These openings are slightly larger than the size of their eyes. The B. plumifrons mostly have round eyes, round pupils, and yellow irises. Small granular scales comprise the main covering for their skin. The length of the hind legs are longer than the front limbs as the hind legs are used for water running. In addition, their toes are laterally angled and flat to allow for water running. Adult males have four prominent vertebral crests: a dorsal crest, a tail crest, one atop the crown of the head, and one between their eyes. These crests form the greater physical distinction between female and male plumed basilisks. The females have only two reduced crests: a tail crest, and head crest. This characteristic is shared with the juveniles if the species.[3][6]

Video Clip


The predators of B. plumifrons include birds of prey, opossums, coati, and snakes.


A plumed basilisk at the Milwaukee Public Museum

Male plumed basilisks are territorial; a single male may defend a territory that several females inhabit, with which he mates. Plumed basilisks do not tolerate much handling when kept in captivity.

B. plumifrons is able to run short distances across the water using both its feet and tail for support, an ability shared with other basilisks and the Malaysian sail-finned lizard, When running, they create an air cavity which they use to push themselves forward with their feet which is mostly seen in adult basilisk lizards. The adults have a greater mass than juveniles so there is less hydrodynamic lag and they are able to run across the water in order to escape their predators. This has earned the plumed basilisk the nickname "Jesus Christ lizard".[11] It is also an excellent swimmer and can stay underwater for up to an hour.

Most distinct to the B. plumifrons is the ability to run across water. Plumed basilisks will employ this behaviour in response to perceived threats experienced from surrounding predators or predatory potential. They use this strategy most commonly when they are in fear or under duress. B. plumifrons run bipedally (applying the use of both hind legs), utilizing both the foot and shank for immersion into water when their limbs are outstretched. Other lizard species utilise similar threat responses (for example, Anolis aquaticus, A. barkeri). This behaviour may be more advantageous than other responses such as water diving or swimming used by other lizard species, as it allows for escape from other aquatic predators (such as snakes, crocodiles, and large fish).[9]

The speed at which the plumed basilisk is able to navigate water running is determined largely by each individual’s hindlimb elongation potential. The hindlimb controls the locomotor gait and the stretch of the hindlimb allows for greater surface area and thus a greater velocity. In addition, it is proposed that the surface area of the lizard’s foot is a considerable factor in gaining speed. This is a unique benefit to the B. plumifrons, as it has toes directed in a rotated orientation allowing for greater surface area of the foot to run across water. Typically the adult B. plumifrons is able to run across water at a speed of 2.14m/s and lesser speed for juvenile B. plumifrons. While other species of lizards do employ water running behaviours, it has been shown that B. plumifrons are of the more preferential lizard species to water running and are typically less hesitant to utilize this skill.[6][9]

Running on water

Basilisk lizards are notable for their remarkable ability to scamper across water from the time they are born. Both juvenile and adult basilisk lizards tend to use this unique trait to avoid predation. The mechanisms that allow these lizards to accomplish this task, however, remain generally unknown to researchers.

While some insects are able to run on water using surface tension, basilisk lizards, which have much more mass, achieve this through alternative fluid dynamics. This lizard will use its hind leg to penetrate the surface of the water beneath it to create an air-filled cavity and then retract its leg before the cavity closes. This enables the basilisk lizard to minimize its contact with water. Additionally, this running technique reduces the drag experienced during the run while simultaneously allowing the lizard’s body to be propelled across the water at an average speed of 1.6 m/s.[12]

Although all Basilisk lizards harness this water-running ability, there is notably kinematic variation in these runs for these lizards - variation that is primarily due to differences in running velocity and not differences in the mass of the lizards running. This kinematic variation is unique to basilisk lizards. For other land lizards, kinematic variations in their running are generally similar. Studies have also indicated that the basilisks hindlimbs act as the primary force producer when they are running on water.[6]

The basilisk lizard's remarkable ability to run on water has allowed scientists working with bipedal and quadrupedal robots to potentially create man-made technology that could also run on water through similar mechanisms.[13]

Reproduction and life cycle

During the week prior to laying, sexually mature females of B. plumifrons were observed presenting herself to the male. The female would position herself about 0.5 m from the male, lowering her forebody to the sand and raising her pelvic region and tail. Females lay five to fifteen eggs at a time in warm, damp sand or soil. One mother lizard in captivity actually was observed to start digging holes (sometimes referred to as nests) in the soil six months prior to ovipositing, well ahead of the breeding season.[14] The eggs hatch after eight to ten weeks, at which point they emerge as fully independent lizards, although averaging only 43mm SVL (Snout-to-Vent Length) and weighing only about 2 grams.[14] The juvenile males would start to develop the large crests which are characteristic of the male B. plumifrons after six month or up to more than one year, depending on the body conditions of the juveniles.

Female B. plumifrons start "showing" (become visibly plump) one to two weeks post-fertilization. During the third week of gestation, females will begin to search for a site to burrow or lay approximately 14-17 eggs. Typically, the size and quantity of eggs will vary depending on the lifestyle and physical characteristics of the mother (i.e. age, health, and size). It is common for plumed basilisk females to lay multiple clutches within a given season and this event will occur up to four or five times during a given breeding season. Hatching of eggs occurs over a one to two day period after a gestation and incubation period of eight to ten weeks.[7][9]


B. plumifrons are an omnivorous species, their diet is inclusive of both meat and vegetation. While meat may be a stretch from their typical consumption, they choose to eat a large variety of insects and worms. While they are capable of consuming vegetation (such as fruits, seeds, flowers, and leaves),[15] it is less sought out in the wild as opposed to captivity for the B. plumifrons. While they do hunt smaller sized animals such as fish, small mammals (such as rodents), small birds, small nonvenomous snakes, smaller species of lizards, amphibians,[15] and invertebrates (crustaceans [such as freshwater shrimp and crayfish] and spiders),[15] they are most often found in search of insects for their diet.

