
Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por EOL authors
The yacare caiman is a crocodilian that is that inhabits a small area of South America including southern Brazil and Bolivia, Paraguay and northern Argentina. The species has a population of over 10 million individuals in the Pantanal tropical wetland. As a smaller than average crocodilian, the yacare caiman feeds mostly on smaller animals like fish, snails, crabs and birds. The species generally builds a mound nest and protects their eggs when the risk of human interaction is high. The largest risk to the yacare caiman population is illegal hunting for the animal's hide.
direitos autorais
Joshua Fries
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EOL authors

Body size ( Inglês )

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The yacare caiman is a smaller than average crocodilian, but there have been isolated, unconfirmed accounts of the species growing up to 13 feet (4 meters) long. In general, males tend to be a bit larger, with a maximum size of approximately 10 feet (3 meters). The average adult size is closer to 2-2.5 meters.
direitos autorais
Joshua Fries
citação bibliográfica
Beacham, Walton, Frank V. Castronova, Bill Freedman, Suzanne Sessine, ed. 2001. Beacham's Guide to International Endangered Species, Vol. 3. 513-514.
Joshua Fries (jfries34)
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EOL authors

Diet ( Inglês )

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The yacare caiman feeds on a variety of animals including aquatic snails, crabs, small snakes, fish, birds and large rodents.
direitos autorais
Joshua Fries
citação bibliográfica
Beacham, Walton, Frank V. Castronova, Bill Freedman, Suzanne Sessine, ed. 2001. Beacham's Guide to International Endangered Species. Vol. 3. 513-514.
Joshua Fries (jfries34)
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EOL authors

Egg success and development ( Inglês )

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While eggs are mostly laid in forest nests, they also occur on floating grass mats. Flooding often occurs on these mats, but significantly reduces the risk of predation. While forest nests also flood at times, the main risk for this type is predation. Sex determination in the yacare caiman is based on temperature. Higher temperatures generally produce males, while lower temperatures generally produce females. A study by Zilca Campos showed that in Pantanal, Brazil, all temperatures above 31.5 degrees Celsius produced males, and under 30.5 always yielded females.
direitos autorais
Joshua Fries
citação bibliográfica
Campos, Zilca. 1993. Effect of Habitat on Survival of Eggs and Sex Ratio of Hatchlings of Caiman crocodilus yacare in the Pantanal, Brazil. Journal of Herpetology. 27 (2). 127-132.
Joshua Fries (jfries34)
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EOL authors

Food web ( Inglês )

fornecido por EOL authors
The yacare caiman is at its lowest level a secondary consumer. It feeds on several primary consumers, as well as other consumers. This crocodilian is not at the top of food chain, as it is prey to jungle cats such as the jaguar, and prone to attack by large snakes. The young yacare caimans are especially susceptible to becoming a meal for a predator.
direitos autorais
Joshua Fries
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EOL authors

General Description ( Inglês )

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The dentition of the yacare is different from similar species in that the larger teeth on the lower jaw can protrude on the surface of the snout by passing through the upper jaw. The species also has a set of rings near the eyes called spectacles. These spectacles form by the extension of ridges around the eye. The yacare can have a reddish hue.
direitos autorais
Joshua Fries
citação bibliográfica
Beacham, Walton, Frank V. Castronova, Bill Freedman, Suzanne Sessine, ed. 2001. Beacham's Guide to International Endangered Species, Vol. 3. 513-514.
Joshua Fries (jfries34)
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EOL authors

Habitat ( Inglês )

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The yacare caiman is most noted in the Paraguay and Paraná River systems throughout southern Brazil and Bolivia, Northern Argentina and all of Paraguay. The animal is associated with floating mats of vegetation. The yacare caimans in the Brazilian Pantanal, a tropical wetland, are one of the largest populations of crocodilians in the world.
direitos autorais
Joshua Fries
citação bibliográfica
Beacham, Walton, Frank V. Castronova, Bill Freedman, Suzanne Sessine, ed. 2001. Beacham's Guide to International Endangered Species, Vol. 3. 513-514.
Joshua Fries (jfries34)
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EOL authors

Human Effects ( Inglês )

fornecido por EOL authors
While generally human intervention and poaching in a population is a negative thing, in some areas the yacare has benefited from human impact. The populations of this animal have declined due to hunting in countries such as Bolivia and Paraguay, but the trend seems to be reversed in areas such as the Pantanal in Brazil. Poachers generally are able to find the largest caimans during the dry season, where they are often captured and killed for their hides. The smaller individuals are left alone, and as humans decreased the number of large individuals, more small caimans were able to fill in their space. So effectively, humans have decreased the average body size, but increased the population size in some areas.
direitos autorais
Joshua Fries
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EOL authors

Nesting and eggs ( Inglês )

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Like other oviparous animals, egg clutch size and egg size increase as the size of the female increases. In general, the clutch size is between 25-35 eggs, and the peak level of egg laying is during the middle of wet season. The caimans build mounds for nests, which are located in forest within a few meters of the water. The nests are generally found at the base of trees, and built up using twigs, dirt, leaves and any other small things the mother found. Mothers guard their nests occasionally, the defense varies based on surrounding activity. In general, the eggs hatch in late March to early April after approximately 70 days of incubation.
direitos autorais
Joshua Fries
citação bibliográfica
Campos, Zilca; Magnusson, William; Sanaiotti, Tânia; Coutinho, Marcos. 2008. Reproductive trade-offs in Caiman crocodilus crocodilus and Caiman crocodilus yacare: implications for size-related management quotas. The Herpetological Journal. 18 (2) 91-96. Beacham, Walton, Frank V. Castronova, Bill Freedman, Suzanne Sessine, ed. 2001. Beacham's Guide to International Endangered Species, Vol. 3. 513-514. Cintra, Renato. 1988. Nesting Ecology of the Paraguayan Caiman (Caiman yacare) in the Brazilian Pantanal. Journal of Herpetology. 22 (2). 219-222.
Joshua Fries (jfries34)
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EOL authors

Threats ( Inglês )

fornecido por EOL authors
The major threat that haunts the Yacare caiman is the widespread illegal hunting. While the problem has decreased since its peak in the 1980's and 1990's, larger caimans are still killed for their hide. The yacare caiman is particularly susceptible due to its wider than average flanks, the area which is most commonly used for manufacturing products. Caiman skins, including the yacare, compose a majority of the alligator skins that are sold in the world. While illegal in Brazil, the Paraguayan and Bolivian poachers often still catch and sell yacare caimans in their own countries and through illegal hunting in other countries.
direitos autorais
Joshua Fries
citação bibliográfica
Brazaitis, Peter. 1986. The Caiman of the Pantanal: past, present and future. Crocodiles: Proceedings of the 6th Working Meeting of the Crocodile Specialist Group of the Species Survival Commission of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources Convened at Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe and St. Lucia Estuary, South Africa, 19 to 30 1982. 119-125.
Joshua Fries (jfries34)
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EOL authors

Distribution ( Inglês )

fornecido por ReptileDB
Continent: South-America
Distribution: N Argentina, S Brazil, S Bolivia, Paraguay medemi: Bolivia, Beni
Type locality: Paraguay.
direitos autorais
Peter Uetz
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Kaiman yakare ( Bretã )

fornecido por wikipedia BR
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Tiriad ar c'haiman yakare

Ar c'haiman yakare (Caiman yacare; e portugaleg Jacaré-do-pantanal) a zo ur stlejvil hag a vev e Suamerika.

