
Amenazas ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

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Factores de riesgo

A pesar de que en México, la distribución de esta especie es muy restringida, esta se encuentra en áreas naturales bajo algún criterio de protección, lo que propicia que, por el momento la especie no se encuentre bajo algún tipo de amenaza seria a causa de la destrucción de su hábitat. El desconocimiento de el estado actual de las poblaciones, podría causar en algún momento, problemas para la permanencia de esta especie en el país.

Situación actual del hábitat con respecto a las necesidades de la especie

En México, y aún cuando su distribución es limitada a ciertas áreas en Baja California, se puede considerar que el hábitat se encuentra en buen estado, ya que dos áreas muy importantes en donde se encuentra esta especie como son La Reserva Forestal Nacional Sierra de Juárez creada en 1941, abarca 140,000 ha de matorral xerófilo, pastizal semidesértico y bosque de pino y encino en muy buen estado, al igual que las 66,000 ha del Parque Nacional San Pedro Mártir, creado en 1974, incluyen los mismos ecosistemas pero en mejor estado de conservación (Gómez-Pompa, 1985).
direitos autorais
citação bibliográfica
Ramírez Bautista, A. y Hernández Ibarra, X. 2004. Ficha técnica de Sceloporus graciosus. En: Arizmendi, M. C. (compilador). Sistemática e historia natural de algunos anfibios y reptiles de México. Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala, Unidad de Biología, Tecnología y Prototipos (UBIPRO), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO. Proyecto No. . México, D.F.
Ramírez Bautista, A.
Hernández Ibarra, X.
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Biología de poblaciones ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

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Tamaño poblacional

Esta especie puede ser abundante; se han reportado, para poblaciones de Estados Unidos, densidades de 63 a 216 lagartijas por hectárea (Tinkle, 1973; Burkholder y Taner, 1974, Tinkle et al., 1993).

Antecedentes del estado de la especie o de las poblaciones principales

Desgraciadamente, las poblaciones de esta especie en México no han sido estudiadas, por lo que no se tienen datos sobre la biología y ecología para conocer el estado de estas.
direitos autorais
citação bibliográfica
Ramírez Bautista, A. y Hernández Ibarra, X. 2004. Ficha técnica de Sceloporus graciosus. En: Arizmendi, M. C. (compilador). Sistemática e historia natural de algunos anfibios y reptiles de México. Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala, Unidad de Biología, Tecnología y Prototipos (UBIPRO), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO. Proyecto No. . México, D.F.
Ramírez Bautista, A.
Hernández Ibarra, X.
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Biología del taxón ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

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Relevancia de la especie

Es de asombrase, que todos los estudios realizados para conocer aspectos de la biología de esta especie, sean realizados con poblaciones de los Estados Unidos, siendo que existen poblaciones en el país y por ende se deberían conocer a profundidad, aspectos referentes a éstas en México.
direitos autorais
citação bibliográfica
Ramírez Bautista, A. y Hernández Ibarra, X. 2004. Ficha técnica de Sceloporus graciosus. En: Arizmendi, M. C. (compilador). Sistemática e historia natural de algunos anfibios y reptiles de México. Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala, Unidad de Biología, Tecnología y Prototipos (UBIPRO), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO. Proyecto No. . México, D.F.
Ramírez Bautista, A.
Hernández Ibarra, X.
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Comportamiento ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

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Guyer &Linder (1985), reportan que esta especie es de actividad diurna, comenzando a las 10:00, A. M., teniendo como nivel máximo de actividad entre las 11:00 y los 15:00 h en Idaho. Los adultos se encuentran muy activos en el mes de abril y comienzan la hibernación a finales de agosto; y en los juveniles, la temporada de mayor actividad se observó de mayo hasta mediados de septiembre. Varios autores han registrado las temperaturas corporales de estos organismos, teniendo como promedio 35.0 C en 96 lagartijas activas en el sureste de Utah. Ambos, machos y hembras muestran una marcada territorialidad en la naturaleza, sin embargo, los territorios ocupados por las hembras son más pequeños y pueden estar solapados con los de algún macho solitario (Deslippe M'Closkey, 1991).
direitos autorais
citação bibliográfica
Ramírez Bautista, A. y Hernández Ibarra, X. 2004. Ficha técnica de Sceloporus graciosus. En: Arizmendi, M. C. (compilador). Sistemática e historia natural de algunos anfibios y reptiles de México. Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala, Unidad de Biología, Tecnología y Prototipos (UBIPRO), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO. Proyecto No. . México, D.F.
Ramírez Bautista, A.
Hernández Ibarra, X.
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Conservación ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