They typically consume brown crickets, black crickets, and locusts. In captivity, some owners choose to feed their B. plumifrons or green crested lizard wax worms, calciworms, cockroaches, mealworms, and beetle worms on occasion. This latter selection of worms, roaches, and beetles are not the best suitable for the B. plumifrons diet as they are found to be high in fat and can be difficult to digest for juvenile B. plumifrons.[16]


  1. ^ "Basiliscus plumifrons ". Integrated Taxonomic Information System. Retrieved July 14, 2018.
  2. ^ "Basiliscus plumifrons ". The Reptile Database. www.reptile-database.org.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h Kuppert (2013).
  4. ^ Lattanzio & LaDuke (2012).
  5. ^ (Vaughan et al. 2007)
  6. ^ a b c d e Hsieh (2003).
  7. ^ a b c Pawley (1972).
  8. ^ Mora & Escobar-Anleu (2017).
  9. ^ a b c d Laerm (1974).
  10. ^ a b c Sprackland, Robert George (1992). Giant lizards. Neptune, New Jersey: TFH Publications. ISBN 0-86622-634-6.
  11. ^ "Green Basilisk Lizard | National Geographic". National Geographic Society. 11 April 2010.
  12. ^ Sweeney, Andrew. "Force Measurement of Basilisk Lizard Running on Water". ProQuest. ProQuest 2228198078.
  13. ^ Xu et al. (2011).
  14. ^ a b Banks (1983).
  15. ^ a b c "Plumed Basilisk - Facts, Diet, Habitat & Pictures on Animalia.bio".
  16. ^ Cover (1986).


Behaviour and habitat
  • Cover, J.F. (1986). "Life history notes: Basiliscus plumifrons (Crested Green Basilisk Lizard). Food". Herpetological Review. 17 (1): 19.
  • Banks, Chris B. (1983). "Breeding and Growth of the Plumed Basilisk (Basiliscus Plumifrons) at the Royal Melbourne Zoo". British Herpetological Society Bulletin. 1983 (8).
  • Pawley, Ray (January 1972). "Notes on reproduction and behaviour of the Green crested basilisk (Basiliscus plumifrons) at Brookfield Zoo, Chicago". International Zoo Yearbook. 12 (1): 141–144. doi:10.1111/j.1748-1090.1972.tb02303.x.

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Plumed basilisk: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

The plumed basilisk (Basiliscus plumifrons), also called the green basilisk, double crested basilisk, or Jesus Christ lizard, is a species of lizard in the family Corytophanidae. The species is native to Central America.

The plumed basilisk's native range spans southern Mexico and northern Colombia. B. plumifrons inhabits hot, humid rainforests that contain streams, rivers or other water bodies.

The physical appearance of the plumed basilisk is striking: it sports a bright green color along its body with black and white streaks along its neck and back. Their physical appearance differs by sex, as they are sexually dimorphic; males have a distinct crest on the back and tail and large plumes on top of their heads, while females typically only have a singular, much smaller, crest on their head.

The green crested or plumed lizard is unique in its ability to run across water with speed and the method it employs to do this. It displays the behaviour as a threat response, when fleeing predators. High speed is maintained in order to prevent sinking.

This lizard is extraordinarily territorial and is known for its aggressive behaviour to the extent that multiple male lizards cannot be maintained within the same enclosure. However, they do exist in the wild in large groups that allow for multiple males.

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Basiliscus plumifrons ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

El basilisco verde o basilisco de doble cresta (Basiliscus plumifrons) es una especie de lagarto nativo de América, y su hábitat natural abarca desde México a Ecuador. En ciertas zonas de México es conocido como tequereque o "teterete"


Los basiliscos verdes son omnívoros y se alimentan de insectos, pequeños mamíferos como roedores, e incluso algunas especies más pequeñas de lagartos. Su dieta incluye también frutos y flores. Entre sus predadores más frecuentes se encuentran las aves de presa, las zarigüeyas y las serpientes.

Las hembras de esta especie ponen entre 5 y 15 huevos a la vez. Depositan estos huevos en lugares cálidos, arena húmeda o tierra. Demoran entre ocho y diez semanas en incubar, tras lo cual el joven espécimen nace ya como un lagarto totalmente independiente.

Al igual que otros basiliscos, este lagarto tiene la habilidad de correr sobre el agua por escasas distancias, utilizando unas membranas especiales en sus patas que aumentan su superficie de apoyo sobre el agua. No obstante esto, es también un notable nadador, pudiendo estar sumergido por períodos de tiempo superiores a los 30 minutos.

Dimorfismo sexual

El tamaño medio de estos animales ronda los 90-100 cm siendo los machos de más talla llegando a medir hasta 120 cm. Los machos en su edad adulta desarrollan unas vistosas crestas a lo largo de la cabeza y el lomo, sin embargo las hembras muestran crestas mucho menos acentuadas e incluso inapreciables. Los machos suelen presentar la base de la cola abultada como evidencia de los dos hemipenes que poseen.

Como mascota

En algunos lugares, principalmente en México, estos lagartos son capturados y vendidos como mascotas exóticas, lo cual puede estar afectando sus poblaciones en algunas zonas. Su captura es ilegal en Colombia, Ecuador y otros países de Centroamérica.

El basilisco, como todo reptil, no es un animal sociable por lo que no se puede considerar de compañía. Es un animal que requiere de muchos cuidados y muy específicos, por lo que no se recomienda para principiantes o personas ajenas al mundo de los reptiles.