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Brillenkaiman ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE

Der (Südliche) Brillenkaiman (Caiman yacare, Syn.: Caiman crocodilus yacara) gehört zu der Familie der Alligatoren (Alligatoridae). Er galt lange als Unterart des Krokodilkaimans (Nördlicher Brillenkaiman), ist aber mittlerweile als eigene Art anerkannt.


Der Rücken des Brillenkaimans ist dunkeloliv gefärbt, aber die Bauchseite ist heller und grünlich-gelb bis weiß. Er hat einen markanten Knochenwulst vor den Augen, wird meist zwei Meter lang und wiegt 60 kg. Die in der Literatur angegebene maximale Größe beträgt 2,70 m.


Der Brillenkaiman lebt in vielen Süßgewässern und verlässt das Wasser selten und wenn, dann nur, wenn er durch Trockenheit dazu gezwungen wird, sich im Schlamm einzugraben. Er treibt am Tag an der Oberfläche und wird nachts aktiver. Adulte Brillenkaimane fressen Fische, andere Reptilien, Amphibien und Wasservögel. Die Männchen sind territorial und haben eine Rangordnung. Brillenkaimane werden ca. 60 Jahre alt, manchmal angeblich sogar 100. Im Winter verweigern sie nicht selten für eineinhalb bis zwei Monate Nahrung, fressen dann aber wieder gierig.


Brillenkaiman in Argentinien

Die Geschlechtsreife erreichen Weibchen mit einer Länge von rund 120 bis 150 cm, Männchen mit etwa 160 cm. Die Weibchen legen 14 bis 40 Eier in Hügelnester. Diese Haufen bestehen aus verrottenden Pflanzen und Erde und liegen am Ufer oder auf treibender Vegetation. Manchmal teilen sich mehrere Weibchen ein Nest und verteidigen es gegen Feinde. Die Inkubationszeit beträgt durchschnittlich 85 bis 90 Tage. Kurz vor dem Schlupf öffnet das Weibchen das Gelege und ist den Jungtieren beim Schlüpfen behilflich. Die Jungtiere haben eine gelbliche bis bräunliche Färbung, die durch dunkle Querbänder unterbrochen ist. Sie bleiben auch nach dem Schlupf in der Nähe der Mutter und werden von ihr beschützt. Trotzdem fallen viele der Jungkaimane Schlangen und vor allem auch Tejus zum Opfer. Die Jungtiere ernähren sich vorwiegend von Insekten, Weichtieren und Krustentieren. Auch kleinere Fische werden von ihnen gerne gefressen. Ausgewachsen sind die Tiere mit etwa 5 Jahren.


Brillenkaimane sind in weiten Teilen Südamerikas verbreitet. Sie wurden in Argentinien, Bolivien, Brasilien und Paraguay beobachtet.[1] Sie bewohnen tropische und subtropische Gewässer, insbesondere langsam fließende Gewässer mit schlammigem Untergrund und starker Vegetation. Aber auch in Seen, Teichen und Sümpfen fühlen sie sich zu Hause. Sie wurden auch schon in Brackwasser beobachtet.


Verbreitung der Brillenkaimane

Früher wurden Brillenkaimane wegen ihrer Haut stark bejagt. In jüngerer Vergangenheit haben sie von künstlichen Gewässern profitiert und ihr Bestand ist wieder angewachsen, so dass der Brillenkaiman heutzutage ein häufig vorkommendes Reptil ist.


  1. Caiman yacare in der Roten Liste gefährdeter Arten der IUCN 2006. Eingestellt von: Crocodile Specialist Group, 1996. Abgerufen am 21. Februar 2007.


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wikipedia DE

Brillenkaiman: Brief Summary ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE

Der (Südliche) Brillenkaiman (Caiman yacare, Syn.: Caiman crocodilus yacara) gehört zu der Familie der Alligatoren (Alligatoridae). Er galt lange als Unterart des Krokodilkaimans (Nördlicher Brillenkaiman), ist aber mittlerweile als eigene Art anerkannt.

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Autoren und Herausgeber von Wikipedia
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wikipedia DE

Yacare caiman ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

The yacare caiman (Caiman yacare), also known commonly as the jacare caiman, Spanish yacaré, Paraguayan caiman, piranha caiman, red caiman,[5] southern spectacled caiman,[6] jacaré in Portuguese, and îakaré in Old Tupi, is a species of caiman, a crocodilian in the family Alligatoridae. The species is endemic to Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, and Paraguay. Brown in color and covered with dark blotches, males grow to a total length (including tail) of 2–3 m (6 ft 7 in – 9 ft 10 in) and weigh around 40–50 kg (88–110 lb); while females grow to 1.4 m (4 ft 7 in) long and about 15–20 kg (33–44 lb).[7] Typical habitats of this caiman include lakes, rivers, and wetlands. Its diet primarily consists of aquatic animals, such as snails, and occasionally land vertebrates. Mating occurs in the rainy season and eggs hatch in March, with young fending for themselves as soon as they hatch. The yacare caiman was hunted heavily for its skin to use for leather in the 1980s, which caused its population to decrease significantly. However, trading restrictions placed since have caused its population to increase. Its population in the Pantanal is about 10 million, and it is listed as least concern on the IUCN Red List.