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En Estados Unidos, uno de los problemas a los que se enfrenta esta especie es el pastoreo en las áreas en donde habita la lagartija, ya que, los granjeros de estas regiones reemplazan la vegetación original con pastos para ganado, lo que provoca que la lagartija quede más expuesta a la depredación por carecer de sitios para esconderse o para asolearse (Tinkle et al., 1993). En México se sabe que los datos de los ejemplares de las colecciones anteriormente citadas, revelan que esta especie habita principalmente en localidades situadas en la Reserva Forestal Nacional Sierra de Juárez y en el Parque Nacional San Pedro Mártir, en Baja California.
direitos autorais
citação bibliográfica
Ramírez Bautista, A. y Hernández Ibarra, X. 2004. Ficha técnica de Sceloporus graciosus. En: Arizmendi, M. C. (compilador). Sistemática e historia natural de algunos anfibios y reptiles de México. Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala, Unidad de Biología, Tecnología y Prototipos (UBIPRO), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO. Proyecto No. . México, D.F.
Ramírez Bautista, A.
Hernández Ibarra, X.
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Descripción ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

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El color del dorso de esta lagartija, generalmente es gris o café. Posee una línea dorsal café claro desde la cabeza hasta la cola, a cada lado de esta línea central, se observan líneas delgadas oscuras seguidas por franjas color crema, y por último, otra franja oscura mucho más delgada que la primera (Stebbins, 1944). Los machos de esta especie, poseen parches ventrales color azul brillante y manchas igualmente azules en la garganta. Los parches ventrales están finamente delineados por una franja negra. El color azul está ausente en las hembras. El vientre de estas es blanco o amarillo. Sin embargo, en la época reproductiva, las hembras pueden presentar colores brillantes como el verde y el azul en partes del vientre (Woodbury y Woodbury, 1945). Las hembras siempre despliegan, durante esta temporada, manchas brillantes anaranjadas en los costados de la cabeza y del cuerpo. Los juveniles de esta especie son un poco anaranjados en el cuello con pequeñas manchas azules. El tamaño de esta especie varía considerablemente según la región en donde ocurren las diferentes poblaciones. Sin embargo, el promedio en la edad adulta es de 55-56 mm de longitud hocico-cloaca (LHC), raramente exceden los 60.1mm (Tinkle, 1973). Sin embargo, Fitch (1978, 1985) menciona hembras con un máximo tamaño de 69.0 mm de LHC.

Historia de la vida

Ovíparas, ectotermas.
direitos autorais
citação bibliográfica
Ramírez Bautista, A. y Hernández Ibarra, X. 2004. Ficha técnica de Sceloporus graciosus. En: Arizmendi, M. C. (compilador). Sistemática e historia natural de algunos anfibios y reptiles de México. Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala, Unidad de Biología, Tecnología y Prototipos (UBIPRO), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO. Proyecto No. . México, D.F.
Ramírez Bautista, A.
Hernández Ibarra, X.
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Distribución ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

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Actualmente, esta especie presenta una distribución un tanto extralimital, es decir, se encuentra en territorio Mexicano, en regiones de Baja California y Baja California Sur, extendiendo sus límites al norte con Nuevo México, en Estados Unidos en donde presenta una distribución amplia, esta se extiende desde el centro de Washington a través del gran desierto del sur de Nevada, Colorado, al norte de Arizona y Nuevo México. En nuestro país, sin embargo, esta especie solo presenta poblaciones dispersas a través de la península de Baja California (Degenhardt et al, 1996).


(Degenhardt et al, 1996).

Histórica estimada


Este género, junto con Callisaurus, Holbrookia, Uma y Uta, se estableció hace aproximadamente 12 millones de años al norte del continente Americano, en la región conocida como Norte América extratropical (Savage, 1966).
direitos autorais
citação bibliográfica
Ramírez Bautista, A. y Hernández Ibarra, X. 2004. Ficha técnica de Sceloporus graciosus. En: Arizmendi, M. C. (compilador). Sistemática e historia natural de algunos anfibios y reptiles de México. Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala, Unidad de Biología, Tecnología y Prototipos (UBIPRO), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO. Proyecto No. . México, D.F.
Ramírez Bautista, A.
Hernández Ibarra, X.
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Estado de conservación ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

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Pr sujeta a protección especial


Pr sujeta a protección especial
direitos autorais
citação bibliográfica
Ramírez Bautista, A. y Hernández Ibarra, X. 2004. Ficha técnica de Sceloporus graciosus. En: Arizmendi, M. C. (compilador). Sistemática e historia natural de algunos anfibios y reptiles de México. Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala, Unidad de Biología, Tecnología y Prototipos (UBIPRO), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO. Proyecto No. . México, D.F.
Ramírez Bautista, A.
Hernández Ibarra, X.
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Estrategia trófica ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

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Se ha reportado que esta especie se alimenta de una amplia variedad de artrópodos, incluyendo saltamontes, termitas, hormigas, una amplia gama de escarabajos, hemípteros, homópteros, lepidópteros, moscas, arañas Lycosidae y pseudoescorpiones (Douglas, 1966, Knowlton, 1938, 1969).
direitos autorais
citação bibliográfica
Ramírez Bautista, A. y Hernández Ibarra, X. 2004. Ficha técnica de Sceloporus graciosus. En: Arizmendi, M. C. (compilador). Sistemática e historia natural de algunos anfibios y reptiles de México. Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala, Unidad de Biología, Tecnología y Prototipos (UBIPRO), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO. Proyecto No. . México, D.F.
Ramírez Bautista, A.
Hernández Ibarra, X.
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Hábitat ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

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Es normalmente terrestre, algunos individuos pueden ser encontrados asoleándose sobre los troncos de árboles muertos a un metro o más del piso (Degenhardt, 1996).


