Die Besemtrosvy (Ficus sur) - voorheen bekend as Ficus capensis - is 'n boom wat groot en spreidend kan word. Dit word aangetref kuslangs vanaf Tsitsikamma, deur KwaZulu-Natal, eSwatini, die laeveld tot in Zimbabwe. Die vye word 3 tot 4 cm in deursnee en is pienk, gespikkeld rooi wanneer hulle ryp is. Die vrugte word in swaar trosse op en naby die stam aan die onderste takke gedra. Die vye kan gebruik word om konfyt mee te maak. Die blare is glad en het onreëlmatige geskulpte rande. In Engels staan die boom bekend as die Broom cluster fig.
Die Besemtrosvy (Ficus sur) - voorheen bekend as Ficus capensis - is 'n boom wat groot en spreidend kan word. Dit word aangetref kuslangs vanaf Tsitsikamma, deur KwaZulu-Natal, eSwatini, die laeveld tot in Zimbabwe. Die vye word 3 tot 4 cm in deursnee en is pienk, gespikkeld rooi wanneer hulle ryp is. Die vrugte word in swaar trosse op en naby die stam aan die onderste takke gedra. Die vye kan gebruik word om konfyt mee te maak. Die blare is glad en het onreëlmatige geskulpte rande. In Engels staan die boom bekend as die Broom cluster fig.
Ficus sur, with the common names Cape fig and broom cluster fig,[note 3] is a widespread Afrotropical species of cauliflorous fig.
The tree is found from Cape Verde and Senegambia across tropical West Africa to Cameroon and the Central African Republic; eastwards to Eritrea, northern Somalia and Yemen; and southwards through all tropical eastern and southern African countries. It is not found in Lesotho or the dry interior regions of Botswana, Namibia, or South Africa.[3]
It is found in tropical forests and grassy woodlands, and occurs in higher densities within well-watered, temperate upland habitats.[4] It is absent or outnumbered at lower, warmer climates by the similarly cauliflorous species, Ficus sycomorus. In cooler climates it is a coastal tree, and in warmer interior climates may be found up to 2,500 metres (8,200 ft) in elevation.[1][3][5]
Over its extensive range it is variable with respect to leaf shape, texture of the leaves and figs, deciduousness and overall size.[1]
Ficus sur is a fast-growing, deciduous or evergreen tree.[6] It usually grows from 5–12 metres (16–39 ft) in height, but may attain a height of 35–40 metres (115–131 ft).[3][4][7] Large specimens develop a massive spreading crown,[7] fluted trunks, and buttress roots.[6][5]
The large, alternate and spirally arranged leaves are ovate to elliptic with irregularly serrated margins.[5] Fresh foliage is a conspicuous red colour and the papery, 1 cm long stipules are soon dropped.[4] The bark of younger trees is smooth and pale greyish-white in colour, in contrast to the flaky, yellow bark of F. sycomorus. With increasing age the bark becomes darker and rough.[6]
The figs are carried on short or long drooping spurs (or fascicles) which may emerge from surface roots, the trunk or especially from lower main branches.[1][4][7] The figs are 2–4 cm in diameter[1][8] and acquire a rosy, speckled exterior when ripe.
The fig seeds are dispersed after passing through the intestinal tracts of birds, bats, and primates.[7][8]
Lepidopteran larvae of the African map butterfly,[5] fig tree moth,[9] accented hawk moth,[5] specious tiger,[8] common fig-tree blue[8] and lesser fig-tree blue[8] feed on the leaves or roots of this species.
Pollination is performed by three species of Ceratosolen wasp.[8][10][11] The Ceratosolen wasps are parasitised by Apocrypta guineensis and Sycoscapter niger wasps during their larval development inside the flower galls. As of 2006, 19 species of fig wasp were known to associate with the Cape fig, these belonging to genera Acophila, Apocrypta, Apocryptophagus, Ceratosolen, Eukoebelea, Idarnes, Sycomacophila, Sycophaga, Sycophila, Sycoscapter and Watshamiella.[11] The Afrotropical fig wasp fauna is however poorly known.[11]
The figs are edible and utilized in fresh or dried form by native people in many regions. They are also suited to preparation of fig preserve,[7] if other suitable fruit are added.[4]
The heavily clustered figs suggest fecundity, and some trees in East Africa have been venerated as sacred shrines in animist practices.[4]
The wood is light and soft, and is not much used commercially.
All parts may exude a latex, which has some traditional medicinal plant uses.[4] The latex has been shown to contain ursene and oleanane triterpenoids,[12] of which the latter may be effective in cancer treatment,[13] while a methanolic extract from the roots is potentially effective against chloroquine-resistant malaria.[13]
Fresh foliage tended by Argentine ants
Drooping paniculate spur with fig clusters
Ceratosolen capensis adult, a pollinating wasp
Apocrypta guineensis wasps, parasitoids of Ceratosolen capensis larvae
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value (help) Ficus sur, with the common names Cape fig and broom cluster fig, is a widespread Afrotropical species of cauliflorous fig.
Ficus sur es un árbol perennifolio, perteneciente al género Ficus
Se encuentra en gran parte de la ecozona afrotropical. Está muy distribuido en Cabo Verde, Mozambique, Santo Tomé y Príncipe, Guinea ecuatorial, Sudáfrica, Suazilandia, Botsuana y Yemen.[1]
El Ficus sur es un angiosperma,[2] que alcanza una altura de 25 a 40 metros; su tronco puede tener más de 1 m de diámetro. Se han encontrado especímenes creciendo en zonas a 2500 msnm.[1]
Aves, murciélagos y monos, se alimentan de sus frutos y facilitan, de esta forma, la dispersión de las semillas.[2]
Las ramas jóvenes son empleadas con fines medicinales en algunas comunidades de África.[1]
Ficus sur fue descrita por Peter Forsskål y publicado en Flora Aegyptiaco-Arabica 124: 180. 1775.[3]
Ficus: nombre genérico que se deriva del nombre dado en latín tanto al higo como a la higuera.[4][5]
sur: epíteto que significa "del sur"
Ficus sur es un árbol perennifolio, perteneciente al género Ficus
De Kaapse wilde vijg (Afrikaans: Besemtrosvy; Engels: Broom cluster fig; wetenschappelijke naam: Ficus sur, voorheen bekend als Ficus capensis) is een boom die groot en spreidend kan worden. De boom wordt aangetroffen langs de gehele kust van Zuid-Afrika, vanaf Tsitsikamma, door KwaZulu-Natal, Swaziland en het Lageveld tot in Zimbabwe.
De vijgen worden 3 tot 4 cm groot in doorsnede en ze zijn roze, of rood gespikkeld wanneer ze rijp zijn. De vruchten worden in zware trossen op en nabij die stam aan de onderste takken gedragen. De vijgen kunnen gebruikt worden om jam van te maken. De bladeren zijn glad en hebben onregelmatige geschulpte randen.
Bronnen, noten en/of referentiesFicus sur là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Moraceae. Loài này được Forssk. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1775.[3]
Ficus sur là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Moraceae. Loài này được Forssk. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1775.