Terrario y parámetros

Son animales de un tamaño discreto, pero en lo que se refiere a temperamento son muy activos y nerviosos por lo que se les debe proporcionar un terrario al menos de 120x60x60 cm provisto de ramas debido a sus costumbres semiarborícolas y una zona con agua abundante. La humedad del terrario debe ser constante alrededor del 75% pudiéndola incrementar en períodos de muda. La temperatura debe ser estable, rondando los 27º-30º por el día y 25º por la noche. Es importante contar con distintas áreas más y menos cálidas para que el animal pueda elegir donde estar en función de sus necesidades (digestión, sobrecalentamiento, enfriamiento…). Deben disponer de un foco de luz UVA encendido unas 12 horas al día, aunque es recomendable que tomen sol natural para metabolizar el calcio, siempre que sea exposición directa, sin cristales de por medio.


La alimentación es prácticamente insectívora a base de grillos, tenebrios, zophobas, etc. pudiendo administrarles ocasionalmente peces o pequeños roedores como fuente de calcio. Pese a llevar una dieta adecuada se recomienda el uso de suplementos de calcio y vitaminas al menos una vez a la semana cuando son adultos y dos veces por semana en períodos de crecimiento. Se puede completar su alimentación con alimento vegetal, aunque rara vez muestran interés por alimento que no sean presas vivas.

Galería de imágenes


  1. Wilson, L.D., Townsend, J.H. & Lamar, W. (2013). «Basiliscus plumifrons». Lista Roja de especies amenazadas de la UICN 2015.2 (en inglés). ISSN 2307-8235. Consultado el 30 de agosto de 2015.

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Basiliscus plumifrons: Brief Summary ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

El basilisco verde o basilisco de doble cresta (Basiliscus plumifrons) es una especie de lagarto nativo de América, y su hábitat natural abarca desde México a Ecuador. En ciertas zonas de México es conocido como tequereque o "teterete"

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Basiliscus plumifrons ( Basco )

fornecido por wikipedia EU
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Basiliscus plumifrons: Brief Summary ( Basco )

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Basiliscus plumifrons Basiliscus generoko animalia da. Narrastien barruko Corytophanidae familian sailkatuta dago.

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Viherbasiliski ( Finlandês )

fornecido por wikipedia FI
Naaraspuolinen viherbasiliski

Viherbasiliski[2] eli harjabasiliski[3] eli vihreä basiliski (Basiliscus plumifrons) on keskiamerikkalainen liskolaji.


Viherbasiliski on yksi näyttävimpiä liskoja. Aikuisilla urospuolisilla vihreillä basiliskeillä on evämäiset "heltat" selässä ja hännässä sekä päässä kaksi. Pohjaväri liskoilla on vihreä, joka vaihtelee tummasta vaaleaan. Aika usein kyljissä on sinisiä täpliä ja mustia juovia, jotka kulkevat pystysuunnassa. Iiriksen väri on keltaoranssi. Aikuiset urokset kasvavat reilun 70 cm:n pituisiksi häntä mukaan lukien. Aikuiset naaraat ovat useita senttejä lyhyempiä.[4]


Lajia tavataan Hondurasissa, Panamassa, Costa Ricassa ja Nicaraguassa.[5]


Viherbasiliski on itse asiassa sekasyöjä, mutta se syö pääasiassa hyönteisiä (sirkkoja, vahakoisia, jauhomatoja), mutta myös makeita hedelmiä ja pieniä selkärankaisia. [6] [4]


Costa Ricassa vihreää basiliskia pidetään pelottavana, koska paikalliset intiaanit uskovat sen olevan yliluonnollinen olio, joka on useamman eri eläimen sekasikiö. Jos otus nähdään jonkun ihmisen lähellä, se tietää kyseisen henkilön kuolemaa. Oikeasti tämä eläin on täysin harmiton.[6]


  1. Wilson, L.D., Townsend, J.H. & Lamar, W.: Basiliscus plumifrons IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2015.4. 2013. International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN, Iucnredlist.org. Viitattu 23.5.2016. (englanniksi)
  2. McGhee, Karen & McKay, George: Maailmamme eläimet, s. 154. Suomentanut Hiltunen, Marja-Leena & Pertti. Helsinki: Gummerus, 2007. ISBN 978-951-20-7373-3.
  3. Palmén, Ernst & Nurminen, Matti (toim.): Eläinten maailma, Otavan iso eläintietosanakirja. 1. Aarnikotka–Iibikset, s. 104. Helsinki: Otava, 1974. ISBN 951-1-01065-4.
  4. a b http://basiliski.wordpress.com/
  5. http://reptile-database.reptarium.cz/species?genus=Basiliscus&species=plumifrons
  6. a b Felix J: Maapallon eläimiä värikuvina. Oy Kirjalito Ab, 1985. ISBN 9512612673.
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Viherbasiliski: Brief Summary ( Finlandês )

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 src= Naaraspuolinen viherbasiliski

Viherbasiliski eli harjabasiliski eli vihreä basiliski (Basiliscus plumifrons) on keskiamerikkalainen liskolaji.

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Basiliscus plumifrons ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Basiliscus plumifrons est une espèce de sauriens de la famille des Corytophanidae[1]. En français, il est nommé Basilic vert ou Lézard Jésus-Christ. Son nom de Lézard Jésus-Christ lui a été donné pour son incroyable capacité à courir sur l'eau grâce à sa rapidité lorsqu'il court sur ses deux pattes arrière.


Cette espèce se rencontre au Honduras, au Nicaragua, au Costa Rica et au Panama[1].