Habita en climas áridos templados BSks y templados semifríos Cb's. Altitud: 900-3200m (Tinkle, 1973).

Uso de hábitat

Son organismos terrestres, saxicolas.
direitos autorais
citação bibliográfica
Ramírez Bautista, A. y Hernández Ibarra, X. 2004. Ficha técnica de Sceloporus graciosus. En: Arizmendi, M. C. (compilador). Sistemática e historia natural de algunos anfibios y reptiles de México. Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala, Unidad de Biología, Tecnología y Prototipos (UBIPRO), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO. Proyecto No. . México, D.F.
Ramírez Bautista, A.
Hernández Ibarra, X.
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Reproducción ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

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La temporada reproductiva es de aproximadamente 50 días, desde mediados de mayo a principios de julio (Tinkle, 1973; Tinkle et al.,1993). Las hembras alcanzan la madurez sexual a los 50 mm de longitud hocico-cloaca ((Tinkle, 1973, Tinkle et al., 1993), este tamaño lo alcanzan aproximadamente a los 22 meses y fue evaluado en ejemplares del sureste de Utah. El cortejo ocurre desde mediados de mayo hasta junio, la hembra pone 1 o 2 puestas de 2 a 10 huevos hacia el final de julio (Gehlbach, 1965; Douglas, 1966; Tinkle, 1973), mientras que Fitch (1985), menciona que el tamaño de la puesta varía de 3.5 a 4.5, y que el tamaño de puesta máxima es de 6.03 a 6.3 en poblaciones del centro-norte de Utah y de las Montañas de la Sierra Sur de Nevada California. Hembras grandes, producen igualmente camadas grandes. El peso de la puesta puede representar el 37% del peso corporal de la hembra previo a la oviposición (Burkholder y Tanner, 1974). Los huevos eclosionan después de un periodo de incubación de 44 a 52 días. Las primeras crías (23 a 27 mm LHC) aparecieron a finales de julio y agosto en un estudio de 11 años en el sureste de Utah (Tinkle et al., 1993).


Esta especie puede tener una frecuencia de 1 a 2 puestas durante la estación reproductiva, y una fecundidad de 2 a 20 huevos por año o estación.
direitos autorais
citação bibliográfica
Ramírez Bautista, A. y Hernández Ibarra, X. 2004. Ficha técnica de Sceloporus graciosus. En: Arizmendi, M. C. (compilador). Sistemática e historia natural de algunos anfibios y reptiles de México. Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala, Unidad de Biología, Tecnología y Prototipos (UBIPRO), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO. Proyecto No. . México, D.F.
Ramírez Bautista, A.
Hernández Ibarra, X.
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Sagebrush lizard ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

The sagebrush lizard or sagebrush swift (Sceloporus graciosus) is a common species of phrynosomatid lizard found at mid to high altitudes in the western United States of America. It belongs to the genus Sceloporus (spiny lizards) in the Phrynosomatidae family of reptiles. Named after the sagebrush plants near which it is commonly found, the sagebrush lizard has keeled and spiny scales running along its dorsal surface.

The sagebrush lizard is similar to the western fence lizard, another Sceloporus species found in the western US. The sagebrush lizard can be distinguished from the western fence lizard in that the former is on average smaller and has finer scales. The keeled dorsal scales are typically gray or tan, but can be a variety of colors. The main (ground) color is broken by a lighter gray or tan stripe running down the center of the back (vertebral stripe) and two light stripes, one on either side of the lizard (dorsolateral stripes). S. graciosus will sometimes have orange markings on its sides.

Three regional races of the sagebrush lizard are recognized: the southern sagebrush lizard lives in Southern California, and the western and northern races are found in many western states, including Oregon, Idaho, Colorado, Montana, Washington, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Arizona.

Physical description

The blue ventral patches of a male sagebrush lizard

The sagebrush lizard is usually 4.7–8.9 cm (1.9–3.5 in) snout-to-vent length (SVL) when fully grown.[3] Hatchlings are about 25 mm (0.98 in) SVL. The sagebrush lizard looks very similar to the western fence lizard, but differs in that it is typically smaller and has an increased number of scales. In appearance, sagebrush lizards are grey, brown or olive, with hints of blue or green on the dorsal surface during the light phase, and they often have irregular banding patterns on the body and tail. They also often display a black bar on the shoulder, and a light lateral and dorsolateral line on both sides. The scales on the rear portion of the thigh are small and granular, while the armpit and lateral surface of the body is often rust-colored. Females have white or yellow bellies, and males have distinctive blue patches on the abdomen and throat, although the throat patch can be absent. Males also have enlarged postanal scales, and two areas of swelling at the base of the tail. During the breeding season, males may develop orange breeding colors. Young lizards look similar to adults, but lack the dark blue markings.