François Marie Daudin originally described the yacare caiman in 1802 as Crocodilus yacare.[8]: 7  Its specific name, yacare, comes from the word jacaré, which means "alligator" in Old Tupi and then assimilated into Portuguese.[6] As of 2010, the exact relationship between the yacare caiman and related species is unclear and complicated. There have been attempts to analyze this relationship, but these have not produced definite conclusions. It is sometimes considered a subspecies of the spectacled caiman (Caiman crocodilus), which would make its scientific name Caiman crocodilus yacare. These two species are the same morphologically, but are considered separate species due to their geographical differences.[9]: 24 


C. yacare is a medium-sized caiman, brown in color.[5] Male specimens grow to 2–3 m (6 ft 7 in – 9 ft 10 in) in total length (including tail) and up to 58 kg (128 lb) in weight. Females are much smaller, with an adult total length of 1.4 m (4 ft 7 in) and weight of 14–23 kg (31–51 lb).[10][8]: 7  The average snout–vent length (SVL) of hatchlings is 12.49 cm (4.92 in) for females and 12.84 cm (5.06 in) for males.[7] National Geographic has described young individuals as "look(ing) like nothing more than tiny, windblown seeds floating amid the rushes at the edge of a lagoon in Brazil's remote interior."[11] Based on a study of the growth of multiple specimens in the Pantanal from 1987 to 2013, both sexes are about 50 cm (20 in) SVL at age five. By age 15, they have mostly finished growth, with females being about 80 cm (31 in) SVL and males over 100 cm (39 in) SVL. The study also showed that individuals have significant variation in their growth rates.[7]

Dark marks are distributed across the body; most noticeably, its lower jaw is covered with three to five blotches. It has a smooth snout, which is medium in length and broad. It has lumps on its eyelids and a curved ridge between its eyes.[8]: 7  It has osteoderms on its scales, a feature also present in the spectacled caiman. It has an average of 74 teeth, with 5 pre-maxillary, 14–15 maxillary, and 17–21 mandibular.[6] Some of the teeth on its lower jaw can poke through holes in its upper jaw.[8]: 7  This feature makes its teeth more prominent and has been compared to piranhas, which has established the common name "piranha caiman".[5]


The yacare caiman is ecologically similar to the spectacled caiman.[9]: 23  It lives in semi-aquatic habitats, including lakes, rivers, and wetlands,[6] but is able to adapt to a variety of habitats. Individuals sometimes move to different locations in groups if their habitat is disturbed.[9]: 24  The species' diet consists of aquatic animals, such as snails and fish, and occasionally snakes.[6] It has also been known to eat capybaras.[11] When hunting for snails, this caiman looks within vegetation floating in water and uses its jaws to break the shells of the snails.[5] In July 1986, the stomach of a specimen in Bolivia was observed to be full of mud, along with small parts of eggshells that likely belonged to a caiman. In general, crocodilians can eat the eggshells of their own young subsequent to the young hatching.[12]

Breeding usually occurs in December–February, in the middle of the rainy season.[6] Nests are constructed by the females, built in a mound shape using mud and rotting vegetation.[5] The species can lay as many as 44 eggs, but it most commonly lays 22–35, with the exact number often depending on the habitat type.[9]: 24  It often exhibits multiple paternity, more so than several other crocodilian species.[13] Females usually protect nests during incubation, but do so less when the human hunting pressure is high, ultimately causing a lower hatching success rate.[9]: 24  Eggs hatch in March.[6] Young exhibit precociality, receiving very little help from their parents and having to care for themselves.[5] They hide in grasses in the daytime, as herons and storks can eat young caimans.[11] Females become sexually mature at age 10–15.[7] Similar species of the yacare caiman live to about age 50, which has been used as an estimate for this caiman's lifespan, but its exact lifespan is unknown.[5]

Distribution and conservation

In Formosa Province, Argentina

The range of the yacare caiman includes Argentina (north), Bolivia, Brazil (south), and Paraguay.[10] It is one of three species of genus Caiman in South America, the others being the broad-snouted caiman (C. latirostris) and the spectacled caiman (C. crocodilus), with more easterly and northerly ranges, respectively. The yacare caiman is one of the most common species on its continent.[13]

In the 1980s, the species was "heading for oblivion" due to frequently being hunted for its skin;[11] hunters often went to water holes containing many yacare caimans and shot large numbers of them. They utilized the skin for leather and left the other parts of the carcasses at the water holes.[11] Although the species is covered with bony osteoderms, which had previously made it uncommon to be hunted for leather, it has some less bony spots which can be used for leather.[8]: 582  This practice caused the caiman's population to drop by the millions. In 1992, a ban was issued in Brazil that prohibited the trading of crocodilian skins. This resulted in a significant increase in its population, with about 10 million specimens living in the Pantanal alone as of 2013.[11] Current threats of the yacare caiman include deforestation, tourism, construction of dams and seaports, and illegal hunting.[11] The species reproduces quickly, which makes it less susceptible to hunting pressure.[6]

The IUCN Red List designated the yacare caiman a species of least concern in 1996.[2] It is listed as threatened by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service as of June 5, 2000, after having been listed as endangered since June 2, 1970.[14] As of 2010, it is listed as an Appendix II species by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora.[9]: 23 


  1. ^ Rio, Jonathan P.; Mannion, Philip D. (6 September 2021). "Phylogenetic analysis of a new morphological dataset elucidates the evolutionary history of Crocodylia and resolves the long-standing gharial problem". PeerJ. 9: e12094. doi:10.7717/peerj.12094. PMC 8428266. PMID 34567843.
  2. ^ a b Campos, Z.; Llobet, A.; Magnusson, W.E.; Piña, C. (2020). "Caiman yacare". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2020: e.T46586A3009881. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2020-3.RLTS.T46586A3009881.en. Retrieved 19 November 2021.
  3. ^ "Appendices | CITES". cites.org. Retrieved 2022-01-14.
  4. ^ Species Caiman yacare at The Reptile Database
  5. ^ a b c d e f g "Yacare Caiman". Beardsley Zoo. Retrieved 28 February 2019.
  6. ^ a b c d e f g h Britton, Adam. "Yacare caiman (Caiman yacare)". Crocodilians: Natural History and Conservation. Retrieved 27 February 2019.
  7. ^ a b c d Campos, Zilca; Mourão, Guilherme; Coutinho, Marcos; Magnusson, William E. (February 28, 2014). "Growth of Caiman crocodilus yacare in the Brazilian Pantanal". PLOS One. 9 (2): e89363. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0089363. PMC 3938444. PMID 24586719.
  8. ^ a b c d e Grigg, Gordon (January 15, 2015). Biology and Evolution of Crocodylians. CSIRO Publishing. ISBN 978-1486300679. Retrieved 27 February 2019.
  9. ^ a b c d e f Campos, Z.; Llobet, A.; Piña, C. I.; Magnusson, W. E.; Manolis, C. S.; Stevenson, C. (2010). Crocodiles: Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan (PDF) (third ed.). Crocodile Specialist Group. pp. 23–28. Retrieved 27 February 2019.
  10. ^ a b "3.3 Caimans". Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
  11. ^ a b c d e f g Smith, Roff (July 2013). "Brazil's Yacare Caiman — The Comeback Croc". National Geographic. Retrieved 27 February 2019.
  12. ^ King, F. Wayne; Godshalk, Robert (2003). "Mud, Root Balls, and Other Tasty Tidbits in Crocodilian Stomach". Florida Museum of Natural History. Retrieved 2 March 2019.
  13. ^ a b Ojeda, Guillermo N.; Amavet, Patricia C.; Rueda, Eva C.; Siroski, Pablo A.; Larriera, Alejandro (March 1, 2017). "Mating System of Caiman yacare (Reptilia: Alligatoridae) Described from Microsatellite Genotypes". Journal of Heredity. 108 (2): 135–141. doi:10.1093/jhered/esw080. PMID 28175334.
  14. ^ Fish and Wildlife Service (May 4, 2000). "Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Reclassification of Yacare Caiman in South America From Endangered to Threatened, and the Listing of Two Other Caiman Species as Threatened by Reason of Similarity of Appearance". Federal Register: 25867–25881. Retrieved 27 February 2019.
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Yacare caiman: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