Basiliscus plumifrons dans son habitat naturel, au Costa Rica
Basiliscus plumifrons
Basiliscus plumifrons
(Parc national de Tortuguero, Costa Rica)

Le Basilic est principalement vert brillant (émeraude) avec du bleu et du blanc sur la gorge et des points plus foncés, verts et bruns sur le dos. La queue est plus foncée[2]. Chez des jeunes, le brun et noir dominent jusqu’à l’âge de 5 mois environ. Le mâle possède une double crête sur la tête et une haute crête sur le dos. Les femelles n'ont qu'une seule crête sous forme de bosse sur la tête. La queue est particulièrement longue, occupant environ les 2/3 du corps. La taille d'un mâle adulte peut atteindre 80 cm.

Perché dans les arbres jusque dans les cimes de la forêt tropicale près de cours d'eau, il se laisse tomber dans les étangs ou les rivières lorsqu'il craint un danger.


Ce lézard est unique par sa faculté de courir sur l'eau pour fuir ses prédateurs, en position bipède, utilisant uniquement ses pattes arrière pour se maintenir à la surface de l'eau et pour avancer. Ce comportement concerne aussi bien les nouveau-nés que les adultes et est d'autant plus spectaculaire que la masse du lézard varie considérablement au cours de sa croissance : les nouveau-nés pèsent environ deux grammes tandis que les adultes peuvent atteindre 200 g.

C'est la combinaison de la faible masse du lézard et de la large surface de contact avec l'eau (développée par un mouvement complexe de ses pattes arrière et par le dépliement de palmes) qui permet au basilic de se soutenir à la surface de l'eau et lui permet d'aller à une vitesse maximale de 10 km/h[3]. Il semble également qu'il s'aide en frappant l'eau de sa queue, ce qui crée une petite vague qui aide à le porter sur l'eau. Un homme qui voudrait imiter l'exploit du reptile devrait atteindre une vitesse de 110 km/h et avoir des muscles 15 fois plus puissants que ceux d'un homme normal[4],[5].


Elle a lieu dès l’âge de 10 mois. Le mâle, comme de nombreux iguanes, s’approche de la femelle en hochant la tête avant l’accouplement. Quelques semaines plus tard, la femelle pond entre 5 et 11 œufs, dont la taille est de 1 cm environ. Pour ce faire, elle choisit soigneusement un endroit suffisamment humide et chaud, et creuse jusqu’à une profondeur de 20 cm, puis recouvre le trou tout en restant quelque temps près de la galerie. Les petits naissent après 60 à 66 jours, rarement l’incubation peut durer jusqu’à 70 jours lorsque la température idéale, qui se trouve entre 29 et 31 °C, n’est pas atteinte. Les parents ne se priveront pas de dévorer leur propre progéniture. Les petits sont donc dès la naissance très vifs et rapides. Ils ont une taille de 10 à 12 cm environ et mangent à partir du 3-5e jour. Ils grandissent très vite et atteignent une taille de 30 cm au bout de 3 mois déjà.

Il s’agit d’un des rares iguanes pour lequel on a observé la parthénogénèse[6], c’est-à-dire une reproduction sans mâle (par division des cellules embryonnaires de la femelle).


Basiliscus plumifrons est omnivore, il se nourrit aussi bien de petit mammifères et des insectes que des fruits[7].

En captivité

Le basilic vert est élevé par certains terrariophiles[8]. Il est apprécié pour ses couleurs vives et son caractère vif.

Publication originale

  • Cope, 1876 "1875" : On the Batrachia and Reptilia of Costa Rica : With notes on the herpetology and ichthyology of Nicaragua and Peru. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, ser. 2, vol. 8, p. 93–154 (texte intégral).

Notes et références

  1. a et b (en) Référence Reptarium Reptile Database : Basiliscus plumifrons
  2. Kober, 2004 : Der Stirnlappenbasilisk, Basiliscus plumifrons. Natur und Tier Verlag, p. 1-64.
  3. « Lézard de Jésus-Christ »
  4. Glasheen & Mcmahon, 1996 : Vertical water entry of disks at low Froude Numbers. Physics of Fluids, vol. 8, p. 2078–2083.
  5. Bush & Hu, 2006 : Walking on Water: Biolocomotion at the Interface The Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 38, p. 339–69, texte intégral
  6. Kuhn & Schmidt, 2003 : Parthenogenese beim Dunklen Tigerpython (Python molurus bivittatus). Reptilia (Münster), vol. 8, n. 44, p. 78-82
  7. Plumed Basilisk Lizard Care Tips, Reptilesmagazin.com
  8. (fr) Philippe Gérard, Le terrarium : manuel d'élevage et de maintenance des animaux insolites, Campsegret, Animalia éditions, 2004, 176 p. (ISBN 2-915740-07-0), p. 90
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Basiliscus plumifrons: Brief Summary ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Basiliscus plumifrons est une espèce de sauriens de la famille des Corytophanidae. En français, il est nommé Basilic vert ou Lézard Jésus-Christ. Son nom de Lézard Jésus-Christ lui a été donné pour son incroyable capacité à courir sur l'eau grâce à sa rapidité lorsqu'il court sur ses deux pattes arrière.

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Basilisco verde ( Galego )

fornecido por wikipedia gl Galician

O basilisco verde (Basiliscus plumifrons) é unha especie de lagarto nativo de América Centrail, e o seu hábitat natural abrangue dende o leste de Honduras, a través de Nicaragua e Costa Rica, até o oeste de Panamá.[2][3]


Os basiliscos verdes son omnívoros e aliméntanse de insectos, pequenos mamíferos como roedores, e mesmo algunhas especies máis pequenas de lagartos. A súa dieta inclúe tamén froitos e flores. Entre os seus predadores máis frecuentes atópanse as aves de presa, as sarigüeias e as serpes.