Elevation-dependent variation in growth rate

In SW Utah, the sagebrush lizards exhibit unexpected growth patterns. Lizards who live in higher elevations grow faster than lizards who live in areas that are at lower elevations, even though the lizards that live at higher elevation have shorter daily and seasonal activity. It is hypothesized that the differences in growth is because lizards at a higher elevation have lower resting metabolic expenditure compared to those at a lower elevation. When these metabolic rates were measured and compared in lizards from both elevations, the resting metabolic rates were found to be lower for lizards at a higher elevation and higher for lizards at a lower elevation. For the lizards at a lower elevation, the daily resting metabolic expenditure was 50% higher which means 12.5% more energy that could be used for growth was being used up in comparison to higher elevation lizards.[4]

The growth patterns of sagebrush lizards seem to be dependent on the daily and seasonal activity rather than adaptation to the local environment. Lizards with longer periods of seasonal activity have larger maximal adult body sizes. The sagebrush lizard population in Mt. Rose, CA has a 60% longer activity season than those in Kolbo Mesa, UT. The energy budgets of the lizards in California are 60% larger than those in Utah, and subsequently, these lizards are larger than those from Utah. However, sagebrush lizards that exist at a higher elevation in SW Utah show a paradoxical pattern. They have shorter daily and seasonal activity periods, but they reach the same adult body size. They have 400hr less time for seasonal activity over the course of a season, but they grow faster. When these lizards were taken into the lab setting and variables were controlled for, they both grew at similar rates despite their population of origin. This means that there is less food at lower elevations, the intensity of foraging is lower at these elevations, or growth processes are more efficient for the lizard population at higher elevations. Essentially, animal growth can increase either by eating more food or by utilizing the energy from food more efficiently. If food availability is the same and if lizards consume the same amount of food, then energy expenditure is another explanation for divergent population growth because energy expenditure is lower for lizards at higher elevations so they can allocate more energy for their growth.

Geographic distribution

The geographic range of S. graciosus includes much of the western United States. It can be found throughout Utah, Nevada, southern Idaho, northern Arizona, northwestern New Mexico, Texas, and western Colorado. It is also widely distributed throughout areas of Wyoming, Oregon, California, Washington, western North Dakota, South Dakota, and Nebraska. The sagebrush lizard has been found to live at elevations ranging from 500 to 10,500 ft (150 to 3,200 m).

Geographic variation based on thermal constraints

Within the sagebrush lizard population, there is a pattern of geographic variation within body size and it is thought that thermal constraints may be an influencing factor. Generally speaking, longer seasonal activity is associated with large adult body size and this translates into increased lizard growth because they spend more time foraging. These growth differences can also be explained through biophysical constraints on foraging activity, food availability, or thermal constraints that cause variation in net energy assimilation.[5]

[6] Through the study done by Michael Sears in the paper "Geographic variation in the life history of the sagebrush lizard: the role of thermal constraints on activity", it can be seen that patterns of growth of sagebrush lizards are not solely dependent on thermal constraints. If there is less opportunity for thermal activity, high elevations, this should result in lizards with smaller adult body sizes. However, it is seen that sagebrush lizards at high elevations exhibit faster growth despite the shorter seasonal activity and cooler environmental temperatures. Lizards at these higher elevations also have a higher risk of mortality. In order to understand why growth rates do not increase with increased thermal opportunity for activity, it is important to consider that food availability is correlated with growth. Food availability and species’ access to the food is difficult to analyze. Sagebrush lizards are better physiologically adapted to lower food levels because they had lower lipid utilization and they extracted more usable energy for metabolism from their food sources.[6] Intraspecific interactions can limit individual's access to food as well. Additionally, the spatial distribution of environmental temperatures that are operative for lizards will constrain the time when they can be active. These lizards use radiant energy to raise their body temperatures. The time lizards spend thermoregulating their microhabitats can take away from foraging, courtship, and predator avoidance.[7]


The sagebrush lizard is commonly observed in shrublands, but is also found in a variety of other habitats including coniferous forests, and piñon-juniper woodlands. They will bask on logs and rocky outcrops. They spend most of their time on the ground; however, they have the capability to climb to escape predators.


