
Four-horned chameleon ( Inglês )

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The four-horned chameleon (Trioceros quadricornis) is a species of chameleon, a lizard in the family Chamaeleonidae. The species is native to highland areas in western Cameroon and southeastern Nigeria.

Taxonomy and subspecies

The four-horned chameleon was first described in 1899 by German naturalist Gustav Tornier. There are three subspecies, including the nominate race, which are recognized as being valid.[2]

  • T. q. quadricornis (Tornier, 1899) – southern four-horned chameleon
  • T. q. eisentrauti (Mertens, 1968)Eisentraut's chameleon
  • T. q. gracilior (Böhme & Klaver, 1981) – northern four-horned chameleon

Nota bene: A trinomial authority in parentheses indicates that the subspecies was originally described in a genus other than Trioceros.


The subspecific name, eisentrauti, is in honor of German zoologist Martin Eisentraut.[3]

Distribution and habitat

The four-horned chameleon is found only in some highland areas associated with the Cameroon line across Cameroon and eastern Nigeria; its range includes the Western High Plateau, the Bamboutos massif, Mount Manengouba, Oku Massif, the Bakossi Mountains including Mount Kupe, and the Obudu Plateau in Nigeria. T. q. eisentrauti in particular is endemic to the Rumpi Hills of Cameroon.[2] Overall, T. quadricornis has an extent of occurrence of 13,300 km2 (5,135 sq mi) and an inferred area of occupancy of 1,000 km2 (386 sq mi). The species is primarily associated with relatively intact montane forest with limited human activity, where it has a relatively restricted elevational range of 1,150–2,400 m (3,770–7,870 ft). Research suggests that this is likely to reflect competition with other chameleon species rather than physiological tolerances.[1] The type locality for the species is Mount Manegouba in Cameroon.[2]

A female four-horned chameleon of the subspecies T. q. eisentrauti

Description and behavior

Like many other chameleons, the four-horned chameleon has a prehensile tail and single claws on its toes. It usually has four prominent horns, but sometimes two are present with up to four adjacent reduced horns;[4] adults typically grow to a total length (including tail) of 10–14 in (25–36 cm). Male four-horned chameleons have a prominent hemipenal bulge and a gular beard, while some female four-horned chameleons have one horn or even two horns on the tip of the snout.[5] The species almost exclusively feeds on arthropods.[1]

Conservation and threats

Because of its small and fragmented range coupled with numerous threats to its population, the four-horned chameleon is ranked Vulnerable by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. There are concerns that logging and agricultural expansion may contribute to deforestation and potentially threaten the status of the species by degrading its habitat; in addition, despite its status as a protected Class A species in Cameroon, its intensive exploitation by the pet trade has caused significant population declines in some cases.[1]


  1. ^ a b c d Anderson, C.V.; Gonwouo, N.L. (2015). "Four-horned Chameleon, Trioceros quadricornis ". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. Retrieved 10 November 2018.
  2. ^ a b c d Uetz, P.; Freed, P. "Trioceros quadricornis (TORNIER, 1899)". The Reptile Database. Retrieved 11 November 2018.
  3. ^ Beolens, Bo; Watkins, Michael; Grayson, Michael (2011). The Eponym Dictionary of Reptiles. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. xiii + 296 pp. ISBN 978-1-4214-0135-5. (Trioceros eisentrauti, p. 81).
  4. ^ Chirio, Laurent; LeBreton, Matthew (2007). Atlas des reptiles du Cameroun. Patrimoines naturels. Vol. 67. Paris: Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle. ISBN 9782856536032. OCLC 470695165.
  5. ^ Davison, Linda. "Four-Horned Chameleons". Reptiles Magazine. Chewy, Inc. Retrieved 11 November 2018.
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Four-horned chameleon: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

The four-horned chameleon (Trioceros quadricornis) is a species of chameleon, a lizard in the family Chamaeleonidae. The species is native to highland areas in western Cameroon and southeastern Nigeria.

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Trioceros quadricornis ( Basco )

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Trioceros quadricornis: Brief Summary ( Basco )

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Chamaeleo quadricornis Trioceros generoko animalia da. Narrastien barruko Chamaeleonidae familian sailkatuta dago.

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Trioceros quadricornis ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Trioceros quadricornis est une espèce de sauriens de la famille des Chamaeleonidae[1].


Cette espèce se rencontre sur les monts Rumpi, Manengouba, Koupé, Bamboutos, Lefo et Oku au Cameroun et sur le plateau Obudu au Nigeria[1].

Liste des sous-espèces

Selon Reptarium Reptile Database (7 septembre 2015)[2] :

  • Trioceros quadricornis eisentrauti (Mertens, 1968)
  • Trioceros quadricornis quadricornis (Tornier, 1899)
  • Trioceros quadricornis gracilior (Böhme & Klaver, 1981)


La sous-espèce Trioceros quadricornis eisentrauti est nommée en l'honneur de Martin Eisentraut (1902-1994)[3].