As femias desta especie poñen entre 5 e 15 ovos á vez. Depositan estes ovos en lugares quentes, como area húmida ou terra. Delongan entre oito e dez semanas en chocar, tralo cal o novo espécime nace xa como un lagarto totalmente independente.


  1. Wilson, L.D., Townsend, J.H. & Lamar, W. (2013). "{{{taxon}}}". Lista Vermella de especies ameazadas. (en inglés). Unión Internacional para a Conservación da Natureza.
  2. Köhler G (2008). Reptiles of Central America, 2nd Edition. Offenbach, Germany: Herpeton Verlag. 400 pp. ISBN 978-3936180282
  3. Savage JM (2005). The Amphibians and Reptiles of Costa Rica: A Herpetofauna between Two Continents, between Two Seas. Chicago e Londres: University of Chicago Press. xx + 945 pp. ISBN 978-0226735382

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Basilisco verde: Brief Summary ( Galego )

fornecido por wikipedia gl Galician

O basilisco verde (Basiliscus plumifrons) é unha especie de lagarto nativo de América Centrail, e o seu hábitat natural abrangue dende o leste de Honduras, a través de Nicaragua e Costa Rica, até o oeste de Panamá.

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Zeleni bazilisk ( Croato )

fornecido por wikipedia hr Croatian

Zeleni bazilisk (lat. Basiliscus plumifrons) je vrsta baziliska koji živi u Južnoj Americi. Prirodni raspon mu je od Meksika do Ekvadora. Živi u tropskim kišnim šumama, te u gustim i sjenovitim šumama u blizini vode.


Zeleni bazilisk naraste 70-80 centimetara, a rep mu je tri puta dulji od ostatka tijela, dug je oko 55 centimetara. Težak je od 145 do 200 grama. Boja zelenog baziliska varira od svjetlo-zelene do plavo-zelene. Trbuh je žute boje. Od vrata do osnove repa nalaze se bjelkasto-žute do plave točke. Na bočnoj strani repa su smeđe crte. Zjenica mu je žute boje.

Tijelo je kao cijelina dosta mršavo, ali noge su snažno izgrađene. Ima dvije grbe na glavi, koje se također protežu duž leđa i do osnove repa i odvojene su malom prazninom. Grbe mogu doseći visinu do 5 centimetara. Prsti su spojeni plivaćim kožicama. Ženke, kao i mlade životinje imaju malu grbu na glavi. Uz pravilnu njegu, dosegne životni vijek dug 13 godina, a u divljini živi dosta kraće.

Izvrstan je plivač, pod vodom može ostati čak i do 30 minuta. Kao i ostali bazilisci, ima sposobnost hodanja po vodi koristeći posebne membrane u svojim nogama. Mužjaci se ne slažu jedni s drugima.


Ovaj bazilisk je svežder. U prirodi, zeleni bazilisk hrani se različitim vrstama kukaca, žaba, riba, malih guštera, kao i cvijećem i voćem. U zatočeništvu može se hraniti šturcima, skakavcima, paucima, malim ribama i drugim životinjicama. Njihovi prirodni neprijatelji su ptice grabljivice, oposumi i zmije.


Spolnu zrelost doseže u dobi od 15 do 18 mjeseci. Mužjaci prilaze ženkama tresući glavom. Nakon nekoliko tjedana ženka polaže 5-18 jaja duljine 1 cm pomno birajući dovoljno vlažno i toplo mjesto za jaja. Polaže jaja u rupu dubine do 20 centimetara. Jaja se polažu tijekom cijele godine, ali najčešće između veljače i rujna. Jaja se nalaze u toplom, vlažnom pijesku ili tlu. Inkubacija traje 70-150 dana Trajanje inkubacije ovisi o temperaturi, što je temperatura viša, inkubacija traje kraće. Tek izlegnuti mladunci dugi su 10-13,5 centimetara, a teški su 1,6-3,3 grama, boja im je smeđa do crna. Brzo rastu, pa već nakon tri mjeseca dosežu duljinu od 30 centimetara. Prvo presvlačenje se odvija nakon 5 do 6 tjedana života.



  • www.zootic.si
  • www.honoluluzoo.org
  • Cope, E.D. 1876. On the Batrachia and Reptilia of Costa Rica with notes on the herpetology and ichthyology of Nicaragua and Peru. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia N.S. (2) 8: 93-154 [1875]
  • Kober, I. 2004. Der Stirnlappenbasilisk, Basiliscus plumifrons. Natur und Tier Verlag (Münster), 64 pp.
  • Lang, M. 1989. Phylogenetic and Biogeographic Patterns of Basiliscine Iguanians (Reptilia: Squamata: "Iguanidae"). Bonner Zool. Monograph. 28: 1-172
  • Maturana, H. R. 1962. A study of the species of the genus Basiliscus, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. No. 128, 34 pp.
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Zeleni bazilisk: Brief Summary ( Croato )

fornecido por wikipedia hr Croatian

Zeleni bazilisk (lat. Basiliscus plumifrons) je vrsta baziliska koji živi u Južnoj Americi. Prirodni raspon mu je od Meksika do Ekvadora. Živi u tropskim kišnim šumama, te u gustim i sjenovitim šumama u blizini vode.