The sagebrush lizard is easily frightened and will immediately seek refuge in crevices, brush, rodent burrows, rocks, or trees when alarmed. One investigator observed that, under conditions where a lizard might be at threat of predation, the lizard would sometimes stay still and play dead.[8] Individuals bask on the ground, on low branches of bushes, and on low boulders. Mammal burrows and rock crevices may serve as hibernation sites during cold periods. Activity is almost exclusively diurnal. The length of the warm-season activity varies geographically and from year to year, but at most localities, individuals are active from March or April to late September or early October. Juveniles appear to be active later in the autumn than adults.

Significant seasonal movement or migration has not been reported for this species. Lizards may occasionally move outside the normal area of activity to find suitable nest sites for egg-laying, or to find hibernation sites. Males are more active, especially in the spring, and have larger home ranges than females, although home range size is small.

The sagebrush lizard brumates during winter weather. The duration of the inactive period varies with local climate (in Idaho, adults are active from mid-April to September, while activity of juveniles peaks in August). It is the most common lizard on Idaho sagebrush plains. In Washington, this lizard is primarily associated with sand dunes and other sandy habitats that support shrubs and have large areas of bare ground. Sagebrush lizards bask in the morning and late afternoon. Typically, they can be seen on the ground at the edge of shrubs or other vegetation that provide cover from predators. When ground temperatures become hot, they move into the low branches of shrubs or under vegetation. At night, on rainy days and on cool, butty days, they move underground or shelter under debris.

Sagebrush lizards eat a variety of insects, such as ants, beetles, grasshoppers, flies, hemipterans, and lepidopterans; they also eat arachnids. Western fence lizards are a chief food competitor with them in areas where their distributions overlap.[9]

Reproductive isolation and speciation

[10] Females' choice of male partners can result in reproductive isolation and speciation. Isolation can also be caused by male mating preferences or aggressive mating encounters. In the study done by Bissell et al. in "Male approach and female avoidance as mechanisms of population discrimination in sagebrush lizards", discriminatory trials were conducted to study behavioral mechanism of sagebrush lizards’ population discrimination. The questions they asked were whether population-level discrimination varies in strength in relation to geographic distance between populations, whether it is more apparent in inter or intra sexual interactions, and if it takes the form of attraction or avoidance. Through these studies, a majority of the population-level discrimination was exhibited by male lizards who preferred to associate with particular females, and female lizards who avoided certain types of males. Male attraction and female avoidance play significant roles in population discrimination, speciation, and reproductive isolation.[10]

Sagebrush lizards are involved with many forms of social interactions and they are involved with reproductive isolation. Male and female lizards defend territories and during their active seasons, they engage with a lot of social interactions. This study aimed to determine whether the sagebrush lizards from eastern Oregon could distinguish between lizards in their population and four different populations.

The study showed that population discrimination mainly occurs when males are attracted to particular females, but females avoid certain males. It is not really dependent on female choice. In terms of reproductive isolation in territorial species where mate choice is interconnected with spatial relationships, male attraction and female avoidance are particularly important mechanisms. Male choice seems to play a significant role in preferences and it can significantly impact the frequency or quality of courtship and female receptivity.

Other important factors are body size and color. These serve as signal traits for population-level discrimination. The males tended to associate with the larger of the females they were presented with. Since larger mass is an indicator that the female is gravid and receptive to courtship, it seems probable that males would prefer this size of lizard. Furthermore, color cues could also be a good distinguishing feature.

Lastly, the study determined that the pattern of discrimination with geographic distance is quite complicated. When they performed simultaneous-choice trials, there really was no significant relationship between geographic distance and discrimination levels. The populations they compared are from similar desert habitats, but over time, they probably have gone through rapid diversification of behavioral, physiological, and morphological traits. All of these factors result in population discrimination. This study cannot conclude whether the trait differences have an environmental or evolutionary basis or if they resulted from natural selection or by-products of genetic drift. Further studies would be required to conclude these details.


Males defend territories both during and after the breeding season. Territorial defense is accomplished by posturing and physical combat. Male and female territories overlap, which enables the male lizards to court and mate with a few familiar females. Courtship involves head bob and shudder displays, and is physically demanding and time-consuming. Males are usually slightly larger than females. Sagebrush lizards mate in the spring, and have one or two clutches of two to ten eggs that are laid during late spring to midsummer. The eggs are laid about 1 inch (2.5 cm) deep in loose soil, usually at the base of a shrub. The eggs hatch in 45–75 days (approximately two months). Females in the northwestern range may produce two clutches. The young become sexually mature in the first (southern range) or second (northern range) year.


For males to invest in courtship is a costly business. Not only does it require time and energy, but it also exposes males to competition and predatory behavior. However, courtship is very important in reproductive potential. The sagebrush males repeatedly visit the same females as they move through the various territories. Repeated courtship is even more costly, but for sagebrush lizards, it is a requirement for reproductive behavior. However, in order to slightly lower their courtship costs, they vary their courtship based on the female's reproductive state. If the female sagebrush was previously confronted by the male already during their bout of repeated courtship, then they are less likely to perform rejection behavior.[11]

Within this lizard species, the male and female territories are overlapping and polygamous males are constantly exposed to females they have repeatedly courted or are familiar with. However, females are particularly picky and they exhibit many rejection displays, so males have realized that repeated courtship is necessary to allow male insemination.