Publications originales

  • Böhme & Klaver, 1981 : Zur innerartlichen Gliederung und zur Artgeschichte von Chamaeleo quadricornis Tornier, 1899 (Sauria: Chamaeleonidae). Amphibia-Reptilia, vol. 1, no 3/4, p. 313-328
  • Mertens, 1968 : Zur Kenntnis der Herpetofauna von Kamerun und Fernando Poo. Bonner Zoologische Beiträge, vol. 19, p. 69-84 (texte intégral).
  • Tornier, 1899 : Drei Reptilien aus Afrika. Zoologische Anzeiger, vol. 22, p. 258-261 (texte intégral).

Notes et références

  1. a et b Reptarium Reptile Database, consulté lors d'une mise à jour du lien externe
  2. Reptarium Reptile Database, consulté le 7 septembre 2015
  3. Beolens, Watkins & Grayson, 2009 : The Eponym Dictionary of Reptiles. Johns Hopkins University Press, p. 1-296
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wikipedia FR

Trioceros quadricornis: Brief Summary ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Trioceros quadricornis est une espèce de sauriens de la famille des Chamaeleonidae.

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Kameleon czterorogi ( Polonês )

fornecido por wikipedia POL

Kameleon czterorogi (Trioceros quadricornis[1][3]) – gatunek jaszczurki z rodziny kameleonowatych (Chamaeleonidae).


Kameleon czterorogi żyje w zachodniej Afryce.


Kameleon czterorogi osiąga długość ciała dochodzącą do 20 cm[4], całkowita z ogonem do 38 cm (samce) i 29 cm (samice)[5]. Ubarwiony jest na zielono. Samce posiadają w czołowej części głowy cztery niewielkie rogi o pierścieniowej budowie. Dwa z nich umiejscowione są w końcowej części pyska, następne dwa mniejsze znajdują się pomiędzy oczami. Na grzbiecie tej jaszczurki rozciąga się wydłużony, gładki i niski grzebień.


  1. a b Colin R. Tilbury, Krystal A. Tolley. A re-appraisal of the systematics of the African genus Chamaeleo (Reptilia: Chamaeleonidae). „Zootaxa”. 2079, s. 57–68, 2009 (ang.).
  2. Chamaeleo quadricornis, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.) [dostęp 21 października 2011]
  3. a b Trioceros quadricornis (Tornier, 1899) (ang.). The Reptile Database. [dostęp 21 października 2011].
  4. Włodzimierz Juszczyk: Mały słownik zoologiczny: Gady i płazy. Wyd. I. Warszawa: Wiedza Powszechna, 1978, s. 74.
  5. Anderson, C.V., M. Coraggio, L. Kroo: Cameroon Mountain Two-horned Chameleon, Chamaeleo (Trioceros) montium BUCHHOLZ, 1874 (ang.). Chameleons! Online E-Zine, 2005. [dostęp 2011-11-16].
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Kameleon czterorogi: Brief Summary ( Polonês )

fornecido por wikipedia POL

Kameleon czterorogi (Trioceros quadricornis) – gatunek jaszczurki z rodziny kameleonowatych (Chamaeleonidae).

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wikipedia POL

Chamaeleo quadricornis ( Romeno; moldávio; moldavo )

fornecido por wikipedia RO

Chamaeleo quadricornis[2] este o specie de cameleon din genul Chamaeleo, familia Chamaeleonidae, ordinul Squamata, descrisă de Tornier 1899.[3][4]


Această specie cuprinde următoarele subspecii:[3]

  • C. q. quadricornis
  • C. q. gracilior


  1. ^ Klaver,C. & BÖHME,W. (1986) Phylogeny and classification of the Chamaeleonidae (Sauria), with special reference to hemipenis morphology., Bonn. zool. Monogr., 22: 1-64.
  2. ^ Tornier,G. (1899) Drei Reptilien aus Afrika., Zool. Anz. 22 (588): 258-261
  3. ^ a b Bisby F.A., Roskov Y.R., Orrell T.M., Nicolson D., Paglinawan L.E., Bailly N., Kirk P.M., Bourgoin T., Baillargeon G., Ouvrard D. (red.) (2011). „Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2011 Annual Checklist”. Species 2000: Reading, UK. Accesat în 24 september 2012. Verificați datele pentru: |access-date= (ajutor)Mentenanță CS1: Nume multiple: lista autorilor (link)
  4. ^ TIGR Reptile Database . Uetz P. , 2007-10-02

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wikipedia RO

Chamaeleo quadricornis: Brief Summary ( Romeno; moldávio; moldavo )

fornecido por wikipedia RO

Chamaeleo quadricornis este o specie de cameleon din genul Chamaeleo, familia Chamaeleonidae, ordinul Squamata, descrisă de Tornier 1899.

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wikipedia RO

Trioceros quadricornis ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI

Trioceros quadricornis là một loài thằn lằn trong họ Chamaeleonidae. Loài này được Tornier mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1899.[1]

Tham khảo

  1. ^ Trioceros quadricornis. The Reptile Database. Truy cập ngày 31 tháng 5 năm 2013.

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Trioceros quadricornis: Brief Summary ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI

Trioceros quadricornis là một loài thằn lằn trong họ Chamaeleonidae. Loài này được Tornier mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1899.

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