The yacare caiman (Caiman yacare), also known commonly as the jacare caiman, Spanish yacaré, Paraguayan caiman, piranha caiman, red caiman, southern spectacled caiman, jacaré in Portuguese, and îakaré in Old Tupi, is a species of caiman, a crocodilian in the family Alligatoridae. The species is endemic to Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, and Paraguay. Brown in color and covered with dark blotches, males grow to a total length (including tail) of 2–3 m (6 ft 7 in – 9 ft 10 in) and weigh around 40–50 kg (88–110 lb); while females grow to 1.4 m (4 ft 7 in) long and about 15–20 kg (33–44 lb). Typical habitats of this caiman include lakes, rivers, and wetlands. Its diet primarily consists of aquatic animals, such as snails, and occasionally land vertebrates. Mating occurs in the rainy season and eggs hatch in March, with young fending for themselves as soon as they hatch. The yacare caiman was hunted heavily for its skin to use for leather in the 1980s, which caused its population to decrease significantly. However, trading restrictions placed since have caused its population to increase. Its population in the Pantanal is about 10 million, and it is listed as least concern on the IUCN Red List.

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Caiman yacare ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

El yacaré negro (Caiman yacare) es una especie de cocodrilo saurópsido de la familia Alligatoridae endémico de las regiones subtropicales y tropicales de América del Sur que puede alcanzar los tres metros de longitud. Fuertemente acorazado en el lomo, de color negruzco u oliva muy oscuro, la piel delicadamente jaspeada de los flancos y de los ejemplares juveniles lo convirtió en un favorito de la industria del calzado durante mucho tiempo. Las medidas de protección han permitido su recuperación; se encuentra registrado en el Apéndice II del listado de especies protegidas de CITES (Convención sobre el Comercio Internacional de Especies Amenazadas de Fauna y Flora Silvestres).


Muestra de taxidermia de un cocodrilo de humedales (Caiman yacaré).

El yacaré negro alcanza los 2,5 m normalmente de tamaño adulto, aunque ocasionalmente aparecen ejemplares mayores. El hocico es alargado y angosto; aún con la boca cerrada pueden observarse varios dientes.

La coloración es negra, o sea, como el azabache o muy oscura, con manchas bien marcadas en los flancos, la cola y la mandíbula inferior. El vientre es amarillento y carece de recubrimiento óseo; por el contrario, las escamas del lomo presentan osteodermos bien marcados.

Los ejemplares juveniles muestran un diseño de franjas negras sobre fondo marrón o amarillento, que se va oscureciendo paulatinamente. La coloración adulta sobreviene antes de la madurez sexual, que se alcanza alrededor de los 10 años de edad; la longitud media en ese momento ronda 120 cm.

Las patas son fuertes y cortas; los dedos de las posteriores están unidos por una membrana que facilita la natación, aunque la fuerza impulsora proviene en general de la musculosa cola, que representa el 30% de la longitud del cuerpo.


Ejemplar adulto en los Esteros del Iberá.

La dieta del yacaré negro es exclusivamente carnívora; ingiere principalmente caracoles y otros moluscos y crustáceos, además de peces, a los que acecha inmóvil con la boca abierta para tragarlos cuando se ponen a su alcance. El yacaré negro es el principal depredador natural de las palometas. Es capaz de cazar otros reptiles y aún mamíferos pequeños en caso de necesidad como lobitos de río y carpinchos, pero evita hacerlo por el consumo energético que implica; salvo en caso de autodefensa o hambre extrema, no es agresivo hacia el humano.

La época de reproducción empieza a comienzos del verano; los machos marcan su territorio y combaten para expulsar a los ejemplares más débiles. Las hembras recorren la zona y copulan repetidamente para garantizar la fecundación de los huevos. Poco más tarde construirán un nido con los materiales que encuentran en la zona, siempre cerca de una superficie de agua, donde depositarán entre 20 y 40 huevos; el nido toma la forma de un montículo de material orgánico de hasta un 1,5 m de diámetro y 6 dm de altura.

La hembra cuida del nido durante los dos meses de la incubación, aunque en áreas de caza más o menos intensa puede abandonarlo. El calor necesario para los embriones proviene del sol y de la descomposición de la materia orgánica del nido.


Ejemplares cautivos en el Zoológico de Córdoba, conviviendo con tortugas.

El yacaré negro está presente en Paraguay, Bolivia, Brasil y Argentina. Dentro del territorio de Argentina lo podemos hallar en las provincias de Chaco, Formosa, Santa Fe, Entre Rios, Corrientes y Misiones.

Los ejemplares juveniles presentan una elevada tasa de mortalidad natural; sus predadores principales son las aves rapaces: el carancho (Caracara plancus), el gavilán cangrejero negro (Buteogallus anthracinus), el jabirú, entre otros.

Sin embargo, las causas fundamentales de la intensa reducción, de ejemplares de la especie han sido: la caza para la comercialización del cuero, la captura para el tráfico de mascotas y (en menor medida) su utilización alimenticia por parte de los pobladores locales; que ocasionalmente también consumen los huevos; así también la reducción de su hábitat natural.

Existen varios proyectos de cría de yacaré en granjas en Brasil, México y Argentina; parte de la producción se reintegra al medio ambiente, y la restante se faena para su explotación comercial.