In the study done by Mayte Ruiz et al. in "Courtship attention in sagebrush lizards varies with male identity and female reproductive state", they tested the possible predictors of male courtship behavior in S. graciosus. The predictions include individual variation among males, female reproductive state and female fitness.

Ultimately, it was found that male sagebrush lizards show individual differences in courtship behavior, but that behavior is mostly tailored to female reproductive fitness. The males displayed quite intensely towards females less far along in the reproductive cycle. Additionally, there were no preferences towards particular morphological features. In conclusion, males tend to minimize the cost of their courtship by interacting with each female and adapting their courtship behavior to their needs and current condition.

Male exploratory behavior

Another aspect of female sagebrush lizards that can influence male courtship is the amount of female courtship experience. In the study done by Mayte Ruiz in "Male Sagebrush Lizards Increase Exploratory Behavior Toward Females with More Courtship Experience", they used robotic lizards to present male courtship displays to females, either showing them a low or high quantity of displays. Male lizards were able to distinguish between females who received more courtships in the past and those who did not. Females did not differ in behavioral response because of the display treatments, but the males may detect differences in the females physiological state. The femoral pore secretion is influenced by the lizard's reproductive condition. For this reason, males might engage in exploratory chemical behaviors because of increased signals produced at different physiological stages.[12]

Furthermore, males do not alter courtship behavior based on the female's previous display experience. In the case that males need to produce displays to accelerate females’ reproductive states, males would actually be expected to produce their display behaviors toward any females that have not yet gone through the fertilization process. Male sagebrush lizards seem to display more toward females that are not in their gravid state. They also indiscriminately display towards unmated females, which would improve the females’ receptivity. Lastly, they found that females tend to move away from males; however, males actively move towards females, regardless of the treatment they provide. Within many animal species and studies on sagebrush lizards, it has been found that females display their choice through differential avoidance of males. When they actively do not want to be courted by a particular male, they will move away from them to display their disinterest.

Egg development

In the lab, female sagebrush lizards laid 5 to 6 eggs that were 12 mm long. The eggs are laid in holes dug by the female, generally on a warm sunny slope. The shortest period of post-depositional development is about forty two days. They measured this by taking the number of days between the last date of capture of females with eggs and the first date of appearance of the young. The time when sagebrush lizards lay eggs is very variable in nature.[13]


Sagebrush lizards are important prey for a variety of vertebrate species in the western United States. Snakes, especially striped whipsnakes and night snakes, are the main predators of the lizards, but birds of prey also consume them in large quantities. Smaller carnivorous mammals and domesticated cats also prey on them. As of September 2020, a Trump administration proposal could open lands to more energy development and other activities. The rare dunes sagebrush lizard in western Texas and eastern New Mexico in areas where oil fields might be developed could be affected by this Federal change to the Endangered Species Act.[14]


There are two valid subspecies of the sagebrush lizard, which differ in their geographic distributions, markings, and number of scales.[2]


The subspecific name, vandenburgianus, is in honor of American herpetologist John Van Denburgh.[15]