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Basiliscus plumifrons ( Italiano )

fornecido por wikipedia IT

Il basilisco piumato (Basiliscus plumifrons Cope, 1876), noto anche come basilisco verde o basilisco crestato, è una specie di lucertola facente parte della famiglia Corytophanidae, nativa dell'America centrale.[4]


Un maschio, in Costa Rica

Il basilisco piumato è la specie di basilisco più grande, con una lunghezza dal muso alla base della coda di circa 25 centimetri (10 pollici). Comprendendo la coda, la sua lunghezza totale può arrivare fino a 91 centimetri (2,98 piedi). Gli esemplari adulti sono di un colore verde brillante, con chiazze celesti sul dorso e sulla mandibola, e rade striature nere sul dorso e sulle creste, mentre gli occhi sono giallo brillante. I maschi, in particolare sono molto più colorati delle femmine, e presentano tre creste: una sulla testa, una più grande sul dorso e una più bassa sulla coda, mentre le femmine sono molto più opache nella colorazione e presentano solo la cresta sul capo.[5] Inoltre i maschi hanno una base della coda più pronunciata, dove si trovano i due emipeni. Anche i giovani hanno una colorazione meno vistosa e mancano completamente delle creste sul corpo, che sviluppano crescendo.[6]

Distribuzione e habitat

La distribuzione geografica del basilisco piumato spazia dall'Honduras orientale, al Nicaragua e alla Costa Rica, fino al Panama occidentale.[7][8]


Il nome generico del basilisco piumato, Basiliscus, fa riferimento all'omonimo rettile leggendario della mitologia europea che secondo la leggenda è in grado di tramutare un uomo in pietra con il suo sguardo.[9] Questo nome deriva dal greco basilískos/βασιλίσκος che significa "piccolo re".[9] Questo nome gli venne dato nella 10ª edizione del Systema Naturae di Carl Linneo.[9]


Un esemplare maschio, allo Zoo di Londra
Un giovane basilisco piumato, allo zoo di San Diego

I maschi sono molto territoriali, e un singolo maschio, generalmente, controlla un vasto territorio di foresta e un folto gruppo di femmine con cui si accoppia, e che protegge strenuamente dagli altri maschi. La maggior parte dei basilischi piumati hanno un carattere ombroso e non tollerano molto le attenzioni eccessive e i trattamenti che ricevono in cattività.

Una delle caratteristiche più straordinarie del basilisco piumato è quella di poter percorrere brevi distanze sulla superficie dell'acqua senza affondare; questa particolare capacità è data dalla conformazione delle zampe posteriori che intrappolano piccole bolle d'aria sotto il palmo e le dita, permettendogli di percorrere brevi tratti prima di sprofondare. Durante questi veloci spostamenti sull'acqua, solitamente usati per scappare dai predatori, l'animale si supporta sia con piedi sia con la coda. Questa abilità è condivisa con altri basilischi e con l'idrosauro crestato della Malesia (Hydrosaurus amboinensis). In Costa Rica, questo curioso comportamento ha fatto guadagnare al basilisco piumato il soprannome di "lucertola di Gesù Cristo". L'animale è anche un ottimo nuotatore e può rimanere sott'acqua fino a un'ora. Anche sulla terraferma possono raggiungere una notevole velocità riuscendo a raggiungere i 10 km/h.


Il basilisco piumato è un onnivoro e si nutre di insetti, piccoli mammiferi (come roditori), specie più piccole di lucertole, frutti e fiori.[10]


Le femmine sessualmente mature di basilisco piumato depongono dalle cinque alle quindici uova a covata nella sabbia o in un terreno caldo e umido. Le uova si schiudono dopo otto-dieci settimane, e a quel punto i giovani emergono dalle uova, totalmente indipendenti. È una delle poche specie di lucertole in grado di riprodursi per partenogenesi.[4]


I basilischi piumati adulti hanno pochi predatori naturali che includono rapaci, opossum, coati e serpenti.

In cattività

Un esemplare al Serpentarium Blankenberge, Belgio

In alcuni paesi del suo areale, principalmente in Messico, queste lucertole vengono catturate e vendute come animali domestici esotici, il che potrebbe influire sulle loro popolazioni in alcune aree. La sua cattura è illegale in Colombia, Ecuador e altri paesi dell'America centrale. Il basilisco, come buona parte dei rettili, non è un animale sociale e, soprattutto i maschi, sono estremamente territoriali. Inoltre, è un animale che richiede molte cure specifiche e costose, quindi non è consigliato a principianti o persone che non hanno mai tenuto un rettile.

Essendo animali di taglia discreta e dal temperamento attivo, necessitano di un terrario molto grande di almeno 120x60x60 centimetri, che si sviluppi verticalmente, con numerosi rami per potersi arrampicare e crogiolare per riscaldarsi, e un'area acquatica abbastanza grande da permettere all'animale di immergersi completamente. Essendo una specie tropicale, l'umidità nel terrario deve essere costante intorno al 75%, aumentando nei periodi di muta per aiutare l'animale. La temperatura deve essere stabile, oscillando intorno ai 27-30 °C nelle ore diurne, e 25 °C nelle ore notturne. È importante che il terrario abbia più zone con diverse temperature, con zone più calde e più fredde, in modo che l'animale possa scegliere dove stare in base alle sue esigenze (digestione, surriscaldamento, raffreddamento, ecc.). Per l'illuminazione è necessaria una lampadina UVA, accesa per circa dodici ore al giorno.

La dieta è prevalentemente insettivora, con l'aggiunta di supplementi come pesce o piccoli roditori, come fonte di calcio. Pur avendo una dieta adeguata, è consigliato l'uso di integratori di calcio e vitamine almeno una volta alla settimana per gli adulti, e due volte alla settimana per i giovani in crescita. La dieta può incorporare anche frutta e verdura.