Uno de los criaderos más importantes de Argentina se encuentra en la provincia de Corrientes, con más de 20 000 ejemplares, entre los cuales se puede observar un ejemplar de «yacaré albino».[2]


  1. Crocodile Specialist Group (1996). «Caiman yacare». Lista Roja de especies amenazadas de la UICN 2010.4 (en inglés). ISSN 2307-8235. Consultado el 20 de noviembre de 2010.
  2. http://www.yacarepora.com.ar/ Yacaré Porá es una granja modelo para la cría sustentable de caimanes.

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Caiman yacare: Brief Summary ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

El yacaré negro (Caiman yacare) es una especie de cocodrilo saurópsido de la familia Alligatoridae endémico de las regiones subtropicales y tropicales de América del Sur que puede alcanzar los tres metros de longitud. Fuertemente acorazado en el lomo, de color negruzco u oliva muy oscuro, la piel delicadamente jaspeada de los flancos y de los ejemplares juveniles lo convirtió en un favorito de la industria del calzado durante mucho tiempo. Las medidas de protección han permitido su recuperación; se encuentra registrado en el Apéndice II del listado de especies protegidas de CITES (Convención sobre el Comercio Internacional de Especies Amenazadas de Fauna y Flora Silvestres).

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Caiman yacare ( Basco )

fornecido por wikipedia EU
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Caiman yacare: Brief Summary ( Basco )

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Caiman yacare Caiman generoko animalia da. Narrastien barruko Crocodylidae familian sailkatuta dago.

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Jacarenkaimaani ( Finlandês )

fornecido por wikipedia FI

Jacarenkaimaani (Caiman yacare) on eteläamerikkalainen alligaattorilaji. Lajin nimi tulee sen paikallisesta nimityksestä Jacaré, joka on paikallinen nimitys alligaattorille.

Koko ja ulkonäkö

Jacarenkaimaani on suunnilleen samankokoinen kuin silmälasikaimaani ja muistuttaa sitä paljon ulkonäöltään ja elintavoiltaan. Lajin pituus on noin 2,5–3 metriä. Suomut ovat hyvin luutuneita. Suomut ovat vähemmän luutuneita sivuilta. Kuono on hieman lyhyempi kuin suvun muilla lajeilla. Jacarenkaimaania kutsutaan toisinaan 'piraijakaimaaniksi' sen huomiota herättävien hampaiden ansiosta. Epätavallinen piirre johtuu alaleuan suurista hampaista, jotka työntyvät esiin ylöspäin ja saa hampaat näyttämään siltä kuin ne olisivat sekaisin. Villien kaimaanien hampaat ovat yleensä lyhyemmät. Hampaiden sojottaminen on erityisen yleistä vankeudessa ja se aiheuttaa joskus yläleuan vahingoittumisen kun hampaat puhkaisevat sen. Hampaita on yhteensä 72–82. Jacarenkaimaanin asema omana lajinaan on vielä epävarma ja se saattaa olla vain silmälasikaimaanin alalaji, joksi se aiemmin luokiteltiin vaikka kuvattiin aluksi omana lajinaan.

Levinneisyys ja elinympäristö

Jacarenkaimaanin levinneisyys melko eteläinen. Sitä tavataan Pohjois-Argentiinassa, Lounais-Brasiliassa, Etelä-Boliviassa ja Paraguayssa. Levinneisyys menee osittain päällekkäin leveäkuonokaimaanin kanssa. Levinneisyys on kaikista kaimaaneista eteläisin. Jacarenkaimaani elää vaihtelevissa ympäristötyypeissä. Se viihtyy joissa ja järvissä joissa usein on kelluvaa kasvisainesta. Lajia tavataan muun muassa Pantanalin kosteikkoalueelta.


Jacarenkaimaanin pääasiallista ravintoa ovat vedessä elävät selkärangattomat, erityisesti etanat ja kalat, myös piraijat. Lisäksi se syö toisinaan käärmeitä. Lisääntymiskautena naaraat rakentavat pesäkeon johon ne munivat yleensä 21–38 munaa. Muninta tapahtuu sadekauden alussa tai keskellä. Naaras vartioi pesää munien hautumisen aikana. Vartioinnin määrään kuitenkin näyttää vaikuttavan suuresti se kuinka uhattu pesä on. Poikaset kuoriutuvat maaliskuussa.

Jacarenkaimaani Argentiinassa.

Uhat ja suojelu

Jacarenkaimaaneja arvioidaan elävän luonnossa 100 000–200 000 yksilöä eikä laji ole uhanalainen. Sen on kuitenkin todettu vähentyneen Pantanalissa. Lajia pyydettiin laittomasti paljon 1970-luvulta 1980-luvulle asti, mikä on pääsyy alhaiseen lukumäärään. Järjestäytyneen salametsästyksen lisäksi ongelmana on jacarenkaimaanin elinalueiden supistuminen. Sen etuna on kuitenkin muihin krokotiilieläimiin verrattuna melko nopea lisääntyminen, mikä on auttanut kestämään metsästyspainetta paremmin ja toipumaan liiallisesta metsästyksestä. Kaimaanikantojen kestävän käyttöä on alettu kehittää on jo Argentiinassa, Brasiliassa ja Boliviassa. Myös Paraguayssa on alettu toimia. Villejä jacarenkaimaanikantoja osataan nykyään hoitaa kestävästi ja lajin tarhausohjelma on meneillään Brasiliassa ja Argentiinassa. Tarhaus vähentää luonnonkantoihin kohdistuvaa painetta ja krokotiilifarmeilta saadaan nahkoja. Nykyään Brasiliassa kaikkien kaimaaninnahkojen täytyy olla peräisin tarhatuilta eläimiltä. Jacarenkaimaani kuuluu CITES-sopimuksen liitteeseen II.



  1. Crocodile Specialist Group: Caiman yacare IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.1. 1996. International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN, Iucnredlist.org. Viitattu 21.6.2014. (englanniksi)
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Jacarenkaimaani: Brief Summary ( Finlandês )

fornecido por wikipedia FI

Jacarenkaimaani (Caiman yacare) on eteläamerikkalainen alligaattorilaji. Lajin nimi tulee sen paikallisesta nimityksestä Jacaré, joka on paikallinen nimitys alligaattorille.

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Jacara ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Caiman yacare

Caiman yacare, le Jacara Écouter ou Caïman yacare ou Yacaré negro, est une espèce de crocodiliens de la famille des Alligatoridae[1].



Caiman yacare Distribution.png

Cette espèce se rencontre en Amérique du Sud[1] : dans le nord de l'Argentine, le Sud de la Bolivie, le Sud-Ouest du Brésil (Pantanal) et les rivières du Paraguay. On en trouve jusqu'au sud de la pampa argentine. On estime le nombre d'individus entre 15 et 35 millions.