  1. ^ Hammerson, G.A. (2007). "Sceloporus graciosus". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2007: e.T64106A12743889.
  2. ^ a b "Sceloporus graciosus". The Reptile Database. www.reptile-database.org.
  3. ^ Stebbins 2003.
  4. ^ Sears, Michael (February 2005). "Resting metabolic expenditure as a potential source of variation in growth rates of the sagebrush lizard". Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology. Science Direct. 140 (2): 171–177. doi:10.1016/j.cbpb.2004.12.003. PMID 15748856. Retrieved 9 December 2021.
  5. ^ Sears, Michael W. (2005-03-01). "Geographic variation in the life history of the sagebrush lizard: the role of thermal constraints on activity". Oecologia. 143 (1): 25–36. doi:10.1007/s00442-004-1767-0. ISSN 1432-1939. PMID 15742218. S2CID 26809726.
  6. ^ a b Mueller, Charles F. (1969). "Temperature and Energy Characteristics of the Sagebrush Lizard (Sceloporus graciosus) in Yellowstone National Park". Copeia. 1969 (1): 153–160. doi:10.2307/1441705. ISSN 0045-8511. JSTOR 1441705.
  7. ^ Derickson, W. Kenneth (1976). "Ecology and Physiological Aspects of Reproductive Strategies in Two Lizards". Ecology. 57 (3): 445–458. doi:10.2307/1936430. ISSN 1939-9170. JSTOR 1936430.
  8. ^ Burkholder, Gary L. (August 1, 1973). Life history and ecology of the Great Basin sagebrush swift, Sceloporus graciosus graciosus Baird and Girard, 1852. Scholars Archive (Thesis). Brigham Young University. p. 38. Retrieved January 4, 2022. ... in some cases when the lizard retreated into heavy litter they would remain still, even after the entire area was torn up and raked over in pursuit. At times the lizard would not move until touched.
  9. ^ Hogan 2008.
  10. ^ a b Bissell, A. N.; Martins, E. P. (2006-09-01). "Male approach and female avoidance as mechanisms of population discrimination in sagebrush lizards". Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 60 (5): 655–662. doi:10.1007/s00265-006-0209-x. ISSN 1432-0762. S2CID 21252035.
  11. ^ Ruiz, Mayté; Davis, Erica; Martins, Emília P. (2008-11-01). "Courtship attention in sagebrush lizards varies with male identity and female reproductive state". Behavioral Ecology. 19 (6): 1326–1332. doi:10.1093/beheco/arn072. ISSN 1045-2249. PMC 2583109. PMID 19458780.
  12. ^ Ruiz, Mayté; Beals, Zachary M.; Martins, Emília P. (June 2010). "Male Sagebrush Lizards (Sceloporus graciosus) Increase Exploratory Behavior Toward Females with More Courtship Experience". Herpetologica. 66 (2): 142–147. doi:10.1655/09-022R2.1. ISSN 0018-0831. S2CID 86304444.
  13. ^ Woodbury, Marian; Woodbury, Angus M. (1945). "Life-History Studies of the Sagebrush Lizard Sceloporus G. Graciosus with Special Reference to Cycles in Reproduction". Herpetologica. 2 (7/8): 175–196. ISSN 0018-0831. JSTOR 3889410.
  14. ^ Brown, Matthew (September 4, 2020). "US wildlife agency seeks to carve out areas from protections". Longview News-Journal. Billings, Montana. AP. Retrieved January 4, 2022.
  15. ^ Beolens, Bo; Watkins, Michael; Grayson, Michael (2011). The Eponym Dictionary of Reptiles. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. xiii + 296 pp. ISBN 978-1-4214-0135-5. (Sceloporus graciosus vandenburgianus, p. 271).
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Sagebrush lizard: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

The sagebrush lizard or sagebrush swift (Sceloporus graciosus) is a common species of phrynosomatid lizard found at mid to high altitudes in the western United States of America. It belongs to the genus Sceloporus (spiny lizards) in the Phrynosomatidae family of reptiles. Named after the sagebrush plants near which it is commonly found, the sagebrush lizard has keeled and spiny scales running along its dorsal surface.

The sagebrush lizard is similar to the western fence lizard, another Sceloporus species found in the western US. The sagebrush lizard can be distinguished from the western fence lizard in that the former is on average smaller and has finer scales. The keeled dorsal scales are typically gray or tan, but can be a variety of colors. The main (ground) color is broken by a lighter gray or tan stripe running down the center of the back (vertebral stripe) and two light stripes, one on either side of the lizard (dorsolateral stripes). S. graciosus will sometimes have orange markings on its sides.

Three regional races of the sagebrush lizard are recognized: the southern sagebrush lizard lives in Southern California, and the western and northern races are found in many western states, including Oregon, Idaho, Colorado, Montana, Washington, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Arizona.

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Sceloporus graciosus ( Basco )

fornecido por wikipedia EU

Sceloporus graciosus Sceloporus generoko animalia da. Narrastien barruko Phrynosomatidae familian sailkatuta dago.


  1. (Ingelesez)IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.2. www.iucnredlist.org. 2012ko urriaren 20an eskuratua.
  2. The Species 2000 and ITIS Catalogue of Life

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Sceloporus graciosus: Brief Summary ( Basco )

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Sceloporus graciosus Sceloporus generoko animalia da. Narrastien barruko Phrynosomatidae familian sailkatuta dago.

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Sceloporus graciosus ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Sceloporus graciosus, le Lézard de Sagebrush, est une espèce de sauriens de la famille des Phrynosomatidae[1].


Cette espèce se rencontre[1] :


Comme son nom l’indique, il se trouve en général dans les zones broussailleuses de type sagebrush où il trouve une protection. On le trouve également dans des zones herbacées, dans les buissons des déserts ou dans des endroits rocheux. Il apprécie les manzanita, céanothes et genévriers, les forêts de pins et de sapins ou de séquoias à feuilles d'if. Il faut néanmoins que les zones soient lumineuses. Durant les hivers (très froids en altitude), il hiberne plus ou moins longtemps en fonction du climat de la région.


Marques bleues sur le ventre du mâle.
Sceloporus graciosus az.jpg
SceloporusGraciosus 2698.JPG

C’est un proche cousin du lézard des palissades bien que ses écailles soient plus fines et plus petites que chez ce dernier. Ses écailles dorsales sont de couleurs grises ou brunâtres mais peuvent également avoir d’autres couleurs. Son dos possède de plus différents motifs ce qui améliore son camouflage. Le dessous de son corps est quant à lui gris clair. Les mâles possèdent également des marques de couleur bleue sur leurs ventres ce qui est moins marqué chez les femelles. Les jeunes peuvent avoir des marques orange sur le cou. L’intérieur de la gorge est bleu avec des parties blanches et roses. Adulte, ce lézard mesure de 4,7 à 8,9 cm de la tête à la queue.