  1. ^ (EN) ITIS Standard Report Page: {{{2}}}, in Integrated Taxonomic Information System. URL consultato il {{{3}}}.
  2. ^ (EN) Basiliscus plumifrons, su IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Versione 2020.2, IUCN, 2020.
  3. ^ "Basiliscus plumifrons ". The Reptile Database. www.reptile-database.org.
  4. ^ a b Basiliscus plumifrons, in The Reptile Database. URL consultato il 3 giugno 2014.
  5. ^ Lanferwerf, Bert, Basilisk Lizard Care And Information, su www.reptilesmagazine.com, 2018. URL consultato il 1º settembre 2015.
  6. ^ Fiona A. Reid, The Wildlife of Costa Rica: A Field Guide, Cornell University Press, 2010, p. 169, ISBN 978-0-8014-7610-5.
  7. ^ Köhler G (2008). Reptiles of Central America, 2nd Edition. Offenbach, Germany: Herpeton Verlag. 400 pp. ISBN 978-3936180282
  8. ^ Savage JM (2005). The Amphibians and Reptiles of Costa Rica: A Herpetofauna between Two Continents, between Two Seas. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press. xx + 945 pp. ISBN 978-0226735382
  9. ^ a b c Sprackland, Robert George, Giant lizards, Neptune, New Jersey, TFH Publications, 1992, ISBN 0-86622-634-6.
  10. ^ Spinner, Leo, Plumed Basilisk Lizard Care Tips, su www.reptilesmagazine.com, 2018. URL consultato il 1º settembre 2015.

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Basiliscus plumifrons: Brief Summary ( Italiano )

fornecido por wikipedia IT

Il basilisco piumato (Basiliscus plumifrons Cope, 1876), noto anche come basilisco verde o basilisco crestato, è una specie di lucertola facente parte della famiglia Corytophanidae, nativa dell'America centrale.

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Bazyliszek płatkogłowy ( Polonês )

fornecido por wikipedia POL
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Bazyliszek płatkogłowy (Basiliscus plumifrons) – gatunek jaszczurki z rodziny hełmogwanowatych (Corytophanidae).

Zasięg występowania

Występuje w Ameryce Środkowej od wschodniego Hondurasu po zachodnią Panamę.

Budowa ciała

Długość samców dochodzi do 90 cm, a samic do 50 cm. Tułów i ogon silnie bocznie spłaszczone[1]. Na głowie samców znajduje się wysoki, trójkątny płat skórny, zaś na grzbiecie i ogonie silnie rozwinięty, dwudzielny grzebień[1]. Ubarwienie ciała jest zielone z licznymi jasnożółtymi i niebieskimi, nieregularnymi plamkami i słabo zarysowanymi ciemnymi pręgami na głowie i tułowiu, a na ogonie z ułożonymi na przemian jasnymi i ciemnymi obwódkami[1].

Biologia i ekologia

Zamieszkuje wilgotne lasy, głównie wzdłuż strumieni. Prowadzi nadrzewny i dzienny tryb życia. Ciekawym przystosowaniem jest umiejętność biegu po wodzie. Młode osobniki są owadożerne, a dorosłe częściowo roślinożerne.

Bazyliszek rozpoczyna gody w porze deszczowej. Po 3 tygodniach od kopulacji samica składa 4-17 jaj. Inkubacja trwa ok. 8-10 tygodni, a wylęg od 1 do 2 dni. Bazyliszki dojrzałość płciową osiągają po ok. 18-24 miesiącach.


  • Jest nazywany również Jaszczurką Jezusa Chrystusa. Nazwa ta to nawiązanie do umiejętności biegania tego zwierzęcia po powierzchni wody.
  • Bazyliszek płatkogłowy jest jedną z nielicznych jaszczurek rozmnażających się partenogenetycznie


  1. a b c Włodzimierz Juszczyk. Gady i Płazy. , s. 32, 1986. Wiedza Powszechna.


  1. Włodzimierz Juszczyk: Gady i płazy. Warszawa: Wiedza Powszechna, 1986. ISBN 83-214-0464-2.
  2. Basiliscus plumifrons COPE, 1876 (ang.). The Reptile Database. [dostęp 7 września 2010].

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Bazyliszek płatkogłowy: Brief Summary ( Polonês )

fornecido por wikipedia POL

Bazyliszek płatkogłowy (Basiliscus plumifrons) – gatunek jaszczurki z rodziny hełmogwanowatych (Corytophanidae).

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Basiliscus plumifrons ( Português )

fornecido por wikipedia PT

O basilisco verde (Basiliscus plumifrons) é um lagarto da família Corytophanidae que habita do México até o Equador. São onívoros e se alimentam de insetos, pequenos vertebrados, frutas e flores. Seus predadores naturais incluem aves de rapina, gambás e serpentes. Esse lagarto é um excelente nadador, pode permanecer embaixo d'água por até meia hora e possui, assim como outras espécies do gênero Basiliscus, a habilidade de correr sobre a água sem afundar.[1]


  1. «Basiliscus plumifrons» (em inglês). ITIS (www.itis.gov)

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Basiliscus plumifrons: Brief Summary ( Português )

fornecido por wikipedia PT

O basilisco verde (Basiliscus plumifrons) é um lagarto da família Corytophanidae que habita do México até o Equador. São onívoros e se alimentam de insetos, pequenos vertebrados, frutas e flores. Seus predadores naturais incluem aves de rapina, gambás e serpentes. Esse lagarto é um excelente nadador, pode permanecer embaixo d'água por até meia hora e possui, assim como outras espécies do gênero Basiliscus, a habilidade de correr sobre a água sem afundar.

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Bazilišok zelený ( Eslovaco )

fornecido por wikipedia SK

Bazilišok zelený (ľudovo Kristov jašter, lat. Basiliscus plumifrons) je jašter z čeľade baziliškovitých. Spolu s leguánom zeleným sú veľmi obľúbení medzi chovateľmi.