L'espèce Caiman yacare a été tout d'abord décrite en 1801 par le naturaliste espagnol Félix de Azara mais sans lui donner de nom binominal[2]. Sur la base de cette description, le zoologiste français François Marie Daudin a nommé cette espèce en 1802 sous le protonyme Crocodilus yacare[2],[3] où l'épithète spécifique yacare se réfère au nom yacaré donné à l'animal par les Guaranis selon Félix de Azara[3].

Liste des sous-espèces

Selon Reptarium Reptile Database (24 janvier 2014)[4] :

  • Caiman yacare yacare (Daudin, 1802)
  • Caiman yacare medemi Donoso, 1974


Sa peau est utilisée en maroquinerie, et de ce fait, l'espèce a été l'objet de braconnage intense.

Publications originales

  • Daudin, 1802 : Histoire Naturelle, Générale et Particulière des Reptiles; ouvrage faisant suit à l'Histoire naturelle générale et particulière, composée par Leclerc de Buffon; et rédigee par C.S. Sonnini, membre de plusieurs sociétés savantes, vol. 2, F. Dufart, Paris, p. 1-432 (texte intégral).
  • Donoso-Barros, 1974 : Contribucion al conocimiento de los cocodrilos de Bolivia Caiman yacare medemi nuevo Aligatorido. Boletín de la Sociedad de Biologia de Concepción, vol. 47, p. 131-143.

Notes et références

  1. a et b Reptarium Reptile Database, consulté lors d'une mise à jour du lien externe
  2. a et b Medem, F. 1960. Notes on the Paraguay caiman, Caiman yacare Daudin. Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin, 36(1): 129-142.
  3. a et b Daudin, F. M. 1802. Histoire Naturelle, Générale et Particulière des Reptiles; ouvrage faisant suit à l'Histoire naturelle générale et particulière, composée par Leclerc de Buffon; et rédigée par C.S. Sonnini, membre de plusieurs sociétés savantes, vol. 2, F. Dufart, Paris, p. 1-432 (Le crocodile yacaré - p. 407). (texte intégral)
  4. Reptarium Reptile Database, consulté le 24 janvier 2014

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Jacara: Brief Summary ( Francês )

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Caiman yacare

Caiman yacare, le Jacara Écouter ou Caïman yacare ou Yacaré negro, est une espèce de crocodiliens de la famille des Alligatoridae.

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Xacaré ( Galego )

fornecido por wikipedia gl Galician

O xacaré,[2] caimán xacaré[2] ou caimán iacaré[3] (Caiman yacare) é unha especie de caimán que ten o seu hábitat no centro de América do sur, incluíndo o nordeste da Arxentina, o Uruguai, sueste do Perú, Bolivia oriental, centro e suroeste do Brasil, e os ríos de Paraguai. Dentro do pantanal brasileiro hai cerca de 10 millóns de exemplares de xacaré, representando posibelmente a máis grande poboación de crocodilios da Terra.

Sendo un crocodilio de tamaño de pequeno a medio, a maioría dos machos adultos medran até aproximadamente os 2,5 m de longo, chegando ocasionalmente algúns individuos aos 3 m. As femias son bastante máis pequenas, cunha media de 1,4 m. A masa corporal nesta especie pode chegar até os 85 kg nos machos e oscilar entre os 14 e os 23 kg nas femias.[4] De feito, o tamaño relativamente máis pequeno fainos unha presa potencial de xaguares e anacondas.

A dieta desta especie está constituída principalmente por peixe (especialmente de pirañas), paxaros, réptiles e mamíferos pequenos. Os mamíferos grandes son cazados ocasionalmente (especialmente as capibaras) polos adultos máis grandes. En xeral, debido ao seu tamaño, esta especie non é considerada mortalmente perigosa para os humanos.



  1. Crocodile Specialist Group (2008). "Caiman yacare". Lista Vermella da IUCN de Especies en Perigo (en inglés). IUCN 2008. Consultado o 17 August 2009. Database entry includes a brief justification of why this species is of Lower Risk/least concern.
  2. 2,0 2,1 Luís Daviña Facal (2000): Diccionario das ciencias da natureza e da saúde. Tomo 2. C. A Coruña, Deputación da Coruña, páx. 720. ISBN 84-95335-46-8
  3. Dicionario Digalego caimán
  4. [1]

Véxase tamén

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Xacaré: Brief Summary ( Galego )

fornecido por wikipedia gl Galician

O xacaré, caimán xacaré ou caimán iacaré (Caiman yacare) é unha especie de caimán que ten o seu hábitat no centro de América do sur, incluíndo o nordeste da Arxentina, o Uruguai, sueste do Perú, Bolivia oriental, centro e suroeste do Brasil, e os ríos de Paraguai. Dentro do pantanal brasileiro hai cerca de 10 millóns de exemplares de xacaré, representando posibelmente a máis grande poboación de crocodilios da Terra.

Sendo un crocodilio de tamaño de pequeno a medio, a maioría dos machos adultos medran até aproximadamente os 2,5 m de longo, chegando ocasionalmente algúns individuos aos 3 m. As femias son bastante máis pequenas, cunha media de 1,4 m. A masa corporal nesta especie pode chegar até os 85 kg nos machos e oscilar entre os 14 e os 23 kg nas femias. De feito, o tamaño relativamente máis pequeno fainos unha presa potencial de xaguares e anacondas.

A dieta desta especie está constituída principalmente por peixe (especialmente de pirañas), paxaros, réptiles e mamíferos pequenos. Os mamíferos grandes son cazados ocasionalmente (especialmente as capibaras) polos adultos máis grandes. En xeral, debido ao seu tamaño, esta especie non é considerada mortalmente perigosa para os humanos.

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Caiman yacare ( Italiano )

fornecido por wikipedia IT

Il caimano jacarè (Caiman yacare, Daudin, 1802) è un rettile membro della famiglia Alligatoridae; endemico delle zone tropicali e subtropicali del Sudamerica, è diffuso in Paraguay, Brasile, Bolivia e Argentina.


I caimani jacarè maschi adulti possono arrivare a 3 m di lunghezza e a un peso di 60 kg (le femmine sono più piccole del 30%). La colorazione è quasi sempre nera, con macchie chiare ben visibili a livello dei fianchi, della coda e della mandibola. Le zampe sono corte e robuste; le dita delle zampe posteriori sono unite da una membrana che facilita il nuoto, anche se la maggior parte della forza necessaria per il nuoto proviene dalla coda, che rappresenta il 50% della lunghezza del corpo.


Il caimano jacarè si ciba di crostacei, molluschi, pesci, rettili e piccoli mammiferi. Inoltre, il caimano jacarè è il principale predatore naturale dei piraña.