Liste des sous-espèces

Selon Reptarium Reptile Database (15 février 2013)[2] :

  • Sceloporus graciosus gracilis Baird & Girard, 1852
  • Sceloporus graciosus graciosus Baird & Girard, 1852
  • Sceloporus graciosus vandenburgianus Cope, 1896

Il existe trois variations régionales de ce lézard. Une qui se trouve au sud de la Californie (Sceloporus graciosus vandenburgianus). Une variété occidentale (Sceloporus graciosus gracilis) et une variété nordique (Sceloporus graciosus graciosus). La variété du nord, a des bandes de couleurs distinctives sur son dos, celle de l’ouest à moins de bandes colorées et ses taches ventrales bleues sont séparées par une zone blanche. La variété du sud possède une zone noire entre les taches bleues du ventre et parfois celles-ci sont reliées.

La sous espèce Sceloporus graciosus arenicolus a été élevée au rang d'espèce par Joseph T. Collins en 1991[3].


Ce lézard se nourrit essentiellement de fourmis, mais il consomme également de nombreux insectes et arachnides, comme des termites, des mouches, des criquets, des araignées ou des scorpions.


Ses prédateurs sont les serpents comme les Masticophis et les Hypsiglena torquata. Il est également apprécié d’oiseaux de proie ainsi que de petits mammifères.


Le lézard pond entre 2 et 10 œufs entre juin et août. Les œufs sont enterrés à environ deux centimètres sous le sol sous un buisson et il leur faut environ 2 mois pour éclore. Les jeunes deviennent matures après 1 an ou deux.


En cas de danger, le lézard se cache sous les rochers et dans les buissons et les arbres. Son activité est essentiellement diurne et sa période d’activité varie en général de mars à octobre avec des variations en fonction du climat de la région. Le territoire du lézard est assez réduit et varie de quelques mètres.


Le nom spécifique graciosus vient du latin gratia, gracieux, en référence à l'aspect de ce saurien[1]. Le nom spécifique de la sous-espèce Sceloporus graciosus gracilis vient du latin gracilis, mince, en référence à l'aspect de ce saurien[1]. La sous-espèce Sceloporus graciosus vandenburgianus est nommée en l'honneur de John Van Denburgh[1]. Le nom vernaculaire provient de la plante Sagebrush que cette espèce fréquente régulièrement.

Publications originales

  • Baird & Girard, 1852 : Characteristics of some new reptiles in the museum of the Smithsonian Institution. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, vol. 6, p. 68-70 (texte intégral).
  • Baird & Girard, 1852 : Descriptions of new species of reptiles, collected by the U.S. Exploring Expedition under the command of Capt. Charles Wilkes, U.S.N. First part — Including the species from the western coast of America. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, vol. 6, p. 174-177 (texte intégral).
  • Cope, 1896 : On two new species of lizards from Southern California. The American Naturalist, vol. 30, p. 833-836 (texte intégral).

Notes et références

  1. a b c d et e Reptarium Reptile Database, consulté lors d'une mise à jour du lien externe
  2. Reptarium Reptile Database, consulté le 15 février 2013
  3. Collins, 1991 : Viewpoint: a new taxonomic arrangement for some North American amphibians and reptiles. Herpetological Review, vol. 22, no 2, p. 42-43 (texte intégral).
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wikipedia FR

Sceloporus graciosus: Brief Summary ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Sceloporus graciosus, le Lézard de Sagebrush, est une espèce de sauriens de la famille des Phrynosomatidae.

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Sceloporus graciosus ( Italiano )

fornecido por wikipedia IT

Sceloporus graciosus Baird & Girard, 1852 è un rettile della famiglia Phrynosomatidae, diffuso in Nord America.


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wikipedia IT

Sceloporus graciosus: Brief Summary ( Italiano )

fornecido por wikipedia IT

Sceloporus graciosus Baird & Girard, 1852 è un rettile della famiglia Phrynosomatidae, diffuso in Nord America.

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wikipedia IT

Sceloporus graciosus ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI

Sceloporus graciosus là một loài thằn lằn trong họ Phrynosomatidae. Loài này được Baird & Girard mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1852.[2]

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ The Reptile Database. www.reptile-database.org.
  2. ^ Sceloporus graciosus. The Reptile Database. Truy cập ngày 31 tháng 5 năm 2013.

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Sceloporus graciosus: Brief Summary ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI

Sceloporus graciosus là một loài thằn lằn trong họ Phrynosomatidae. Loài này được Baird & Girard mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1852.

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