Dospelý jašter dosahuje dĺžky 60 až 75 cm, z čoho dve tretiny pripadá na chvost. Má dlhé zadné nohy s veľmi dlhými prstami, dlhý tenký chvost a na tele tri hrebene - na hlave, chrbte a chvoste. Chrbtový a chvostový hrebeň mu pomáha pri plávaní, pri úteku pred predátormi. Bazilišok zelený má zelené alebo modrastozelené sfarbenie. V zajatí sa dožíva okolo 10 rokov.


Je to spoločenské zviera. Samce sú veľmi teritoriálne a na jedného samca môže pripadať územie s háremom samíc, s ktorými sa pári. Komunikujú kývaním hlavy. Tento stredoamerický jašter ma jedinečnú schopnosť - dokáže prebehnúť po hladine stojatej vody na zadných nohách.


Bazilišok zelený obýva kroviny, konáre nízkych stromov, v okolí riek, jazerách, potokov a rybníkov v oblastiach Južnej Ameriky od Guatemaly až po Kostariku.


Jeho potravu tvoria prevažne plody a hmyz, občas zožere aj drobné vodné stavovce.


Samica nakladie v jednej sezóne približne 20 vajec, inkubácia trvá 40-45 dní a prebieha pri teplotách 24-30 stupňov.


Iné projekty


  • Tento článok je čiastočný alebo úplný preklad článku Bazilišek zelený na českej Wikipédii.
  • BURNIE, David; KOVÁČ, Vladimír, a kol. Zviera: Obrazová encyklopédia živočíšnej ríše. Bratislava : Ikar, 2002. ISBN 80-551-0375-5.

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Bazilišok zelený: Brief Summary ( Eslovaco )

fornecido por wikipedia SK

Bazilišok zelený (ľudovo Kristov jašter, lat. Basiliscus plumifrons) je jašter z čeľade baziliškovitých. Spolu s leguánom zeleným sú veľmi obľúbení medzi chovateľmi.

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Basiliscus plumifrons ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI

Basiliscus plumifrons là một loài thằn lằn trong họ Corytophanidae. Loài này được Cope mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1876.[1] Phân bố tự nhiên của loài này từ Honduras đông, thông qua Nicaragua và Costa Rica đến tây Panama. Chúng là loài ăn tạp và ăn côn trùng, động vật có vú nhỏ (ví dụ như loài gặm nhấm), loài thằn lằn nhỏ hơn, trái cây và hoa. Động vật ăn thịt săn bắt loài này bao gồm các loài chim săn mồi, thú có túi ôpôt và rắn.

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ Basiliscus plumifrons. The Reptile Database. Truy cập ngày 31 tháng 5 năm 2013.

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Basiliscus plumifrons: Brief Summary ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI

Basiliscus plumifrons là một loài thằn lằn trong họ Corytophanidae. Loài này được Cope mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1876. Phân bố tự nhiên của loài này từ Honduras đông, thông qua Nicaragua và Costa Rica đến tây Panama. Chúng là loài ăn tạp và ăn côn trùng, động vật có vú nhỏ (ví dụ như loài gặm nhấm), loài thằn lằn nhỏ hơn, trái cây và hoa. Động vật ăn thịt săn bắt loài này bao gồm các loài chim săn mồi, thú có túi ôpôt và rắn.

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wikipedia VI

双嵴冠蜥 ( Chinês )

fornecido por wikipedia 中文维基百科
二名法 Basiliscus plumifrons
(Cope, 1876)

双嵴冠蜥(学名:Basiliscus plumifrons)俗称双冠蜥,是一种有鳞目冠蜥科卵生物种。主要分布在洪都拉斯尼加拉瓜哥斯达黎加巴拿马。可利用后肢站立并快速行走。食物主要是昆虫等小型动物,以及少量的植物

 src= 维基共享资源中相关的多媒体资源:双嵴冠蜥  src= 维基物种中的分类信息:双嵴冠蜥 小作品圖示这是一篇蜥蜴小作品。你可以通过编辑或修订扩充其内容。
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双嵴冠蜥: Brief Summary ( Chinês )

fornecido por wikipedia 中文维基百科
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wikipedia 中文维基百科

グリーンバシリスク ( Japonês )

fornecido por wikipedia 日本語
グリーンバシリスク Stirnlappenbasilisk3cele4.jpg
グリーンバシリスク Basiliscus plumifrons
分類 : 動物界 Animalia : 脊索動物門 Chordata 亜門 : 脊椎動物亜門 Vertebrata : 爬虫綱 Reptilia : 有鱗目 Squamata 亜目 : トカゲ亜目 Sauria 下目 : イグアナ下目 Iguania : イグアナ科 Iguanidae 亜科 : バシリスク亜科 Corytophaninae : バシリスク属 Basiliscus : グリーンバシリスク B. plumifrons 学名 Basiliscus plumifrons
Cope, 1876 和名 グリーンバシリスク 英名 Plumed basilisk

グリーンバシリスクBasiliscus plumifrons)は爬虫綱有鱗目トカゲ亜目イグアナ科バシリスク科とする説もあり)バシリスク属に分類されるトカゲ。















 src= ウィキメディア・コモンズには、グリーンバシリスクに関連するメディアがあります。  src= ウィキスピーシーズにグリーンバシリスクに関する情報があります。 執筆の途中です この項目は、動物に関連した書きかけの項目です。この項目を加筆・訂正などしてくださる協力者を求めていますPortal:生き物と自然プロジェクト:生物)。
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wikipedia 日本語

グリーンバシリスク: Brief Summary ( Japonês )

fornecido por wikipedia 日本語

グリーンバシリスク(Basiliscus plumifrons)は爬虫綱有鱗目トカゲ亜目イグアナ科バシリスク科とする説もあり)バシリスク属に分類されるトカゲ。

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wikipedia 日本語