L'epoca riproduttiva inizia all'inizio dell'estate, quando i maschi marcano il territorio e combattono per espellere gli esemplari più deboli. Le femmine percorrono il territorio dei maschi e si accoppiano molte volte per garantire la fecondazione delle uova. Il nido viene costruito con i materiali che la femmina trova nella zona, sempre vicino all'acqua, ove deposita dalle 20 alle 40 uova. Il nido ha una forma conica che raggiunge 1,5 m di diametro e 60 cm di altezza. La femmina si prende cura del nido durante i due mesi di incubazione; il calore necessario per lo sviluppo degli embrioni proviene dal Sole e dalla decomposizione della materia organica che compone nido.


Gli esemplari più giovani presentano un elevato tasso di mortalità naturale, rappresentato essenzialmente dalla predazione: i predatori principali sono i rapaci, su tutti il caracara, il gavilàn nero e la cicogna jabirù. Tuttavia, le cause fondamentali della notevole riduzione del numero dei caimani jacarè sono la caccia, per l'industria del pellame, la cattura per il traffico di animali da compagnia e, in misura minore, la sua utilizzazione a scopo alimentare da parte delle popolazioni locali, che consumano occasionalmente anche le uova. Infine, si rileva una riduzione dell'habitat naturale.


  1. ^ (EN) Crocodile Specialist Group, Caiman yacare, su IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Versione 2020.2, IUCN, 2020.

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Caiman yacare: Brief Summary ( Italiano )

fornecido por wikipedia IT

Il caimano jacarè (Caiman yacare, Daudin, 1802) è un rettile membro della famiglia Alligatoridae; endemico delle zone tropicali e subtropicali del Sudamerica, è diffuso in Paraguay, Brasile, Bolivia e Argentina.

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Žakarė ( Lituano )

fornecido por wikipedia LT
Binomas Caiman yacare

Žakarė (Caiman yacare) – aligatorinių (Alligatoridae) šeimos roplių rūšis. Paplitusi Pietų Amerikoje: pietų Brazilijoje (ypač Pantanalyje), rytų Bolivijoje, Argentinoje (Mesopotamijoje, Iberoje), Paragvajuje.

Užauga 2-3 m ilgio. Minta žuvimis, moliuskais, vėžiagyviais.

Žakarės pavadinimas kilo iš gvaranių kalbos žodžio jakare. Vikiteka

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Žakarė: Brief Summary ( Lituano )

fornecido por wikipedia LT

Žakarė (Caiman yacare) – aligatorinių (Alligatoridae) šeimos roplių rūšis. Paplitusi Pietų Amerikoje: pietų Brazilijoje (ypač Pantanalyje), rytų Bolivijoje, Argentinoje (Mesopotamijoje, Iberoje), Paragvajuje.

Užauga 2-3 m ilgio. Minta žuvimis, moliuskais, vėžiagyviais.

Žakarės pavadinimas kilo iš gvaranių kalbos žodžio jakare. Vikiteka

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Kajman żakare ( Polonês )

fornecido por wikipedia POL
Commons Multimedia w Wikimedia Commons

Kajman żakare (Caiman yacare) – gatunek gada z rodziny aligatorowatych.


Z wyglądu podobny do kajmana okularowego i do niedawna był uważany za jego podgatunek. Jak u wszystkich kajmanów skórę grzbietu i brzucha pokrywają kostne płytki. Jego nazwa pospolita, kajman piraniowy, nawiązuje do widocznych zębów dolnej szczęki, które wystają na boki szczęki górnej.


Długość ciała kajmana wynosi od 2,5 do 3 m.


Słodkowodny. Zajmuje rozmaite siedliska w tym rzeki i jeziora. Ma najdalej na południe wysunięty zasięg spośród wszystkich kajmanów.


Spośród wodnych bezkręgowców głównie ślimaki oraz kręgowce: ryby, płazy, gady i ptaki. Poluje, czając się w wodzie oraz na brzegach. Jego silny ogon potrafi wynurzyć się z wody, łapiąc ofiarę w locie[3].


Najczęściej w środku pory deszczowej samica buduje gniazdo w kształcie kopca, do którego składa od 21 do 38 jaj. Samica pozostaje w pobliżu gniazda i pomaga młodym przy wylęgu. Młode opuszczają gniazdo w marcu.


Występuje w Ameryce Południowej: północnej Argentynie, południowej Brazylii i Boliwii oraz w Paragwaju. Trzyma się raczej z dala od rwących rzek, wybierając spokojniejsze strumienie[3]. Szacowana dzika populacja wynosi od 100000 do 200000 osobników.


  1. Caiman yacare, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.).
  2. Caiman yacare. Czerwona księga gatunków zagrożonych (IUCN Red List of Threatened Species) (ang.).
  3. a b Krwawa walka drapieżników. Kajman kontra pirania, „Świat na dłoni” (12/2018), s. 6-7, ISSN 2300-3723 .
p d e
Krokodylomorfy zwierzętastrunowcekręgowcezauropsydydiapsydyarchozauromorfyarchozauryCrurotarsiSphenosuchia Allognathosuchus gracilis.jpg
Brillenkaiman (02) 2006-09-19.JPGProtosuchia Mesoeucrocodylia incertae sedis Mesoeucrocodylia: Sebecia Mesoeucrocodylia: Thalattosuchia Mesoeucrocodylia: Notosuchia Mesoeucrocodylia: Neosuchia
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Kajman żakare: Brief Summary ( Polonês )

fornecido por wikipedia POL

Kajman żakare (Caiman yacare) – gatunek gada z rodziny aligatorowatych.

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Jacaré-do-pantanal ( Português )

fornecido por wikipedia PT

O jacaré-do-pantanal ou jacaré-do-paraguai (nome científico: Caiman yacare) é um jacaré que habita a parte central da América do Sul, incluindo o norte da Argentina, sul da Bolívia e Centro-Oeste do Brasil, especialmente no Pantanal e rios do Paraguai.[2] Em castelhano é chamado yacaré-negro.

Mede entre dois a três metros de comprimento[2] e seu padrão de coloração é bastante variado, sendo o dorso particularmente escuro, com faixas transversais amarelas, principalmente na região da cauda. Mesmo com a boca fechada deixa ver muitos dentes, pelo que é por vezes também chamado jacaré-piranha.[2] A sua dieta é constituída por peixe, moluscos e crustáceos. As fezes desse jacaré servem de alimento para muitos peixes.

Ele põe seus ovos, que podem ser uma quantidade de 20 a 30 dentro de um ninho na mata nos meses de Janeiro a Março. Período de incubação: 70 a 80 dias.[2] A temperatura corporal do jacaré-do-pantanal é de 25 a 30 graus.


Ver também


  1. Crocodile Specialist Group (1996). Caiman yacare (em inglês). IUCN 2014. Lista Vermelha de Espécies Ameaçadas da IUCN de 2014 .
  2. a b c d Yacare, Crocodilian Species. Página acedida em 20 de Maio de 2015.
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Jacaré-do-pantanal: Brief Summary ( Português )

fornecido por wikipedia PT

O jacaré-do-pantanal ou jacaré-do-paraguai (nome científico: Caiman yacare) é um jacaré que habita a parte central da América do Sul, incluindo o norte da Argentina, sul da Bolívia e Centro-Oeste do Brasil, especialmente no Pantanal e rios do Paraguai. Em castelhano é chamado yacaré-negro.

Mede entre dois a três metros de comprimento e seu padrão de coloração é bastante variado, sendo o dorso particularmente escuro, com faixas transversais amarelas, principalmente na região da cauda. Mesmo com a boca fechada deixa ver muitos dentes, pelo que é por vezes também chamado jacaré-piranha. A sua dieta é constituída por peixe, moluscos e crustáceos. As fezes desse jacaré servem de alimento para muitos peixes.

Ele põe seus ovos, que podem ser uma quantidade de 20 a 30 dentro de um ninho na mata nos meses de Janeiro a Março. Período de incubação: 70 a 80 dias. A temperatura corporal do jacaré-do-pantanal é de 25 a 30 graus.

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Cá sấu Yacare ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI

Cá sấu yacare (Caiman yacare, jacaré trong tiếng Bồ Đào Nha) là một loài cá sấu thuộc chi Caiman, sinh sống tại miền trung bộ Nam Mỹ, gồm đông bắc Argentina, Uruguay, đông nam Peru, đông Bolivia, trung/tây nam Brasil, và dọc theo các con sông của Paraguay. Khoảng 10 triệu cá thể cá sấu Yacare sống ở vùng pantanal thuộc Brasil, tạo nên một trong những quần thể cá sấu lớn nhất thế giới.

Đây là một loài cá sấu kích thước nhỏ hay trung bình, đa số con đực trưởng thành đạt chiều dài 2 hoặc 2,5 m (6,6 hoặc 8,2 ft), đôi khi đạt 3 m (9,8 ft) (báo cáo về những cá thể 4 m (13 ft) tại pantanal chưa được chứng minh). Con cái nhỏ hơn, đạt trung bình 1,4 m (4,6 ft). Cân nặng cơ thể đạt 58 kg (128 lb) ở còn đực vào từ 14 đến 23 kg (31 đến 51 lb) ở con cái.[2] Vì kích thước khá nhỏ, nên chúng có thể trở thành con mồi cho báo đốm[3]anaconda.[4]

Chế độ ăn gồm cá (nhất là piranha), chim, bò sát nhỏ, và động vật có vú nhỏ. Có khi những động vật lớn hơn (như capybara) cũng bị cá sấu Yacare trưởng thành lớn ăn thịt. Nói chung, loài này không được xem là nguy hiểm đối với con người.

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ Crocodile Specialist Group (2008). Caiman yacare. 2008 Sách đỏ IUCN. Liên minh Bảo tồn Thiên nhiên Quốc tế 2008. Truy cập ngày 17 tháng 8 năm 2009. Database entry includes a brief justification of why this species is of Lower Risk/least concern.
  2. ^ [1]
  3. ^ http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/09/27/jaguar-attacks-crocodile-caiman-video_n_4004616.html
  4. ^ http://www.discoveryuk.com/web/swimming-with-monsters/about/anaconda-facts/

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 src= Phương tiện liên quan tới Caiman yacare tại Wikimedia Commons

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Cá sấu Yacare: Brief Summary ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI

Cá sấu yacare (Caiman yacare, jacaré trong tiếng Bồ Đào Nha) là một loài cá sấu thuộc chi Caiman, sinh sống tại miền trung bộ Nam Mỹ, gồm đông bắc Argentina, Uruguay, đông nam Peru, đông Bolivia, trung/tây nam Brasil, và dọc theo các con sông của Paraguay. Khoảng 10 triệu cá thể cá sấu Yacare sống ở vùng pantanal thuộc Brasil, tạo nên một trong những quần thể cá sấu lớn nhất thế giới.

Đây là một loài cá sấu kích thước nhỏ hay trung bình, đa số con đực trưởng thành đạt chiều dài 2 hoặc 2,5 m (6,6 hoặc 8,2 ft), đôi khi đạt 3 m (9,8 ft) (báo cáo về những cá thể 4 m (13 ft) tại pantanal chưa được chứng minh). Con cái nhỏ hơn, đạt trung bình 1,4 m (4,6 ft). Cân nặng cơ thể đạt 58 kg (128 lb) ở còn đực vào từ 14 đến 23 kg (31 đến 51 lb) ở con cái. Vì kích thước khá nhỏ, nên chúng có thể trở thành con mồi cho báo đốmanaconda.

Chế độ ăn gồm cá (nhất là piranha), chim, bò sát nhỏ, và động vật có vú nhỏ. Có khi những động vật lớn hơn (như capybara) cũng bị cá sấu Yacare trưởng thành lớn ăn thịt. Nói chung, loài này không được xem là nguy hiểm đối với con người.

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wikipedia VI

巴拉圭凱門鱷 ( Chinês )

fornecido por wikipedia 中文维基百科
二名法 Caiman yacare
Daudin,1802年 綠色部份為巴拉圭凱門鱷的全球分佈

巴拉圭凱門鱷(學名:Caiman yacare,曾用过學名Caiman crocodilus yacara),是一種属于短吻鱷科的中型鱷魚。巴拉圭凱門鱷长期被看作是眼鏡凱門鱷的一个亚种,但是现在被承认是一个独立的种。主要於棲息於中美洲南美洲,身長2至3米,以進食魚類為生。












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wikipedia 中文维基百科

巴拉圭凱門鱷: Brief Summary ( Chinês )

fornecido por wikipedia 中文维基百科

巴拉圭凱門鱷(學名:Caiman yacare,曾用过學名Caiman crocodilus yacara),是一種属于短吻鱷科的中型鱷魚。巴拉圭凱門鱷长期被看作是眼鏡凱門鱷的一个亚种,但是现在被承认是一个独立的种。主要於棲息於中美洲南美洲,身長2至3米,以進食魚類為生。

direitos autorais
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
wikipedia 中文维基百科